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lwde-encrusted-sideblog · 2 years ago
Something something Pyrrha kabedon Jaune which leads to- whatever happens next, I don't know.
Jaune: ... So then you have a choice - Join the Legion, Follow Mister House, join the NCR, or be a wildcard - take The Strip for yourself!
Pyrrha: *Not understanding anything he's saying* That's a neat way to take the story! What did you ch- *Sees a spider on the Wall near Jaune*
Pyrrha: Look out! *Kills spider, kabedoning Jaune in the process*
Jaune: *Blushing* Th-Thanks Pyrrha ...
Pyrrha: ... Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yes?
Pyrrha: What's Poking my thigh?
Jaune: ... C-Crocea Mors?
Pyrrha: *Grabbing his Bulge* Oh Jaune~ I don't like it When people lie to me~
Jaune: P-PYRRHA?
Pyrrha: But if you do have another sword, You should let me help train you!~
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: And what a Greatsword it is~
Pyrrha: I'm going to MILK you.
Pyrrha: *Slamming Jaune's hips into hers, Amazon Position* FUCK! YOU HID THIS FROM ME!
Jaune: PyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrhaPyrrha!
Jaune: *Aura Flaring*
Pyrrha: CUM JAUNE!
Jaune: P-Pyrrha!
Jaune Came, and Came Hard, at the same time Pyrrha did, her vice-like grip on his dick nearly breaking it, as the two collapsed into a sweaty, smelly, heaving pile.
Pyrrha: *Cups Jaune's Nuts* These are Mine. You got that? No other girls, only Me.
Jaune: Y-Yeah.
Pyrrha: Are the sore?
Jaune: Yeah ...
Pyrrha: then let me take care of them~
She began gently sucking on the wrung-out testes, almost completely drained from the near religious experience Jaune just had.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
Can I get a Jaune's found family in Bioshock meeting his friends or actual family. Like the big and little sisters meeting his actual family or his friends.
This is in reference from the bioshock post that started with Jaune able to tell Ilia is a lesbian because she reminded him of his sister.
A Staticy tear in the fabric of Reality opens, spitting out Jaune, 8 Big Sisters, and Subject Delta onto the Vacuan Sand.
Ruby: JAUNE?!!?
Jaune: (Spits out Water) RUBES!
Jaune Runs and Hugs her
Jaune: How long has it Been! I've been away, for like, Nine months! Where did you End up after Falling?
Ruby: Me and the rest RWBY Fell into the Ever after- Where The Girl That Fell through the World took place?
Jaune: Really- Wow! Where's everyone- Y'know what! We need to See doctors, and fast! All of their Genetics and physiology are fucked up, and I should get looked over anyway! I have and insane Story to tell!
Ruby: Who are these People?
Jaune: They're- (Whistles) HEY! EVERYONE ALRIGHT? Good! Get up Please!
Jaune: The big Guy is Subject Delta, he looks like an absolute mess, That one is Eleanor!
Eleanor: Hello! You must be Ruby, Jaune has spoken a great deal about you and his Friends!
Jaune: The rest of them are Evelyn, Cassandra, Tulip, Lily, Katherine, Julie, and the last wasn't named when we met so i called her ... Juniper. Just to have my team around even if I ... wasn't.
Jaune: But I'm home now! We're all here! It's so good to see you Ruby!
Ruby: What happened to you? You're covered in scars Jaune! What happened to Crocea Mors!
Jaune: That's ... that's a long Rubes. I'd rather tell it once with everyone. For now we should see a doctor. Can you take us there?
Ruby: Yeah, I can.
So I know this isn't all you asked fore, but I couldn't just WRITE without some kind of foundation first.
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pilot-boi · 2 months ago
The antagonist for Indiana Jaune is a snake Faunus who hisses when fighting Jaune to throw him off!
Wrong, the antagonist for Indiana Jaune is a Nazi, but thanks anyway
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howlingday · 2 years ago
My Favorite Things
Inspired by this comic at the request of @setsu-kos-arashi
Gillian: What's your favorite attribute about yourself?
Jaune: Honestly? Probably my size.
Gillian: Yes, yes, you're taller than most of your friends. I'm asking you to be serious.
Jaune: I am. Or, well, I wasn't talking about my height.
Gillian: Oh? Then what were you... (Blushes) O-Oh...
Jaune: (Blushing red, Waving hands around) MY MUSCLES! I'M TALKING ABOUT MY MUSCLES!
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dragon-razor-writings · 7 months ago
#the idea that Jin Woo is going to make a boss that is both accurate with a Great payoff#but is so tedious that you rage quit
No, worse.
It isn't just tedious, but actually agonizing.
