#servus du flos
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Servus Updated Sheet!!
More below the cut!!
After roughly around 2 years of not being able to redo his sprite because I was so discouraged by the limitation of my skills, I'm glad that I was able make something that I am somewhat satisfied with!!
If you'd like to know more about Servus, you can either scour my tumblr with the tag, "Servus du Flos," or look at my pinned post for my carrd where you can additional info about my other twst ocs too on refsheet!!
#digital art#twst#twisted wonderland#twst oc#illustration#twst fanart#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#ツイステファンアート#ツイステ#Servus du Flos
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Would love to receive asks about any of my twst ocs/yume!! :DDD
oc asks: character design edition
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
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Deutschland : England 1:1
Deutschland/Allianz Arena München/UEFA Nations League/2. Spieltag
69000 Zuschauer (Ausverkauft)
Dienstag, 07.06.2022, 20:45 Uhr
1:0 (50´) Jonas Hofmann
1:1 (88´) Harry Kane (FE)
Vor fast genau 21 Jahren spielte die deutsche Nationalmannschaft ebenfalls gegen England in München. Damals war es der 01.09.2001, als uns die Inselbewohner mit 5:1 aus dem Olympiastadion schossen. In Folge dessen waren an diesem Abend in der Münchner Innenstadt mehr Stühle und Flaschen in der Luft, als Vögel am Himmel. Aber zu einer Neuauflage kam es an diesem Tag nicht – in beiden Punkten.
Endlich wieder Länderspiel! Seit St. Gallen konnte ich, aufgrund meines Dienstplans, zu keinem Spiel der Deutschen mehr fahren. Zudem war heute das Trio Infernal der oberfränkischen Länderspielfahrer (Ferdi, Flo und meine Wenigkeit), auch bekannt als „Sektion Tetzlaff“, wieder vereint. Die Leute, mit der subkulturellen Freizeitgestaltung, oder besser gesagt: die Fans, die der DFB nicht will; trafen sich bereits zum Frühschoppen in einem Münchner Szenelokal. Dies war für Ferdi und mich leider nicht möglich, aber wir gaben unser Bestes, um schnellstmöglich bei der Rasselbande aufschlagen zu können! Um 13:45 Uhr starteten wir also unsere Fahrt in Richtung Landeshauptstadt. Um einer möglichen Dehydrierung entgegen zu wirken, deckte ich mich mit Apfelwein aus der Dose ein. Sicher ist sicher und ein rollender Stein setzt kein Moos an. Als Parkplatz wurde das Forschungszentrum in Garching auserkoren. Für schlappe 50 Cent kann man hier 24h parken und die U6 hat hier ihre Anfangs,- und Endstation. Vom Forschungszentrum bis nach Fröttmaning sind es auch nur zwei Stationen. Aber wir wollten ja noch ein paar Humpen mit den Jungs stemmen; also erst mal Richtung Innenstadt. Am HBF sammelten wir Flo, der mittlerweile in München wohnt, ein und um 17 Uhr waren wir dann endlich am Stammtisch. Bevor ich „Servus“ sagen konnte, begrüßte mich Dobre schon lautstark mit: „Sascha, du Zigeuner!