#seven deadly sins x black!reader
v-era-18 · 1 year
Earth's Armor
{Meliodas x Black! Reader}
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Prologue: Fabric and Ale
‘Lady Earth is rumored to be very selfless with beauty beyond imagination! Plus, I heard she can kick ass!’- Princess Veronica Lioness
The winter was harsh and unforgiving this year in the kingdom of Lioness. Crops and stock were not scarce due to the prosperous spring they had earlier that year, yet many mouths were unfeed. There truly wasn’t much that could be done with the poor, as the many arguments nobles pointed out. However a certain maiden did the impossible, each night a new form of shelter would be built outside of town. In payment for the homeless silence of the maidens' identity, they provided them food to last for two months if rationed properly. 
‘No one is going to starve this winter.’ was the promise of the savior many wanted to give their lives to. Word quickly reached the castle, from the mouths of knights to the ear of servants; The king wanted to thank the maiden personally for their assistance, it wasn’t everyday a heroine would emerge giving hope to the people. King Bartra didn't send out a search however, due to the fact he already knew who the maiden was rescinding inside the castle walls. The young woman pushes herself too much really, if the Sins were to find out-the leader would be very displeased. 
Laughter emerged within the left wing of the castle, the girl's giggles could be heard outside the room as two guards stood beyond the door. The three princess teased and chatted, Veronica was currently having her hair brushed as she sat in the maidens lap. 
Elizabeth sat patiently waiting her turn, it was no secret that the young girl felt drawn to the woman. Each night the lady would tell her stories, in the morning help her get dressed, and even played outside with her when she had time. Her sisters sometimes joined in of course, but when it was just them she felt as though it was meant to be.
“Lady (Y/n),” Veronica spoke getting the lady’s attention. The woman hummed telling her to continue, “There’s been a story circling around the castle, about a woman that resembles Lady Earth.”
“Lady Earth?” Elizabeth questioned. 
“Yes, there’s a story centuries old about a young woman that one day emerged from the earth as a peace offering to restore balance among all races,” Margaret informed, as she placed the book she’d been holding down. Her eyes sparkled in memory of the old tale her father told her so many times before, “Skin brown and soft as soil, her heart was clear and still as a pond, pure as her voice of wind.” 
Elizabeth turned to lady (Y/n) with a smile, “Like you lady (Y/n)? Are you too sisters?!” 
The lady broke out into a bubbly laugh, “Who knows,” She finished the last section of Veronica's hair drawing it up into a nice bun, “Maybe we are, simply separated at birth.” 
Veronica felt the bun, pleased with the hair out of the way. The young girl switched positions with Elizabeth, much to the girl's pleasure. (Y/n) soon went to work on Elizabeth's hair, brushing through the silver tangles from a long day of adventure outside. She made sure to dip the brush into warm water before adding attention to each section needing to be groomed. Margrete and Veronica watched patiently, awaiting the moment the maiden would be done with their sister's hair. 
“Do you think we'll get to meet Lady Earth?” Margaret questioned, she played with the spin of the story (Y/n) would read to them in a few moments for bedtime, “I want to see her. I've heard so many stories from Father about her kindness and beauty.” 
The lady hummed for a moment, poking Elizabeth's cheek a bit in a teasing manner; an instruction for her to stay still. The young girl got a bit too excited sometimes with stories, hence why she waited till they were in bed before reading. 
“I believe you can when all three of you are older, but I must ask-why do you wish so much to see her?” (Y/n) questioned, she found the conversation amusing from the three girls she practically raised from time to time. She had grown close to all of them, making sure they studied, properly dressed, and took aim to be the best queens Lioness had ever seen. 
There were moments where they called her ‘mom’ by mistake and they all had to apologize afterwards. They honestly couldn’t help it, she mothered all of them. One time she went as far to scold three knights for not watching Elizabeth and Veronica properly when they both fell off the bridge. It took a certain captain to get the lady to show mercy unto them, Barta was actually going to allow the punishment-but thought better of it when all three men were hung upside down by vins for ten hours. 
An excited giggle erupted from Veronica, “Lady Earth is rumored to be very selfless with beauty beyond imagination! Plus I heard she can kick ass!”. A scolding frown made its way on the maidens face, letting the princess know she didn't approve of the language used. However there was a twinkle of amusement within her brown eyes. 
“That language is not becoming of a lady, little knight. Though I must say I'm amused you brought looks into your reason, fighting is more up your alley.” The maiden laughed lightly, Veronica puffed out her cheeks in pout. Her tomboyish nature was an enigma to many formal women, however to (Y/n) she encouraged the behavior. She even went as far to train her in the early hours of the morning with the basics of sword wielding. 
“Fighting is exciting! It’s not my fault others can’t appreciate it!”
“I know little knight. Just remember patience is a virtue even among those who fight.” (Y/n) finished brushing Elizabeth’s hair with a smile. 
The three princesses camored together in Margaret's bed for the night. It was a tradition for them to switch between rooms to fall asleep in, sometimes (Y/n) would join them in bed if she was tired enough. Although she did stress her dear friends when they had no notice of the occasion. They simply worry too much on her behalf. 
“If I were to meet her, the first thing I would have her speak about would be her adventures she had,” Margaret's smile was more on the childish side this time to the lady’s pleasure. As the eldest it was rare she had these moments, but in (Y/n)s perception as a child she has as many of these moments as they can. “Or she can grow me my own GARden of roses!” 
Veronica stuck out her tongue in dissatisfaction, “A rose garden? We already have tons of gardens in the kingdom!” The second eldest stood on the bed, piping her fist in the air. “What I think we can agree on is that she needs to be the captain over the holy knights!” 
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Margaret snapped, “Gilthunders father is in charge! And is amazing at what he does!” 
“The old man can drop dead-”
The girl was instantly silenced, her cheeks grew red in embarrassment from what she was about to say. She knew it wasn’t right to say those things, but she honestly wanted to see women in the field more than men. It was disappointing that she didn’t have that many figures to look up to. 
“Apologize this instant.” (Y/n)'s tone was firm, showing she had no room for disagreements. 
