#seriously though tumblr look into news values if you want to know what we consume in the news
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conhivemindcent · 2 years ago
Sorry to bring back up the Titan submersible, but I find it fascinating in a very morbid way. Mostly in terms of the news. This will be the media student in me talking but to me, it’s a perfect example of so many of Galtung and Ruge’s news values. I’ll also be looking at the migrant boat that sunk off the coast of Greece for similar comparison and why an American centric website would probably see more news relating to the submersible.
Put simply, one of Galtung and Ruge’s news values is proximity, aka how close to home it was and how meaningful it is to the people there. Since the submersible launched from Newfoundland, Canada would’ve gotten more news stories about the submersible. Meanwhile, the boat with the immigrants was found off the coast of Greece, with more stories about it there. Since the USA is closer to Canada than Greece, they got more stories about the sub than the boat.
Another value is currency. This is why me, a Brit, got more news coverage on the boat for the first few days. The UK has a known immigration problem and some really dodgy laws about it (basically in most circumstances you can only apply for a permit once you’re in the country but entering the country without a permit is illegal, so it’s a catch 22), so something about immigration would always be more relevant. However, the antithesis recency would affect how in the last few hours of the sub being missing when the air was thought to be running out (so morning and afternoon of 22nd June) there were more stories on the sub.
A fourth value is uniqueness. Sadly, a migrant ship sinking with people dying and going missing is not an uncommon thing nowadays. A maritime disaster involving billionaires touring the Titanic? Never happened before, I hope it will never happen again (and it most likely will not). Of course the news will focus on something that hasn’t happened before - when will they get the chance to do it?
There’s also the values of Elite People. These people were billionaires. The people on the migrant ship were most likely just normal unnoteworthy people. And also recency - the Messenia boat occurred in the 14th June, and by the time the debris of the boat had been discovered it has already been a week.
I think it is important we take these news values into consideration and also how we as a community on Tumblr can see how we played right into these. An American website with a large American usership would naturally gravitate towards an American story, no matter how global it claims to be. In addition, it’s unusual enough with such strange circumstances that jokes and criticisms were bound to occur. The continuity (another news value) of the story with the search was also intriguing, as we saw it play out first hand with the initial disappearance, the potential signals, the discovery of the wreckage. Add in a level of expectedness (another news value - these people would either be found or not, and let’s be honest they were more likely to be dead than alive) and we have a perfectly newsworthy story to top the trending page for a few days.
It’s something I find fascinating, how despite people saying we should focus on the Messenia migrant boat disaster, we were still echoing the news perfectly on the site. One thing I’ve noted is that I didn’t really see anybody mentioning it before the Titan set out, but once the searching started it started becoming more relevant and trending a little below it. This isn’t a call to do better, this is just something I’ve noticed.
If there’s any saving light, out of the estimated 750 (maximum) of migrants, 104 have been confirmed alive and rescued. And I’m so happy for that.
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dreadnought-dear-captain · 4 years ago
The End of the Line – Update and You Asked, I Told (Part 1 of 2)
Hi, friends! I have completed my move and gotten settled in to my new apartment and state and job, so I’m back here to answer some Asks and give a writing update.
In the past couple of months, I’ve somehow managed to crank out about 45,000 words of BW. All the way to the end. Yep. BW is DONE. I literally cannot believe it. It needs some quality time with the beta, and I want to catch up on answering comments, so I’m (tentatively) planning to post the rest of the chapters on Veterans Day, 11/11/2020. I remember commenting to someone that I would have the whole fic done by Veterans day 2018 but hahahahahahaha [sob]. As of right now, I believe it’s going to be three more chapters, and you can decide if you want to binge them or draw it out. I’m also planning to do a select list of works consulted, but I will probably attach that to the BW timeline when I get it done rather than tack it onto the end of BW.
I’ve also started outlining a new fic that I’m excited about. It’s a BuckyCap canon divergence story that’s been percolating in my mind for a few years and has done about 400 evolutions. I was planning to move on to an AIDS fic, but that would require so, so much research, and honestly, I’m researched out after BW. I need a break. But there will be some similar themes, so if you’re here for more emoshy angst, there’s more coming your way. In first person!
I’ve cleaned out my Tumblr inbox and am posting my Ask answers in two batches. I’m feeling less quarantined out and consumed with my move, so I’m going to continue working toward being more responsive more quickly. Moving forward, I might just answer the asks as they come up rather than batching them. I dunno.
The following contain spoilers for everything up to the latest chapter of BW. 
Starting with some love (thank you!) and progressing to questions. 
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Oh, thank you so much! I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying it alkfjalfjsakjf!
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Thank you so much! It’s something I’m seriously considering, actually. Although I could never publish BW the way it is (it’s far, far, FAR too long for any publisher to pick up as-is), I am planning to go through the manuscript after this and re-write the essential story in hopes of de-Marveling it and shopping it around. I’ve been playing around with the idea of even trying first person, since the character voices are so strong, but I love close third a lot too, so I’ll have to play around with it.
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I appreciate your patience, and I’m so happy that you’re into it enough to wait so long for the damn thing to come out!
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I’ve written a lot of layers into the story in hopes that it will have decent re-read value – for those brave enough to read a 700k word fic more than once. But honestly, it’s so complicated sometimes that even I lose track of all the things I’ve woven in throughout. Part of it is that it’s a very different animal from where I started, both in terms of story and style, and I had some places I planned to go but then diverted, so there may be artifacts of old ideas floating around, I’m sure!
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You’re so right that the avoidance response is unbelievably strong for them, and part of their relationship goals (in my mind, anyway) is for them to be more direct in expressing what’s going on with them and what they need. As for the photo album, I can totally imagine this playing out – a nice family get together, some familial razzing, a highly triggered person trying to keep his shit together, but it’s Bucky, and emotion regulation is still not a very strong suit for him. So, presto. Awful picture night shenanigans.
As for Steve and his judgement call here, I agree that it’s definitely not the best. But I kind of wanted to show him as also being a vulnerable person who is struggling with this and wants relief from it. I think it’s more typical in fic to have one person is traumatized and the other who is this unwavering, grounded rock that is relatively unaffected by their loved one’s trauma and can provide appropriate support. Which is great! People like this absolutely exist. But this stuff with Bucky has really fucked Steve up, too, in addition to having his own trauma. He’s also feeling very distant from Bucky now, and one of the ways that they have historically gotten close is to have sex. It’s their go-to coping strategy as a couple. Don’t talk, fuck. So I thought it made sense that, on this night of vulnerability, they might resort to that.
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(See Baghdad Waltz Timeline ) Yeah, he was twelve, which is right before his family moved to New York. I’ve been sprinkling the episode around many chapters and don’t plan to go into a whole lot more detail about it TBH. It’s not essential to know all of the details, I don’t think. However, more will be revealed about Bucky and Jack’s relationship and how Bucky feels about him/felt about him, so hopefully that can provide a little context for it. Bucky has a lot of conflicting feelings about Jack and what happened to him, so we are forced to look at it through the eyes of a highly unreliable narrator. I hope future chapters (or chapters after this Ask was sent), will shed a little light on this.
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You’re spot on that Bucky totally minimizes it. Especially with Steve, knowing that Steve both needs to roughly know and probably will lose his mind if he knows the whole story. It was a brutal beating with some significant injuries that needed extra medical attention. As a side note, Bucky undoubtedly lied about having any surgeries, etc. in order to get into the Army.
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Thank you so much! I’m fully aware how emotionally exhausting this story can be, and I’m never quite sure whether or not to be apologetic about it. I’m not aiming to sensationalize anything or manipulate feelings out of readers or characters, truly. My guiding star is asking, okay, given everything, what would happen next? Not necessarily what *I* want to happen next, but what would these characters do now? Certainly I throw some circumstances in their way, but a lot of the emotional and relational responses to these are me trying to unflinchingly show what would happen with these two particular people with these two particular psychologies and histories. 
As we can see, for as much as they love each other, this relationship is highly problematic. And these people are really struggling individually. I do try to show the good parts too, to balance things out, because I don’t want to shy away from those either. I’m always hopeful that the balance doesn’t become so out of whack that people nope out of the story.
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Oh my God, I know. I think about that sometimes as well. Bucky was a highly skilled military professional, though I do wonder if this is one of the only environments that would have allowed him to avoid his own trauma quite this well. The military is such an all-encompassing career, one where, especially at higher ranks, you work ALL. THE. TIME. When you’re working all the time, when everything is about the men, about these extremely intense deployment experiences, there’s very little room for the past to creep in. It’s the perfect avoidance strategy. 
Moreover, the highly rigorous structure was excellent for Bucky, who tends to spiral out if he’s not operating within very firm boundaries. A lot of people with emotion regulation problems like Bucky’s can do very well in the military because of this. But when he lost that, so violently, it was the perfect catalyst for everything to come careening back to him. Especially when he really toned down the drinking. This is life for a lot of veterans, though certainly not all, or even most. But Bucky’s relationship with the military was absolutely symbiotic, yes. It is sad.
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This is one of Bucky’s attempts to earn favor with his new friends in New York, so good catch on the lie. Someone with an affectionate nickname obviously must have been liked, right? The last thing he wanted to do was have a repeat of his experience in Kentucky, so he put on a very good show and bullshat his way into a good social situation in New York. It’s not really bullshit though, because he’s a likable person. But I imagine he assessed the way he was, quiet, thoughtful, sweet, and probably decided nope, I’m not gonna be those things here. Not again. Some of the stuff, like his thoughtfulness and sweetness, couldn’t really be suppressed. But he did a lot of impression management in New York, including the creation of this nickname for himself.
