#ses cola fountain
The westernization of Poland as exemplified by flagship fast food restaurants
Hi everyone! It's time for a full-on blog post, I'm talking paragraphs and shit. This will be another then and now comparison post, also set in Warsaw, Poland, now with multiple sections.
The First McDonald's
On June 17, 1992, McDonald's opened its doors for the first time on Polish soil. That day, the taste buds of 45,000 Varsovians would discover the hyperstimulative combination of the Big Mac, French fries, and fountain Coca-Cola, the American counterpart of a traditional meal of kotlet mielony (frikadelle), ziemniaczki (potatoes), and kompot (homemade juice). At 8 AM, the ribbon was cut by Jacek Kuroń, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, who was asked to be present in exchange for a donation from the company to the impoverished children of Poland. Also in attendance were cultural figures such as the coach of the Polish soccer team, Kazimierz Górski, and poet Agnieszka Osiecka. The opening and the fanfare surrounding it was as much a celebration of Polish culture as American culture. The building which housed the restaurant was located on the facade of the Sezam department store, a staple of the communist era, providing a juxtaposition of life in the Soviet Bloc and in the West.
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Above is the restaurant the day of its opening, and below is the modernist building shortly before being demolished and after its shuttering in 2014.
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The location of the fast food joint is at the corner of Świętokrzyska and Marszałkowska streets, two main thoroughfares in midtown Warsaw. Following the closure of the seminal McDonald's, a new restaurant was opened just slightly east of its forebearer. Below is a comparison of the locations, with the emblematic Palace of Culture and Learning in the background of both photos, the latter photo being taken in May 2023.
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The department store was replaced by an L-shaped high rise building visible to the right of the present-day McDonald's, with Sezam still occupying the ground floors. The replacement McDonald's is not as grandiose as the original; however, these days one can walk several hundred meters in any direction and come across another one of the company's franchises, which now number 517 in Poland.
The Stillborn Taco Bell
A while back I posted photos from the 90s of an ultra-rare combination Pizza Hut/Taco Bell/KFC restaurant in the center of Poland's capital. These are likely the only images, on the surface web at least, of the lone Taco Bell which operated for merely a few months in the country, according to PortalSpozywczy.pl. Evidently, the chain's offering didn't quite align with the market's tastes. Still, memories of the restaurant's presence live on online, with a dormant Facebook group pleading for its return to Poland. A Reddit post links to an article about Taco Bell's unsuccessful entry into Central Europe, with commenters reasoning that currency exchange rates in a nascent free market economy made fast food a luxury for consumers, and that the Polish customer simply deemed Tex-Mex adjacent food too exotic, especially when compared to the already unfamiliar offerings of hamburgers, pizza, and fried chicken by competitors.
While visiting the city for a few days, I decided to photograph the site to contrast between 30 years ago and now, as I did with the site of the first McDonald's. Below on the left is the restaurant pictured in 1993, while in the center, the site in 2023. I tried to take the photo on the right from the same vantage point as the 90s image, but the frame isn't quite identical since the lens of my iPhone SE camera doesn't have as wide of an angle. Also, it appears that the restaurants’ signs have been moved back, rendering them not visible from where the photographer was standing in 1993.
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Below on the left is the second of the two rare photos, showing the northwest corner of the building. On the right is my recreation.
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For some context, the restaurants only occupy the ground floor of the building. It was built as one of Warsaw's handful of pavilions, which were meant to showcase cultural exhibits and provide a space for various expositions. Built in 1968, the complex bears the name "Zodiak", and remains a venue for architectural exhibitions and events, itself a post-war modernist structure. The astrological theme is currently slightly subdued, as the original pavilion featured a neon map of constellations on the building's facade, and a cosmic-inspired mosaic, which was replicated in the renovated building as pictured below.
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Back to the fast food chains. The most obvious difference is the erasure of the Pizza Hut and its replacement with a Starbucks café. The pizzeria was relegated away from the street and toward the interior of the block. Gone are the branded trash cans and tiled enclosures, which were cleared to make way for Starbucks' tables and umbrellas. It's clear that Pizza Hut was running the show here thirty years ago, having prime frontage and dominant branding in the complex. Burger King has also invaded Yum! Brands' former fort, now nestled between the still-strong KFC and the Pizza Hut that let itself go. Today, just like thirty years ago, this site is still an example of an old order public institution, here an exhibition space for architecture and design, coexisting side by side with iconic American foodservice brands.
Communism to Capitalism: the Failed Attempt to Convert a Socialist-Nationalist Symbol into an Outpost of America's Largest Export
A similarly famous pavilion to Zodiak in the capital is the nearby Cepelia, which was constructed in 1966 to house a gift shop with the purpose of "solidify[ing] the rural identity of [Poland as] a socialist nation." That's a tall order for patterned mugs, kitchen towels, and woven baskets, but the store was a staple of Warsaw until May 2019, when it closed as a result of the building being sold. The ownership of the building was privatized following the creation of the Third Republic in 1989, and the company which owned the pavilion had been in a state of bankruptcy ever since, while the company which operated the store became the spiritual successor to the brand Cepelia in a schism of sorts, still profitably in charge. Before the closure even took place, McDonald's proposed the construction of a new restaurant in honor of the original vision of Cepelia's architect, Zygmunt Stępiński, after the land's change of hands to a new developer. The fast food giant went as far as saying that the design would go beyond this dream, because building technology had advanced between 1966 and the modern day in such a way that even more remarkable architectural features could be added. However, in 2022, it was announced that the redevelopment into a McDonald's would not take place at the request of the Masovian voivodeship's historical commission. The future of the pavilion remains unclear; meanwhile, McDonald's has not had a true flagship location in Poland since 2014.
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Above, from left to right: Cepelia pictured in 1971 in the evening, Cepelia pictured in 2019 with its architectural elements obscured by advertising, and a rendering of the McDonald's which was to replace the pavilion while replicating its original distinguished design.
Fast Food Ephemera: Taco Bell's Free Drink Coupon
Back to Taco Bell. While researching more about its Polish presence, I found a photo of a coupon for a free medium drink with the purchase of any combo posted by a Reddit user.
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I figured I could exclude it from this deep dive into the world of Polish fast food, as it didn't add much value to the analysis. That is, until I looked at the bottom of the coupon and noticed its expiration was at the end of March 1997. This shattered my view of the world, to put it hyperbolically. It was my understanding that Taco Bell was only around for a few months in 1993! This is the historical consensus at least. The only explanation for this could be that the coupon was simply valid for a few years instead of the standard few months, as the chain saw a bright future ahead for itself in Poland. Also, since we're here already, it's interesting that, at least in this promotional material, the brand emphasized its vegetarian offering, perhaps since all of its competitors served beef or chicken as their core products. This is the only piece of ephemera I could find online for Taco Bell's Polish presence, but the failure of Taco Bell in the 90s reminded me of the double failure of Dunkin' Donuts (now just Dunkin') in Poland. Buckle in for some more franchise lore.
Dunkin' Pączki?
The coffee chain operated in Poland not only from 1996 to 2002, but also from 2015 to 2018, when the company attempted to reenter the market. When searching for traces online of the company's first presence in the country, I could not find a single photo of a Dunkin' Donuts branch, but something arguably more interesting: a dormant Blogspot blog devoted to a similar mission as this post. Its author posted four entries, all in 2006, and one of them was of ephemera from 1999 that advertised DD's offerings.