“Sorry…,” Veronica really did mean it. The princess settled back underneath the covers beside Elizabeth who was watching the whole ordeal silently. She seemed to be thinking hard either after she would need or want from lady earth. 
“I think I’ve got it!” Elizabeth exclaimed. The girl's sisters glanced at her, both exchanging a look of wonder and excitement. Their sister after all was a simple girl, she didn't ask or require much from others, only attention and mutual affection. 
“Oh,” (Y/n) tilted her head, “and what's that?” 
“I would give her a hug!” The youngest princess smiled, “She’s done so much for others without asking for anything in return she deserves it!” 
(Y/n) paused for a minute and let out a bright laugh, it was filled with warmth, causing the three girls to smile, “Oh but I know she would do that for you with pleasure Elizabeth! Are you sure there’s nothing else you would want from her?” 
Elizabeth shook her head, “No! That is it! She does enough as is.” 
“Really? Out of everything to ask for just a hug?” Veronica said, “Couldn't you just ask for something more useful-”
Margaret punched her sister in the arm silencing her sister, “That's a wonderful request Eli! I'm sure lady earth would appreciate it!” 
“Really?” The smallest princes asked. 
“Of course,” (Y/n) chimed in, “Everyone knows you give the best hugs my angle.” The lady wrapped her arms around the small girl in an embrace before giving her a soft kiss on the head. The girl giggled happily in response.
“Now,” The maiden clapped her hands softly, “Let's get started with that story shall we. Then it's off to bed.” 
The castle halls were quiet as she made way back to the sins chambers. If she played her cards right she could sneak out again without the others knowing and build one more shelter to make sure everyone is okay. The last shelter was big enough for the rest of the homeless to reside in but it wouldn’t hurt to build one more just for future matters. Maybe she could add a section solely for the children to sleep separately from the adults, she already had women sleeping with the children but it wouldn't hurt for the mothers to sleep a night by themselves. 
The door creaked and groaned as she entered the common room, and as expected no one was there. This time of night her friends were either out drinking or turning in for the night for their next assignment. She missed them greatly, but the princesses would distract her until their return. She allowed herself to relax, her shoulders slumping from keeping the posture of a proper maiden. She couldn’t wait to take off her corset-.
(Y/n) recoiled back in shock as she ran into the invisible field that surrounded her, it wasn’t till after she collided with the barrier was she able to sense her other comrades. She damned herself for not double checking like usual. 
“Oh you’ve done it this time buttercup. Captain got real upset after we heard where you’ve been sneaking off to.” Ban emerged from the other side of the pillar, his words held no malice, only disappointment and concern. 
“Oh? And where have I been sneaking off to exactly? Don’t tell me you found out about my secret lover?” The maiden feigned innocence. 
“You have a lover (Y/n)?! And you didn’t tell me?!” Diane finally exposed herself, her lips pouting displaying her hurt expression, “I thought we tell eachother everything?” 
“Not everything apparently,” King floated over in front of the barrier, he bore a serious expression, much like Ban his eyes spoke volumes, “She felt the need to sneak around without consulting us first.” 
She bite her lip, “You all would’ve said no-“ 
“For good reason,” It was Merlin this time. The enchantress waltz over to the perfect cube casted around their fellow comrade, a frown lacing her lips. “You know you’re supposed to be resting your powers, any more strain on them and you’ll end up sick again.” 
(Y/n) felt a frown make way upon her plump lips, her frustration was rising, “The kingdom's people were starving. Did you expect me to do nothing-?!” 
“Enough (Y/n).” 
The maidens mouth closed quickly at the words spoken from the corner of the room. She watched the feared captain-the sin of wrath make way down the stairs and towards her. Meliodas rarely got upset with her, he would sometimes talk her down from ‘spontaneous’ decisions or often decided to help when he saw she wasn't going to back down. 
Emerald green eyes met Brown, a silent conversation had seemed to start between the two causing the other Sins to tense considerably. Gowther analyze the situation taking into account of the captain's feelings towards the woman and how he might go about her punishment, it wouldn’t be a harsh one-just one to get the message across. 
“You told me you were staying with princesses late at night,” The sin of wrath started, the maiden decided the painting near Diane was more interesting to look at, “I had to find out from three other men on the street about what you had done. The symptoms of fatigue you seemed to have after producing so many crops from enriched soil that the winter can't produce-” 
“In the beginning, yes I was fatigued,” She locked eyes with him once more, this time challenging, “but after three shelters were built my powers no longer struggled-they in fact improved.” 
He simply shook his head, “And what if it hadn't improved? You're still at risk of pushing your magic to the max! You could've at least had Merlin go with you to watch, but instead-you decide to risk your life without even thinking about the consequences-” 
“I was fine-!”
“This time! But what about the next?!” Meliodas questioned in a growl, “Are you going to push your powers till there's nothing left of you?!” 
Ban exchanged a look with King, the two looked at their captain with worry. They both obviously knew of his feelings towards the woman, hence why they thought he should’ve stopped why he was ahead. At this rate the argument would escalate. 
“If it means another person gets to live then so be it!” 
The room grew deathly silent after the maidens' statement, the sins were ultimately shocked with her proclamation, Gowther especially didn't see it coming. Meliodas' form shook slightly, Ban almost felt compelled to say something on her behalf but didnt know what to say. 
“(Y/n), do you understand what you just said?” Merlin questioned carefully, the lady strode forward and stepped between her and the captain, wanting eyes on her. “We all know things could’ve gone south for you with your magic being unbalanced, dire consequences would ensue. Even the possibility of your death.” 
Diane gasped, “That-that’s not true is it? (Y/n)’s magic couldn’t possibly kill her could it?!” 
Merlin didn’t answer, only staring down at the maiden; her dearest friend, “Be honest with us (Y/n).” She stepped closer, eyes staring hotly at the girl's smaller form, “Do you want to die?” 
The girl paused for a moment before a sad smile graced her plump lips. 
“Does one’s embers burn the entire night?” 
~ ☀ ~
The village streets were busy with noise and laughter of its people. Stalls and stores were filled with each turn and glance of an eye. The afternoon was nice, the sun provided warmth from the breeze rustling the leaves, and the sweet waft of pastries filled the air.  