Dozens of mechanics to remember, nonstop attacks to parry and clash, various debuffs.
You make one mistake, your HP gets mulched.
You fail one mechanic? Raid wipe.
Someone tries to draw aggro? Too bad, he's immune. His shadow soldiers aren't, though. and there's 50 of those bitches right now.
You attack him once, he parries and hits back with a 50-hit combo.
Oh, also, the boss itself adapts too, so you can't use a raid guide.
Players would consider it a 'Fuck Y'all' as a boss fight. Jinwoo, meanwhile, is upset that no one caught that small detail that would help out a lot.
Jinho and Haein are just watching along in concern as they hear multiple swears come from Suho's room.
The Monarchs are laughing in the afterlife.
Random thought:
Sung Jin woo designing himself as a Raid boss. And Suho having to play said raid, with the Monarchs giving minor input.
The suffering is immensely amusing to me.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 year ago
So RWBY grimmverse style au, with a lot of the students being grimmified while hunting others to convert, so like, very high functioning zombies. Anyway so yeah Ruined city, numerous grimmified hunters-in-training scouring a city to find more to their numbers, before hearing a loud crash, heading over to find “patient zero” aka Grimm Pyrrha and she’s fighting or was fighting a Cyborg Jaune (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance style) and like they got a little excited and destroyed a lot of the building, so Grimmified hunters-in-training come in and see Grimm Pyrrha with her cloak off, which is not down often, and a Cyborg Jaune standing there in the ruins. So yeah Strongest grimmified hunter-in-training Pyrrha was equalled in power to Cyborg Jaune, with everyone surprised. 
Bonus: If Jaune explains how he became a Cyborg (Like survived an explosion and found a lab to survive in)
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I don't know why I just got this sudden urge to ask this.
Thank you!
Pyrrha: Brothers! Sisters! Siblings of All Ages and ability! Our Goddess Has Given us a most Divine Mission!
The tension in the air was palpable, it landed somewhere between the moment before a bar-brawl and when Fans realize their team made the winning shot.
Pyrrha: Bring More Home~ Expand the Family! Unite all under her Glorious name!
Raccous cheering poured forth.
Pyrrha: But They Bring in Machines to stop us, Hurt us, capture and experiment Upon us! We all rememer when Our dearest Silver Angel was Stolen From us! The shame of failure to protect her was Too much for us to bear! We let loose our inhibitions and minds and fell to the like of the Beowolves and Beringel!
Shouts of Anger rung out, curses and swears unintelligible, but obvious.
Pyrrha: Luckily For us, those Machines need be told what to do, which means there is man behind the walls~ They've Backed themselves into corners all on their own~
Pyrrha: So if it's a game of Cat and Mouse, They are sorrowly mistaken about who is what.
Atlesian Airships landed in the distance, others dropping pods of Robots and Androids in the middle of the city.
Pyrrha: So without further ado, *Pyrrha pulled her hood over her head* Let the Hunt Begin~
Cheers of Violence and malevolence ring out from the Grimmified people, as they burst out from their hiding spots.
~Several Minutes Later~
Jaune: How are things looking out there Penny?
Penny: Not Well. We are losing Units at an astonishing Rate. Capturing the Rose family was very good for our understanding of what causes people to become 'Grimmified' and how too help them recover, but it seems that Ruby was very important to the others. They are attacking with more vigor and ferocity than ever.
Jaune: ... Somethings Wrong. Abort the Mission and Fall back.
General Ironwood: Arc, Stay there. I know You can handle whatever they may throw at you.
Jaune: Sir, Respectfully, You have put me in charge of this operation, and I am telling you to give the order to Fall Back. Somethings not Right, I can feel it.
Ironwood: Unless Something Catastrophic Happens, stand your ground. That is and Order.
Jaune: ... Sir, Direspectfully, Shove your Orders Up your Ass. *Shuts Off Communications Device* EVERYONE BEGIN TO RECALL WHATEVER UNITS YOU HAVE LEFT! WE ARE EVACUATING!
Penny: Jaune-
Jaune: Pen, I know what Ironwood Said, but He's not here, and I'll deal with Whatever corporal Punishment he thinks is neces- DUCK!
Jaune Pulls Penny low, a blood red Spear whizzing just above their Heads, Before retracting by Ebony Sinew and Tendons.
Pyrrha: Face the Divine Wrath of her CHOSEN Cowards!
Jaune: *Draws Aurum Exitium* Penny Get everyone out! I'll hold her Off!
Penny: I- Yes Jaune! Stay Safe!
Jaune: *Blocking another strike* I always make it back in the end! MOVE!
