#ses punk (bald)
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você já deve ter escutado por ai: we're rascals and scoundrels, we're villains and knaves, aye, but we're loved by our dad! drink up me 'earties, yo ho! por algum hook orgulhoso por ser um hook, em seus lados bons e ruins e mesmo que tenham jurado reverter o legado do capitão gancho, fazer parte da tripulação do jolly roger é algo para se ter orgulho! então é bom ter cuidado com o que diz por aí sobre os hook porque o vilão criou muito bem os filhos a ponto de serem capazes de qualquer coisa para proteger os seus, vamos lá eu sei que você sabe, nossa pequena jade hook pode ser muito prestativa mas com certeza é um oportunista de primeira como qualquer pirata, ou você se deixou enganar pelo jeito doce? arg! aposto que tudo isso não passa de uma tentativa para se aproximar de pessoas influentes e conseguir um lugar na magitec, mas sejamos sinceros como isso seria possível? você já viu o desempenho da coitada na academia dos legados? em seus vinte e três anos de idade ainda se encontra tentando concluir o módulo i, aposto que deve ser os genes porque olha ele se parece muito com uma tal nonmaj momo hirai.
habilidade: mimetismo de arco-íris...
porque se já não bastasse chamar atenção suficiente por ser do castigo havia sido abençoada com a habilidade de produz ou emite luzes em tons do arco-íris como uma lanterna ambulante pelos corredores, principalmente porque a habilidade é extremamente volátil e normalmente vinculada a suas emoções, se está saltitando de alegria ou choramingando de tristeza ou chutando baldes com raiva lá vai estar um pisca pisca natalino. a questão é que isso sempre pareceu inofensivo ou inútil, ao menos era o que se pensava até o dia do baile da lua de sangue e... -nível alto da habilidade não adquirido- o arco-íris é formado pela separação da luz solar, sendo assim todas as luzes no corpo de jade podem se juntar de novo criando um tipo de colapso semelhante aos das estrelas, ainda que em uma escala muito menor mas não menos devastador, consumindo tudo a sua volta.
resumo: de centavos ou sentadas...
foi adotada por james hook por volta de aparentemente seu 10 anos, sem qualquer resquícios de memorias de sua vida antes disso e por não ter nenhuma documentação de seu passado, suas comemorações de aniversário são no dia em que foi adotada.
é uma mini versão do capitão gancho, não só por ser uma versão mais nova mas porque é baixinha com um metro e meio, de qualquer forma é notável como jade se espelha muito no mais velho, ainda que uma versão mais fofa e sociável.
completamente apaixonada por magibol, sempre digo sempre mesmo jade está nas arquibancadas torcendo feito doida pelos seus favoritos, sempre usando as inicias de seus favoritos desenhadas em suas bochechas, além dos infinitos gritos que com certeza devem ser escutados por toda arthurian.
ela nunca se importou em fazer amizades tanto com arthurianos quanto castigados, não gostando de ser julgada por ser filha de quem é e não julgando os outros por isso também, mas com certeza nunca conseguiria se aproximar de um darling.
se existe alguém mais apaixonado pelo jim hawkins do que jade hook, eu desconheço! o homem é como seu idol.
jade possui muitas tatuagens, por todo o corpo, inicialmente para esconder as cicatrizes em seu corpo adquiridas ainda quando tinha 10 anos e sendo uma forma de deixar aquilo no passado já que nunca descobria as razões... mas acabou se tornando uma paixão.
não tem um trabalho fixo, servindo como quebra galho ou ajudante e as vezes modelo para conseguir uma grana, no fundo jade tenta se dedicar a invenções e ciências ao ponto de não negar nenhuma oportunidade de ser uma cobaia para projetos da magitech.
seu estilo consiste em maior parte nos tons vermelho e preto, com acessórios punk e gótico como correntes mas ao mesmo tempo misturados com detalhes delicados como laços ou tiaras. a sunnyside, loja do seu melhor amigo, é praticamente a única que compõe seus looks com algumas peças exclusivas.
jade tem problemas em lidar com situações de brigas ou violência diretamente ligados a ele, o mínimo tom mais alto é capaz de desencadear uma crise de choro e uma paralisia em seu corpo, sendo um alvo fácil para bullying.
tirando isso, seu jeito um tanto empático o torna alguém muito emotivo e inconsequente a agir sem pensar para proteger os outros, como uma necessidade já que não consegue fazer o mesmo por si.
dançar e cantar em qualquer situação ou local é tipo um hobby bobo do mesmo, sendo muito comum ela transformar qualquer coisa em um musical.
biografia: era uma vez em tão tão distante...
dizem que nossa cor favorita diz mais sobre a gente do que pensamos. vermelho. sangue. perigo. inconscientemente essa se tornou a cor favorita de jade porque foi essa a cor que ela mais viu no dia que se viu livre de um pesadelo do qual não consegue se lembrar. o pequeno corpo repleto de machucados e um par de olhos assustados, a pequena então foi acolhida por james hook que parecia determinado a matar quem tinha feito aquilo com uma criança mas parecia que jade quebraria se ele a forçasse se lembrar por isso o mesmo se tornou um tipo de escudo a provas de bala, assim com os irmãos e depois os amigos. jade, sim esse foi o nome escolhido, não só para seguir com o legado do j mas porque bem seu pai é um pirata e ela era uma de suas joias preciosas encontrada pelo acaso! a pedra de jade é considerado um poderoso amuleto de proteção contra energias ruins e um imã para energias boas, e partir daquele dia nada mais poderia machuca-la porque ela era jade hook!
um pequeno gênio, ou quase lá, digamos que a curiosidade que matou o gato é sua maior virtude, sempre querendo entender tudo e isso a fez criar um tipo de paixão por invenções, ciências e tudo que envolve isso. no castigo magia era algo muito escasso então a magia não convencional poderia ajuda-los não era? porque construir coisas parecia uma forma de solucionar problemas e ajudar as pessoas, por isso a magitech seu tornou como seu conto de fadas. ela sonhava com o dia que entraria na academia e teria uma chance de fazer parte daquele mundo, ainda que os dilemas piratas que segue não tivessem lhe ajudado muito a conseguir boas notas já que piratas costumam se dedicar apenas aquilo que eles gostam visando aproveitar e se divertir na maior parte do tempo - basicamente jade é desleixada.
na academia, bem, como a pessoa que defende o pai com unhas e dentes todos os dias pode ser a mesma que o apunhalou para ingressa na academia? porque qualquer um sabe que jade hook é transparente demais sobre seus sentimentos ao ponto de seus poderes refletirem os mesmos, mas bom todos no castigo sabem, quem jade viu naquele dia, não era o capitão gancho mas o culpado pela condenação de sua família no castigo: peter pan. jade entrou em arthurian sabendo que não passava de um entretenimento e que nada seria fácil pra ela, mas fazer amigos ali mesmo que não estivesse em seus planos foi bom porque no fundo ela nunca quis fazer o mesmo que os arthurianos faziam com ela, julga-la por ser filha de um vilão quando para ela os vilões eram aqueles que se diziam os mocinhos.
dizem por aí, você sabe, piratas são ladrões de tesouro mas nem tudo se resume a prata ou ouro ou excals, na verdade jade adora ter dinheiro e faria quase qualquer coisa pelo mesmo, mas existem coisas mais valiosas: artigo 157, eu vou roubar teu coração, jade consegue se dar bem com quase todo mundo e ela sempre tenta dar seu melhor para ver aqueles que gostava felizes e bem, ela faz tudo por quem ela gosta, isso fica muito claro pelo jeito transparente mesmo que sem querer sobre seus sentimentos e aí está um problema porque ser entregar tão facilmente muitas vezes pode ser usado contra ela, principalmente por ser um tanto ingênua e iludida facilmente sendo um alvo fácil.
#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑠 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑠 ❫ ⋆#⋆ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤 ❪ 𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒 ❫ ⋆
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How diid they gst into this mess?
A fight lead by some conflits on opposite yakusas from the past week has lead on the kidnapping of Overhaul's most precious treasure on this earth.
The event has somehow ended up being on the top of some still on construction building, one of the future largest buildings in that entire city for that manner.
He just wasn't having a good evening.
"Ah." The main leader spoke, back towards him and the three man he trusted to hekp him get you back "I see you came then Overhaul. Such an honour." He looked over his shoulder with a smug look. His own subbordinates snickering from where they were.
"Save your fucking words, it means nothing to me. I hope you had a good life befofe regretting to even mess with the Hassaikai." He growled between tedth as he prepared to slip his glove off before the man turned his front to him, shaking his index finger.
"Ah, ah, ah! No need to use that power of yours or any of tge rest of your gang, well... unless of course-!" He smirked at one bald wearing sunglasses guy who had a grin that came from one ear to another...
His arm, that was a freaking tentacle lifted up a bit, showed you, hanging by the ankle of your left leg as you squirmed in fear of falling from that place.
"(Y/n)!" He shouted, extending one hand of his before retreating when your captor treatened to drop you, make you scream at the action... Chrono and Mimic had to hold back Chisaki if they didn't want a pancake of you or Overhaul losing his shit.
"So is true?!" The leader laughed before looking between you and Kai "Overhaul has someone?! Oh what a glorious day! Wr should celebrate even, am I right boys?!" The whole group laughed as Kai gritted his teeth under his plague mask, some hives threatening to show up due to how angry and nervous he was.
"The hell you want pUNK?!" Mimic yelled as the man chucklex darkly and paced around for a bit at the top of the building they were currently at.
"Well, I do know of this new "product" of yours. Is a very well selled bullet on the underground, and I think I might even take some advanteges of it." He stopped, crossing his arms behind his back with another laugh of his, extending one of his hands, shooking one finger at Kai "You're pretty good at what you do my pal!"
"Spill it out." Overhaul growled as hos rival smirked, giving a sigmal to your captor to hold you up even higher as he made gis point very clear.
"Give me the antiquirk bullets formula and Shie Hassaikai's leadership unless you want to see your little angel crash into a pile of concrete on the floor." He widened his eyes as Mimic shriked, pointing at finger at him.
"ThE fuCK YA ThiNk yoU Are BasTARD?!"
"Overhaul, we can't." Chrono murmured as he fell his body start to tremble.
"You have thirty seconds mister boss." The man snapped hsi fingers, and the guy with a tentacle holding you hostage was starting to loose his grip on your ankle.
His eyes widened in horror as he slowly lifted his hands up enough to shown his rival he wasn't planning to use his quirk neither attack.
"Have anything. Just don't hurt my partner." He spoke through teeth with furrowed eyebrows as Chrono and mimic widened their eyes at their boss.
"No! Kai!" You shouted as the main leader laughed, as if you had spoken a hilarious joke...
He frowned at yojr words before widening even more hsi arms when you showed a hidden knife on your hip that miraculously didn't fell.
"Kai? Is that his name?! Oh so romantic. But enough with that!" He shouted witha sick look at Chisaki, who gave a silently signal for Chrono, Mimic, Rappa and Tengai to get ready to fight "With the power of the bullets and the status of the Hassaikai I can take over the whole Japan in less than two months! Ohoho! Is not even close to dinner time yet, it is indeed a beautiful day." He smirked at his companions as you gave Kai a worried yet determined look.
You snatched the knife from your hip and stabbed your captor, making him let go of you as well curse out loud in pain as you luckily held on to one of the ropes of a crane that was in front of the building.
"ATTACK!" Kai shouted as he finally used his quirk and his subbordinates did as they told.
In the middle of the fighting, the leader scoffed before smilling maniacly as he saw you getting your balance back, using his quirk of metal manipulation he was ready to make that crane kill you.
That was his intention if it wasn't for Kai coming with a heavy punch on his jaw.
"(Y/N)!" He shouted as you screamed, holding for your life at the metal bar wuth your legs swing on the air "Hold still!" He shouted before he cursed when something sharp enough cut what was holding his mask on his face and cheek, he looked up in guard to see his rival yelling and knocking him on the ground.
"You think you're powerfull HUH?! Just so FUCKING full of yourself!" He smiled sadically as he pressed further more the bar of metal on Chisaki's throat. For some odd reason he wasn't able to use to his quirk on that damn bar neither reach for the fucker. "is no use kai! WITH ME USING MY QUIRK, YOUR CONTROL OVER THIS BAR IS EQUAL TO NOTHING!" he laughed as he narrowed his eyes before managing to overpower his strenght to snatch the bar of metal put of their grasp as he choked with one hand his enemy.
"Gove me one fucking reason to let you live now your damn pest." He hissed as the guy laughed brethless, slowly lifting one of his finger up towards you
"Because I am the only one that is controlling your little plaything's life!" He said in a breathy and pysochotic tone before snapping his fingers, he widened his eyes at that and immediately looked at your direction. The crame suddenly started to move and you weren't able to hold much longer.
You looked at Chizaki with teary and desperate eyes before shouting his names as your safe bar contorned, makung you fall.
"NO!" He shouted, all of the enemies down as the time seemes to go slower. His subbordinates tried to stop them... but his body seemed to move on his own as he jumped from the building.
Extending his arms and shouting your name, he saw the look you gave him. frightened by her life and his, which in less than seconds could end in a terrible death in this fall, making a little more effort, except for one arm he managed to take her hand and pull it to his chest.
"KAI WHAT DID YOU DO ?!" you cried, gripping on his clothing while he and you were getting closer to the floor. By the speed, his mask completely loosened and leaved his face, showing you that he was also seeing death coming closer and closed by any minute or second.
Seing him moving his eyes as if he was calculating someyhing he craddled you to his chest.
"Trust me." He said suddenly.
"WE ARE CLOSE TO DYING WHY ON HELL DID YOU JUMPED ALONG?!" Your tears flew from your face as you looked at him. His golden eyes that were once wide turned back as he frowned.
"If you're going to die by me, then the least i could do is be with you my dear." You sobbed as he screatched his arm next to the parts of the building that were already done with the concrete and glasses for the windows.
Accspting your fate you just burried your face in Kai's neck as you heard him counting numbers.
One finger, he just need one damn fi ger to touch that place on less than 40 seconds-!
"39, 38, 37-!" He tried many times but he was mere inches away from touching that damn construction!
"27, 26, 25, 24, 23-!" He heard your sobbing how much you loved him, wetning all of his shirt aa he cursed between couting, franquily trying to brush one of gis fingers on the building.
"13 fUCK-!" He finally managed to brush his middle finger on the concrete, shouting a "YES!" in glory as he embraced you closer, creating some type of slide to prevent you guys from falling.
Your screams didn't vanished as he used gis quirk, he only tightened gsi grip to manage to put you two safe on the ground... and he was relieved after who knows how long finally.
You peeked and gasped at seing you were still alive and still on your boyfriend's arms as you and him tried to catch your breaths.
He cupped your cheek, making you look up at him and it shockedd you enough to see that he also had one or two tears on his terrified golden eyes.
He breathed out your name before you succumbed to relieved crying as he crushed you in a tight embrace that you most gladly retribuited becofe he pushed your face away amd kissed you.
His lips crashed on yours as it grew wet by yours or his tears. Every time you paused a bit to breath, it didn't even lasted one second before yoh two were at each other again. Chisaki claimed your mouth and needed to feel everything about you.
A shout from beneath you two made you guys finally stop and look upward to see the mans looking down worried at you both.
"ARE YOU TWO OKAY?!" Chrono shouted at the top of his lungs as you simply gave him a thumbs up, not mindfull that the man couldn't see it or not as Kai chuckled at your reaction before peppering your face and lips with mofe kisses than you ever could hope for.
"I thought I lost you dammit.." he breathed out befofe letting a soft chuckle escape his lips as he craddled you in his arms and lifted you both up, not willing to let go of you anytime soon.
"Me too." You nuzzled onto him, not willing to let go of the safety feeling only Chisaki could provide "I was so scared." You whimpered as tears threatenes to spill befofe Kai wiped them away, touching forehead with you.
"... me as well." He breathed out befofe his look turned dark. You went to question it befofe he looked up and made you crouch down on the ground as well with him "Hold onto me."
One simpel command and you took it without questions, Wrapping your arms around his neck as he slammed his palm on the ground, creating a huge plataform to make you two get up on that building.
Right on top, you let go of his neck and somehow manage to fall on his arms in bridal style as he jumped from the made up plataform to tge building.
"You fuckers still fucking alive???!!" Rappa shouted as the guys surrounded both of you as Kai slowly and gently put yoh to the ground, holding onto you in your waist still as you hugged him.
"Thank godness..." Tengai sighed in relief before all of them grabbed their guns, excluding you and Kai and Rappa, because he fight with his fists duh, as the main leader got shkly up before being beated not only by Chisaki but by the others as well.
Immediately darknening his amber eyes, he went for him before your gentle hand on his chest made him stop before yourself got to him and kicked him... on his lowest areas.
All the man hissed in pain, yes, even Kai, as the guy fell on the ground hissing on pain before Chisaki put a hand on your shoulder and looking down at the leader.
"What now...? Going to kill me?" Even beaten up, the guy still had that cocky attitude.
"No. Much worse." Chisaki growled before tje poor soul's vision saw the last Overhaul's hand blocking their view before everything turned dark.
You sipped on your cocoa as Kai sitted besides you with a sigh.
"Long day?"
"Experiments and all that shit." He allowed himself to curse one time, hearing you giggle besides him and letting your drink down on the coffee table to snuggle up to him.
Lifting his arm awkwardly on the air he arched one eyebrow at you as you almost purred in delight.
"Do I make a good pillow now?" He asked sarcastically before slowly lowering his arm to bring you closer despite his harsh and cold tone of voice.
"The best..." you murmured, sleep taling over you as he pondered over his plan again, seing you were distracted "Kai?"
"Why were you willing to kill yourself along with me that day? Crazy man." You giggled as he furrowed his eyebrow, rememberihg the events as he craddled you on his arms, resting his cjin on the top of your head with a sigh.
"Because... I-" He arched one eyebrow at hearing your snore, getting a glimpse of your face befofe chuckling aoftly, brushing one strand of your hair out of your face before lowering his black casual mask to peck your lips.
"Soon, we will be on a safer and cleaner world angel... I promise you. And I will never let go of you, my dear. Ever."
#bnha villains#bnha#bnha characters#bnha x reader#bnha imagine#chisaki kai#chisaki kai x reader#overhaul x reader#fanfic overhaul#overhaul#my writing#zuffer writings
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Hypnosis Mic -Division Battle Anthem- + (ヒプノシスマイク -Division Battle Anthem-+) é uma versão estendida do Division Battle Anthem, realizada pela Division All Stars, com Bad All Temple e Dotsuitare Hompo. A faixa foi lançada no YouTube em 12 de março de 2020. Antigamente a música estreava em 2018 com apenas quatro divisões.
—(Ichiro Yamada)—
Ichiro primeiro,
Uma vez na vida
Droga, hoje você morre
Descanse em paz
Eu tenho rimas para esculpir sua lápide
Incrível de todas as maneiras possíveis
As regras das ruas são imprevisíveis
Palavras são lâminas, você é meu rival
Eu odiaria ver você afundar em um soco
—(Samatoki Aohitsugi)—
Com quem diabos você pensa que está falando?
Samatoki-sama está aqui, um não para você
Você não é páreo para mim,
Não perca meu tempo
Saia do jogo se você quiser sair!
Se você quer uma guerra,
Estou voltando para a sua vida, filho da puta!
Deixe isso claro,
Se não, eu vou levá-lo para as profundezas do inferno
—(Ramuda Amemura)—
Travessuras ou gostosuras, durante todo o ano
Sem doces: brincadeiras e chicotes
Meu flow não precisa de ajuste
Irritado com o assobiar de vocês, pássaros insignificantes
Gostar! É viral
Mas você nem tem sinal
Curve-se e confira meus chutes sob medida
Você é apenas o chiclete no asfalto
—(Jakurai Jinguji)—
O choque dos deuses
Desencadeia uma enorme desigualdade de vida
Causar um banho de sangue,
Trazendo sangue novo
Uma genciana solitária floresce na bifurcação da vida e da morte
Desesperados brutais decidem assustadoramente quem vive e morre
Se você pode enfrentar qualquer punição,
Então se entregue a mim
Levante-se, gladiador!
Afaste-se, odiador!
O Hypnosis Mic é mais poderoso que a espada
O ponto de partida decide vencedores e perdedores
Você não tem escolha
É matar ou ser morto
Não olhe para trás
Bem-vindo à divisão
Bem-vindo à divisão (Oh yeah)
Bem-vindo à divisão
Hipnose rebentando esta obra-prima!
Lembre-se, não olhe para trás
—(Jiro Yamada)—
Detectar o epicentro
Balance seu cérebro maravilhosamente
Esta é a "Divisão de Ikebukuro", o barril de pólvora
Esta região define todos os padrões
Mate todos
Algo está acontecendo
Nós vamos rasgar tudo!
O que!?
Você vai bater na sua bunda,
Porque não estamos mostrando misericórdia
—(Jyuto Iruma)—
Recebi uma acusação fabricada contra você
Se você não pode limpar sua bunda, vejo você atrás das grades
Está tudo bem aceitar o bem e o mal,
Mas idiotas não entendem as regras
Segurar a célula ou servir em tempo real?
Quer levar uma bala por ser pego nessa bagunça?
Um pesadelo no buraco?
Que tal um microfone esfaqueado em sua têmpora?
—(Gentaro Yumeno)—
Ah, ótima resposta
Palavras espalhadas em prosa
Eu sou mergulhador
No fundo, no seu hipocampo
As rimas que você ouve através dos ouvidos cobertos
São muito mais do que apenas um pesadelo
O bug está dentro de você
Para rasgá-lo por dentro
—(Hifumi Izanami)—
Traga mais Dom Pérignon Platinum!
Tentações não morais,
É noite de festa!
Encha o balde de gelo com amor esta noite
O patrocínio eterno nem sempre é o caso,
Mas ganhe o jogo com o ás do seu lado!
Seu amor veio na forma de pagamento
Para 12,345,600 ienes, feito mensalmente
Levante-se, gladiador!
Afaste-se, odiador!
O Hypnosis Mic é mais poderoso que a espada
O ponto de partida decide vencedores e perdedores
Você não tem escolha
É matar ou ser morto
Não olhe para trás
Bem-vindo à divisão
Bem-vindo à divisão (Oh yeah)
Bem-vindo à divisão
Hipnose rebentando esta obra-prima!
Lembre-se, não olhe para trás
—(Saburo Yamada)—
Nos conhecemos há 100 mil anos
Uma batalha na gangorra
Isso só esgota, é pura bobagem
Todas as pessoas são prodígios,
Vendo através de tudo, como janelas
É estúpido
Chute um verso
Enquanto cantarola e olha para o tabuleiro do jogo
É inútil
—(Riou Mason Busujima)—
Marinheiro de Yokohama, Aegis invencível
Todos os inimigos contra mim
Enfrentará a morte no mar
Na minha onda de flows
Qualquer idiota louco vai se afogar
Atire neste navio de guerra o quanto quiser,
Você não pode afundar
Chegarei ao porto amanhã dentro do cronograma
Carregue o rifle sônico, calibre 9mm
Minha geleia mortal vai te derrubar!
—(Dice Arisugawa)—
Whirring ching ching ching
Você não tem essa emoção em sua vida
Ímpar ou par,
Mesmo quando estou em dívida
Eu mantenho esse poker face
Mesmo nessa situação,
Eu busco um aumento
Um jogador joga sem cautela
Chore o quanto quiser,
Eu vou levar tudo até você ficar nu
—(Doppo Kannonzaka)—
Sempre curvando-se,
Olhando meus sapatos até o último trem, todos os dias
Eu tenho que usar meus dias de folga
Para entreter alguns clientes punk
Por que devo jogar esse jogo doentio de multiplicar estressores!?
Por favor, pare com isso
Doloroso, irritante, alto
Eu não aguento mais
—(Ichiro Yamada)—
Coloque uma caneta na pilhagem do seu coração
—(Samatoki Aohitsugi)—
Derrubando o absurdo com palavras
—(Ramuda Amemura)—
O microfone na minha mão é minha ferramenta de limpeza
—(Jakurai Jinguji)—
Eu não tenho escolha, então não hesitarei
—(Ichiro Yamada)—
Venha para mim, durão
—(Samatoki Aohitsugi)—
Nocaute instantâneo
—(Ramuda Amemura)—
Temos uma dúzia
—(Jakurai Jinguji)—
Estamos de pé, é a hora
—(Ichiro Yamada e Samatoki Aohitsugi)—
Meu Hipnosis Mic ruge
—(Ramuda Amemura e Jakurai Jinguji)—
Ajoelhe-se e implore por perdão
Levante-se, gladiador!
Afaste-se, odiador!
O Hypnosis Mic é mais poderoso que a espada
O ponto de partida decide vencedores e perdedores
Você não tem escolha
É matar ou ser morto
Não olhe para trás
Temos carne grande, agora resolvemos
Meu Hipnosis Mic ruge
Personalizado para alcançar sua mente diretamente
Rimas para agitar seus fluidos cerebrais
Nós somos a Trindade
É hora do show
Nós vamos agitar você com nossas vibrações
Hipnose rebentando esta obra-prima!
Lembre-se, não olhe para trás
É matar ou ser morto
Então não olhe para trás
#hypmic#hypnosis mic#hypnosis microphone#buster bros#mad trigger crew#fling posse#matenrou#Ichiro Yamada#jiro yamada#saburo yamada#samatoki aohitsugi#jyuto iruma#riou mason busujima#ramuda amemura#dice arisugawa#jakurai jinguji#hifumi izanami#doppo kannonzaka#division battle#division battle anthem#tradução
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Bailey update - December 14