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Clockwise, from the top right, we have three pamphlets side by side advertising the chain's seven locations in the city of Warsaw, a brochure featuring photos and detailed descriptions of the product offering, complete with pronunciation tips; a flyer which brags that because the donuts are made with vegetable oil and not butter, they contain 40% fewer calories compared to traditional Polish pączki (quite bold of them); and an ad showcasing frozen coffee through iconic 90s graphic design. 14 years after closing its doors in Poland, Dunkin' Donuts came back, making the same mistakes, so I've included below a photo of a storefront with signage proclaiming its grand opening for August 11, 2016, in the city of Łódź, and below it a tweet from the company's Twitter account, stating, "We're coming back, and for good this time! :)" Foreshadowing at its finest.
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My take is that Dunkin' Donuts did not have the correct marketing approach when coming to Poland. In other European countries, the chain was able to succeed despite, or likely because of, its emphasis on donuts, since in those cultures, there was room for a novel pastry, and the rest of the shop's offerings - coffee and sandwiches, mainly - could complement the American-style donut. Dunkin' begged Poles to understand that their pastries are unique, but we just saw them as shitty pączki. When the core item, already disliked by the average consumer, is in the place's name, it's no surprise that the rest of the product range didn't catch on and that customers weren't coming in. Perhaps if Dunkin' makes another comeback sans-donuts, it may be more fruitful given the company's shift to a "beverage-led" strategy in recent years. As they say, third time's a charm.
Thank you for reading! I'd like to acknowledge that this shit took me literal hours to conceive of, research, do my own field work for, write, edit, and publish. I was almost late to my great aunt's apartment for dinner because I took those pictures of the old Taco Bell! I know my worth, and what I'll say is that this quality content that you bitches get for free on here should be behind a $500 paywall on ScienceDirect, I'm just so philanthropic I could cry. Now give me my honorary history, marketing, and sociology PhDs. But seriously, I don't know which niche of the internet this sort of thing fits into, but that's the beauty of Tumblr and its randomness. For the most part, I'm just writing this for myself, to put my thoughts into words and try to make sense of capitalism and globalization.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
Hoy hace 13 años [18_6_11] estuve por WEMBLEY [un estadio bastante alejado del centro de LONDRES ] y que esta cerca de los ES_TU_DIOS "FOUNTAIN" donde hacían FACTOR X UK con DANNII MINOGUE [que me firmó en MELBOURNE su bio con LOVE IVANCRISTO] que amadrino a RUTH "LORENZO" [SOL que pega duro] que se crío en EEUU y sin PADRE representando a ESPAÑA en EUROVISION cantando en INGLES "DANCING IN THE RAIN"..y pose en un cartel de COCA COLA ZERO con lema PROBAR ES CREER..pues esta que no pruebas una cosa o a alguien no sabrás si te gusta de VERDAD o se ADAPTA A TI..y pasaba un MERCEDES que me recuerda a 3 cantantes apocalípticas como MERCHE, MERCEDES FERRER y MERCEDES MIGEL CARPIO alias VEGA..y estaba junto al centro CRISTIANO "NUEVA VIDA"
La única foto que no es de ese día es en la tienda de iluminacion MR LIGHT pues es del DOMINGO DE RAMOS de 2011 tras ver la VIRGIN MONEY MARATHON de LONDRES desde el monumento a la REINA VICTORIA junto a un tipo con bañador de SANTA CRUZ y encontrar la casa de KYLIE MINOGUE en DRAYTON GARDEN citandola en el bar ECLIPE frente al final de esa calle en la que están los restaurantes TAURINOS " CAMBIO DE TERCIO" y "CAPOTE y TOROS"
También pose en la calle SUNNY CRESCENT
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feemitidee · 3 years
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 SES COla Fountain NEU & OVP!✦ Zustand: Ganz NEU! Im Original Karton! ✦ ich bevorzuge niemanden, die Person die sich zuerst meldet, die bekommt den Artikel. PS: Freundlichkeit gewinnt!✦ Dieses "Grandiose Kreativ" Set, wurde von meinem Mann angeschafft und bevor jemand auf Blöde Ideen kommt, wird es hier (so schnell wie möglich bitte) verschenkt! Leider bin ich nicht so eine geduldige Mami - aber vl gibt es die irgendwo und jemand hat Freude damit! Bitte siehe Original Fotos gezeigt!Da es sich um eine Privatverkauf handelt entfällt jedes Recht auf Garantie oder Rücknahme!Selbstabholung: JaVersand: Ja (bei Kostenübernahme)Sammelversand möglich!Post/HermesPreis: 0€ HIER DAS KOMPLETTE INSERAT MIT KONTAKT DATEN!KLICK!
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
Hey, its the anon who requested the singer scenario. I did not expect that you used musicals, especially I recognized "Defying Gravity" from Wicked and "Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman. Because of it, I really wanted the same scenario but with Kamil, Vil, and Malleus with the fem reader who sings but this time, is singing with various languages from her world. Love your writing by the way.
❞ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐞 ❝
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➻ content: a singing latte
➻ warnings: none
➻ comments: welcome back to my cafe, dear anonie!
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࿐. . . KALIM AL ASIM (ft. Pippin the bird) ; French
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You hummed to yourself as you softly swayed, sitting on the sides of the fountain that was located in the middle of Scarabia. You were waiting for Kalim, who was taking quite a while with whatever Jamil called him for. There was nothing entirely important to do today. Classes were over and you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend.
He brought you to his dorm so that he could hear you sing again. He loves your voice and would often tell other students about your talent. Most of Scarabia already knows about your gift at this point. Right now, Kalim just wanted to spend time with you. Maybe ride a magic carpet, away from studies and just lay on your lap while you sing.
"Where is he?" you whispered to yourself as you looked at the entrance of the dorm. You sighed as you played with the waters. Suddenly, claws gently gripped/landed on your shoulders along with a gush of wind that made your hair fly around, "There you are, Pippin," you greeted Kalim's rose-breasted cockatoo who rubbed against your cheek while chirping.
Pippin flew down to your lap, looking up at you with a small tilt of her head before she nudged your chest, "What? You want me to sing?" you giggled and gently rubbed her wings. As if she understood, Pippin bobbed her head and chirped, "If you say so."
"J’avais rêvé d’une autre vie... Quand ma vie passait comme un rêve... J’étais prête à toutes les folies...À toutes les passions qui se lèvent. [I dreamed of another life...When my life passed like a dream... I was ready for all madness... To all the passions that arise.]” you softly sang. A beautiful song from your homeland that you and your mother would always sing.
The words fluently fell from your lips, your hands continued to grace on Pippin's feathers. The bird closed her eyes and comfortably perched herself on your lap. 
“J’étais si jeune où est le mal? Je voulais rire, aimer et vivre....[I was so young where is the harm? I wanted to laugh, love and live...]”
Flying down, on his magic carpet, Kalim has just ‘finished’ his duties and more or less relieved Jamil from following him around. ‘I’m just going to go to y/n!’ He told the vice dorm leader. Ah, what a relief. No, he doesn’t trust Kalim, he trusts you and he’ll cherish the small taste of freedom he’ll receive from being away from the male. 
Anyways, Kalim flew around Scarabia and once he saw you, he was in the middle of flying down before he heard your melodic voice. Just a few feet above you, he laid on his stomach and leaned on his hands. He couldn’t understand the words coming out from your lips but your soft tune was enough to leave him in awe.
