#sessrin please interact
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sessrinmeow · 2 years ago
✨In the wistful heart of night,they kissed each other.✨
Authorized source from Weibo:漫芯巧克力
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jakensama · 3 months ago
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He wanna touch you and loves you forever 💞
Amazing SessRin fanart by Neka🔱
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eternitysessrinsideblog · 1 year ago
Hi everyone, I have officially left the Dust An Elysian Tail fandom. I've been gone from it for awhile... Well... years now and been pursing the Inuyasha/Yashahime fandom on the Sessrin side. I have finally started drawing again and I'm very happy in this fandom even though I do have trouble with Antis who hate this couple but the trouble I got in the Dust fandom was way worse. Dust An Elysian Tail just wasn't working for me anymore, it's still a great game but the fandom was kinda cruel to me and I felt out of place. I was used, got my ideas, designs and a few characters stolen, it was tearing up my nerves and making me depressed. I got back stabbed by a few partners and that wasn't fun either. So yes, this place is no longer focusing on Dust An Elysian Tail. This will be my sideblog and my main blog is Sessrin-Eternity⬇️ If you are a fan of Sesshomaru & Rin as a couple you may follow the blog I have linked. I update and post every couple of days and sometimes once a day. If you hate this couple please do not come on here being rude, just scroll away without interactions. I'm not sure what I'll post here... Maybe I'll post some of my project previews and reblog stuff here. Hope everyone has a nice day.
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legendreign-archived · 2 years ago
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The mun’s pronouns are she/her. You can call me Vanessa.
1. I do not own all the icons used on this page. Some of them are free icons whose sources I always like or reblog. The 100x100 icons I use for my ooc faceclaim, Jane Judith Jocelyn belong to the deactivated dawns-icons.  Some of the icons I use for Yukio Kasamatsu, Shintarō Midorima, and Taiga Kagami were made by sportbaes. The icons I make by myself are nothing special so please don’t take any of the icons I use except for the ones reblogged and tagged under #icons and #resources.I can also write multiple muses at the same time, just let me know when we’re plotting.
If you’re someone I have blocked.
If you are a minor.
If you project your traumas onto your muse or identify so strongly to your muse. It’s fine to relate to your muse and give them bits of yourself but people who project onto fictional characters can lash out at others in relation to any word that sounds unfavorable to them and their beloved characters which becomes very distressing. 
Find any triggers listed on my muse bios to be uncomfortable. Your comfort comes first.
If you are a SessRin and or Yashahime anti. If you are uncomfortable with SessRin but still want to interact with my Towa, you are welcome here. I will change Rin’s mother in a thread for your comfort but please understand that first and foremost, Rin will always be my Towa’s mother and you will see a lot of SessRin content in this space.
If you like to apply real life morals to works of fiction.
If you want to cancel fictional characters because I have little qualms about interacting with controversial characters from media, I like.
If you don’t like how I run this blog or tend to police others because I’m NOT here for that.
3. I am private, mutuals only, selective, oc and crossover friendly but fandom selective. I will not follow blogs of unfamiliar fandoms unless you are a trusted mutual.
4. I love shipping, heck, I’ll even ship my muses together but please check out my muse bios to learn about a muse’s ship availability! CanonxOC and OCxOC in addition to crossover ships with my muses are fine with me. Please feel free to ask me if you want to ship our muses, I will seriously consider it if it makes for a great plot / they have chemistry. I am ship exclusive so I will limit my romantic shipping to no more than two interpretations of a canon character. For my human muses, the age limit for shipping is 7 years but I have no problems aging up or aging down a muse to make a ship more comfortable. I am more comfortable doing controversial shipping in historical settings like say, teenagers with adults for example as long as it's still within the 7-year age limit. For my immortal muses, the age limit is very high but don’t ask me to ship my long-lived muses with anyone who is not teenagers or 60+. For my doll muses, we will only ship in verses where my girls are humans / humanoids.
Porn blogs
Anyone who is disrespectful to me/disrespected me in the past/Anon hate. I should technically apply the three strikes rule but honestly, it depends on how rude you are and if you are mentally and or emotionally stressing me out really badly. I don’t appreciate sarcasm and cannot tolerate angry paragraphs. I’ve had emotionally triggering experiences with roleplayers who took my words out of context and decided to throw angry paragraphs at me so please assume best intent. I have no intention of being rude to anyone.