Some people have asked how Bailey is doing. I stopped posting about her because it made me uncomfortable and self-conscious to ask for contributions and I didn’t want to feel like I was nagging people when it was obvious everyone who was going to donate had done so. But those who did contribute might like to know how things are going, so...
We had hoped she’d start eating again after her sore teeth were removed, but that hasn’t been the case. She’s still not eating or grooming herself. Her energy is a little low, though not, like, deathly low, and she’s clearly INTERESTED in food, but she’s just not eating. She’ll lick it a couple times, maybe, and if I give her the stew rather than the pate, she might lick up the gravy but leave the chunks. When I’m in the kitchen preparing her food, she’s interested, but...that interest isn’t translating to actually eating the damn food. She won’t touch her dry food, and if I open a can of moist food, at least 95% of it goes to waste.
At first we thought it might be the antibiotics she was on until last Friday causing problems, but it’s been a week now since her last dose, and she still hasn’t resumed eating. The places where her teeth were extracted have healed up just fine. It could be she just doesn’t like the feeling of trying to eat with them being gone, but so much so that she lets herself starve?
In the last few days, we’ve taken to watering down the pate so we can force-feed her using a syringe. It’s not a long-term solution, and highly unpleasant for everyone involved (me, mixing the food and feeding it to her; my husband, holding her head still and getting her mouth open so we don’t end up with cat-food sludge everywhere; and of course Bailey herself) but at least we’re getting some calories and hydration into her, because she’s not drinking much water either.
So I took her back to the vet today (very glad we purchased that Pet Health Club membership, which has already paid for itself and then some, just by making her last exam and today’s appointment free, not to mention the discount on the dental services.)
She is down to 9.7 pounds from 10 a couple weeks ago when they weighed her prior to her dental work a few weeks ago, and down from 12 lbs in 2017. Not good, but not deathly. Still, I don’t like how well I can feel her spine when I pet her. She’s a little dehydrated, and the vet thought her gums looked a little pale. She wants me to examine Bailey’s stool so see if it’s black (which would indicate bleeding in her GI tract) but yeah, the cat would have to be eating enough to poop for me to be able to do that.
So, Bailey is not a vicious cat when you take her to the vet; she doesn’t hiss or yowl or struggle at all. She’s not passive, per se, because she’s quite tense and not at all chill, but she just goes very still and quiet. She tries to hide in her carrier so we have to take the top off it because she won’t come out of it willingly.
I took advantage of this to groom her while we were there, while I had her on the table and was talking to the vet. I pulled out a huge handful of mats that were stuck in her fur. Her fur is so matted (and the mats tend to sort of shear off everything around it) that if you look underneath the fluff, she has some fairly large bald patches where I managed to work the mats free. The vet said her skin doesn’t appear irritated, so it’s likely just the mats. If we can get rid of those and get her grooming herself again, this will be fine. Unfortunately, if she’s feeling too punk to eat, she’s obviously not going to feel like cleaning herself.

