#aghh i have so many favorite episodes
mayhasopinions · 1 year
aight on second thought instead of waiting for asks for the TOH ask game i'm just gonna answer all of em right here!!
Favorite episode of season 1? Hmm a tie between Understanding Willow and Agony of a Witch
Favorite episode of season 2? Oooh this is a hard one, there are so many exceptional episodes this season, but I think I have to go for Knock-Knock-Knockin' On Hooty's Door, for the Lumity canonisation ofc but my favorite part was Eda's dream sequence and how perfectly it encapsulates being at one with your disability and unmasking at the end and it just... AGHH it's beautiful
Favorite episode of season 3? Thanks to Them! It feels like the most cohesive and tight episode of the specials and human realm shenanigens are always a W for me
Favorite season? 2!!
Favorite Hexsquad member? Ohhh my days whaaay do you have to make me choose between my children?? It regularly fluctuates, but today i'm in a Willow Hunter and Luz kinda mood, so there ya go, the answer might change tmr
Favorite Hagsquad member? Eda!! still waiting on the spinoff confirmation btw >:(
Favorite palisman? MMmmm probablyyyy Principal Bump's palisman. Idk I never realy noticed it in s1 but then we leaned that it helped with Bump's blindness and it just chills on top of his head and helps him see? Idk I just really like Bump and i think that it's real heartwarming
Favorite other character? King, my sweet son
Favorite line from season 1? Eda saying her goodbye to Luz before going full harpy in Agony of a Witch, never fails to make me tear up
Favorite line from season 2? "Out of all the grimwalkers you looked the most like him" followed by Hunter's "...what...?" UGHHHH TALK ABOUT A GUT PUNCH
Favorite line from season 3? "The only thing I ever really wanted was to be understood" and Hunter's mini speech to Willow in FTF about how her and Gus mean the world to him
Favorite friendship? Probably Amity and Hunter! I needed more crumbs of them :(
Favorite familial relationship? Luz and Hunter. They are siblings, if you care
Favorite romantic relationship? Huntlow, the fookin losers
Favorite Lumity moment? The confession scene! It was so realistic and made me squeal so much
Favorite Raeda moment? When Eda finds Raine in WAD and puts their glasses back on and then showers their face with kisses OURGHHH it made me rabid
Favorite Huntlow moment? Can I just name one moment? Just them in For the Future, is that enough?
Favorite piece of music from season 1? The grom fight music!
Favorite piece of music from season 2? Eda's Requiem 1000%!! Probably my favorite music in the whole of TOH actually
Favorite piece of music from season 3? Luz's revelation scene music
Favorite fight scene from season 1? The fight between Eda and Lilith in Agony of a Witch
Favorite fight scene from season 2? Hunter vs Amity in Eclipse Lake
Favorite fight scene from season 3? The final battle between the owl fam and Belos
Favorite season premiere? season 2!
Favorite season finale? season 3!
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megalomice · 4 years
What are your top ten favorite Pinky and the Brain episodes?
Hey there! I’m sorry I took a while to answer your ask.
Top ten, huh...this was actually kind of hard. Note that I’m not listing these in order of most to least favorite I just listed them as they came to mind (:
1. Snowball
Okay well, pretty much all the Snowball episodes, but the first one especially. The flashback to them as lil babies is really one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the series for me. Poor Brain and Snowball were so traumatized. Also the way their relationship deteriorated from friends to arch-enemies is horribly sad - the only criticism I have is that the circumstances of this deterioration is very vaguely explained, but that’s what fanfiction is for, right?
2. Welcome To The Jungle 
This one, again, because of Snowball. Think it’s the first episode where we really start to see how mentally ill he is. Brain has this intense hatred of him but at the same time he seriously pities him. Also, Brain was just so out of character in this episode, I’m not saying that as a criticism, it was due to his surroundings. I found it really interesting to see him in an environment where he has no choice but to rely on others because he can’t do anything. Until he completely kicks Snowball’s ass in that fight towards the end lmaoooo. And Pinky...his superior survival instincts really threw me for a loop the first time I saw this episode. He managed to tie up and EAT(??) an entire boar, what even??
