#seres fic
crazyunsexycool · 1 month
My little love
Chapter 37
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
word count: 3.5K
Warnings: fluff, scare prank, talks about a wedding, nightmares, briefly implied smut, little bit of angst at the end I guess,
A/N: Alright my lovelies were we are with another chapter of our favorite family. We are getting closer to the slight end of the series there are about 4-5 chapters left. Like I said before I still have more things planned but it will mostly likely be fluff fun check ins and maybe Bucky and Sugar's point of view for Steve and Honey's story. So lots still to come but my focus will soon be on A love as sweet as Honey
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“Daddy, you catch me?” 
“Of course I will, doll.” Bucky smiled up at Lottie. 
“You stay wight the-uh?”  
“I’ll stay right here. All you gotta do is jump.” 
“Kay.” Lottie says as she shimmies backwards. 
Bucky sees her peering back down at him and can’t help but chuckle. Her furrowed brows and concerned blue eyes peek over the ledge. She crouches down and wraps her arms around her knees. 
“You don’t have to do it, doll, it's ok.” 
“No, I do it. Am big girl.” 
“Ok. How about if I count and then you jump?” Bucky suggests. 
“1…” Bucky says and he watches as Lottie stands up straight. “2…” her little toes and fingers wiggle around in anticipation. “3…” she giggles nervously. “Jump!” 
Lottie jumps when she’s told to and she splashes into the water. Bucky’s right there to catch her. She’s all giggles as Bucky wipes away the water from her face. It was Lottie’s first time jumping off of a diving board but she did it. 
“You did it, doll. I’m so proud of you. Do you want to do it again?” 
“Yeah.” Lottie nods and Bucky swims to the edge of the pool with her.
With how hectic your lives have been lately you and Bucky had decided to have a pool day with the kids. You wanted to do something fun with them before you continued your wedding planning. The closer the wedding got the less time you would have to do fun things like this. 
Bucky got to the pool before you did since you had to work at the medbay in the morning. You walked into the pool area an hour after Bucky got there. In the pool you first saw Charlotte in her red and gold bathing suit, mini arc reactor painted on the front, swimming. She didn’t have on her life vest or anything else that could help her afloat, she was going it all on her own. The way her legs and arms moved she looked like a little frog. Bucky was right beside her making sure she was ok as she learned to swim. 
“Wook it, mama.” Lottie yelled. “Am swimming wike a big girl.” 
“When did you get so big?” 
You could see her kicking her feet and moving her arms really fast as she treaded water. Her little head bobbed up and down as she looked at you with a smile, some strands of her hair sticking to her face. You got closer to the edge of the pool to talk for a moment. 
“On my biwthday.” She starts to slowly swim in a circle around her dad.
You and Bucky laugh at her very matter of fact answer. 
“Your swimsuit is in that green bag.” Bucky points to a chair. 
“Thanks, babe.” You turn to grab your things before looking back at the pool. “Where’s Henry?” 
“AAAHHH!” Henry yells as he turns himself visible again. He leaped over the edge of the pool and grabbed your leg. 
The scream you let out echoed through the large room. Henry was laughing so hard he was turning red. Half of his body was still in the water.  Bucky and Lottie had joined in on the laughter but you had a hand over your heart. It was definitely unexpected. 
“Henry Grant Barnes. Just wait until I get out here, you’re going to pay for that.” You said playfully before running to get changed. 
You changed as quickly as you could and thought about how to get Henry back. At the door of the changing room you peek out to see where he was. You saw that Sam and Nat had joined. As quickly and quietly as possible you open the door and slip out. 
Lottie was currently being balanced on Bucky’s hand. She had her arms stretched over her head in a circle and one leg kicked back, like a ballerina would. Sam was both cheering her on and making sure he could catch her if she fell. Henry had his back to you. He was hanging on the edge of the pool while talking to Nat and sharing grapes. You tiptoed to the edge of the pool and when Bucky brought Lottie down with a splash you jumped in and immediately submerged yourself. In a few quick strokes you were across the pool and grabbed Henry by his midsection and lifted him out of the water. Now it was his turn to scream.
“Gotcha.” You said as you pulled his back towards your chest. 
“Mama!” Henry started laughing so hard he could barely breathe. Soon everyone else was also laughing. His head was resting against your shoulder while he calmed down. You turned your head to give him a few kisses on the cheek.
“Told you you’d pay for that.” 
Henry giggled again as you let him go and he took his place by Nat again. 
“I’m watching you mister.” You narrow your eyes in his direction before swimming away. 
For the rest of the afternoon you lounged in the pool and played games with the kids. Wanda and Vision joined soon enough. Finally Steve showed up and was pushed into the pool by an invisible Henry. 
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After the day in the pool, dinner and bedtime for the kids, you and Bucky were laying in bed cuddling. You yawn and your eyelids get heavier with how Bucky is rubbing his hand up and down your back. 
“Are you gonna tell me where we are going for our honeymoon?” You ask for the hundredth time. 
Bucky had told you he’d take care of the song for the first dance and the honeymoon since you were already taking most of the wedding planning. He had decided to keep his plans a secret.
“But how am I supposed to know what to pack?” You were so excited for this trip you just wanted to try and get any information any way possible.
“Nice try, Sugar but I already have that figured out.” Bucky chuckles as you groan. “Just let me surprise you.” 
“Fine, but it’s a trip you’ll enjoy too, right?” 
“Sugar, you know that I could go to the most boring place in the world with you and I’ll enjoy it. But yes I’m choosing something fun for both of us.” 
“Good.” You say and then break the silence again by asking, “But what is it?” 
Bucky laughed at your insistence. “You’re not getting a word out of me.” 
You pull back and narrow your eyes at him. Bucky gives you a smug grin and raises his eyebrows. He didn’t expect you to straddle him and take both his hands in yours and pinning them above his head. 
“I bet I could get a lot out of you.” You said before leaning in and pressing your lips to his. 
Bucky smirks up at you. “I’ll give you everything I got, Sugar.” 
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Bucky walked into your shared home mid afternoon. He was done with his briefing and he knew there were some things that needed to be talked about concerning the wedding and kids. You had taken most of the responsibility even though he offered many times to take some things off your plate. From the wedding to getting the kids into a normal routine, you wanted to handle it all. So it was no surprise that you were more exhausted than usual. Bucky found you napping on the couch with papers and folders sitting on the coffee table. Alpine was curled up on top of your chest, keeping you company. 