Now, on to Part Two! See you there. 
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60b3r · 5 years ago
Memes Kill Creativity?
Memes vs. Genes
In the 1976 book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins coined the term 'meme' to describe something with symbolic meaning that spreads by imitation from person to person within a culture. This idea is an analogue to the nature of selfish gene, described similarly as a piece of genetic material possessing information required to be able to replicate themselves inside a living. The only key difference in both terms is that the gene is natural, while memes are artificial. The rest of memes' operating schemes completely mimic the genes perfectly. In our current timeline, memes as we know today are taking many forms: as image macros, short videos, and rick-rollicking music. Memes in imageboards and forums have been pushing internet porn traffic into a stalemate and putting our power grid into unnecessary burden. Of course, memes are not to be regretted, but otherwise need to be taken seriously, since they are able to put our current understanding of media industry and economic system into shame.
As with every other thing that have existed, memes are not exempt in its dualistic nature. If you ever venture to the depths of dark web, you may know that memes also took part in the infamous mimetic Tumblr-4chan War. Not only that, some memes are reportedly causing harm towards some users, even though it is often disguised or said to be a dank joke or mere sarcasm. Memes have seen its share of use in online bullying, mass shootings, and hate crimes, cowering behind the freedom of expression tag. Regardless, memes are also an extremely effective form of information transmission. Like all living systems with no set moral standards, memes do evolve and are subject to natural selection. Memes, like genes, actually work like a mindless machine. Again, this is eerily like the performance of DNA in living systems. The last thing we want from this thing is virulence.
Every day, something went viral on Twitter. Hashtags are flaring into the top trends, some videos are being watched billions of times, and another cat vs. cucumber pic garnered thousands of likes. Viral properties of a virus (duh) is defined as the capability to multiply quickly in relatively short amount of time. The term saw a huge increase in usage during the dawn of the internet age and the rise of computer malwares spread through unsecured ports of network protocol. This term is being applied to memes, as it is like a virus (which is a pure embodiment of a selfish gene). Now, a lot of people are utilizing memes to create art, because it enables them to cater the short-attention spans of current internet users. They create shorts, illustrations, inside jokes, and small comic strips. Some of you might not agree with me on this one, but stay with me now and I will explain to you why I would like to treat memes and art as a single unit of interest in this argument.
The dawn of meme-technology
Viral memes and their popularity are now often considered important in defining a time period in the internet culture. Now every netizen can somewhat distinguish the approximate age, sex, and political views of other users from the usage of rage comics, meme songs, and meme platforms they use. Intuitively we can make a generalized difference between the userbase of Reddit, 4chan, 9gag, Vine, and now Tiktok. Others, by the share of relatability with sub-genres of different areas of interest (film memes and game memes). Some others, even, in the perspectives of different social and economic class system (first world problems and third world success memes). Meme preferences to us netizens are ironically giving away our anonymous identity. Identity which the media companies are vying to get their hands on. That's where I would like to come into my opening argument: both memes and genes which originally possesses no intrinsic value, suddenly become a subject of value with technology.
How do we draw the logic, I say? The ones and zeros inside electrical systems are value-free, so does DNA in living cells. As we meddle ourselves with biotechnology to manipulate genetic material for profit, we also simmer ourselves in the computer sciences and tweak physical computation to perform better. We give value in the inanimate object by manipulating them. In our world, we often heard these expressions: that communication is key, sometimes silence is golden, and those who control the information wields the power. What’s these three statements have in common? Yes, information and expression. Memes are the simplest form of both. This is the beginning of the logic: memes are no longer in and on itself independent of external values. The infusion of utilitarian properties in memes as artificial constructs are seemingly inevitable, and for the better or worse shapes our current society.
We might have heard that somewhere somehow, the so called ‘global elites’ with their power and wealth are constantly controlling biotech research and information technology—or, in the contrary, they control these knowledge and resources to keep shovelling money and consolidate their power. Memes are one of their tools to ‘steer’ the world according to their 'progressive agenda', seemingly driving the world ‘forward’ towards innovation and openness. Nah, I am just joking. But, stay with me now. It is actually not them (the so-called global elites) who you should be worried about. It is us—you and I, ourselves—and our own way of unwittingly enjoying memes that are both toxic and fuelling the age-old capitalism. Funny, isn't it? We blame society, but we are society. But how are be becoming the culprits yet also be the prey at the same time?
Middle-class artists are hurt
Now, aggressive marketing tactics using memes are soaring. Media companies are no doubt cashing in the internet and viral memes to their own benefit. Streaming and cataloguing are putting up a good fight compared to their retail, classic ways of content delivery. This is quite true with the strategies of Spotify and YouTube, other media companies alike. They can secure rights to provide high-quality content from big time artists and filmmakers and target these works directly to the end consumer, effectively cutting the cost of distribution which usually goes to the several layers of distribution line like vinyl products, radio contracts, and Blu-ray DVDs. I believe this is good, since it is like an affirmative action for amateur artists to start a career in the art industry. Or is it? Does it really encourage small-time artists to begin? Yes. How about the middle-class artists? Not necessarily.
You might sometimes wonder, “how the hell did I get somewhere just by following the trending or hot section in the feed?”. This toxicity of memes often brings some bad things to our tables. Social media algorithms handle contents (like viral memes) by putting those with high views or likes to the front page, effectively ‘promoting’ the already popular post and creating a positive feedback cycle. By doing so, they could capitalize on ad profits on just few ‘quality’ contents over huge amounts of audience in a very short amount of time. The problem is most of the time, these ‘quality’ contents have no quality at all. They just happen to possess the correct formula to be viral, with the correct SEO keywords and click-bait titles with no real leverage in the art movement. This way, I often find both the talented and the lucky—of which the boundaries between them are always blurred—overshadow the aspiring ‘middle-class’ artists who work hard to perfect their craft.
If you are already a famous guitarist with large fanbase, lucky you, you are almost guaranteed to top the billboards. What, you have no skills? Post a video of you playing ‘air guitar’ and… affirmative actions to the rescue. Keep on riding the hype wave and suddenly you get to top trending with minimal effort, thanks to your weird haircut. Those haters will surely make a meme out of your silly haircut, not even your non-existent guitar skills. But still, hype is still a hype, and there’s no such thing as a bad publication. This also answers why simple account who reposts other people’s content could get much more followers than the hard-working creators. Not only being outperformed by the already famous artists taking social media by storm, now the ‘middle-class’ artists are also dealing with widespread content theft and repost accounts because of the unfair, bot grading system. It is unimaginable how many nobodies got the spotlight they don’t deserve just because they look or act stupid and the whole internet cheers around them. Remember, this is not always about the artist, but also the quality of the art itself. I believe a good art should be meaningful to the beholder.
Why capitalism kills creativity
The problem in current art industry is that we are feeling exhausted with the same, generic, and recycled stuff. We indeed already see there’s less discourse about art now. Sure, the problem lies not in the artist or medium, but is in the viewers—the consumer of the art form—and how the capitalist system reacts to it. The hyper efficient capitalist system doesn’t want to waste any more time and money trying to figure out what’s new or what’s next for you. What we love to see, what is familiar to us, the market delivers them. The rise of viral memes phenomenon in the social media pushes the market system to the point where they demand artists to create the same, redundant, easy art form. Listen to some of The Chainsmokers’ work and we'll see what music have become: the identical 4-chord progression, the same drop, the predictable riser, and the absence of meaningful lyrics. We sat down and watch over the same superhero movies trying hard to be the next Marvel blockbuster. The production companies are also happy not to pay writers extra to come up with new ideas and instead settle with borrowed old scripts from decades old TV drama. Disney's The Lion King and its heavy use of the earlier Japanese Kimba The White Lion storyline is one guilty example.
Despite it initially being an economic system and not a political ideology, it is untrue that many Marxist philosophers usher the suppression of art. While it is ironic that Stalinist policy intends to curb ‘counter-revolutionaries’—in this case his enemies—by limiting freedom of press and media; American propaganda added further so that it seems that the ideology is also limiting art and kill creativity. We all know the Red Scare in the U.S. during the Cold War saw a popular narrative of communism and socialism that is devoid of freedom of expression. This state propaganda then further become ‘dehumanization’ and make freedom of expression invalid under the guise of equality. Marx argue that total equality is not possible, and the uniqueness is being celebrated by having them doing what they do best and provide the best for their community. Thus, an individual's interests should be indistinguishable from the society's interest. Freedom is granted when the whole society is likely to benefit from an action. According to Mao in his Little Red Book, freedom of expression in art and literature, after all, is what initially drive the class consciousness. It is capitalism, not communism, that kills creativity.
If left unchecked, the threat of this feedback loop is going to cause a lack of diversity, resulting in stale content, less art critique, and overall decline in our artistic senses. Artists’ creativity that are supposedly protected by the free internet are destroyed within itself through the sheer overuse of viral memes. Capitalism has successfully turned the supposedly open, free-for-all, value-free platform that is the internet against the people into a media in which they are undeniably shaping new values on its own: the art culture that's not geared towards aesthetics and appreciation, but towards more views and personalized clicks. How social media and media industry caters to the demands of the consumer are, in Marx's own words, “digging its own grave”.
