#seriously I’ve had people say this after I’ve recommended they read steel ball run
greetings-inferiors · 9 months
It’s insane that every single time I talk about Jojo with someone and I mention that “I haven’t seen the anime but I’ve heard it’s great” and every single time they say “wait but you’re the bigger Jojo fan I know, you haven’t even watched it?” Oh damn yeah you’re right, because the anime is the only medium Jojo has ever released in. It’s so weird that I know every part of Jojo inside out without ever having watched it. On a completely unrelated note omg the new chapter of part 9 of the manga jojo’s bizzare adventure is releasing tomorrow, something I post about on my story that I’ve seen you have seen every single month, and that implies that I have read every previous chapter of the manga, otherwise why would I be excited about a manga I’ve never read?
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monikatworld-blog · 5 years
How Make a Start toward Your Goals? – The Biggest Success Lesson with Arunima Sinha, the Conqueror of the HEIGHTS!
Back of your mind, a thought, an obligation is due. What is it? You ignore it several times. It comes to you. It reminds you something. But you keep ignoring it. You are too busy to do things which everyone else is doing. You are running in a race which you are not supposed to be a player of. You ignore the call to your goal which is always somewhere in the back of your mind...
Before we move to the story of Arunima Sinha, let’s know why most people can’t get successful.
Most of the people are unsuccessful not because they are not talented; not because they lack strength or capability.  They are unsuccessful because they lack courage to make a start. They never make a start toward their goals and that’s core reason of their unsuccessful life.
I’ve heard people saying that they want to do this and that... but they have no clue how to do it. They have no idea what steps to take for the accomplishment of their goal. But I would say that THEY DON’T BOTHER ABOUT THEIR GOALS.
Yeah, it’s a white lie if YOU too are stuck by this excuse that you lack ideas. Ideas do come; they make their presence in your life in form of different SIGNS.
Haven’t you ever experience a CLICK of doing something new; something that would love doing; something that you’ve never done before?
I want you to imagine how your TODAY would have been if you had followed the great idea which last appeared in front of you. Maybe a friend suggested you something that really appealed you. Maybe you got inspired to a professional course on a pamphlet. Maybe you read about a career that you would love to do. Imagine how your life would have been if you had recognized that sign, that idea and had followed it.
You missed the bliss of becoming what your soul truly craves for.
Unless you are ready to let go the ‘so called’ easy life (many of us also call it the comfort zone), it is impossible to embrace the bigger goals. Not your mum, not your dad, not he, not she, nobody in this world would do it for you. YOU have to take the responsibility of your goals. You have to be accountable to pay the price of the success you get fascinated to. NOBODY CAN EVER DO THIS.
Making a start means changing your reality. To change your reality, you have to let the past go. The day you decide to make a start is when you cross the THRESHOLD.
“How make a start toward your goals?” The way out is to have a lots of courage; the courage of not going back over the threshold.
You can’t afford to turn your back again to where you came from. You can’t look back at the past.
The day you decide to start the journey toward your goals is when nothing is definite except the definiteness of your goal. And, that will determine whether or not you fulfil your ambitions. That will determine your plans, your paths, and your ultimate success...
That day, not many people would be around you. That day, you might feel like you are standing on a bridge the BOTH sides of which are out of sight. That day, your mind may be full of uncertainties. It, in fact, could be the loneliest time of your life.
However, on that very day, your courage will reinforce the strength of the bridge you’ll be standing on. Your faith that you will achieve your goals will enlighten the next move, the next path and the next plan.
REMEMBER, that day will be something you are going to be proud of for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. IT IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.
Success never comes by chance. It’s earned instead. The hardwork, the time and the efforts it demands are enormous. Success is only guaranteed as long as you continue on its roads. No matter how many failures you come across. No matter how many setbacks challenge you. No matter it takes much longer than you expected. When you don’t give up, you achieve it.
Excuse me? It’s not just you the journey is scary for. Read the biographies of the successful people of the world. Explore them. Their success stories inspire because they have made it despite every challenge on their way. Success comes from– the choice to get started and – the mindset that never gives up.
Look at the successful people of the world – Jeff Bezos, Lisa Nicholas, Larry Elison, Kangana Ranaut, Dhirubhai Ambani, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and many, many others. They decided to get started and to never quit.
You have the idea. You want to work on it. BUT, it is not easy for you because it needs investment, it needs support, it needs time, it needs this, it needs that. IT IS OKAY NOT TO HAVE A PERFECT SITUATION to start on your goals. Whatever you have is enough to get started.
Is it impractical?