At this point, with Bailey’s history (since we got her) of only being able to tolerate certain foods that are formulated to be easy on the digestive system, the vet is suspecting some sort of irritable bowel disorder. Ideally she would like to do an ultrasound to see what is happening, but we simply can’t afford to go any deeper into debt on this.
They gave her some subcutaneous fluids to help with the dehydration. But at this point, we can’t do any more tests or procedures, so only option is to guess and hope for the best. We’ve got anti-nausea medication, an appetite stimulant that may make things worse depending on if the problem really is irritable bowel disease, and the drug sold as Pepcid at the pharmacy--which I actually did pick up at the pharmacy because it’s the exact same thing I could get at the vets, for 1/3 the price.
Also, the super-special sensitive stomach food, which is $3 a can, as opposed to the $2.25 a can for the merely sorta-special sensitive stomach food.

Today’s bill was $200, which (along with the $100 last week on a more comprehensive kidney function test they did when they found protein in her urine during the dental cleaning) brings the total we’ve spent up to $1300. I raised $450 a few weeks, so we’re $850 in debt on this now.
If the new food and the meds don’t work, then this is it for Bailey. We can go no further. Force-feeding is not a tenable, long-term solution. It just isn’t. So if we can’t convince her to eat, she is going to have to be put down, because it would be cruel to let her slowly starve to death.
I know some people aren’t sure about using Ko-Fi, but I don’t really have anything else to offer for people who want to contribute. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears. Because we spent over $200, we have 6 months of no interest to pay off the CareCredit plan we got for this.
So. I’m just gonna offer my Ko-Fi link again, but I’m not going to keep posting about this. I hate having to post about it at all. If you do contribute or have contributed, know that I’m incredibly grateful. Thank you.
My Ko-Fi Link
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The Dot comes before the Dash- the Danny Ingram interview.
You would see their names on the back of records, many for Washington’s DC’s Dischord label and you might see a photo every now and again, but don’t know much about them unless you were part of that scene (ie; see my previous interview with Chris Bald from a few years ago). Danny Ingram was another one of those names. I knew he’d been in some of the early Dischord bands (Youth Brigade, etc.) and knew he’d done a lot of other stuff but wasn’t exactly sure where, when or in what context (‘cept that I knew he’s a drummer). Fast forward to nearly a decade ago when I saw his name as drummer of a new Washington, DC combo named Dot Dash. Their guitarist/vocalist Terry Banks had been in some of my favorite indie pop combos, namely Tree Fort Angst and The Saturday People, so I knew I was gonna like this one (Hunter Bennett rounds out the trio on bass)! I’ve enjoyed all of their records, but this latest one, Proto Retro (released earlier this year on The Beautiful Music label) is really a special thing of beauty. Well-written rock-pop songs that are both heartfelt and fun (and catchy as hell). Back to Ingram though, he was one of the older punks on the DC scene and thus saw and heard a lot so grab your favorite beverage, your reading glasses and bathrobe and take a stroll both down memory lane and up ‘til the current day.

A man and his drums,
Were you born and raised in Washington, DC?
Yes – DC born and raised. Lived in SE DC until I was 12, then moved to Palisades (NW DC) where I met my life-long friend and future bandmate, Nathan Strejcek.
At what age did you take up the drums?
I had a fascination with drums from an early age. I’d had a crush on my baby sitter, Irene, and her brother had a drum set. To impress her, I tried playing along with his Beatles records and such, even though my feet didn’t reach the pedal. It was a lost cause. But a dear family friend and neighbor in SE, Richard Spencer, nurtured my interest. I think he bought me my first drums. He played in Otis Redding’s band and achieved quite a bit of success with his own band the Winstons (he wrote the Grammy-winning song ‘color him father). I was about 19 when I took up the drums in earnest – with the intention of being in a band. At the risk of repeating an oft-told story…I had gone to see the Clash at the Ontario theater and was hanging out in the narrow, upstairs ‘dressing room’ with the band and several other people. I was sharing a spliff and talking with Joe, Mick and (to a lesser extent because I had trouble understanding him) Paul. Joe asked if I played in a band – I told him I didn’t – but that my best friend did. He admonished me to get off the sidelines – to ‘do something – create something’ – and when Joe Strummer tells you to do something…well…you do it. Shortly thereafter I volunteered to join the Untouchables (their drummer, Richard, left for college). A few weeks after that we played our first show. This was probably in the fall of 1980.
How did you come into contact with the Dischord Records folks? Were you a Wilson HS student as well? Yeah. I went to Wilson (briefly) and knew all the Dischord people before there was a record label (or a Teen Idles). Nathan and I were best friends and he, along with Ian and Jeff, started the label. We all grew up together and have been friends since early days.
Do you remember the first person you ever met in the DC punk scene? What was your first punk show?
I was there at the outset and knew most-if not all-of the people before there was a scene, per se. I guess the first people I met who weren’t in our group of friends were Xyra and Cathy – they had a punk radio show at WGTB (Georgetown University radio) called Revolt into Style. Nathan and I used to sneak out of our houses and go down for their shows after our parents went to sleep. As for the first concert? Hard to say. I saw so many bands in those early days –one of the first was probably the Ramones in the fall of ’77. I worked at the Atlantis and at the 9:30 club when it first opened up – so I saw almost every show that came through the DC area for many years. Also, I was a smidge older…so coupled with my fake ID I was able to get into places like the Bayou as well.

Youth Brigade (Danny is 2nd from left)
From what I know you’re a bit older than some of the other DC punks, were you there early enough to go to places like Madam’s Organ and the Hard Art Gallery? (places I only know about from pictures, usually of the Bad Brains).
Tell me about how/when The Untouchables formed? Was that your first band?
…and please tell us about the origins of Youth Brigade?
I was born in 1961 – so it makes me a about a year older than Ian and Jeff and six months older than Nathan. I never really considered myself older. Now, Boyd and the guys in Black Market Baby were fucking old! Most of em born in the 50’s! J Seriously though – we were all roughly in the same age group – though I think Xyra (who was a bit older) referred to that initial scene (affectionately – not anatomically) as teeny punks or baby punks. My first band was the Untouchables. As noted above, Richard had split and moved off to college. I was sitting at the Roy Rogers with Eddie, Alec and (I think) Bert as they lamented the loss of their drummer and the prospect of breaking up. I jokingly volunteered to take his place. They immediately said ‘yes’ despite my warnings that I’d never really played the drums. A few weeks later we played our first show. We hung together for almost a year before splitting up. After that was Youth Brigade. Nathan had been the singer of the Teen Idles – but when the band split, it seemed only natural that Nathan and I should start a band together. We’d been best friends for years and had very similar life arcs and musical tastes. We tried out a few guitarists (including Jason of 9353) and one other bassist (Greg) before finally settling on the line-up that most people know with Tom on Guitar and my old friend and former Untouchable mate, Bert on bass. As for Madam’s Organ or Hard Art? I played at Madam’s Organ – and I was at the infamous Bad Brains show at Hard Art. I can’t remember if I ever played there…but it’s entirely possible. You would have to consult with Bert or Alec or someone whose memory isn’t a shambles.

Madhouse backstage
Was Madhouse next? They were a bit different right? A darker sound.
I was in a few bands before Madhouse. I played in a band with Dave Byers and Toni Young (from Red C) called Peer Pressure. Tom Berard (scenester) also sang with the band for a while. We recorded a demo up in NY with the bad brains at 171A. We played a handful of shows but, like so many other bands of that era, split up and moved on to other projects. I also played in a band called Social Suicide – great guys and a fun band (featured Joey A who went on to Holy Rollers). Also short lived – but we did record some songs for a local compilation ‘mixed nuts don’t crack’. OH – I also briefly tried my hand at singing in a VERY short-lived band called black watch. This featured future members of madhouse (Brad Gladstone on bass and the mega-talented Norman van der Sluys on drums). The less said about this the better. Not because of the band – but because my singing can curdle milk at twenty paces.
I was starting to get a bit antsy with the way the DC scene was evolving – so my then girlfriend (Monica Richards) and I decided to start a band that was more rooted in post punk bands like killing joke, magazine and the monochrome set. That was how madhouse started. But unsurprisingly enough, there was no scene for this band, so we still played mostly punk and hardcore shows – but the direction we tried to take didn’t really sit well with a lot of new, burgeoning scene. It seems, at least from afar, that you were willing to go in other directions musically (goth, etc.) whereas maybe some of your DC co-horts stuck to the punk rock thing. Would this be accurate? Did you get flack for it?
Yeah – I guess it was a bit gothy. Certainly, that was Monica’s m.o. I’ve always considered myself a punk – no matter what kind of band I played in. But this was definitely the beginning of stretching musical wings. And, yeah, we caught flack for it. But it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. Monica caught the most grief – and that is exactly why we both were getting put off by what the scene was turning into. I’ll just leave it at that. That said – my friends, the ones I’d known from the outset, were all cool. Otherwise I wouldn’t have spent some time drumming for Iron Cross with another life-long friend, Sab.

Strange Boutique (not ready to dine and (dot) dash)
Was Strange Boutique next? If so how/when did that band form and what was its history?
Yes – Strange Boutique (a name I copped from the Monochrome Set song/album) was next up. It was still Monica and me – but while Madhouse tried to straddle the punk scene with whatever it was we were trying to do – Strange Boutique basically said ‘fuck it’ and dove headfirst into what was certainly a more goth-punk-pop sound. The Chameleons, Siouxsie, Cure and bands of that ilk were really influencing us a lot and the quality of the band grew exponentially with the addition of Fred Smith and Steve Willett. -- I should pause here to note that I’ve lost a few friends and bandmates along the way – like Toni Young. But two hit particularly hard: Fred Smith – who was a true original. A crazy fucker. Much loved and much missed no matter how much trouble he got me into! And John Stabb – My brother in every sense of the word. Someone I loved until the end and who was a never-ending source of insanity, humor and energy. John and Fred were both unique spirits…and it’s just not the same without them.

Swervedriver- not huffin’ and puffin’

radioblue in black and white
Pardon my ignorance (I know it was some years) but was there anything between Strange Boutique and Dot Dash?
There were a few bands after Strange Boutique. I played in radioblue who, like strange boutique, were a band on the outside of the dc hardcore scene. They were more 60s-influenced indie pop (byrds, beatles, beach boys, buzzcocks). It led to drumming in a Mark Helm (a singer/guitarist in the band) project called Super 8 and playing on his solo album (on not lame records). I also started a band called King Mixer AGES ago with Steven Engel and James Lee (the bassist and singer/guitarist from radioblue). We still get together to this day, but it’s more like the monthly poker game: play some music, have dinner, hang out and catch up with old friends. We did put out a self-released CD years ago, but Dot Dash came along, and that has monopolized my time for the last seven years. I also played in Swervedriver for about a year, relocating to London for about ten months. It was an amazing experience. Adam Franklin (the singer / song writer) is the greatest musician I’ve ever played with. And as far as I am concerned Adam is in the pantheon of great song-writers of the last 40 years. Glad to still call him and my old swervie bandmates friends. A lifetime of memories crammed into a short period of time! When I moved back to DC from London at the end of 1992 I played in two more bands. The first was the criminally obscure UltraCherry Violet. They were definitely in the mold of swervedriver and some other favorites from that era. The band was Dugan Broadhurst and Dan Marx (who later played in king mixer). We played a handful of shows before I imploded. We got together a year after we split to record some songs for posterity – and those were ultimately released on Bedazzled records (a label I started while in strange boutique – but by now taken over by Steve Willett). There are a few songs on that CD that are among the things I’m most proud of as a musician. I also played with my old running mates and brothers-in-arms John Stabb and Steve Hansgen (and Rob Frankel) in a band called Emma Peel. THAT was fun! We really clicked together musically – and we recorded a single on our good friend John Lisa’s label Tragic Life. The Avenging Punk Rock Godfathers! This web of connections is what led Steve to joining Dot Dash further down the road. The last thing I did before Dot Dash was drumming in the legendary local mod band Modest Proposal, with old friends Neal Augenstein and Bill Crandall (who shortly thereafter was part of the original Dot Dash line-up). Steve Hansgen had played with Neal and Bill during an early incarnation – and he and I comprised the rhythm section for and MP reunion show.