Spare nothing, not even the nostalgia
Well, people romanticize the oldies. The good old days, when everything is seen as better and easier. Look at the new art installations that uses the aesthetics of naughty 90s graphic design to become new, the posters released in this decade but with an art deco of the egregious 80s pop artist Andy Warhol, or the special agent-spy movies set frozen in the Nifty Fifties. Nostalgia offers us a way to escape from the hectic choices of our contemporary: different genres of music, dozens of movies to watch, and different fashion to consider. We choose to settle with our old habits, that we know just works. Remember how do we throw our money on sequels and reboots and remakes of old movies we used to watch during our younger days? We don’t even care about new releases at the cinema! Did you remember how Transformers 2 and their subsequent sequels perform at the box office at their opening week?
The huge sales of figurines and toys of Star Wars franchise—if we could scrutinize them enough—came from the old loyal fanbase of the late Lucasfilm series, not primarily from new viewers. Then suddenly, surprise-surprise. Our love for an old franchise deemed dead enough to be remembered and treasure soon must be destroyed to pave way for three new outrageous sequels (the ones with Kylo Ren and Snoke) by the grace of our beloved capitalism. Sadly, nothing is left untouched by the capitalism’s unforgiving corruption. Nostalgia has become a gimmick that makes people like some art more than they should, because it’s familiar. It is another way of squeezing your pocket dry.
Not that it is bad to make derivatives like covers or remixes, but the trade-offs are far too high. Consequentially, the number of original arts is now very little, because artists don’t bother making new stuff if they just aim for a quick buck. Most of the young adult novels are essentially the same lazy story progression with only different time setting and different character names. Most of them even have the same ending! No more a beautiful journey like the thrillers of Dan Brown or the epic adventures of Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings, which defines their respective times. Do we seriously want to consider Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey as a unique work? Isn’t the Hunger Games and the Maze Runner essentially the same?
If you play video games, you must have known that the trend always starts over. Game developers are making gazillions of sequels, and only a few of them that are actually good. Most are outright trash. Oh, wait, old video games like Homeworld are also getting remasters to cater the demand of nostalgic consumers. No new Command and Conquer release from EA Games? Re-release the 25 years old Red Alert because people will re-buy it! Profit!
15 June 2020 8.03 PM
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thehalfworld · 7 years ago
Fanfic MST: ITS MY LIFE!, a Portal fanfic [part 12]
Oh yes, friends, it’s back! It’s been entirely too long (two years too long, to be exact) and I hope you’re all ready for some more vaguely Portal-flavored nonsense. 
No real warnings for this chapter, just typical MarissaTheWriter ridiculousness. And canon character death, maybe, depending on whether or not you take the events of this chapter at face value (and, if I remember this story correctly, you probably shouldn’t).
Recap: Chell and GLaDOS have fused into one entity, P-body is pregnant, and Marissa for some reason decided that Rattman is the only one who can prevent disaster even though dude is strictly a non-action guy. She located him and now the two of them are planning on taking down the Chell/GLaDOS fusion.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
That is pretty weird, yeah. 
(I’m not even sure what she’s referencing. Maybe a play on “assault”?)
I dunno who Sephral is, but “the buziness guy” is user ASBusinessMagnet (later a recurring character in MarissaTheWriter’s stories; I’m pretty sure we got married at one point), and “Cat Not Bouncy” is Tumblr user catbountry, who was going by “Not Cat Bountry” on Fanfiction dot net and who did a dramatic reading.
See, I told you she’d explain that. All makes sense now, right? Perfectly logical writing decision.
Bit of a misnomer, since this is not, in fact, the final chapter.
(Actually, if I remember correctly, MarissaTheWriter may have been writing by the seat of her pants; it’s possible she initially intended this as the True and Honest Final Battle.)
Ratman an I were goin thru the air ducks to get to CHELLGADOSs layer were the final show down wold be. 
Oh my god, she means her lair, not her layer. That literally took me years to figure out. Holy fuck.
Wheatly was growlin an tryin to be scarry becos he didant have weapons so he was lick are cheer leader. 
Considering what happens when Wheatley actually tries to be the bad guy, I think this is preferable.
We intered the layer an saw CHELLGADOS buildin turrents but these ones was speshal becos they cold walk a round an shoot an stuff! 
Hey, I played Portal 2, I saw the turret assembly line. It’s pretty much autonomous. She doesn’t have to build them herself, and honestly I think she’d find it beneath her.
But maybe things have changed since I left the building.
"INTURDER!" One of the turrents called to CHELLGADOS. CHELLGADOS looked at me with all the angry she ever had.
That’s a phenomenal amount of anger. Surprised Marissa didn’t combust on the spot.
"Marrissa Roberts you have interfeared with my plans for the last time becos now I will kill you." 
All right! Time for some murder!
Then she seed Ratman an got more angry. "RATMAN IS A LIFE? NOW YOU WILL BOTH DYE!" 
I doubt she cares about killing Rattman, considering that she didn’t do so before and that he poses basically no threat on his own. Like I said… non-action guy.
CHELLGADOS taked out her portal gun wich was modified to shoot bullets lick a reel gun but cold shoot portals to just in case. 
Okay, but does it really shoot bullets? I ask because the turrets use spring-loaded action in order to fire the entire bullet, which is obviously a hell of a lot less effective despite delivering more bullet per bullet. Explains why Chell can take so many hits without dying.
Point being, there’s no evidence Aperture Science knows how guns are supposed to work.
She fired the portal gun an it hit Ratman with a boom an I thot he was dead for sure.
But Ratman gotted up! 
What? Is he still alive?
"Silly CHELLGADOS you cannt hurt me becos..." He pulled down his pants an I saw that he had replased his man thingys with... the space an rick cores! 
…I know we’re leading up to a “balls of steel” joke, and I shan’t comment on that, but this raises so many goddamn questions. How do you replace your testicles with personality cores? A personality core is a hell of a lot bigger, and heavier, than a human testicle. Also, Space Core is in space, so how did Rattman get ahold of him? Did he shrink the cores somehow? How did this make him immune to bullets? How did he fit two personality cores in his pants? Why did he need to flash everybody?
My brain is hurting over this and I know it’s only in the story because the author wanted to make a stupid pun. Moving the hell on.
"IVE GOT BALLS OF STEEL!" (Thats from a game called Duke Nukum Forever its funny) The space core was still thing he was in space but Rick was mad at been one off Ratmans tentacles. 
One of his tentacles? Are we in a hentai now?
"Well then ill just portal you into space like Wheatly an see how you like it you wont!" CHELLGADOS shooted a nother portal unner Ratmans feet an he was sucked into s space. "No dont you are my dotter Chell!" Ratman yelled as he got sucked in.
Uh… what? How? I thought Marissa and Chell were both Cave and Caroline’s kids in this story. Wasn’t that established several chapters ago?
"OMG HOW?" CHELLGADOS an me said at the same time to gether. "It all storted a long time ago..." Ratman gave us the down lo as he was just barely hanging on to the portal. "I used to work for Gabe Jonson affer he changed his name to Cave in onor of his dead brother. Caroline was got shot as you no Marrissa an was put in a robot body that was called... GLaDOS!" 
Right, we know. How is he hanging on to the portal? Can you do that? I don’t think you can do that.
CHELLGADOS o-mouthed at his shockin words. 
Did she forget she spent the beginning of this story being a goth emo over the revelation that she used to be human? Like… this isn’t news anymore.
"Gabe new he wold have to dotters named Marrissa an Chell but since GLaDOS was a prototip she an Cave coldnt make baby normal way an instead used the artificial enseamanation an grew test toob babys. 
Hey, what the fuck is the “normal way” to have sex with a giant robot? Seriously, please inbox me if you know. It’s for a friend. I swear.
But there was a miksup an my dna got used instead of Gabes for one of the toobs that toob was... CHELL!" Then Rutman coldnt hold on any longer an fell into space an died.
Why did Aperture Science have a sperm sample from Rattman on file? How did they get DNA from Caroline, since her physical human body no longer exists? How does Rattman know about the mixup? Who carried the baby to term? How did two white people birth a woman of color? How did two white people birth a woman of color? I don’t know if I brought this up earlier in the MST, but I am directing that question at every “Chell is Cave and Caroline’s daughter” theorist too. You’re not off the fucking hook.
Then CHELLGADOS started shackin an looked funny. Chell was fightin back a gainst GLaDOSs control! "Marrissa there is not much time left you must kill me to stopped GLaDOS once and four all!" 
Okay, but we know what happens when Marissa kills Chell — thanks to having consumed the “zombie taters,” Chell will just turn into a zombie. You don’t want the most tenacious woman in the world after your brains, but especially not when she’s fused with the most massive collection of wisdom to ever exist, who also hates you.
I o-mouthed becos Chells brane damage was cured so now I coldnt put her out of MISERY lol. 
That’s actually not the concern I expected Marissa to have. She has no problem killing disabled people, but being fused with a homicidal AI who is using your body as her puppet is A-OK, even when the victim is begging for death?
Man, this girl could use some new priorities.
"But I cannt kill you Chell yur my sister there must be a nother way! Chell got sad "Hurry GLaDOS is takin control!" An she started lollin with evil. There was no way I cold kill Chell an then I rembered that GLaDOS used to be Carlion an that made me not want to kill herr neither.
Yeah, and remember how she used to be a well-written and complex character who cannot be reduced to a mere villain and who actually likes Chell so much she keeps writing songs about it?
Sorry, there I go talking about canon again.
"Bloody hell Marrissa shes powerin up!" Wheatly screemed from inside my jump soot an I looked up an saw CHELLGADOS was floatin in air an electric stuff was comin out off her. "THANKS MARRISSA YUO REMINDED ME THAT I USED TO BE CARALIN SO I REMBERED THAT I HAVE POWERS TOO!" 