“ Wie habe ich es vermisst. Während ich und Ferdi noch unsere Begrüßungstour absolvierten, bestellte Flo schon mal Bier. Als wir unsere Getränke hatten, gesellten wir uns zu der Bande und hatten einfach eine gute Zeit. Zwischenzeitlich entschied sich Barz dafür, dass sein Weizen auf meiner Hose anscheinend besser aufgehoben wäre, als in seinem Mund, nun ja, passiert eben. Der 65 jährige Kellner, der nun schon zum zweiten Mal mit einem Putzlappen antanzen musste, war sichtlich genervt. Aber wie heißt es so schön? Niemand muss Kellner sein! Kurz davor kam es mit besagtem Angestellten schon zu einem kleinen Disput, da er gerne eine Sammelbestellung von uns hätte. Er wollte nicht ständig wegen ein, oder zwei Bier an den Tisch kommen. Zudem brachte er auch alle zehn Minuten eine Zwischenrechnung, die er aber sofort wieder vernichten konnte, da irgendwer wieder etwas bestellte. Nachdem sich die Wogen wieder geglättet hatten, bekam der Fürther sogar eine Gratis Weißweinschorle. Nachdem wir uns mit Schnitzel gestärkt hatten ging es zum Stadion. Der eine Teil fuhr mit dem Taxi und wir mit der U-Bahn, was sich im Nachhinein als großer Fehler herausstellen sollte. Die U-Bahn war gestopft voll, so dass eh niemand mehr hätte einsteigen können, trotzdem hielt sie an jeder Station, anstatt einfach nach Fröttmaning durch zu fahren, nun ja. An der Arena angekommen, besorgte sich Flo noch schnell eine Karte und dann konnte es auch schon losgehen. Durch mein zu spätes buchen, konnte ich keine Karte mehr im „Fanblock“ ergattern, stattdessen verschlug es mich in Block 323. Die Sicht auf´s Spielfeld war mehr als perfekt, allerdings meinte es meine Platzwahl nicht so gut mit mir. Allem Anschein nach landete ich in einen Betriebsausflug von Rikscha Fahrern aus Neu-Delhi. Umringt von indischen Menschen, die an diesem Tag jedes Klischee erfüllten war meine Laune natürlich nicht die beste. Als die englische Nationalhymne gespielt wurde, stand plötzlich der gesamte Block auf. Ich hingegen blieb als einziger sitzen und stand selbstverständlich erst bei unserer Hymne auf.
Nach dem 1:1 gegen Italien war klar, dass Hansi Flick auf einigen Positionen rotieren lassen würde. Mit sieben Veränderungen ging es also ins Spiel gegen die Three Lions. Nach knapp zwei Minuten prüfte Havertz schon den englischen Keeper. In der 23. Minute netzte Hofmann dann endlich ein, der Treffer zählte aber wegen Abseits nicht. Die Engländer agierten mit gutem Pressing und störten immer wieder das deutsche Aufbauspiel. Nach Vorlage von Kimmich war es erneut Hofmann, der den Ball in der 50. Minute im Kasten versenken konnte, diesmal zählte der Treffer. Die Engländer drückten jetzt und das Spiel wurde wieder spannend. In der 85. Minute rettete uns Klostermann eindrucksvoll vor dem Ausgleich. Den Ausgleich schossen die Engländer trotzdem noch. Nach VAR-Einsatz gab es in der 88. Einen Elfmeter für die Gäste. Kane schoss dann das 1:1, was auch der Endstand sein sollte.
Die ersten elf Minuten des Spiels verbrachte ich brav auf meinem Platz im Block 323. In der 11. Minute, als die deutschen den Sprechchor "Deutschland“ anstimmten, machten meine südasiatischen Nachbarn natürlich lautstark mit. Das klatschen bekamen sie einwandfrei hin, nur anstatt „Deutsch-land“ riefen sie „Weu-wa“ in den Münchner Nachthimmel. Das war zu viel. Ich ging runter zu Block 113, wo Ferdi seine Karte hatte. Die erste Halbzeit verfolgte ich dann hinter dem Block, um mich in der zweiten Halbzeit dann einschleichen zu können; was auch perfekt gelang. Kaum im Block angekommen, wurde ich erneut von Dobre mit den Worten „Sascha, du Zigeuner!“ begrüßt. Diesmal auch so laut, dass eben jetzt der komplette Rest aus der BRD wusste, dass ich es auch in den Block geschafft hatte. Ferdi und ich verfolgten dann das restliche Spiel zusammen. Nach dem Spiel ging es sofort mit der U-Bahn zum Forschungszentrum, um von da aus die Heimreise anzutreten.
