#seriously im so glad you guys found your f/os
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moxanji-real · 16 days ago
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Shoutout to the self shippers whose f/os have helped them through their hardest times and made them feel like life is worth it.
Shoutout to the self shippers who need self shipping to get through rough days because it’s their way of coping.
Shoutout to the self shippers who turn to their f/os for comfort when they’re upset and need someone to hold onto.
Shoutout to the self shippers who feel stuck in depression but find their f/os to be their main source of happiness.
Shoutout to the self shippers who care so much about their self ships that it feels overwhelming sometimes.
Shoutout to the self shippers who can’t imagine their life without self shipping because it’s such an important part of who they are.
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selfshipstuff · 5 years ago
positivity time
I feel like spreading some positivity today, so even though I don’t talk to any of you much, COME GET YALL JUICE!!! Seriously tho, you deserve to know you’re appreciated, even if the appreciation is quiet. (Also, without exception, you are ALL Babey. Love you guys!!!)
@robotarmjokes​: Hey, D. I know you often have trouble believing this but you’re genuinely so sweet and valuable; everything about you is super valid and I’m really glad I got the chance to meet you! Even with your struggles, you’re still here, and it shows through the positive impact your presence has on the community-- I’m proud of you, y’know? I’m so happy that you and Rhys found each other, and I’m also really happy for you because you’ve made a lovely little found family with all your platonic F/Os as well; you deserve to be loved. Try and remember, you’re wonderful, and your existence is appreciated, ok? You’re stronger, more capable, and more loved than you know. ♡
@astralshipper: Astra, you’re adorable. You’re super sweet and I know for a fact that you’re really, really compassionate-- to the point that I think one of the first things anyone would ever notice about you would have to be your empathy. You’re always reaching out to make sure everyone is okay, and you’re so wonderfully kind. Your sense of humor is also really good, and you’re notably observant-- there’s a lot of things to admire about you! I’m really happy we bumped into each other through the community, although it would be impossible not to-- you’re kind of a big light in it, you know? Like, a huge source of positivity. Anyway, all of your ships are so sweet and valid, and I want you to know I’ll always support you in them. You’re so loved, ok? Never forget that. ♡
@rain-selfships: Rain-- there’s a lot of cool things I want to address about you, but first, let me just say I’m so proud of you!!! I know you’ve been struggling, but you’re handling it-- regardless of how you feel you’re taking it, you’re getting through it and that’s what matters. Your tenacity is amazing, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you posting more often recently! I’m so happy for you! I’m really glad you and Dick have been doing well, and I want you to know that you’re really, truly appreciated. My experience in the selfship community wouldn’t be the same without you in it, and I want you to know that you’re so valuable, ok? You’re beyond priceless, and it’s more than ok to need comfort and support, especially during the tough times. Hang in there, ok? I know you’ll get through it. ♡
@alotta-lovin: Sunny, babe!!! You already know how much I adore and appreciate you (hopefully !!!!) but I know I’ve been quieter recently. Therefore: TIME TO SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! Listen, ok… you’re so much lovelier than I can completely describe in a single paragraph, but I’m gonna try and cover the basics. I admire you. I don’t say it often, but it’s true; you’re tenacious and immovably kind. Your loyalty and compassion are boundless, and there’re hardly enough words in my vocabulary for your thoughtfulness. All in all, you’re one of my best friends, and I can’t even express how grateful I am to have you in my life! Things are hard sometimes, but just know that you’re tougher, and you have people there to support you! We’re rooting for you!!! I know at least there’s me and all your F/Os-- Cronus, Steve, Robin, Dean, Reggie, everyone!! You’re so valid and you know I’ll be appreciating and supporting you!!! Love you!! ♡
@tsundere-doods: Audrey, sis, you know I love you. It’s been like… what, 3 years now? 4? I don’t know, but it’s been a while, and I’m really blessed to know you-- I can’t imagine my life now without you in it. You’re super valid and sweet, hella cute, and you’re stronger and more loved than you know. I know you struggle with those ideas a lot, but they’re true. (No, I don’t take “constructive criticism”, so shh. No denying your loveable-ness on my watch!!!) Listen, okay? You’re my big sister and I’m always going to love you. I’m always going to support you. You’ve been such a huge presence in my life over the past few years, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. I’m sure you already know this, but your ships with your babes are all so fuckin’ valid, and that is 100% a hill that I’m willing to fight on-- not die on, because it’s a battle I will win. I know things are rough, but you’ll get through them just like you always have so far. I’m so proud of you, sis! Seriously!! Also, you’re lovely and cute and loved beyond measure. Got it? Ok!! Love you!!! ♡
@creative-robot: Robo pal. Robo buddy. My fellow enby afraid of using the trans flag even tho we shouldn’t be since we aren’t cis. My dude, I never talk to you but you’re always in my notifications and I promise I think about you,, honestly like 75% of the time I don’t know what your posts are about but I still read them anyway because im lov u. You’re probably the main reason I got into picrew and now it’s like a whole-ass addiction so honestly thank you skjfdkg,, Also you’re hella valid??? Like for real. (Honestly I’m not even sure you’re a selfshipper?? But bless you you’re wonderful and lovely and you deserve the validation regardless. However I am genuinely unsure so do please tell me if you are because I want to support you ok.) Anyway love u pal, you’re very valid. Continue on with your pokemon and picrew shenanigans!!! ♡
ERGH there’s way more people to validate but I’m out of energy for now so this will have to do!! But believe me !!!!!!!!! I will be back and that is a THREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys kjsfdkgj ♡♡♡
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