Hey, uh, what the fuck? 
I o-mouthed, that dumb ingineer forgot to make it so only I gotted the powers! I didant no what to do now an it seemed hope less when a herd a sound. "Hey b**** were heer for backup!" It was... ATLAS AN P-BODY!
Who are they here to back up?
"OMG why are you jersk helpin me?" I asked while o-mouthin from the shock. "Becos CHELLGADOS is half yur sister an we dont lick you so we dont lick Chell neither!" Atlas eksplained. "An I rembered that you gave us the drugs an beer in the first place so if it wasnt for you we woldnt have drugs an beer!" P-Body added an Atlas nodded like yeah! 
I guess that’s reasonable. I, too, feel indebted to those who give me drugs and beer.
We started ti fire are portal guns at CHELLGADOS an the portals combined to make a big portal black hole.
Co-op mode would benefit from the inclusion of this feature, I think.
"OH SH**!" CHELLGADOS screamed as the GLaDOS parts were all sucked out off Chell. 
Should have attached them better, I guess.
Ones all of GLadOS was gone we closed the portal an Chell falled down on the ground. "Chell I safed you!" I rant to my sister an gave her hug. "Marrissa Im sorry, but the damaje from GLaDOS was to much..."
“…not to mention, having my butt sliced off after someone used their powers a little too recklessly…”
An she dyed in my arms. "Nooooo Chell my sister you are died!" I cried soooo much an Whealty cried to becos they was frends even Atlas an P-Body looked kinna sad.
Isn’t Chell gonna turn into a zombie now or are we not doing the zombie stuff anymore? Was that only because she was brain-damaged? This fic is confusing.
I put down Chells body an stand up when there was a clikclak nose be hind me.
Oh no! Not a clikclak nose!
"LOL we tricked you to get yur guard down Marrissa! Now die b****!" An Atlas an P-Body lolled an shot me in head.
I’ve probably mentioned it before, but I love that the author of this mess has no problem writing over-the-top violence but feels the need to censor the word “bitch.”
"Marrissa!" Wheatly screamed an ever thing got really black an I died.
Love the prose.
Yes, indeed, we’re not done with this fic yet!
Oh, yes.
Well, seeing as she’s dead, I think it may be a bit late for that.
She actually did write that spinoff, by the way. I’ll put my MST of it up on this blog at some point.
Next chapter
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hoplaonlineblog · 5 years ago
Customer satisfaction is always a top priority. But when we are incapable of responding to their concerns, especially those that need a prompt response, the satisfaction curve might not look favorable. Putting your business out there is one thing, taking care of your customers is another. Implementing a managed live chat support for your online store could be the next best move for your business.
Customers expectations are constantly growing. Gone are the days when email is the only way for your customers to reach you. To be honest, opening an email can be dreading, more so on non-working days. Aside from the fact that it is flooded with unwanted newsletters you can’t remember you subscribed to, email gives the horror of not receiving an urgent response from people on the other side. Don’t give your customers these undesirable feelings when reaching out to you.
Managed live chat support changes customer service
Managed live chat support has changed the way customer service works for businesses.  Imagine a customer in the middle of decision-making of purchasing your products and suddenly get curious about the materials used and other specifications. A delayed reply can affect their purchasing decision and can eventually impact your sales.
Moreover, several research studies state that the use of live chat support services for business largely contributed to increased revenue. It primarily manifests in the decrease in phone call purchases and an increase in website traffic which presumably leads to conversion and client retention.
  Practical tips to implement a managed live chat support
Millennials, which makes up a huge percentage of the world’s most active consumers in this era, values convenience over anything else. It’s time to focus on them and providing a seamless customer experience which includes prompt live chat support service to assist them in every step of their buying stage.
Here are a few more tips on how managed live chat services can do big magic for your online store.
Real-time communication. This is a no-brainer. You were a customer first before a business owner and you surely know what a customer wants. It can be frustrating for a buying customer to receive answers to your queries a day after you send your queries. Getting a quick response will generate customer satisfaction which leads to customer loyalty. It’s a plus if your managed live chat support agent has a strong persuading ability to push a customer to purchase your products without thinking twice.
Round-the-clock accessibility for your customers. Your online store’s purpose is to cater to your customer 24/7/365. It also serves as an open catalog for potential customers who are looking up to find your products or services. Having a team of distributed managed live chat support agents across various locations enables your business to operate all the time and respond to your customers in a snap of your fingers.
Access to client feedback. Sometimes, people don’t need to ask something to send you a message. Managed live chat support also serves as a medium for your clients to express how they like (or not) your products. Collective feedback can be beneficial for future planning and strategizing your next marketing campaigns.
Customer support and lead generation in one. More than customer service, managed live chat support can double as a lead generation tool. You can get the name and details of a customer who once visited the live chat window and put their details into the right segments for future email marketing campaigns.
Establish stronger customer relations. Customer satisfaction is of great importance and the key will always lead to superb customer service. Managed live chat support can be a solid platform to establish and strengthen your relationship with your clientele. Communication style is up to you or your managed live chat support agent–can be casual but friendly–as long as it remains professional.
Cost-effective solution right at your fingertips
The cost of acquiring a call center service support is no secret. Though expensive, it can seriously upgrade your business. However, those looking for a more affordable option can take managed live chat support service that delivers the same high-quality results. Managed live chat services are the new pillars of customer happiness departments minus the intimidating cost of call center outsourcing.
In addition, acknowledge the fact that your market is online and it’s your responsibility to meet them halfway by being always available on the platforms they dedicate their time the most. If you’re thinking of bringing your customer service process to level up, HOPLA can help you jumpstart from where you are. Free, no-obligation consultation up for you so hit us up today at hopla.online.
The post Managed live chat support benefits for your online store appeared first on .
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Store Floor Plans 101: How to Create a Winning Retail Layout for Your Shop
https://120profit.com/?p=1466&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr A well-designed and properly executed store plan can encourage product discovery, create a wonderful experience, and ultimately generate more sales. That’s why if you haven’t reviewed or refreshed your retail layout or floor plan in a while, you should seriously consider doing so, particularly as we approach the new year. Follow the pointers and best practices below to ensure that your store’s floor plan showcases your products in the best possible light: 1. Use the right type of retail floor plan for your store First things first. What exactly are kinds of floor plans you can have? To help answer that, here’s a rundown of some of the common ones in retail: Straight floor plan The straight floor plan positions your shelves or racks in straight lines, creating aisles that shoppers on which can move. This type of floor plan favors function over beauty. It’s used to hold products on shelves and make them easy to find, as opposed to encouraging “discovery” or showcasing the latest trends. The straight floor plan is also one of the most economical store layouts and is mostly used in supermarkets and in stores that primarily use shelving to showcase their merchandise. Racetrack or loop plan When using a racetrack or loop plan, you position your fixtures and merchandise in such a way that they create a path to guide shoppers around your shop. The racetrack or loop floor plan is a good option if you have a small store and/or you want to encourage shoppers to take a particular path when browsing your shop. For example, if you want to “lead” customers around your space, vs having them move in various directions, then you can use a racetrack store layout to encourage that behavior. Angular floor plan This floor plan uses curves and angles to give off a sophisticated vibe. According to the Houston Chronicle, the angular floor plan is usually adopted by high-end retailers and it “reduces the amount of display area you have but focuses instead on fewer, more popular lines.” This layout is ideal if you sell a lot of unique and attractive merchandise. As such, the angular floor plan for drawing attention to individual products. If your store sells a few, curated pieces, then this floor plan could be the best way to go. Geometric floor plan The geometric floor plan utilizes racks and fixtures to showcase products, which makes it popular among retailers that sell apparel and accessories. Go with this layout if you need to use racks, shelves, and other fixtures to showcase your merchandise. This is quite popular with apparel and accessories retailers. Free flow plan Don’t want to limit yourself to a specific floor plan? A free flow layout affords you the most creativity. You’re not restricted to floor patterns or shelves that have to be placed at certain angles. And unlike the other layouts, you’re not prodding people to use a path around your store; instead, shoppers are encouraged to browse and go in any direction. Now that you have an idea of the best type of floor plan for your business, let’s move on to tips that can help you make the most out of your store’s layout. 2. Plan your layout based on how shoppers move and behave Fact: people have a natural tendency to turn either left or right when entering a retail store. Studies suggest that the predisposition on which direction to turn depends on the country’s vehicle driving patterns. This means that shoppers who drive on the left side of the road (i.e., Japan, the UK, Australia, etc.) would typically turn left when entering a store, while consumers in the countries that drive on the right side of the (such as the US) have a stronger tendency to turn right and move in a counter-clockwise direction. For this reason, it’s important that you consider which direction your shoppers turn when they walk into your shop, so you can design your store accordingly. For instance, if you know that your customers have a tendency to turn right, then you’ll want to display your best products or new arrivals on the front-right part of your store. Take a look around your existing layout and ask yourself: is it optimized for your customers’ natural tendencies? Do they see your freshest and most noteworthy merchandise when they walk in? If not, then it’s time to make a change. 3. Map your store Mapping out your store — i.e., literally creating a map — enables you to see what your store would look like on paper, so you can have a better idea of how traffic would flow and where products should go. Not to mention, it’s a lot easier to make changes and move stuff around when your ideas are still on paper, versus physically executing them in-store. And fortunately for you, it’s a lot easier these days to map out your store. Floor plan tools such as SmartDraw and Smartsheet are just a few examples of solutions that give you floor plan creation tools at affordable prices. (SmartDraw’s prices start at $5.95 per month, while Smartsheet has prices as low as $14 per month.) And if you’re looking for inspiration, a quick search on Pinterest will give numerous results. Here are few noteworthy ones that we’ve found: Here’s a Diesel floor plan which maps out where shelves and fixtures would go and how they should be positioned: And here’s another floor plan example, this time for kids’ store. In addition to showing the positioning of the racks and fixtures, it also gives us a clear idea of which products would go where. 