Auf der Heimfahrt passierte dann auch nichts mehr spannendes. Einziges Highlight war ein Warsteiner Pils aus der Dose, was ich nach dem ganzen Augustiner heute dringend brauchte. Nach kurzem Fahrzeugwechsel war ich dann auch um 2 Uhr nachts daheim. Und wieder war ein Fußballtag viel zu schnell zu ende. Dank geht an dieser Stelle noch mal an Ferdi für´s fahren. S.F. (Frouser)
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Height chart of TWST Sprites I made for both myself and for others that have commed me!!
#digital art#twst#twisted wonderland#twst oc#illustration#twst fanart#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#ツイステファンアート#ツイステ#twst sprites#viorel schoepfer#maaka anon#servus du flos
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Fun fact!! Servus loves cute things so much that it bleeds it’s way into his lifestyle. Most notably however is how he dresses his playable characters
He will 97% of the time, if not always, play as a girl because he just thinks their clothes, weapons, hair, or overall style is cuter!! He chooses his weapons purely for aesthetics and will use literal dogshit weapons that only look cute, but will somehow make it work!!
Most of the the people he plays with also assume he’s a girl!! He doesn’t correct this, and uses it to his advantage!!
He for sure meets “Gloomurai” in this way, and the poor soul starts crushing on him 😭
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“Not the word I’d use to describe myself, but thank you~♡”
(Servus is a real schmoozer though— whether he’s being sincere or not I completely unknown to me)
On another note!! If anyone needs a frame of reference of how most canon characters see my ocs in the beginning of the game;
Servus: Humble older brother. Very nice, sort of distant, but very polite. (think Trey!!)
Viorel: The Mostro Lounge’s Mascot lol. Always around the Octavinelle trio, but never really associated with anything other than the group and the service he provides.
Maaka: A mob student. A student that, despite having been classmates of some for three years, is never on the forefront of anyone’s mind.
(Unless approached, then his impression is more like Rook’s!! However they rapidly leave their state of unease, and forget about him all over again.)
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Anyways— Servus gets casted to play Neige’s older brother a lot in commercials and movies *send post*
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I truly believe that after a while, once Servus starts acting more honestly/genuinely with his fans, people would actually find his gap a little more charming!!
That being said, I can easily imagine him and Vil bickering on a variety show or maybe on a reality tv show showing their daily lives which would cause a spike in broadcast viewership lol
Stuff like:
And then they’d get casted to work together for various commercials with the tagline, “so good that even complete opposites have to agree”
#twst oc#twisted wonderland oc#servus du flos#twst oc x vil#NOT A SHIP#JUST AN INTERACTION#could be a shop if you want#vil schoenheit
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“A valiant attempt nonetheless, darling~”
Whether or not Servus truly means that, I sincerely don’t know—
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TWST Intro Cards so far :,)))
I realized late that I was drawing Servus in the normal NRC uniform, and I was already coloring him when it hit me— I’ll fix it someday else but uh,,, yeah
I have no idea who Servus’ voice actor would be—I have a voice in mind, just not the person who fits unfortunately.
We’re at 244 followers? Uhh, cool— um, if you guys have any idea on what to do for this milestone event, feel free to give some suggestions(?) Like uh, writing, a q&a, scenarios (either in writing form or in drawing form(?), or just some art requests(?)
As always, thank you for the support, and I hope to continue contributing to the fandom in some form or another.
#digital art#illustration#twisted wonderland#twst#twst oc#twst fanart#twst wonderland#anime fanart#digital fanart#twisted wonderland oc#servus du flos#viorel schoepfer#twst servus#twst viorel#milestone event?#vinnie speaks
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A quick sketch/storyboard of a possible personal story regarding Servus and his brother :)))
Servus: “Your dearest brother always knows what’s best!~”
Also Servus: *stays up at ungodly hours to finish a game, while also having a poor and unhealthy diet*
Please note that;
1.) “Private quarters,” in this context is meant to refer to their current private residence. I’d like to think that they, along with certain staff, live on a 4 floor mansion with more than enough rooms for everyone. Therefore he’s not telling his brother that he can’t leave his room, but rather that he can’t leave the area due to certain reasons.