Three men however stuck out like a sore thumb; A red jumper and red tight pants caught the attention of many ladies walking by, a boy floating on a green pillow had many children gasping in awe, and finally a short blonde haired man walked in the middle, he seemed to be focused with the task at hand. 
Red eyes glanced to the right, spotting a shop with  dresses and clothes adorned in front of the windows. The man scanned the clothes quickly, the stitching, all the way to how the fabric seemed to be made from love. He swiftly turned the other way, catching the attention of the other two who followed without question. 
Pins were pressed between plump lips as (e/c) eyes focused on the hemmed cuffs of the boy's pants. Philip was a short boy, his brown locks framed his round face nicely, where his hazel eyes were easy against the autumn sunrise. He was growing a bit, hence why his father brought him in for new clothes. 
(Y/n) loved it when the children were regulars, she always found it exciting to see them grow into young men and women that would one day contribute to many things in the world. 
Dalton watched the woman with alluring eyes from where he sat, he had a good view of where she crouched before his boy leading his imagination to run wild. Like many men in the village the father was guilty for wanting the lady to himself. As a single father, it was important that Philip had a mother figure in his life. And a mother figure is what he was determined to provide. 
“You’ve been growing a lot I see, soon you’ll be too big for me to help you anymore.” (Y/n) pouted, teasing the little boy. 
Philip gasped, shaking his head, “N-no! I’ll always need lady (Y/n)’s help! Who's gonna help me tie my shoes so I won’t trip and fall?” 
The lady giggled in response, “I’m sorry love, but I won’t always be here to tie your shoes. Plus I’ve taught you numerous times, have you already forgotten?” 
A shake of a head was the response, “no, I just need you to here in case I make a mistake in towing them. It hurts when I fall down and scrape my knees, plus the other kids pick on me when I fall.” 
A hum left her lips as she pinned the fabric in place, “And what have I told you to do about bullies?” 
“To throw stones at their heads?!” The boy shouted in excitement. 
“What?!” Dalton laughed in disbelief.
“N-no that’s for them hurting you! I mean when they say mean things.” 
Philip hummed, seeming to think hard to remember what the lady told him to do. A gasp left his lips in remembrance, “To let them wallow in their self pity?” 
(Y/n) smiled and pinched the boy's side, Philip giggled in retaliation, “exactly, they only want to steal your joy to make them feel better about themselves. So remember,” the woman places a chaste kiss against the boy's cheek, leading another giggle to leave the child’s lips, “your joy is yours, don't let anyone take it from you.” 
Dalton's face turned determined, his eyes filling with adoration and lust for the woman treating his son as if he were her own child. Yes, she was the woman he needed within their home, he needs to ask her now. 
“Speaking of joy-“ the man’s voice was cut out with the ring of the store bell drawing his attention from the sight before him. Dalton bristled a bit watching the three men enter the shop with ease, what threw him off was the intense waves of power that radiated off of them. It was intimidating and left his nerves on edge, any man who would’ve been in his shoes would’ve left immediately not wanting trouble. But he wouldn’t waver, his determination setting in. 
“Welcome in!” The lady chimed without turning around, she pinned the last hem of the boys dress shirt and would soon get to hemming once they were gone. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” 
The man in the red get up smiled, it was wide with excitement, “We’re in no rush buttercup take your time.” 
The woman froze for a moment at the familiar voice behind her. She could feel all of their magic combined, the feeling felt euphoric, she hadn’t seen or heard from them in so long. However, she felt at peace here, that was her only dilema. 
“Miss (Y/n)? Am I able to look now?” Philip's voice cut through the tension in the room. The maiden looked back up at the little boy with a wide smile before nodding. With an excited smile the boy hopped down before rushing to the changing room. 
Dalton chuckled at his son's antics before turning to the lady beside him, “They grow up fast huh? Soon he’ll be taller than me and an even better man” 
(Y/n) nodded in agreement, “It feels like a pain knowing that I won't be able to see the children grow up as I want to,” The man in the red jacket turned to her back slightly before continuing through the shop pausing at another pair of pants snatching them off the hanger. They were exactly his size. 
The man chuckled lightly, taking his chance slowly, “You know miss (L/n), I'm surprised you don't have any children of your own,” The other men came to a halt in the shop, hearing the tone of the man's words, The blonde peeked his head out from the isle of lady undergarments, one that the fairy had silently begged him not to go to. “Any man would be lucky to have a woman like you.” 
(Y/n) felt her face flush slightly at Dalton's flirtation, she wouldn't lie the man was handsome. However, he had dark brown hair, clearly not the bright blonde she remembers from her repressed memories, meaning he wasn't her true mate. “O-oh, is that so Mr. Landar-” 
“Dalton,” The male uttered, “I've never liked formalites between us, in fact it feels a bit foreign dont you think-” 
A bell went off at the desk causing the two to turn their attention. In front was a blonde haired male, a foot taller than Phillip, with an area of nightgowns in his grasp. Dalton couldn't help but feel a tad bit irritated that a customer had interrupted his flirtation with the maiden, after all it was going so well. 
“Mr-I mean Dalton if you would..,” 
Snapping out of his daze the male gave a forced smile, “Y-yes of course, you do have a business to look after,” the man stepped aside as the woman made her way to the front desk, paying attention to her light steps of grace and posture. It was like watching a goddess in disguise, Miss (Y/n) never wore shoes-they were deemed constricting and hurtful upon her feet. So in her store she made sure to sweep the floors frequently throughout the day, to keep it clean. 
The maiden stared down at the shorter male, his smile wide as he held the nightgowns up to the counter for her to take. She stared a bit at the area of them, the diversity of lace and trim on different shades of green. One of them was her favorite, a sage green nightie with white lace trimming for straps and along the bodice. “How can I help you sir? Did one of these catch your eye?” 
The blonde nodded, “Yes! You see the maiden I'm getting these for loves the color green, I'm trying to see which one would be best for travel yet relaxation!” 