Just as Bucky started to smile at the sight, you flinched. Alpine shot up and moved away quickly, annoyed she’d been awakened. Bucky watched for a second as your face contorted with fear and pain. A whimper escapes your lips followed by a small ‘no, please.’. 
“Hey Sugar, it’s ok, it's just a dream.” Bucky whispers. His hands trail up and down your arms. “C’mon you gotta wake up.” 
And you do, with a start. You almost head butt Bucky in the face. He holds you at arms length for a moment until your eyes aren’t glazed over. Your lower lip trembles and he finally pulls you into his chest.
“It was just a dream. You’re safe. They can’t hurt you anymore.” Bucky reassures you gently. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
You shake your head and press yourself deeper into his chest. After a moment of calming yourself down you pull away.
“We have a wedding to finish planning.” 
“Are you sure?” Bucky asks. His concern was evident on his face. 
“I’m sure. I’d rather focus on one of the happiest days of our lives.” You smile. 
Bucky nods, letting the subject drop and following you to the dining room to lay out everything you have to go over. You first go over the final guest list making sure you didn’t forget anyone important. Then it was on to seating arrangements at the reception. You were grateful that Bucky was giving so much input and opinions. It was his wedding too after all. He’d been the one to suggest the sweetheart table should include the kids. You smiled warmly at him. 
Once the wedding topics were done, it was on to the kids. Mostly what you wanted to do about school. Tony had offered to get private tutors for them but it was the socializing aspect that worried you. 
“Well the results for the tests Tony and Bruce have done came in. They say that Henry and Lottie could skip a couple of grades.” You say while reading the IQ results from the tablet you had. 
“But do we really want to set them up for that? It could be hard on them being so much younger than the other kids.” Bucky points out. 
“How about if we keep them with their regular age group and appropriate grade and put them in some extracurriculars?” 
“That sounds good. Balance it out so they won’t be bored?” Bucky nods as he says it. 
“Daddy. You home.” Lottie makes her way to Bucky. 
“Hi doll.” He kisses the top of her head. 
“Is doing wedding stuff?” She asks as Henry sneaks his way onto Bucky’s lap, too. 
You smile as you watch each kid settle on one of his thighs as he answers her question. The kids ask a couple more questions about the wedding before Bucky mentions school. 
“I stay with mama.” Lottie says.
“Me too. I don’t want to go to school.” 
“I would love for you to stay with me all the time but you have to go to school.” You say.
“But I already know a bunch of stuff.” 
“Bubs, there's a lot of things you still have to learn. That’s what school is for.” bucky adds. “Besides you would get to meet new people and make friends.” 
“And we were talking about you guys choosing something fun to do after school.”
“Like what?” Henry asks, turning more to look at you better. 
“Like playing a sport on a team or learning to play an instrument.” 
“Oh dancing? Can wearn that?” Lottie asks excitedly.
“Of course, there’s all types of dancing you can learn. Is that what you want?” You smile as you ask her.
“Yeah, I dance wike Auntie Nat.” 
“You want to be a ballerina?” 
“Mhm, and dance on my tippy toes.” Lottie sticks her foot up in the air and wiggles her toes. 
“You’ll be the prettiest ballerina, doll.” Bucky says before turning to Henry. “What about you? What do you think you’ll want to try?” 
“I don’t know, yet.”
“It’s ok my sweet boy, you can think about it and we can find something you’ll like later.” 
“Now, the real question is, who is going to help me with the cake tasting that’s in a few days?”
“Me!” Both kids yell at the same time and you can’t help but laugh. 
This is what you focus on as you fight to keep the nightmares at bay. All you wanted to think about was your family and your future. 
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You woke up again with a start. Tears streaming down your face and a scream caught in your throat. Nightmares were starting to plague you more the closer you got to the day you were taken. It was always the same thing. Just as you were going to say I do, the sky turned black. There were gunshots and fire. Bucky would grab Lottie while you took Henry’s hand. As you ran away from the darkness that was crawling towards you, you pushed Henry away towards the safety Bucky provided. When he turned to reach for you, you found yourself strapped to a table with people hovering over you. A voice taunted you and told you how they were going to get Bucky and the kids this time. That you’d never have a chance to be happy or see the kids grow up or even grow old with Bucky.
Bucky would almost always be by your side and managed to calm you down but this particular night he was out on a mission. So you sat in your room in the dark, taking deep breaths until you managed to calm down. The same dark thoughts running through your mind over and over again. Knowing you won’t be able to go back to sleep again, you go into your closet and search until you find a small box that holds only one thing in it. You pull out the small thumb drive, get your laptop and sit down. You’d had this information for months and were unsure of what to do but now you knew you had to act. There was no way you could continue to live your life without making sure all of hydra was gone.
After your decision has been made you paced around your room for a bit. The truth was this scared you to death. Things could go right but they could go wrong too. But this was your mess to clean up. If you told anyone on the team, especially Bucky, someone else would handle it. This was your responsibility and you were willing to do anything to keep them safe. You had to make sure this ended.
Before getting dressed you stopped by the kid’s rooms. Although you shouldn’t be surprised to find Henry and Lottie cuddled up in his bed with Alpine curled up at the foot of the bed. You smiled as you watched over them for a few minutes. 
You were standing in the living room looking out through the large double doors that faced the backyard. It would only be a few minutes before your dad showed up to stay with the kids since everyone else was on a mission and they would try to stop or want to go with you if they knew. 
“Mama?” Henry’s sleepy voice startles you out of your deep thoughts. 
You turn to see Henry leading a sleepy Charlotte down the steps. 
“Sweet boy what are you doing up?” 
“Lottie had a bad dream.” He yawns. “We couldn’t find you in your room.”
“C’mere sweet Angel.” You pick Charlotte up and sit down on the couch with Henry sitting beside you. “What was your dream about?” 
“Mama was cwying. And I see bad woman. She so mean, mama.” 
“Are you going on a mission?” Henry asks as he finally takes in your clothing. 
“I am. But I’ll be back soon.” 
“I thought you said you weren’t going on any more missions.” 
“I know,” you caress his cheek. “But this is really important. I have to do it to keep all of us safe.”
“What about dad? Is he going with you?” 
You could see how anxious he was getting. 
“Baby, your dad is on a mission right now ok? But I promise everything will be alright. If he comes back before I do, don’t worry him about my mission. Can you do that for me?” 
Henry studied you, he had the same look Bucky did when he was concerned. Fortunately he nodded although he did so reluctantly. There wasn’t much more time since Eddie had just gotten to your house.  You put the kids back into bed and promise them that everything will be ok. 