Pyrrha: The Fight's over here Huntsman!
Jaune: I know.
Jaune: *Tackles Pyrrha* But it's going this Way!
The two fall from the Atlesian's vantage point, tumbling down into the decrepit city.
Pyrrha: *Throws Jaune through a wall, causing part of a building to collapse* STAY DOWN DOGGY!
Jaune: *Breaking out of the Rubble* You'll have to do better than that!
Pyrrha Threw 'Akouo' at Jaune, who caught - and Pyrrha's heel in his face. He held tight to the Arm-Bound shield, slamming the redheaded monstrosity into the ground, dragging her face across the damaged pavement, before throwing her into the distance.
Jaune: I want to help you!
Pyrrha:*landing Deftly* You Kidnap Us! STEAL US From our home! We want to bring Enlightenment to you, and you meet us with Violence!
Pyrrha launched barbs that shattered against the bulkhead of a shield Jaune carried. He Retaliated with a strike from his longsword, the edge glowing blue with Hardlight Dust.
He whiffed the strike and the sword carved into the ground, Pyrrha Blasting him backwards with her semblance. Blisters formed across the pitch-black flesh, as her soul burning against it's monstrous bonds. She lunged at the stunned Jaune, aiming for the point between his eyes.
This dance of death, seemingly endless back and forth, A tactical mind meeting a being of pure skill, Remnants Greatest Mind's reconstruction of a Man holding against a near perfect amalgam of Man and it's Enemy, An Unstoppable Force fighting an Immovable Force.
Blow after blow, Aura ticking down, Grimm burning away. They stumbled into some old cathedral, standing a distance away from each other. Every breathe was heaved, exhaustion pulling at them. Even Jaune's aura had it's limits, and Pyrrha's arms were covered in open wounds, seeping Grimm-infused blood out of them.
Pyrrha struck first. Jaune Dodged and closed distance. Jaune fired a beam from Aurum Exitium. Pyrrha dodged and closed even more distance. They were in Melee with each other. Pyrrha Jabbed. The hit landed. Jaune attempted to Grapple. Pyrrha barely managed to avoid it.
Her cloak didn't.
Jaune finally saw his opponent's face and he was ... Entranced. Pyrrha, however, was Pissed.
Pyrrha: You ... Dare lay your FILTHY, UNDESERVING EYES UPON ME!
She through her spear once more, letting it truly free from her grasp. It flew through the air, Jaune barely avoiding it in his awe at her beauty. He flung the cloth wildly, the Spear piercing the hood and slamming into the great throne in the center of the building.
With all the rage of a disrespected Goddess, she dashed into Jaune, Stealing the techsword from his grip and pinning him against the chair, trying to press it's endlessly thin blade into Jaune's neck.
He Held against her pushing, forcing Aura into his arms as Darkness enveloped Pyrrha's forearms, more blisters forming on her arms.
Jaune felt his body lock up against her semblance, his own giving him the strength to resist her assault.
The held there for what felt like forever, long enough for swathes of Grimm-dark skin to fall from Pyrrha's arms, revealing the corded, red flesh beneath. Their hands shook. They both knew whoever gave out first would likely die.
Then a thin blade wrapped around Pyrrha's shoulder and pulled her away, Jaune's sword clattering to the ground.
Jaune nearly fell to his knees, catching himself at the last moment and sprinting towards his brother- only to catch a glob of Acid in the face.
Another Grimm girl, short, with and arm that looked like a cenitaur had been grafted on. She slammed the chittering apendage into Ren, throwing him towards Jaune.
Nora: It's been a long time since Cuddles had a playmate like you~
Pyrrha struggled to her feet, weariness obvious in those who were near.
Pyrrha: Stay, Nora. *She points at Ren and Jaune* You. Aren't. Going. Anywhere.
Black, staticy figures shuffled in, a Winged figure cascading from above with them.
Sun: Glad I wasn't late to the party. Let's help them join it, Eh Ladies?
Nora: *Glare*
Pyrrha: *Glare*
Sun: C'mon that's funny- Whatever. Bye-bye Huntsmen!
Surrounded and outnumbered, Jaune and Ren faced their fate with grim (heh) Determination. They always had a back-up, and she was arriving right now.
Brilliant green lasers blasted through the ceiling, a ladder falling through from a hovering bullhead. Penny was coming to her friend's rescue.
Penny: Stand down, and allow yourselves to be captured or face the consequences.
The trios stared each other down. A Leader. A friend. A savior in their time of need.
The whirring blades of Floating Array held charges, ready to decimate any attacker, while Sun's clones stood still and were prepared to strike.
