#setting this pre death bc after she 'dies' she doesn't really have a house lol
bridelost · 2 years
@wrensfeatheredpen​’s  raoul  sent  :  ∗  o8﹕  sender    shows    up    at    receiver’s    home    late    at    night  .  (  x  )
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𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧  ,  𝐬𝐡𝐞  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬  𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬  𝐰𝐚𝐲  .  long  ,  graceful  fingers  gently  propping  her  head  up  .  clear  eyes  watch  through  the  thin  glass  of  the  window  .  the  slightest  smirk  settled  on  rosy  lips  .  she  sees  nothing  .  the  dark  has  consumed  all  .  ambrosia  simply  hears  everything  instead  .  night  is  the  only  time  she  can  enjoy  this  life  .  when  her  father  sleeps  with  dreams  haunting  him  with  the  past  &  judge  bradford  is  nowhere  to  be  seen  .  horrifying  shadows  plague  humanity  .  such  as  the  dark  figure  out  her  window  now  .  
her  movements  are  as  quick  as  the  hunting  fox  as  she  moves  throughout  the  house  .  her  skirts  bristle  against  the  breeze  her  fast  pace  make  .  with  a  firm  hand  ,  ambrosia  slowly  opens  the  door  .  the  most  cautious  she’s  ever  been  .  it  is  late  ,  after  all  &  spirits  haunt  about  .  yet  ambrosia  is  compelled  to  see  who  this  dark  stranger  is  .  her  question  leaves  her  lips  in  a  breeze-like  whisper  ,  
❝  who  are  you  ?  ❞
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northbndtrain · 6 years
1/3 Hey I'm the recent Revenge anon. Wanted to share that I noticed something. This has three parts bc I'm not concise lol. The "Emily Thorne" persona is charming, speaks with a double meaning and cold behind the eyes. In scenes w/ Jack tho she's more silent. Almost like she doesn't know what to say or she's choosing not to. She can't quite cut him off but she can't let herself get deeper either. Then after Jack's dad dies, there's a kind of shift. She becomes familiar in how she speaks to him.
Hello again!
And that is a really great observation.
I went and got the transcripts of their scenes pre- and post- Jack’s father’s death to illustrate your point. (Transcripts appear courtesy of Forever Dreaming, a great archive for so many TV series transcripts!)
PILOT (1x1)JACK: I’m sorry. He’s not normally this friendly. He’s kind of an old grump, actually. Oh, he got mud on your dress.EMILY: Oh, that’s no big deal.JACK: There’s an Earl and Emma’s dry cleaners right around the corner. I’ll walk you over.EMILY: Oh, that’s okay. Um, I got it. Thanks.JACK: Well, hey. Uh, tell Earl and Emma that you’re a friend of Jack Porter’s. My family owns the tavern down by the docks, the stowaway. What’s… what’s your name? I’ll… put you on the official comp list.EMILY: You don’t have to do that.JACK: Well, I’m not picking up the tab. Sammy is. He feels terrible. Don’t you?EMILY: Thanks anyway.That’s a grand total of 21 words from Emily compared to Jack’s 80+, and she is definitely completely caught off balance, which is different from how she comes across when interacting with everyone else, from Nolan to the Graysons.TRUST (1x2)JACK: Emily Thorne. I swear to God, I’m not stalking you. Though I’m not sure the same could be said for my dog. Congratulations on the house.EMILY: Thank you.JACK: I hope you’re not planning on tearing it down and building yourself something like that.EMILY: Oh, no, no. Not at all. This house stays exactly the same.JACK: Good. It’s nice to know there’s somebody else out there with an appreciation for history. This place sure has a lot of it. Anyway, um, I’ll let you get back to your party. If you see Nolan, just let him know I split.EMILY: Yeah, no problem.Here, again, Jack talks far more than Emily does because, as you said, she’s holding herself back. (It’s actually kind of cute on Jack’s part – it’s as if the only way he can bring himself to deal with the weird feelings he’s having for this woman is by voicing every single thought that comes into his head.)BETRAYAL (1x3)EMILY: (returning Sammy) I found this old-timer at my door last night.JACK: Oh, wow. I didn’t even realize he was gone. I’m a little distracted. My dad just passed away from a heart attack.EMILY: Oh, my God.JACK: Yeah.EMILY: That’s awful. Is this him? I lost my dad suddenly, too. I’m so sorry.As you noted, there’s a shift here: it’s the first time she volunteers information to Jack (about her father).
2/3 It’s weird looking back but Jack and Emily were operating on a different playing field. He’s getting to know and pursuing someone’s whose an enigma. Emily tho already knows him and in cases like episodes 103 and 104 it shows. When he’s about to bury his dad’s ashes, she directly asks where his brother is. Or arguing about him to Nolan right in front of him lol. Or the dinner where she asks about him selling the bar. So far he’s the only one who seems to get her off track. In a genuine way.
Excellent point. Every interaction she has with Jack isn’t part of the plan, and that’s a great point about her reference to Declan, signaling to Jack (whether she realized it or not) her familiarity with his family and her concern that his brother wasn’t with him.
3/3 The only one she seems genuinely soft with. Even down to the more casual clothes she wears in the Amanda reveal scene. There’s no double meaning in scenes with him or cold eyes. But at the same time she always leaves before it can get deeper. Except for the dinner scene which even Nolan notes in that hilarious golf cart scene where he suddenly has to stop the cart and she’s right there glaring at him. I can’t find a gif of it but I love that she feels the need to threaten Nolan about Jack.
A really long time ago, I did a gif set of my favorite “Jack looking at Emily” moments, and I always meant to do a companion set of “Emily looking at Jack” moments. I even drew up a list of the “looks” I plan to use…just never got around to actually making the gifs. But your message is making me want to go back to that idea! Because you’re right – she is so genuinely soft with him. Extremely Amanda Clarke.
And I love your observation about her more casual clothes when she tells him who she is. It made me realize that she is also very casually dressed when they kiss for the first time.
Oh, and re: that Nolan golf cart moment – I’m sure one exists out there, but when I get a chance I can gif it along with the Jemily dinner.
Drop by the ask box any time!!
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