#Megamind fanfiction
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megamindfandombookclub · 9 months ago
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cornistasiathecoblinking · 4 months ago
Metropolis: We Built This City on Iron and Blood by Cornistasia Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Fandoms: Megamind (2010) Relationships: Megamind/Roxanne Ritchi, Megamind & Minion, Metro Man & Roxanne Ritchi Characters: Roxanne Ritchi, Megamind, Original Characters, Doom Syndicate, The Warden (Megamind), Lady Scott (Megamind), Lord Scott (Megamind), Metro Man (Megamind), Minion (Megamind) Additional Tags: Alcohol, Drinking, Flirting, Humor, flirty banter, Canon NON compliant, Romance, Slow Burn, Adult Situations, Frottage, Grinding, Riding, world building, Secret Relationship, Shower Sex, Oral Sex, Enemies to Lovers, Mystery, Crime, Metro City, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Sex as Pain Relief, Self Medicating with sex, Car Sex, Come for the smut - stay for the historical fiction, Whump ​ Summary: Cupid, the Roman god of love, desire, and attraction is widely considered to be the child of Venus and Mars. He is often depicted as winged, allegedly because lovers are flighty and likely to change their minds, and boyish because love can often be irrational. His symbols are the arrow and torch, "because love wounds and inflames the heart". The "Cupid's bow" is a facial feature where the double curve of a human upper lip is said to resemble the bow of Cupid; the peaks of the bow coincide with the philtral columns giving a prominent bow-like appearance. ​ Words: 118,674 | Chapters: 10/15 | Language: English | Published: 2023-02-20 | Updated: 2024-11-03
(Once upon a time, due to their involvement during the American Civil War, Scott & Son’s Metal had become a household name within the Midwest!  As miners and their families settled in for work, what had once been known as a trading post quickly grew into a thriving town, Iron Town as it would now be known, and Theodore Adam Scott the Third as its leader. By the eighteen-eighties, much to his father’s disappointment, Theodore Atlas Scott the Fourth, enchanted by the post industrial era world, desired not to continue the family business, but to seek out adventure! So, at sixteen, against his father’s wishes, armed with nothing more than his rucksack, the heir to the Scott fortune snuck aboard the next freighter on its way to Ontario, Canada.  Over the next ten years, the boy traveled across the uncharted wildernesses of North America, signed on to every polar expedition he could get his hands on, traveling south across Greenland on dogsled to sail to Norway.  From there he hopped, skipped, and jumped across Europe and Asia, the Mediterranean, and toured the safaris of Africa.  A true adventurist, he traveled from one corner of the world to another, discovering its exotic secrets; from the height of the Himalayas to the darkest jungles, from the twilight of opium dens to the sun scorched deserts, his treks took him to far-off reaches, to places untouched by man.  Whenever he did return to the ancestral Scott Manor, the treasures he would bring; ivory from Africa, silks, and spices from the Orient, precious gemstones fit for royalty, and the finest perfumes made from the rare ambergris! Exquisite furs, stuffed trophies from his hunts…  Once, to the immense surprise of all, a living lion cub, whose symbol he appropriated as the crest of his house as the “winged lion;” which, in his words is, “The very symbol of wisdom, power, prosperity and a divine right to rule!” These gifts curried favor among those in Iron Town and by the time the young Scott finally assumed his role as the next head of the metalworks, he was already a husband and father. However, domestic life did not suit our dear Atlas… While the previous Scott men had focused on expanding the business, the current concentrated on bringing the world to his hometown.  Heavily Influenced by the world of Bohemia, the man sought to bring such a world to this tiny, backwaters town. Over the decades, he enlisted contractors that met his exacting specifications; by utilizing the land’s natural hot springs, the waters of which, were historically revered for their healing qualities. The goal of this was to provide a club that would rival any other in America, a place for men to seek respite from the grind of life. The more he invested his family’s wealth into such extravagance more the elites and even their dignitary guests became lured in. Members of the club would have exclusive access to the Roman style bathhouses and Turkish spas. In the various dens, the finest spirits were served, delivered special from their origins in France, of sugarcane cultivated in the southern states, tobacco from Cuba, and the richest coffees from deep in the heart of Columbia. By nineteen hundred, Iron Town was reported to be the crown jewel of the northern midwest. All signs indicated that this was the dawning of a new era for the Scott family.  Atlas was happy… for a time....
Previously, this fic was titled "Metrocity Noir" but thanks to the Evil Lair Discord, it was renamed to Metropolis: We Built This City on Iron and Blood It has a good ring to it, you think? Thanks friends!
