#seth rollins x daughter!reader x becky lynch
south-of-heaven · 6 months
Brollins x daughter reader? The stoey could be whatever you want it to be
Light || Seth Rollins x Daughter!Reader x Becky Lynch
Summary: Everything changed when you came into their lives.
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From the moment you entered their lives, everything changed for Seth and Becky. The wrestling industry, with its chaotic schedule and constant demands, suddenly took a backseat to the love and joy you brought into their world. They've never experienced a love as profound and pure as the love they feel for you.
Being WWE superstars means living life in the fast lane, constantly on the move from one city to the next, one match to another. But despite the hectic schedule and the challenges of balancing parenthood with their careers, Seth and Becky wouldn't have it any other way.
Sure, there are moments of exhaustion and frustration, nights spent on the road when they long to tuck you into bed and read you a bedtime story. But the joy of seeing your smiling face in gorilla after a gruelling match makes every sacrifice worth it.
They've learned to make the most of the precious time they have together as a family, cherishing each moment spent at home between gruelling tours. From lazy Tuesday afternoons cuddled up on the couch, recovering from last night's RAW, to impromptu dance parties in the living room, they savour every second spent with you.
And when they're on the road, they make sure to try to keep everything as normal as possible. Bedtime routines, while spent in hotels, stay the same. A bath, a book, then off to sleep. It's a strange kind of comfort that you always sleep in their bed when on the road.
As you grow older, you become their biggest source of inspiration and motivation. They want to be the best versions of themselves, not just for themselves, but for you. They work harder, push themselves further, all with the hope of creating a better world for you to grow up in.
Sure, there are moments of doubt and uncertainty, times when they wonder if they're doing enough for you, if they're giving you the childhood you deserve. But then they see the love and happiness shining in your eyes, and they know that they're doing something right.
Because at the end of the day, family is what matters most. And as long as they have each other and you, they know that they can conquer anything that life throws their way.
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A Heck of a Championship
Becky Lynch x Reader
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Request by @mrsbaszler
“Can I request Becky Lynch x fem!reader.Where the reader and Becky are married and the reader was the one who had Roux,but after a few months she got back to work and Becky stayed back with Roux.And now it’s Wrestlemania and the reader is about to face Sasha for the Smackdown Women’s championship.But Auska comes out and tries to make it a triple threat match.But Becky comes out and saves the the reader. With a happy ending with the reader wining the title and the couple celebrating backstage with Roux”
Hope it was worth the wait!
Lots of fluff
*8 months prior”
“C’mon lass, push! I know you can do it” your wife said, encouraging you as you held her hand in a death grip, sweat plastered to every inch of your skin.
You were exhausted, and it took all of what was left of your energy to finish pushing out your child.
“FUUCK” you screamed, as you collapsed into the bed.
You heard voices all around you, and in your haze felt Becky let go of your hand. After a few minutes she came into vision.
“She’s here. Wanna hold our baby?” she said, with tears in her eyes.
You gently accepted your baby in your arms, lowering her down to your chest before whispering “Welcome to the world, Roux”.
*Present Day*
You had returned to performing on Smackdown two months ago, determined to not let yourself develop too much ring rust and risk everything you had worked hard for. Thankfully Vince understood yours and Becky’s parenting situation and had allowed her to be written out on a “suspension” for attacking Charlotte right before you returned so she could take over on maternity leave.
It hurt you to be away from Roux so much, missing so many precious moments. But it was the agreement you and Becky had made: she would wrap up her storylines and pass on her titles, and then once you were physically and mentally able to return, you’d go back full-time to re-capture the momentum and resume your feud with Sasha.
Which, in that case, had gone very well. Tonight was WrestleMania, and you were finally in a proper title match with Sasha. The nerves in your stomach had refused to settle down all day, with any food you tried to consume tasting like sawdust.
“Oi- Space Cadet- Look alive” you heard from behind you, the voice of Seth Rollins knocking some of the fog away.
You turned around suddenly, startled.
“I hear my sweet little niece is finally coming around to visit tonight. Is that true?” he asked, with an adorable look on his face.
You chuckled.
“Yes, yes, Becky is bringing Roux around tonight. But don’t you get any funny ideas Mister. My sweet angel is not to be corrupted by your bad habits”
He plastered a look of mock astonishment on his face “How dare you! I would never dream of any foolishness- at least not until she’s 5”
You teasingly slapped his arm, shaking your head in mock frustration.