Emma Peel (Danny is far right and that is the late, great John Stabb, 2nd from left)
Do tell us about your current band Dot Dash? I think the records have been terrific. How did you meet Terry and Hunter?
Thanks for the kind words about the DD records. Right now, the band is a three-piece: me on drums, Terry Banks on vocals and guitar and Hunter Bennett on bass. Terry has been in almost as many bands as me – playing in a lot of indie-pop bands like Saturday People, Glo-Worm and Tree Fort Angst. Hunter was a veteran of the Stabb band among others. I didn’t really know either of them before we started the band…but I knew of them from their previous band Julie Ocean (the band also had Jim Spellman of Velocity Girl on guitar/vocals and Alex Daniels from Swiz on drums). Julie Ocean released a great record on Transit of Venus – and they should have been huge. JO had planned to go on tour with a band called Magnetic Morning (that was my old friend Adam Franklin and Interpol drummer Sam Fogarino’s side-project), but drummer-Alex, bailed on the tour. So, that night at the Rock n Roll Hotel, Terry asked if I wanted to play drums in a new project with him and Hunter. I said yes – after consulting with my wife, Sally – but it actually took another six months or so to get rolling (I had already promised to do the Modest Proposal reunion). As it turned out, Jim was planning on leaving JO as well (taking a job in Colorado) – but when he came back he played briefly in Dot Dash (between Bill and Steve). Dot Dash has been the most prolific band I’ve ever played with and the longest running active band. We’ve put out six CD’s on the Canadian label, The Beautiful Music. It’s run by an amazing guy – Wally Salem. I’m not sure that we would still be going without his love and support! Truthfully – I also do it for my kids (Noah 12 and Sam 16). I think it’s good to show them that you can do fun and creative things at any age. Sam has really taken it to heart. He’s been playing guitar since he was 10 and is already a better musician than I ever will be! He’s already formed and broken up his first band – and he filled in for Hunter (on bass) at one of our shows…picking up the songs with relative ease and aplomb.

Almost forgot the Social Suicide pic (Danny’s the UK Subs fan)
What’s next for Dot Dash? Another record in the works? Maybe a tour? I don’t know about touring. I think we would all love to do it – but because we all have demanding jobs, families and such – it makes it difficult to pick up and run off. That said, if the right opportunity presented itself (like going on a tour with a band we love) I think we would certainly consider it. We’ve been REALLY fortunate to play with some bands that have long been heroes/favorites: the Chameleons, Ash, Hugh Cornwell (of the Stranglers), the Monochrome Set, Stiff Little Fingers, the Dickies, DOA and so on – I think if any of them said ‘let’s do it’ we’d be packing our bags! As for another record? Well – we just released our sixth. And it is definitely the record I’m most proud of. Geoff Sanoff did an amazing job producing it – he also produces the Julie Ocean album – and it’s probably the best batch of songs Terry has written to-date. We are always cranking out new songs – and already have a few in hand – but I think we want to enjoy the last release, Proto Retro, for a bit.

Dot Dash with Sam on bass.
What’s happening in Washington, DC these days musically? Any new bands we need to hear about? The great thing about DC is that it is like the Hydra of Lerna – every time a band breaks up, two new ones start up again! The scene has been regenerating for ages. And there are a lot of great bands still plugging away – The Messthetics with my old friend and Brendan Canty, Miss Lonelyhearts, Foxhall Stacks (with Jim Spellman), Nathan’s band the Delarcos, any band with Chris Moore (an epic drummer) such as the Rememberables or Coke Bust, Anna Connolly’s new project or the new project with Ian, Joe Lally and Amy Farina. Old or young – the scene here is still vibrant and vital.
Any final thought? Closing comments? Anything you wanted to mention that I didn’t ask?
Obviously, most people know DC for the great music (bad brains, minor threat, fugazi, 9353, government issue, fire party, faith, rites of spring, tommy keene) – but to me, the best thing about it has been the friendships…which for me have been practically life-sustaining. You can’t have a great scene without great people – and to me the people I’ve known along the way simply are the best.
BONUS QUESTION: What are your top 10 desert island discs (I know some people don’t like when I ask this questions so I decided to put it as a bonus) Wow. Tough one. My top ten has about ten thousand records in it. So, it really is dependent on my mood at the time. I’ll try to throw it together…but if you ask on another day it might be a different batch. Because I’m old – I’m going to take the liberty of picking a baker’s dozen. Adam and the Ants – Dirk Wears White Sox (original on Do It records) Art Ensemble of Chicago – Les Stances a Sophie J.S. Bach – Air on the G String Buzzcocks – Spiral Scratch ep (rip Pete Shelley) Chameleons – Script of the Bridge (or Strange Times) Miles Davis – ‘Round About Midnight Al Green – Greatest Hits Kinks – Something Else The La’s – The La’s Punishment of Luxury – Laughing Academy Red Cross – Posh Boy ep Swervedriver – 99th Dream Zombies – Odyssey and Oracle
(**all photos posted with permission from the Danny Ingram collection- if you took one of these please do let us know so we can credit. Thank you).
Thank you very much Danny Ingram (from publisher/editor Tim)!

