#sets this gently before trap gets here just because hawk wanted to be spoiled all alone for once
remyfire · 1 year
"I may not be a nurse, but I'd like to think that I have pretty good bedside manner." She pauses as her robe slips down her shoulders, leaving her in her silken powder blue nighty, hair bouncing as she shrugs. "Well. Bath-side manner." Having people in her home to share the burden, to even pamper her from time to time, did much to soften the edges Peg has developed to protect her daughter, her home...and herself.
But that means she has the energy and focus to not only care for herself but care for her partners in turn. He's weary after an unexpectedly chaotic shift at the hospital. Peg knows, from their stories, that often back in Korea, they'd collapse onto their cots, filthy and fully clothed, to try and earn a scant hour of sleep. But they were home now and Peg was not about to let him slip away to throw on dirty pajamas and doze off.
The tub is finished filling and she turns the tab off. Manicured fingers dip into the water to test the temperature, humming in satisfaction at the warmth that kisses her skin. "Now, sir, for your bathing pleasure, tonight we offer a choice between," she sing songs, turning to the cabinet to fetch the packets of powder before turning back to her partner, waving them enticingly, "Lavender, honeysuckle, or! Jasmine bubble bath."
(FLUFF. FLUFF, I SAY. Hawk and Peg fluff!!!!!!)
Hawk's still not used to this. He's a long way out from Korea and BJ's teasing, "I like taking care of people. And maybe I read you wrong, but I figured you'd like being pampered." He's received enough of it from that man here and there that he should more naturally sink into it by now.
Maybe it's because it's Peg. Maybe because he continues to have trouble believing he can just reach out, touch her, have a taste of what he'd craved so desperately that first month back stateside. But as his new psychiatrist prefers to remind him about other facets of his life, the more that Hawk repeats something safely, the more he's going to believe that this is his new reality—that he's not going to be shot, mortared, crushed by a falling building, that he gets to be safe now. So perhaps this applies as well.
Part of it, he thinks, is that Beej is pulling the midnight shift right now. It's just him, Peg, and Erin in this house, with the little one already tucked in with her favorite stuffed animal. It brings back the memory of the warm summer nights when Hawk had been invited to overstay his welcome here, when he would lay awake in the guest bedroom and think of Peg on the other side of the wall and BJ still fighting tooth and nail to get home, when he'd want and want and want and not let himself have.
It took so, so long to make good on those desires—only when he had pure, open confirmation that he could—and maybe these soft, sweet moments are his reward for being good when he didn't have to be.
He rubs the back of his neck with a drowsy smile, lids already half-closed as he watches her test the water. "Trust me, I never heard a bad word about your company, bed, bath, or otherwise." Hawk fights to stay on his feet, but he can't help leaning back into the wall as he waits. Waits to be invited. To be told. "Some nights, he...made me think maybe you were just a dream. Some impossible perfection."
He understands now. He recognizes the vital nature of having something mythical but perhaps unattainable to fight to return to. But the difference is while Crabapple Cove was that mythical yet unsatisfying dream that kept him alive, Peg is living and breathing and so very, very necessary.
"Turns out he wasn't making it up," Hawk murmurs. "You really are home, aren't you?" Even with the way she shuts down sometimes and refuses to say what she's worried about, like they can't handle the fullness of her anxiety. Even when she forgets how life can be collaborative after so long on her own and tries to take the reins herself in everything, no matter if she's about to break or not. Even when she gets overwhelmed by how easy it is for Hawk to raise his voice, to meet conflict, to drive it to the peak so they can get it out of the way rather than force him to chase and goad it out of her in a kitchen.
She isn't perfection. And he adores her exactly as she is.
As Peg makes the packets dance before him, Hawk can't help but grin. "All right, all right, c'mon, bring 'em here." He waves her closer, but once she's in reaching distance, he tugs her in by the waist. Fingers sink into the cotton of her robe—the only one he lets her keep when he keeps stealing her silky ones—and pulls her against him. It feels wrong, pressing his body against her when he's been worked to the bone today, covered in blood and trauma even so far from the jaws of hell, but he knows she can take it.
Hawk cranes down to touch the tip of his nose to the soft place right behind her ear. He lets himself have just a taste—sucking the lobe between his lips and worrying it between his teeth—but he doesn't let himself get any more distracted, not even after her breathy shiver. He trails his nose further up, through her soft hair, and breathes in deep.
"This one." He feels for where he remembers the jasmine being—third in the line. "This one's most like you."
He's still vain enough to smirk when Peg has to resteady herself, cheeks flushed, pupils so dark and wide. He gets it. Beej was her one and only man for so goddamn long. Hawk's not sure if either of them will ever see BJ let himself be overwhelmed by another woman after the unsteady close calls he came to with both Carrie and Aggie, but if they ever do, he imagines Beej will look much the same, stricken and almost guilty from the ache of wanting something so badly that he can have now.
Slowly, day by day, Peg is adjusting to how her body sings for them both in these different but equally rapturous ways, and he loves getting a front row seat to her transformation.