The Jaune and Pyrrha started Backing away from each other, pulling their partners, back to their own escape routes. Once they got away from each other the released their bated breathes.
Nora: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: That wasn't a fight we could win. We kept them out of the city. We've succeeded, even if we lost.
Sun: Man, I was itching for some action. But, we did do good, didn't we?
Pyrrha: That we did, Sun. That We did.
With her cloak in shambles, Pyrrha had no choice than to face the crowd openly. They hardly dared look at her. Sharp, bony spikes that stuck out from just behind her jawline and ears, her face pale with dark red veins running up her cheeks, and to her eyes. Eyes, that unlike every other Grimm-Fated student, were Green.
She was different than the others, And it was obvious. She relished in that fact often, it earned her praise and gifts from their God-Mother.
But in this moment it was nothing but another reminder that she wasn't like her siblings. She knew that man she fought was handsome.
Ren: General Ironwood Won't be happy about this.
Jaune: We failed, but we survived. It's a win in my book.
Penny: I am glad you are alright. Please don't do anything that irrational again.
Jaune: I can't promise you that Penny.
Penny: I- I-
Penny: ... I Know, Jaune. I don't wish to see my Brother be injured anymore than he already has been.
They all fell silent as they watched the city of Atlas come into view, Sat just behind Mantle, a mountain gazing over it's earth-toned buildings. It had been nearly two decades since the theft of the Relic of Creation, causing it to sink into it's crater.
Pyrrha: We kept the city, Mistress.
Salem: And what about recovering your siblings? Was the enemy annihilated as you guaranteed they would be?
Pyrrha: ... They were different this time. Far more of their machines than before, easy enough to take down, but there was ... Retreat before the final Charge was made. I separated myself from the horde to attack their post directly, and was stopped by ... Something between Man and Machine.
Salem: And just what did this 'In-Between' look like?
Pyrrha: He was covered in metal, though I could tell a fair amount was armor and plating on his outside - His legs and left arm were mechanical, with certain thing within him being something I couldn't control, but could feel. His face was mostly free, he had blue eyes and blonde hair tied back.
Pyrrha: He was brutal and savage, yet intelligent. He new how to use the terrain to his advantage, and how to avoid the majority of my strikes, and those he could not avoid he simply took and kept going.
Pyrrha: He was my equal until outsiders interrupted us. A lithe man that wore green, wielding machine pistol that had been locked in combat with Nora. I could not feel him, which means he was either truly at peace in his soul, or his semblance makes us blind to his soul.
Pyrrha: After their arrivals, Sun managed to surround them, but their Machine-Girl gave them the opportunity of escape. They ran like the cowards they are.
Salem: Do not lie to me Girl. You didn't strike at them as they ran, could you?
Pyrrha: I-I- I-
Pyrrha: I am Injured and Exhausted. I Was, and I could not fight anylonger. I ordered our retreat. I failed you. I am Sorry.
Salem: *Grabbing Pyrrha* Apologies are useless. You had your orders, and you Failed them. You are to see Tyrian for your punishment.
Pyrrha: Y-Yes ma'am.
Pyrrha hands Shook. From pain, from fear, from shame, and many delineations of those emotions. But still, she strode to her punishment with haste. Wasting time was worthy of further punishment. She barely managed a nod to Cinder as she passed.
Cinder: Hold it Nikos!
Pyrrha: Yes Ma'am?
Cinder: ... This'll sting, but it'll help.
Pyrrha: What are you-
Cinder: Open wounds will make you weaker in the future. I am disinfecting them, then you may be back on your way.
Pyrrha: The Goddess-
Cinder: What she doesn't know can't hurt us. Stay quiet.
Pyrrha hardly flinched when the Alcohol touched her wounds. She shouldn't have flinched at all, she was so worthless and stupid to think she could've done her assignment right. She was meant to be the best among her siblings, unstoppable and-
Cinder: *Hugging Pyrrha, shaking her from her thoughts* You will be fine. You will be fine. Run, now. I'm sorry I can't save you from him.
Jaune: Yang? How is Ruby doing?
Yang: JAUNE! *hugs Him* She's been improving! Her heart is beating on it's own, and she's been more responsive- I can't believe it. I- I have her back. Ruby's- Ruby's back. Almost. My family, whatever's left of it- we'll be together again!
Yang: But you need to see Ironwood! he's Pissed to the grimmlands and back over whatever you did.
Jaune: I told him "Disrespectfully, Shove your orders up your ass." then shut off my comms.
Yang: *chuckles* Really? Man you must have balls of steel!
Jaune: Nah, At least one of those is still mine.
Yang: Gross.
Yang: ... Still. You should go talk to him. He's not happy.
