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woodstocknavy5-blog · 2 years ago
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定番のMA-1は裏返しで羽織る派。 合わせは水の通っていない40年代のデニムカバーオール。 #watchcal#doubler#rrl #flightjacket#militaryjacket#ma1#alpha#waiper #denimsuit#vintagedenim#40s#setlow #boots#redwing#レッドウィング ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #アメカジ#アメカジコーデ#ミリタリー#ミリタリーコーデ#ma1コーデ #denimstyle#vintagestyle#militarystyle#militaryfashion#mensstyle#mensfashion#workstyle#밀리터리#밀리터리룩 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkxR4x0L_EZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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70sscifiart · 6 years ago
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John Berkey cover art for Richard Setlowe's The Experiment, 1980
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shoppingfordeals · 5 years ago
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The Black Sea, a Novel by Richard Setlowe $4.67
http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337702801&item=143239590936&vectorid=229466 The Black Sea, a Novel by Richard Setlowe Price: …
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cluboftigerghost · 6 years ago
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John Berkey cover art for Richard Setlowe’s The... http://bit.ly/2KVKJiZ
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numistra · 4 years ago
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dolphy4136 · 4 years ago
Best Hand Dryers To Beat Covid Contamination.
n request to begin tending to this inquiry, we need to paint the image of what truly befalls the microbial greenery on somebody's hands between the time that somebody enters a washroom, and afterward leaves.
It is generally acknowledged that hands become tainted with microorganisms in the wake of utilizing the latrine - this is the reason we wash our hands (Han et al., 1986). So the focal point here is the thing that occurs in the wake of washing our hands, and afterward leaving the washroom. Basically, is it conceivable that the manner in which we dry our hands leaves us vulnerable to leaving washrooms with germs, for example, Covid on our hands?
Distinctive hand-drying strategies are thought to effectsly affect the bacterial/viral burdens on our hands in the wake of drying (Montville, Chen and Schaffner, 2002). For instance, utilizing paper towels to dry our hands probably has an alternate impact to utilization of hand dryers. A gathering of researchers in Canada set out to explore these distinctions, by inspecting the infection and bacterial burden on individuals' hands after they dried them through various strategies (Ansari et al., 1991). This examination reliably found that utilization of warm air drying, rather than paper or fabric towels, brought about the most reduced number or infection's and microbes on individuals' hands. Also, another examination found that quantities of microorganisms staying on washed hands was fundamentally lower for the individuals who utilized a stream air dryer, driving them to reason that this strategy for drying decreased the danger of disease transmission by means of touch (Mutters and Warnes, 2019). Besides, Yamamoto, Ugai and Takahashi (2005) directed a comparative report and discovered again that hand dryers prompted the most noteworthy decrease in microbes on hands. Also, another intriguing find from this investigation was that hand dryers utilizing UV light innovation further aided this bacterial expulsion see the Sterillo for additional subtleties.
I'm not catching this' meaning for Covid-19?
With the focal point of the administrations crusade being revolved around direct transmission (hand to hand or surface contact), discovering approaches to leave washrooms with our hands as infection free as conceivable is crucial (Ansari et al., 1991; Otter et al., 2016). Covid can get by on surfaces for quite a while after they are first defiled, implying that spotless hands are essential to keeping up a sterile climate (Otter et al., 2016). This is an issue for individuals leaving washrooms and contacting surfaces (the restroom entryway handle, vehicle guiding wheel, their telephones) as it is imagined this could be the dominating way respiratory infection resembles Covid taint individuals (Boone and Gerba, 2007; Spicknall et al., 2010).
For what reason do dryers leave hands more clean?
What is truly going on while we dry are hands that leaves the individuals who use hand dryers cleaner and more germ free? Some new exploration recommends that when water is strongly passed over of our hands by a dryer, this is making little beads of water that may contain the microscopic organisms and microbes from our hands (Redway and Kimmitt, 2015). 
One examination specifically has demonstrated that numerous sorts of microscopic organisms (even the unsafe kinds) can to be sure exist in the washroom air as 'spores' or aerosolised microorganisms which are then ready to store on washed hands (Alharbi et al., 2016; Best, Parnell and Wilcox, 2014). The jury is still out on if this happens in ordinary restrooms. 
Given this territory is still generally 'obscure', the best way to really keep up a sheltered washroom climate is to completely disinfect the air with demonstrated innovation, for example, UVC light. The Sterillo hand dryer is the cleanest hand dryer on the planet. It consistently cleans the air in the washroom. This implies the airborne germs possibly being launched of individuals' hands are quickly executed and transmission of germs of even resulting contamination is forestalled.