Anyway, please enjoy. I struggled. I cried. I sweated. So this fic has my blood, sweat and tears in it.
Least now I can get to the NEXT chapter, FINALLY!
In it, we will see the Metro Man Museum's grand opening and finally get to meet Bernard!
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nientedal · 8 months ago
New Fic! Aftermath. Chapter 1/3, will be updating rapidly. 7,000 words.
Picks up towards the end of Episode 16 of Megamind Rules. Roxanne would probably feel a lot better about everything if she couldn’t remember what she had done while hypnotized. If she weren’t able to remember how freeing it had been, how easy. How it had felt to want to hurt the people she loves. Or how it had felt to enjoy it.
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berrymarais · 2 months ago
Fanfiction Author Interview Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @cornistasiathecoblinking
How many works do you have on AO3?
30, although I have another longfic I just haven't gotten around to posting on AO3 yet.
What's your total AO3 word count?
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes:
Copper Country Drains My Powers -- 348 Kudos
You Are Destined For Eggs -- 287 Kudos
Roxanne Ritchi Rides in the Invisible Car From Detroit to Metro City -- 168 Kudos
Quiet Time at the Manor at 161 Kudos
The Monster Within at 131 Kudos
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always respond, even if it's just to say "Thank you!" I appreciate every comment I receive (except for negative comments, but I've never received a negative comment on AO3).
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
That would be The Fruited Plain (fandom: Hetalia), which I haven't yet uploaded to AO3 from LiveJournal. It was painfully honest, and I couldn't really give the characters a happy ending even though I really wanted to.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Why One Attends Chapel At Midnight (fandom = Harry Potter)
Do you write crossovers?
Rarely, although I have a FMA/Harry Potter crossover fic called Owls and Alembics.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, yeah. I received some pretty heated hate over The Fruited Plain.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, mostly M/M. And I got to explore writing poly smut in You Are Destined For Eggs.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, someone translated my earliest Sailor Moon fic (The Thorns of Balm) into ... Polish (?) if I recall. But that was a long time ago, and I can't remember exactly.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I doubt I ever will. I get really opinionated when it comes to writing stories, and I want total control.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
That's hard to answer, because it changes. I weave in and out of fandoms. Right now I mostly ship Metroman/Megamind. My most enduring ship, however, was probably Ontario/Quebec (Iammatthewian).
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I think I have only one incomplete fic on AO3 -- Not On My Watch (fandom = Megamind). I dashed off the first chapter with great enthusiasm, but couldn't decide where to take it from there. EDIT: I just realized I have 4 more unfinished fics on AO3, all from Bleach (apparenly my Bleach plot bunnies were running wild and a bit rabid): How to Pill a Third Division Captain (Bleach) Reclaiming Gin (Bleach) Curable From Within (Bleach) Cupid Keigo (Bleach)
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at constructing scenes, with an appropriate balance of action, dialog, description, introspection. And I love writing dialog. I was a professional script writer for SOE many years ago, and that helped strengthen my chops.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
Probably The Thorns of Balm (fandom = Sailor Moon). It was the first fic I ever put online, and I really got into it. That was also the first time I started getting mail from readers.
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secret-fiction · 10 months ago
Chapter one of three of this Megamind Fanfiction I decided to write because the Megamind show Pilot Movie was so frustrating to watch. I'll probably post an actual Tumblr version later at some point.
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zamorawrites · 8 months ago
One White Blank Page Re-vamp!
Ollo friends!
The first chapter of One White Blank Page that has been fully re-vamped, polished, and improved upon has been uploaded! You can find it on AO3!
If anyone desperately wants access to the original, send me a DM!
Until the next update, I hope you all enjoy this much improved upon chapter!
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have you heard of a/b/o
Well, I have now!
Brainbots! Run a search for A/B/O on the main computer!
Alright, so it looks like A/B/O is... is...
Ah! This appears to be somewhat connected with predator/prey BDSM kinks. That makes sense given the--wait. Wait, wait, wait!
Do people write this about me? Is there A/B/O fiction out there about me?
Oh, Gods, I know I am going to regret this...
Brainbots, run a search for Megamind, Incredibly Handsome Heroic Genius, and A/B/O!
Aaaand yes. Regrets. Regrets are happening. So, so many regrets.
Well, if it makes my fantastic fans happy, I suppose that's what matters, so--
Evil Heavens! Why does this crossover have me doing things with Spiderman?! Isn't he a teenager?! That's not alright! No! All the no!