3. Brain Noir
There were some things I didn’t like about this episode (mainly Billie, although I liked the twist at the end which actually surprised me) but overall I still like it enough to put it in my top ten. I always liked the noir episode trope, so this was right up my alley. The little hats and trenchcoats were too cute! Also, Snowball.
4. Brainwashed
I’m just gonna count this as one big episode if that’s okay lol. Anyway there are many criticisms of this three-parter but I loved it. The Schmeerskahoven, Brain and Pinky having to save the world (not from Snowball for once). I really liked the twist with Precious at the end. Also, last appearance of Snowball. Unfortunately I think Roddy McDowall (Snowball’s voice actor) passed away a month after it aired. I wonder if he even got to see it, he was pretty sick with cancer. ):
5. A Pinky and the Brain Christmas
Because how could I NOT include this one...in a previous ask I said this was my favorite episode but my opinions have changed since then, I don’t have a single favorite episode I can’t pick just ONE. Ugh the feels. This episode is like...the main reason why the PatB fandom is called the crying mice fandom especially around Christmas. I went into more detail about what I liked about this episode here.
6. A Pinky and the Brain Halloween
AGAIN. THE FEELS. This episode made me cry the first few times I watched it, Pinky willingly signs himself over to Satan and goes to HELL so that Brain can have the world. AAAHH. Also I liked how they gave Brain a talent for rhythmic gymnastics, that’s cute. AND THEN WHEN BRAIN LOSES THE COMPETITION “HAVE FUN BEING TORTURED FOR ALL ETERNITY” AS HE’S SOBBING AND PINKY’S SOBBING AND HE’S WALKING AWAY JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART 
7. Megalomaniacs Anonymous
This one. I absolutely LOVE this episode. We get another dimension to Brain that we didn’t see in other episodes. I would show this episode to anyone hell-bent on calling Brain a villain - this is affirmation that he’s definitely an anti-hero. Brain’s motivations for taking over the world really are to make it a better place. Even though he has an inflated ego and can be extremely selfish (coughcoughAPINKYANDTHEBRAINHALLOWEENcough), and it is kind of all about him, underneath all his bad traits he has a very good heart. 
8. Brinky
Some people like Romy, some people don’t. I for one LOVE him, and I hope to see him in the reboot. This episode was just too adorable. There was a post somewhere on here that said Romy is just THE perfect blend of Pinky and Brain. It couldn’t be more true. Also, extremely cute fun fact - Maurice LaMarche voiced younger Romy and Rob Paulsen voices Romy as an adult, so they’re both credited for his role. It’s so fitting.
9. This Old Mouse
I like all the sad episodes, lol. Poor Brain and his mid-life crisis. It was really sad to see Pinky go all that way to warn him about the avalanche, just for Brain to tell him he can’t save him because the future can’t be changed. But Pinky wouldn’t take no for an answer, and saved him anyway thank goodness. Poor babies...
10. Broadway Malady
Brain was just...a massive dick in this episode, but granted it was because he was incredibly salty over Pinky’s musical becoming more successful than his. At least he realizes how awful he was to Pinky in the end. And in that one scene when he sees how lonely Pinky is despite the fact that his musical is a hit, because he doesn’t have Brain, and Brain just breaks down. You just can’t separate these two at all. ): Also, just...how it became less about the plan to take over the world, Brain put that on hold for the sake of his art. Priorities, lol. 