Reference List
Warnes, S., Little, Z. furthermore, Keevil, C., 2015. Human Coronavirus 229E Remains Infectious on Common Touch Surface Materials. mBio, 6(6).
Kwok, Y., Gralton, J. furthermore, McLaws, M., 2015. Face contacting: A regular propensity that has suggestions for hand cleanliness. American Journal of Infection Control, 43(2), pp.112-114.
Spicknall, I., Koopman, J., Nicas, M., Pujol, J., Li, S. furthermore, Eisenberg, J., 2010. Advising Optimal Environmental Influenza Interventions: How the Host, Agent, and Environment Alter Dominant Routes of Transmission. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(10), p.e1000969. 
Boone, S. furthermore, Gerba, C., 2007. Importance of Fomites in the Spread of Respiratory and Enteric Viral Disease. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(6), pp.1687-1696. 
Otter J.A. Donskey C. Yezli S. Douthwaite S. Goldenberg S.D. Weber D.J. Transmission of SARS and MERS Covids and flu infection in medical care settings: the conceivable part of dry surface defilement. J Hosp Infect. 2016; 92: 235-250
Otter, J., Donskey, C., Yezli, S., Douthwaite, S., Goldenberg, S. also, Weber, D., 2016. Transmission of SARS and MERS Covids and flu infection in medical services settings: the conceivable part of dry surface pollution. Diary of Hospital Infection, 92(3), pp.235-250. 
Mumbles, R. furthermore, Warnes, S., 2019. The strategy used to dry washed hands influences the number and kind of transient and private microbes staying on the skin. Diary of Hospital Infection, 101(4), pp.408-413. 
Ansari, S., Springthorpe, V., Sattar, S., Tostowaryk, W. what's more, Wells, G., 1991. Examination of fabric, paper, and warm air drying in disposing of infections and microbes from washed hands. American Journal of Infection Control, 19(5), pp.243-249. 
Aung Myo Han, Khin Nwe D, Tin Aye, Thein Hlaing. Individual latrine after defaecation and the level of hand pollution as indicated by various strategies utilized. The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1986 Oct;89(5):237-241.
Montville, R., Chen, Y. furthermore, Schaffner, D., 2002. Danger evaluation of hand washing viability utilizing writing and trial information. Global Journal of Food Microbiology, 73(2-3), pp.305-313. \
Yamamoto, Y., Ugai, K. furthermore, Takahashi, Y., 2005. Productivity of Hand Drying for Removing Bacteria From Washed Hands Comparison of Paper Towel Drying With Warm Air Drying. Disease Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 26(3), pp.316-320.\\
Redway, K. furthermore, Kimmitt, P., 2015. Examination of infection dispersal and aerosolization by various hand-drying gadgets. European Journal of Public Health, 25(suppl_3). \
Huesca-Espitia, L., Aslanzadeh, J., Feinn, R., Joseph, G., Murray, T. furthermore, Setlow, P., 2018. Affidavit of Bacteria and Bacterial Spores by Bathroom Hot-Air Hand Dryers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84(8), pp.e00044-18.