Dot Dash tearin’ down the house.
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Si, antes era mejor cuando no teniamos instagram
Y no andabamos pendientes de la vida de nadie
Eso no lo diría yo, porque yo me fijo en otra cosa, ¿
Mis sueños
Mis sueños
Mis sueños
Mis sueños
Mis sueño
Mis sueños
Y aun asi puedo ver
El cielo y la marea
Y aun asi puedo ser
El cielo y las estrellas
Aunque yo también
Ensucie mis sueños
Ensuice mi fuego
Ensucie mi aire
Ensucie mi tiempio
Aunque yo también
Me olvide de mi
¿De qué color pinto mi memoria? No lo sé.
¿De qué color bri
Sin dramas
Vive tu trama
Que nadie cree
Hasta que un día...
Te reproduces y te reproduces hasta que te vuelves viral en las redes y te enredas en las redes y ya nadie te mira igual y todos ahora hablan con memes. Vivimos en la memecracia.
Sumerjo la ropa en agua de jabón. La revuelvo, como si mis manos fueran la lavadora. Luego dejo quieto el balde por un tiempo. Saco la ropa y la escurro. Hago treszas gruesas con la ropa. De los bordes va saliendo el agua, como una cascada de extraña arquitectura. Agarro un gancho para colgar la ropa. Cuelgo la ropa en un palo de escoba viejo. El palo, preciso entre esquina y esquina, está en la mitad de esta pequeña torre de metal. Arriba de la torre está el tanque del agua que pega una sombra larga en la mañana, preciso para secar la ropa. Porque la ropa hay que secarla bajo sombra o sino se quema o se pone fea.
Adaias le gusta saludar a los viejitos y a los señores de la calle. Se sabe varias historias de loquitos que enbrealidad son más cuerdos que uno. Una vez me habló de Jeison, el man que pasa casi todo el tiempo en la calle pero tiene su casa. Le hablaba a Adaias mientras yo lo veí por primera hablar. Creí que era mudo. Creí que no hablaba con nadie. No, nada, el es un humano curriente, como tu y como yo, me dice Adaias, lo que pasa es que tiene una discapacidad en los testiculos, los tiene priminentemente grandes. Me da risa la palabra tan sofisticada. Pero es cierto. El tipo tiene una pierna inchada, usa un palo para caminar. No fuma ni toma ni es adicto a nada, simplemnte pasa el tiempo sentado, vienso la gente pasar.
Quizás cambie mi escritura si cambio mi manera de ver las cosas. Claro, siempre ha sido así. Pero hasta ahora lo entiendo, eso creo.
No sé porque Naye dejó de hablarme. Es una chica complicada. Pero me irradia luz. La aprecio, su vida es extraña, llena de historias huecas. Pero también es sombra, como no. La última ves que la vi, la vi de repende, en la calle, de sorpresa. Temía que no me viera, pero finalmente volteó la mirada y me vió. Hize como un gesto alegre pero extrañado, como si no me creyera lo que estoy viendo. Tu no me mires así, que el extraño eres tu, este es mi barrio. Lo decía alterada, como si ya estuviera buscando problema. Pero luego sonrió. Traí braquer y el cabello liso y negro. Se le veí reluciente, con nuevas vibras. Al parecer si encontró otra forma de lidisr con la vida.
Si te vas
Bien porque llegaste
Y si llegaste
Jurén que canté esa canción
No sé porque uno tiene esa torpeza mental, ese delirio crónico de creer que tarde o temprano uno va estar mal, que la mala te puede caer en cualquier momento, ¿Queremos estar trsites? ¿Es un deseo que el humano busca? ¿Estar triste como comprol? ¿Cómo una forma de venganza? No lo sé. Es un poco extraño el origen de la tristeza, aún no no le agarro la cola.
Ustedes se invantan unas historias, dio mio, igualito a su papá, cómo llegan a cruzar ese charco si no pueden nadar? Y lo hace, el señorito no sabe ni donde esta parado pero siempre llega a tiempo a cualquier lugar, sobre todo a la casa, que fuera de los sábados y uno que otro domingo, no pasa de las diez.
Chucherias para comer
1. Cancion Mayra
¿Que serías de ti sin la musica?
2. Nina.
¿Cuál es tu experiencia en Acrópolis?
Toronjo es un pelao tranquilo. De día trabaja de barrendero. De noche es el guitarrista de Cuerpos sin vida, su banda de punk.
La vida cotidiana de Toronjo contada a partir de tres escenarios disntintos:
1. Casa. Trabajo.
Es contado en tercera persona. Esa tercera persona se permite salirse de la historia de Toronjo para hablar de la ciudad y sus multiples facetas
2. Banda punk
Primera persona. Grabaciones.
3. Implementar la escritura creativa con las personas. Construir respuestas a partir de la imaginación. Investar historias, construir mitos modernos de la descomposición.
¿A dónde crees que va el camión de la basura?
Contruye una historia, con tu imaginación, osea lo que se te ocurra, no tiene que ser cierto, pero intenta crear algo que se te ocurra, que te parezca llamativo.
La construcción de escenarios no de situaciones.
Papá parece uno de pasión de gavilanes versión posmoderna, aquí bien pedo diciendo por telefono, apenas abre la puerta, claro está, hablamos mañana, quiero deacansar. Todo picaron, ya te descubrí. Tu pinta es la labio seca, la de años de experiencia con ojos picarones. Llegar hasta ahí no te hace un mejor sinverguensa.
No hay que aparentar nada
Sencillez absoluta
Me duele la pija, como dicen los españoles. Me duele un tanto, casi mucho. ¿Así se deben sentir las mujeres? Y peor, que a ellas les viene cada cierto tiempo. ¿Pero entonces, si hay una identidad biologica determinante en el género? Me hubiera justada preguntarle a la profe Mercedez en su clase de literatura y feminismo. No lo sé, siento que la mestruación es algo muy determinante, siento que eso te condiciona.
Al final de la canción era áspero el silencio. Saber que no le estaba cantando a nadie con plena bulla. Que los micrófonos sonaban bien y la consola funciona sin problema, pero sin nadie que aplauda y rellene ese silencio extraño cuando se termina una canción.
Quizás todas las historias de cigarillos siempre lleva a un incendio
No quiero que me hables de acertividad
Lo tengo no lo apunto
Yo no pude ser río
Me trage el agua sucia
Y pringé toda la tierra
La hora (noche) de las luciernagas
En el fondo todos queremos hablar con alguien, decir lo que piensas, expresar lo que sientes, lo que temes. El que no hace eso sencillamente explota, se muere por dentro.
No lo sé muy bien si es una coincidencia, pero bueno, siento que varias chicas tienen la misma configuración de su wapad, no puedo saber si ya vieron el mensaje ni tampoco cuando estuvieron conectadas. Entes que no están, solo aparecen y ya, como si nada. Y yo me pongo un poco preguntón y nostálgico porque no aparecen. Es un poco extraño eso del internet. A veces me da dolor de cabeza solo tener que volver a prender el celular, tonto.
Le pregunto al Morfeo si sigue escribiendo. Me dice que si, me muestra un tema que le está haciando a la mamá, dear mama, se llama, cuenta una historia rimada, lleba ritmo, uno que otro un poco forzado. Y si intentas escribir sin rima, pregunta Milagros. Yo escribo sin rima, me parece que es mejor. Obvio, es mucho mejor, pero el hace rap, sería un poco raro escuchar un rap que no rimara, le digo a Milagros. A pues si, es cierto, nunca he rimado, lo mio es más bien breve, cuatro versos que caben perfectos en un cuadrito para montar al instagram, nos dice Milagros. Genial, como una escritura bien posmoderna, breve y sin metáforas, le felicito a Milagros.
Escuchar a papá roncar es la única manera de saber que ya está dormido. Si no ronca es porque está haciendo sueño, como dice él, que es como dormir pero estando conciente de lo que se escucha y de lo que se mueve. Por eso parece un brujito a media noche estamtando cucarachas.
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“1. Divison und 2. Regiment”
Die Bi-(Super)Vision. Offenbar findet sie auch durch Soldaten beim Militär statt.
das Militär-Regiment : Rückseite (Rücken), re- + Nie + der Gent, gents; Milli wird davon nun ganz crazy, es macht sie regelrecht dann erneut närrisch, erhält sie den selben Antrag durch einen Mann auch, *der Zwick in den Po, oder versuchte Po-zwick, vollführt durch einen Mann bei der Frau, hinter ihm könnte sich auch erheblich mehr wieder verbergen als allein nur der erneute Versuch dazu, der dabei gemachte Antrag, er könne hingegen sehr viel weiterführend sein! Milli sieht darin eine starke Beleidigung! Bei weitem aber nicht nur durch diesen einen Mann wieder, nein, stattdessen erneut durch sie alle! (’Dreißigjähriger Krieg’)
milli-närrisch, milli-going-crazy, die Frau im Kostüm des männlichen großen Narrs oder des ‘big male’ Toren. ‘Dick & Doof bei den Wüstenfüchsen” (als erneuter sogar Filmtipp), Panzer: der auch: männlicher ‘Schutzpanzer’
*(Sodass jetzt selbst auf dem Mond schon deswegen manches Mal hin- und her auch überlegt wird bei der Spitze, ob es dann nicht weitaus besser erschiene, benennte man sie ebenfalls bald um!!)
Völlig überraschend selbst für mich war aber auch die Neuentdeckung, der Begriff der Bi-sexuelle, es ist nie allein nur der Gay mit ihm gemeint bzw. ein oder das gay Paar innerhalb der Gesellschaft, (oder eine Frau, mit dann ebenfalls vorhandenen Neigungen zum eigenen Geschlecht), der Heterosexuelle kann es auch sein. Mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit steht es für: zwei Wege.
*Die Frau kann also des selben Verbrechens jederzeit später noch genauso auch angeklagt werden, zusätzlich zum erneut auch mitbeteiligten Mann! (Und beide waren auch sie dann hier wieder erneute Bett-Partner, d.h. auch sie teilten sich dabei ein nur einziges Bett!!)
das ‘Mehrwegpfandflaschensystem’ für den Flaschensammler, Mehrwegsystem, System : His stem, Gesellschaftssystem, das erfolgreiche Men-agement oder bewusste ‘Altern von Männern’ u.a. mittels auch sehr spezieller Haarshampoos, dem beheizten Autositz im Sportwagen des Mannes oder den No-aging-Cremes (für sogar Frauen), ‘Viele Falten (haben und bekommen)’, die Vielfalt in der Gesellschaft
‘One Way Ticket to the Moon” (aus dem Pop od. Jazz)
‘Die wiederverwendbare Plastik-Flasche’ *Pa’s Stick (od: das An-ticken)
“(Schiffs)kom-büse; ‘Kom(m)’ noch(mal) Böse(r)!’, bö-se : Po (dt.) + es(s)/*ass (engl.), ‘Böse Onkels’ (Bandname *Punk)
Die Löwen-Domteuse (... zähmt den Don, sorgt dafür dass plötzlich auch er sehr stark von etwas ermüdet)
Aus: History by the Animal(s), Zitate
“... Has configured itself through *in the confrontation with/confronting a series of impossible relations *relationships to species that are at one and the same time enigmatic ...”
*about: What makes the human being! And what is the meaning if we say Animal to some thing! *’Men are animals’. Very often they exactly show their behaving.
“This Book it is a must read for all who are working on the Field of Posthumanism and Animalism”
post : ‘Po sei (von nun an auch du für immer) still!!’ Po + Ssscht! Still!! ‘Schweig’! ‘Halte endlich dein Maul!’ ‘Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold’, ‘Mann, schweig’!!”
Der Humanismus, und was den Menschen ausmacht, er erklärt sich also auch so! Zu einer der mit am wichtigsten Voraussetzungen dafür zählt die innere Bereitschaft, bei all dem wiederholt selber in Zukunft auch mitmachen zu wollen!
“While philosophers of all times have always made a distinction between human beings and the animals, the author imagines himself a world that completely will be free of such walls and borders”.
*(male) balls and ‘red lines’, ‘eine rote Linie ziehen’, die Grenzziehung, ‘die Blume’, Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum, Berliner Mauer, Grenzwälle/Mauern errichten, der erteilte Schussbefehl bei eventuell von Männern erneut unternommenen Fluchtversuchen “hinüber auf die andere Seite”, *‘Hatte der Osten, hatte die Bevölkerung der alten DDR, also traditionell vielleicht schon immer öfter Sex als jene auch aus dem Westen? Und um welche Art handelte es sich?? Versuch einer Studie!’ * eine (scherzhafte) Anmerkung und Hinzufügung seitens des Verfassers selber
The author (”History by the animals’) is professor in the Department of Political Science/European University St. Petersburg/Russia and Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy... *Letztere Angabe bezüglich sogar des erneuten angeblichen Verfassers oder Autors und auch seiner geographischen Herkunft sie muss so erneut nicht wirklich wieder auch stimmen. Dazu enthielte sie zu viel viel selber an Brisanz auch und vielleicht sogar an auch politischem Sprengstoff! Allerhöchstens könnte auch sie es tun!!
“If you see in philosophy the love of *achieved Wisdom/angehäuftem od. gesammelten Wissen über andere, then the authors book is a work about the love for animals”
“(Final) History of Animals” as a book is teaching us, as some humans ... how to win a new world ... and to join for it with (all) other “revolutionary animals”.
“This is a tour de Force ...”
“The powerful genealogy of the animal destroys any senses for purity and simplicity ...”
Also available by Bloomsbury are: Environmental Ethics, The Animal Catalyst/Catalyse *Katalisatoren im Auto; das Aua-weh plötzliche! Und der oder ein erneuter (männl.) ‘Po’! Er fährt dieses Auto!
“This will lead us to another aspect of animality in philosophy: namely the permanent association between animality and immanence!”
immanence: the existing or ‘remaining within’, the state of being and not going beyond a given or certain domain *Farlex Free Dictionary from the internet
“Those who want to finalize history by animals first will have to send it away” (pg. 124). ... Otherwise they will get ... their culminating and highest point, ... Marx calls this the subject of History, the self-negation by the proletarian ... who knows economy only as a (true another) working animal, the same as a horse”.
“However ...
Der Prolet-arier : Das erneute Po-getting oder der Po-get, hier ist es vermutlich nur der eines sogar dann erneuten selbst auch Ariers, er gehört also diesmal ihm erneut, ... als Weissem, weissem Europäer. Und andere sollen erneut vor selbst auch diesem Po dann wieder bewahrt und gerettet werden! Retten/getten; die Rett-ung, Get thing!, Rett-er/get some Er.
Kaserne: Der Pa und Ser? Ne, bloss nicht? *Pa + ser (sp.) + Ne
Das Butt-camp (’Boot-camp’)
“den eigenen Home-PC erneut boot-en” (’Driving homes at Christmas’). *jemand, einen anderen gewaltsam vor sich hertreiben. ’(Some) coming homes at Christmas’. “Erneute Lichter anzünden an Christmas oder zu Weihnachten”. Horst Lichter, bekannter Restaurantbesitzer u. Fernsehstarkoch.
Strafgefangener (Lager): “Schaft wurde soeben erst erneut eingefangen und ins Lager erneut eingesperrt zu anderen”.
Das ‘Gesässbuch für den Schaft des Mannes’ (Straf-Gesetzbuch)
‘Lagerbier’ und ‘Lagertier’. (die Lagerwache oder Campaufsicht)
POWs (*als solche wurden früher häufig Kriegsgefangene selber noch bezeichnet selbst durch Engländer wie Amerikaner, und somit ist es wohl auch keine original deutsche Erfindung! Sehr wahrscheinlich ist: Es stünde erneut dann wieder auch hier nur für ‘PAWS’, fand also Verwendung anstelle von: ‘Hundepfoten’)
‘Ein Kriegsgefangener (POW) ist ein Nichtkämpfer - ob ein militärisches Mitglied, ein irregulärer militärischer Kämpfer oder ein Zivilist -, der während oder unmittelbar nach einem bewaffneten Konflikt durch eine kriegführende Macht (in Lagern) gefangen gehalten wird.’ The Prisoner of War.
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A balada dum desconhecido
Tenho 21 anos, sou bastante conhecido na área onde resido. Tenho cabelo preto, corpo largo e tonificado,graças aos anos que passei a trabalhar como servente nas obras... Bons dias em que me puseram a acartar baldes de massa ehehehe. A minha maneira de vestir... Essa bem, pulseiras com espinhos e braceletes com tachas, uma larga moicana, casaco de cabedal preto com calças justas, correntes a atravessar os bolsos e uma grossa a volta da coxa esquerda, bastante influenciado pelo meu estilo musical, punk. Sou um baterista amador, costumo sair com a minha banda, somos os "Last Hope". Trabalho num restaurante,faço catering e uns trabalhos em restauração. Se não fosse o açúcar eu não conseguiria trabalhar tantas horas, volta e meia estou a colocar pó no nariz para aguentar a rotina... Será temporário claro, é só enquanto estou a poupar dinheiro para pagar a entrada dum apartamento e puder sair de casa da minha mãe. Coitada da senhora, criou me sozinho e até hoje não tem descanso. Acabei de chegar a casa, a minha mãe está a dormir, estou sentado na mesa da nossa minúscula cozinha a luz duma vela para não a acordar (apenas existe um quarto aqui em casa e está colado a cozinha, com uma entrada sem porta), meio atordoado de cansaço, bebedeira e uns charros que fumei, pois hoje estive de folga, algo que é raríssimo. Apesar de ter saido, não estava tranquilo, não conseguia tirar a minha mãe da minha cabeça. Uma senhora frágil, que passou maioria do seu tempo a costurar para me puder alimentar e por um teto sobre a minha cabeça, devido a isso quero sair de casa. Estando eu fora ela terá mais liberdade financeira, e eu puderei contribuir com o que ganhar daqui e dali... ( Isto será algo com imensos capítulos)
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he's the only one who showed up in panties and hoodies btw
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20 Jahre Blogger: 20 Dinge, die ich gelernt habe
An einem Samstag saß ich alleine zuhause, natürlich am Computer, und klickte mich von Link zu Link. Im heute nicht mehr in dieser Form existenten Internetmagazin Dr. Web las ich vom neuen Trend „Weblog“, der natürlich aus den USA kam. Mich interessierte zuvorderst der technische Gedanke. Die ebenfalls nicht mehr existente Bloggingsoftware Greymatter musste auf dem eigenen Webspace installiert und mit Perl zum Laufen gebracht werden. Krasse Anforderungen für mich damals, aber ich hatte Zeit und noch nie Angst vor Herausforderungen. Um 15:14 Uhr meldete ich dann Vollzug: „So, lasst uns beginnen.“1
Was ich da begann, war ein Vorstoß in eine sehr kleine Gemeinde deutscher Weblogger/innen. Man begrüßte mich und in der Folge begrüßte ich ebenfalls alle Neu-Weblogger/innen. Wir kommentierten gegenseitig fleißig. Es entstanden Bekannt- und Freundschaften, Netzwerke, Geschäftsbeziehungen. Thomas Gigold feierte vor ein paar Monaten bereits sein Zwanzigjähriges und hat noch ein wenig mehr dazu erzählt, wie es damals war.2
Ich habe extrem viel gelernt und tue es noch immer. Dennoch hätte ich nie gedacht, zwei Jahrzehnte durchzuhalten. Zumal Bloggen schon lange nicht mehr in Mode ist. Die coolen Kids geben ihre Daten schon längst exklusiv den Anbietern sozialer Netzwerke. Als Inhalte-Ersteller kann ich nachvollziehen, warum man das macht. Es ist ja so viel einfacher, als Geld auszugeben und sich mit Webservern rumzuschlagen. Als Internetbastler und natürlich auch jemand, der schon viele Dienste kommen und gehen sah, ist es mir allerdings ein Rätsel, warum man die eigenen Daten nicht auf dem eigenen Webspace haben will.
Wie auch immer. Im Alter wird man starrsinnig und unflexibel, deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass ich noch viele Jahre bloggen werde. Mal mehr, mal weniger; mal persönlicher, mal sachlicher; aber immer mit viel Freude am Veröffentlichen.
20 Dinge, die ich durch und beim Bloggen gelernt habe
Nach den ersten zwanzig Jahren kann ich ja mal zurückblicken. Was hat das Bloggen über all die Jahre mit mir gemacht? Was habe ich erreicht, gelernt, erfahren?
Internetfreundschaften sind genauso gut wie Real-life-Freundschaften. Schon alleine, weil diese Trennung, die heutigen Kids ja gar nicht mehr verstehen, schon vor zwanzig Jahren künstlich waren.
Durch das Bloggen habe ich mir ein ganz tolles Netzwerk aufgebaut, das sich durch Social Media dann immer mehr erweiterte. Der größere Teil der Leute, die ich heute kenne, habe ich zuerst digital erlebt.
Je mehr ich schreibe, desto mehr schreibe ich. Das Schwierigste ist der Anfang.
Ich musste einen Rhythmus finden, um regelmäßig zu bloggen. Anfangs war das (mehrfach) täglich, später weniger, aber – nicht zuletzt durch mein Tagebuch – veröffentliche ich mindestens einmal pro Woche was. So komme ich gar nicht erst raus.
Ich muss mich immer wieder motivieren. In manchen Phasen war das leicht durch viele Leser/innen. Manchmal ist es ermunterndes Feedback. Ab und zu auch eine Spende in Klein-Leas Sparschwein. Am nachhaltigsten ist meine Mitgliedschaft bei den Ironbloggern.
Durch das Bloggen konnte ich Vieles ausprobieren und lernte bald, dass ich was mit dem Internet machen will. Es brauchte zwar noch ein paar Umwege, aber hier bin ich nun, Internet, und lebe von und mit dir.
Durch das Bloggen habe ich ein persönliches Archiv, das mittlerweile mein halbes Leben umfasst. So oft konnte ich schon nachschlagen: Wann war das nochmal? Was habe ich gemacht? Mit wem?
Man kann sogar mit langweiligem Privatkram Geld verdienen. Ich meine damit gar nicht, dass ich hier wild Banner oder Google-Anzeigen einbinde, genauso wenig bezahlte Beiträge – auch wenn ich eine Zeit lang ein paar Kröten dadurch machte. Ich meine damit Menschen, die durch mein Geschreibe zu echten Kund/innen meines Unternehmens wurden.
Ich habe durch das Bloggen enorm viel über HTML, CSS, PHP und sogar ein wenig Javascript gelernt. Das Wissen brauchte man früher, um überhaupt anständig (auf dem eigenen Webspace) bloggen zu können. Ich bin zwar nicht mehr am Ball geblieben, aber das Basiswissen hilft mir noch heute fast jeden Tag.
Überhaupt habe ich so viel über das Internet gelernt. Ich weiß, wie Domains funktionieren, was der Unterschied zwischen IPv4 und IPv6 ist und warum das WWW nicht das komplette Internet ist.
Ich war wegen vielem, was ich beim Bloggen lernte, auch eine Zeit lang Dozent (und lernte, dass das nichts ist, was ich hauptberuflich machen wollte).
Ich habe auch eine beeindruckende Breite an Wissen in verschiedensten Themengebieten nebenbei bekommen. Einfach, weil ich so viele unterschiedliche Blogs lese bzw. gelesen habe.
Blogger/innen sind Menschen, die etwas zu sagen haben. Jede/r auf ihre/seine Weise und natürlich nicht immer in dem Gebiet, das mich interessiert. Aber niemand schreibt (nachhaltig) über nichts.
Ich lernte Geduld. Nicht alles funktioniert auf Anhieb und auch eine Leser/innenschaft muss man sich mühsam aufbauen.
Ich lernte Demut. Andere können besser schreiben, besitzen die interessanteren Themen, haben mehr Erfolg, die spannenderen Kontakte, die aufregenderen TV-Auftritte und sehen auch noch besser aus.
Ich fasste Mut. Durch das Bloggen musste ich lernen, Menschen anzusprechen – digital und analog. Und überhaupt, jeder einzelne persönliche Beitrag kostet Überwindung.
Mit dem Bloggen kann ich auch ein bisschen das Bild über mich steuern. Nicht, dass da so viel zu steuern wäre und noch weniger, dass da in zwanzig Jahren bestimmt einige peinliche Sachen zusammengekommen sind. Aber ich versuche natürlich immer, mich von meiner besten Seite zu zeigen und lasse die schlechten eher weg.
Die Welt der Blogs ist unendlich. Noch nie ist mir der Lesestoff ausgegangen. Im Gegenteil muss ich immer mal wieder in meinem Feedreader alle Feeds auf „gelesen“ stellen, um überhaupt mal wieder die Chance zu haben, mitzukommen. Es tut jedes Mal körperlich weh.
Ganz frisch habe ich gelernt, niemals Listen mit einer bestimmten Anzahl an Punkten bloggen zu wollen, wenn man nicht genug dafür hat.
Und last but not least lernte ich: Es ist egal, ob es das oder der Blog heißt. Aber richtig ist natürlich das Blog.
📨 Nie wieder etwas verpassen?
Neue Beiträge per E-Mail erhalten
💝 Gern gelesen?
Spende was für Klein-Leas Sparschwein 🐽
Das vollmundige „Wir“ bezog sich auf mich und meine damalige Partnerin, die aber nicht viel beigetragen hat. Zeitweise führte sie stattdessen ein eigenes Blog. ↩
Thomas ist übrigens einer derjenigen, die ich noch nie persönlich getroffen habe. Und trotzdem verfolge schon zwei Jahrzehnte, was er so macht. Kleine Teile des Weges gingen wir ja sogar zusammen. ↩
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2021/05/20-jahre-blogger/)
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What if s/o is a thief trying to steal Pirate! Overhaul's treasures but then s/o was caught and almost got killed but then Overhaul planed to use her as like an assistant or something?? Sorry, I can't explain much😔 I LUV UR FANFICS BY THE WAYY!!💖 It always motivates me😔✨❤

