#series: kerala mythos
lonelysanatani-5000 · 10 months
Guys! guys!
I have an interesting Story to tell you!. As it is Mandalakaalam . The story is Going to be about the Son of HariHara. Ayyappan.
Ayyappan & Maalikapuram ~
Ayyappan was born with a purpose of Killing Mahishi (The sister of Mahishasura). After Mahishasura's death , Mahishi wanted Revenge. She did a Tapasya (penance) . Brahma appeared and as usual , he asked what was her wish. Mahishi replied that, her death should only happen in the hands of the child born from the union of two supreme godd And... Brahma dev granted her wish. She started causing HAVOC. She literally defeated the Devas. And started ruling over the Three worlds.
-----------> FAST FORWARD------------>
So , Ayyappan came and fought with Mahishi. They were fighting intensively. After days of Fighting. Mahishi got defeated and died. From a a beautiful lady appeared, she was 'Maalikapuram' / 'Maalikapurathamma'. She was a damsel who was cursed to live as a demon. She requested Ayyappan to marry her. But Ayyappan being Celibate. He replied that he would marry her when the 'Kanni Swamis' (Devotees of Ayyappan) will stop coming to Shabarimala. Till then , Maalikapurathamma will sit beside Ayyappan, not as his wife. But as a goddess. Maalikapurathamma happily accepts this. There is a tradition in which Maalikapurathamma is took for procession. She observes the 'Sharam Kutthi Aalu' (the banyan tree in which some spears are pierced by the Kanni Swamis'). If there are spears in that Banyan tree. Maalikapurathamma will sadly go back and continues her wait..
I know it is sad. But it has a reason right?...
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Some Vishnumaya Memes!!
Karthikeya and Vishnumaya rambling about some random topics:-
Karthikeya: ayo! I killed soo many asuras on the way...the devas made me the Devasenapati , how cool is that...(😎)
Vishnumaya *literally fed up with him*: You have BEEN SAYING THIS DIALOGUE FOR THE PAST 24 HOURS!! JEEZ GET A BREAK BRUH!!
Karthikeya: ohh shut up Baby boy!
Vishnumaya: I am Not a B.A.B.Y BOY!!
Karthikeya *pinching his cheeks*: Yes you are!! Mah baby boy !!
Vishnumaya *whines*
~scene 2~
Ayyappan getting ready to go to Vaikuntha to meet Lord Vishnu :-
Vishnumaya: where are you goin?
Ayyappan: to meet mah mom..
Vishnumaya: can I come?
Ayyappan: yeah sure..but don't make chaos there ok?
*Vishnumaya nods*
Vaikuntha :-
Vishnu: OMG! mah son! *Runs and hugs Ayyappan*
Ayyappan: hey mom! How are you?
Vishnu: oh..what can I say? , The work is going on increasing and Increasing, I am not getting sleep because-
Vishnumaya: humans don't stop being shitheads...i can feel you mamashree.. (😒)
Vishnu: Banje!! I didn't see you!! How are you?
Vishnumaya: fine mamashree!
Vishnu: ok!! We can talk later , get inside, Devi Lakshmi is Preparing something special for you!!
Vishnumaya: is there Toddy?(alcohol)
Vishnu: .......(😶)
Ayyappan: .......(😑)
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Kerala Mytho series :-
2) Kanjirottu Yakshi
Sreedevi or Chiruthevi was a courtesan who had as her clients the high and the mighty, and who enjoyed toying with the lives of her many admirers and driving them to financial ruin. However, she fell in love with Kunjuraman, her palanquin-bearer, who would carry both her and her brother Govindan around on his back. However, Kunjuraman was already married and did not reciprocate Chiruthevi's feelings. On the other hand, Govindan and Kunjuraman were very close, with some versions of the tale claiming that the two were lovers.
Frustrated by Kunjuraman's romantic indifference towards her, Chiruthevi arranged for Kunjuraman's wife to be killed. When Govindan found out that his sister was behind the plot, he told Kunjuraman, who agreed to sleep with Chiruthevi. While they were in bed, Kunjuraman strangled Chiruthevi in order to avenge the murder of his wife.
Yakshi on the loose
Chiruthevi was reborn as a yakshi to a couple in Kanjirottu. She magically transformed into a bewitchingly beautiful woman moments after her birth. As a yakshi, she proceeded to seduce and terrorize men and drink their blood, never forgetting to harass the still-living Kunjuraman, whom she still desired.
The Divine Deal
To help Kunjuraman, Govindan, who was also a great upasaka of Lord Balarama, made a deal with the yakshi whereby she could cohabit with Kunjuraman for a year, after which she was to become a devotee of Narasimha. The other conditions of this deal were that she must agree to be installed at a temple after the year was up, and that she must pray for Govindan and his relationship with Kunjuraman in this birth and all subsequent ones. The yakshi swore on 'ponnum vilakkum' in agreement, and after the year was up, she was installed at the Kanjiracottu Valiaveedu Temple which was destroyed many years later.