With you and Becky both on the roster, all of your work friends had dubbed themselves honorary aunts and uncles. It made you happy knowing that your daughter was going to grow up surrounded by such incredibly loving and giving people.
“Speaking of which- I should probably go get changed into my gear and all other prep things so I’m not distracted when she and Becky get here” you said, before hugging Seth and walking away.
You had placed your knockoff AirPods into your ears as you walked towards the woman’s dressing room, opting to blast AC/DC and Nickelback to hopefully get your energy going.
Entering the room, you smiled at the few other folks in there before making your way towards your cubby, and grabbing your ring gear.
Being brand new for tonight, you were nervous putting it on. Unlike your usual gear, you had wanted to show a little more skin for WrestleMania, but were still worried about how you looked.
After getting the outfit on, you walked in front of one of the mirrors, wrinkling your nose slightly while looking at it from every angle.
“Oh no, not today. You are so not getting in your head about this. You look great, and I know you know it deep down” Alexa Bliss said from beside you before you even noticed she had appeared.
“I just…. You don’t think it’s too much?” you asked, still skeptical.
“Girl, it’s WRESTLEMANIA. You’re up against Sasha- you really think anything is too much compared to her gear?” she replied, arching an eyebrow.
“Okay, okay. Guess you’re right”
Alexa didn’t let up.
“Remind me again when Becky is getting here today? Because I’ll hold Roux so she can kick your ass if you don’t believe me”
You laughed.
“Alrighty- I look hot. Sheesh, you’ve got me” you said, putting your hands up and surrendering.
“They should be here within the next hour, so I’m gonna head to hair and makeup and get that dealt with so I can spend every minute with them once they get here”
You grabbed your water bottle and cell phone as you left the dressing room, a smile still on your face.
As you arrived at the hair and makeup area, you noticed that your girl was free and immediately plonked into her chair.
“Well hello to you too. Nice gear. What are we doing for the big night?”
You pulled up some reference photos on your phone, giving her a rough idea of what you had in mind, before closing your eyes and letting her work her magic.
As time went on, you felt your phone buzz in your lap.
-Hey gorgeous, we’re here- where the heck are ya-
Smiling, you responded
-Follow the signs for hair and makeup- and good luck getting through all of the aunts and uncles that want to get their hands on Roux-
Thankfully, you were almost done with hair and makeup, with your girl curling the last few strands of your hair and applying the last details to your face.
As you were getting up, you felt arms wrap around you
“Ahhh, there’s ma wife. Shoulda jus’ tol me to follow the smell of hairspray”
You spun around, both happy to see Becky, but slightly concerned as to where Roux was.
“Glad you found me… but uh, where’s our daughter?”
“Oh, Roman offered to hold her while I found ya. Figured leaving her with him was tha safest choice, him actually having daughters of his own and all”
You shook your head before kissing your wife on the nose and taking her hand.
“At least you left her with someone responsible” you said as the two of you walked. “I would have thrown you to the wolves if you had left her with just anyone”
Pretend pouting, Becky responded with “Naw, you wouldn’t be able to live without me and you know it”
“Guess you’re right darling” you answered, as the two of you found Roman, still holding Roux in his arms, but surrounded by a bunch of your coworkers.
As your daughter saw you, her face lit up and arms reached out. You took her back from Roman, rocking her back and forth instinctively, and kissed her on the forehead.
A chorus of “awwww” erupted around you.
“I love that she has pink headphones on” said Charlotte. “That reminds me, I got her a little something” she said, as she pulled out a small gift bag.
“You didn’t have to…” you said, your voice trailing off. All of your friends had already spoiled Roux beyond imagination, with so many toys and clothing items.
“Yeah, but I wanted to. Go on, open it!” she urged. You nodded at Becky to open the gift, revealing a Roux-sized robe with “Princess of WWE” on the back.
“Aw, thank you Char” Becky said, as you lifted up your daughter and the two of you managed to get the robe on.
“Look at that! Future WWE superstar, if I say so myself” Charlotte said.
“So she can what, kick your butt into retirement in 20 years?” you responded, sticking your tongue out.
“Hey, why not?”
You enjoyed the time you had with your family and friends for a while, before it was time for you to head to gorilla and then your match.
“You gonna be in the crowd to watch?” you asked Becky, as you handed Roux to her.