(Y/n) hummed softly, playing along, “Well the dark green one would be a good choice in concerns of travel, but for comfortability I would go with the emerald. Silk is good for the skin and the doubled layered fabric is perfect for the cold nights,” Her words were indeed true for the nightgowns. The dark green was tripled layered with thin fabrics for the cold and heat, but it might be deemed slightly uncomfortable for bed due to stiffness. However, the male couldn't help but notice her eyes shifting back to the sage green, the one she could see herself twirling in the mirror to. 
“What about this one?” The blond held up the sage green nightie, he felt the fabric before looking at its opened back portion, “Are you sure she wouldn't like this alot better? I bet it would look nice against her skin and its silk, yea?”
The maidens lips twitched a bit upwards, “Ah, yes, that one I spent three days on, handmade. It reminded me of lily pads from a certain forest. I'll be sad to see it go, but I know your maiden will be a lucky woman if you decide to buy that one.” 
“I see…, well then! I'll get this one-” 
“Ms (Y/n), I'm done!” Phillip rounded the corner, his clothes had suited him very well, from his brown slacks to the nice white shirt she sewed him. A wide smile emerged on the maidens face in response, coming from behind the desk to hoist him up on her hip, “Do I look nice?” 
“Dear your gonna knock the other maidens dead when they see you,” 
The boy cocked his head to the side, “Like my dad?” 
The woman sputered in embarrassment, She could feel the men's eyes on her, “Y-yes, just like your father.”
“Then can we have you over for dinner this afternoon Ms. (Y/n)? My dad caught a deer yesterday, he heard it was your favorite!” 
(Y/n) smiled widely turning to Dalton, the man was shuffling on his feet slightly-cheeks turning pink, “You hunt deer Dalton?” 
“On occasions, my father was more skilled at it though,” He stepped forwards with a hopeful smile, “I'm glad I paid attention, hoping to win over a maiden such as yourself.” 
The maiden hummed, slowly putting Phillip on the floor, “Is this your way of attempting to court me?” 
“Is it working?”
“This man is bold,” The man in red whispered to his floating companion. 
The male on the pillow scrunched up his nose watching the interaction, “I know, I'm surprised Captain hasn't kicked the man out of the store yet.” 
“He's got a kid with him, you know buttercup loves them. Who knew a man would use his son to pull her heart strings.” 
(Y/n) shared a long look with Dalton before finally answering, “You know what you have to do to truly win me over?” This caused the men to take a step back, evil smiles appearing on their faces as the blonde male went back to the women's aisle looking for a lingerie set for the maiden to wear. 
“What is it? For you , I'm willing to do anything.” 
‘Here we go’
“Fight me,” (Y/n) smiled. 
Dalton's face scrunched up in surprise and mortification, “Excuse me? I think I heard you wrong. Did you just say-” 
“I said if you want to win me over,” The maiden stepped forward, her voice becoming sultry, “You have to fight me.” 
The man stared at her baffled, but she didn't laugh or falter on her words. The maiden was serious with her request, the other men in the shop were not surprised, simply waiting for the man's response so they could close the shop. 
“Well, are you gonna do it or what?” The red eyed male cut into the awkward silence. Dalton turned to the man in shock , whereas (Y/n) since the first time arrived busted out in a fit of giggles. The male was confused at this point with how the maiden could want a man to do such a thing, sure he had heard of female holy knights but he was expecting the maiden to be a lot more soft and feminine than anything. 
“Ban,” The fairy hissed. 
“What?” Ban shrugged, “He said he was willing to do anything. Even though we know he won't win.” 
“I'm not fighting her,” Dalton's words were firm, yet he shot a pleading look to the woman in front of him, “Please (Y/n), are you sure there's no other way.” 
The woman shook her head giving a sad smile. 
“I see,” The man's posture deflated, before digging in his pockets and pulling out a yellow envelope, “Here, I truly hope you do find a man worthy of you Ms. (Y/n). Just remember our door is always open if needed.” 
“Of course,” The maiden took the envelope before crouching down to the young boy, she had expected him to be sad instead he was all smiles, “I hope to see you again soon Phillip-” The boy wrapped the maiden in a hug cutting her off. 
“I hope to see you again too Ms. (Y/n)! Take care!” And with that the two males left hand in hand a bag filled with clothes for the young boy. 
(Y/n) went to the shop door waving them off, before locking the bolt and turning the shop sign to ‘closed’. It was a bit early in the evening to do so but she knew better, that was the last item she would sell for a while. With her former captain merging in the shop it could only mean trouble was on the horizon. 
“Baaan,” The maiden whined, “Did you see the look on his face? He was so handsome too!” All she got from the sin of greed was a boisterous laugh before she was pulled in a secure hug. 
“Don't be so upset buttercup I'm sure there will be a man up to the challenge soon,” Ban looked back over to his best friend, who was hauling a suitcase behind him, “He’s a lot closer than you think,” He muttered to himself. 
“I don't understand how he thought he had a chance anyway,” King floated over, his expression bored at the thought of the man, “He couldn't be able to give you the luxuries of what you want and need out of a proper husband.” 
(Y/n) cocked her head to the side, “You guys didn't come here just to discuss my horrible dating life did you?” 
“No, we didn't,” Meliodas came up behind the maiden, she stiffed for a moment feeling his hand on her rump, “But while we're at it, we could possibly discuss our date this weekend-” The blonde was smacked hard enough to be send flying in ara of an amount of coats. King and Ban cringed, the first day back after not seeing her for so long this was what their captain decided to do in greeting. 
“That's not how you ask Meli,” (Y/n) crouched before him before a soft green glow limited from her hands healing him, “Although a nice purchase of that nightie might help.” 
King blushed, feeling as though they were intruding, “Should we let them be?” 
“Nah, you know she doesn't like public displays of affection too much, we're in the clear,” Ban responded. 
“ Alright, what's the situation,” The men watched the woman lift her hands slightly, using her powers to clean the store, putting clothes in bags and arranging quilts in a pile. This was what she had built of herself while they were gone, a business. By the actions that she was doing with taking the many clothes of the hangers and placing them in boxes it was telling that she was coming with them willingly, but she had a bit of loose ties to finish here.  “I felt a shift not too long ago , I figured it was the sins getting together, but I didn't know why.” 