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flowery-king · 2 years
the owl house has obliterated me it is simultaneously the best thing ever and :YELLING: . tell me your favorite character and what you thought of their Event in king’s tide
Loved Philip because you are such a piece of shit you goddamn bastard only to be fooled by a cHILD HAHA AND THEN YOU GOES BALLISTIC LIKE YESSS GO CRAZY WE BALLIN (love his monster form fr omfg) ONLY TO HAVE HIS VOICE SOUND SO SMALL WHEN THE COLLECTOR APPEARED LMAO THE FEAR NDNDNDJ a real goop man hshdhd
I'm not even going to lie i went back to that episode so many times just to see Phil go wacko bananas because that was like the worst shit ever my poor children but also WOW was that fun af weeehhh tHE WAY HIS BODY CONTORTS AND MOVES DUDEEE We ballin we ballin we ballin
Speaking of, Collector my beloved my lil child moon baby you are so feral and outrageously powerful that was so fun to see. Chaos Jester my favourite gender. Like I love the idea of him just genuinely wanting someone to play with but he doesn't realise how strong he is so he just fuckin smooshes any and all playmates he's had in the past because whoops turns out we are made of soft smooshable flesh uh oh (My favourite crack theory is when Luz and the gang come back Eda will just be there with moon child and using her amazing parental powers to tame the bab lmao)
SPEAKING OF PARENTS Alador and Darius the best dads ever you guys should kiss maybe idk
Love that Willow is a genuine threat like pop of queen hell yea and yes I completely see why people ship her with Hunter they are cute af I agree but also love the mlm wlw solidarity trope like they fit into that category just as much regardless platonic or romantic their relationship is cute af
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bethanyeliseart · 3 years
Time for more after midnight Merlin ramblings!! I'm really just writing this because I need to get these thoughts down. I just got to The Disir episode in my Merlin rewatch and boy oh boy does this one cause a strong urge to cry in absolute frustration more so than the finale(not that the finale doesn't make me want to sob into a lake). It's not that it's a bad episode, it's probably one of my favorites in terms of writing (so this might also be me pointing out things I really liked) like how Revenge of the Sith is my favorite star wars movie but it also makes me want scream into my pillow.
Basically it's Merlin and Arthur's decisions, mainly Merlin. I know Arthur has always been arrogant but c'mon man, disrespecting the Disir's sacred place !! While he jokes about Merlin's worries, he usually comes around and sees how serious he is about something this important. That one might actually be because of iffy writing. They tend to wash away any character development Arthur gets, in regard to magic, a few episodes after he gets that development. But anyways, his insolence is what leads to Mordred being hurt, thus leading to Merlin's big dilemma.
Now onto Merlin which is the number one reason I was frustrated. Obviously he screwed up in telling Arthur not to bow to the Old Religion, since the Disir let Mordred live anyway. I do understand why he did it, but as a watcher you obviously shout at the TV all the things they could've done or taken into consideration. All he's been hearing about the moment he stepped into Camelot was how there is this big destiny he's apart of to protect Arthur, so that magic and peace can be brought back to the kingdoms. And Mordred has been made to look like the biggest threat to Arthur. For him it really doesn't get any clearer than a straightforward vision from a seer. But in opposition, Gaius said the future is always changing and there's no clear path. Which yes! And Kilgharrah was the president of the get rid of Mordred club since he was a child. Poor Merlin is pulled in so many directions because he knows Arthur is so fond of Mordred and you can even see that Merlin was beginning to like him at the start of the ep! The little moment of them paying their respects to the sorcerer and talking about their magic! It makes me so emo. Obviously Merlin is devastated about telling Arthur that there can be no magic in Camelot, but the way I think we're meant to see it is that he's hoping that sentiment will be temporary for Arthur. Because no Mordred, Arthur doesn't die, Arthur gets to bring back the magic. (God, Merlin and his relation with his magic and other magic users is entirely something else I could get into, but I won't for now) But aghh that also can just lead to Arthur's further disdain for magic. Like after Uther kicks the bucket due to magic, Arthur states that all magic is evil. So Merlin, you should've taken that into consideration, Mordred's death would be Uther's 2.0 !! The end of the ep makes it clear that had Merlin told Arthur to bow down, Mordred living would be for the better this time. Arthur would welcome magic into the kingdom and maybe Mordred would've told Kara of the good his King had done, she wouldn't die, and Mordred wouldn't seek revenge on Arthur.
Anyways that's just me being like any other person getting frustrated over what if scenarios. While I like to think oh how wonderful it could've been if Merlin had thought this through and given Mordred the benefit of the doubt, I don't think it makes sense in this storyline if he did. To me this story has always been a tragedy so it was never going to have the happiest of endings. Like he told Gaius, he'd grown up, well more accurately he's been traumatized by what happened with Morgana. So after more than 5? years of seeing the constant threats to Arthur, Merlin's not going to take any chances. I'm not an expert in literature, but I think Merlin has a negative character arc and I love that the later seasons highlight it. Props to Colin Morgan for the scene when he's literally tearing up over having to tell Arthur there can be no magic. I freaking love the parallel to s1 the beginning of the end ep, Merlin being emotionally distraught over the decision to help Arthur save Mordred or not both times, but this time it ends with him choosing no.