2.) Aurelin’s hair was typically styled by their parents, but soon became Servus’ responsibility after a while. Though Servus no longer ties his brother’s hair, Aurelin still chooses to style it as such because he remembers his brother liking how he looked :)) in all actuality however, Servus just styled it that way when they were younger because he wanted to make fun of him
I’ve finally gotten around to fleshing out this OC’s story after a while. I was feeling very unmotivated and uninspired (and I still was at the time of drawing this) but I hope it’ll do for now. Although I am technically done in figuring out his personality, I am also still unsure of the direction I want to take his personality when it comes to interacting with the canon cast so…let’s see how he evolves lmao
Feel free to ask questions about him, his brother, or my other Oc’s :)))
As always, thank you for reading and for your continued support! I hope to be able to continue working on this again soon (ง'̀-'́)ง
#digital art#twisted wonderland oc#illustration#twst#twst oc#twst fanart#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland#ツイステファンアート#Servus du Flos#Duncan du Flos#Aurelin du Flos
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Hello uh, I know that your OCs are you know OCs, but can I request some head canons for them? Like, Viorel, Servus, and Yuutaka with a crush on their gender neutral best friend who got transported to the TWST world like the MC? (different from Yuu) Lets say they had a bad day, how would the boys comfort them/show that they care? Even if you don't do this, like if you feel uncomfortable, it's ok. I just wanted to send this anyway, thank you! Love ur art
|| Um, so… this was an interesting ask. I really don’t mind it, but it is surreal to think about how much attention they’re getting— As in, enough to request hcs for them??? That’s pretty cool because it feels like they’re part of the actual franchise but….hm…
I have mixed feelings about this, just because I might get threats from the fandom—- but anyway, here you go Anon! I hope they’re to your liking—- ||
You see, Yuutaka has…a few screws loose when it comes to dealing with things he’s heard of, but is not really familiar with. Case and point; how he deals with most of his problems.
So when he sees you, the object of his affection, a little worse for wear, he’s not the brightest when it comes to his attempts in consoling nor comforting you.
You’d think as friends, best friends, no less, he’d have a better understanding for how you’d react to this type of situation.
He doesn’t. It’s not like he had a lot of close friends from back in the day, so he really is at a loss.
He doesn’t know how what the best course of action is, but he’ll gladly do whatever. You just need to tell him what to do.
You want something to eat? He’ll whip up something simple (and kind of childish, like omurice with a ketchup smile on it) because he’s not the best cook, but he tries.
Want to just talk about it but not want advice? He’ll listen to whatever it is you have to say, thank you for being willing to open up to him, and praise you for doing your best.
“The days are long, and the days are hard, but these are just the cards we were dealt with. You did good today, prefect.”
You want him to hold you? He’ll try his hardest finish his work as soon as possible to do just that when you need him.
Is the work that the Headmaster has been giving you two too much? He doesn’t have the guts to complain to him, but he might end up doing some of your chores when he sees that it’s really taking a toll on you.
Is Grim being too much of a handful? Good thing he likes cats, so he’ll probably find a way to redirect his attention to himself more than Grim does to you.
You want him to leave you alone? That’s fine, he’ll give you all the space and time you need because to some extent, he can sympathize with your troubles.
Well, he can’t completely understand since he doesn’t really have much to look forward to back home, but he knows that you have a life that you wanted to live then.
He’s awkward, but he does have his spurts of reliability and charisma.
For now, he’ll just hope you can settle with what little he can offer you in this wonderland that even he has trouble dealing with.
He wants you to be able to rely on him because for whatever reason, he feels as if he just can’t let you carry it all on your own.
Haha—- Where do I even begin?
Viorel’s the type of person to end up liking someone, but doesn’t know it(?) Like other people notice, but he’s the last to understand it(?)
Like, he subconsciously puts you first you above most people, which sometime include the Octa trio, but he doesn’t think much of it.
Note: sometimes.
But perhaps that’s just him finding more interest in you than what it was he was doing beforehand…
Granted, he can’t offer you a physically affectionate refuge, but what he lacks in that department, he makes up for in his acts of service.