A mere thief getting on one of the most terrifying and scary ships of all sea, ruled by the tyrant and stoic captain any pirate or simple civilian ever heard of.
Captain Overhaul.
And now, as the trope had left the boat on the deck. You saw a opportunity to get your hands on their stolen treasure. The captain always carried his most gains with him, always with arrogance that whoever crossed his path on sea or eatlrth would have the same destiny. Death.
Yet you, with one braincell aparently, sneaked inside the ship and knocked out one of the man's responsible for vigilance. You smirked to yourself and a bit of pity for the blonde whose was on the wood of the ground as you snuck in inside.
You lighten up carefully one of your matches on the bottom of your boot. Widening your eyes at the amount of gold coins, rum barrels, jewel chests among ruby, jade and diamonds.... you left out a small "wow" as you wondered around.... ocasionally picking one or two things and shoving down your purse you always carried.
You stopped walking and furrowed your eyebrows when you saw a painting. Bringing the light close, you brushed your hand on the dusty painting to see an old man with two kids... the girl was taller and had similarities with the elder while the boy on the left was younger and totally different.... Golden eyes and dark brown hair on his features.
"Huh..." you muttered while hissing when you burned your finger accidentaly with the match. Grumbling and lightening up another one.
Some box with food were in there as well and you were impressed by how much everything, excluding the painting, was in great state... not even one bit of dust on the gold or other things.
"Weird..." you muttered before hearing some drunk voices and footsteps coming from outside.
Cursing you threw the match out from a window and hided yourself on one of the boxes at hearing the sounds of boots echoing and getting closer...
"Maybe it was a mistake staying in here?" You heard a voice and you curled up even more but still tried to poke an eye out of your hidding spot to see something...
"NOnSeNsE!" Another one shouted and you cringed at how loud it was "CAPTaiN KnoWs WhAT He I DoInG PunnNKKKKkk-!"
"Punk?" You muttered quietly before the voices went quiet for a bit.
"Yes Overhaul. We will tell the other to get up by morning." And with that, the voices were out...
You heard stories of thsi young king of the seas before... and hearing the name Overhaul caused almost everyone you knew to shiver... No one who met him came back to tell the story...
You gulped and made quietly your way out as soon as you heard the creaking of the door... you couldn't just get out now... especially with all the crew wide awake...
Well... they did drinked aparently... so you just had to wait a few minutes. So the best you could do was patiently what until everything was quiet enough to get out and ran away.
You heard a sound of water and arched your eyebrow up when you saw water with soap poking and sliding down the door that just had closed... did... did that man was cleaning his own office? Do pirates do that?
You shrugged and quietly went upstairs at noticing not a sound was muttered.. you opened the door slowly and slid you way out of it and closing without a sound.
You looked at the deck and everyone was almost passed out... some even drooling on the ground of teh ship. You made a disgusted face and tiptoed your way out till the exit of the ship....
You were almost there as you laughed inside of your head before your body stopped when a bigger and rough hand closed around your wrist as you gasped at seing a man with white hair glaring down at you.
"What are you doinh in here?" He growled as you gulped.
"G-Got in teh wrong ship!" You yelped quietly... but the man only furrowed even more his eyebrows and shouted "LIFT ANCHOR! WE HAVE A CLANDESTINE HERE!"
They all woke up immediately, some grabbing their swords as other went to lift the anchor. The man let go of your wrist as you tried to run back to the exit only to see you were away from the port.
"DAMMIT!" You shouted, preparing to jump on the water before you screamed when a much bigger than the other grabbed your forearm and even lifted you off from the ground.
"Aaaa!" The muscular man let out as you kicked and squirmed on his grasp "What we have here??? Trying to steal from Overhow?"
"More respect towards our Captain Rappa. Now-" the blonde pushed his glasses up with his middle finger as he glared at you "Hold still this street rat."
You growled at him before you kicked the man, Rappa, on the balls as he shouted and let you go... you ran but three man circled around you... One with a bag on his head, one bald and the other blinded you had knocked out earlier whose cleary wasn't happy to see you again.
"Get THIS WOMAN!" Another blonde shouted as you cursed before grabbing the bag face man's forearm and jumping to give a kick right on the bald one's face before punching on the blonde's jaw to get a run for it.
You screamed again when you felt something on your ankle and before you knew it, you were hanging upside down as you saw all the eyes on you...
"Now, what do we have here?" A indigo drunk guy sluttered as he tried to touch you before you slapped him away, accidentally letting your purse fall and show the things you had just grabbed it.
The white haired man from before crouched down to see it as the blonde with glasses from earlier got close.
"Is Captain's things." The man whispered as the blonde nodded, glaring at you.
"So a mere thief huh?" You gulped before yelping when a crow screamed in your ear and flew to be on top on one of the mans.
"Come on, as if pirates aren'tthiefs themselfs..." you mumbled as you hang up side down, smirking and arching one eyebrow before you widened your eyes at seing the same crow transform into a muscled name as he screamed down at you.
"DARe To COmPArE US WiTh YoU ThEN?!" Ah, so this was the guys who shouted "punk" earlier....
"What should we do with her?" A blonde with closed eyes asked, almost I dissapointed as The indigo one spoke after.
"Hey boss, let's shave her!" The guy laughed as you gasped in offense.
"Idiot." The men in glasses muttered while shaking his head.
"Walk the board!" The Rappa guys yelled as you rolled your eyes.
"Tacky dude. Tacky." All of them looked at you in shock, whispering to one another before the white haired man took off his sword.
"Silence all of you." He spike before walking, pointing the tip of his sword to your throat as your breath started to quickened.
The door slammed and everyone tensed, your attacker pulling his sword back and walking away from you as the other males stand by in two lines.
You squinted your eyes, one black boot coming out of the dark and one gloved hand on teh door... despite the night being dark as always, you gulped in fear at the golden eyes narrowing at your figure from the distance.
"Captain." They all saluted Rappa hesitated but did it anyway as the unknown male came in view.
Hat covering the top of his dark brow hair as hsi golden eyes shined along with the moon light... His cape and vests didn't reached the ground and he carrie along a belt that he aparently had both a sword and a shotgun...
He walked slowly towards you, The crown man and the white haired dude trailing a bit behind him as he looked at you from the ground at your hanging upside down corpse.
"... what do we have here?" His voice was a dark and low one as he put his hands behind his back and walked in circles around where you were standing... your head just on the same height as his own one but only for a few inches higher.
"Setsuno." He said, and the blonde shivered "I thought you were looking for our ship..." his tone was cold and dissapointed.
"F-Forgive me C-Captain." He looked over his shoulders at the blonde "She knocked me out, that's why you all probably found me on the floor."
"I will decide your punishement later..." he growled and they all shivered before he returned to lock his golden orbs with you "For now I aparently have to deal with this problem. One that aparently gave you a bit of work to just maintain our prisoner."
"Forgive us Overhaul." The white haired man spoke more confidently as be also looked at you "But we found out that this woman is not only a clandestine, but also one that stolen a bit of your possesions."
He hummed before taking his sword out and lifting up in teh air with a pysocothic look "In that case-"
Everyone closed their eyes as well as you, but you only groaned when your face and body met harshly the ground as you hissed in pain before your vision meet Overhaul's boots..
You gasped when you felt him grabbing you by the hair and taking your face up to look at him.
"So you're a thief. Have to be very brave or some stupid girl to invade my ship out of all the ones on that port." He yanked your head even more as you hissed bit glared at him back "You can have what you picked up. Really, I wont mind."
Everyone let out a confused nose before you saw the crown man throw your purse on the sea.
You were suddenly lifted up by the hair as he yanked you along with by the end of the ship, the most scariest thing was that he was calm, not laughing not shouting. HE WAS FUCKING CALM. You panted while staring at the water above your feet as you were only being held by one of Overhaul's hand.
"You still want that thing?" You shook your head desperately as he hummed "What a shame..."
You went to look but as soon as your feet disconnected with the ground and felt his hand pushing you you let out a bloody scream you met the cold water.
He only looked at you coming out of the water to breath a few minutes ago.
"SADISTIC!" you shouted, teeth hitting together as he only lifted one of his eyebrows.
"We are far away from that shameful city we were now. If you swan until there, your body will be tired out, not even speaking about the sharks and other sea creatures that can come easily after you." Some of the crea laughed as you tried still have more strengh to say with your head out of the water.
"Maybe..." he hitted his finger lightly on his forehead as he stared right in your eyes "Maybe you can be useful on my ship... After all, you own me after that audacity of yours."
"FUCK YOU! AS IF!" you shouted back as he sighed, having his back to you and lifting his hand up.
"In that case. Be my guest to be eaten by sharks." You glared at him before you froze at seing one shark not much far away...
Be a slave for pirates or die by a shark..?
You cried ass you swan the list you could before you gave up and shouted, all of your pride completely lost on that moment.
He stopped and smiled sadistically before gaving a look to Mimic, whose nodded and transformed into a crown and went to throw you a rope as you cried in relief and started to grab it.
"Pull her." He muttered to Rappa whose did abruptly. You were soon back on the grounds of the ship as you trembled... Glaring already at the boots in front of you as Overhaul looked down at you, so I the crown rested on his shoulder as the other men snickered at you.
"Welcome to the Hassaikai... slave." He let out a sinister smirk on his face before he snapped his fingers for two man to lift you up.
"Put a chain on her. Maybe this way she wont be a idiot enough to jump amd kill herself on the sea." He ordered before the showed the crown out of his shoulder and walked casually back to his quarters, not before stopping and giving you a look over his shoulders.
"Call me your captain Overhaul from now on until you let your final breath out..." With that he closed the door, leaving you to widen your eyes in horror and be dragged by the man by some other place of the ship.
(Aaaaa I loved this piece, should I continued???"
#overhaul x reader#chisaki kai x reader#overhaul#chisaki kai#bnha imagine#bnha characters#bnha villains x reader#bnha au#captain overhaul#pirate au#shiiit i loved this#zuffer writings
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Retracing My Steps #14
Focused on rev summer + punk/hip hop
Texas Is The Reason "A Jack with One Eye" from Do You Know Who You Are?: The Complete Collection
Knapsack "Katherine the Grateful" from This Conversation Is Ending Starting Right Now on Alias Records
Far "Job's Eyes" from Tin Cans With Strings to You on Epic
Fugazi "Blueprint" from Repeater & 3 Songs on Dischord
Gray Matter "Chutes and Ladders" from Take It Back
One Last Wish "Loss Like a Seed" from 1986
One Step Closer "Lead to Gray" from Promo 2020 - Single on Triple B Records
Gray Matter "take it back" from Take It Back
Muro "Mundo Infesto" from Pacificar
Pobreza Mental "No Se Donde Voy" from DEMO 2017
THE COMES "Public Circle" from No Side
CATSICK "Bad Boys III" from CATSICK/Conflicted Split
Touche Amore "Come Heroine" from Lament on Epitaph
Sonic Youth "Mildred Pierce" from Goo on Geffen
Turning Point "Behind This Wall" from Behind This Wall: 1988-1991
Camp Blood "Cenobite" from Cenobite - Single on CAMP BLOOD
Soul Glo "31" from The Nigga in Me Is Me
Gorilla Biscuits "Start Today" from Start Today
Youth of Today "Slow Down" from We're Not In This Alone
Rites Of Spring "Spring" from Rites of Spring
Playboi Carti "Punk Monk" from Whole Lotta Red on AWGE/Interscope Records
For Your Health "If Anybody Asks We're Already Fucked" from In Spite Of
Pink Siifu "ameriKKKa, try no pork." from Negro
Camp Blood "1144" from Camp Blood - EP on CAMP BLOOD
Saetia "Ariadne's Thread" from Collected
WristMeetRazor "Bible Study with an Atheist" from ...but the Sky Is Empty - EP
Nuvolascura "Disguised in Scintillations" from As We Suffer from Memory & Imagination on Zegema Beach Records / Dog Knights Productions
Injury Reserve "Rap Song Tutorial" from Injury Reserve
Show Me the Body "Trash" from Corpus I
JPEGMAFIA "BALD!" from BALD! - Single
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10 filmes preciosos para ver na Netflix
Para preencher o tempo livre, nada melhor que um bom filme e um balde de pipoca. E, para aqueles que ficam indecisos na hora de escolher um filme na Netflix, a Revista Bula preparou uma lista com dez ótimas opções de longas disponíveis no serviço de streaming. Os títulos abrangem diferentes gêneros e receberam boas notas da crítica e dos espectadores.