It may sound so!
But the truth is the beginning of any great journey is always sad, uncertain and miserable.
All you need to do is to keep the excuses aside (even if you can go on and on to justify their greatness) and act on the plan that is required for your goal.
If your goal needs you to wake up at 4 am, do wake up. (It’s okay if you sleep midnight) Seriously?
Success comes with a cost, a heavy cost!
If your goal demands you to continue even if nobody understand you and support you, keep going on.
If your goal is forcing you for five attempts more even after five failures you are already done with, go on.
Excuses are deceitful. They will rob you out of great chances, life-changing experiences that might have been of incredible value for the accomplishment of your goal.
As I said, you need to capture that ‘one click of idea’ which appeals to you, which is for you. If you have desire toward that idea, don’t hesitate to follow it – start at once and work on everything that takes it to make a living reality. Your endeavour, your struggle will be paid off. That’s for sure! A WONDERFUL TOMORROW IS WAITING FOR YOU! Keep visualizing that TOMORROW until you make it a reality.
Let’s realise the “potential of courage” and “choice of starting out” with ARUNIMA SINHA, the girl who conquered the WORLDS’ HIGHEST PEAKS
Arunima denied the destiny when an appalling incident took her lower limb away from her in 2011. A few robbers pushed her out of the running train and she fell against the running train on the parallel track. This incident would be devastating for anyone but Arunima translated her adversity into determination to achieve something that is ASTOUNDING.
Following the incident, she lost her lower leg and suffered three major fractures in her spine. Being a national valley ball player, Arunima had the spirits of fighting against the roadblocks. But this incident broke her confidence and left her helpless on the hospital bed.
Some sources represented her unfortunate situation in unfair ways which when Arunima got acquainted to, felt disgusting. A fire started burning inside her - the fire to prove the people’s opinions wrong about her. Something made its appearance before her (which I call SIGN) – an article about Mountain Everest.
Yes, she decided to climb the Mountain Everest.
She followed the idea which changed her life completely.
Without waiting for the ‘right moment’, for the ‘perfect situation’, Arunima started to carve out the possibilities that would led her to the DREAM. Somewhere deep inside her, she started considering the Mount Everest her pride which was lost due to this incident.
“Are you insane? You already have lost your one leg and the one left is functioning with a rod in it.”
“Forget this impossible dream and go get some easy job.”
Not at all! In spite of people mocked her, she knew that she had only lost her leg, not her courage, not her passion. She knew that she had already conquered the Mountain Everest in her heart. She could see herself on the top of the world in her visualizations.
Arunima created her dream into THE OBSESSION.
It wasn’t easy, however. Conquering the EVEREST is not easy for people without finances and for people without a leg.
First of all, she decided to get up from the hospital bed and walk on her own. Following the daily exercise recommended by the doctor, she regained the movement of her only leg AND ALSO LEARNT HOW TO WALK WITH AN ARTIFICIAL LEG.
Okay...But, what about the sponsorship? Arunima knew it would take more than 50 Lakhs to back up her obsession.
Related -  Passion Needs Everything or Everything Needs Passion?
“When you’re single-mindedly devoted to a goal, something (power, divinity, nature, universe or a higher intelligence) starts spinning the solutions in mysterious ways.”
On the assurance rendered by the previous Everest Climber Bachendri Pal of Arunima’s potential, Tata Steel finally sponsored Arunima Sinha for the training and climbing.
Preparation for her goal had to give the verdict over Arunima’s victory. Her wounds were not yet healed completely when she started training herself. While IT WAS PERHAPS nearly impossible to climb the stairs after such an incident, Arunima was determined to climb the peaks.
On the one hand, there were sturdy, giant mountains where she had to prep for her final goal. And on the other hand, there was Arunima with one artificial leg and other injured leg whose bones were still gripping the hold against each other. Her valour was no less than the vastness of any mountain, though.
Initially, she would take around three hours to reach the base camp from the road while others would take only two minutes for the same distance. It wasn’t painless for her. It wasn’t easy for her. Her persistent practice, however, took the height under her stride – soon she beat those peers as she started outranking them while also lifting the weight on her shoulders.
Sinha climbed Island Peak (6150 metres) and Mount Chaser Sangria (6,622 meters) for preparing herself finally for the EVEREST.  
Arunima headed toward Mount Everest along with her Sherpa on 21st May, 2013. It had taken time, in fact, to convince the Sherpa for the expedition with Arunima when he discovered that she had one prosthetic leg.