Rp blogs people warn about!
People who bring up drama about rp blogs I don’t know and make call outs not to inform people about genuinely harmful people but over their personal choices that they didn’t like.
RP blogs who are anti-SessRin, anti-Yashahime, anti-Junpei Hyūga
Personal blogs who reblog my roleplay related posts and do not take their reblogs down by the next day even though I have asked them to take it down.
6. I am of legal age, but my muses are not. I am (20+) and don’t mind aging my muses up but there will be no smut! I am very uncomfortable with it, and I prefer to fade to black. I do not do incest or rape. The nsfw-ish thing you will find on this blog is violence (not including torture). This blog and muse bios are not spoiler free. The muse bios contains heavy topics this blog will cover so please read the side sections of the muse bios for the triggers! Trigger warnings will be tagged accordingly. (For ex: smoking tw). The things I tag with nsfw-ish? contain slight nudity and cleavage. I try not to reblog anything extremely graphic so let me know if something upsets you or if I’m missing a tag.
7. Please do not god-mod. Let’s not control each other’s muses or kill them off.  I will always ask for consent if I feel the need to describe your muse’s actions. If I do god-mod, it was most likely an accident. Please let me know so I can apologize and refrain from doing it again. However, if your muse threatens to harm any of mine, expect them to fight back and if your muse is an enemy; then expect them to try to kill your muse as well. I will analyze if it’s possible for them to kill your muse and ask permission before carrying out the act.
8. If you follow first, I will assume you have read my rules and understand the triggering topics that can be presented on my blog. I usually follow back within the week so if I do not, it’s because you lack a rules page, or your muses are not from familiar fandoms. I will unfollow blogs that do not follow me after three weeks unless you are a good friend / trusted mutual / blog I admire/enjoy. If you unfollow me please block me so I can unfollow back. This means that you have no desire to continue interacting or maintaining our friendship so let me know if you unfollowing was an accident.
9. I will delete unanswered starters after a long period of time has passed by to keep the blog clean so let me know if you want me to keep it or that you will take a long time to answer it. Exceptions can be made for good friends who I know are generally slow. Even liking or commenting on the post gives me some reassurance that you saw it.
 10. Feel free to give me reminders about our thread. Tumblr sometimes messes up notifications, so I may have missed something. I will do my best to reply to it and have it queued asap. I try to remind people if at least a month has passed and there has been no response to the thread. I will be lurking around on weekdays and more responsive on Fridays and weekends according to the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Please keep in mind that I work part time so there may be days when I am not on. Discord is also where you can reach me!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I do apologize for the lengthiness and if I give off a harsh tone in my rules, I just want to keep having fun roleplaying with friends and not get triggered by others!
Not a requirement but you can leave a like or comment that you’ve read the rules~!
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spirits-n-giggles · 3 years ago
Unfortunately, these people aren't interested in being courteous, because they have it in their minds that were are somehow lesser people because of who we ship with what. They somehow think that resulting to childish antics makes them the smart ones. Too bad they're too stupid to fathom what they are doing is a deranged waste of time, but they know that all they can literally do is yell into a keyboard when their last feeling is hurt. When I personally put it into perspective like that, the words only hurt as much as I let them, and becsuse I think of antis as less valuable than dirt, I don't put value in anything that that have to say, because nothing they say is worth anything to me. And believe me, I entered my share of fights in the beginning of this Yashahime madness, but I quickly learned how redundant it all was. Everyone kept using the same arguments over and over again, I honestly got board of it lol, so now I use my power for good instead of evil.
I know that the changing tide of the technological age is a rapidly growing one, and it is becoming more and more of a reality living half of our lives on the internet, but as an elder millennial, I have become a person that can separate themselves from the silliness of the infighting of ships and stuff, and literally am NOT about the drama, so if anyone wants a drama free SessRin content, my SessRin-Sanctuary blog is good way to go. I make it it strong point and rule not to share any of the infighting because I know how sensitive some people are, and there are lots of us that are literally just trying to enjoy the show without all the stupid. Lmao. 😂
These days, I have blocked so many people, as well as the anti-tag, that I rarely see anything negative anymore. Nowadays, 90% of the anti stuff that I see here on Tumblr are the things that SessRin supporters share about what antis are saying (unless Tumblr shares their end of the year ship list with SessRin being back on there, much to the detriment of silly little children who can't get enough of a pole out of their ass to stand up straight, let alone think straight lol) but that is what the SessRin-Sanctuary tumblr that I run on the sidelines is for. I filter through the SessRin tag BS and share only the positives so you don't have to.