Peg perches on the edge of the tub as she stirs in the powder, and Hawk wishes he had more in him right now to come after her and slip his fingers under that nightie, find the heat. Maybe the bath will rejuvenate him, but he also imagines it'll put him straight to sleep.
But there's time. There's always more time.
The floral scent fills the entire room, blissing Hawk out, taking him right to that edge of a haze that he finds so seldom without booze, without sex. It's coming easier these days. It's relief.
"Here you go, love," Peg murmurs. She's so close. He opens his eyes, not realizing he'd closed them, and has no idea how he missed her approaching him. He's further gone than he thought. But when he reaches for the hem of his shirt, she finds it instead, peeling the wrinkled fabric off him, and he has no choice but to let her.
Little by little, she strips him down. It's almost achingly familiar. If he lets himself remember, there's a slideshow of the hundreds of times her husband has taken him down to nothing—sometimes for sex, but getting his numb body ready for a shower or bed just as often. Hawk sucks in a sharp breath, has to reach and rub a few locks of Peg's hair between his fingers just to remember that this is real—not some hallucination at the 4077th.
She turns her head and kisses his forearm and he can't help but grin.
"You're a dream come true, you know that?" Hawk rumbles, barely audible.
Peg dips her head, but it can't hide her smile. "And you're the dream I didn't know I had."
He hums. The words wrap around his heart and give it a squeeze, dousing him in enough endorphins to nearly make him pass out. "C'mon. Help me out before it gets cold, huh?"
He doesn't let himself be embarrassed that he has to lean into her for the three steps to the bathtub. If he's a dream, then that means even when he's fragile. He eases his way into the hot water and groans long and deep as he stretches out, sinks in all the way to his chin. "Thank fuck BJ's tall."
Peg laughs. "He was rather specific about this tub, it's true."
"He's a goddamn genius." Hawk beams as he rolls his neck to look at her, opens his eyes once more. Behind her head, the bathroom lights are a halo. Suddenly she's too far away, even sitting on the edge, and he catches the hem of her robe and tugs just a little—just a warning. "Peg. I should warn you, you have thirty seconds to get all this off and get in here with me before I pull you in myself."
Her eyebrows shoot up. "I-I—Hawk, I poured this bath for you. Don't you think you should enjoy—"
"Twenty-five," he begins, "twenty-four, twenty-three—"
She throws her head back and laughs in a way that reminds him just so of Beej, the way that Erin is already starting to do herself, and he's so dizzyingly, incandescently happy that he almost wants to burst into tears.
He's home. He really, really is. And nothing can take that away from him ever again.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Heads Or Tails Part 6 (KBTBB RP EISUKE x OC)
Eisuke is my least favorite but an OC to torture the guy is TO DIE FOR so if you enjoy ANGST and messing with the KING, read on :)
My Masterpost here for easier serch, ENJOY!
OC- Kumiko Mayumi ❣ Canon- Eisuke Ichinomiya Rated M for mature audiences as the roleplay progresses…
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
Kumiko’s POV
“Hiro no.” “Hiro just stop–.” “Hiro, it’s not like that with Eisuke and I…” It’s a little under 48 hours before I hear the sounds of gunfire which ultimately equal my liberation. Unsure of whether or not I particularly want to be saved - the whole idea of being held hostage, tortured and possibly murdered; even by an aggravated ex-fiance, adds a little excitement to my relatively dull and extremely regimented life. It’s only after the door I’m trapped behind opens that it occurs to me that I’m cold, hungry and sleep deprived. When you’ve reached the point of exhaustion that you weren’t prepared for though; you become thankful for just about anything. My eyes are fixated on the warm, yellow lights which line the streets the oversized black car drives down and I want nothing more than to be left alone yet the grey suit wearing henchman type that sits beside me watches over me like a hawk, ready to act if I step out of line in the small space I’m sitting in. He’s been on the phone for the last fifteen minutes - mostly with calls regarding business yet it’s a particular conversation along the lines of ‘we found her’ that cause my stomach to churn, for my breath to run short and for my eyes to run watery. When the car finally comes to a stop; I’m ever so gently manhandled into the exquisite gold lift which I’ve seen the inside far too many times for my own liking and spoken to like a lost dog when we reach the suites on the hotels upper floors - told to 'stay right there’ as the man who found me paces across the room; one of his subordinates - a young, light haired man holds onto my wrist without the intention of letting go. “..it’s Soryu right?” The few words which I utter are the first I’ve come to speak for a while and this stops the man in his tracks quicker than imaginable. I wonder if he’s not use to hearing his own name being spoken quietly or if perhaps he just wasn’t expecting it. As he turns around; if looks could kill I’d be already descending into hell, yet I swallow hard and try not to let this have any affect on me. I’m not easily shaken, not easily deterred yet am fully aware that this man could crush me within his fingertips at any given second if need be. “I um… I’d like to say thank you. I mean - you didn’t have to; like.. I know he asked, but — thank you. If it’s ok I’d like to make it up to you.” The half appreciative appology runs a little too shaky for my own liking from my lips and before I know it; the young man who’s holding me still and in place whispers that he’s starving - that he could really go for the omlettes that a maid who works here makes for Soryu on occasion and