Jaune: I'll survive whatever he throws at me. Or throws me into.
Yang: Not getting that stuff removed.
Jaune: ... I'll be fine Yang.
And Jaune left the medbay.
If anyone seems out of Character, it's because, well, these aren't the same ones from Canon.
Pyrrha has been more Forcefully manipulated, and the stakes for her are far higher than falling off a pedestal - falling from it means death. She believes the words she says, and feels guilty when she questions it.
Jaune had *Something* happen that made him lose a fair bit of his body. Atlas put him back together at the expense of his freedom, à la Robocop. But he still cares about people and is willing to defy orders to protect them. It's a matter of how far he can bend the rules before he gets broken.
I'll explain more if people ask for it.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
In AEBMO au, is gambol shroud one or two weapons cause there's the cleaver/sheath, and glock/katana.
Ruby: ...
Crocea Mors: What're you leering at me for?
Ruby: Oh! Sorry, I was just wondering where your armor and Gambol's coat is!
Crocea Mors: It was gummed up with Somethin'. Kiddo's Cleaning it.
Gambol Shroud: Dudette's sharpening the edge, cleaning some dirt out. 'S all cool.
Ruby: Wait. If Ember and Celica are two parts of a set, and Milo and Akouo are both parts of a set, but not twins-
Gambol Shroud: I'm Gambol Shroud. The Sheathe is a part of me.
Crocea Mors: Same Deal here. The Sheathes aren't named, but considered a part of Us. Milo and Akouo have their own names, and can't link together, so their their own persons.
Gambol Shroud: Em and Cel, along with Storm and Flower, are, like, two haves of a whole.
Gambol Shroud: Two peas of a pod.
Gambol Shroud: Two-
Crocea Mors: We get it Gambol.
Gambol Shroud: okaayyy, Okaayyy. Chill out Knighty-Night.
Crocea Mors: *Annoyed Grumbling, Pinching Nose*
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pilot-boi · 2 months ago
So does Indiana Jaune have a fear of snakes, cause now I want him to meet some snake Faunus and immediately scream before jumping a full meter in the air from terror. Hehe.
He absolutely does have a fear of snakes, but snake Faunus are people so they don’t elicit the same kind of response
If they were deliberately trying to scare him, it would definitely work. But his phobia doesn’t really extend to them
Also please keep the questions coming, I have enough thoughts about this AU that I’m legit learning how to draw fedoras
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pilot-boi · 1 year ago
Uh, I'd like to ask for more perching on Jaune. Maybe Yang or Nora.... Thank you!
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Had this in the works, but finished it up for you :]
Nora perching can be found here
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setsu-kos-arashi · 2 years ago
No no, it's fine. I'm getting excited now.
Can I get a Jaune's found family in Bioshock meeting his friends or actual family. Like the big and little sisters meeting his actual family or his friends.
This is in reference from the bioshock post that started with Jaune able to tell Ilia is a lesbian because she reminded him of his sister.
A Staticy tear in the fabric of Reality opens, spitting out Jaune, 8 Big Sisters, and Subject Delta onto the Vacuan Sand.
Ruby: JAUNE?!!?
Jaune: (Spits out Water) RUBES!
Jaune Runs and Hugs her
Jaune: How long has it Been! I've been away, for like, Nine months! Where did you End up after Falling?
Ruby: Me and the rest RWBY Fell into the Ever after- Where The Girl That Fell through the World took place?
Jaune: Really- Wow! Where's everyone- Y'know what! We need to See doctors, and fast! All of their Genetics and physiology are fucked up, and I should get looked over anyway! I have and insane Story to tell!
Ruby: Who are these People?
Jaune: They're- (Whistles) HEY! EVERYONE ALRIGHT? Good! Get up Please!
Jaune: The big Guy is Subject Delta, he looks like an absolute mess, That one is Eleanor!
Eleanor: Hello! You must be Ruby, Jaune has spoken a great deal about you and his Friends!
Jaune: The rest of them are Evelyn, Cassandra, Tulip, Lily, Katherine, Julie, and the last wasn't named when we met so i called her ... Juniper. Just to have my team around even if I ... wasn't.
Jaune: But I'm home now! We're all here! It's so good to see you Ruby!
Ruby: What happened to you? You're covered in scars Jaune! What happened to Crocea Mors!
Jaune: That's ... that's a long Rubes. I'd rather tell it once with everyone. For now we should see a doctor. Can you take us there?
Ruby: Yeah, I can.
So I know this isn't all you asked fore, but I couldn't just WRITE without some kind of foundation first.
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setsu-kos-arashi · 1 year ago
Thank you.