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buginateacup · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Megamind (2010) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megamind/Roxanne Ritchi Characters: Megamind (Megamind), Roxanne Ritchi Additional Tags: Inspired entirely by the song, Dream Sex, Fingering, Megamind thinks he's dreaming, he's not entirely wrong, dream space, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, now in present tense Summary:
Megamind was dreaming
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goatbi · 2 years ago
ahaha hey guys. Gives you chapter two of my fake dating au. like a year later.
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megamindfandombookclub · 1 year ago
This is why Book Club exists!
If you want me to reblog your Megamind fic/art, feel free to tag me! 8D
Why do you reblog your own fics so much?
Because someone might as well!? And look at this. Look. At. This.
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Does this look right to you??
These are just the last three fics I wrote. I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but you have to understand. Likes do nothing for content creators. It’s the reblogs. Because that’s how you find shit on your dashboard. Through reblogs. Not likes. This isn’t twitter or tiktok or instagram. This is a website that’s run by the reblog system.
Reblogging helps content creators put their stuff out there. Why do you think so many people stopped writing fanfic and creating beautiful fanart and edits? It’s because they put in hours of work and don’t get nearly enough notes for their masterpieces. Yes we do this because we enjoy it but like...some validation won’t hurt. A boost of confidence here and there might be all someone needs to finish whatever thing they started and left.
Anyway, I’m still going to reblog my shit...
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megamindfandombookclub · 9 months ago
Official anouncment that Part 2 of Season 1 of Megamind rules will be returning to Peacock on June 20th!
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21st June on Stan
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Taken from our Evil Lair Discord group, here is the current list to stream Megamind Rules in different countries:
"Megamind Rules!" Show Availability:
USA: Streaming platform: Peacock https://www.peacocktv.com/ **Date: ** March 1st AUSTRALIA Streaming platform: Stan https://www.stan.com.au/ Date: March 2nd UNITED KINGDOM (Unknown) Other Countries: Currently unknown. You may need to consider getting a VPN to use Peacock from your location. (The UK and AU have trademarks set, so it's likely you'll be getting it as well.)
"Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate" Movie Availability
USA: Streaming platform: Peacock https://www.peacocktv.com/ **Date: ** March 1st AUSTRALIA (Note: Unconfirmed, but assumed. See <#983559635455856651>) Streaming platform: Stan https://www.stan.com.au/ Date: March 2nd (?) UNITED KINGDOM Streaming platform: Sky Cinema https://www.sky.com/tv/cinema Date: April 7th
(Below info is pulled from FlixPatrol https://flixpatrol.com/title/megamind-vs-the-doom-syndicate/streaming/)
BRAZIL Streaming platform: Amazon Prime https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0GQ8FGUVP06TWTZLX0J4XOJNKM/ ALGERIA, BAHRAIN, CHAD, EGYPT, IRAQ, JORDAN, KUWAIT, LEBANON, LIBYA, MAURITANIA, MOROCCO, OMAN, QATAR, SAUDI ARABIA, SOMALIA, SOUTH SUDAN, TUNISIA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, YEMEN Streaming platform: OSN https://osnplus.com/ DENMARK (Megamind mod Dommedagssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.dk/film/megamind-mod-dommedagssyndikatet-2023 FINLAND (Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.fi/leffat/megamind-vs.-tuomiosyndikaatti-2023 ICELAND Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.is/movies/megamind-vs-the-doom-syndicate-2023 NORWAY (Megamind og Dommedagssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.no/filmer/megamind-og-dommedagssyndikatet-2023 SWEDEN (Megamind och Undergångssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.se/film/megamind-och-undergangssyndikatet-2023 Other Countries: Currently unknown. You may need to consider getting a VPN to use Peacock from your location. (The UK and AU have trademarks set, so it's likely you'll be getting it as well.)
Please support Dreamworks to show demand for more Megamind content! We've waited this long-- show them it matters!
Please do what you can to watch Megamind Rules from a legit source so that Dreamworks can get paid. With more views, there is higher chance of being for another season and/or ANOTHER movie.
DW constantly treats Megamind as an afterthought and gave the team a very small budget to work with on the show. They put their hearts into it and made something very fun and cute! Let's show our gratitude by giving back all the support we can.
The Animators Union may be protesting for better wages this summer (as is their right!) so by watching their work, we can give back to them!
Please don't allow Megamind Rules to become lost media. Please help us to keep something beautiful in this world.
If you're fan and want to join a cool and fun loving group, feel free to hop in and say Ollo!!