“Is everything ok, kitten?” Eddie asks as he walks you to the door. 
“Everything is fine. I’m just needed for a mission.” 
“Be careful and come back to us in one piece ok?” 
“I will, dad. I love you.” You give him a quick hug.
“I love you too.” He says as he watches you go.” 
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It was early morning when you landed in the empty field. You had some knowledge on flying the jet so it was a bit rocky. Thankfully there was autopilot and assisted landing. You stood at the top of the ramp and wondered if this was the right move. Deep down you know it was but it wouldn’t be easy for you. 
Checking your gear one last time you finally leave the jet. You’re looking down at a small town in a valley. From that vantage point you could see everything. It’s a small community, no more than a few hundred people. But you didn’t come here for any of them. The person you’re looking for is hiding up a mountain in a small cabin. Hiding like a coward.
Before you went there you had to make another stop. Another cabin about a mile away. So you turn away from the town and head into the forest. 
You stand just behind the tree line. A single cabin sitting in the middle of a small field. You watch and wait until four men head out. Once it’s clear, you move fast around the small two bedroom cabin. It’s bare, there’s no warmth to any room. As you suspected, this was just a safe house. But you were sure there was information you could use. Being careful to not move things out of place too much. 
In the small living room there was a desk pushed up against a wall just under a window. There were all kinds of files spread across the desk. Some open with pictures and detailed reports. You rifle through them and your blood runs cold. These weren’t just random reports but information about you, your dad, Luke, Sophia and Joshua. Even Molly and Olivia are included. Their schedules and pictures are in there too and they all seem recent.  
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and your eyes snap up to the window. You can just make out a silhouette right behind you. Everything happened slowly but somehow fast at the same time. You threw a kick backwards, sending your opponent crashing through the opposing wall. As soon as you turned around three more were coming at you. 
“We were told you’d be coming by. Didn’t think it’d take you this long.” One of them said as he lunged at you. 
They all had knives in their hands and it’s the first time you realize there was very limited metal in the cabin. These people had been waiting for you. Now you’d show them what you could do. Fortunately you had your metal bracers and used them to your advantage. It wasn’t difficult for you to fight them off and leave them where they fell. The only thing you did was take their dog tags off and stuff them in your pocket, then grab the documents with your family’s information. With one final look around you head up the mountain. 
This cabin was larger than the first one. It had a large porch with a porch swing. The curtains were open to allow the sunlight in but there was no one home. With a flick of your wrist you unlock the door and slip inside. This place was prepared for someone more important. Paintings on the wall were expensive originals from famed artists. Everything you’d ever need to live in a remote location was available. Nothing was out of place as you walked through the hallway and into the living room, the kitchen, then the dining room and the bedrooms in the back. 
After a thorough inspection you remove all hidden weapons and find more documents on your family. This time Bucky, Henry and Charlotte are included. You’d read something similar before, a list of experiments and procedures they had to endure. Your own file was to the side, all of them with neatly written notes on the margins. It made you uncomfortable reading what had been done to you but you grabbed everything and headed towards the living room where you laid everything out. 
Then you waited. 
The sun was high in the sky when steps on the porch finally broke the silence. A jingle of keys echo through the hallway, followed by the soft click of the door closing again and more steps. From the shadows emerges the one person you weren’t ready to face but had to. 
Ch. 38
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melodymunson · 5 months
Eddie Munson x fem goth cheerleader reader
ao3 link
2 part story Eddie x reader friends to lovers, slow burn
You were dating the hottest jock in school until one day you met Eddie and your life changed forever. (Reader is 19 Eddie is 20).
7.2K words
read part 2 here
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Being a cheerleader at Hawkins High School was your claim to instant popularity. You were dating Chrissy Cunningham's boyfriend, Jason Carver's best friend, Sam. He was a typical jock, brunette, all-star basketball player, muscular, with brown eyes and the total package. Girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him. Chrissy was your friend and made being a cheerleader bearable. You were a former loner and secretly loved horror movies, goth aesthetic, dungeons & dragons, and metal like Ozzy, Judas Priest, Dio, and even Corroded Coffin. Guys like Eddie were living the type of life you wanted and thought was ideal, but somehow, being popular wasn't all it was cut out to be. You knew your boyfriend was probably cheating, and you thought going to see Eddie make a drug deal would be the perfect escape for you. Eddie's hatred for jocks was endearing. The week had dragged on and now that it was Thursday and close to the weekend; you were trying to look on the brighter side of things. Every afternoon after lunch, he was in the boiler room, skipping class and making drug deals. The nickname they had for him, Eddie 'the freak' Munson, was a title he didn't seem to mind. He embraced it. He was always so cool, calm, collected, and polite when you passed him in the halls. He was rumored to sell some of the best drugs, so after lunch on Thursday, you stopped by the boiler room. It was darkly lit in the boiler room, but once you saw Eddie, you didn't hesitate or waver as you walked toward him.
"Hey um… Y/N.. right?" He asked with his curious wide and brown button eyes. He crossed his arms, unsure at first about how to react to a cheerleader here seeing him about buying drugs, and he secretly wondered if you were a narc. Either way, he thought you looked great in your green and white uniform complete with leather jacket and rockstar patches/pins.
Although he was skeptical, you planned on making the deal rather than getting out of there. Being alone with a guy who wasn't your boyfriend was probably not the right thing to be doing. Just seeing him and getting the weed would be good enough… for now. He had a metal lunchbox next to him with his drug inventory.
"I'm here to buy some weed," you told him firmly, trying your best to maintain eye contact.
"Oh, uh, well, that will be fifteen bucks for half an ounce."
His tattoos were visible under the dim lights and you couldn't help but stare at them a little. He soon caught on and noticed your lingering eyes and stare. You looked for your wallet and then noticed it wasn't there. You left it in your locker.
"Guess I left it in my locker," you told him, sounding bummed.
"Well, let's just do this deal tomorrow, then. I will save some for you."
You had a basketball game to cheer at the next afternoon, but you could make it work before the game and make it your priority to make the deal.
"Okay, sure. Maybe we can even smoke like a joint together?" You asked curiously.
"Why not? I'd like that," he told you with a smirk. He uncrossed his arms and then put his hand out to shake, which you did.
"Deal. See you tomorrow then."
Eddie nodded and checked you out as you left, his eyes lingering on your body. He wasn't normally the type to go for cheerleaders but you were gorgeous and he was pleasantly surprised you were talking to him, yet grateful and not just because you would be a new customer for him. The rest of the school day passed with extreme boredom. You couldn't wait for the party that night.