So RWBY grimmverse style au, with a lot of the students being grimmified while hunting others to convert, so like, very high functioning zombies. Anyway so yeah Ruined city, numerous grimmified hunters-in-training scouring a city to find more to their numbers, before hearing a loud crash, heading over to find “patient zero” aka Grimm Pyrrha and she’s fighting or was fighting a Cyborg Jaune (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance style) and like they got a little excited and destroyed a lot of the building, so Grimmified hunters-in-training come in and see Grimm Pyrrha with her cloak off, which is not down often, and a Cyborg Jaune standing there in the ruins. So yeah Strongest grimmified hunter-in-training Pyrrha was equalled in power to Cyborg Jaune, with everyone surprised. 
Bonus: If Jaune explains how he became a Cyborg (Like survived an explosion and found a lab to survive in)
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I don't know why I just got this sudden urge to ask this.
Thank you!
Pyrrha: Brothers! Sisters! Siblings of All Ages and ability! Our Goddess Has Given us a most Divine Mission!
The tension in the air was palpable, it landed somewhere between the moment before a bar-brawl and when Fans realize their team made the winning shot.
Pyrrha: Bring More Home~ Expand the Family! Unite all under her Glorious name!
Raccous cheering poured forth.
Pyrrha: But They Bring in Machines to stop us, Hurt us, capture and experiment Upon us! We all rememer when Our dearest Silver Angel was Stolen From us! The shame of failure to protect her was Too much for us to bear! We let loose our inhibitions and minds and fell to the like of the Beowolves and Beringel!
Shouts of Anger rung out, curses and swears unintelligible, but obvious.
Pyrrha: Luckily For us, those Machines need be told what to do, which means there is man behind the walls~ They've Backed themselves into corners all on their own~
Pyrrha: So if it's a game of Cat and Mouse, They are sorrowly mistaken about who is what.
Atlesian Airships landed in the distance, others dropping pods of Robots and Androids in the middle of the city.
Pyrrha: So without further ado, *Pyrrha pulled her hood over her head* Let the Hunt Begin~
Cheers of Violence and malevolence ring out from the Grimmified people, as they burst out from their hiding spots.
~Several Minutes Later~
Jaune: How are things looking out there Penny?
Penny: Not Well. We are losing Units at an astonishing Rate. Capturing the Rose family was very good for our understanding of what causes people to become 'Grimmified' and how too help them recover, but it seems that Ruby was very important to the others. They are attacking with more vigor and ferocity than ever.
Jaune: ... Somethings Wrong. Abort the Mission and Fall back.
General Ironwood: Arc, Stay there. I know You can handle whatever they may throw at you.
Jaune: Sir, Respectfully, You have put me in charge of this operation, and I am telling you to give the order to Fall Back. Somethings not Right, I can feel it.
Ironwood: Unless Something Catastrophic Happens, stand your ground. That is and Order.
Jaune: ... Sir, Direspectfully, Shove your Orders Up your Ass. *Shuts Off Communications Device* EVERYONE BEGIN TO RECALL WHATEVER UNITS YOU HAVE LEFT! WE ARE EVACUATING!
Penny: Jaune-
Jaune: Pen, I know what Ironwood Said, but He's not here, and I'll deal with Whatever corporal Punishment he thinks is neces- DUCK!
Jaune Pulls Penny low, a blood red Spear whizzing just above their Heads, Before retracting by Ebony Sinew and Tendons.
Pyrrha: Face the Divine Wrath of her CHOSEN Cowards!
Jaune: *Draws Aurum Exitium* Penny Get everyone out! I'll hold her Off!
Penny: I- Yes Jaune! Stay Safe!
Jaune: *Blocking another strike* I always make it back in the end! MOVE!
Pyrrha: The Fight's over here Huntsman!
Jaune: I know.
Jaune: *Tackles Pyrrha* But it's going this Way!
The two fall from the Atlesian's vantage point, tumbling down into the decrepit city.
Pyrrha: *Throws Jaune through a wall, causing part of a building to collapse* STAY DOWN DOGGY!
Jaune: *Breaking out of the Rubble* You'll have to do better than that!
Pyrrha Threw 'Akouo' at Jaune, who caught - and Pyrrha's heel in his face. He held tight to the Arm-Bound shield, slamming the redheaded monstrosity into the ground, dragging her face across the damaged pavement, before throwing her into the distance.
Jaune: I want to help you!
Pyrrha:*landing Deftly* You Kidnap Us! STEAL US From our home! We want to bring Enlightenment to you, and you meet us with Violence!
Pyrrha launched barbs that shattered against the bulkhead of a shield Jaune carried. He Retaliated with a strike from his longsword, the edge glowing blue with Hardlight Dust.