“I think we’re gonna stay backstage, just so we can be the first ones to congratulate you afterwards” she replied.
You kissed Roux on the forehead before pecking Becky on her lips, and walking away.
“Kick ass love” she shouted after you.
You smiled as you walked off, adrenaline beginning to flood your veins.
As you got to gorilla, you spotted Sasha, and the two of you exchanged a look as you bounced around, shaking off nerves and feeling the energy coursing through.
She made her entrance first, the crowd booing her for the heel she was as her “Boss” music played.
Finally, it was time for you to head out, strutting out confidently to your entrance theme, enjoying the pop from the crowd.
You got to the ring, hit your entrance pose, and suddenly - Asuka’s music began to play.
You looked over at Sasha, not wanting to break character, but confused as to what was going on. She subtly moved her eyes, a non-verbal way of saying “Not a clue”.
As Asuka walked out with a microphone, you felt a pit in your stomach.
*What, why, how??*
Raising the microphone to her mouth, she began to speak.
“Sasha Banks, I challenge you -* but was cut off by Becky of all people tackling her to the ground, and throwing punches.
The look of confusion only grew on your face as you watched your wife force Asuka back backstage, flashing a grin to the fans the entire time.
*Looks like we’re gonna have a talk later* You thought to yourself, shaking your head to clear it and regain focus.
As you and Sasha locked up, your head was in the game. Trading move after move, and near fall after near fall, it was a perfect matchup, with the match lasting almost twenty minutes. Finally, you saw the opening to hit the Widows Peak, your signature finisher, and hearing the words `Your new SmackDown woman’s champion is’, you felt tears rush to your eyes.
*I did it!! I finally did it* you screamed in your head, as you were handed the belt and you lifted it high above your head.
The rush of joy hit you like a cloud, instantly floating with the cheers from the crowd.
As you made your way backstage, you walked slowly, taking time to high five every fan you could.
The second you got back behind the curtain, you were tackled in a hug from your wife.
“I knew it! I knew you could do it” she almost screamed.
“So what was with that little show of theatrics at the beginning? And I must repeat, where is our daughter?”
Triple H walked up with Roux in his arms.
“Safe and sound, I promise. Steph would have killed me by now otherwise” he chuckled.
“Just setting up a future storyline with Asuka whenever I return, pretty open ended” Becky shrugged.
“Gee, and I wonder who the dramatic one is in this partnership?” you chuckled.
“Not The MAN” Becky answered.
“Naw, couldn’t be you” You said as Becky took Roux back from Triple H.
“So, after ya finish your promos, wanna get out of here? Pretty sure someone wants ta spend time with you”
“Sure thing” you said, as you were swept off to go do all of the usual photo shoots and interviews.
After those were done, you quickly changed out of your gear, back into sweats, and found Becky and Roux waiting by the car outside.
“Who’s ready to go home and celebrate?” you said to Roux, as she smiled.
“I know I am” Becky said, as she hugged you from behind.
The ride home was spent making small talk about your coworkers, since you felt the exhaustion from the day starting to creep in.
As you got home, you unbuckled Roux from her carseat, took her inside, and managed to get her to sleep fairly quickly before curling up with Becky on the couch.
“I shoved a pizza in the oven, should be ready soon doll” she said as she turned on the TV and began to play with your hair.
“This is the best Winners Celebration ever. Thank you sweetheart”
“Only the best for my lass”
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
A list of all the headcanons you have to write
boy this is long, so I put a keep reading tab.