“Danser jusqu'à la fin du bal...Ivre du bonheur d'être libre...[Dance until the end of the ball,...Drunk with the happiness of being free...]” you continued to serenade. Pippin felt the wind softly sway around, opening her eyes, she looked up and squawked at the sight of Kalim. You hummed and followed Pippin’s direction of sight, “Oh! Kalim!” you gleamed. His magic carpet slowly and carefully moved down to you, “That was amazing, y/n!” he complimented.
“I didn’t understand anything but the way you sang it made me want to hear it again!” he laughed and jumped down from his carpet. Pippin flew up and landed on his shoulder as he sat beside you on the fountain, “I don’t mind singing it for you,” you smiled. He laid on your lap, your hands raking through his locks.
“Please do!”
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࿐. . . VIL SCHOENHEIT (ft. Rook Hunt) ; Filipino
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The dance studio in Pomefiore was emptied, one by one the students left, leaving you, Rook, and Vil in the room. It was training, as Vil said. It somehow went smoothly, and the dorm leader was obviously relieved it was finally over. After all, you can’t avoid having reckless first years. 
The model was fixing his make up as he sat on one of the chairs, Rook was leaning by the window— probably observing the others —and you, you were sat on the floor, scanning through songs on your phone. Your earphones were plugged into ears as your soft hums was the only thing heard in the studio.
Vil looked up from his compact mirror with an arched eyebrow, looking at Rook in confusion. The vice dorm head moved his head as if he was pointing to your direction, “Listen,” he smirked. The confused blond looked at your form that remained focused on scanning through your phone.
“Nung nakita kita sa tagpuan ni Bathala...May kinang sa mata na di maintindihan..[When I saw you in God’s place...There’s a glint in your eyes that I couldn’t understand..]” you softly sang along with the song that echoed in your ears. 
Both males did not understand the song you were singing. For sure, you have caught Vil’s attention once again. He knew about your beautiful voice, he said it was another asset that was fit for Pomefiore. He silently adored how smoothly the words left your lips, in a form of a beautiful melody.
Despite the language barrier, hearing you sing always relieves him for the stress he tries to avoid at all times. He was absentmindedly staring at you and Rook wouldn’t want to ruin the prefect’s good mood.
“Tumingin kung saan sinubukan kong lumisan...At tumigil ang mundo...Nung ako’y ituro mo..[Looking where I tried to leave...and the world stopped moving...when you pointed at me..]” The song had a sad tune to it. You didn’t look sad at all, but rather, you looked so calm and at peace as the words effortlessly yet gracefully moved along your tongue. That belt you did at the end surprised both males.
You were truly talented.
“At hindi ka lumayo... Nung ako yung sumusuko...At nagbago ang mundo.. Nung ako'y pinaglaban mo.....At tumigil ang mundo...Nung ako'y pinili mo...Siya ang panalangin ko...[And you did not go far...when I was the one to give up...and the world changed..when you fought for me...and the world stopped moving...when you chose me..He is my prayer...].”
“What a beautiful voix [voice], y/n!” Rook clapped which caught your attention immediately, looking at the reflection of both blonds with red cheeks, “D-Did I sing too loud?” you embarrassingly scratched your cheek, “I didn’t mind it at all,” Vil commented and closed his compact mirror and sending you a charming smile.
“I love it when you sing.”
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࿐. . . MALLEUS DRACONIA (ft. Lilia Vanrouge) ; Japanese
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You looked over at your senior from over your shoulder. By senior, you meant the old fae that was looking at his phone with a peculiar glint in his eyes. He was probably too engrossed from whatever he was watching, “Yes, senior Lilia?” “I told thou to just address me as Lilia, dear,” he responded before laying back.
He took off the plug of his earphones from his phone, “Malleus told me about a song that he known from Ignihyde’s dorm leader,” Lilia gestured over to the fae that descended down the stairs, “That’s right. Somehow, I heard you singing it from your room,” the younger male admitted as he approached you.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before turning your chair over to face them, “What song?” you asked and Lilia gave you his phone, “I guess 'twere this one. That's what Idia sent me.” You took the phone from him and listened to the song. That’s right, it was one of your favorite songs from your homeland. You smiled and read the lyrics, “I know this song. It was from my homeland indeed.” You hummed the tune.
“Can you sing it?”
You looked up at your boyfriend in surprise, “You want me to sing it?” you repeated, “Of course, child of man. I want to hear you sing again,” he said, giving you his own smile, “I would love to hark a native speaker like thou sing a song from thy homeland,” Lilia added.
With a shy closed lip smile, you nodded and glanced back at the phone, “Tsui ni toki wa kita...Kinou made wa...Joshou no joshou de..[Finally, the time has come... Everything up 'til yesterday was a preface of prologue..]” you easily followed along with the song. 
Malleus has took a seat next to Lilia, his eyes admiringly stared at you. Lilia was fascinated at how your lips gracefully moved along with the words. A language so foreign yet beautifully sung by a singer. Though, they may not understand, it was soothing enough to hear something new every once and a while.
“Tobashi yomi de ii kara...Koko kara ga boku da yo...Keiken to chishiki to...Kabi no haekakatta...Yuuki wo motte...Imada katsute nai SUPIIDO de..Kimi no moto e DAIBU wo..[It's fine if you just skimming it through...Because it's my turn from now on...My experience and my knowledge...And all the courage I had let start to mildew...At an unprecedented speed..I will dive right into you]”
Another thing Malleus adored was your smile. How your lips would curve up as you sung out the lyrics, you were enjoying yourself and Malleus couldn’t have asked for more. He was pleased, “Madoromi no naka de...Namanurui KOORA ni...Koko de nai dokoka wo.. Yume mita yo...Kyoushitsu no..Mado no soto ni...Densha ni yurare... Hakobareru asa ni...[ And when I dozed off into a lukewarm can of cola, I dreamed of a world that so far from here. Searching outside of the classroom window, or in a morning that's brought from the rocking train..]”
That was quite a fast structure of words and you gracefully pulled it off. Just as the song trailed off into a musical, your laughter was heard as you gave the song back to Lilia, “It’s a beautiful song, but I must admit I don’t memorize all of it.” You stood up. “And you sung it beautifully,” Malleus said and wrapped an arm around your waist, “You can sing us to sleep with how soothing your voice is.”
“Are thou calling me out and changing mine lullabies for her songs, Malleus?” Lilia pouted, “Worry not, dear, thy voice is amazing.” He smiled at you while you giggled in return.
“Thank you.”
“I still prefer her voice over yours Lilia..”
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loxlia · 3 years
I bought the new limited edition Coca Cola Starlight flavor cuz I HAD TO! It’s so vague. It’s just like “oohdoodoo, I tastes like SPACE” and I’m like
So I bought some and subjected my whole family to it and. My verdict:
It’s weird.
It tastes like the snack bar at a movie theater or like when you mix all the soda fountain flavors together and like…. It’s not BAD per se. But like…. It also tastes kinda like NyQuil and also raspberries but also strawberries. My dad said it tasted like they crushed up sweet tarts and mixed them in. And he not wrong. It’s very strange and idk if I like it lol.
And it gave me hiccups so thanks.
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dcamanes · 4 years
La gran broma del arte
Plátanos, urinarios y pinturas que se autodestruyen. De bromas pesadas a beneficiosos artefactos del mercado del arte.