He whiffed the strike and the sword carved into the ground, Pyrrha Blasting him backwards with her semblance. Blisters formed across the pitch-black flesh, as her soul burning against it's monstrous bonds. She lunged at the stunned Jaune, aiming for the point between his eyes.
This dance of death, seemingly endless back and forth, A tactical mind meeting a being of pure skill, Remnants Greatest Mind's reconstruction of a Man holding against a near perfect amalgam of Man and it's Enemy, An Unstoppable Force fighting an Immovable Force.
Blow after blow, Aura ticking down, Grimm burning away. They stumbled into some old cathedral, standing a distance away from each other. Every breathe was heaved, exhaustion pulling at them. Even Jaune's aura had it's limits, and Pyrrha's arms were covered in open wounds, seeping Grimm-infused blood out of them.
Pyrrha struck first. Jaune Dodged and closed distance. Jaune fired a beam from Aurum Exitium. Pyrrha dodged and closed even more distance. They were in Melee with each other. Pyrrha Jabbed. The hit landed. Jaune attempted to Grapple. Pyrrha barely managed to avoid it.
Her cloak didn't.
Jaune finally saw his opponent's face and he was ... Entranced. Pyrrha, however, was Pissed.
Pyrrha: You ... Dare lay your FILTHY, UNDESERVING EYES UPON ME!
She through her spear once more, letting it truly free from her grasp. It flew through the air, Jaune barely avoiding it in his awe at her beauty. He flung the cloth wildly, the Spear piercing the hood and slamming into the great throne in the center of the building.
With all the rage of a disrespected Goddess, she dashed into Jaune, Stealing the techsword from his grip and pinning him against the chair, trying to press it's endlessly thin blade into Jaune's neck.
He Held against her pushing, forcing Aura into his arms as Darkness enveloped Pyrrha's forearms, more blisters forming on her arms.
Jaune felt his body lock up against her semblance, his own giving him the strength to resist her assault.
The held there for what felt like forever, long enough for swathes of Grimm-dark skin to fall from Pyrrha's arms, revealing the corded, red flesh beneath. Their hands shook. They both knew whoever gave out first would likely die.
Then a thin blade wrapped around Pyrrha's shoulder and pulled her away, Jaune's sword clattering to the ground.
Jaune nearly fell to his knees, catching himself at the last moment and sprinting towards his brother- only to catch a glob of Acid in the face.
Another Grimm girl, short, with and arm that looked like a cenitaur had been grafted on. She slammed the chittering apendage into Ren, throwing him towards Jaune.
Nora: It's been a long time since Cuddles had a playmate like you~
Pyrrha struggled to her feet, weariness obvious in those who were near.
Pyrrha: Stay, Nora. *She points at Ren and Jaune* You. Aren't. Going. Anywhere.
Black, staticy figures shuffled in, a Winged figure cascading from above with them.
Sun: Glad I wasn't late to the party. Let's help them join it, Eh Ladies?
Nora: *Glare*
Pyrrha: *Glare*
Sun: C'mon that's funny- Whatever. Bye-bye Huntsmen!
Surrounded and outnumbered, Jaune and Ren faced their fate with grim (heh) Determination. They always had a back-up, and she was arriving right now.
Brilliant green lasers blasted through the ceiling, a ladder falling through from a hovering bullhead. Penny was coming to her friend's rescue.
Penny: Stand down, and allow yourselves to be captured or face the consequences.
The trios stared each other down. A Leader. A friend. A savior in their time of need.
The whirring blades of Floating Array held charges, ready to decimate any attacker, while Sun's clones stood still and were prepared to strike.
The Jaune and Pyrrha started Backing away from each other, pulling their partners, back to their own escape routes. Once they got away from each other the released their bated breathes.
Nora: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: That wasn't a fight we could win. We kept them out of the city. We've succeeded, even if we lost.
Sun: Man, I was itching for some action. But, we did do good, didn't we?
Pyrrha: That we did, Sun. That We did.
With her cloak in shambles, Pyrrha had no choice than to face the crowd openly. They hardly dared look at her. Sharp, bony spikes that stuck out from just behind her jawline and ears, her face pale with dark red veins running up her cheeks, and to her eyes. Eyes, that unlike every other Grimm-Fated student, were Green.
She was different than the others, And it was obvious. She relished in that fact often, it earned her praise and gifts from their God-Mother.
But in this moment it was nothing but another reminder that she wasn't like her siblings. She knew that man she fought was handsome.
Ren: General Ironwood Won't be happy about this.
Jaune: We failed, but we survived. It's a win in my book.