Breeding Kink Hc w/ Roman Reigns
They React To You Blacking Out During Sex
Actress!Reader x Roman Reigns Hc
Kink Prompts w/ Tom Holland Hc
Being 5'11 w/ The Shield Hc
Boyfriend Hc w/ Damian Priest
When You First Squirt w/ NXT Superstars
Being The Youngest Of McMahon & Falling For Heel!Roman
Heel!Roman Going After Heyman's Daughter
Relationship Hc w/ Bobby Fish
Sleeping Problems w/ Jensen Ackles
Nightmares w/ Dean Winchester
Sleeping Problems w/ Derek Morgan
Reader Who's Not Self-Confident & Doesn't Like Revealing Clothes [Lucifer TV]
Dating Antonio Dawson Would Include
Dating Connor Rhodes Would Include
Dating Hailey Upton Would Include
dating Jay Halstead But Being Younger Than Him
Being In A FWB Relationship w/ Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester Having A Crush On You
Visiting The Boys In Prison To Help Them Escape [SPN]
Chris Evans Asking You Out Would Include
Sex w/ Becky Lynch Would Include
Youtube!Reader x Triple H hc
Cesaro Sex Headcanon
Dating Becky Lynch But Being Younger Than Her
Dating Charlotte Flair & Being Triple H's Daughter
Dating Heel!Charlotte Would Include
Dating Charlotte Flair Would Include
Dating Charlotte Flair While Also Being Her Valet
Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins Fighting Over You
Family Don't Approve w/ Stephanie McMahon
Heel!Charlotte Flair x Heel!Reader
Kyle O'Reilly Being Jealous Would Include
Sexting hc w/ Stephanie McMahon
The Authority Asking You To Join Them
Being In A Fake Relationship w/ Roman Reigns
Being In A FWB Relationship w/ Roman Reigns
Being Pregnant w/ Roman Reigns Baby
Being Seth Rollins Sister & Dating Finn Balor
Dating Stephanie McMahon Would Include
Dancer Au w/ Finn Balor
Hairstylist AU w/ Aj Styles
Having A One Night Stand w/ Roman Reigns
Being In A FWB Relationship w/ Seth Rollins
Post Break-Up Run In w/ Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns Wanting You Back
NSFW ALPHABET w/ Sasha Banks
You Run Into Your Ex w/ Seth Rollins
You Run Into Your Ex w/ Roman Reigns
Affair Hc w/ Triple H
Dating Sasha Banks But Being Younger Than Her
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Dead World - WWE Superstars x Reader
WWE Fanfiction Series
Series Summary: The Reader and her daughter and her brother are rescued during the zombie apocalypse by a group WWE Superstars. Together they fight zombies and other people just to survive. More groups of WWE Superstars will be found as the series goes on.
Series Features: Carmella, Charlotte Flair, Baron Corbin, Enzo, Cass, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Renee Young, Jimmy and Jey Uso, Naomi, John Cena, Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Jericho, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Tamina, Lana, Rusiv, Sheamus, Cesaro, Asuka, Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura, Natalia, Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, Ember Moon, Bray Wyatt, Eric Rowen, Luke Harper, Braun Strowman, Reader and her daughter Sara and brother Erick
Series Warnings: zombie related violence, violence, blood, language, apocalyptic world, sex, character death, grief, fear, loss, depression
Part 2 Meet The Family
Pt 2 Trigger Warnings: zombie related violence, blood, language, apocalyptic world
Pt 2 Features: Carmella, Charlotte Flair, Baron Corbin, Enzo, Cass, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Renee Young, Jimmy and Jey Uso, Naomi, Reader, Brother Erick and daughter Sara
Y/n watched out the window of the truck as they drove, she watched the woods turn into a city. She rubbed her hands on her daughter’s back soothing her sleeping child, her brother Erick had his head on her shoulder. They drove through the city until they reached a tall wall with a large gate covered by a screen.
They stopped at the gate and waited for it to open, as they drove in Y/n and Erick saw a small hotel not higher than two stories. The gate closed behind them, there were two men armed with guns. One man was tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes he had on a black T-shirt and jeans. The other man was shorter and scruffy, his dirty blonde hair sticking out of his baseball hat.
“Y/n, Erick come with me I’ll introduce you to our leader” Carmella said motioning them to come with her. They followed her to a room and Carmella knocked on the door and a tall large man answered. He was huge his muscular frame filled the doorway, he had a beard and long hair. “Roman this is Y/n, her brother Erick and her daughter Sara” Carmella said.
The man she called Roman grunted in response “okay I’ll get them settled, go help Charlotte unload the truck” he said. Carmella nodded and turned around smiling at Y/n before walking out the door and off into the distance. “I’m Roman I’ll show you guys around and take you to your rooms you’re welcome to stay here” he said.
Roman looked tired he had bags under his eyes and his voice was scratchy and he was full of worry. Roman was the leader of the community people looked to him for safety and protection. Roman had always been a leader and people looked up to him and when the world fell he was the one who stood up. He stepped up when nobody else could to be the leader of the community and he helped clear the dead from the hotel.
Roman also ordered the wall built but he helped build it, along with the other survivors. Roman put his hair up in a bun on the back of his head, "thank you Roman for letting stay here" Y/n said. "Don't even mention it, it's what this place is we try to survive while helping others survive" Roman said.