You had a lot of homework, and weren't sure you could make it by the time the party started, which you told Sam earlier that day. Eventually, you finished and decided to still go to the party. It was a bit late by the time you got there and no one else knew you were going, but you saw Chrissy and exchanged pleasant hellos. You knew Sam would be around here somewhere and asked around about him. No one knew for sure where he had gone off once he finished beer Pong. You passed Steve on the way up the stairs and he stopped you.
"Hey. We didn't think you were going to show up," Steve said nonchalantly.
"Just looking for Sam."
"Yeah, you probably don't want to go into the third bedroom down the hall," he warned.
"Why? What do you mean?" You asked looking confused.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
You went to the bedroom in question and went inside, turning the doorknob, and saw Sam heavily making out with a half-naked cheerleader on the bed as she was giving him a handjob through the tent hole in his boxers. You slammed the door and ran through the hall and down the stairs until you reached the door. Now, more than ever, you wanted to be as far away from those jocks and popular kids as possible. Chrissy ran after you, knowing you were crying, but you were far gone before she could confront you. As soon as you got home, you blasted some metal music and drowned your sorrows with the musical styling of Motorhead until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up after a fever dream of you hooking up with Eddie after he told off your soon-to-be ex. It would be a good day as long as you could see Eddie and stick it to that lying cheater's face. Unfortunately, you had to wear your Hawkins High cheer uniform today, but hopefully, Eddie wouldn't mind it too much.
At school, you ignored your boyfriend, and carried on the day doing your best to practice patience, til you saw Eddie again. It was easy to ignore Sam when you didn't even have the same classes. During lunch, you skipped and went to eat outside. Eddie noticed you sitting alone and came over to you.
"Are you okay? Why are you eating alone?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Munson."
"It's none of my business, but is something wrong? Usually, you were surrounded by all your friends and the popular kids, especially during lunch on a game day."
"Well, not today. I found out last night at a party my boyfriend was cheating on me," you confessed looking down sheepishly.
He sat down next to you and put his arm around you. His touch was so comforting, and he smelled nice.
"That guy is a loser. You don't need him. Look, I'll give you a deal on the weed. We can smoke a joint together at no extra cost, and I'll let you have a dime bag for ten dollars. Now, how does that sound?"
"Great actually. Thank you. You know what, Eddie, you are pretty great."
"Thanks. I thought you'd be sort of scary, but you aren't. Look, do you want to find somewhere off campus and smoke?"
"Wouldn't your girlfriend be upset about that, though?"
"I don't have a girlfriend," he told you plainly with a shrug of his shoulders.
You smiled at him, hoping this drive would be a good thing.
"Okay, let's go then. Anywhere you want to go. I'm down."
He got up, took your hand, and then led you to his van. Once you got into the passenger seat and he got into the driver's side, he started up his van and pulled away from the parking lot. It was nice to be getting away from Hawkins. As he drove closer to the woods, you wondered if this was where he was planning to take you. Being far away from civilization and people, though, was what you needed, so you happily went along with him. He soon stopped at a residential park and turned off the engine. He got out and helped you from the van by opening your door. You walked with him to a picnic table and sat down.
You didn't think this could be you. Sitting here at a picnic table in the park all alone with Eddie 'the freak.' If only the kids at school could see you now. All you knew was that you never wanted to be with Sam again. Eddie could hopefully take away the thoughts you still had of your soon-to-be ex. The breakup, even informal, would be what you needed to do soon. You watched as he lit up a joint and took a deep drag before handing it to you. Deeply you inhaled, then blew out the smoke and passed it back to him.
"I'm glad you came here with me. It's kinda of tedious to come out here alone. I'm trying to skip classes more at least. It's nice to have some company," he told you before taking another inhale and passing the joint.
"I agree. I needed this escape. Anything to get away from the school crowd. Sometimes I wish I could just quit everything, especially the popular lifestyle. I thought I wanted it at some point, but not anymore."
"I know we don't run with the same crowd at all, but you are a good person. I can see it in your eyes."
You gazed into his chocolate eyes as you took another drag and passed it with a smile.
"Thanks, Eddie. I think you are too. I'm so not looking forward to Monday's auction of the cheerleaders and jocks. It's all for charity and a good cause, but I can't possibly go out with Sam. He always pledges the most money for these things, just like his stupid friends," you told him glumly, not wanting to bore him with the auction details or your problems.
"You know what? I have been saving up for a while now and I have a good bit of money. Why don't I buy you at the auction? It is for charity, right? I think it would be nice to take you out to cheer you up." He played with some strands of his curly brown hair as he inhaled the joint and exhaled.
His rings were stunning and you couldn't help but look at them as he talked. He was so eloquent with his words. You would give anything at that moment to be touched by him. Just to have the chance to hang out with him more like this would be the best.
"Good. That would be the best thing. I'll let you do that if you want to. I'll break up with him soon."
"You deserve someone much better. For our date from the auction, I was thinking we could do a nice night out or you could pick where we go."
"How about camping? Next weekend? I would like that haven't been camping in a long time," you replied with a shrug of your shoulders as he handed the joint back to you.
You didn't know if it was the weed talking or not, but you wanted to kiss him at that moment so much. Who cared about Sam or Hawkins High or anything? You wanted him and hoped he wanted you, too. You licked your lips casually and tried to be as nonchalant as possible as you bit them. Eddie was paying attention from his side eye though and noticed.
"Camping would be great. I know a good place. What's on your mind?"
"I've been thinking about kissing you," you admitted after a gulp, feeling slightly nervous.
Eddie glanced at you with a smirk on his face. He didn't know if this was a rebound, but he didn't care. He had been thinking about kissing you since the moment he saw you.
"I'd be more than okay with that."
You passed the joint back after taking a hit and he took one more before stomping it out.
You moved closer to him and he ran his fingers through your hair as he stared longingly into your eyes and moved in closer to you. You were so close- closer than ever. Your lips grazed his as he ran his fingers through your hair. He kissed you slowly with a fiery passion as your lips collided and you tasted him, parting his lips with your tongue. As you explore each other's mouths, he pulls you in closer to him by grabbing your waist. The way he kissed you was incredible and no one else came even close to being as good of a kisser. His hands roamed up towards your chest, before he stopped himself. Just as you realized what he was doing, you grabbed his hands and put them over your breasts, cupping them and he moved his mouth to your neck, sucking and licking you there. The kisses he gave you were so hot and it made you feel so turned on, but you didn't want to move things too fast and things with Sam weren't exactly over yet.