Penny: I am glad you are alright. Please don't do anything that irrational again.
Jaune: I can't promise you that Penny.
Penny: I- I-
Penny: ... I Know, Jaune. I don't wish to see my Brother be injured anymore than he already has been.
They all fell silent as they watched the city of Atlas come into view, Sat just behind Mantle, a mountain gazing over it's earth-toned buildings. It had been nearly two decades since the theft of the Relic of Creation, causing it to sink into it's crater.
Pyrrha: We kept the city, Mistress.
Salem: And what about recovering your siblings? Was the enemy annihilated as you guaranteed they would be?
Pyrrha: ... They were different this time. Far more of their machines than before, easy enough to take down, but there was ... Retreat before the final Charge was made. I separated myself from the horde to attack their post directly, and was stopped by ... Something between Man and Machine.
Salem: And just what did this 'In-Between' look like?
Pyrrha: He was covered in metal, though I could tell a fair amount was armor and plating on his outside - His legs and left arm were mechanical, with certain thing within him being something I couldn't control, but could feel. His face was mostly free, he had blue eyes and blonde hair tied back.
Pyrrha: He was brutal and savage, yet intelligent. He new how to use the terrain to his advantage, and how to avoid the majority of my strikes, and those he could not avoid he simply took and kept going.
Pyrrha: He was my equal until outsiders interrupted us. A lithe man that wore green, wielding machine pistol that had been locked in combat with Nora. I could not feel him, which means he was either truly at peace in his soul, or his semblance makes us blind to his soul.
Pyrrha: After their arrivals, Sun managed to surround them, but their Machine-Girl gave them the opportunity of escape. They ran like the cowards they are.
Salem: Do not lie to me Girl. You didn't strike at them as they ran, could you?
Pyrrha: I-I- I-
Pyrrha: I am Injured and Exhausted. I Was, and I could not fight anylonger. I ordered our retreat. I failed you. I am Sorry.
Salem: *Grabbing Pyrrha* Apologies are useless. You had your orders, and you Failed them. You are to see Tyrian for your punishment.
Pyrrha: Y-Yes ma'am.
Pyrrha hands Shook. From pain, from fear, from shame, and many delineations of those emotions. But still, she strode to her punishment with haste. Wasting time was worthy of further punishment. She barely managed a nod to Cinder as she passed.
Cinder: Hold it Nikos!
Pyrrha: Yes Ma'am?
Cinder: ... This'll sting, but it'll help.
Pyrrha: What are you-
Cinder: Open wounds will make you weaker in the future. I am disinfecting them, then you may be back on your way.
Pyrrha: The Goddess-
Cinder: What she doesn't know can't hurt us. Stay quiet.
Pyrrha hardly flinched when the Alcohol touched her wounds. She shouldn't have flinched at all, she was so worthless and stupid to think she could've done her assignment right. She was meant to be the best among her siblings, unstoppable and-
Cinder: *Hugging Pyrrha, shaking her from her thoughts* You will be fine. You will be fine. Run, now. I'm sorry I can't save you from him.
Jaune: Yang? How is Ruby doing?
Yang: JAUNE! *hugs Him* She's been improving! Her heart is beating on it's own, and she's been more responsive- I can't believe it. I- I have her back. Ruby's- Ruby's back. Almost. My family, whatever's left of it- we'll be together again!
Yang: But you need to see Ironwood! he's Pissed to the grimmlands and back over whatever you did.
Jaune: I told him "Disrespectfully, Shove your orders up your ass." then shut off my comms.
Yang: *chuckles* Really? Man you must have balls of steel!
Jaune: Nah, At least one of those is still mine.
Yang: Gross.
Yang: ... Still. You should go talk to him. He's not happy.
Jaune: I'll survive whatever he throws at me. Or throws me into.
Yang: Not getting that stuff removed.
Jaune: ... I'll be fine Yang.
And Jaune left the medbay.
If anyone seems out of Character, it's because, well, these aren't the same ones from Canon.
Pyrrha has been more Forcefully manipulated, and the stakes for her are far higher than falling off a pedestal - falling from it means death. She believes the words she says, and feels guilty when she questions it.
Jaune had *Something* happen that made him lose a fair bit of his body. Atlas put him back together at the expense of his freedom, à la Robocop. But he still cares about people and is willing to defy orders to protect them. It's a matter of how far he can bend the rules before he gets broken.
I'll explain more if people ask for it.
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setsu-kos-arashi · 1 year ago
Thank you.
Uh, I'd like to ask for more perching on Jaune. Maybe Yang or Nora.... Thank you!
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Had this in the works, but finished it up for you :]
Nora perching can be found here
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