(Publicado el 28 de Febrero en el suplemento cultural Encuentros de Diari de Tarragona)
Antes de finalizar el 2019 los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales se hicieron eco de la última broma de la década, llevada a cabo por el gran bufón del arte, el artista italiano Maurizio Cattelan. En la feria de arte contemporáneo Art Basel Miami Beach, Cattelan, representado por la galería parisina Perrotin, causó nuevamente sensación con su obra Comedian; un plátano pegado a la pared con un trozo de cinta americana. A los pocos minutos de la apertura de la feria, la obra ya era viral; la gente hacía cola para ver la banana dichosa, las redes sociales se llenaron de imágenes y de versiones de la obra, y los medios documentaban al minuto los devenires de la fruta. Incluso una cadena de comida rápida llamada Popeye Chicken se asoció con la galería de arte Urbano Miami’s San Paul para versionar la obra, pero esta vez utilizando un sándwich de pollo frito al que llamaron The Sandwich. El plátano se vendió por 120.000 dólares. No una, sino tres veces, llegando la tercera vez a venderse por 150.000 dólares.
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Fue tal espectáculo que la feria tuvo que contener a las masas con catenarias y finalmente, el último día, la banana fue retirada para evitar las aglomeraciones de gente que estaban empezando a causar problemas, no sin antes ser comida por un artista llamado David Datuna, que contribuyó a la épica y el escándalo con su acción performativa. “Soy un artista hambriento”, comentó Datuna, conocido por sus performances con trasfondo social.
El director de la galería, Emmanuel Perrotin, en declaraciones a la CNN comentó que “el plátano es un símbolo del comercio mundial, un doble sentido, así como también un dispositivo del humor. Y, además: “El trabajo de Maurizio no trata sólo de objetos, sino de cómo los objetos se mueven por el mundo", añadió Perrotin. "Ya sea que esté pegado a la pared de un stand de feria de arte o expuesto en la portada del New York Post, Maurizio nos obliga a cuestionar el valor que se le da a los bienes materiales. El espectáculo, que ha sido orquestado de manera tan hermosa, es tan parte de la obra como el plátano".
Al parecer Cattelan estuvo trabajando en la idea durante un año, haciendo versiones en bronce y resina, hasta que un día lo vio claro; “una banana es una banana”. No obstante, Perrotin contaba siempre con un plátano de repuesto en el stand y asegura que, sin el certificado de autenticidad, la obra no es más que eso: un plátano.
 Las obras de Cattelan son continuas bromas provocativas y guiños transgresores llenos de humor. En 1999 el artista italiano ya pegó a la pared con cinta aislante a su propio galerista, Massimo De Carlo y su Papa Juan Pablo II derivado por un meteorito ha sido usado hasta como títulos de crédito en la serie televisiva de Paolo Sorrentino.
 El debate, aunque bastante trillado ya, estaba servido. ¿Puede un plátano ser una obra de arte? Puede, desde que un urinario lo fue (y lo es). El mercado ríe las gracias y parece contento con este tipo de bromas a su costa. Al fin y al cabo, es él quién decide qué es arte y a cuánto se paga. El arte conceptual, e incluso gran parte del arte efímero, convierte la obra en un proceso de especulación intelectual. Para que exista no es necesario que haya ni siquiera un objeto. Las nociones clásicas de estética han quedado largo tiempo relegadas y ahora la filosofía es la responsable. En el mundo y en el mercado del arte “todo es posible”, esa es su máxima. Ningún arte es más verdadero que otro. El arte puede ser lo que quieran los artistas (y el mercado, y los patrocinadores) quiera que sea.
 La obra de Cattelan, nos trae a la memoria a otros grandes “bromistas” del arte, que con sus gamberradas cambiaron el curso de la historia en muchas ocasiones. Aunque los guiños y las bromas se repiten desde la antigüedad en el mundo del arte, la gran broma final, la burla jocosa que hizo estallar todo por los aires fue la legendaria Fountain de Duchamp. Desde 1913 el artista francés Marcel Duchamp llevaba experimentado con el concepto de originalidad e identidad artística, con su rueda de bicicleta ensartada en un taburete o el botellero. Pero fue en 1917 cuando presentó en el Salón de la Asociación de Artistas Independientes de Nueva York un urinario del revés firmado por R.Mutt y titulado Fountain. La Asociación, a la que Duchamp pertenecía, prometió exponer cualquier obra que uno de sus miembros presentase. No fue así con el urinario, por lo que Duchamp resignó y la obra fue retirada, pero su enorme potencial conceptual cambió el juego del arte para siempre. “Les arrojé a la cabeza los botelleros y el urinario como una provocación y ahora resulta que admiran su belleza estética" dijo el artista francés en una de sus cartas a Hans Richter. Duchamp tomó un objeto cotidiano y lo presentó como una pieza artística, despojándolo de cualquier utilidad y dotándolo de todo un nuevo sistema de pensamiento. Las nociones de concepto y ejecución, originalidad, manufactura y técnica, todo se diluyó en una corriente filosófica que obligó a contemplar el arte reconsiderando por completo la historia de la estética y sus estrategias y a observarlo desde un nuevo punto de vista.
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 Fountain prefigura también la audacia del Pop Art y sus objetos cotidianos o de producción industrial y la disolución entre alta y baja cultura, así como predice la llegada de otros artistas como Andy Warhol o Damien Hirst. Incluso aparecieron bromistas profesionales, como Joey Skaggs, un artista de la performance cuyo currículum es un extenso elenco de chistes e inocentadas. Durante 30 años, Joey decía organizar un desfile con algún tema de actualidad, convocando a prensa e interesados, pero finalmente el desfile nunca tenía lugar. Hasta que, en 2017, después de 31 años el desfile se volvió realidad convirtiendo la acción en una gran manifestación anti-Trump, que reunió al mayor número de imitadores del presidente norteamericano.
 El mercado absorbe las chanzas y acaba por convertirlas en norma y beneficio, así como también lo ha hecho con el gran gamberro del arte contemporáneo, el anónimo artista urbano conocido como Banksy. Toda la carrera de Banksy es un reírse constantemente en la cara del mundo del arte y sus reglas, pero participando de ellas a la vez. En su última inocentada, el artista subastó en Sotheby’s una reproducción de su icónica Ballon Girl. La obra fue vendida por el precio de 1.100.000 dólares. Tan pronto como el martillo golpeó el mesón tras la venta, la obra empezó a deslizarse por el marco y, gracias a una trinchadora hábilmente escondida, la imagen comenzó a hacerse trizas hasta que la trinchadora se atascó, dejando media obra destruida. Los asistentes observaron pasmados la devastación de la pieza, pero su precio se dobló tras esta acción. Cualquier signo de protesta o burla se desvanecen ante el poderoso mercado, que ha convertido las gamberradas en parte de su engrasada idiosincrasia.