They started climbing and as long as the mountain was rocky, Arunima was ahead of everyone. The icy areas were terrifying, however. Her prosthetic foot would slip away on the ice. “When I would raise her left crampon in front pointing even with pain in the left leg, I would still do it. But with the artificial leg, my leg would just turn”, said Arunima on INK talks.
Her repeated trials made a way through it. Ice would break and turn into holes and Arunima would keep her foot there and then climb.
She did reach the Camp 3 successfully. A significant milestone was done. It gave her confidence but the journey was still long. The next challenge was the South Col Summit Camp 4. Even the best mountaineers hardly go beyond it.
She headed up to the MOUNTAIN from the Camp 4. Since the weather is clearer in the night, it was dark and a scary sight for the passionate climber; Arunima. However, the fear would have been easier to go through if it was only darkness. What Arunima saw were the dead bodies of climbers all over her way.
Many others passed away on their expedition due to the lack of oxygen. It was something that could happen to Arunima as well. A MIND-BOGGLING SIGHT!
“She did not falter, she recalled her goal and she decided to climb further -now also on behalf of those who could not climb and died. She gathered the determination to reach to the highest point and to return alive.”
To make her way up on the rope, she even crossed over the dead bodies.  
Her belief that she would reach the top; that she was just about to reach the TOP was the very reason she did not quit.
Now she arrived at Hillary Summit. It was a HURRAY moment!  Her goal was only little far from there. She almost made it. The victorious moment wasn’t far. BUT one more risk has to be dealt with.
Arunima’s oxygen was depleting. As many steps she was taking upwards, as low her oxygen went. Her Sherpa warned her. He insisted her to return. He believed that they both could die. The mental power of Arunima was such that she did not get influenced by a single word of him.
SHE THOUGHT, NOW SHE WOULD GO UP NO MATTER IF SHE HAD TO GO ALL ALONE! The direction of success is, indeed, such that everyone may leave you and you may have to walk toward your goal all alone.
Nobody else has the vision that belongs to you. Your vision can be seen and realised only by you. After an hour or so, Arunima was on the top of the world.
What if she had returned from so near her goal? What if she had not taken a few more steps?
Arunima followed one click of idea (which probably God spilled into her mind) and she continued her journey till she made that idea a wonderful reality for herself.
Not just the Mount Everest, but she put her mind to such a powerful state that she conquered the highest peaks of all the continents of the world.
So? Making a start with passion and faith is all that you need to do, for now. Don’t worry about the entire journey. Just take the first step. As and when you move ahead, the best plan will unfold itself in front of you. That PLAN is certain to lead you to success unless you stop following it.
I want you to do a task today - Analyze the difference between living a life that everyone else is living and a life which you can make it on your own following your own blueprint.
0 notes
monikatworld-blog · 5 years
How Make a Start toward Your Goals? – The Biggest Success Lesson with Arunima Sinha, the Conqueror of the HEIGHTS!
Back of your mind, a thought, an obligation is due. What is it? You ignore it several times. It comes to you. It reminds you something. But you keep ignoring it. You are too busy to do things which everyone else is doing. You are running in a race which you are not supposed to be a player of. You ignore the call to your goal which is always somewhere in the back of your mind...
Before we move to the story of Arunima Sinha, let’s know why most people can’t get successful.
Most of the people are unsuccessful not because they are not talented; not because they lack strength or capability.  They are unsuccessful because they lack courage to make a start. They never make a start toward their goals and that’s core reason of their unsuccessful life.
I’ve heard people saying that they want to do this and that... but they have no clue how to do it. They have no idea what steps to take for the accomplishment of their goal. But I would say that THEY DON’T BOTHER ABOUT THEIR GOALS.
Yeah, it’s a white lie if YOU too are stuck by this excuse that you lack ideas. Ideas do come; they make their presence in your life in form of different SIGNS.
Haven’t you ever experience a CLICK of doing something new; something that would love doing; something that you’ve never done before?
I want you to imagine how your TODAY would have been if you had followed the great idea which last appeared in front of you. Maybe a friend suggested you something that really appealed you. Maybe you got inspired to a professional course on a pamphlet. Maybe you read about a career that you would love to do. Imagine how your life would have been if you had recognized that sign, that idea and had followed it.
You missed the bliss of becoming what your soul truly craves for.
Unless you are ready to let go the ‘so called’ easy life (many of us also call it the comfort zone), it is impossible to embrace the bigger goals. Not your mum, not your dad, not he, not she, nobody in this world would do it for you. YOU have to take the responsibility of your goals. You have to be accountable to pay the price of the success you get fascinated to. NOBODY CAN EVER DO THIS.