"Maybe we could save this for our weekend of camping. Pick up where we left off."
"That's fine. I've rushed things before and regretted it, but you have a good point. Let's rest and chill in the back of my van for a bit."
You walked with him hand in hand to his van and got into the back. He had pillows, blankets, a comforter, and sheets all setup. He held you as you relaxed and pulled you in close to him. It was so comforting for him to have you there and he already considered you a friend and even wanted things to be more, but he would wait for you until the time was right. Minutes passed, then a half hour, and before you knew it, you were both napping. Eddie's soft breathing was soothing, and you felt safe in his arms. Two hours passed, and you stirred awake slowly in his arms. He woke up soon after that and gave you a forehead kiss.
"I'll take you home if you want me to."
"Thanks, Eddie. Call me this weekend, though."
As you both woke up fully and got ready to go to your place, you wrote your number down and put it on his dashboard. As soon as you got home, you planned on calling Sam to break the news about it being over.
Once you got back to your place, he got out and opened your door for you, then walked you to the front door.
"You're the perfect gentleman. Thanks for everything."
"No need to thank me."
He waved goodbye, then walked to his van and pulled away after he made sure you were safely inside. No one else was home, and you were focused on breaking up with that cheating jerk of a so-called boyfriend. After three rings, he answered.
"Look it's over. I saw you at that party on Thursday. You cheated on me."
"Babe, I can explain."
You huffed angrily before replying in a furious tone of voice.
"Explain what? That you were kissing a half-naked girl with her hand inside your boxers?"
"I was drunk and fucked up. Didn't know you would even show up. I'm sorry OK? It was the biggest mistake and I regret it. I plan on buying a date at the charity auction and making it up to you."
"Too late for that. I'm done and I could not care less about seeing your stupid face again."
You hung up quickly in haste, wanting to put that idiot to rest. You spent the night in the bathtub soaking and thinking about Eddie. Imagining what it would be like to have him taste you and to taste him. You had never had a partner who was good at oral, but he seemed like he would be perfect at it.
Eddie thought of you when he was in the shower, and touching himself. He imagined you down on your knees in front of him and all he could think about was your mouth and lips.
Saturday came and went, but on Sunday night, Eddie called.
"Hey, it's me. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I know we didn't make a deal on the weed Friday, but if you still want to buy some, I'll give you that discount."
"Thanks, Eddie. I broke up with Sam on Friday night, but he's still pathetic enough to think he'll win me at the auction."
"Not a chance, babe. I will outbid him."
"Good. I need that. Please do. A date with him would be the worst. I'm glad we met even under the circumstances."
Eddie cracked a smile at this feeling happy to have you in his life.
"See you tomorrow?" He asked as he relaxed on his bed.
"Yeah, but how about we stay on the phone? It would be comforting. To know you were on the other line would be great."
"I agree. Sweet dreams. Don't worry, I won't hang up."
"Sweet dreams Eddie."
You placed the phone near your head, soon drifting off to sleep. The night passed and early morning came, then went and it was finally time to wake up. Your alarm clock went off, and you quickly turned it off.
"I hope you slept well, Eddie."
"I did. Hope you did too beautiful," he told you in a sleepy tone.
"See you soon."
"You too."
You hung up and got ready, dressed in your cheerleader uniform, and ate breakfast. Once you got to school, you looked for Eddie soon, finding him near your locker.
"I guess the auction is soon isn't it? Ready to win Mr. Munson?"
"I sure am."
He looked at you longingly and held your hand and not long after, the bell rang. After lunch, the auction would take place. You and Eddie said your goodbyes and then went to class. By lunchtime, you were feeling overwhelmed, but glad the auction would be over soon. You ate with the squad, tossing Eddie occasional glances from across the room. He looked right back at you and smiled each time you looked at his table.
The auction started promptly at 1 p.m. and everyone went to the gym. You weren't sure of the outcome or what to expect, but it would be good if Sam at least lost.
To no one's surprise, all the jocks won a lot of money for the charity auction. The cheerleaders were up next and you were first.
"For this lady, who would like to start the bidding wars at $10?"
Eddie shouted Me and Sam soon followed with $20. He wondered what the hell he was doing here probably, but you were so glad he was there to outbid Sam. Eddie replied with $40, then Sam $80.
Things were getting heated, and it could be anyone's win. You looked out at the crowd and Sam seemed pissed. He didn't want to lose to the freak, and he was determined to win you back. Not under any circumstance would that happen.
Eddie bet $100 and Sam bet $120. Eddie bid $140 after and Sam betted even more at $160. Eddie's final bet was $180 and by then, Sam gave up, defeated. To your relief, Eddie won the date with you, and Sam stormed off in a huff. Once the pep rally ended, you met Eddie in the hallway, rushing into his arms as he twirled you around.
"I'm glad it worked out. I knew it would," you told him excitedly.
"I knew it would too. Sam is crazy. I'm just glad I got you."
"You knew I wouldn't go out with him either way, right? I was going to be with you, regardless."
He kissed you and hugged you, making you feel happier than ever.
"I knew that. I can't wait for Friday. It can't come fast enough."
"I know what you mean. Call me sometime soon."
He nodded in agreement. Then you both went to your last classes of the day. Unfortunately, Sam was in this class. Once it was over, he came up to you angrily.
"I could've won you easily and I would've, but you know what? You are just a cheap little slut," he told you with a raised voice.
"Get away from me. I hate you. Eddie will treat me right."
"Good luck with that. He's a loser."
"I have nothing left to say to you."
You walked away feeling relief and like a big weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. You had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time you would see or at least hear from Sam. He was the last person you ever wanted to see again, and you just hoped graduation would hurry and arrive. There were 3 months left until you took that stage and hopefully, Eddie would be there to graduate with you. He would help make these last several months bearable. It wasn't like you to rush into relationships right after a breakup and in this case even before a breakup, but he was special to you already. Prom seemed like a cliche, but when the time was right, you would ask him to be your date.
The rest of the week passed slowly, but when it was finally Friday night, you were ecstatic. He called you every day of the week and you talked to him about everything, including horror movies, metal music, concerts, dreams, food, TV shows, books, dungeons & dragons, and what you planned to do after graduation. At 6, he would come over to start the weekend. Thankfully, with camping, it was safe because it wasn't somewhere where Sam would think to look for you, and of course, you wanted to have Eddie all to yourself. He was all packed with his sleeping bag, blankets, a big tent, sheets, camping gear, an extra change of clothes, snacks, a canteen, and booze. You had a bunch of homemade snacks to bring and you wanted to make sure it was a great trip by even throwing in a cassette player with some of your best heavy metal cassettes just in case either of you wanted to play some music. You got all the camping necessities together, and he arrived on time. No one else was home and once you let him in and led him to your room, he couldn't help but notice your huge metal collection of vinyl and cassettes.