“Elizabeth has asked for our help,” Meliodas answered swiftly, he opened the trunk for her, allowing her magic to do the folding and placing, “The king of Lioness needs us as well as its people. There's something bigger going on, and it'll be so much more convent to have you come along.” 
(Y/n) faked a pout, “And here I thought all of you came because you missed me,” Meliodas was quick to smile, taking the maidens hands gently  before giving a soft squeeze. It was moments like this she missed with her friends besides the many missions they ensued for the kingdom's protection. 
The image of the small princess she raised flashed in her mind, causing her smile to widen. It had been so long since she'd seen her last, since she had said goodbye in a haste before her memory of that day was wiped and she found herself here in a village. She left the princesses behind, it was her responsibility now to make up for it anyway she could. 
“Well,” The maiden huffed, “Who’s gonna help me deliver all these quilts and clothes before we depart, hmm?”
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venuscxre · 1 month
hii, i was wondering if you could do lancelot x cupid! reader headcanons? she was like adopted by meliodas and elizabeth when she was an infant and stuff so shes like a Holy Knight (or one of four, which makes five😱) she is like the Knight of Hatred/Love if you get what i mean???
idk if this makes any sense but its my first request as you can tell. it would a lot if you could do this since its been on my mind. however, no rush and just taker caree💗
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synopsis ; lancelot x cupid!reader headcannons.
content warning ; fluff.
notes ; thank you for this request!! i’m sorry it took so long, work has been a bit hectic! thank you for this request anon!! i hope it’s to your liking!! :)
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lancelot with a cupid!reader who he always found quite… weird while growing up. he mostly steered clear of her during those years.
growing up, into their teenage years, he found her less of a weirdo and more of an airhead. she’d often space out thinking of who knows what and stood the risk of getting herself hurt.
with her clumsiness and the knack she has for spacing out in the worst situations, lancelot just accepted his fate and would always keep an eye on her, tailing her from behind at a good distance without her knowing.
he’d watch in amusement whenever she’d help someone with relationship problems or even help budding relationships bloom. she seemed to really love helping people find their other halves which is something he found slightly intrusive but didn’t say anything about. he knew just how much love mattered to her.
soon enough, the liones siblings and lancelot slowly hung out less and less as they became increasingly busy with their training as knights of the prophecy.
when lancelot and tristan were assigned to go find the last two knights of the apocalypse, she secretly tagged along, although lancelot was already aware of her presence since he could hear her thoughts from a mile away.
despite his original weariness of her, lancelot didn’t seem to mind having her around as much as he thought he would. and when they managed to find cute lil’ percival? it was like she had cloned and split her brain cell, because those two were birds of a feather.
during their time together, lancelot hated to admit it, but she was starting to grow on him. he’d find himself always listening to whatever thing she was talking about, making sure she’s alright during or after a battle with chaos knights, and making sure that she doesn’t walk into another tree like she did last time. he also found himself becoming a little more protective of her than usual.
as someone who deals with love, the cupid!reader already knows the telltale signs of a crush, no matter what type of person they might be. imagine how overjoyed she was when she noticed some of the signs in lancelot’s recent behaviour towards her; having liked him for the longest time.
by the time they and the percy platoon reached liones, there was a significant change in the relationship between lancelot and the cupid!reader, the both of them being easily mistaken as lovers.
the change in their relationship didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the royal family or the tristan platoon. this sparked a protective streak within the king and prince.
during the showdown with arthur pendragon, she had sustained some serious damage while trying to evacuate the citizens, which further fueled lancelot’s hostility towards the king of chaos.
after getting healed and put on bed rest, lancelot made sure to stick by her side, not wanting to take his eyes off her for a minute. it was bad enough that percy had lost slight control and he and the rest of the platoon almost got taken out by isolde and co.
“you know that i’m perfectly fine now, right? you don’t need to follow me around like this, lance.” the attention she was getting from lancelot was increasingly making her more flustered around him and she wished that he could tone it down just a bit so that her heart doesn’t burst out of her chest.
“i’m not taking any more chances with you. you’re always getting hurt in one way or another, you damn klutz,” he lightly flicks her forehead, snickering slightly when her lips curl into a pout.
“hey! that’s mean—“
“watch it!” lancelot’s arm shoots out to grab her waist, pulling her into his side to avoid her from walking straight into one of the cracks in the middle of the road, curtsey of arthur’s attack earlier. he raises an eyebrow, looking down at her with a ‘see what i mean?’ expression.
“you should pay better attention to your surroundings, princess. i’m not always going to be by your side to protect you,” he gives her waist a light squeeze, not letting go of her.
“yeah, yeah..” she mumbled, trying to supress her thoughts that had begun to run laps in her head from how close he was.
lancelot chuckled slightly as she tried (and failed) to hide her thoughts; one of them did pique his interest. “you think i smell nice?”
she feels herself die inside a little as her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. damn it.
at her embarrassment, he lets out a louder laugh. “you never fail to amuse me, princess. but i must say, thank you for the compliment.”
“you’re a jerk, lance..”
“you know you love me, princess. i know you do,” he presses a kiss to her cheek. she stopped walking to try and process what he had just done.
“did you just..”
“kiss you? yeah, i did. you want another one?” he teased, leaning down so that their faces are inches away from each other.
“your call, princess. i won’t kiss you unless you tell me to,” he murmured.
unable to form proper words, she nods. lancelot contemplates teasing her some more, but decides against it for now. he presses a gentle kiss to her lips, his hand caressing her waist as he does. they kiss for a few seconds before pulling away from each other, both of them a little red faced.
“c’mon, let’s go see percy and the others.”