4. Keep your decompression zone clear We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: don’t put your key merchandise in your decompression zone. In case you don’t already know, your decompression zone is the first few feet of your store, right after your entrance. This the area of the store where people coming from outside would “decompress” and adjust to their new surroundings. Because of this, shoppers are typically distracted when they’re in this zone and will likely overlook any products you place here. Retail experts Rich Kizer and Georganne Bender recommend that you keep this space open and uncluttered. “Floor signs, baskets, class schedules, etc. belong just beyond your Decompression Zone where shoppers are more likely to see them.” 5. Put a healthy amount of space between merchandise and fixtures It’s important that you put ample space between the different elements of your store (i.e., products, shelves, and other fixtures) so that people can move around with ease. From a design perspective, having a good amount of space in your store makes it look more attractive. Plus, since space equals luxury in retail, putting ample space between the elements of your shop increases the perceived value of your products. Now, if you’re catering to budget consumers then you can certainly get away with having relatively crowded shelves. Just make your store too crowded. You want to have enough space in your store so that customers can pass by without bumping into each other. Otherwise, you could subject them to the dreaded “butt-brush effect,” an occurrence where shoppers would abandon a display or product after being bumped once or twice from behind. Paco Underhill, author of the book “Why We Buy,” described an experiment that shows the butt-brush effect in action. He wrote: While reviewing the tape to study how shoppers negotiated the doorway during busy times, we began to notice something weird about the tie rack. Shoppers would approach it, stop and shop until they were bumped once or twice by people heading into or out of the store. After a few such jostles, most of the shoppers would move out of the way, abandoning their search for neckwear. We watched this over and over until it seemed clear that shoppers — women especially, though it was also true of men to a lesser extent — don’t like being brushed or touched from behind. They’ll even move away from merchandise they’re interested in to avoid it. 6. Create speed bumps As the term clearly states, speed bumps curtail the speed of shoppers as they move around your store. They encourage people to slow down and check out products on and around these bumps. Speed bumps can come in the form of tabletop displays that contain unique products. During the holiday season, for example, Target set up speed bump displays throughout the store which showcased popular gift items. These displays did a great job in slowing down shoppers as they navigated between departments. Speed bumps can also be displays or setups that encourage people to use their hands. Aerie, for example, once installed a bouquet making station in its store at the Cerritos mall. Whatever type of speed bump you create, keep the following best practices in mind: Use great lighting. A speed bump is meant to slow down customers, but it won’t do a good job of that if it’s displayed under dull or unflattering light. Accent lighting is recommended. Accordingto retail enthusiast Karen WW, it’s best to use display stands with lockable wheels. According to her, this will “make it easier for you to move things around frequently without a lot of effort.” She also echoes Nicole Reyhle and Jason Prescott’s advice in Retail 101 where they recommend having “about 5 speeds bumps for every 500 square feet of retail space.” 7. Go beyond your merchandise… think about the experience! When designing your store, you go beyond simply thinking about where and how products should be displayed; be sure make room for experiences. You could, for example, dedicate a space for product testing. Skincare retailer Aesop, does this extremely well in their stores. Most (if not all) of Aesop’s locations have special areas where people can test their different products. Meanwhile, the Gymboree store at the Del Amo Fashion Center created a coloring station for kids, to keep the little ones busy while parents pick out clothes or pay for their orders. Other shops have spaces specifically for community events or face to face interactions. Windfall Natural, a health, beauty, and wellness retailer in the UK for instance, recently moved to a flexible retail location in London. According to @retailfocus, Windfall Natural’s new store paves the way for “an extended product range, more storytelling, and regular events.” Check out the table that they’ve set up towards the front of the store, and notice the sign that inviting people to talk to their staff if they need advice. What about you? Does your store encourage experiences or is it all about the products? If it’s the latter, then consider adopting a more experiential strategy — here’s how! Further Reading If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out Vend’s guide to increasing sales. This handy resource offers 10 proven tactics for boosting retail sales and improving your bottom line. Specifically, you will: Discover how to turn savvy shoppers into loyal customers Learn how to add real and perceived value to each sale Discover the most effective ways to set yourself apart from your competitorsLearn More Have you optimized your retail store’s floor plan yet? As the year draws to a close, now is a great time to think about how you’re going to transform your business in 2019. Part of doing that could be revamping your floor plan to promote product discovery and wonderful experiences. About Francesca NicasioFrancesca Nicasio is Vend's Retail Expert and Content Strategist. She writes about trends, tips, and other cool things that enable retailers to increase sales, serve customers better, and be more awesome overall. She's also the author of Retail Survival of the Fittest, a free eBook to help retailers future-proof their stores. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google+. 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=1466&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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sembrais · 6 years ago
A journey to Acknowledging My Uniqueness  and Accepting My Physical Form
Coming to terms with what I look like hasn’t been an easy journey for me but, is it easy for anyone? Ever since my younger years, I’ve struggled with my weight. I remember being among the bigger girls in elementary which imitated my self-consciousness towards my body. This, led to me becoming very self-defensive and tough, knowing already at a young age that being overweight put me in a vulnerable place to be picked on, which led to the development of my strong character which helped me avoid people belittling me. I remember that I always wore a jacket, sweater or hoodie to cover up my arms because I detested the way they looked. As I switched schools for middle school, my self-esteem worsened along with my bad habits. My classmates would question me on why I always wore a jacket and I would vaguely brush off the question not being able to express my inner struggles. The age range between 12-16 years is one where for me, I was constantly aware of how people perceived me, and how people around me looked. Seeing the difference between how my skinnier classmates where treated, for example, how other kids leaned towards being with the thin beauty standard people versus me, hurt. As my insecurities grew, my defensiveness grew primarily towards boys. Growing up and even till this day I rarely have had any male friends. And reflecting on this defensiveness I believe it’s due to how girls are raised and trained to value the male opinion over anything, we are cultivated to fit their desires, and we are taught that they have more power over us than our own selves. So, I think I built my character up to block any relations with males so I wouldn’t get hurt since their input on a woman has been socially structured to be powerful. Also, males are constructed to have a crude and ruthless opinion because they are “entitled to it” which makes them think they can say whatever they please. In addition, I avoided them because I fear rejection, something about being denied shatters my emotions into tiny pieces. Now, fast forward to my present self, who is more aware of her actions, surroundings and has a better understanding of her emotions and societal constructions, I still struggle around males. Although I have tried to break out of my bubble and not shut myself out from experiences. But real talk, being a female, young and fat is not the beauty wave of our society. Most men, humans in general, don’t lean towards the fat girl when thinking about who they want to date, especially us younger people who tend to be more superficial and value looks equally or maybe even more than personality. So, I’ve found myself stuck in a mirror maze trying to escape from my old habits but falling back in the same spot because I am trapped in my insecurities, and afraid of getting hurt, which has led me to miss out/avoided certain experiences. Once I entered college, I started having experiences with boys, and I have found myself questioning if some don’t take me seriously because of my weight, are they afraid of what other people might think about us if we were to form a formal relationship? And I plant this question because it’s something that I myself have thought about, since most men I’ve had some sort of interest in are leaner than me, and I’m always consumed by what other people are thinking when they see us together. I also wonder do they talk to me because I am the way I am, and they think that I am more vulnerable why makes it easier to manipulate me because I am not the norm of desire?
I’ve had many times where I would cry because I was repulsed by my reflection, times where I wanted to starve myself, to be skinny. But, I unconsciously decided to invest in healing myself around the ninth grade when I was casually scrolling on a Tumblr travel blog of one of my favorite persons at that time, Jay Alvarrez. I had recently discovered his blog and he had a lot of question and answers posts which I indulged in reading most of them. He seemed very insightful and invested in his journey on this world. Out of the many posts I stumbled upon one, where he was asked about insecurities. In his response all I can remember is him stating that insecurities are a waste of time and basically investing energy in something that deep down is trivial should be energy invested in cultivating something bigger and greater for ourselves.  Those few words suddenly hit my brain like a rock. Something so simple, impacted me in a way that it cultivated the start of a journey to self-love. I started with technique as my best friend calls it “fake it till’ you make it” mechanism. I would wake up every day, acknowledge my existence, the body I was blessed with, look into the mirror and speak positive words even though I didn’t believe them back then. But words contain a huge amount of power and just by the desire of wanting to improve your reality you can manifest greatness, which is what I did.  
 I felt a strong attachment to Nalo Hopkinson’s “A Habit of Waste” because I myself could relate to the character’s body image struggle. I have found myself in the character’s position where she sees others with traits like hers’ and being able to acknowledge how well that person looks with those physical aspects yet, struggling with accepting them on herself. I think she realized that self-love is a journey indeed, that involves a lot of ups and downs, and that it takes time to start accepting things you’ve been neglecting for a while.  Something that I myself am partaking.
Hopkinson, N. (2018). Skin folk: Stories. New York, NY: Open Road Integrated Media.
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Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
"Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Has New Republican Joe Wilson become the biggest STAIN on the FAILED Conservative movement thus far?