as a bidding tool to keep me from seeing Eisuke for just a little longer I offer to make them something - as a thanks - wasting some time before I eventually shower and wash off the guilt, unnessesary physical attention and dirty feeling which has stained my skin. If food is the way to a man’s heart than within moments I’ve won these two men over. Not a word is said as a homely smell takes over the kitchen and their plates are emptied apart from the fact that I can have a few minutes to clean up by myself before having to see him. An uncomfortable feeling jolts up my spine. Calling room service to bring up a fresh white robe and towels; it takes just a spray of water beneath the shower to make me feel slightly human again. The mascara runs, the lipstick stains, the scent of vanilla bodywash all aid me in feeling whole. I’m not in the mood to deal with my hair - the knots and kinks and twists at it’s ends a small reminder of the problematic web of confusion, deceit and cunningness that I’m about to deal with. Dry, half dressed and with Hiro’s unwanted touch now scrubbed off me, I tiptoe back to where I left the two men eating before yet find the room empty; the soft sound of fingers tapping against a laptop keyboard drawing my attention to the living area to see a man I really, really didn’t want to deal with. “You know Ichinomiya - for someone who acts like they don’t want anything to do with me; you sure did send help quickly.” He counteracts this conversation with something about my father requesting his assistance and my mother in tears but I don’t buy it - at the same time, we’re past the point of needing to lie to one another. “So why bother then? You already helped with your end of the deal - you got me away from Hiro just like Akira said you would and I repaid him kindly with my own money - not my families. Is there something else you want or do you just like my company?” His eyes narrow at me as I take a seat on the sofa beside him and smirk; his laptop shutting with perfect timing so that I couldn’t read whatever was on the screen. The already small smile on my face expands to a grin as an expression of half frustration, half confusion paints across his face, forcing a heavy sigh from me. “…you know you look just like your sister when you make that face.”
Eisuke’s POV
There’s only a split second before I make my next move- one without giving Kumiko the total satisfaction and making sure she at least leaves my hotel alive. First I had to rescue her then her whole freaking family interrupted my routined morning follow by her disrespecting me like the moronic share holders at my firm, not to mention her father calling me to find his spoiled princess and now she dares to look me in the eyes and taunts me about my long lost sister- Kumiko Mayumi sure has a death wish. With one hand on the back of her skull, I crash my lips onto hers and hold her in place before she parts her lips with our tongue overlapping each other. In one swift motion, I grip her hips and lift her up while the kiss deepens into a much heated and long lasting one. Placing her on top of my dining table and rip her blouse open, the sound of expected knocking interrupt us. I pull away and greet Soryu, "Perfect timing. Make sure she stays.” I say, loosening my tie as I see Soryu stands behind her with his hand on his shoulder, eyes wanderi around for an appropriate spot. I sincerely hope he hasn’t taken a liking of her, he’s going to be disappointed. “Hurry up.” I demand at the girl I’ve contacted earlier. “I didn’t know we will have audience.” Her smiles disappear rather quickly as she meets my stern stares. “Get right to it.” With that, she gets down and I grab a clump of her, pulling her roughly forward. With my other hand, I unzip my fly. “Suck.” I command before jerking her head closer, the blonde finally does as she’s told and tugs my manhood out of my briefs, wrapping her lips around my tip. I need this finished quickly so I’d get back to my less pleasant guest of late. Tangling my free hand into the woman’s hair, I begin to buck my hips and listen to her gag as I fuck her typical plain model face roughly. Watching Kumiko eyes rolled and looks away to hide her semi redden cheeks makes it more erratic, with few more hard thrust, my thick release spills into the blonde ’s throat as she swallows every last drop like she always does. It would be more fun to play further but my guest clearly is too disgusted to even look my way, collecting the pile of cash and finding her own way out of my suite. At last, the three of us are alone. “Now here’s the reason why you’re here instead of being at your castle,” I hold up my laptop and show her what I’ve been watching earlier, “if that has rattled you, well feel free to cover your eyes.” I smirk and hit the play button for the princess to watch her own sister getting fucked by multiple guys in masks. Her eyes filled with rage and possibly tears, no one can be sure if it’s consensual but her little sister herself but I doubt it’s a topic she’d mention at their next family gathering. Soryu takes the liberty and explains the video’s sent to one of our tabloid so again, we’re doing her a favor. “I was going to hang it right back to you but since you despire my help that much then let’s strike a deal.” Lowering my head, I lean in and name my proposal. “Either you tell me where my sister is or let me fuck you till sun raise.” Spreading her legs wide open, I caresse her inner thighs and lick up way up till I hear an almost inaudible whimper. Getting back up on my feet, I can’t deny how fucking good it feels to see that twisted expression on Kumiko’s face. “Oh and call me an asshole all you want because clearly you are far from a lady yourself. So what would it be, Kumiko Mayumi, heads or tails?” I spin the same gold coin on the dining table as all three sets of eyes stare wide at it, waiting for her to choose her own fate.
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