Mesmo com a possibilidade de buscar filmes de acordo com gênero ou por semelhança de títulos, nem sempre escolher o que assistir na Netflix é uma tarefa fácil. Para ajudar os leitores no momento de dúvida, a Bula selecionou alguns filmes disponíveis no serviço de streaming que são excelentes opções. Para aqueles que gostam de filmes baseados em histórias reais, a sugestão é “Diga Quem Sou” (2019), de Ed Perkins. Para quem prefere dramas, vale a pena conferir “A Sun” (2019), de Mong-Hong Chung, e “Assunto de Família” (2011), dirigido por Hirokazu Kore-eda. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com o ano de lançamento.
Adú (2020), Salvador Calvo

O filme conta três histórias distintas, com apenas uma coisa em comum: a África. Na fronteira da Espanha com o território africano, o guarda Mateo testemunha o assassinato de um imigrante ilegal e não sabe se deve contar a seus superiores. No Senegal, o espanhol Gonzalo luta para impedir a matança de elefantes. E Adu, um garotinho que presenciou a ação de caçadores ilegais, começa a ser perseguido por eles.
Você nem Imagina (2020), de Alice Wu

Ellie Chu é uma estudante tímida e inteligente. Para ganhar dinheiro e contribuir com as contas em casa, ela faz os trabalhos escolares dos colegas. Paul, um jogador de futebol com dificuldades para se expressar, pede que Ellie o ajude a escrever uma carta para Aster Flores, a garota mais popular do colégio. Ellie aceita a missão, mas com o passar do tempo também se apaixona por Aster.
Tigertail (2020), de Alan Yang

Depois de uma infância difícil em Taiwan, o jovem Pin-Jui sonha em viver nos Estados Unidos. Apesar de estar profundamente apaixonado pela namorada, ele decide abandonar tudo e se casar com a filha de seu chefe para conseguir se mudar para a América. Mas, com o passar dos anos, ele se arrepende de suas decisões, pois constrói um casamento infeliz e uma relação distante com sua filha, Angela.
A Sun (2019), Mong-Hong Chung

O filme acompanha a história do casal Qin e Chen e seus dois filhos, A-Hao e A-Ho. A-Hao, o mais velho, sempre deu orgulho aos pais e está estudando para entrar na faculdade de medicina. Mas, A-Ho é considerado a decepção da família e acaba sendo preso por roubo. Qin se recusa a ajudar o filho e chega a pedir para o juiz sentenciá-lo. Um dia, uma garota aparece pedindo ajuda à Chen, dizendo que está grávida de A-Ho e terá o filho mesmo que ele não saia da cadeia.
Miles Davis, Inventor do Cool (2019), Stanley Nelson

Este documentário apresenta um retrato profundo de Miles Davis, um dos maiores nomes do jazz. Considerado um gênio inovador, ele era movido por uma inquieta determinação de romper barreiras e viver a vida de sua maneira. São apresentadas fotos do arquivo, filmes caseiros, manuscritos e pinturas originais de Miles Davis. Além disso, vários artistas dão depoimentos sobre Davis, provando que ele continua um nome relevante nos dias de hoje.
Viver Duas Vezes (2019), Maria Ripoll

Emílio é um professor universitário viúvo e aposentado, que vive em Valência, na Espanha. Em um exame de rotina, ele descobre que está no primeiro estágio da doença de Alzheimer. Sabendo que logo perderá todas as suas memórias, Emílio se reaproxima de sua filha, Julia, e da neta, Blanca. Ele também decide viajar para Navarra, onde pretende reencontrar Margarita, sua paixão da adolescência.
Assunto de Família (2018), Hirokazu Kore-eda

Depois de cometerem alguns furtos, Osamu e seu filho Shota se deparam com uma garotinha abandonada. Mesmo relutantes, eles abrigam a garota e a esposa de Osamu concorda em cuidar dela. Embora a família seja pobre e roube para sobreviver, todos vivem felizes juntos. Até que a justiça descobre os segredos que eles escondem. O filme foi o ganhador da Palma de Ouro, principal prêmio do Festival de Cannes, em 2018.
Tempo Compartilhado (2018), Sebastian Hofmann

Pedro aproveita uma promoção para descansar com sua família em um resort. Chegando lá, certo de que encontraria um paraíso perfeito, ele descobre que o lugar distribuiu mais vagas do que era capaz de comportar e agora sua família terá que dividir o quarto com outras pessoas. As férias de Pedro se tornam um pesadelo e ele começa a desconfiar que todos os contratempos fazem parte de um plano do resort para destruir sua família.
Mulheres do Século 20 (2017), Mike Mills

Na Califórnia dos anos 1970, Dorothea se esforça para cuidar do filho adolescente Jamie, apesar de todas as diferenças que existem entre os dois. Para isso, ela conta com a ajuda de duas amigas: Abbie, uma fotógrafa aficionada pela cultura punk; e Julie, uma jovem inteligente e provocadora. Juntas, essas três mulheres ensinam a Jamie lições valiosas sobre a vida, os relacionamentos e o amor.
Manchester à Beira-Mar (2016), Kenneth Lonergan

Após uma tragédia destruir sua família, Lee Chandler vai embora de Manchester. Anos depois, ele trabalha como zelador em Boston, mas é obrigado a retornar para sua cidade natal, devido ao grave estado de saúde de seu irmão, que acaba morrendo. Lee é surpreendido com o testamento do irmão, que deixa para ele a guarda do filho adolescente, Patrick. Agora, Lee deve permanecer em Manchester e enfrentar seus fantasmas do passado.
Clube dos Cinco (1985), John Hughes

No Colégio Shermer, cinco alunos que cometeram pequenos delitos são colocados em detenção. Apesar de frequentarem a mesma escola, eles pertencem a classes sociais diferentes e não são amigos. Confinados por nove horas, os estudantes devem escrever uma redação sobre o que pensam de si mesmos. Com o passar do tempo, eles começam a se abrir uns com os outros e compartilham seus maiores segredos.
Diga Quem Sou (2019), Ed Perkins

O documentário acompanha Alex Lewis, que após perder a memória em um acidente de moto, aos 18 anos, precisa contar com a ajuda de seu irmão gêmeo, Marcus, para redescobrir o passado. Devido aos relatos de Marcos, Alex acredita que teve uma infância feliz e uma família unida. Mas, anos depois, seu irmão revela que omitiu um obscuro segredo familiar, com o objetivo de protegê-lo de memórias angustiantes.
10 filmes preciosos para ver na Netflix Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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max, johnny, and the very important mission (bmw 2)
bullymagnet week, day two: heist
Since the plan is to make one cohesive story out of these, I’d suggest reading day one first.
“Mr. Spender, I need your help!”
It’s not exactly unusual for one of the Activity Club members to come bursting into the room with a dramatic one-liner. Actually, it’s probably far weirder for any of them to make their presence known like normal people, but Max usually does his best to bring down the curve on this one. Pair that up with his reluctance to ask for help in general, and… he would’ve expected more of a reaction, honestly.
“Oh, good afternoon, Max,” Spender mutters, flipping a page of his magazine. He doesn’t even bother to look up. “Yes, your pop quiz was a little below normal for you.”
“I’ve only been here like a week, you don’t know my normal,” Max retorts, frustrated. “Not that I ever expect to see ‘normal’ again… But, anyway, this isn’t about school!”
At this, Spender does perk up. “A spirit? Report!”
“…Not a spirit, per se,” Max shrugs. “More of a… Starchman situation?”
“STARCH-SIT!” Ed bursts into the room, followed by Isabel twirling her new umbrella around her wrist with a fierce grin. As Ed continues talking, he and she begin spontaneously fencing with their tools, leaving Isaac blocked in the doorway, scowling. “Man, I love those! What was it this time? Quoteathon? The Great Tremble? Oh, did he bring out The Noodle?”
“What? No. No. What is that stuff? No.” Max sighs, turning back to Spender. “He confiscated something that belongs to me, can you help me get it back?”
Ed just laughs mysteriously.
“Max! How could you lose y–” Cutting himself off with a quick glance to Isabel, Spender changes tacks with a sigh: “What did you do to make him confiscate your tool? Were you magnetizing things in class?”
“No. It’s weird enough that I’ve been carrying a baseball bat around everywhere, you really think I’m gonna draw attention to it like a numbskull?” The looks Max gets suggest that yes, everyone does think exactly that. Jerks, the lot of them.
“Well, your pop quiz suggests – ”
“There was a spirit on my desk eating that test! You saw it! You sparkled at it!”
“The fact remains, even Isaac gets good grades with spirits around.” The boy still trapped in the doorway perks up a little, until Spender continues, “Well, not in art.”
“Heh.” Max can’t help snickering at that one, despite the betrayed look Isaac shoots him. But he’s quick to get back on track – this is a serious matter, after all. “I only said I don’t really like The Hobbit, can you just help me get my property back?”
Spender sighs again, with feeling.
“Who doesn’t like The Hobbit, Max?” He shakes his head despairingly, and Max rolls his eyes. So sue him for preferring sci-fi. “I really shouldn’t encourage so much flaunting of the school rules – Isabel, your turn to watch the security cameras. I suppose I’ll be busy walking young Max down to the office to plead his case…”
“Max has his bat,” Isaac points out.
“Yes, it’s really not a good idea to separate a new spectral from their tool for long, we all know that Isaac – wait. You do have your bat.”
“I never said he took my bat,” Max grumbles, glaring at Isaac. There’s a stupid triumphant glint in his eyes; Max is totally going to remember how petty he is. He’ll be twice as petty back over this. “He took my hat! I need it back!”
As one, everyone turns to him with silent, yet expressive faces.
Do you really think I, a Teacher, would stand against the ancient teacherly art of Confiscation unless a tool were involved? Spender asks.
Gee, Max, that’s lame. Never knew you were so lame. It’s just a stupid hat, Isabel opines.
I wonder if I made a paint oven, could I cook a spectral potato? Hot potato hot! …Ed.
Ha ha ha that’ll show you, don’t make fun of my dumb drawings ha ha ha I win, gloats Isaac.
“Fine! I don’t need your help anyway!” Max yells, and storms out of the room.
The problem is, he doesn’t even know where Starchman keeps the stuff he confiscates. Normally the teacher’s desk would be a good bet, but this is Starchman. Max vaguely recalls a treasure chest his first day. The English teacher is way too terrifying to just ask for his hat back, and there’s no way he’s just waiting around until he manages to earn twenty-five stars to get it back.
Honestly, he’s not sure if it even counts as confiscation when you require students to pay you to get their stuff back, but the stars aren’t actually real money. Even if no one seems to ever remember that fact. Even the vending machine by the cafeteria accepts them, to say nothing of that school store.
Maybe, if it were just a matter of a day or two, Max would be willing to grit his teeth and wait it out… but collecting twenty-five stars would by all indications take a lot more time and effort. No, there’s got to be some way he can steal it back…
Even though Max is the one who ends up knocked to the ground, Johnny gets mad. And he wasn’t even the one Max bumped into.
“Ollie,” the bully snarls, cracking his fists with that signature menacing grin, “what little punk dares to bump into my friend?”
The big lug blinks contemplatively down at Max, who rolls his eyes.
“He’s a nerd,” he decides.
“A nerd?!” Johnny’s voice gets more than a little bit insane, his grin ratcheting wider. Max can hear those tires screeching again. “Y’boys know how I feel ‘bout nerds.”
“You wish some of them actually wore suspenders ‘cuz snapping them seems like it’d be fun,” Stephen contributes with a grin, Ollie and RJ nodding seriously.
“No, not that feel, the mean feel!”
“I mean, that feel’s kinda mean too,” Max interjects.
“Yeah, Puckett, but it’s not like punch mean, you get me?” Johnny does a double-take. “Wait. Max?”
All of a sudden, Max finds himself lifted to his feet, brushed off in like fifteen different directions by what feels suspiciously more like nine arms than eight (a ghost?), and his right hand receives another weird Johnny slap-biff-punch-shake-clasp greeting. He’s fairly certain it’s not the same one as last time, but he doesn’t know if that’s because he’s moved up in Johnny’s book, or if they’re both just completely random. At the end, Johnny just stands there, giving him this weird stare.
“You look different, man,” Stephen says.
“Yeah, that’s cause Starchman confiscated my hat,” Max snarls, rage returning as he remembers the injustice done to him. “That thing is basically part of my head!”
“Oooooooh,” Johnny’s gang agree. “Yeah, that’s it. You look naked, dude.”
“You look like a nerd,” Johhny says. “That’s just not right.”
“I thought you thought I was a nerd, though? I mean… you broke into my house to call me one in the middle of the night only like a couple days ago.” Max hoists his heavily-graffitied cast as proof.
“Y-yeah,” Johnny says, cheeks flushing. “But. You don’t normally look like a nerd. Yer all… stealth-nerd. Normally.”
“Did. Did you just say my hat makes me look cool.”
“T-this kid needs a hat, stat!” Johnny roars, and leaps at RJ, trying to tug off their hood. “RJ, c’mon, it’s a sacrifice for the greater good! Gotta cover his, his stupid, uh bald head. Yeah!”
…That sounds like a yes.
Max ducks his head, scratching at his hair, grinning a little. When he looks up, it’s to Johnny staring at him again, frozen, with one hand in RJ’s mouth and the other hovering mid-air.
“……Nothun’. Ollie, Stephen: extraction.” The two boys help Johnny to prise his hand out of RJ’s mouth, a task that takes a couple of minutes. They all act like this is usual stuff for them, but Max is very concerned about what this implies for RJ’s bite strength, and makes a note not to touch the hood any time soon.
Still, Johnny’s got a point. Max needs a hat. Not just any hat. He needs the hat his mom gave him, the one that makes him look cool. And, well, he was just thinking about how hard it would be to do this alone…
“Johnny,” he says carefully, well aware that maybe this counts as making a deal with the devil or whatever. “Johnny, uh, do you want to steal back my hat with me?”
Johnny’s face is – yeah. Definitely the devil.
“Do I ever, MAX,” he exclaims, suddenly at his side, arm clasped over his shoulders. “Do. I. Ev-arr. Yes! Yes Max I EVER SO DO -”
“Great we got it you like crime,” Max mutters, trying to at least pretend like he regrets this decision.
Twenty minutes later, after one strategy meeting, one hoist into the vents, ten minutes getting lost in the vents, and one spent hovering in the ceiling trying to think of a cool way to jump down without bumping his cast. After some frantic hiding beneath the desk and a lot of attempts at lockpicking the treasure chest and Johnny finally just kicking the lock off with a roar that brings Mr. Starchman back into the room moustache a-tremble and wielding what Max realizes in horror must be The Noodle -
Twenty minutes later, he finds himself bolting down a stairwell, screaming in mutual terror with Johnny at his side, when their escape is foiled by Cody, Violet, and Jeff walking up the steps chatting. The only free space next to them is filled up by a small spectral goat on two hooves wearing a ridiculously huge backpack, so there’s no way through. Well, on the steps anyway, but Max manages to leap up and rebound off the wall, flipping over them and landing in the hallway beyond. Freedom awaits him in the form of the open front doors to the school, and for a second he’s tempted, but…
Johnny’s tangled in a heap with the other kids on the last few steps, and if Max runs now he’ll probably start punching his way out. Jeff has had it rough enough lately, what with the spirit possession and all.
He pretends that’s why he goes back to offer Johnny a hand up, followed only moments later by a pool noodle lasso landing round both their necks with (he could swear) a spectral yeehaw! echoing in the air.
He pretends real hard.
#bullymagnet week#bullymagnet#my fic#paranatural#haha johnny doesn't even show up for like half of this sorry#anyway you can consider it alt text canon#that the new handshake is personalized and represents max moving up many rungs on johnny's people ladder#let's pretend that makes up for me skipping over the actual heist so quickly too haha
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Hice una lista con los 10 sonidos que han marcado mi vida hasta el momento e influenciado no solo en la forma de tocar un instrumento sino incluso hasta la forma de percibir el mundo.
Con cierta dificultad he acoplado esta lista en orden cronológico, no de importancia:
1. A Hard Day’s Night – The Beatles