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suckaysuamigos200 · 5 years
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Esta es una precuela de esta imagen: fav.me/ddg3vir un día la estudiante sirena sair estaba sentada en la fuente de la escuela mirando la luz de la luna y al mismo tiempo ella estaba hablando de que los estudiantes con pies viven la vida más fácil porque pueden caminar A cambio ella que tiene una cola de pez pero de repente vio que la luz de la luna cada vez estaba más cerca de la Fuente y cuando se asomó a ver que ella para accidente se cae y queda inconsciente en el agua de la Fuente y cuando es atrapada por dicha luz su cola de sirena poco a poco se convierten en dos pies. This is a prequel to this image: fav.me/ddg3vir one day the mermaid sair student was sitting at the school fountain looking at the moonlight and at the same time she was talking about the fact that the students with feet live life easier because they can walk in exchange she has a fish tail but suddenly he saw that the moonlight was getting closer to the Source and when he looked out to see that she accidentally falls and becomes unconscious in the water of the Source and when her mermaid tail is caught by that light Little by little they become two feet. Sair -me Midnight Horror School-Naomi Iwata
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onefatfrog · 6 years
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Here at the frog we can build the best vehicle for your business. Bring us your used truck, humber, step van, or even an ambulance and let us hep you turn it into the perfect asset for you! Give us a call with ANY questions you have (407)480-3409 or check out Facebook pages: Food Trucks: https://www.facebook.com/buyafoodtrucktrailer/ Restaurant Equipment: https://www.facebook.com/OneFatFrogRestaurantEquipment/ Spanish Page: https://www.facebook.com/unsapogordo The food truck business has over 15 years of growth with no signs of slowing down. Many restaurants owners are attracted to the lower starting & operating costs as well as the location mobility of a food truck or trailer. With One Fat Frog, you're guaranteed to pass all inspections. We are the biggest manufacturer of mobile kitchens in the country with 40-50 trucks and trailers in our 100,000 sq ft warehouse at every stage of production. So stop on by and see them for yourself. No appointment needed! Our Facebook pages have thousands of photos and videos of every kind of build you can imagine. If you can dream it, we can build it. You can even bring your own vehicle (like an RV, a step van, etc) to our 100,000 sq ft facility so we can see what needs to be done to transform it to a mobile kitchen. We speak English We speak ASL Se habla español Nós falamos português Wir sprechen Deutsch نحن نتكلم العربية So if you are ready to take the next step in your food adventure, call The Frog today. With a 100,000 sq ft warehouse full of restaurant equipment for sale we know the business from the brick & mortar to the mobile kitchen. ☛ 2416 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809 ☏ (407) 480-3409 ❂ Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM ❂ Sat: 10AM - 3PM www.onefatfrog.com www.facebook.com/buyafoodtrucktrailer/ https://www.facebook.com/OneFatFrogRestaurantEquipment/ https://www.instagram.com/onefatfrog/ https://www.facebook.com/unsapogordo/ We have the following equipment and more! 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0 notes
La Grande Belleza
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  La Grande Belleza (An Interpretation)
I first saw La Grande Belleza in the wee hours of the morning. It ended just as a hazy dawn began to illuminate the sky outside my bedroom window. I lay in a numb silence, the closing lines of the film echoing in my head. I felt...strange. The feeling was surreal....
This is how it always ends…in death.
But first, there was a life hidden beneath all the bla bla bla….
Everything is covered beneath the frivolity and the noise,
the silence and the sorrow,
the emotion and the fear…
the gaunt, inconstant flashes of beauty,
the decay,
the misfortune,
and wretched humanity...
all buried under the blanket of the embarrassment of being in the world bla bla bla…
It had been a long time since a film had moved me in this way. I pulled the curtains closed to keep the room dark. I didn’t want the sun up just yet. The film was pregnant with a metaphysics waiting to be solved and translated.
There are stories that are simple, where the plot is the whole story. Then there are stories that run deep, and play on multiple themes and manifold layers of truth. Films like these are not so neatly comprehended in a “once and for all, I know what it’s trying to say” sort of way. Here was a film that compelled repeated viewing.
La Grande Belleza is an experience of enormous proportions—not only in terms of thematic breadth but, more importantly, in terms of a profound depth. The film is a whirlpool that catches you on the surface and then drags you violently down to a subterranean netherworld…
 “Everything is covered beneath the frivolity and the noise….”
 A perceptive viewer, seeing the film for the first time, will be cued, early in the film, to switch on multiple lenses, to pay attention, to open one’s mind and one’s…intuition, to open wide because more than just a plot is playing out.
If there is anything to be said that is emblematic of director Paolo Sorrentino, it is his visual style. Camera movement will be the first thing a Sorrentino neophyte will notice. The camera opens and pans through scenes with artful elegance. The composition of each shot is painstakingly art-directed and planned. The frames that unfold are cinematic art-scapes of wide vistas and frescoes... and intense, intimate portraits.
But that is just the first, most discernible, aspect of the film. Sorrentino is a master of sound design. He is able to convey mood and message through a careful selection of musical scores from various artists. In La Grande Belleza, he uses music to mark and bucket different themes together, such that it becomes possible to divine the director’s intent, even as these scenes are spread out through the film.
And then, there is the writing. It is excellent. I am unfortunately not able to speak Italian, and it is likely that the original version is much more beautifully written. The Spanish translation, however, is superior to the English version. There is a poetic rhythm that is not captured in English. But I digress….
The surface story is about a man, Jep Gambardella, who has just turned 65. From a quiet, less than cosmopolitan background, he is now a prince of the social scene. He knows all the important people, and they know him…. Indeed even the Cardinal, and most likely successor to the Chair of St. Peter, is honored to be a dinner guest at Jep’s home.
“When I came to Rome, at the age of 26,” he says, “I fell quite swiftly, without even realizing it, into what might be defined as the whirlpool of the high life. But I didn’t just want to live on the fast lane; I wanted to be the King of the high life. And of course, I succeeded. I didn’t just want to attend all the parties, I wanted to have the power to make them fail!”
"Cuando llegé a Roma a los veinte-seis años, me precipité demasiado rápido, apenas sin darme cuenta, a aquello que se puede definir como el remolino de la mundanidad. Pero yo no quería ser simplemente un hombre mundano. Quería ser el rey de la mundanidad. Y desde luego, lo conseguí. No sólo quería participar en todas las fiestas, quería tener el poder de hacerlas fracasar!”
Indeed, Jep is presented to the audience, for the first time, at the party of parties! It is after all the king’s birthday, Jep’s 65th. All of the beautiful people are in attendance. And Jep appears quite at ease in his court, waving to well-wishers and dancing the Colita. But it is also here, at the pinnacle of this epic party, that Jep steps out of the cola, and, in one sweeping, surreal moment, he stands before us… unmasked.    
“To this question, as kids, my friends always gave the same answer: ‘Pussy’. Whereas I answered "The smell of old people's houses". The question was "What do you really like the most in life?" I was destined for sensibility. I was destined to become a writer. I was destined to become Jep Gambardella.”  
“De pequeños, a esta pregunta mis amigos daban siempre la misma respuesta… ‘El coño’. Pero yo respondía: “El olor de las casas de viejos”. La pregunta era: ¿Qué es lo que realmente te gusta más en la vida? Estaba destinado a la sensibilidad. Estaba destinado a convertirme en escritor. Estaba destinado a convertirme en Jep Gambardella.”
So soon in the film, it appears as if the cat is out of the bag… the inner tension of the story lying exposed.  Is this a mere story about a man who’s sold himself out? A man destined for deep sensibility, a magnificent writer whose first book was a national treasure, suddenly reduced to a pop art critic…a king of noise and mindless chatter… the king of the pointless bla bla bla of the mediocre…  
And yet, almost as one begins to lose interest, one begins to detect a thematic undercurrent running in parallel. There is a scene that cuts into the film, disjointed and with no relation to its trajectory. Almost as if in a dream, a mother is looking for her child. “Have you seen my daughter”, she asks Jep. We see this from Jep’s point of view. The mother steps away from the camera and reveals a crypt behind her. The music cues surrealism. The camera moves slowly towards the crypt, enters it, and switches to the third person perspective.