There’s a special menu item from the cafeteria and he catches wind that you want one before it runs out? He’ll get it for you, makes sure that he’s one of the first few to get it too so that they’re still fresh.
You don’t get the assignment that’s been given because you were too busy to work? He’ll teach it to you even if you’re in different grades.
Admittedly he’s busy with work too, but he’s born with that intelligence that makes him understand everything without having to study, so it’s not like he needs that much time for anything else.
So when he sees you stumble in the lounge, possibly to meet up with him, and sees that you’re not feeling so good as you take your seat on one of the farther tables, he’ll abandon his current shift as a server, and get into the kitchen to make your favorite food.
He’s not only skilled in drawing, but he’s skillful with his hands in general. So he’s very good at making whatever it is that you want, just as you had described to him in a conversation you had before once.
He brings it out, puts it on your table with a firm, straightforward, but gentle, “Eat.” And he goes back to his originally scheduled shift as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.
That’s his way of telling you to wait for him until he’s done working so you could talk to him, but to enjoy something in his absence for the meantime.
The warmth of the food he just served you warms your heart right up and makes you feel comforted as you dig in.
Surrounded by the delicious aroma that envelops you like a warm hug, one which he can’t quite give you just yet, you feel oddly less alone in your empty corner.
Now this boy is a wild card, just because it really depends on his mood, how strongly he feels about you, and how “close” you two are.
If you’re “best friends,” but you’re not that close, you’ll just have to settle being the last thing he thinks about, he has his own life after all.
But for the sake of this post, let’s say that you’re quite close, but he hasn’t told you everything about him so he still has a few secrets.
He’s normally busy, meaning he’s practically everywhere and nowhere at once so it might be difficult to find him when you really need him.
You absolutely can NOT enter his room. Even if you did try, his door is enchanted to stay shut while he’s not inside, so there’s no use in checking there.
He’s either with Kalim, though not entirely voluntary, in Scarabia, or with Crewel in a vacant classroom.
On the off chance you do find him, or on the least likely scenario that he visits you in Ramshackle, he could almost physically see the weight you’re carrying on your shoulders.
Considering who he is and what he does, you don’t want to burden him with your own problems so you try your best to keep it from interfering with your time with him.
That obviously doesn’t work. He’s used to seeing that face of holding back, both on his own, and on his brother’s.
And much like his brother, though he finds your face annoying, he just can’t seem to leave you alone when you’re like that.
“What’s wrong, little sprout?~” he says, teasingly, with the most charming smile that seems to be harboring other emotions behind it.
He’ll usher you into a more private place, like the garden or further into your own dorm, so you feel more comfortable to talk. He’s used to having to deal with troublesome children like you, after all.
I don’t think you can expect warm words from him, just because he wants to be honest with you. You’re one of the few people that he feels as if he doesn’t have to be “nice” or “perfect” to because you see right through him anyway.
It’s also partially because he wants to be sincere with you and only you.
He’s not very romantic either, so he just settles with linking your pinky fingers together as he sits beside you under one of the trees. Listening to whatever it is you have to say to him, and to just be there for you.
Time is a luxury to him, so he makes sure to spend it accordingly. Even if that means indulging you in his presence every once in a while.
#uh…#twst oc asks#oc asks#yuutaka komori#the difference in their art styles#it looks like three different people made them—-#twst oc x reader#twst oc#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#twstプラス#twst yuutaka#twst oc x reader?#twst viorel#Viorel schoepfer#twst Servus#twst Duncan#Servus du Flos#twst x oc#this was…interesting
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Quick sketches of Servus and Viorel :,))))
#digital art#illustration#twisted wonderland#twst#twst oc#twst fanart#anime fanart#digital fanart#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#ツイステファンアート#twst プラス#viorel schoepfer#servus du Flos#duncan du Flos
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Part 1 for a little background for Servus’ character
#digital art#illustration#twisted wonderland#twst#twst oc#twst fanart#anime fanart#digital fanart#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#ツイステファンアート#twst プラス#twst x oc#twst プラス-b#ツイステッドワンダーランド#fanart#twisted wonderland x oc#rkgk#servus du flos#duncan du flos#heartslabyul#twst heartslabyul
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Hejieifiekdie I was doing a study on digital painting and experimenting with gradient maps so here’s what came out of it! I do have a few more variations of the same illustration, but I’ll post these ones for now lolol
He’s a new TWST oc that I’ve been teasing for a while on my account (though I think I’ve only mentioned him twice) but haven’t had the opportunity post “official” art of him that I thought was ready to post since I keep messing his design up (。ŏ_ŏ)
Anyway, please have this illustration of him for now. His name is “Servus du Flos,” a second year from Pomefiore!