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cornistasiathecoblinking · 26 days ago
⭐️ from one writer to another, please yap about your writing ⭐️
Since I've been working on Metropolis since 2023, I'll yap about it! ( i have it locked from AI scrapers so here's a screenshot. )
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The story's basic premise is your average Roxanne and Megamind hooking up in secret because fun!
Both have private and professional reasons for keeping their hookups a secret; Megamind, because Doom Syndicate is stupidly bureaucratic and relationships between villains and damsels/kidnappees, are strictly prohibited (really channeling Venture Bros. Guild of Calamitous Intent vibes here), and Roxanne because in this, she and Metro Man really ARE dating and, through a series of compromises in her life, she is very much woven into his family's dynamics.
While this connection to the most powerful in Metro has been beyond advantageous for her professionally, and in her personal life, she finds it incredibly stifling.
Something that I think is important to realize in this fic is that... well... it's like "brainwashing." Being brainwashed is not so much hypnosis and chemicals in the water, but it is a series of small concessions over a period of time.
Since Megamind and Roxanne have been hooking up, Roxanne slowly starts to realize that not everything is as it had once been. Clothes that were bought for her, and provided for her by others don't fit quite right. Conversations with her friends rub her the wrong way. Nothing is as it was and she no longer "fits" in this box of expectations that everyone in the city puts her in.
Slowly but surely, she learns to be herself around Megamind, cause it's not like he can tell anyone either right? So through their time together, she can relax and open up a little and Megamind finds he adores this side of her. So much so, that he finds ways to coax it out, and the more she be her true self, the more he falls in love with her.
Without getting too much deeper into the heart of the story, and risk spoiling it, I want to segway that there is a historical fiction element to it.
The main part of the story takes place in Present Day Metro City, but there are certain elements that have fallen into place since it's founding in the last 1800s. We see Metro go from a little trading post near a natural spring that the local tribes had called "Warriors Wound' which is rich in iron. (the surrounding stones are stained red, check out Blood Falls in Antarctica, it's \,,/METAL!\,,/) there are studies that mineral springs have health benefits when you soak in them (thus local legend that "Warriors Wound" helps heal the the local natives that soak in it's waters.)
(for the record, I'm both spiritual and a geology nut. xD)
This discovery lead to an industrial revolution in Metro. The trading post became Iron Town, and as the years passed, through a series of backroom negotiations, greed, etc. became the sprawling metropolis it is now. ("Metropolis" is Greek for town/city, hence the name which ties into each chapter opening being something to do with Greek mythology/astrological themes.)
Fanfiction is free therapy, right? I suppose this story is somewhat autobiographical; Roxanne is channeling a lot of my own upbringing.
In exhausting myself to meet others' expectations, burning myself out in trying to achieve long-term career goals, and grappling with my struggle to find my own identity and putting away the mask that I've kept up in my life.
During my youth, family, friends, and work associates had always "assigned" me all these roles and expectations. But over time, you "outgrow" these roles and you suffer because you're not living Your Life but you're living other people's version of their lives. They are living vicariously through you.
I remember being young, like, I don't know, 6? 7? 8? And hearing and seeing these kinds of tactics made me so, so, so angry. and back then, I didn't have the vocabulary to explain why. "I don't want to!" "I hate this!" "Leave me alone!" was largely ignored when you have two emotionally immature parents who thought "Boundaries = Rejection" and "Rejection = your kid hates you" When they felt that way, they were very withholding and rejecting.
So as a kid, I just grinned and bore because I had abandonment trauma (my parents were in the Gulf War and left me with an aunt for months during that whole time. Then another time, my dad got shipped to Bosnia and my mom was shipped to Florida and I was left with a postpartum babysitter who... may or may not have kidnapped me during this period. Not really sure but that's a whole different story.) So, while I hated being assigned unrealistic expectations, I accepted it because, in my child's mind, "Being Mad = Being Abandoned." and that's not at all a fun time.
There's a whole lot of other baggage to unpack, but that's the bare minimun of that whole time.
But, anyway, why did I go off on this tangent? Well...
Story time,
I was in my early twenties, and depressed but didn't really know why I was depressed. I was just a general level of unhappiness that was at the very core of my being......
I was flipping channels on tv to have in the background while I played World of Warcraft. My dog had just died so that was contributing a lot to my overall sense of SAD and at least gave it a face at the time.
"The SUN needs to WARM UP?!" which, hearing without paying attention to the context made me bust a gut laughing. So I rewound it to get a better sense of the context... and rewound it... and decided, "Wait... this is actually.. REALLY funny!" and left my WoW friend to die in the dungeon while I started the movie from the beginning ("The VERY beginning!!") and watched it... probably eight times on repeat that night!