We see Jep inside… and we hear a child’s voice, “Who are you”, the child asks Jep… the voice emanating from a pit in the center of the crypt. The child is apparently standing underneath, looking up from the dakness at Jep. “Who am I,” Jep replies…. “I am…” he stammers. The child’s voice interrupts him and says, “No! You are no one.”  
The film begins to feel, from this point onwards, like a labyrinth of images. Sorrentino opens a door for us, and we are invited to start seeing from a very different perspective. We begin stitching and connecting images and scenes. We are now creating meaning. The film is a looking glass, and one will bring to it, and derive from it, one’s own interpretation and insight....  
On the days following his 65th birthday, Jep begins to experience a sense of estrangement, a feeling of being disjointed, and somehow suddenly disconnected from his milieu--from his socialite friends, from his work, from the frenzy of his parties. Some hidden turmoil comes bubbling up from deep within his spirit.
As he walks home from his big birthday party celebration, we see, for the first time, an image of nuns- one young novice, in particular, is staring at Jep. A carved stone head of a fountain inter-cuts the scene momentarily, its eyes penetrating, as water from some underground aqueduct gushes out of its mouth.
The images of nuns are replete throughout the film, and I believe that this image is a vital clue to understanding the film....
Jep is lying in a hammock on his porch across the coliseum, a glass of scotch in hand, when he hears children laughing and giggling in the distance. He stands and gazes down at the courtyard of a nearby convent, where he sees nuns playing with the little children. Jep is visibly moved. This is the first time Robert Burns’ song plays... (and it will play again, marking scenes that seek to convey Jep’s uprooted nature-- his enigmatic longing for some distant time, for some special place buried within his soul.)
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer....
When Jep hears the news of the death of his first love, broken to him by the shallow simpleton who married her, we glimpse nuns walking in the rain, as they pass both men by  in their moment of mutual consolation. This entire sequence of morbid discovery and desolation is abruptly interrupted by a nun laughing like an idiot, as though some darkly intended ridicule is hurled up at Jep through some crack in the veil of Maya (in the Vedic sense). For a moment, Jep’s self-composed world of illusion is shattered by the stark, sharp indifference of nature.
Indeed, as the film approaches its resolution, Jep has a poignant encounter with a saintly nun, who only eats roots. In a bizarre moment, amidst a flock of flamingos who have come to settle on Jep's porch, the nun tells him her secret: “Do you know why I only eat roots?” she asks Jep, “Because roots are important,” she tells him. The nuns are poignantly revealed in this unearthly scene as the absurd symbol (in the Camusian sense) of what lies “underneath”. They are the mantle, safeguarding some sacred knowledge.
Two passages open and close the film. The first is a quote from a novel by Louis Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night. The concluding passage is Jep’s epiphany. The movie must be seen in the context of this prologue and epilogue.
Louis Ferdinand Céline:
Travel is very useful.
It exercises the imagination.  
All the rest is disappointment and fatigue.
The journey is entirely imaginary.
Therein lies its strength.
It goes from life to death.
People, animals, cities, things-- it's all invention.
It's a novel, nothing more than simple fiction.
Littrè says so, and he's never wrong.
And besides, anyone can do the same.
You just have to close your eyes,
and you're on the other side of the world.
In the end, our daily lives of parties and noise, work and labor, architecture, literature, and even art are illusory. Reality, death, and the nature of things and the world are indifferent to us. The big questions have no answers, and everything is ultimately irrelevant.
At the end of the film, Jep makes his final statement…
In the end, it's just a trick. Yes. It's just a trick.
Before Jep makes his conclusion, that it’s all a trick, he says, “In other places, there are other things. But I don't care about those other places. Therefore... let the novel begin!”
Only one’s own choices, of how one chooses to view the world, are what give meaning to life. There are no absolute truths, just as there are no answers beyond what we see. Jep has found the ability, motivation, and desire to write his second novel, after years of procrastination and excuses.
“Why didn’t you write another novel,” the saintly nun asks Jep. “Because I was searching for the great beauty. But I never found it,” he replies. In the end, art saves Jep. One must create one’s own trick to give meaning to life. And thus, Jep finds the will to begin to write in earnest again. Jep couldn’t find the great beauty because it isn’t something you find. It’s something you have to create for yourself.
Before the final act of the film, Jep visits a photo exhibit of a man who has covered an entire stadium with mug shots of himself, taken every day since he was a child. While this scene initially sets itself up as yet another of those kitsch art shows that Jep attends in his mundane job as an art critic, the music that plays is, instead, the musical cue for moments of profound self discovery for Jep.
Art is presented as a transformative force. It redeems us from the abyss of the indifference and coldness of nature, from the senseless noise and frivolity, from all the bla bla bla…
Each one makes of himself, and of his life, a work of art. This is the great beauty. Self-creation is the redeeming principle of human life.
“In the end, its just a trick. Yes, it’s just a trick.”
Jep finally sees the human experience, and its reality, for what it is. There is no redemption in anything that is outside one’s self. Human life is merely, and inescapably, a point of view. Human perception is a trick of mirrors. It is illusory, imaginary. But because it is, one has a choice... one is able to defy nature by becoming the maker of one’s own values. One has godlike power to create the great beauty. This is the sacred knowledge the nuns are hiding. This is the secret behind the disappearing giraffe trick. Céline says so too, anyone can do it, he says, you just have to close your eyes, and you're on the other side of the world.
Siempre se termina así: con la muerte.
Pero primero ha habido una vida escondida bajo el bla bla bla…
Todo está resguardado bajo la frivolidad y el ruido,
el silencio y el sentimiento,
la emoción y el miedo…
los demacrados inconstantes destellos de belleza,
la decadencia,
la desgracia
y el hombre miserable.
Todo sepultado bajo la cubierta de la vergüenza de estar en el mundo bla bla bla.
En otros lugares hay otras cosas.
A mi no me importan los otros lugares.
Así pues, que empiece la novela.
En el fondo, es sólo un truco.
Sí. Sólo es un truco.
0 notes
Nutricosmetics Market Continues Rapid Growth, Study Reveals Market Size for Emerging Segments
Data Bridge Market Research has provides the Qualitative and informative knowledge by adding titled “Nutricosmetics Market by By Ingredients (Antioxidants, Polyphenolics, Turmeric, Collagen, Fish Oils, Plant-Based Ceramides, Polypodium leucomotos, Carotenoids, Vitamins, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Others), Application (Food Supplements, Skin Care, Hair and Nail Care, Weight Management, Others), Intake Type (Pill Type Nutricosmetics, Drinkable Nutricosmetics), Distribution Channel (Modern Trade, Health and Beauty Stores, Specialty Stores, Pharmacy Stores, E-Commerce), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East And Africa)  Analysis and Forecast, 2019 – 2026”. In this report, Researchers have analyzed Strength, Weakness, opportunities and threats in the market and provides the unbiased picture of the market with the Qualitative and informative knowledge. The Nutricosmetics Market  report additionally states import/trade utilization, free market activity figures, cost, value, volume and gross edges.