"Wow, this is so great you have Slayer, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, WASP, Motley Crue, KISS, Dio, and more. I'm quite impressed. It's just that most girls wouldn't love music like this. You know, real music?"
"Yeah, well, I love it all. I'm into any rock, especially female-fronted. The Runaways are probably one of the best rock bands I have in my collection, and I love punk rock like the Sex Pistols and The Ramones."
"Good choices. So I think you are like my musical soulmate or something, y'know?" He said as he flashed the devil's horns sign with his fingers and a huge grimace his tongue sticking out.
"It's great we have that in common. I think it's going to be nice to go camping and don't worry, I didn't forget to bring along some music for us," you told him as you held up the boombox and bag of cassettes.
"Let's get going soon, though. I was thinking we could grill some burgers and hot dogs. I have a cooler in my van. Also, some booze. Weed and cigs too, if you'd like to smoke some," he told you with a slight shrug.
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. He knew you so well and what you liked already.
"That's perfect. I'm all ready to go just need to feed my puppy."
Eddie looked at you, amused, as you went to feed your little dog, Ozzy, a black lab. As soon as Eddie saw your precious little puppy, he reached his hand out for him to sniff which Ozzy did and he pounced at Eddie, jumping, wanting to be held. He obliged, holding the little guy as you got his food and water, and handed him a special treat.
"He's so cute. What's his name?"
"Ozzy. I've had him now for over 2 months. He's going to get pretty big, but I love him, anyway." You gave his head little pats and rubs, which he always loved. After Eddie placed him down, he went to his bowl and began eating.
"What a good little pup. I hope you won't miss him too much. I know I would if he was my dog."
"I will. He's my little guy. I am glad you got to meet him. I just knew that he would love you."
You led Eddie out of your house and he helped you with your stuff, soon loading it into the back of his van. It would be a great trip and you couldn't wait to be under the stars in the fresh air. As soon as everything was ready, you got into his van and drove off to the camping spot just as a beautiful red and orange sunset with yellow hues formed in the sky.
"Mind if I play some metal?" He asked.
"I would love that."
He turned on the cassette player and the familiar sound of Ozzy Osbourne's voice on the track War Pigs by Black Sabbath began blasting from the speakers. He tapped in rhythm and time to the beat of the music on his steering wheel as he drove to a familiar campsite and you got into the music as well, head-banging and flashing the devil horns. It was more secluded, but still a relatively safe place. Few other cars were on the road and thankfully by the time you got to the camping area, you didn't notice many vehicles in the parking lot. It was getting dark fast, but with Eddie; you weren't worried or scared about anything. Soon you arrived and took in your surroundings, finding the camping spot quite cozy.
You moved into the back to unload the camping gear and bags. He was eager to get the tent pitched and to unpack, then look for wood and start a nice bonfire for the night. It was still very early spring and chilly, but you bundled up enough for the weather. He opened the back doors to his van and unloaded onto the pavement and nearby grass.
"See any good place to set up camp? Just let me know."
"Sure, Eddie. I can't wait to get everything ready and enjoy tonight."
As you helped him get out all the camping gear and your boombox, he reached into his van to get out the two shirts he wanted you to have. One was for Hellfire Club and the other shirt was a new print of a Corroded Coffin official shirt. You took them from him with a bit of surprise and a wide grin formed on your face.
"These are amazing. Thanks. I'll be wearing them to school."
"You're welcome, beautiful."
You kissed him, and he blushed. It was so great to be called beautiful by him. You pretended not to notice and then folded the shirts nicely, putting them back in the van for now.
"I'll wear one of the shirts tomorrow."
"If you want to. C'mon, let's go gorgeous."
As you picked up the bags, he grabbed the boombox and got the cooler and you got the liquor and your bag. As you walked further into the campsite, you found a good place under a big tree to settle down.
"Wish I would've brought my guitar. Could've played for you. Maybe next time, though."
"Sure, that sounds great."
Few other people were around, at least not nearby, and you were glad. As soon as the tent was set up, you helped him bring the stuff to the campsite and set everything up. With clear skies and a no-rain broadcast, you were pretty certain it would be a nice night weather-wise. Now all that was left to do was find some twigs, rocks, and tree branches to make the fire.
"I can go get the branches. You can get the rocks," he suggested.
Following Eddie into the woods, you soon collected a nice bunch of rocks and he found a good bundle of firewood. Once it was all brought back to the campsite, he started the fire as you turned on the boombox and Slayer came through the speakers. As the orange and yellow flames flickered, he sat back relaxing on the grass so you took the opportunity to sit down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you tenderly.
"Well, this is rather cozy and you have excellent taste in music," he whispered into your ear. His whispering gave you goosebumps. It was nice relaxing by the fireplace with him and listening to the best music.
You turned towards him and gave him a kiss, which he deepened kissing you even harder.
"How about we get some drinks going and grill the food?"
"Sure, that's a great idea. I'm practically starved," you told him as you held him close to you.
He reached over for the cooler pulled it closer, and took out the burger patties, hot dogs, the buns, and set the liquor bottle to the side for the time being.
As the food was cooking and the music was playing, you felt you were truly enjoying yourself on a date for the first time in a while. Being with him just felt natural and nice. He was so easygoing and a guy who cared genuinely about you and your feelings. Having him there on a camping trip was the perfect date night. Your ex thought a good date night was watching a basketball game with some beers or going to a pointless and stupid game. One of the best things about Eddie was that he loved metal music, DND, and horror movies, and thought a game where tossing balls into laundry baskets was dumb because it was one of the stupidest things ever to be created.
"I brought s'mores stuff for us later. I even made some chocolate chip cookies for us for dessert."
"That's perfect. You think of everything. Thanks, beautiful."
You wondered what Eddie thought of cheerleaders and why he liked you because you didn't think you were his type or stood a chance with him. You wanted to make this time with him last as long as you could and hoped he wouldn't get tired of you because you couldn't possibly get tired of him saying you were beautiful. Any name of endearment he wanted to call you was something you embraced. It was just great to have him to talk to. Most people wouldn't listen to you and care they would pretend to. With him, things were different, and you were just so content with even sitting there next to him in silence.