...or something else?, I know there's a lot to choose from, Thx. for sharing.""
Truck Insurance CHeaper then car insurance for a male?
is truck insurance cheaper then car insurance for males, and why?""
Car insurers recommendations?
hi there people, Since passing my test in December, I have been looking to buy (and insure) a car. Shortly I will be able to afford a little run around and have been getting insurance quotes for cars like the Fiesta and Corsa. I have noticed that over the last few months comparison site quotations have jumped from an average of 1800 to 3000 for someone in my circumstances. I have read and understand why car insurance has been hiked up, no win no fee claims are more popluar, fraud and bogus claims and economic recession are responsible for a massive increase in car insurance premiums...Im so angry at these things. I cannot believe this as I though 1800 was extortionate to begin with. I have found Elephant insurance who are quoting me reasonable prices however, back to around the 1800 mark. Please can you recommend any other good car insurers for first time drivers. I am 33 and live in Manchester England. All the big name insurance sites that appear on comparison sites see like a rip off, so any smaller insurers you have had experience of would be useful;, Thanks.""
In California can you register a car without insurance?
I plan on buying a car soon and want to register it under my name but can I do this without insurance since I don't plan on driving the car AT ALL until I secure a job and purchase auto insurance. By the way, the reason I want to pay for the registration right away is because the car I am purchasing is two years behind on the registration...""
I have a question about auto insurance in Arizona.?
I am 18 years old and just obtained my drivers license. I do not own a car but I would like to use my grandparents jeep in times when I need to get to school. It wont be a routine thing just a back up plan in case I cannot find a ride. Do I need to get a non owner insurance policy to able to legally drive in Arizona or am I legal to drive without insurance as long as my grandparents have the car insured?
How can i look at insurance quotes for different cars at one time?
i'm looking to buy a used car right now, and i have a few different ones in mind. i would really like to be able to view the insurance quotes on each before i consider buying. is there an easier way than having to fill out all of my information & history each time?""
Do you have to buy insurance for your car?
Im planning to buy a 1968 Chrystler Newport. This will be my first car. I live in BC. What should I expect to have to pay monthly for insurance? or do I need to buy insurance at all for my car?
""Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable?""
Both Canidates say they will make insurance affordable, no #'s are given - what is affordable? Some people cant afford $2.00 a week or a month...they are living on nothing. My ...show more""
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
""What's the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Texas?
I just bought a 350z 2003 and I'm 19.. So I would like to know how much I will pay...
Car Insurance rate increased when I moved????
I recently moved WITHIN the same county and my car insurance rates increased because of the move. Should it increase even though I am in the same county???? It's seriously like 5 miles from my old house....
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Is this the big health insurance lie?
The legislation would impose several new fees on firms in the health sector. New fees would be imposed on providers of health insurance and on manufacturers and importers of medical devices. Both of those fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional Budget Office An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act November 30, 2009 BUT..... The average premium for an unsubsidized, nongroup policy will cost 27-30% MORE. (same report) So won't private coverage decrease sharply ... And so too the fees collected from them ... which are suppose to pay for the subsidies . Or will really caring people flock to buy this extra expensive insurance?""
How much (Aprox.) would car insurance cost for a living in Iowa?
19 year old male living in Iowa, zip code 50659 '96 Camaro.""
Are insurance premiums negotiable?
My home insurance rate goes up every year but this year it was $400 bec they said they redistribute my home and lumped it with a neighboring more expensive one. I called their main office spoke with the lady who answered the phone who wouldn't budge a dollar!! She gladly emailed a document to sign to terminate my policy. It really pist me off. Would it make a difference to call and ask to speak to the agent?
Does a car absolutely need insurance and plates?
I'm going away to college so I will not be using my car for while. My mom wants to sell it, but I know if she does I may never get a replacement. She says that it needs insurance and a new sticker and if she doesn't get them it ruins her record or something like that, but if the car is not going to be moved at all does it really need that?""
Does your car insurance premium go up if you have a claim that didn't involve others but was over $1400?
Its just body damage and no one else was involved. Also if I use my rental coverage will that make my premium go up (i.e. is premium tied to how much the total claim cost)? Thanks
VW Golf third-party insurance for a new driver?
Looking at getting a car, just passed my test and considering a VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 - 1.6l as a max) I'm not 17, I'm 20 - Would this go in my favour? How much can I expect to be paying, is it manageable?""
What is the obamacare penalty for not having health insurance?
Is it a a monthly fine or something you pay when you do you taxes? Does it apply to dental insurance plans?
Why is insurance on Motobikes Much lower for a 17 year old then insurance for a car of the same value?
I'm 16 and i'm looking how much it would cost me to get a car or a bike when i turn 17 next year so i can save up and get one of them i looked at insurance for both and ended up with a 3000 quote for a car worth 2000 and a 750 Quote for a bike worth 2300 they where both from the same insurer and all the details where the same I'm just ondering why is this the case and if it's actualy better for me to get a bike instead ofa car
How much is car insurance? I'm doing and economics project...?
Like for a 38 thousand dollar car. Looking for a lower premium and a higher deductable but in order to find a price i would have to actually sign up for car insurace and i can't do that. What would be like the best option for me would you say...? Anyone???
How much can I expect my car insurance to raise per year because of a speeding ticket?
I am 19 years old (so I know the car insurance companies are kinda screwing me to begin with). This is the first time I have been ticketed for anything. The ticket was for 10 over on a highway (80 in a 70) and because it was on the highway it will only add 1 point to my license. This is the only point I have acquired on my license, and I've had a license for 3 years and 4 months. My parents currently pay for my car insurance because I am a college student, and the deal we have is that as long as I am a full time student with over a 3.0 GPA they will pay for my insurance and cell phone bill and I will be responsible for all other expenses (school, rent, food, gas, clothes etc.). I do feel bad about it and I'm hoping it wont cost them too much money. How much of a spike should something like this cause?""
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
What does term life insurance cover?
does term life insruance cover any death. Like lets say there is an earthquake and the insured dies.. would the term insurance cover it? or does the insured have to die of old age?
""Impossible to get car insurance, what should I do?""
I'm 18 soon and will be wanting to start driving but the cheapest quote i can get is 6000 etc on a 1.0 litre vauxhall corsa, There is no one i can get a policy with as my mum doesn't drive. is there any suggestions? only British people will understand this problem
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
I filed a claim with my insurance company and am now being charged a claim surcharge. Is this legal?
I've had a home-owner's and auto policy with Allstate for the last 4 years. The increase was labeled a claim surcharge. The surcharge is almost 500 dollars
Can I add my grandmother to my car insurance?
We live in different cities. Same state. I just live 2 hours away. I am a 20 year old college student. Female. Single. I just bought a newer car. Financed. BEFORE I bought the car I did a estimate on it with my car insurance to see how it would be affected. I can afford the payments but my main concern was my insurance going way up. And of course after buying the car the quoted price online is nothing near what I am being required to pay. So far I have been living on my own for a year. And I have been paying my current policy in my own name out of my own pocket. The car I have now is paid for. I CAN afford the increase in the insurance (its $90 increase) and I do have the option of switching to a different company at the end of my policy in 2 months for one that is only 1/2 the price but of significantly lesser quality. BUT I would rather save the money and use it to get this new car paid off in 6 months rather than the 48 month lease contract. My grandma already has insurance (with a different company). We do not live together but we live in the same state. I am willing to pay for both policies. mine and hers. My question is------>>>> Is there any way I can add her to my policy or jump on her policy to lower my insurance? Just for the 6 month premium so I can get get this car paid off? If so, how? Please no lectures. I work and go to school. I can afford the increase or switch to a different company but I want to avoid all that. I'm Just curious thats all.""
Buying motorcycle(street bike) and insurance?
Okay im going to be buying a new yamaha r6 in a couple of weeks. Before I bring the bike home I heard that Im going to need insurance before I bring it home. So should i start looking for an insurance now and get quotes or can i bring the bike home and then look for insurance. Im 19 years old.
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
Got a 150CC scooter for surface roads commute upto 20 miles/day. How much does it cost to get it on CA roads?
Classes + license exp + Registration + Insurance + locks (?) + Helmet + Hand Grip = ? a. How much is the rough running cost? (are these high maintenance?) b. Is it safe in an ungated community with chain lock? Should I move it inside my apt? And yes, primary transportation. Thanks for reading.""
What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults?
Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies?
How much is insurance for a 16 years old camry 1997 yahoo?
i live in california, and we have 4 drivers in my family and we pay 700, 1 way, how much will i pay im 16 and i will be getting a camry 1997""
Cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
im new to this im 20 getting my license in ont canada and need insurance i am very cheap will be buying a car 500-700$ and want the cheapest insurance possable il fix my own car if its possible i just want to be legal cause insurance is ridiculous ty everyone
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
Whats the cheapest car to run?
Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, low petrol consumption, cheap car in the first place etc. Im currently driving a rover 25 1.4 and just want something a bit cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!)""
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
Does drivers insurance increase if you move?
Hey, question says it all, my fiancee was told that once we move our drivers insurance rate will increase, is this true? We're living in Maine and only moved a town over, we didn't move to another state or anything like that. Anyone know? Thanks!""
Car insurance?
ok if i was to get a new infiniti ex how much does auto insurance cost me anyone know
What is the best short term life insurance plan between monthly premium rupees 500 to 800?
What is the best short term life insurance plan between monthly premium rupees 500 to 800?
Car insurance advice?
how much money will it cost to insure a 1.4 - 1.6 litre car? I'm 17 and this will be my first car. thanks
""Which companies offer insurance for individual items such as laptops, iPods, cell phones, etc?""