Alharbi, S., Salmen, S., Chinnathambi, An., Alharbi, N., Zayed, M., Al-Johny, B. furthermore, Wainwright, M., 2016. Evaluation of the bacterial tainting of hand air dryer in washrooms. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 23(2), pp.268-271. \
Best, E., Parnell, P. furthermore, Wilcox, M., 2014. Microbiological examination of hand-drying strategies: the potential for pollution of the climate, client, and spectator. Diary of Hospital Infection, 88(4), pp.199-206. \
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musclegymfactory · 5 years ago
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Table Of Contents
Upper body warmup and stretches
Arm circles
30 seconds each direction Increase rotation every 10 seconds
12 -12 rotations clockwise and counter slowly increase radius
Band shoulder dislocates 
12 -15 repetitions using a resistant band  Brand Pull apart 10 -15 repetition using a resistant band 
Internal & External rotation 
12 -15 repetition  both direction = 1 rotation 
Scapula push-ups 
12 -15 repetition  Knees or toes
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All You Need To start 20 Minute Workout
Chest workout 
Flat bench press 
3 sets 8/12/15 repetition decrease the weight each set 3sets - 15/12/8 repetition  Increase the weight each set  60 seconds rest
Superset: Flat Barbell bunch and dumbbell pullover
4 sets x 8 repetitions each exercise Moderate to heavyweight 60 - 90 seconds rest
Mechanical advantage drop set
Close grip incline bench / regular grip bench  4 sets x 8 repetitions close / 5 repetitions regular Light to moderate weight 60-90secondes rest 
Mechanical Drop setLow rate fly | Incline cable fly | Include dumbells press
8repetition each exercise no break  light to moderate weight  60 seconds rest
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Learn All About Ab Crunch From here
Back Workout
Superset T-bar rows | Lat pushdowns
Increase weight each set match repetition T-bar rows 12/10/8/8/10/12 Lat push downs 12/10/8/8/10/12 60seconds rest max
Dumbell row-pause repetitions
3sets  10 rows - 5 pause repetitions 8 rows - 5 pause repetitions 6 rows - 6 pause repetitons 60seconds rest max
Barbell row mechanical drop set
4 sets x 10 Pronated grip 10 supinated grip 60-90seconds rest 
Cable Machine Row -  pause
4sets total 3 regular repetitions - 6 pause repetitions each 3count pause 60 seconds rest max
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Shoulders workout
Overhead dumbbell press
rear delt barbell row 15/12/10 10/12/15 Increase weight each set  60 seconds rest 
Superset cable lateral raise 
10 repetitions 
cable rear lateral raise
10 repetition  4sets Rest 45seconds max  
Dumbell shoulders shrug pause repetitions
15 repetitions total = 5 slow / 10 Normal 
Face pull | external rotation
10 repetitions each set 4 total sets  45 - 60 secondes rest max
Dumbell lateral raise - 10 RepetitionsDumbell front raise -10 Repetitions
1-4 sets depending on you  45 rest max lightweight
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strength exercises
Triceps workout
Superset: triceps rope press downsDumbbell tricep pause repetitions
4sets x 10 repetitons each - no rest  45secondes rest max
Triceps dips
4 sets 12/12/12/.. 45 -60 secondes rest max
Reverse grip triceps pushdownTricep pushdownclose grip EZ-Bar press
4sets 10 repetitions each-no rest rest 45-60seconds
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Total Body Workouts Health and Wellness
Legs workout 
Superset Squatssingle-leg calf raises
5sets 10 repetitions each 
90 -120 secondes rest 
Drop set
10-15% Increase on bar
6regular tempo repetitions
Drop 10 - 15% weight
6 No lockout squats
Superset: Barbell walking lunges
weighted step-ups
10 Repetitions each leg
smith machine calf raise
10 -12 Repetitions
1-4 sets total
90 -120 secondes rest 
no lockout goblet squat
4 sets x 12 repetitions each 
60 -90 seconds rest
Leg extensions
6slow / 6Regulat
Dumbbell stiff leg deads
12 total
4 sets total
60secondes rest max
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3 Principles Of Strength Training
Biceps workout
Olympic bar curls
8 regular / 4 slow negatives
45 - 60 seconds rest
Dead hang preacher curls | EZ bar preacher curls 
10 repetition dead hang
5 repetition EZ bar
alternate close / wide grip on EZ bar
4 total sets
25 -60 secondes rest max
Rope hammer curls | reverse grip curls
8repetitions - rope hammers
4 repetitions - Reverse Grip Curls 
4sets total 
45 -60 seconds rest 
The 8's
Incline curls | Incline hammer curls | across body | Hammer curls 
8 repetition of each no break 
3-4 sets - depending on you 
45-60 secondes max
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mbtTOC(); training from Blogger https://ift.tt/37HjSPS via IFTTT
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kidaoocom · 5 years ago
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cdifffoundation · 7 years ago
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Dr. Peter Setlow, a Molecular Biology and Biophysics Professor at UConn Health Shares Bathroom Hand Dryers Study; the Spreading of Fecal Bacteria Using those hot-air hand dryers in restrooms actually spread bacteria, including fecal bacteria on your hands, according to a new study conducted at UConn.
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personalcoachingcenter · 6 years ago
Hand dryers suck in fecal bacteria and blow it all over your hands, study finds
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/hand-dryers-suck-in-fecal-bacteria-and-blow-it-all-over-your-hands-study-finds/
Hand dryers suck in fecal bacteria and blow it all over your hands, study finds
We know fecal bacteria shoots into the air when a lidless toilet flushes — a phenomenon known, grossly, as a “toilet plume.” But in bathrooms where such plumes gush regularly, where does all that fecal bacteria go?