"I am having the best time with you. I didn't think you would have a date night this weekend with a cheerleader, though, did you?"
"Not really, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Nice to have a new friend who I can talk to so easily. It's a great thing though. I'd like to make it more though. It's just that we haven't known each other that long yet.."
His words were honest and true, but in a way, they made you yearn for it to be more. Taking things slow could make it better. As long as you had him in your life, you would be just fine. Trust wasn't easy to come by, and you were hoping you could gain his and that he would grow to trust you with time.
"I understand. Let's just spend more time together. Play some dnd, hang out with our friends and each other. I can even teach you how to cook."
"Definitely yes to all of that and of course I want you to come and see my band Corroded Coffin play live. We play every other weekend at the hideout on Saturday. So the next show is next Saturday night."
"I'll be there."
You finished cooking the food, and you both loaded yours onto paper plates. He drank the tequila straight from the bottle before offering it to you. You took a generous swig from the bottle and swallowed it, letting it relax you as it slightly made your throat tingle, but only in the best way possible. After adding ketchup and BBQ sauce to your food, you passed the bottle between each other taking sips of it, not wanting to get too drunk too fast if you could help it. As you sat there eating with him, you looked up at the stars and the full moon. It was so nice to be star-gazing with him just enjoying his company as you continued to sit on his lap and have him hold you. Once the main course of the meal was finished, you reached over into your knapsack to get out the Tupperware of cookies and other stuff to make s'mores. As you roasted the marshmallows, you both tried the cookies.
"Amazing. I need you to bake for me like this. Whenever you want to, though. No pressure, of course. I just love these cookies."
"Thanks, Eddie. I am an excellent baker, but just wait until you get to try my cooking. It's even better."
He looked at you, quite impressed, and grimaced.
"They are delicious, and I bet your cooking is even more wonderful."
Soon your marshmallows melted to your liking, and you added the chocolate and the graham crackers. It was the perfect treat for such a windy night with clear skies like these. After you finished your s'more and another cookie, you drank a bit more of the tequila, deciding it would be the rest you wanted for the night and felt drunk. He soon finished his dessert and gazed at the stars and moon, feeling so content with life and just being there. Back home, he had problems of his own, but didn't everyone? The cassette soon ended, and you turned off the player.
"How about we just stargaze for now and talk? Lay on our sleeping bags and when we get sleepy enough, we can just go back into the tent?" He offered, as his gaze never wavered from the stars.
"Sure, just gotta brush my teeth first and change into my nightgown."
You got up, and he did too. After you both brushed your teeth and changed, you brought the sleeping bags and a few pillows and set them up near the fireplace. You had one sleeping bag laid out and used the other sleeping bag as a blanket. Eddie pulled you in close and wrapped his arms around you because he needed to feel your touch and skin. The feeling of his soft curly waves of hair against your neck and his touch was so tender and affectionate. He had strong arms, of course, and just having him next to you like that was amazing and made you feel safe.
As you talked into the night with him about friends, hobbies, past job experiences, literature, and concerts, You discovered you both loved the same video games, had the same interests in art, and loved JRR Tolkien and Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit. Most of the concerts you had been to were like Eddies. If only you had known him sooner, you could've gone to concerts together. You secretly wanted to see his band play, but were always too shy and awkward about going alone. Chrissy had been to a Corroded Coffin show once, but she hadn't been back since, mainly because of her social status and her stupid boyfriend Jason not wanting to go to a rock concert. Eddie got up during the night to retrieve his leather-worn paperback copy of The Hobbit and you took turns reading some of the chapters to each other from the light of the fire. No other guy you had met seemed to love quality books, unlike Eddie, which made you want him to be in your life more. He had awesome taste in everything and was the coolest guy you had ever met. Little did you know, but he felt the same way about you. It was nearing 1 in the morning and Eddie checked his watch for the first time all night, noticing just how late it was getting.
"Maybe we should go to bed? Get up whenever tomorrow."
"Sure. I can put out the fire for us," he offered.
You got up, and he folded the blankets and sleeping bags as you doused the flames of the fire so it would go out. Once he was with you back in the tent with flashlights being your only source of light now, you listened to the owls in the nearby distance overhead and the surrounding trees. You were facing him and holding hands as his other hand rested against his head with his elbow propped up on his pillows.
"It's been so amazing spending this time with you. Just wanted to tell you I think you are beautiful. If you think I'm being a little slow with us and apprehensive, well, it's just because the last time I was seriously dating, she broke my heart and cheated on me," he admitted, looking just a little forlorn.
"I don't blame you for not wanting to rush into things. Sometimes it's better that way. I've been cheated on, too. I have a question though. Would you like to go to the prom with me? Doesn't seem like your scene or whatever, but it would be nice to go with someone I care about who likes the same things. Even if it's just as friends."
He answered you by leaning in close and meeting your lips in a kiss.
"Yes, of course, I'll go to the prom with you. I couldn't imagine going with anyone else. I was planning on going with some friends or just stag, but with you, it would be perfect."
You felt so relieved he felt that way and glad he was going to go with you to the stupid prom. You planned on wearing something vintage and all-black, of course, to show off your true style to the entire school. What mattered, though, was going together and what he thought of you.
"I'm so glad. I heard we can request songs from the DJ. I will ask for a metal song."
"Me too. Well, goodnight." He gave you a forehead kiss and then laid back down, fully relaxing into the pillows and blankets now.
Eddie and you fell asleep pretty quickly after that and slept peacefully throughout the night.
Sometime later he stirred awake in the middle of the night, not exactly sure himself what time it was, but he felt so turned on, feeling his straining erection pushing through his pants. He was having a dream about you- that he was devouring you and making you cum for him- orgasm after orgasm it was seemingly endless. There was no way he could fall back asleep unless he took care of it. Taking his time and being as quiet as he could, he took his hardened cock out of his boxers and began to lick and spit on his hand, then stroke himself with his back turned towards you. Some moments passed as he was getting off. You stirred awake slightly because you heard soft gasps and pants as he was getting himself closer and closer to his release and thinking about making love to you with you on top. Your cheeks blushed in the dark and you stayed perfectly still, not wanting to disturb him but knowing perfectly well what he was doing. It felt good to know that he was edging himself, no doubt because of you, and hearing the sounds he was making was so sexy. Quietly and slowly you reached down towards your pants and slipped your hand inside and with two fingers slid them over your already wet, slick heat. His panting noises were so hot and you tried your best to resist the urge to make any noise so as not to make him aware of the ways you were pleasuring yourself. Soft and low moans escaped your lips eventually though as you fingered yourself and he heard you smirking widely but not making you aware he knew what you were doing. Now he was closer than ever to reach climax and you wanted to be there with him. You bit your lips, doing your best to quiet yourself, and soon a wave of orgasm rushed over your body. Moments later, Eddie was right there with you groaning as he came down from his high. You both lay there in the darkness for who knows how long, but it was so nice to secretly or not so secretly get off with him. A little later on, he reached for some tissues and cleaned himself up before going back to dreaming about you. Soon after that, sleep overtook you too, and with it came dreams of your own. Dreams about dominating him and making him do whatever you wanted him to do. When you did finally have sex with Eddie, it would be worth the wait.