Global nutricosmetics market is expected to rise from its initial estimated value of USD 5,709.8 million in 2018 to an estimated value of USD 8,762.8 million by 2026, registering a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period of 2019-2026
Get Sample Analysis of This Market Information: @
Market Definition: Global Nutricosmetics Market
The nutricosmetics are the combination of nutrients which are used in the production of cosmetics to support the function and structure of the skin. Various type of micro nutrients are available such as vitamin A, E, C are well established anti-oxidants which have effect to reduce the effect of free radicals in the skin and have important function such are produces the collagen and protects the skin damage from Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure
Top Manufacturers Covered in the Report:
Few of the major competitors currently working in the global nutricosmetics market are Cargill Incorporated, DuPont, Nestlé, L’Oréal International, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Skinside AG, Croda International Plc, Pfizer Inc, International Flavors & Fragrances Inc, Robinson Pharma, Inc., Ashland, Vitabiotics Ltd, SEPPIC, Medcoll Bio, BASF SE, deep visions Multimedia GmbH, Martek Biosciences Corporation, Husum Mineral Fountain HMB GmbH & Co KG , Functionalab products, Lonza and Solgar Inc.
Segmentation: Global Nutricosmetics Market
Global Nutricosmetics Market, By Ingredients (Antioxidants, Polyphenolics, Turmeric, Collagen, Fish Oils, Plant-Based Ceramides, Polypodium leucomotos, Carotenoids, Vitamins, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Others)
Application (Food Supplements, Skin Care, Hair and Nail Care, Weight Management, Others)
Intake Type (Pill Type Nutricosmetics, Drinkable Nutricosmetics)
Distribution Channel (Modern Trade, Health and Beauty Stores, Specialty Stores, Pharmacy Stores, E-Commerce)
Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East And Africa) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
Competitive Analysis: Global Nutricosmetics Market
Global nutricosmetics market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of nutricosmetics market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
Market Drivers and Market Restraints Profiled in the Market are-
Market Drivers:
Rising beauty and health concern amongst population
Growing research and development for the beauty products incorporated with the organics nutrients
Growing base of elderly population seeking cosmetic assistance
Market Restraints:
Lack of awareness among consumers about benefits of nutricosmetics
Longer duration for the effective result of the nutricosmetics
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What is the market concentration? Is it fragmented or highly concentrated?
What trends, challenges and barriers will impact the development and sizing of Nutricosmetics Market?
SWOT Analysis of each key players mentioned along with its company profile with the help of Porter’s five forces tool mechanism to compliment the same.
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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The Dearest Diary There Ever Was,
Let me start by apologizing that I didn’t let you in on the events of my life sooner. But let me tell you, it’s been a busy life lately. Kate’s car was “liberated” of quite a few things and then took an adventure. And I’m going to miss that damn car. It was a beauty, I tell you.
But that was later in the week. I have other news - not sure about the fact that it’s good or bad yet. But, I got a job. Or seven, actually. While Kate was given primarily office jobs and had to wear really nice clothing that she had managed to snag for a song at the local thrift store, I got to wear jeans and tees and my favorite tennies. Not that I don’t have experience working office jobs, but it seemed that people wanted me to do heavy lifting and cleaning and stuff like that. So that’s the assignments I was given.
The first day, I was given an address somewhere close to downtown that was basically helping someone who had just rented a small business that they were planning on turning into a boutique and needed muscle to move the fixtures into the building and then arrange them to their liking. It hadn’t been a hard job, but it had really given my muscles quite the workout and, even though it had only gone on for six hours, I was honestly ready to go home, take a shower and drop into bed and take a tiny coma. Sleep wasn’t going to do it that night.
The next job I got was two days later, the day that Kate’s car had taken a permanent vacation. It was another heavy lifting job, but this time it was unloading a truck when half the usual crew had called out and it was a time-sensitive load.
I was rushing to the closest subway station entrance when, as luck (though I don't know that I would call it luck, exactly) would have it, I ran, full body into someone else. Like, actually ran into that person so hard that they teetered on their feet a bit and I had had to grab at their shoulders to ensure that they had remained upright as I attempted to apologize my face off. It wasn’t the most effective apology ever as I realized who it was I had run into. I wanted to stand there and spout movie lines of his own making at him, but restrained myself to just a reference and half-whispered in mock-confession, "I'm sorry, I've recently been released from The Psycho-Neurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous. My reflexes aren’t quite what they used to be.” Lame, I know, but it made the man in front of me smile. And I consider that a win in the disaster that was usually these types of situations. He quietly told me it was okay that he hadn’t been watching where he was going either and that as long as I promised not to try to push any other old men down the stairs, he wouldn’t make a scene. I nodded and promised on my children’s very souls that I would learn to look around more often and he reciprocated with another smile. We then went on our respective ways - me about to miss the train that I had been running for in the first place - and still in shock that I had almost bowled down the one and only Mel Brooks.
That was, thankfully, the only human interaction accident I had managed to have that day. The boxes I was carrying near the end of my shift, however, didn’t fare as well. But at least it was only two of them and nothing had really broken, per se.
Third job was at a printing place just down the street from where we live, so it wasn’t that much of a commute. This was definitely something I had experience with in the past, so I figured there was little chance of me messing anything up. And, on the first day, that was the truth. The second day, however, was quite another story. Let me preface this bit of the story with the fact that I momentarily forgot toner was a thing. Without going into too much detail, the walk home, I looked like I had gotten into a fight with a cartoon squid and said squid had won in a most spectacular fashion. Kate met me at the downstairs door to our apartments and demanded that I all but strip before setting even the tiniest bit of a foot into the building. She had, however, been nice enough to bring me my robe and, together, we roped a kindly passerby into holding up a bed sheet for me to disrobe behind. All-in-all, far less disastrous than it could have been.
Job Number Four was at a business that specialized in shredding sensitive documents. It happened that the contract was for a very high profile client and, so, the job was overnight. We had had to sign non-disclosure agreements before even getting to enter the building proper. Then we were directed to the shredding machines. Big, lumbering, LOUD, shredding machines. Machines, that we were warned, if we weren't paying close enough attention, could take our arms off in mere seconds. We were asked to remove all of our jewelry and pull our hair back if it was longer than our shoulders. Thank goodness one of the other women had brought extra hair ties as the one I had been wearing on my wrist had snapped when I tried to put it in the tight pony I had hastily swept up on the top of my head. Four boxes into the load I had been given, they had called “lunch” and I pulled out my paper bag before securing my station and heading off to the break room with everyone else.
Two cold pizza slices (that were NOT Hawaiian! ICK!) later, it was back to the job and as I opened and started the fifth box, right under the lid was a spider. I know you know this, dearest diary, so it hardly bears repeating that the action I made when that eight-legged menace made it’s appearance was probably way more amusing to those around me than it was to me. It was also a good thing that I had tucked my tee shirt into my jeans - something that was quite odd for me to do, actually - otherwise I would have been pulled into the shredder that was humming in front of me.
After dispatching the arachnid with help from two of my temporary coworkers, I set back into the box, but not without a weary and healthy fear of what else might be lurking in its confines
The rest of the night went well though and I was able to get home in good time and Kate had even set up the coffee pot to go off a bit after I was expected home. I then showered and went to sleep, knowing I had a job only five hours from the time my head hit the pillow.
Number Five. Product Demonstrator at a Local Grocery Store. This one had a low chance of me doing anything stupid, and, as it had been pointed out by everyone I knew, I had the knack of being able to “Sell snow cones to a Yeti”, so this was the perfect temp job for me.