Making a start means changing your reality. To change your reality, you have to let the past go. The day you decide to make a start is when you cross the THRESHOLD.
“How make a start toward your goals?” The way out is to have a lots of courage; the courage of not going back over the threshold.
You can’t afford to turn your back again to where you came from. You can’t look back at the past.
The day you decide to start the journey toward your goals is when nothing is definite except the definiteness of your goal. And, that will determine whether or not you fulfill your ambitions. That will determine your plans, your paths, and your ultimate success...
That day, not many people would be around you. That day, you might feel like you are standing on a bridge the BOTH sides of which are out of sight. That day, your mind may be full of uncertainties. It, in fact, could be the loneliest time of your life.
However, on that very day, your courage will reinforce the strength of the bridge you’ll be standing on. Your faith that you will achieve your goals will enlighten the next move, the next path and the next plan.
REMEMBER, that day will be something you are going to be proud of for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. IT IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.
Success never comes by chance. It’s earned instead. The hardwork, the time and the efforts it demands are enormous. Success is only guaranteed as long as you continue on its roads. No matter how many failures you come across. No matter how many setbacks challenge you. No matter it takes much longer than you expected. When you don’t give up, you achieve it.
Excuse me? It’s not just you the journey is scary for. Read the biographies of the successful people of the world. Explore them. Their success stories inspire because they have made it despite every challenge on their way. Success comes from– the choice to get started and – the mindset that never gives up.
Look at the successful people of the world – Jeff Bezos, Lisa Nicholas, Larry Elison, Kangana Ranaut, Dhirubhai Ambani, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and many, many others. They decided to get started and to never quit.
You have the idea. You want to work on it. BUT, it is not easy for you because it needs investment, it needs support, it needs time, it needs this, it needs that. IT IS OKAY NOT TO HAVE A PERFECT SITUATION to start on your goals. Whatever you have is enough to get started.
Is it impractical?
It may sound so!
But the truth is the beginning of any great journey is always sad, uncertain and miserable.
All you need to do is to keep the excuses aside (even if you can go on and on to justify their greatness) and act on the plan that is required for your goal.
If your goal needs you to wake up at 4 am, do wake up. (It’s okay if you sleep midnight) Seriously?
Success comes with a cost, a heavy cost!
If your goal demands you to continue even if nobody understand you and support you, keep going on.
If your goal is forcing you for five attempts more even after five failures you are already done with, go on.
Excuses are deceitful. They will rob you out of great chances, life-changing experiences that might have been of incredible value for the accomplishment of your goal.
As I said, you need to capture that ‘one click of idea’ which appeals to you, which is for you. If you have desire toward that idea, don’t hesitate to follow it – start at once and work on everything that takes it to make a living reality. Your endeavour, your struggle will be paid off. That’s for sure! A WONDERFUL TOMORROW IS WAITING FOR YOU! Keep visualizing that TOMORROW until you make it a reality.
Let’s realise the “potential of courage” and “choice of starting out” with ARUNIMA SINHA, the girl who conquered the WORLDS’ HIGHEST PEAKS
Arunima denied the destiny when an appalling incident took her lower limb away from her in 2011. A few robbers pushed her out of the running train and she fell against the running train on the parallel track. This incident would be devastating for anyone but Arunima translated her adversity into determination to achieve something that is ASTOUNDING.
Following the incident, she lost her lower leg and suffered three major fractures in her spine. Being a national valley ball player, Arunima had the spirits of fighting against the roadblocks. But this incident broke her confidence and left her helpless on the hospital bed.
Some sources represented her unfortunate situation in unfair ways which when Arunima got acquainted to, felt disgusting. A fire started burning inside her - the fire to prove the people’s opinions wrong about her. Something made its appearance before her (which I call SIGN) – an article about Mountain Everest.
Yes, she decided to climb the Mountain Everest.
She followed the idea which changed her life completely.
Without waiting for the ‘right moment’, for the ‘perfect situation’, Arunima started to carve out the possibilities that would led her to the DREAM. Somewhere deep inside her, she started considering the Mount Everest her pride which was lost due to this incident.
“Are you insane? You already have lost your one leg and the one left is functioning with a rod in it.”
“Forget this impossible dream and go get some easy job.”
Not at all! In spite of people mocked her, she knew that she had only lost her leg, not her courage, not her passion. She knew that she had already conquered the Mountain Everest in her heart. She could see herself on the top of the world in her visualizations.
Arunima created her dream into THE OBSESSION.