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© 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓𝐗𝐑𝐑; plagiarism, retranslation or reposts of my work are completely unauthorized
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated. <33
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sade-summer · 2 months
Me when it's an anime about a class with funny little quirks and they learn to be friends together. 😊(saiki k, assassination classroom, komi can't communicate)
Me when it's an anime about killing supernatural beings with superpowers or superweapons. ( no one is guaranteed to live) 😫(soul eater, chainsaw man, jujitsu kaisen, demon slayer, attack on titan)
Me when it's an adventure anime about a super happy mc and his nonchalant partner/rival who secretly chalants, and the mc has like a crazy amount of strength for no reason, and he only uses it when one of his friends are threatened. 🤭
(Naruto, jujitsu kaisen, hunter x hunter, one piece, my hero acadamia)
Me when the anime had potential but ruined it by adding fan service and pedophilia.😐 (Soul eater, fire force, kakeguri, black butler, seven deadly sins)
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sunflower-author · 9 months
Seven Deadly Sins
Assassination Classroom
Demon Slayer
Seraph of the End
Spy x Family
Hunter x Hunter
My Hero Academia
Dr. Stone
Jujuitsu Kiesen
Black Butler
Attack on Titian
Tokyo Revengers
Death Note
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Chainsaw man
Vinland Saga
Blue Lock
Bungou Stray Dogs
Moriarty of Patriot
I do Female and Male characters
If u want a specific type of reader lmk I will do anything
Also platonic or romantic
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sockmeat · 10 months
𝔴𝔦𝔭 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
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𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔅𝔲𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔯
(Black Butler) NONE
𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫 ℑ𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔠𝔱
(Genshin Impact) NONE
ℌ𝔞𝔷𝔟𝔦𝔫 ℌ𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔩
ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔲𝔳𝔞 𝔅𝔬𝔰𝔰
(Helluva Boss) NONE
𝔐𝔢𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔉𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔶
(Metal Family)
𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔠𝔢
(Sally Face) NONE
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔪𝔞𝔷𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔇𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔦𝔯𝔠𝔲𝔰
(The Amazing Digital Circus) NONE
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔖𝔦𝔫𝔰
(The Seven Deadly Sins)
𝔗𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔪𝔞 ℑ𝔰𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡
(Total Drama Island) MIKE x S/O!READER x PERSONALITIES STORY (from me)
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Just a small appreciation post is all. <3
Recently became obsessed with Ban again and Karasuma from Assassination classroom. Gojo is so pretty I had to use 3 gifs of him lol.
If you want a request, just send it to me. :) Requests are open.
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Hi! Can I get Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Tamaki Suoh (OHSHC), and Illumi Zoldyck with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems?
Here’s where the insight comes: now, because of my flexible joints, I can do all sorts of weird things. I can twist my arms like 360 degrees or so (sometimes, I hear the joints popping; it doesn’t hurt most of the time, but I do feel a minor squeeze at worst), I can bend my thumb to my forearm (though it hurts somewhat if I hold it too long, but that goes away quickly; for some reason, my left is more flexible than my right), and I’ve been known to be able to touch my shoulder or even my face with my foot if I stretch it enough. Also, my skin is stretchier than most people’s, and it’s to the point where I can kind of cover my thumb in my hand (and it freaks people out). Also, I can do this thing where I turn my hands inward and my elbows poke out (I legit once had a girl come to me saying, “That’s not normal,” bless her heart. I even do what’s called the W position on a daily basis, which is comfortable to sit in but takes a bit to get up from. Conveniently, it allows me to scratch my own back without a backscratcher or even give myself a massage if I want. On the downside, I have a history of kneecap dislocations (I’ve had a total of 4: 3 times in the left kneecap and once in the right, all on separate occasions and it’s been happening since I was 13). As such, I’m best off with low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling because they’re easier on my joints than, say, soccer. Thankfully, I’ve found things like hot baths and basically being in hot water is very soothing for my joints. Also, I remember I was once recommended mustard paste for my kneecaps but I have yet to test it. I don’t know the exact cause of my hypermobility because I haven’t been diagnosed yet but that’s ok.
Note: I don’t know if you write for Meliodas from Seven Deadly Sins or Snake from Black Butler, but if you do, are you ok with adding them too? If not, would another character of your choice from those fandoms be ok?
Hypermobile S/o with knee problems HCs (Edward Elric, Tamaki Suoh, Illumi Zoldyck, Meliodas, Snake)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼 !!!!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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Edward Elric
Out of everyone?
He’s probably the one who knows the most about hypermobility
Though he was extremely surprised the first time he saw it in action
It’s something he definitely read about when doing all kinds of studies about the human body
And when he was just finding out about hypermobility, he was probably surprised at first about just how much more complex it is
Though now that he’s older, he’s prepared to help with any potential problems that may arise for you
However, he’s still Ed
He’ll be the one to help you to the infirmary when your knee dislocates
But you know he’ll panic and he’ll yell about it first before he gains enough sense to get you the help you need
So at least he isn’t totally useless…he’s just Ed!
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Tamaki Suoh
10000% will scream “WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR BODY” the first time he saw your hypermobility
But don’t worry
A quick dumbed-down explanation (by Haruhi or even Karou) will have Tamaki singing a different tune in a second
In fact, he’d probably start asking if you could do a bunch of tricks
And if you could show it to him too LOL
Out of everyone, it’ll probably be Honey to ask if it ever hurts doing all the things your body is able to do
And the second you mention your knee problems? Oh boy
Tama-chan is going to be all over you
Researching about all the things that could ever go wrong, looking up what he can ever do to help, finding out if there's stuff he can buy you to make things better- the works
But hey! At least he’s supportive!
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Illumi Zoldyck
He knows
No need to tell you anything
In fact, knowing him and his family?
It’s entirely possible he knew before YOU did
If you ever do anything to showcase your hypermobility, he won’t comment much on it
He’s just content watching you do your own thing
He will tell you to be careful though
But you don’t have to worry much
The household knows your medical history- all of it
Illumi (and literally anyone on the Zoldyck payroll) are here to assist you if ever the need arises
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Genuinely does think it’s cool
But he’ll be super nonchalant about it as he usually is with the weirdest things
Though you know he’ll be bragging about how cool he thinks you are when he gets drunk to the other guys
Of course, it’s probably Gowther that points out how your hypermobility has been the source of a few instances of pain for you
And suddenly it starts to make sense why you’re the first to move far away from a fight
Aside from Hawks after someone gives him a swift kick to belly
And your general avoidance for anything high impact
Naturally, he’s going to start consulting the all-knowing Merlin if there’s anything she can do to help you
And even though it’s disappointing to hear that she currently has nothing in her arsenal, you at least have a very powerful demon now looking out for you in case of a problem!
