destinyawaitsno1 · 2 years
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Fanart from @setepenre-set fic display https://archiveofourown.org/works/7064866
now I'll admit he was wearing a cape but I didn't wanna block anything.
Some quotes include
"There are, in fact, ten of them: four tiny black metal hoops going up the sides of each of his ears and two slightly larger hoops, each strung with a small metal ball, at the tip of each ear." "Roxanne takes his chin in her hand and turns his face sideways so that she can see the ear she hasn’t touched yet. Megamind blushes even harder when she does it, the rim of his ear going bright pink. "
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berrymarais · 3 months
Years ago @setepenre-set wrote an awesome fan musical based on the movie Megamind. I've written out a piano part for one of the songs, that Set has graciously given me permission to share.
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October Book Club's winner is---
@berrymarais who submitted @setepenre-set fanfic "Teeth"! Congrats Berry! Just in time for Spooky Season!!
Same rules applies before. Give Book Club members a week to read before discussing. This ensures that folks with busy schedules can have time to read without spoilers.
Towards the end of the month, I'll reach out to Set and invite them into the server if they'd like to do a Q&A for their fic.
As before, The Q&A is entirely voluntary and up to the author if they can or want to partake of it. It is supposed to be a fun way to engage with the work and to provide positive feedback for their work.
If you're not a member of the Book Club and want to join in on fun discussions, feel free to join here!
Have a corntastic read!! -Corni
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botgal · 2 years
So I got a little curious about that one image of Dias, and decided to see if I could find a meaning of the text behind her. Found something fairly interesting.
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The phrase “Usermaatre Setepenre” was apparently the name taken up by Pharaoh Ramses II during his reign (from my approximate knowledge translating to "The Maat of Ra is powerful, Chosen of Ra". From my understanding, Ramses II was known largely for his military prowess and taking control of various Egyptian territories, and was considered one of the most powerful Pharaohs of the New Kingdom era.
But aside from that, apparently there’s been a lot of debate placing Ramses II as the Pharaoh from the Book of Exodus. (AKA, the book wherein Moses is prominent)
Clever stuff, Project moon
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Salvage- ATLA, MuffinLance
In an instant- TCF, MessyHairedBum
More than human- PPG, sbj
Code:Safeword- Megamind, Setepenre-set
They're the same type and have the same vibe don't ask how I don't know either.
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ardenssolis · 2 years
The Horus, the Strong Bull, Beloved of Ma'at; the one protected by the Two Ladies, the Protector of Egypt who curbs foreign lands; the Golden Horus, the Rich in Years and Great in Victories; the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Userma'atre` Setepenre`; the Son of Re` Ramesses Meryamun. Also known as R.amses the Great, R.amses II (1303 BC — 1213 BC) was the third king of the Nineteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt.
I sometimes think about this and how it leads to the “also known as”.
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wivesandtheriviera · 1 year
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The Wives and the Riviera will begin next month in August with beautiful and diverse of 7 starring franchises presenting their drama series with 10 episodes of it's 1st season too meet Calandria, Dimitra, Cathy , Trei , Setepenre, Galotea and Dashiva
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the-invisible-queer · 3 months
pick flowers
This is how you guys learn I don't care for flowers
At all
Never understood the appeal
Always saw them as a waste of money
Never smelled a flower and it smelled good
I'd rather smell a freshly mowed lawn
But I GUESS based on these I'll pick the succulents
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citizen-of-the-fandom · 4 months
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sinterling · 8 months
Sint's Warcraft Lore Journal
Entry 4: Revised History of the Centaur Pt.3, the Forgotten Voyage
Today I sat down with Setepenre, an esteemed scholar of Ur-Ramkahen (once known simply as the "Lost City”), as he and his team were whom the Explorer's League pointed us towards.
To say the least, "Wow."
The Tol'vir, once servants of the Titans, have kept a record-keeping culture that dates back tens of thousands of years. Though much of it has been buried by sand as time has slowly marched onwards, dedicated teams like Setepenre's have made slow but steady progress to cataloguing and restoring this immense legacy. Setepenre focuses particularly on the era of war between his people and the Thunder King, Lei Shen. A peculiar place indeed for any word on the ancient Centaur, but no logs should remain unturned in my quest!
It is here, when Setepenre speaks of soldiers of fortune brought on to combat the diverse army of the Thunder King, that my eyes nearly popped from my head.
Very clearly rendered in the ancient art of the tol'vir is a Centaur Khan. The tol'vir pictographic writing states that he is "Khan Balrug of the Therdane", a nomadic clan of warriors that had settled on Uldum's border many years prior. Though the Tol'vir often paid these Centaur interlopers little mind, with the Thunder King's armies on their doorstep, it was decided that forming a pact with a similarly four-legged group was a wise decision. Khan Balrug and his warriors were honored in a "Valley of Outlanders".
Unfortunately, Setepenre doesn't know the location of the Valley of Outlanders. Current evidence points to it being where the Tol'vir would honor foreigners for their service to Uldum.
Not only do we have firsthand testimony from Zaetar, not only do we have myths and stories from the Maraudine, but we have historical reference from the Tol'vir themselves. It makes me ponder what the Shen'dralar might have. If perhaps the Vrykul, the Mogu, or even the Pandaren have any memories of the Centaur. Mayhaps the Maruuk are not the only Centaur to live beyond Kalimdor!
I leave the rest of this study to Maara's capable hands. I will aid where I can, but it is not up to a Kaldorei to uncover the history of the Centaur. The Centaur should spearhead this.