It wasn’t easy, however. Conquering the EVEREST is not easy for people without finances and for people without a leg.
First of all, she decided to get up from the hospital bed and walk on her own. Following the daily exercise recommended by the doctor, she regained the movement of her only leg AND ALSO LEARNT HOW TO WALK WITH AN ARTIFICIAL LEG.
Okay...But, what about the sponsorship? Arunima knew it would take more than 50 Lakhs to back up her obsession.
“When you’re single-mindedly devoted to a goal, something (power, divinity, nature, universe or a higher intelligence) starts spinning the solutions in mysterious ways.”
On the assurance rendered by the previous Everest Climber Bachendri Pal of Arunima’s potential, Tata Steel finally sponsored Arunima Sinha for the training and climbing.
Preparation for her goal had to give the verdict over Arunima’s victory. Her wounds were not yet healed completely when she started training herself. While IT WAS PERHAPS nearly impossible to climb the stairs after such an incident, Arunima was determined to climb the peaks.
On the one hand, there were sturdy, giant mountains where she had to prep for her final goal. And on the other hand, there was Arunima with one artificial leg and other injured leg whose bones were still gripping the hold against each other. Her valour was no less than the vastness of any mountain, though.
Initially, she would take around three hours to reach the base camp from the road while others would take only two minutes for the same distance. It wasn’t painless for her. It wasn’t easy for her. Her persistent practice, however, took the height under her stride – soon she beat those peers as she started outranking them while also lifting the weight on her shoulders.
Sinha climbed Island Peak (6150 metres) and Mount Chaser Sangria (6,622 meters) for preparing herself finally for the EVEREST.  
Arunima headed toward Mount Everest along with her Sherpa on 21st May, 2013. It had taken time, in fact, to convince the Sherpa for the expedition with Arunima when he discovered that she had one prosthetic leg.
They started climbing and as long as the mountain was rocky, Arunima was ahead of everyone. The icy areas were terrifying, however. Her prosthetic foot would slip away on the ice. “When I would raise her left crampon in front pointing even with pain in the left leg, I would still do it. But with the artificial leg, my leg would just turn”, said Arunima on INK talks.
Her repeated trials made a way through it. Ice would break and turn into holes and Arunima would keep her foot there and then climb.
She did reach the Camp 3 successfully. A significant milestone was done. It gave her confidence but the journey was still long. The next challenge was the South Col Summit Camp 4. Even the best mountaineers hardly go beyond it.
She headed up to the MOUNTAIN from the Camp 4. Since the weather is clearer in the night, it was dark and a scary sight for the passionate climber; Arunima. However, the fear would have been easier to go through if it was only darkness. What Arunima saw were the dead bodies of climbers all over her way.
Many others passed away on their expedition due to the lack of oxygen. It was something that could happen to Arunima as well. A MIND-BOGGLING SIGHT!
“She did not falter, she recalled her goal and she decided to climb further -now also on behalf of those who could not climb and died. She gathered the determination to reach to the highest point and to return alive.”
To make her way up on the rope, she even crossed over the dead bodies.  
Her belief that she would reach the top; that she was just about to reach the TOP was the very reason she did not quit.
Now she arrived at Hillary Summit. It was a HURRAY moment!  Her goal was only little far from there. She almost made it. The victorious moment wasn’t far. BUT one more risk has to be dealt with.
Arunima’s oxygen was depleting. As many steps she was taking upwards, as low her oxygen went. Her Sherpa warned her. He insisted her to return. He believed that they both could die. The mental power of Arunima was such that she did not get influenced by a single word of him.
SHE THOUGHT, NOW SHE WOULD GO UP NO MATTER IF SHE HAD TO GO ALL ALONE! The direction of success is, indeed, such that everyone may leave you and you may have to walk toward your goal all alone.
Nobody else has the vision that belongs to you. Your vision can be seen and realised only by you. After an hour or so, Arunima was on the top of the world.
What if she had returned from so near her goal? What if she had not taken a few more steps?
Arunima followed one click of idea (which probably God spilled into her mind) and she continued her journey till she made that idea a wonderful reality for herself.
Not just the Mount Everest, but she put her mind to such a powerful state that she conquered the highest peaks of all the continents of the world.
So? Making a start with passion and faith is all that you need to do, for now. Don’t worry about the entire journey. Just take the first step. As and when you move ahead, the best plan will unfold itself in front of you. That PLAN is certain to lead you to success unless you stop following it.
I want you to do a task today - Analyze the difference between living a life that everyone else is living and a life which you can make it on your own following your own blueprint.
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