"Are my sister and niece safe here" Erick asked, "you're all safer here then outside the walls, we do our best, but nothing lasts forever not in this world" Roman said. "No matter what happens we'll protect you guys, you just have to pitch in" Roman said. "How do you mean" Y/n said, "we all have chores around here, you saw the look outs and gate keeper on your way in" Roman said.
As they were walking they passed a group of people, two men were identical twins, they were both big and looked a lot like Roman. The other man was slightly smaller and had long hair and a beard that was well trimmed. "Boys these are our new arrivals, Erick his sister Y/n and her daughter Sara, these are Jimmy and Jey my cousins and this is Seth my second in command" Roman said.
"Welcome guys, we'll say hi later we have some trouble on the south wall" Seth said, "you need help" Roman said. "Na we're good big dog" Jimmy said. "Those guys are like Baron, Charlotte, Enzo and Carmella, they're our run crews, we need supplies one team goes out" Roman said. He led them into a large dining room where a woman was preparing dinner, "this is Renee, she's our cook, dish washer and keeps this place running" Roman said.
They went through the door back outside and into another room, "this is Naomi, she's our nurse, she does a little bit of everything around here" Roman said. "She's also married to my cousin Jimmy" he said, he took them to a door and opened it he led them in. "You can have these rooms, this door goes into another room so Erick can have his own space" Roman said. "I'll leave you guys to get settled, dinners in an hour, you should come and get to know everyone" Roman said.
Y/n laid Sara down on one of the beds and Y/n looked out the window for once in a long time she felt safe. Erick fell asleep on the bed in his room, Y/n had thought it was sweet of Roman to give Erick his own room. In an hour Sara was awake and so was Erick so they went to the dining room. Erick made fast friends with Enzo and Cass and Carmella. Erick had learned that the run crew and gate keeper and look outs all did the same thing. That's what Erick wanted to do, he was afraid to tell his sister Y/n this though.
Y/n was sitting at a table giving Sara a piece of bread and laughing when the small child ate it like it was candy. Roman watched her feed her daughter first and eat what was left over. "Hey can I join you" Roman said, "yes of course" Y/n said, Roman sat down and Sara smiled at him and waved. "Hello beautiful how are you" Roman said, "okay" Sara said, before she goes back to her bread.
"So I found a job for Erick, he said he wanted to be on the run crew" Roman said, Y/n's eyes opened really wide with fear and worry. "Don't worry we'll train him and keep him on look out duty with Dean he's the best guy I have next to Seth" Roman said. Y/n felt a little better knowing her brother wasn't going on runs at least not yet. "You well, I was thinking Renee and Naomi can use some help with the day to day care, keeping this place going" Roman said. "That's fine with me, I don't really have any other skills besides being a mother and a waitress" she said.
"Well I don't believe that, you kept yourself and two children alive in the woods where there's the highest population of zombies" Roman said. "I think you're amazing and your families going to be an asset here" he said. "Thank you Roman, I've gotta get this little one to bed, so I'll see you tomorrow, would you make sure they don't keep Erick too late" Y/n said pointing towards Enzo and Cass and Carmella and Erick. "Sure thing Y/n, goodnight" Roman said.
Roman had gone through the hotel to the office that he Seth and Dean turned into a war room of sorts. What Roman had not told Y/n and her family was there was more in the world to fear than just the dead.
Part 3 Daily Life will be posted soon
Forever tag list @uniquewerewolfsuit @jenanicolette @jenniferdixon @nrjdmgirl @reedusmorgan @maggieglenndaryl @brielyhnamore @jenickafrank @tarasalana @totallypaletrash @massivelyburningwasteland @ripburninhell @lostmyothershoe-itsoksammy @magicalunicorn84 @superbasementflower @zombiebait92
WWE tags @srobsessed @rollinsqueen @jenzigrollins @sethrollinssaveus @sethrollinsdoll @corbinrollins @ajrollinsgirl @sethdean4eva @romanreignsprincess @joafinnbella @wwe-smutfics @wwesmutdonedirtcheap @enzocassmellagirl @nickysmum1909 @thephenomenonalkingofthebrogues @primitive-bliss
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south-of-heaven · 11 months
Becky x seth x reader
Welcoming their newborn daughter to the world and roux meeting her
Sissy || Becky Lynch x Reader x Seth Rollins
Summary: You're bringing your second child home from the hospital. Roux is so incredibly excited.