I'm looking for US insurance companies that offer this service - i.e. instead of buying home insurance to cover everything, to buy insurance just for individual items.""
Car insuarnce worries?
Ok here's the thing I'm a 17 year old male with a '91 chrysler lebaron convertible. I'm going to go get my own insurance set up. How much am I looking at paying up front. Like how much should I bring with me. Because I'm kind of worried I might not have enough. Any help?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
How much does medical insurance cost for a child?
How much does medical insurance cost for a child?
Do i need insurance to title car?
do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?
I was denied medcaid and chips for my 2yr son. Is there any other affordable insurance out there?
I was denied Medicaid which is understandable. I applied for Chips and was denied as well.......because I was $50 over the income guidelines. I don't receive any other kind of assistance. I can't afford the insurance at work. I pay my own tuition for school, my own groceries, and so on. I just would like to know if there is any other type of affordable insurance for my child.""
Car insurance cancellation?
I took out an insurance two days ago with a company called (i-kube car insurance). I've been told that I won't be able to drive between the hours of 11pm -5am and if i drive, i will have to pay 45 fine ( a GPS will be installed in my car). I've realised that the insurance is not cheap even though i used my pass plus to get discount. Tesco and Elephant car insurance are even cheaper. They took out my deposit immediately eventhough my insurance will not start till 2nd wk in February. Is it too late to cancel? I haven't received any paper document yet and their website lacks information about cancellation. What shall I do? Should i go with a different company? Would they tell me to pay cancellation fee? They've planned to fix the GPS to my car tomorrow but i haven't agreed to the time yet.""
How much money do auto insurance brokers make?
How do they get paid? and how much?
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
What is most important in a car insurance plan?
Okay, I know this is a complicated question that I'm asking on Yahoo! Answers, but hopefully somebody can give a credible answer. I'm about to get my first car and I want to make sure I have the proper insurance. I don't want an insurance company talking me into buying more than I need, nor do I want to be under-protected. So what's most important? I thought I'd heard that liability coverage was more important than collision. Is that true? How much liability should I need? If someone could give me some good suggestions with some numbers, I'd really appreciate it.""
Where can i find cheap moped insurance?
i have just applied for my license and i am going to get a 50cc moped (WK Wasp 50). i was looking around for the price of full comprehensive insurance and the cheapest is around 650... is this cheap? please advise me on any cheap firms thanks!
How many of you cant afford health insurance? If not why not and how long have you been unable to afford it?
Could you afford it if you cut out frivolous expenses?
Are there any North Carolina Health Insurance Agents here?
I need to find an agent or a website that sells other carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous!
Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25?
If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks.""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
""I moved to long island, port Jefferson area. Anyone know a really cheap auto insurance around here?
I really need one before it starts snowing..Walking and taking the bus here is a nightmare. Please help.
I need some help!!? Car Insurance prediciton:?
I am 16, and i have had my G2 for 2-3weeks....and got my G1 10months ago in ONTARIO. I am not the primary driver on a car(my parents have 2 cars....they are the primary drivers) Tonight i slid off the road and hit a tree( roads were slippery and wet as it was snowing) and maybe 3-4 thousand dollars damage was done to the front of the car!! How much will my insurance go up per month??( it was a 2007 hyundai elantra with snow tires)""
What will happen if i go without auto insurance for a few days?
i just purchased a new car and only took the insurance cuz i wanted to drive the car off the lot. so i now have found a cheaper & better insurance company. i know i can cancel my policy with in thirty days and get a prorated refund and must show proof of new insurance. so what i am asking if i go without insurance for like a week and then buy new insurance will the rates go up because i went without insur. or will they go up because i just didnt pay the other insurance on time? can i stil cancel and get a refund if i come in a few days later than the due date? help!!
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
Where can I find non-owners insurance?
I need what is known as an SR22 which is also non-owners insurance. I have looked everywhere and it seems like nobody has a policy for it. If anyone knows anything about it. Please let me know.
The cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old boy?
and dont just say lowest insurance group because iv been looking and so far its been a group 3 clio and iv looked at insurance for an aygo (group 1) i need real examples like i had a fiesta and it was blah not just small hatchbacks are cheap
How do you know the address of health insurance company??!?
On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:""
How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?
My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good grades...so yeah. :)""
What is the car insurance deposit?
What is the deposit you make on your car insurance? I'm not 100% sure. Do you get it back? I'm in the UK.
How much does insurance cost on a 1988 mustang gt?
I'm 20 and was wondering how much it would cost. I have a clean driving record, and I live in California. I already own a 2000 mustang v6 and it's a little expensive on liability only. Will the 88 gt be more expensive than the 2000 v6?""
What's the insurance costs on a 1989-95 nissan 240sx?
I'm sixteen & mostly going to end up getting this car & was wondering how much it would cost out of curiosity
Why is my car insurance so outrageous?
I live in Massachusetts and it is more than 3000 per year (252 per month). I am 18 so i have only been driving for a little over two years and i understand the inexperienced driver thing, even though i have never had an accident or fender bender or anything. Anyway, when will this go down? I want to purchase a home within the next year or two, and i dont have a huge income so this takes a large chunk. I know that it varies by state so would i be better off in Connecticut? I know it is cheaper there but by how much... and what does your state have to do with it?""
17 years old how to get cheap car insurance?
I found a car i had my lieance for 3 months, the insurance is for 2400 how can i get cheaper insurance the insurance will be on my name or if i put it on my dad name how would i be able to drive the car.""
Car Insurance question....?
Ok, so I'm 24 about to turn 25(apparently that's when your taken out of the pool , or so I've heard, which means my rates should lower.) However my insurance will expire before I turn 25, and there will be about a 3 month gap between those dates. I was wondering if I could get car insurance to cover those 3 or so months, or would I have to buy a 6 month and then get another quote later?""
Life insurance at 25 years of age.?
I am twenty five and would like to put my mom in life insurance. Is this possible and what would I have to do to put her in life insurance?
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Car insurance ?
who knows the most cheapest it car insurance company plz ?
Cheap car insurance with no deposit?
where is the best place to get insured that is cheap and no deposit asked for or cheap deposit?, thanks""
Where is there a cheap car insurance place here in Dallas 75248.?
I moved back to Dallas near addison, and I am looking for a place to get cheap libitily insurance under 100. 60 would be ok. Any suggestions?""
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
Insurance for a 16 year old on a hyundai tiburon?
Hi, i'm looking at cars to get when i turn 16. I'm thinking of a hyundai tiburon. I would like to know how much the insurance on this kind of car for me would be, in michigan. if you have any idea, let me know. thanks !""
""Want car insurance on other person policy, how much?""
I want to be a named driver on someones policy, how much extra will it cost for 24 year old with provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U Reg The main holder has been driving many years. Just want a rough idea..hope you can help""
Will full coverage car insurance cover a blown head gasket?
It still has enough oil in it (between E and F on the dip stick), I can just tell this is what it is because Oil is leaking down the driver side gasket and I'm noticing my coolant level beginning to drop. I just want to do something about it now before I keep driving it and completely blow the engine.""
What's the cheapest insurance for a used 50k miles 02 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I live in California, great driving record, getting a used 02 Eclipse 50k miles Automatic. How much is the cheapest insurance and what company do you recommend? (I currently pay $60/month for my Mitsubishi Mirage 2000 De Coupe, I would like a similar / cheaper rate).. any ideas on this?""
Anyone know of an car insurance company that doesn't require the vehicle to be in your name?
Geico cancelled our policy because our car is in our grandmothers name.Also if she gets a policy, the addys have to all match.Are all insurance companys this strict?the car is about to die soon, so we dont wanna spend more money on transferring the title, but I guess we will if we have to.We are getting another car fixed soon that we will be driving.""
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
Auto Insurance for a non-owner in Michigan?
My son, who has never had a ticket or any violations at all, does not own a vehicle. He will occasionally drive my vehicle. I live in Ohio and have insurance on the car in Ohio. Is that ok? Does he also need to maintain some type of coverage in Michigan. I do not see that Michigan has something like a non-owner policy if you do not have any violations and are not required to have the SR22 policy.""
""How much will insurance cost for a mazda RX-8, 2004?""
I am 17, 18 in December but I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance per month and annual since I am a teen?""
What's the least expensive adequate health insurance for a Connecticut resident?
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP Medicaid Tricare United Health Care Yale Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits is a must I believe
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Where can I get an insurance quote for my Toyota hilux?
GoCompare and other sites don't list it when I try to quote car insurance... Im in the uk
How much would it cost to replace a bumper on a Honda Ridgeline?
I ran into a wood carport the other day in my Dad's truck, and totally ruined his bumper. We have car insurance, but even with that how much do you think it would cost? Would insurance go up, and by how much do you assume? Also, the tail light is broken, how much should that cost? I'm just trying to see how much money I should start earning to pay him back. Thanks!""
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
What is the difference between insurance and coinsurance?
I'm on a website looking up health insurance quotes and it also has a column listed for something called coinsurance. What is coinsurance? Here's the site I'm looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp
Do I need SR22 insurance after a DWI 1st offense if my license is not suspended in the state of Louisiana?