I had set up a wonderful demo for a some new waffle flavors that Eggo was trying out in a select market and given a small toaster oven to use. I had a little cooler full of boxes of the breakfast food and was unboxing the inner bags to save myself some time when the store manager came up to me and started a small conversation about having never seen me doing demos at his location before. I half-explained that I was new to town and that had been working with Acme Employment Agency. Over the course of talking to him, I managed to get the first round of waffles done to perfection and he sampled them before running off to his office. I was doing fairly well the whole day, noticing that the little suggestions of side items to eat with the waffles were actually helping to sell the side products as well. I was hoping that it would actually lead to more jobs like this as I felt totally in my element. And, honestly, it was like a dream right up until I ran out of stock and had to go to the back to get more. It shouldn’t have been an issue, but, I am me, so it was bound to be far more complicated than it needed to be. And, if I am being completely honest, then it wasn’t even the stock I was working with that gave me the trouble. It was one of the displays that an actual employee of the store had created. As displays went, it was spectacular to say the least. But, 24 packs of cola and I do not get along. At least not when they are stacked in impossible combinations. Never did understand why that was a thing anyway. Soup cans, I got. Those wonderfully large pyramids of simply colored cans just reminded me of all the sitcoms where they were bowled over like so many bowling pins. And, I always took a little pride in the fact that I had never reenacted that very scenario as long as I had been entering grocery stores. And, it didn’t happen this time either. No, it was, instead the packs of coke cans. And the young mother that didn’t see me coming down the aisle where both the soup cans and cola packs resided. I wasn’t doing anything that should have caused anything bad to happen, I really wasn’t. Except for maybe talking over my shoulder to a man I had almost run into with the cart because, again, being honest, he was really a delight to look at and he actually talked back to me when I said something under my breath about how good the soup tower looked and how I was not going to run into it if I could help it. And I didn’t, so we shared a slight laugh over that. But, I did manage to run into the 24 packs.
So, little bit of trivia for you. When you ram headfirst into a large tower of 24 packs of soda, the liquid equivalent of fireworks happens. And, if you are not the one to cause the spectacle, I am willing to bet that it’s very exciting. At least, that was the impression that I got from the squealing toddler that stood there clapping at the literal fountain of caramel sugar water that rivaled the time I went to see the geysers at Yosemite. All I could do was stand there and stare before looking around and catching the eyes of someone that I had met earlier that week. And those eyes were disappointed. I sighed in apology as he mouthed something about not being able to keep out of trouble. Great. The great Mel Brooks had seen me at my “best” at least twice now.
That, predictably, ended my job for the day and I, covered in the stickiest substance I currently knew to man, collected my pay and slunk out of the grocery store, head held down and wondering exactly what Kate was going to say to me.
Job six was at a local bar, hauling in supplies. It was short, but it involved me carrying stock in. Not a single bottle was broken. I mean, what do you take me for a heathen? Liquor is sacred. According to my beliefs, not one drop shall touch the earth without just cause. And none did. I think Kate was as shocked as I was to hear this news.
Which brings us to job number seven. At a family restaurant that had the promise of possibly becoming a full-time job in a field that I was more than familiar with. I showed up in the required uniform of a crisp white button down and black dress pants fifteen minutes early despite almost missing the train a second time. (But NOT running into Mel Brooks, I might proudly add.)
I arrived to find the restaurant itself a nice little cozy place that was well laid out and just felt like home. The menu itself was simple and filled with comfort food and the prices were very reasonable. It didn’t take long for me to catch onto the operational processes that were common to the place and, before long, the owner came up to me to tell me she was very impressed with my work. I smiled to myself, hoping that meant that this might, in fact, become more permanent.
It was, in fact, almost the end of the night when I spotted a familiar face once again. At this point, I almost thought that Mr. Brooks was stalking me, but that was too ludicrous even for the likes of myself, so I just smiled and thought about how good the food must be here and how awesome he must be because he had no qualms about being out and among the actual public without the fear and pretention most celebrities had.
Unfortunately, when I spotted him, I was wheeling a very heavy desert cart and lifted my hand for the briefest of hand waves and smiles before I felt the cart stop moving with an almost violent jolt. Fearing I had misjudged the distance to the wall and had crashed headlong into it in my effort to greet a man that I felt I was becoming “coincidence buddies” with, I looked up, silently cursing. And found that I wasn’t actually looking at a wall, but, rather, at a man, doubled over trying to catch his breath.
I grimaced out a quick “oopsie” and pulled the cart back a bit to help the man and issue and apology only to see who it was that I had assaulted. I tried, I really tried to not say the thing, but, my brain was unable to not say the thing and, so, I blurted out, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Mr. Broderick, the man himself, gave me a glare that might have been able to peel paint off a house had I been either a house, or painted. But I was neither and I braced myself for the harsh sound of being fired on the spot. But that didn’t happen either, so I slowly backed the cart away as if being rewound and made my way back into the kitchen to inform the owner that I might have damaged a damn national treasure. But she had seen and wasn’t really all that mad - she said she was going to go out and offer to pay for his dinner. And that it really wasn’t the worst thing that she had had happen to someone in her restaurant after all and that the worst thing that had actually happened actually involved her and that, no, we weren't talking about it thankyouverymuch. I was so glad to find a kindred spirit in her that the sigh I let out must have amused her greatly.
After going out to do damage control, she returned to let me know that he was more amused by the situation than he was angered, so it was all good. She also let me know that she would, indeed, be glad to have me back if she needed a substitute waitress, if only for the free floor show I had given the dining room. In fact, she asked if I would come back for a shift the next night.
I was standing outside waiting for the cab I had decided to splurge on when someone tapped me on the shoulder.
“You can’t manage to stay out of trouble for one moment, can you?”
I shook my head in mock-humiliation and replied. “Well, at least he didn’t land face first in the meringue pie that I had on that cart.”
The old man smiled slowly. “Well, I would have written it that way.”
It was then that the cab decided to show up and, as I turned to give the driver the “wait” signal, he was already walking away, chuckling to himself in the way that only writers can. I was honestly worried when I would run into him next.
BTW, I’ve been working at that restaurant for three days now and there hasn’t been another incident. And that brings us up to date. For now. 
May your days be as eventful as my last week or so has been,
It’s Always Sunny!
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fesahaawit · 8 years
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The post Pikavippi pitkällä maksuajalla appeared first on Vippihuone.fi.
Pikavippi pitkällä maksuajalla published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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vippihuoneblog · 8 years
Pikavippi pitkällä maksuajalla
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suckaysuamigos200 · 5 years
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Esta es una precuela de esta imagen: fav.me/ddg3vir un día la estudiante sirena sair estaba sentada en la fuente de la escuela mirando la luz de la luna y al mismo tiempo ella estaba hablando de que los estudiantes con pies viven la vida más fácil porque pueden caminar A cambio ella que tiene una cola de pez pero de repente vio que la luz de la luna cada vez estaba más cerca de la Fuente y cuando se asomó a ver que ella para accidente se cae y queda inconsciente en el agua de la Fuente y cuando es atrapada por dicha luz su cola de sirena poco a poco se convierten en dos pies. This is a prequel to this image: fav.me/ddg3vir one day the mermaid sair student was sitting at the school fountain looking at the moonlight and at the same time she was talking about the fact that the students with feet live life easier because they can walk in exchange she has a fish tail but suddenly he saw that the moonlight was getting closer to the Source and when he looked out to see that she accidentally falls and becomes unconscious in the water of the Source and when her mermaid tail is caught by that light Little by little they become two feet. Sair -me Midnight Horror School-Naomi Iwata #dream #feet #legs #mhs #oc #sair #sirena #traditionalart #transformation #midnighthorrorschool #midnight_horror_school #midnighthorrorschooloc #escueladelterror #mareida #escueladeterror https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xzZ9YpKeG/?igshid=56qaurouuaxd
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