#seriously tho pinky tying up killing and eating an entire boar
megalomice · 4 years
What are your top ten favorite Pinky and the Brain episodes?
Hey there! I’m sorry I took a while to answer your ask.
Top ten, huh...this was actually kind of hard. Note that I’m not listing these in order of most to least favorite I just listed them as they came to mind (:
1. Snowball
Okay well, pretty much all the Snowball episodes, but the first one especially. The flashback to them as lil babies is really one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the series for me. Poor Brain and Snowball were so traumatized. Also the way their relationship deteriorated from friends to arch-enemies is horribly sad - the only criticism I have is that the circumstances of this deterioration is very vaguely explained, but that’s what fanfiction is for, right?
2. Welcome To The Jungle 
This one, again, because of Snowball. Think it’s the first episode where we really start to see how mentally ill he is. Brain has this intense hatred of him but at the same time he seriously pities him. Also, Brain was just so out of character in this episode, I’m not saying that as a criticism, it was due to his surroundings. I found it really interesting to see him in an environment where he has no choice but to rely on others because he can’t do anything. Until he completely kicks Snowball’s ass in that fight towards the end lmaoooo. And Pinky...his superior survival instincts really threw me for a loop the first time I saw this episode. He managed to tie up and EAT(??) an entire boar, what even??
3. Brain Noir
There were some things I didn’t like about this episode (mainly Billie, although I liked the twist at the end which actually surprised me) but overall I still like it enough to put it in my top ten. I always liked the noir episode trope, so this was right up my alley. The little hats and trenchcoats were too cute! Also, Snowball.
4. Brainwashed
I’m just gonna count this as one big episode if that’s okay lol. Anyway there are many criticisms of this three-parter but I loved it. The Schmeerskahoven, Brain and Pinky having to save the world (not from Snowball for once). I really liked the twist with Precious at the end. Also, last appearance of Snowball. Unfortunately I think Roddy McDowall (Snowball’s voice actor) passed away a month after it aired. I wonder if he even got to see it, he was pretty sick with cancer. ):
5. A Pinky and the Brain Christmas
Because how could I NOT include this one...in a previous ask I said this was my favorite episode but my opinions have changed since then, I don’t have a single favorite episode I can’t pick just ONE. Ugh the feels. This episode is like...the main reason why the PatB fandom is called the crying mice fandom especially around Christmas. I went into more detail about what I liked about this episode here.
6. A Pinky and the Brain Halloween
AGAIN. THE FEELS. This episode made me cry the first few times I watched it, Pinky willingly signs himself over to Satan and goes to HELL so that Brain can have the world. AAAHH. Also I liked how they gave Brain a talent for rhythmic gymnastics, that’s cute. AND THEN WHEN BRAIN LOSES THE COMPETITION “HAVE FUN BEING TORTURED FOR ALL ETERNITY” AS HE’S SOBBING AND PINKY’S SOBBING AND HE’S WALKING AWAY JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART 
7. Megalomaniacs Anonymous
This one. I absolutely LOVE this episode. We get another dimension to Brain that we didn’t see in other episodes. I would show this episode to anyone hell-bent on calling Brain a villain - this is affirmation that he’s definitely an anti-hero. Brain’s motivations for taking over the world really are to make it a better place. Even though he has an inflated ego and can be extremely selfish (coughcoughAPINKYANDTHEBRAINHALLOWEENcough), and it is kind of all about him, underneath all his bad traits he has a very good heart. 
8. Brinky
Some people like Romy, some people don’t. I for one LOVE him, and I hope to see him in the reboot. This episode was just too adorable. There was a post somewhere on here that said Romy is just THE perfect blend of Pinky and Brain. It couldn’t be more true. Also, extremely cute fun fact - Maurice LaMarche voiced younger Romy and Rob Paulsen voices Romy as an adult, so they’re both credited for his role. It’s so fitting.
9. This Old Mouse
I like all the sad episodes, lol. Poor Brain and his mid-life crisis. It was really sad to see Pinky go all that way to warn him about the avalanche, just for Brain to tell him he can’t save him because the future can’t be changed. But Pinky wouldn’t take no for an answer, and saved him anyway thank goodness. Poor babies...
10. Broadway Malady
Brain was just...a massive dick in this episode, but granted it was because he was incredibly salty over Pinky’s musical becoming more successful than his. At least he realizes how awful he was to Pinky in the end. And in that one scene when he sees how lonely Pinky is despite the fact that his musical is a hit, because he doesn’t have Brain, and Brain just breaks down. You just can’t separate these two at all. ): Also, just...how it became less about the plan to take over the world, Brain put that on hold for the sake of his art. Priorities, lol. 
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