The Divine Goddess
A year after her deal with Govindan, the yakshi was installed at a Temple which later came to be owned by Kanjiracottu Valiaveedu. The members of Valiaveedu started worshipping this Yakshi besides their Guardian Deities, Lord Ramanuja (Sri Krishna accompanied by Sri Rukmini) and Lord Balarama. Devotees used to offer Pongala to Yakshi Amma on Pooram in the month of Meenom and on the first Fridays in every Malayalam month except Meenom. The Temple no longer exists.
The Guardian of the Mystery Vault
After becoming a devotee of Narasimha, the Yakshi is now believed to reside in Vault (or 'Kallara' in Malayalam) B of the ancient Sri Padmanabhaswamy References to the temple have appeared in literature dating back to the Sangam era, though nobody is certain of when it was constructed. It is currently managed by the royal family of Travancore. Vault B is one of six vaults of the temple, five of which were opened.  However, Vault B remains unopened due to ongoing legal issues, as well as the legend that suggests that while even bigger treasures lie within the vault, any attempt to open it would stir up the Kanjirottu Yakshi, interrupting her prayers to Lord Narasimha and unleashing her evil upon the world. As Princess Ashwathi Tirunaal Gouri Bayi observes, "Disturbing her peace would be a disaster especially if her current quiet temperament reverts to the menacing nature that was once hers."The enchanting and ferocious forms of this Yakshi are painted on the south-west part of Sri Padmanabha's shrine.
*Yes , guys . We worship Yakshi as a Goddess/ Mother Goddess
I just love Padmanabhaswamy temples especially the B-Vault mystery. *
I am also planning to Start a series of Kerala Ghost stories. Which is literally creepy.
Anyways, if you like this series , do comment your opinion. Or any doubts regarding Any mythology related to Kerala. I know Kerala has this , dark cult worships because Kerala is literally a 'Tantric state' , all the Temples here follow Tantric style of worship, which is soo cool to see .
So , Will come back with another interesting Kerala Mystical / mythological stories..
To be Continued...
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A horror Kerala Mytho story is coming soon...
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Kerala Mythology series :~
The story of Vishnumaya part 2
Training by Mahadev 🔥
Shiva told Vishnumaya, about the demon Jalandhar (*according to us Keralites , Vishnumaya killed Jalandhar*) , Vishnumaya Listened Keenly as Shiva told him about the Frightening Demon , who defeated the devas. Even Lord Indra couldn't Defeat . Shiva also revealed the Fact that , Vishnumaya was destined to Kill Jalandhar.
Shiva then told Vishnumaya that , he himself will teach him the Art of Kalari ( also known as the mother of Martial Arts) , and other celestial Astras.
The training went on for Days and Days..
And finally the Day they were waiting had Arrived...
The sun was red , the wind was blowing really Fast as VISHNUMAYA, reached the Battleground along with other Devas. And he Saw the Mighty Asur , Jalandhar.
Vishnumaya challenged Jalandhar for a Fight , which he accepted . Vishnumaya and Jalandhar, had a Fight....Which was soo extreme. Vishnumaya used his Kuruvadi ( a stick like weapon) , and Hit Jalandhar right on his head. Jalandhar Fell down...but it didn't do any harm to him. Jalandhar laughed maniacally. And started Insulting Vishnumaya's Adoptive Mother ~ Koolivaka.
Vishnumaya Became Really Furious as he didn't like anyone insulting his Mother. Vishnumaya closed his eyes and chanted some mantras. And he turned himself into the Most powerful Weapon of Lord Vishnu..The SUDARSHANA CHAKRA. And Cut off Jalandhar's Head.
The devas were Shocked on seeing this.
Jalandhar got Killed by Vishnumaya.
Vishnumaya was still In Anger. But Shiva calmed him Down.
Indradev , requested Vishnumaya to stay in the swargalok , but Vishnumaya refused, saying that He belonged to the Poors , And he need to stay on Earth , for his Devotees. All the Devas Blessed him To be immortal and strong. Bidding Farewell to his Parents, Vishnumaya went back to Earth. Where he truly Belonged .
Chaos Again!💥
Vishnumaya happily reached his house. And started calling for his mother to tell her about the experiences that he experienced in the Devlok. But he didn't get any Response. The house was silent, the forest was silent. When he entered inside his house...he got shocked. All the things were laying here and there. There were Nail marks in the Ground. Vishnumaya started Panicking , he started searching for his mother , everywhere..
Then he heard some Familiar Screams , Yes...it was his mother. Vishnumaya ran to the direction in which the screams came .
He then saw a scary sight , a demon was dragging his mother Mercilessly, and was laughing Maniacally. Vishnumaya Got Angry, he jumped with his Kuruvadi , and started Fighting with the Demon. The fight was so extreme that , Vishnumaya got Wounds all over his body. His blood was flowing down the Ground. And then Kuttichaathans ( Bhootas / Ghosts , or good spirits ) were born , They also started fighting with the Demon. And finally Killed him .