Honestly I like season 5 because there's so much at stake and I love when things like fate start to come together. But what makes me mad is that we didn't get another season when the plot really requires it. The first way another season could've gone is Arthur doesn't die in s5 and he and Merlin bring peace to the kingdom, fulfilling their destiny (personally I think Arthur would still have to die at the end of s6 at Mordred's hand but the end credits could be him rising idk!). Second is the last season could be Arthur rising again, but not as far as the 21st century. Personally I would love to see Gwen ruling Camelot with Merlin as her advisor, and then halfway through the season there would be an intense challenge and Arthur would rise again. Basically it was rushed which we all know.
It's late so these thoughts are very messy and contradicting. But one of the reasons I love this show is because it makes me think so much about the characters and their decisions! (also I'm a sucker for tragic heroes) Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions below on the Disir episode or just Merlin in general!
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meseob · 4 years
5 Shows and Some Questions
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
I was tagged by @rhaenyra-snow, thanks!
1.  Game of Thrones 2. Avatar the Last Airbender 3. Stranger Things 4. Gossip Girl 5. The Last Kingdom
·         Who is your favorite character in 2? Aang owns my heart.
·         Who is your least favorite character in 1? Probably Ramsay Bolton.
·         What is your favorite episode of 4? I don’t think I have one.
·         What is your favorite season of 5? Season 3
·         Who is your favorite couple in 3? Jancy
·         Who is your favorite couple in 2? Kataang
·         What is your favorite episode of 1? 1x1 “Winter is coming” because of the Needle scene.
·         What is your favorite episode of 5? Again I don’t think I have one.
·         What is your favorite season of 2? Aghh such a hard pick, I think it’s between season 2 and 3.
·         How long have you watched 1? I sarted watching it when season 4 was out.
·         How did you become interested in 3? I think I saw gifsets of Jonathan and Nancy arguing and checked it out.
·         Who is your favorite actor in 4? Leighton Meester
·         Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Avatar is pretty much perfect and brings me a lot of joy.
·         Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 GoT
·         If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? None of them but if I have to pick then probably Blair.
·         Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? I don’t think so unless Stranger Things would have a time skip.
·         Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? I can’t think of a “strangely okay” one I’ll just say RobbxMargaery
·         Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Hard choice...
·         Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? The Avatar soundrack is bomb.
tagging: @lafayverte @goodmeowningcols  @arsenicandfinelace
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satanakiramonism · 7 years
More tag games
I was tagged by @rreghoul! Thanks! <3
Rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. what languages do you speak/ are learning/ want to learn?
I speak Catalan, Spanish, English, a bit of French and now I’m learning Japanese!
2. what’s your favorite genre of movie?
3. coffee or tea? why?
Coffee (but decaf lol)! I don’t really like the flavor of tea...
4. worst cringe-worthy phase?
????? I don’t know any (?)
5. five favorite words: mine are sycophant, osculation, schadenfreude, sotto voce, and shambolic to name a few.
Wistfulness, ataraxia (spanish word meaning serenity), arrebol (spanish word that represents the color of the clouds during a sunset), serendipia (spanish word meaning finding something fortunate and without expecting it while searching for another thing), natsukashii (as the definition says, some small thing that  brings you suddenly, joyously back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what’s past, but with an appreciation of the good times), ment (catalan word meaning mind) (they’re 6 sorry haha).
6. a type of person you love?
I like people who aren’t afraid of showing who they are even if society doesn’t see them as ‘’right’’. I also like when they think a solution when there’s a problem, instead of blaming anything or anyone. I like people who fight for their dreams, not being afraid of leaving their comfort zone and that won’t stop until they make real what they want in life.
7. a type of person you hate?
Toxic people. The ones that contaminate you like a parasite, taking away all your will to live (in Spanish, they’re also called ‘’vampiros emocionales’’)
8. how tall are you?
9. three things you like about yourself?