(…As if you didn’t have that all along LOL)
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As a (former) member of Noah’s Ark circus, you’re not the first person he’s met with hypermobility
Compared to others, finding out about this aspect of your life isn’t so surprising given his upbringing
Though he can’t say he expected it
Something like this isn’t so obvious until it is
Of course, that doesn���t mean he knows anything about it
He’s not the most sociable (or knowledgeable) for that matter
It was through getting close to you and hearing you speak about yourself that he was able to learn about hypermobility and how it affects you in particular
Finding out about your knee problems and your other sources of pain definitely made him a little more protective
Not like he was doing anything that would end up bad for you in the first place but still!
Snake is a good boy at heart! He’ll look out for you <3
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herwritingartcowboy · 8 months
Hopefully this doesn't come out as weird but what fandoms do you write for?
The list is long but these are all the fandoms I will write for.
Four knights of the apocalypse
Seven deadly sins
Bungou stray dogs
One punch man
Demon slayer
My hero academia
Fire force
Genshin impact
Honkai star rail
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw man
Black clover
One piece
Dragon Ball
Mission: Yozakura family
Twisted Wonderland
Fragaria memories
Oshi no ko
Spy x family
Mashle: magic and muscles
Sakamoto days
Undead unluck
The elusive samurai
Kaiju no.8
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skrillawrld · 2 years
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➜𝐀 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 𝐓
݉⁑━━━━ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)━━━━━⁑݉
“Ban you have to let her go, she isn’t coming back.” You said trying to calm him down.
“Y/n will you shut up, I know she isn’t coming back!!” He yelled at you.
“Well my bad for caring for my friend!!” You yelled back as tears began pouring from your eyes.
Truth be told you always had a crush on Ban. He’s hot, strong, brave, and he knew how to cook, but he was always stuck on the dead fairy.
“Wipe your tears, there’s no real reason for you to cry, Y/n.” He said coldly. From there you knew he had no feelings towards you, not even as a friend. If you were to die... doubt he’d care anyways.
“Sorry for expressing my feelings.” You stated with a dull voice; turning back to the cabin.
“You need to stop being so hard on her, she only cares about you.” Ban heard Meliodas spoke from above.
“I didn’t ask her to.” He scolded; staring back into the night sky.
“When you start to realize you need her, she’ll be gone. Enjoy the time you have with her.” Meliodas said, heading back into the cabin to give you some form of  comfort.
“I just wished you were here, you’d understand.” Ban whispered. Reminiscing of his time with Elaine, the amount of love and advice she’d be able to give him.
He wanted to stay loyal to Elaine, just incase she ever did returned. The possibility of that being on the negative end, however he promised the fairies corpse he’d never fondle with someone else’s heart, he promised..
‘This is too fucking much, I need to drink.’ Ban thought. He began to head back in the cabin; watching outside the window as you danced with Meliodas, you truly did look like a princess. 
As he walked in your smile faded, instead of dwelling in your sadness you continued to dance, grabbing Elizabeth’s hand and spinning her around. You both looked absolutely gorgeous, edible some may say.
“Captain.” Ban said as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Ban.” Meliodas responded; waiting for the fox like man to quickly state what he wanted.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow to head into the fairy forest, I may be gone for a few months. To talk with Elaine.” Ban said.
“Enjoy yourself.” Meliodas told him before returning to the dance floor with you and Elizabeth; twirling you both around as royals that were at a ball. You guys danced until the sun began to rise, just then Meliodas said it was time to rest. You drunk out of your mind and Elizabeth just sleepy trying to keep you happy.
After getting over your hang-over that afternoon you began to wonder where Ban was, as he was not sitting at the bar or on the front patio.
“Where’s Ban?” You asked Meliodas; tying your apron on, getting ready to switch shifts with Elizabeth.
“He left for the fairy forest earlier this morning.” Meliodas said as he wiped the bar down.
Your heart dropped down to your feet, he didn’t even tell you. He truly didn’t care for you, I guess that hurt the most.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” Meliodas asked, as he had noticed you blanked out.
“Oh yes, of course I am.” You said, placing your goddess braids in a ponytail.
“How do you feel about it?” He asked. It’s almost as he could sense, or even feel, the worry you had for Ban.
“I don’t care, he made sure he didn’t last night. So why should I?” You responded; walking away to let Elizabeth know you’d be taking over.
As months passed you gradually began to forget about Ban and his issues, you were happier but there was still conflict between the king, the sins, and the people. As well as the Ten Commandments were back, Merlin predicted a big brawl in the next few weeks, so they were preparing for that. 
“How do you think we’ll do, captain?” You questioned Meliodas.
“I’d like to believe we’ll do the best, to prevent as many deaths to the town people as possible. Merlin believes they’ll attack when they know we’re in the city.” He responded calmly. 
After them practicing, and Merlin telling you that you’d be great as a spotter, you didn’t think too much on the brawl. But as Merlin said, they did attack while in the city, they attacked at the least unexpected time. Meliodas sent you in the cabin, he allowed Hawks mom to carry you to the peak of the city, where you’d watch from above, however you, nor him, spotted the commandment that seen you guys. 
You sat on top of the cabin, watching from above. You then heard rustling in the trees, laying flat on top to see what or who it was. It was no other than Ban, and he seemed to be frantic, he began running towards you, you also heard Meliodas scream your name, maybe trying to warn you of something? 
Just as you looked up you seen who they were trying to protect you from, a man with big beautiful wings and a spear, a spear you didn’t feel until you looked down; a hole pierced through your chest as blood began to spill out of your mouth. 
Ban grabbed you, while Meliodas delt with the sin above. 
“Please don’t leave, not yet.” Ban cried. Your vision beginning to blur, he tapped your face, whispering to you sweet nothings as your pulse decreased.
For you were not a sin, nor of magical blood, but simply a human the sins had grew attach to from birth.
✩©skrillawrld. Do not steal, copy or modify my work in any way, shape or form.✩
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strawhatkia · 11 months
✧ seven deadly sins !
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SHORT SUMMARY ! interracial love but make it deadly....literally.
✧ CHARACTERS INCLUDED ! meliodas, ban, diane, merlin, arthur pendragon, howzer, gilthunder, subject to change !