About a year ago, I received my first DWI. I plead guilty under Article 894, and then about 3-4 months later, I contacted the DMV here in Louisiana, and they stated my license has not been suspended, and never was. Now, I am trying to get insurance on my truck I just bought, and the insurance company is telling me i have to get SR22 insurance. I thought SR22 insurance was needed when either your license was suspended previously, or you were forced to get a hardship license? I have never had to do either, and I don't understand why they are requesting me to get the SR22 insurance. The rates are already high enough with the DWI on my record, and the SR22 will be adding a good bit more. Just curious if someone can explain this to me about Louisiana and insurance which is required of me. I do still have a valid Class A CDL, not suspended, and never had to get a hardship license.""
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
Health insurance after an injury?
I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?""
Getting health insurance for a young adult?
I'm a 20 year old college student living in Houston, TX. I have recently been having very bad problems with depression and anxiety and I think there's a possibility of anemia due to my low weight and constant fatigue (among other symptoms). Because of this, it's been very hard for me to get and keep a job. I really need a doctors help with all this but I'm uninsured and have no support from my parents. I've unsuccessfully tried applying for a Harris County Gold Card and I'm not eligible for medicare. The problem is I'm being supported by my boyfriend and living in his apartment for free. When I applied for the Gold Card, based on my situation, they said that I'm dependent on him and that he would need to show his proof of income. Since he lives off his parents money, he is still considered dependent on them. What are my other options in getting to see a doctor ASAP for cheap/ free? I'm afraid that even if I can afford the initial doctor's appointment, I won't be able to afford my medication or follow ups. Thanks for your help.""
LoJack on a motorcycle or comprehensive insurance?
I just bought a brand new bike and I live in Florida where bike theft is very big. I want to get some protection as soon as possible. Comprehensive insurance which would cover theft will run me about 730 per year with a 500 dollar deductible. The Lo Jack unit will cost me about 800 installed and it is a one time fee, no monthly payments and it lasts forever. The recovery rates on a bike with lojack are very good from what I've read, I just want to see what everyone thinks. These are the two options and please only answer if you have good knowledge of lojack and how well it works. The only problem is that it doesnt cover things such as damage during theft, storm damage, and things that the insurance would (Then again it still has that 500 or 1000 dollar deductible). An alarm would possibly be an option but I'm leaning towards the two I discussed above. Just let me know what you think because I dont want this bike leaving without me on it.""
""I haven't had car insurance for the last 8 years, am I going to pay high rates?""
I've lived in the city since 2002 and haven't owned a car. I'm now moving out, and will need a car once again. Does this mean I'm going to pay high rates, or it won't matter?""
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
We have dog insurance on the brain!?
So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!""
Repayment of my health insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail a week ago, and can't locate it now. It was explaining as to how there is a government program in place to reinburse for health insurance premiums paid if someone in your household gets NC Medicaid? Anyone know about this as for the life of me I can't put my hands on the letter. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.""
Does having a coupe or a sedan affect your insurance rates?
I'm going to get a new car, and realy want a coupe, but I heard that insurance cost more because is more sporty. Can anyone help.""
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77209
0 notes
thevapingduckie · 7 years ago
Vaping Duckie’s Rants and Ravings #3
The FDA has once again had to push back one of their deadlines. This one, for listing ingredients in E-Liquid, has been pushed to May 8th, 2018. Now, Initially, that was was only the date for the smaller companies to send in their lists. they define smaller as 150 or less employees and making less than $5m a year. 
The current requirement is for a listing of all product ingredients. For e-liquid manufacturers, that means listing each flavoring used in each product, as well as nicotine, and PG and VG. But the system in place for manufacturers to submit ingredient listings — called eSubmitter — is a hopelessly out of date.
 The FDA, at this point, is seriously saying the main reasoning is for Technical Difficulties.  The deeming regulations were never designed to provide sensible rules and standards that would allow manufacturers to deliver quality products to vaping consumers. They were intended to demoralize, confuse, and drive out of business the small manufacturers that are the heart of the independent vapor industry. As we know, Big Tobacco has also thrown their hat into the Vaping arena with products like the Mark Ten and the Blu cig-alikes, 
With new FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s July 28 announcement that the agency would delay the deadline for submission of premarket tobacco applications (PMTA’s), and his promise of actual standards with real benchmarks for filing successful applications, the CTP has been forced to confront the fact that its compliance procedures are wholly inadequate for an industry made up of tens of thousands of businesses and millions of products.
I suppose at this point, we’ll have to see what happens on May 8th, because at that time, all the manufacturers will have to submit all at one time.  If they continue to utilize the eSubmitter, then they’re in trouble. it seems to me that the FDA was not in any way prepared for the  workload they brought on themselves, not will they be in the near future. I don’t think they realized how many manufacturers there are and how many juice makers there are.
Everyone at some point has heard of Totally Wicked. It’s the first vape chain to have stores both domestically and overseas.  Last year they announced they would be forced to close when the FDA’s deeming rules took effect, citing an insurmountable amount of red tape and resources required.
They claimed the mounting misinformation about Vaping has been piling up and causing them to lose sales or something. Now, they say they’re not only not closing up shop, but staying open and planning to expand!
Last Friday, they released a press release and it  gave a brief overview of their stance and plans for continued business moving forward. They first expressed grave concern over the amount of misinformation that is spread by the mainstream media about vaping. They directly blame this for the successful passage of the deeming rule in the first place. In their view, the August 2016 decision to require costly Pre-Market Tobacco Applications for all vaping products introduced after 2007 made the continued operation of small and medium vape businesses “effectively impossible.”In regards to their business specifically, they announced at the time that they would no longer be able to operate in the United States after the original implementation date. They felt it was important to be upfront with their customers, saying “it is impossible for our company to continue doing business in the USA after August 7th, 2018.” Committed to their mission to always do the right thing regardless of the consequences, they expressed their worries that the deeming rule would not only be the end of their business but virtually the entire vaping industry in America.
But, Luckily, Scott Gottlieb pushed back the date for the PMTAs. Now, Totally Wicked is saying they’re gonna EXPAND. Look, people are getting up in arms over this, and I get it, but at the same time, This is what we all knew would happen. We’d all talked about it amongst ourselves. Let them do what they want. 
HOWEVER. WE do need to help them out by fighting against the Deeming Regulations. I know all of us Vape personalities say this constantly, but it’s true. Its the only way to save our industry. 
If we don’t fight to make sure that the FDA’s deeming rules are repealed altogether, the industries landscape will significantly disadvantage smaller, independent companies. Which necessarily gives a massive advantage to large tobacco companies trying to break into the smokeless market. Organizations like Philip Morris International are already making strides with their iQOSsystem abroad, and significantly reducing the number of viable competitors in America will only create a perfect situation for them.
The research continues to build for not just the considerable harm reduction value of e-cigarettes, but also their utility as an actual smoking cessation tool. So it should be paramount that we work toward making this understood by as much of the general public as possible. That is the only way to ensure that the deeming rule or something like it never cripples the vaping industry in America.
Well, my iPV5 and my SMOK Alien 220w both died a death. The iPV5 died within a week, and the SMOK ALien 220w finally gave up the ghost after too much drop damage(I have spasms, and large dogs that like to play and slam into stuff) SO I’m using my backup in the mean, which is  JAX Custom box running with a single 18650, and still using the old Cloud Champ RDA. It’s okay though. I plan on replacing my Alien. Anyway, currently, Juice-wise, 4mg Turkish Tobacco at the moment, it’s fall, and time to vape some fall flavours!
Like I said, I’m going into Fall/Christmas flavour mode! Currently got a few in that vein, such as Turkish tobacco, I’ve got a Creamy mint tobacco, Pecan Pie, and I’m working out the kinks on a few others for the season. I”m gonna be mixing up some “Candy Cane” style juice, too! I’ve been having  lot of fun. 
Well, I’ve had to put a lot on the back-burner because of some projects in my music career, but I’ll be back on the horse soon enough. there’s still videos coming. I’m also not gonna let the breaking of my main mods stop me from reviews. I have a few still in the works, and I know I keep saying that, but it’s true. Also, watch for more Juice Notes.
I’m not 100% sure that the FDA actually WANTS to enforce these PMTA and Deeming Regs. It comes across to me like the whole thing I just did, all talk and no fizzle. Then again, there’s still the chance that it'll work itself out. In the mean time, we have to keep fighting all these regs. It’s the only chance we have, and the only way to let the Gov’t know we don’t want Vaping gone. I urge every one, vaper or not to call and wrote to your senators, congressmen, representatives and even President Trump. Tell them what you think, let them know how important Vaping is to you and about your vaping journey. 
The reason I say that, that te FDA doesn’t seem truly interested in the Deeming regs, is because they keep pushing them back. I mean the PMTA deadline has been pushed back multiple times, and now the submissions for juice manufacturers got pushed back ,too. I know I Said it was because of archaic software and horrible coding, and that’s also true, but at the same time, the constant push backs shows they aren’t interested in the regs like they said initially, and I think a lot of that is because of the amount of work and paperwork they would have to put in. it cost a lot to put in the man-hours they need to do the work, and the have to pay the people for all the hours its gonna take to comb through all of that, but then again, they’ll have the money to cover that with the almost $1m per PMTA. 
There’s no reason to get upset over what’s going on with Totally Wicked. I mean, what we need to realize is a lot of companies will wind up closing doors, should the deeming regs come into play. The fact that the regs got pushed back excited the company and they’re gonna do everything they can to make as much money as they can in the mean. It’s typical business in our country. there’s no real reason to be upset.
Go check out my wife’s tumblr @sweetmal25, and even my personal on, @notbakedgoodsbakedbads.  funs stuff to be seen over there, and as always, LET’S KEEP ON VAPING STRONG QUACK QUACK!!
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