That night I was so hooked, that I scoured the internet for more googling about sequels and fanfictions and what not. This lead me to Live Journal which is how I found the Megamind fandom!
The reason I bring all this up, is that it was through the Fandom that I was able to take off my mask and be myself. It was through the fandom that I had learned what Gaslighting was and meant, and recognized that others felt the same as I did in my life!
I also began to see that my friends and boyfriend in real life... weren't... actually good people. I started to recognize that they had behaviors that I found repugnant. They would say things that once, i found uncomfortable but could not put a word as to why, now I would stare at them like, "why are you like this???"
But back then, I couldn't just "drop" them. we'd be friends for years. A lot of time and memories invested in the relationships. But the more invested I became in the MM fandom, the less and less I enjoyed being around them. I had noticed that they were becoming possessive of me and my time. When I started writing my first MM fanfiction, and looking at fanart, they would ignore me, even going so far as to say, "This is a kids movie... don't you think it's a little weird for adults to be... this *into* it?"
I didn't really have anything to say to that, but I just stopped talking about it.
Quickly, things began to degrade between all of us. I was spending more and more time chatting with the fandom on LJ and AIM chat, and less and less time hanging out with them, and when I did, I was withdrawn, less social and chatty and sneaking in plot points on my phone whenever I got a chance.
The more I changed, the worse they became. This was also occuring at home with my parents as well. They didn't recognize who I was becoming, and I felt claustrophobic in this box they kept trying to shove me in. The more I grew into my own person, the less everyone was liking. When I was a child, I was easy going and chill, and now, after years of self help and therapy, I recognized that this had been a coping mechanism. I had to let so much go and swallow so much disapointment and resentment because if I hadn't then I would have been abandoned again, neglected and ignored.
But with the MM fandom, I was finding people that liked who I was and accepted me and listened to me and who helped me become the person I am today.
Eventually, those friendships erupted in a big and painful way. I finally called it quits on trying to be their friend. My boyfriend followed maybe a year or so later, shortly after meeting the fandom at Dash Con. I realized I hated being in a relationship with him, and that I was holding onto him because he was my last thread of attachment to my friends.
But you outgrow people and situations. You outgrow your old life. I was like a snake shedding its old skin, growing and changing.
Today I am married to my best friend and happier than I've ever been! I've made lifelong friends here in the fandom and we've met up periodically. I talk to them every day and I don't feel like I am walking on eggshells around them. I can share my interests without bracing myself for eyerolls or mockery.
Megamind changed my life for the better and... yeah. That's... essentially what is happening to Roxanne Ritchi here in Metropolis. She was "stuck" for years without realizing it and through her exposure to Megamind, she is growing and changing into the person she is meant to be.
A bit long-winded but I hope anyone who sees this stuck around for the ride. Thank you for asking @belleyells ! I hope it was informative!
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berrymarais · 6 months ago
I finally finished the Megamind fic it took me only two years to write!
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megamindfandombookclub · 2 years ago
does Fanfiction count?
Because Yooooo
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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secret-fiction · 10 months ago
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Here's an unedited snippet of a portion of a sequence in the Megamind "Pilot" I'm writing because of a reason. Based on the wordcount and the Outline, it turns out I'll need to split this into three chapters effectively, which is weird because I used a four act structure but it'll be fine.
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zamorawrites · 9 months ago
One White Blank Page Updates!
Hello friends!
Don't mind me rolling up in here like this:
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I recently finished the first draft of my (non-megamind) fiction novel that I took a hiatus from fan fiction for in the first place! (A few months later than originally anticipated.)
So, now I'm back! My beta reader is thankfully still with me after all this time, and I'm going to begin re-posting/replacing the pre-existing chapters of One White Blank Page with the updated and improved versions. (I'd like to think my writing has GREATLY improved since I first started this story, in no small part thanks to my work on unrelated projects like YGTWH, the novel that I went on hiatus for.)
I'll keep everyone updated here on when the updated chapters are released or quickly upcoming! In an effort to be considerate of my beta's time availability and my own creative wellbeing (something I learned so much about during my hiatus) I'm not committing to any strict schedule for chapter release dates.
But, since the first chapter is already fully re-written and ready to go, I'll be posting it on Saturday, June 22nd! This will give me time to get everything html formatted (and attempt some cool banner ideas I have if I can make my vision for them a reality).
Until then, imagine the most horrible, terrifying, evil thing you can possibly think of and multiply it... by six!
(Love you all! If anyone is still even along for the ride anymore lol...)
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