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Bringing your second child home was a moment filled with excitement and a touch of nervousness. The hospital experience had been wonderful, yet you couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about how your firstborn, Roux, would react to her new baby sister.
As you, Seth, and Becky walked through the front door, the anticipation was palpable. Roux had spent the past few days with Seth's mom, which was a big change from her daily routine, and she was eager to see her parents again.
"Mommy! Mama! Daddy!" she squealed with delight, her little feet pattering across the hardwood floor as she sprinted to greet you.
You knelt down in front of her, her eyes filled with curiosity as she looked at the tiny bundle in your arms. "Roux, this is your baby sister," you said softly.
Becky leaned in and gently kissed her on the cheek, a warm smile on her face. "Her name is Erin."
Roux's eyes widened as she gently touched her sister's tiny fingers. "Erin," she repeated, her voice full of awe. "She's so small!"
You nodded and shifted the baby to give Roux a better view. "That's right, Roux. She's your little sister. You're going to be the best big sissy, and we're all going to take care of her together."
Seth knelt beside the three of you, wrapping his arms around his two daughters. "Roux, Erin, you both are the most important things in the world to us. We love you more than anything."
Roux's excitement was contagious, and she giggled as she gently touched Erin's cheek. "I love her, Mama. She's tiny like a dolly."
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for your growing family. "That's right, Roux. You're going to be the best big sister, and Erin is going to be so lucky to have you."
As Roux continued to gaze at her sister with wonder in her eyes, you felt nothing but gratitude and happiness. Your family was now complete, and this was the start of a beautiful journey together. You had so much love to give, and there was no doubt that Roux and Erin were going to grow up in a household filled with it.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
My baby || Becky Lynch x Reader x Seth Rollins
Summary: When Becky comes back to you and Seth after a stand-off with Trish Stratus she's genuinely upset.
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You and Seth were backstage, watching the segment on Raw featuring Trish Stratus. Her words about Becky was something you'd gotten used to during this feud, but tonight's segment took an unexpected turn when Trish mentioned Roux, your sweet little two and a half year old daughter. Your blood boiled, and you could see the same anger in Seth's eyes.
But it was Becky who took action. She stormed into the ring, her fiery personality on full display, as she unleashed her fury on Trish for daring to call her precious Roux stupid. The beating was brutal, and it was clear that Becky's love for her daughter had turned into a fierce determination to protect her.
When Becky finally came backstage, her usually confident demeanor was replaced by raw emotion. She was visibly upset, her eyes red from the mix of anger and frustration. Roux, who was in Seth's arms, seemed to, even at her young age, sense that something was wrong with her mammy, and she started crying.
Becky took the baby into her arms, trying to soothe her while struggling to keep her own composure. The weight of the situation, combined with the comments made about her daughter, was clearly taking a toll on her.
You and Seth exchanged a concerned glance, immediately understanding that Becky needed your support now more than ever. You both joined her in her locker room, allowing her a safe space to let out her feelings. Roux's cries weren't subsiding even as Becky held her close, her heart aching.
Becky's frustration finally broke through the surface, and tears began to fall from her eyes. She was hurting, not only from the comment but also from the overwhelming love and protectiveness she felt for Roux. She was a mother, and that role was one she took seriously.
You and Seth remained by her side, offering comfort without words, just the presence that she needed. You understood that it wasn't just about the comment, but about the fear and anxiety that came with being a parent. Every parent worries about their child, and when someone tries to hurt them – even with words – the pain cuts deep.
Slowly, Becky's sobs began to quiet down, and her grip on Roux loosened. The room was filled with a mix of emotions – anger, frustration, and an unbreakable bond between mother and child. Roux's cries also ceased, and she snuggled against Becky's chest, seemingly comforted by her mother's touch.
Becky wiped away her tears, her breathing steadying as she regained control of her emotions. She looked at Roux with a mixture of love and determination, promising to always protect her.
Seth gently placed a hand on Becky's shoulder, offering his support in silence. You too moved closer, wrapping your arms around both of them, understanding that sometimes words weren't necessary – love and understanding could be communicated through touch and presence.
As the tension began to ease, Becky's seething anger transformed into a resolute determination. The desire for revenge was burning within her, a fire that she would channel into her next encounter with Trish Stratus. But for now, in this moment, she was surrounded by the love of her family, and that was enough to help her find her balance once more.
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