Into a hand dryer and onto your clean hands, perhaps. That’s what a new study suggests. Researchers examined plates exposed to just 30 seconds of a hand dryer compared to those left in, you know, just plain feces-filled air.
The findings: Air-blasted plates carried 18-60 colonies of bacteria on average, whereas two minutes’ exposure to the mere bathroom air left fewer than one colony on average. What’s more, the inside of the dryer nozzles themselves had “minimal bacterial levels.” The results were published recently in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
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For the study, a Connecticut-based team looked at 36 bathrooms at facility of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Newsweek notes, where one lab produces large amounts of spores of PS533, a specific but harmless strain of bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Colonies of that strain made up about 2-5% of the bacteria found on the air-blasted plates, regardless of how far the specific bathroom was from the lab where such spores were made.
“These results indicate that many kinds of bacteria, including potential pathogens and spores, can be deposited on hands exposed to bathroom hand dryers, and that spores could be dispersed throughout buildings and deposited on hands by hand dryers,” the authors said.
What’s unclear, they admit, is just why the air-blasted plates showed so many more spores. Dryers could act as “reservoir” for bacteria, they suggested, or perhaps their intense blowing simply provides more exposure to the already contaminated air. And while evidence shows dryers can cover hands in bacteria, they said, it’s not certain whether they deposit bacterial spores.
Regardless, as Newsweek reported, study author Peter Setlow perfers paper towels, which are now stocked at all 36 bathrooms used in the study.
“Bacteria in bathrooms will come from feces, which can be aerosolized a bit when toilets, especially lidless toilets, are flushed,” Setlow told Newsweek.
Source, Josh Hafner
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michaelsellars · 6 years ago
RT @HorrorPaperback: The Experiment by Richard Setlowe. #horror https://t.co/I7IkKwrFSK
The Experiment by Richard Setlowe.#horror pic.twitter.com/I7IkKwrFSK
— Paperback Horror (@HorrorPaperback) September 20, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/HorrorPaperback
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pauloroberto-br · 7 years ago
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MENU Saúde Sintomas, prevenção e tratamentos para uma vida melhor Secadores de ar sopram bactérias do banheiro na sua mão, diz estudo   Do VivaBem, em São Paulo 11/04/2018 04h00 O uso de papel para secar as mãos já foi muito criticado, mas um novo estudo descobriu que os secadores de mão com ar quente "sugam" o ar ao redor, com coliformes fecais, e os sopra não só na sua mão, como também por todo o ambiente. Na pesquisa, os cientistas compararam o ar de um banheiro sem o secador com outro que tinha as máquinas. Eles descobriram que muito mais colônias bacterianas se desenvolveram em amostras de ar de locais expostos ao aparelho. Os resultados foram publicados este mês na revista Applied and  Environmental  Microbiology. "As bactérias que estão nos banheiros vieram das fezes, e podem ser jogadas na atmosfera quando damos a descarga, especialmente em vasos sanitários sem tampa", disse Peter Setlow, autor do estudo, à revista Newsweek. Além disso, o simples entra e sai de pessoas no banheiro joga micróbios em sua pele, espalhando ainda mais as bactérias. Como os secadores de mãos sugam o ar do banheiro e o lançam para fora de novo, nos breves momentos em que suas mãos descansam embaixo do bocal, elas estarão expostas a muito mais ar do que o habitual --e muito mais bactérias. No estudo, os pesquisadores avaliaram 36 banheiros da Escola de Medicina da Universidade de Connecticut (EUA) para uma variedade de bactéria Bacillus subtilis chamada PS533 -- essa cepa é achada apenas um laboratório do local. Mas a equipe encontrou o PS533 em todos os banheiros testados. Bactérias viajantes "Dentro de um grande edifício, bactérias potencialmente patogênicas podem viajar entre as salas [do local que abriga aquele banheiro]", escreveram os autores em seu trabalho. "Os secadores de mãos poderiam ser uma das formas pelas quais essas bactérias se espalharam pelo prédio." Leia mais: https://vivabem.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2018/04/11/secadores-de-banheiro-sugam-coco-do-ar-e-o-sopram-na-sua-mao-diz-estudo.amp.htm (em Benfica (Fortaleza))
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willnoonan · 7 years ago
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Pat Barrett and Mike Setlow, who is eating a raw cucumber he grew himself. #comedians #bostoncomedy
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new-books-at-spscc · 8 years ago
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Lighting and the design idea 
Linda. Essig ; Jennifer Setlow
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woodstocknavy5-blog · 3 years ago
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woodstocknavy5-blog · 4 years ago
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