Acostumbraba venir a Lima para vacaciones familiares y aquí en casa de mi abuela había un disco compacto (raro en esa época en la que reinaba el cassette) traído de Estados Unidos por mi tía. Las fotografías de la portada y del interior a blanco y negro daban cuenta de que se trataba de “música antigua”, según mi percepción de niño de 7 años, muy diferente a los coloridos diseños noventeros. Solía ponerlo con delicadeza para escuchar de qué se trataba y recibía al instante un riff relámpago que Los Simpsoms plasmaron bien en el capítulo en el que Bart y Milhouse entran a la casa del estúpido Flanders: Rock n Roll en su estado puro. Sin saberlo, podía casi sentir los pellejos descascarándose de los dedos de George en los solos amigables a los oídos de un niño, al igual que la voz que en aquel tiempo me parecía unísona. Obviamente no lo percibí cuando niño de la forma cual la relato ahora, pero quedaría como un primer momento del trauma que solo más adelante –llegada la adolescencia-, e incluso ahora, cobraría sentido y empujaría a siempre volver y Revolver.
2. Branlez-Vous – Nirvana

La furia adolescente llegó de la mano del grunge. Era el momento del despertar a la música y en el cole se escuchaba Nu-Metal y lo nuevo de los Red Hot (con quienes me pegué por un tiempo). Sin embargo, sería un cassette quemado desde la compu, descargado de una página Austriaca, de este concierto en vivo que me haría regalar prácticamente los discos y cassettes que tenía para sumergirme en el mundo oscuro, angustiante y depresivo de Nirvana. El concierto es en Canada, en el momento justo de transición de la banda que mutaba del Metal al Punk. Un sonido sumamente sucio donde la percepción entre el los acordes distorsionados de la guitarra y los gritos de kurt son casi idénticos. Es más, no creo haya concierto donde se escuche gritar tanto a Kurt, se nota que estaba feliz pues se escuchaba entre canciones su buen ánimo y bromas. Quizá una muestra de cómo la música puede sublimar esos demonios que llevamos dentro.
3. It’s Alive – Ramones

Alguna vez oí a alguien decir que escuchar a los Ramones era como meter tu dedo en el enchufe y luego de 50 canciones en 40 minutos (estoy exagerando) pedir más. Nunca coincidí tanto con alguien. Es más, agregaría que no solo recibes esos choques sinápticos que te da la sensación de estar sufriendo un ataque de epilepsia, más aún esos voltajes recibidos reclaman la liberación del encierro del cuerpo que no permiten permanecer inmóvil. El sonido del beat de la tarola retumbaba en mi cabeza todo el tiempo, y cuando parecía terminar sonaba una voz que gritaba “1, 2 ,3 ,4…!” para seguir golpeando. Fue así que mi cerebro no aguantó más y ordenó a mis dedos, casi de forma autónoma, que tomara algún objeto similar a una baqueta para empezar a golpear cualquier objeto plano, ya sea sillas, carpetas o cuadernos, a modo de batería. Quedando así en mí hasta ahora a modo de tic nervioso.
4. The Ultimate Collection – The Who

Había ya nacido Los Lemmings (mi banda) con un clásico sonido de punk rock veloz, tratando de darle al charles como Marky, hasta que llega a mis manos este álbum doble con los mejores temas de esta banda (el nombre del disco no es en vano). Quedé estupefextasiado al ver a keith Moon, delante de una banda en la que se sentaba atrás, siendo imposible no fijarse en él. Le daba a la batería como un animal poseído por mil demonios de Tasmania, creando la ilusión óptica de que contaba con más de 4 extremidades. Asombrosamente destructivo como Kurt pero tocando canciones de amor a lo Beatle. Yo no hago ningún tipo de ejercicio pues cuando quiero sudar toco este disco. Creo que eso es lo que me mantiene en forma.
5. Dynamo – Soda Stereo

El gusto por Soda viene por mi mamá. Recuerdo que algunas de sus canciones acompañan recuerdos de mi niñez, aunque nunca le di mucha importancia. Fue recién el 2007 que empezó mi adicción por ellos –y luego por Cerati como solista- debido al concierto que dieron en Lima, al que fui por insistencia de Ella. Me es difícil, al igual que con los Beatles, elegir un solo álbum de Soda que haya marcado mi vida, pero puedo decir que el Dynamo es el que más he escuchado y el que realmente me voló los sesos. Este es un disco que nunca he escuchado por temas, no recuerdo tampoco haberlo pausado. Este es de esos discos que lo escuchas como un todo: de principio a fin… para volver a darle play. Los efectos, la atmosfera, los colores, las letras, el ritmo, todo confluye en un dynamo, realmente, que te permite convertir el bus en el que viajas en una sonda espacial. Algo que logrará también Cerati en el Sueño Stereo y el Bocanada que no pongo en la lista para dar cabida a otros.
6. The Doors – The Doors

He aquí un disco que puede, si te dejas devorar por el lagarto, cambiar la forma que vez el mundo. En mi caso lo hizo. Otro disco que se escucha como un todo, que envuelve y enamora. Imposible escucharlo y no empezar a escribir versos para ser entregados o cantados a aquella mujer que amas. Creo que si el summer of love existió, junto a toda la ideología hippie, fue durante una canción de este disco cantada por Morrison. Tuve la oportunidad de verlos, y aunque sin Jim, el sonido que producían Ray y Robbie se asemejaba a la felicidad que generan ciertas sustancias psicotrópicas, para así dejarte como única respuesta el dejarte subsumir por la melodía y sonreír.
7. Up The Bracket / The Libertines – The Libertines

Cuando aprendí cómo descargar música empecé a bajar discografías enteras. Así lo hice con esta banda: escuchaba sus dos álbumes como uno solo, como un disco doble. Fue un regreso a las raíces luego de tanta psicodelia para mí, un punk rock contemporáneo. Realismo puro y crudo mezclado con la poesía de Pete que Noel Gallagher explica bien: “Si nosotros éramos la música del barrio obrero, ellos eran la música del obrero adicto y sin hogar que vivía detrás de aquel barrio y que al despertar no sabía qué día era”. La música era como un balde de agua fría, una evolución del punk rock setentero pues los acordes ya no eran solo quintas y la batería… una batería que por momentos es imposible de reproducir. Y cuando eso sucede solo me queda decir: Qué tal negro!
8. Time Out – Dave Brubeck

Me había quedado con la incógnita de qué era lo que tocaba Jhon Desmond exactamente, pues no era de ninguna manera rock. Jazz leí en algún lugar, así que investigué y fui a dar con este disco. Los entendidos recomendaban otros pero fue éste el único que pude descargar. Al escucharlo por primera vez me quedé sin voz. No lo comprendía muy bien pero me encantaba, el saxo, el piano, el contrabajo y la batería. Una sensación de relajación invadía y a realizar otras cosas movía, la idea la ponía uno. Me gustó incluso más cuando intenté tocarla: no pude. Sentía que tenía que olvidar todo lo que había aprendido en el rock y empezar de 0. Incluso, para lograrlo, me propuse tocar con la otra mano. Es así que ahora cambio de mano dependiendo el estilo que toque.
9. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn – Pink Floyd

Para mí este ese el único Pink Floyd, el Syd Barrett’s Pink Floyd. Lo que vino después de su partida lo suelo llamar Waters y sus amigos o Gilmour y sus amigos, dependiendo quién lidere la banda. Quizá sea éste el disco que más he reproducido, pues lo escuchaba todos los días en un tiempo de casi dos años. La locura de Syd me atrajo al disco y terminé desencadenando con él. Cada vez que lo escucho siento que me sumerjo en las profundidades de una mente que no conoce tiempo ni espacio y que solo se expande. Sonidos inesperados que no sabes si vienen del auricular o de tu propia cabeza, susurros que ponen la piel de gallina dejando como saldo un placer casi sexual y un final que invita a entrar en una habitación de relojes para empujarlos a andar mientras te repites intentando convencer a una mujer que ella es la pieza clave del mundo. Vesania hecha música, eso es! Barrett hizo con la música lo que Joyce hizo con los libros.
10. The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society – The Kinks

Quizá el penúltimo disco con el que me he pegado. Durante mi búsqueda insaciable de nueva música me di cuenta que prefiero el rock británico al estadounidense y todos los grupos ingleses tenían a The Kinks como referencia. De toda la discografía éste me impactó por ser único. A diferencia de sus demás álbumes, el sonido que encuentro aquí se separa de la música hecha por las demás bandas de la época. Dicen que esto se debe al aislamiento que sufrieron en su isla, lejos de los Estados Unidos (Quizá por eso no contrajeron la peste). Crean así una especie de Folk-Rock, con letras bucólicas que rememoran días mejores sin ser nostálgicos, sino más bien optimistas. Música sutil e inteligente de acordes simples que aligeran el día o incluso da energía al despertar. Yo lo tomo entonces así: como un desayuno de domingo.
11. Para no leer más - Luis Guzman

Y si el anterior fue el penúltimo disco que me impactó y quedé pegado. El último ha sido éste. Bastó para mí escuchar una de sus canciones llamada “Anfibio” en soundcloud para querer conseguir un poco más de aquella sustancia. En pocas palabras, me volví adicto. No podía creer que una banda haya podido materializar la música que había tenido en mi cabeza por mucho tiempo. Que mezclaba los sonidos que me encantaban: rock, punk, ska e incluso jazz. Con letras de vivencias reales en esta ciudad superficial. Imposible no identificarse a la sensación de amorosa decepción en bancas que otrora sirvieron para afectuosos encuentros, o aquel relato sobre la fiesta que sigue en la cabeza cuando el show ya terminó, o simplemente un día cualquiera en el que uno reflexiona sobre el horizonte que la vida toma. Así, los mejores músicos de mi ciudad y generación se unieron para formar un power group, de corta existencia y golpe profundo, que en la actualidad se anima a llegar a la categoría de “banda de culto”.
#rockband#albums#top10#the beatles#the who#the doors#the kinks#luis guzman#pink floyd#dave brubeck#Soda Stereo#the libertines#nirvana#ramones#Lima#Perú
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