He healed Koolivaka using his powers. And said to his mother, that he need to go away to another place , in order to protect his devotees. Koolivaka was sad. Vishnumaya gave a hug to his mother, he consoled her.
Finally, Vishnumaya got on his mount Buffallo and left for the sake of his Devotees.
Offerings for Vishnumaya: Toddy (alcohol)
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Heyya Guys 👋
Today I am going to tell you about some 'Local gods' of Kerala (my homeland)
vishnumaya chaathan
Vishnumaya chaathan is the god of magic. Born to Shiva and koolivaka ( and avatar of Devi parvathi) , he is the youngest son of Lord Shiva after Ayyappan, soo he is the Lil guy of our Kailash family!!
Vishnumaya chaathan, is also mischevious in nature , he loves his devotees soo much and is also very protective of him.
He rides a Buffalo 🐃 (his favourite animal by the way)
And also has a stick in his hand. So...let's Know his story.
Story ✨
So one day Kirathan ( the hunter avatar of Lord Shiva) , was hunting and he saw a beautiful women, she is none other than Koolivaka , Kirathan instantly Fell in love with her and desired to Marry her , and he revealed that .
*for an extra note : this Koolivaka is not Parvathy, Koolivaka was actually a reincarnation of a sevika of Parvati, who was cursed* *Please Don't kill me for showing Shiva as a lover boy , but this is what actually happened*
Koolivaka was really nervous, as she knew he is none other than Shiva himself. But she accepted the proposal. Kirathan was very happy, and he went away for hunting.
Koolivaka was really Nervous , She didn't knew what to do , and then she got an Idea..she prayed to Devi Parvathi. Parvati appeared in front of her , and asks Koolivaka the matter . Koolivaka revealed the incidents. Parvathi became very pleased with her innocence, and she told Koolivaka Not to worry , and she herself will take the form of Koolivaka and will Marry Kirathan. Koolivaka was also happy.
And then Devi parvathi, Turned into Koolivaka's Form and Married Kirathan. And Kirathan and Koolivaka (Parvathy) had a Son.
Parvati gave The baby boy to Koolivaka to raise . And went back to Kailash.
Vishnumaya realises ✨
After many years Vishnumaya grown to a handsome teenager, He had lotus shaped eyes, black wavy hair , He loved to wear black Angavastram. Vishnumaya spent his childhood in the jungle , he loves to play an Instrument Called 'Eezara' ( a string instrument) , and loved to ride buffaloes.
After a long day , Vishnumaya came back to his little house ,and saw His mother Koolivaka lost in her thoughts, when he asked her what had happened, she revealed that He is actually the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Vishnumaya was shocked at the revelation, but He gave a smile and Said to Koolivaka that She will always remain as his Mother. Now Vishnumaya, had a wish...To visit Kailash and meet his REAL PARENTS.
A visit to Kailash 🏔️
Koolivaka Agreed to Vishnumaya's demand and they started leaving to the Himalayas, Several Days passed , Vishnumaya and his Mother Koolivaka , walked and walked through the stony path of the forest , the grainy and dry sands of the Desert.and finally they reached the Destination. But ..they had a problem.
Thus Named ✨❤️
Vishnumaya saw Nandi , and he knew that Nandi won't allow any Strangers to Kailash, Koolivaka nervously looked at Vishnumaya . And He got an Idea. He used his Maya (illution) and turned himself into the form of Lord Vishnu. He then walked to Nandi , and said that he had come to see Mahadev for an important reason. Nandi allowed Vishnumaya and Koolivaka inside kailash. And Vishnumaya returned to his original form. Parvati saw Vishnumaya and Hugged him, she showered her motherly affection on him. Shiva also saw him , He also showered his fatherly affection on him . Shiva said that He will be named as VISHNUMAYA , as he assumed the form of Vishnu with his Maya. Shiva was extremely protective of Vishnumaya. Shiva then told that Vishnumaya will have to stay in kailash for an Important job...
What will be the Reason??
to be continued....
*this author is actually a worshipper of Vishnumaya 😁*
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lonelysanatani-5000 · 7 months
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.You. .Are. .That.
You are that paramaatma , the one whom you worship ✨
Paramaatma is within you, with you...
You are that Paramaatma (Ayyappan) , for whom you climb the 18 hills for...
For whom...who step on the 18 stairs for..
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 18 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘴 '𝘛𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘸𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘪' 🦋
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘢 𝘺𝘢𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘦...
🪷𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧~𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯🪷
🌼✨സ്വാമിയേ ശരണം അയ്യപ്പ ✨🌼
🦚 ꜱᴡᴀᴍɪʏᴇ ꜱʜᴀʀᴀɴᴀᴍ ᴀʏʏᴀᴩᴩᴀ 🦚
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