So if you or if you know anyone that loves SesRin but don't love drama, let the SessRin-Sanctuary be your guard dog. 💖 Hell, I take this so seriously, that I'm responding and sharing this as my real tumblr instead of the group name, because I know that this post might be too much for some that follow. That is how protective I am of that group 🤣.
There is no rule that you have to tag anti content with anti tags at all, it's just considered not being a huge fucking asshole. Using anti tags has been considered part od this site's etiquitte for ages. Like, if you post it in the maon tags typically one also uses anti tags for blacklisting.
Its called "at least trying to be a half-decent person for the courtesey of others" basically. I'll block ya'll on sight but its still polite just to use the tags if you're gonna past in the main tags too, you know?
There's legitimately people who want nothing to do woth this shipping war that want to peacefully fund yashahime content like gifs without getting involved in nonsense. Its why ideall neither antis OR shippers should post their fights in the tags. Typically people use anti tags exclusively out of courtesey to others. Like the RW/BY fandom with their RW/DE tags, either avoiding using the main tag altogether (ideally) or at least tagging it too so its blacklisted.
For YEARS this has been the site's culture.
Its not a rule. Its about not being an asshole. Its about not being so consumed by this shit yiu nelieve in basic courtesey.
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setsunasknife · 3 years ago
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I’m living for their height difference 🥰
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harmfulot · 4 years ago
I’m sorry to minors that are disturbed and confused by this.
I’m so sorry to anyone that uses Inuyasha characters to cope.
I’m sorry to anyone that tried their best to debunk theories of Rin being the mom.
I’m sorry to teen moms and kid brides that find out that this is being supported in anime media.
I’m sorry to people who were taken advantage of as a child and surivors that supported Hanyo No Yashahime.
I’m sorry to artists,writers,and editors that once used Sunrise’s and Rumiko’s work as inspiration.
And I’m sorry to anyone that are being made fun of by others online for sharing their past trauma and telling us why they are being effected by Hanyo No Yashahime decisions and were promised a good continuation. You all deserve better. This is a safe place for you.
Edit: ( Please do not comment if you just want to start an argument. )
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two-tied-hearts · 4 years ago
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The way Sesshomaru touches his puppies faces is so heartwarming! He loves his daughters so much! Rin definitely changed him!
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princess-towa-positivity · 4 years ago
I kinda have this head canon that season 2 will begin with the flashback we're all been waiting for. So yeah, something like this.
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finally uploading these babies to tumblr XD 
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brokenmoonpearl · 3 years ago
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Sesshomaru protecting Rin, the petals surrounding them, it’s so beautiful❤❤❤
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sessrinmeow · 2 years ago
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Fantastic Official art by Shiina❤️
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jakensama · 5 months ago
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OMG!!! I can’t believe my eyes!!!Our amazing SessRin family of four!!!🥹🥹🥹
1⃣️Sesshōmaru lifts a laughing Towa.
2⃣️ Rin holds curious baby Setsuna.
Thank you Shiina!!!💓💓💓
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creativside · 3 years ago
Doing a re-watch of Inuyasha and got through Rin's first episode today and just...
There is something really satisfying about being an adult who has made it through trauma watching my comfort character who I know *will* be an adult who makes it through trauma and gets to be with her one true love.
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thesoundofchains · 3 years ago
TW: this post talks about p*dophilia
Yeah so I wrote about Yashahime again. Um, I think I'm going to write one more thing about it focusing on Sesshomaru himself and other thoughts about the show since this post and the other one is heavily focused on all the reasons why Sessrin is disgusting. After that I'm going to pray that this show gets erased from existence. SESSRINNERS DON'T INTERACT PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE I'M MAKING IT CLEAR THAT I DON'T LIKE YOUR SHIP!!!!
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sessrinmeow · 2 years ago
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Fantastic SessRin fanart by 丘芽美湖❤️
Repost with permission.💐
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sessrinmeow · 2 years ago
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We’re gonna see Rin-Chan and Towa-Chan to visit Sesshomaru’s mom tomorrow!!!❤️🫶🏻☺️
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