Please look forward to seeing more of him! (Hopefully—)
As always, thank you for your continued support, and I do apologize for being absent. The Christmas break is just around the corner, therefore there is an influx of work that needs to be done before the year ends :,)))
#digital art#illustration#twisted wonderland#twst oc#twst#anime fanart#twst fanart#twisted wonderland oc#digital fanart#twst wonderland#Servus du Flos#digital illustration#digital painting#twstプラス#twisted wonderland fanart#twisted wonderland oc fanart#Duncan du Flos#twst oc fanart#ツイステファンアート#ツイステ創作生徒#ツイステ#twst プラス-b#twst pomefiore
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Sjsjdjdjdjdjdhd pardon the curiosity but can you tell us more about Servus? Of course if you want to 👉👈👀
Ooooh~ Ask and you shall receive!
I’m surprised people actually care about him, despite the fact that I have yet to curate his public introduction—
Nonetheless, the interest is very much appreciated. I’m not quite sure what information I have already provided in a previous post, however Servus was, and is, an actor and model from Twisted Wonderland.
Servus usually goes by his stage/handle name, “Duncan,” though he tries not to let others know the contempt he has towards his real name.
Servus also has a younger brother that will soon attend RSA that goes by the name, “Aurélin.” From a young age, he has always been responsible for taking care of his younger brother. As written down in my notes, his background is as follows;
“Left in a large amount of debt by their father, Servus and his younger brother end up orphaned on the streets of the country. Being only 7 at the time, and his brother, a spoiled 5-year old, he had to find a way to make quick money in order to provide for both of them, as per the promise he made with their mother before her untimely death. He worked 4 different jobs until he was eventually recruited to be a stage actor at 10 because of his attractive face. From there, his career began as he was given various major roles to play, along with the offer to be a model.
Personality-wise, he is quite…twisted, for lack of a better term. He has two faces, so to speak. One for the public, and one that he keeps isolated until he is in the safety of his own private quarters. Not even Aurélin knows of his “other persona,” though he senses that something deeply troubles his older brother. Something that even he cannot know of.
Servus absolutely detests the feeling of being vulnerable, the feeling of being unable to control his next move, so he likes to keep track of everyone and everything around him. From his classmates, to potential co-stars, to his brother’s potential friends, if he has any, and his schedules.
He also doesn’t like to be helped. Anytime anyone offers aid of any kind, he only smiles and briefly shuts them down, preferring to handle things by himself.
Servus has a brooch of a golden flower, a gift from Aurélin, though the money used to buy it was his own as he refuses to allow his brother to work.
Though having a large amount of followers on Magicam, he only has 3 posts on his personal account. A close-up, blurry picture of his brother (assumed to have been taken and posted by Aurélin himself), a cat, and his brother’s favorite dessert. A, “Chocolate and Hazelnut Torte.”
He is known to be very charismatic and intelligent, qualities that seem to put everyone who has met him both at ease, and on edge.
His Unique Magic is unknown.
He has a weakness towards sweets and childish Knick-knacks, like toys, and keychains.
He hates to stress out, and it manifests quite quickly on his face. Whenever it does happen though, those who notice him enough always find him back to normal, no matter the intensity of the acne, crease, or dark circles, after spending a long time in his room.
That’s all that is important for now, though I hope this is sufficient. I think I’ve laid the grounds for who he’s based on really thick so…yeah
As always, thank you for you support, and I hope to be able to finally release actual art for Servus.
- Vinnie
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