- I have a peculiar world view
- I can take care of myself
- I’m good at talking to people that are older than me
10. if you could speak to anyone, living or dead, for an hour or two, who would it be?
Satoru Iwata, he was an incredible person who started from the bottom and became one of the people who ‘’reconstructed’’ a great video game company.
11.  if you had the chance to create your perfect significant other, what would they look/be like? ethnicity? personality? 100% perfect to you, what does that look like? (the most important one, im gathering data)
I’m aro ace so I can’t have a significant other hahhaha but, platonically, someone who understood me and maybe, had the same problems as me, so we could help each other.
@jii-chan Questions
1. What are your top 5 books?
OUT, by Natsuo Kirino
Kiri no Hata, by Seicho Matsumoto
Stories, by Edgar Allan Poe
All the Tokyo Ghoul Novels :)
(I’ll add ‘’No longer human’’ by Osamu Dazai, but even if I have the feeling that it’ll be my favourite book ever I still haven’t read it ^_^;)
(I used to have a lot of favourite book series like the Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner etc. but now I that I definitely left teen literature I no longer have that many! I’m starting with Japanese literature so I think that soon all my faves will be from that group...)
2. What’s the last album you listened to?
3. What are two instruments you’d like to learn?
I’d love to learn to play the piano and the electric guitar! (well, I started learning the second since my father plays it, but due to time issues I had to stop :( )
4. What was your favorite vacation?
The two times I went to Ireland with my parents! Too bad that I was little so I don’t remember them that much... I also enjoyed a lot the two days I spent in London.
5. If you had to be any household appliance, what would you choose to be?
A fly swatter so I could kill ALL the annoying mosquitoes that don’t let me sleep at night >:))).
6. Do you like cooking?
Yes, but alone. I don’t like when there’s people around the kitchen.
7. What’s your favorite fast food joint?
8. What are your top 5 video games?
- Pokemon Pearl: it was my first Pokemon video game ever and it brings me a lot of good memories!
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- osu! taiko
- Animal Crossing New Leaf
- Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning returns
9. What Pokémon gen is your fav?
The 4th! My first one! But I also love the 3rd so much.
10. If you could play any team sport, what would it be?
I hate team sports! (I really really really suck at them)
11. What’s your fav ice cream flavor?
I don’t like ice cream, but I can tolerate chocolate flavor.
@rreghoul ‘s questions
1) Do you have any pets?
Yes! Two cats!
2) Whats your favourite colour?
All the ones between blue and green. Also black and grey.
3) Have you ever played dungeons and dragons?
Yassss I even have a group of friends to play! I’m the dungeon master.
4) Summer or winter?
Summer, because I can contemplate the sunset (in winter I’m doing homework at that time aghh)
5) If you could visit any country for a 2 week holiday where would you go?
China! (I’d say Japan, but when I’ll go there, I won’t leave!)
6) Do you wear glasses?
Yes, since I was 9.
7) Are you in education?
Yes, I’m in high school, about to start 3rd grade of ESO in September.
8) Do you have any tattoos? or do you want any?
9) Who is your favourite fictional character?
Akira Mado and Amon Koutarou!!!! GAWD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!! But Eto Yoshimura follows them very closely.
10) If you had to pick one show to watch again for the first time ever, what show would you pick?
Corpse Party, it was so ‘’funny’’ and entertaining even if it was just 4 episodes long.
11) On a similar note if you could pick a show to completely erase from your memory to never be seen again, what show would you pick?
The last 3 seasons of Gilmore Girls, they were so bad written and deceived me.
My questions!
1. Which social media do you use the most?
2. How did you discover your favourite song?
3. Do you like reading the newspaper?
4. Favourite moment of the day?
5. Do you know any poem or book/manga/comic in general chapter by heart?
6. Board games or card games?
7. Favourite place to be?
8. New or old building cities?
9. Posters or wallscrolls?
10. Favourite childhood film?
11. Do you like buying second hand stuff?
I’m going to tag @i---am---lost  @aiyato @amon15  @just-a-simple-otaku @clymacs @saikosaikosaiko @carloskz @amonmahboi @justsumfangurlmind @kathy0113 @pinklizadon 
Also remember that this is just for fun! If you don’t want to answer it, no problem ~
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