✧ KEY ! fluff - f | mature - m | angst - a | crack - c
✧ LAST UPDATED ! xx/xx/xxxx |
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timestamps !
coming soon !
headcanons / scenarios !
coming soon !
drabbles !
coming soon !
oneshots !
coming soon !
series !
coming soon !
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
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sweetheart4you · 1 year
About My Writing
I am a male reader only blog.
I would prefer if women wouldn't read my work, but I understand some people like reading things about the opposite gender romances. That being said, please don't fetishsize my content.
I write for Logan Howlett, MHA, HxH, OHSHC, Demon Slayer, Inuyasha, Maid-Sama, Saiki K, Seven Deadly Sins, Black Butler, Fruits Basket, Naruto, My Happy Marriage, Food wars, TWST, and a couple more.
I will write for pretty much anything, but I especially love writing romance and yandere themes.
All child characters will be aged up to 18 or higher, even if it isn't explicitly mentioned.
I love writing:
Size Kink
I will not write:
Woman x male (no matter who it is)
Real people
Top dom reader
Forced Masc/Fem
Anon List:
🎹 anon
Boyfriend anon
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Who I write for
requests open
(anything that looks like This I will not be accepting right now)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime and manga)
My Hero Academia (anime and manga)
Tokyo Revengers (anime and manga)
Haikyuu (anime and manga)
Spy x Family (anime only)
Demon Slayer (anime and manga)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Fairy Tail
Loke/ Leo
Honestly probably anyone from Fairy Tail
Black Clover (anime and manga)
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Roy mustang
The Legend Of Zelda (Breath of the wild and Tears of The Kingdom)
Final fantasy 7 Remake and Crisis core reunion
Maze Runner
Avatar The Last Air Bender and the legend of Korra
The dragon prince
Buddy Daddies
Blue exorcist
World of Warcraft (any expansion as I'm down to read lore)
Kalecgos / Kalec (distinction because maybe reader is unaware of him being a dragon
Illidan Stormrage
Genn Greymane
Anduin wrynn
How to train your dragon
Fire force (anime only)
Captain Obi
Shinmon Benimaru
Seven Deadly Sins / Four Knights of the Apocalypse (anime and manga for both)
Lord Of The Rings / The Hobbit / The Rings Of Power
Elrond (only RoP)
will consider others based on request
More to come as I get new hyper fixations.
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suekeyyyy · 1 year
スエキー 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐧. 🏼🏽🏾🏿
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐈'𝐦 𝐄𝐯𝐚 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬. 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 ➯ 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞.
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urlocalfaggot · 2 years
Hello! My names Finn and i like writing. (requests are open! )
• Black Butler
• Sk8 the infinity
• Stars Align
• Haikyuu
• HxH
• The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
• Seven Deadly Sins
• Assassination Classroom
• Blue Lock (ive only watchd the anime not read the books) • Shameless (ik its not an anime but i love it)
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• fluff
• angst
• angst to fluf
• fluff to angst
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• make requests specific
• i only do male readers. it can be anything from cis male, trans male, and even (if requested) general natural.
• no nsfw. i will do "heated" scenes but nothing full on.
• i do do polys, just make sure you tell me all the characters you want.
• i will do sensitive topics such as suicide, sh, eating disorders, and others.
• i sometimes base the reader on things i have experienced. so sorry in advance if you don't like that
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venuscxre · 2 months
Do you write for Escanor?
I do!! I’ll write for any nnt character really. Feel free to recommend something :))!
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To Request Something
Okay if you want me to write you something here are the rules..
.Right now I'm writing a part two to telling Genshin men you are pregnant prank
IDK Y IT IS TAKING ME FOREVER 😭 But don't worry I only have one left💅
First: I'll write anything but if you are shipping yourself with a toddler I will not write that 😗 💅 I'll only write cute and wholesome things for children....
second: I WILL WRITE FROM ANY FANDOM!! cuz yes! it just may take me longer if I do not know it but that's cuz i'm learning about it so I can write it for you.
Third: I'll write NSFW and SFW (Angst,fluff,smut,ETC)
I'll also do gender-bend with characters
Fourth: I am German half Mexican! so you can come at me with German or Spanish 😎
Sorry If I take forever to do your request but I do, do some quicker!!....some.......It you want a character x Character expect it to take forever 😃
When you request I would love it if you include what gender you want the reader to be (gn-girl-boy)
I would also like if you gave me a bit of a vision of what you want (Like example ----
:I would like a gn reader that tells (person) that they want to break-up, like they just bluntly say it to them out of no where)
You get what I'm saying? BUT YOU ALSO DO NOT HAVE TO!! I'm just saying what I would appreciate it.
I love straight up doing any request there is barley any that I would refuse! So you got a kink? Well I'll write it!!
Bro if you want to be shipped with anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE then i'll write it
(Bro no judge on some frfr shit.....my bud come on I had and prob still have a crush on Shirubā Fang from One Punch Man 😖 Okokok hear me out...Have you seen this man-
Fandoms I already know and will write faster
-One Punch Man &lt;;33
-Bnha -_-
-Record of Ragnarok <33 I love this plz request
-Seven deadly sins&lt;;33
-Vinland Saga <33 Got me so pissed off in season 1 🤧
-AoT...bro..mood changed so much
-Demon Slayer&lt;;33
-Mairimashita-Iruma-Kun...idk man
-Tokyo Revengers..Yes
-Soul Eater&lt;;33
-Magi(both Sinbad and labyrinth)&lt;;33
-Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi..-real tears were shed.
-Death Note&lt;3
-Danganronpa(any game/anime)
-Blue Exorcist&lt;3
- Genshin Impact..(i'm not that far but I see my brother play so I know the whole game)
-Gunjō no Magmell<33 not very much of this is on here😞
-Angels of Death &lt;;33
-Black butler &lt;;33
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Creepypasta...ok hear me-
-Obey me...HEAR ME OU-
-Mononoke( Medicine seller)
Might add more_-
You can also dm me if ya want! I'll answer)( I can write things for just you if you want!! And i'll write anythings! cuz i'm down bad😗
I love when you request!! It makes me so happy!!
I just dont answer fast😀👍
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Me and Le-Orio FRFR ✊😞
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