I am only glad to have been the one to get the ball rolling.
~Penned by Sion Findragon, Ambassador and Scholar
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berrymarais · 3 months
Years ago @setepenre-set wrote an awesome fan musical based on the movie Megamind. I've written out a piano part for another one of the songs, that Set has graciously given me permission to share.
Note: This one actually took me a pretty long time to write out. I worked on this for about a year. And it's a duet!! Megs and Roxanne sing this one together.
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archfeyworkshop · 11 months
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And finally, finally, a month of work and streams all culminating in this. The Hefters and their collective romantic interests. This is coming out a little earlier than usual as my sole contribution to Gobtober. Happy Halloween~
The characters are as thus: The Hefters adventuring party from left to right, comprised of Jaliah the Arctic Goblin Bloodrager; Monika the Peachy Rainforest Goblin Druid with her Giant Snake; Mara the Rainforest Goblin Witch with Elith her Fire Elemental Familiar; Tammie-Lynn the Desert Goblin Rogue and Seluri the Arctic Goblin Summoner possessed by Setepenre, Lamia dancer of the Old Dynasty.
Accompanying them from left to right is Marribel the Draconic Sorceress and her three Faerie Dragon familiars; Gloss the Shade paired with Miriam the Kobold and Neri the Merfolk Witch and her octopus familiar Squalos.
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megamindfandombookclub · 11 months
October Book Club
Thank you to all who participated in our discussion of this month's fic:
This month, we have finished with out discussion of Teeth by @setepenre-set ! Thank you @berrymarais for your submission!
Now for our next month's session:
After discussing it over with Book Club, we have decided to keep the drawings close through November until Jan 2024. With it being the holidays with work, school and family stuff, it's a lot to juggle for some folks. With Christmas season coming up, I'd like to focus on streaming christmas movies again since everyone had a great time last year.
So! for the next couple of months, we are going to focus on getting through a few of our longer fic choices. With some fics being 20k+ word count, we may need more time to get through them, so this will be interesting to see how we fair over the next couple of months.
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Welcome too The Wives Reality Filming Productions Platforms by Setepenre McHartshorne.
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Breaking News
After Gangster Rapper Biggs Fella Death of the viral big controversial lawsuit situation, The Rapper Biggs Fella , His Family and his Entertainment Corporations are pleaded fraud and guilty of all lawsuits of all charges of crime assaults against Victim Entertainer Supermodel and Pop Singer Setepenre Halls and as well her Husband Former Imvu NBA Player Vincent Ellenwood , there 3 Children and Family .
We going into Details of this case !
Setepenre Halls as made multiple YouTube videos publicly letting people know her controversies and ranting shenanigans fighting for her life about all the problematics Aftermath about the crime assaults that was created by Gangster Rapper Grammy Nominee Biggs Fella who causes to tryna kill the Supermodel and Pop Singer and his members who work with him to come against to commit fraud, crime scene and lawsuits .
The Supermodel & Pop Artist as reported that the Crime scenes was coming against her for refusing and forcing her to have sex with the rapper including ex wife into this situation in the investigation. The rapper as well his wife, crews had beaten her and tryna to rape her at the studio after featuring her into his track for his upcoming album before his death .
The whole story of this footage turns out to be more into the extreme when Biggs Fella crews and including family committed fraud against her villa property by coming into france to commit a crime scenes to kill her and his son for dating Biggs Fella Son who he denied of Homophobia fighting controversies. And then later the controversies continues when Biggs Fella Wife ordered crews and gangs to break into her luxury condo out in New York after Biggs Fella Death of suicide during the crime scenes of what's happened in court.
During court cases Biggs Fella along with crews and gangs had committed crime in court to tryna kill the Supermodel but the Supermodel and pop singer had took self-defense and too arrest for fighting back for her life while of crime scenes and assaults. Biggs Fella had killed several people in court including the judge, law enforcements, lawyers, officers and multiple victims for tryna getaway of crime scenes.
The situation went out in war that this controversial investigation about Setepenre Halls was extremely serious into the extreme to go into further details of how amazed this situation has never gotten that it was a very optimistic to be a scary situation.
Has the crime situation continues, it became as of a terror investigation that Biggs Fella had took it way too far to massive shooting killing 39 people into the court. But the Supermodel and Singer survived but have few wombs .
Setepenre Halls was in Jail in One day and was tooking outta jailed for false arrest for self-defense and was sent back to her home out in Cannes, France to do the court case video to finish up to resolve the case after the massive crime scene controversial happen in New York.
When Setepenre Halls came home to france, Biggs Fella was reported that he shotted himself killed in the head of suicide of most wanted when was not found until 2 days later after the aftermath . 7 members of his people was arrested and 1 still in lookout and 2 founded.
Setepenre Halls was not the only person that did lawsuits on Biggs fella case , few others are speaking out and suing all cases he created.
The case took them 2 or 3 weeks to process and judge made final just today recently that Biggs Fella and all his business and family file guilty of all federal charges of lawsuits, fraud , assaults and crime scenes of tryna kill Setepenre Halls .
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asynfulsoul · 3 years
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I've been digitally painting a bunch of the Amarna period Royals based on what statues and works have been found of them (They'll be posted as they're finished).
The reference image said this was Meritaten, but just how sure historians are of that seems abiguous. I'll run with either Meritaten or Meketaten, daughter's of Akhenaten and Nefertiti :)
I did a traditional mixed media version of this, which can be found here. You can find my painting of Pharaoh Akhenaten in this series here.
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