Morning came sometime later and, to your pleasant surprise, you opened your eyes to find Eddie with his arms wrapped around you, and holding you close to him. It felt so nice to be there with him sleeping in and having a nice morning with him just to yourself. No friends, no family, no stupid people from school around you. He was all yours and things felt like they should be.
You woke him up with a good morning kiss and straddled his lap. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you with amusement.
"Good morning to you too, beautiful." He kissed you on your mouth, cheek, and neck.
"I think this is the best way to wake up."
"Oh yeah? Me too. Don't forget about next Saturday and the hideout."
"Don't worry, I won't."
You got up and got dressed for the day and Eddie soon did the same and brushed his teeth. Once you were both done getting ready, and packing up and taking down the tent, you got out the chocolate and glazed doughnuts from the cooler and handed him a big plastic bag with two donuts, and a carton of juice and took yours as well.
"Should get on the road we can eat in my van."
The rest of the camping site had cleared out, and it was already late morning. Sleeping in was so nice and you were grateful for that. Once you were on the road again, you drank your OJ and he drove. Soon you arrived back at your place and kissed him goodbye.
"I guess I'll see you at school, Ed's."
"I can't wait. Maybe we can have lunch together sometime."
You nodded in agreement and he walked you to your door and gave you one final goodbye kiss after he brought your stuff into your room. Once he was gone, you did your best to enjoy the rest of your Sunday with him on your mind often. Eddie himself thought about you nearly constantly and spent some time with his friends, like Garrett and Dustin. He wanted so badly to tell him about this super amazing girl he had met but wanted to wait for them to meet you themselves first.
soundtrack headspin- Butcher Babies I wanna be your boyfriend- Ramones Bad Romance- Gaga Buzz- Halestorm Scarlet- In This Moment I'm gonna be your Dog- Joan Jett Fever- BFMV Kiss the Girl- William Control For your love- Maneskin Anarchy- Lilith Czar Cinnamon Girl- Type-negative Love- Lana to be alone- Hozier funeral of hearts- HIM waiting for a girl like you by Foreigner Monstrance clock- Ghost Come undone- Bad Omens I won't forget you & talk dirty to me- Poison bad medicine- Bon Jovi a girl like you- def Leppard no one like you- scorpions dangerous- depeche mode
tag list: @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @jadeylovesmarvelxo @unholy-church01 @ali-r3n @somethingvicked @mrprettywhenhecries @daisy-is-a-writer @lovemesomeeddiemunson @stevesxyellowxsweater @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @rowanswriting @loritate7311 @edsbug @bimbobaggins69 @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @steveslittlesunflower @harringtonfan4 @emsgoodthinkin @dananahenderson @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @ofhawkinsandvecna @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @xxbimbobunnyxx @brinasdead @bunnsandroses @thescoopstroopers @undead-supernova @haceleyes @aleisashortcake @gravedigginbbydoll @zestychili @veemoon @thepurplelovewitch @spenciesprincess @ellharrington @caityboosworld @stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @littlenymphfables @voyeurmunson @kelseyaparker19 @prettyboyeddiemunson @munsons-mayhem28 @eddiemunsonfuxks
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Float Like A Feather || Whumptober Day 11 - J. Seresin
Whumptober Masterlist
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synopsis: fear does a strange thing to the human body, and you've become victim to its paralyzing affects.
word count: 2.7k
@ailesswhumptober prompt: paralyzed, adrenaline
warnings: sexual assault, work place violence, victim blaming, fear, cursing, grief, sexual harassment, mentions of retaliation, mentions of emergency contraceptives, mentions of self harm.
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Fear does a strange thing to the human body. Some, when they get scared, choose to run. They choose to get as far away from things as possible and as quickly as they can. Others choose to fight. They’ll stand in front of the gates of hell and battle their way out of it. 
And some freeze in the face of fear. Their bodies are paralyzed, unable to move. Unable to run or fight. Unable to even make a sound. 
You always imagined if you were in a situation, you’d be the one to fight back. You’re a Naval Aviator for Christ’s sake. You do the extreme every day. You’ve gone through hell and came out laughing on the other side. But in all those moments, you had been in total control of your body. You had control of the jet, the joystick in your hand as you expertly maneuvered yourself away from the danger. 
You had been utterly defenseless against him. It was almost as if you were having an out-of-body experience as he had your body pinned, your cheek smashed into the cool hardwood of his desk. You couldn’t do anything but stay still and pray that this wasn’t actually happening to you, as he forcefully pulled your pants down. Your eyes screwed shut tightly, your ears straining to focus on the clock ticking away on the wall above his desk. It would be over soon, he even told you as he held your wrists down, surely leaving bruises behind. 
“You tell anyone, and I’ll ruin your career.” He said as he tucked himself back into his khakis, leaving you still frozen in fear and lying with your cheek pressed to the desk. He bent down and placed a kiss on your cheek, running his hand over your hair, “Told you it wouldn’t be bad if you stayed still.” 
You were still frozen to that desk even as he left, shutting his office door behind him. He let out a deep sigh, plastering a smile on his face as he finished tucking in his shirt. 
— — —
Jake felt stupid. 
Here he was, 6’0 190 pounds with about 6 percent body fat, dressed in his green flight suit, carrying a bright pink Starbucks drink and a cake pop in his hand. The heads of some of the flight crew turned as Jake walked through the hangar, pink drink in hand and a scowl on his face. He wouldn’t be doing this if he wasn’t totally head over heels in love with a girl who hardly paid him any attention. But from day one, when you had totally schooled him during a dog fight, he had been in love with you. 
“Never thought we’d see the day,” Rooster spoke, “Hangman. . . drinking a girly drink with 500 calories of sugar in it. You feeling okay?” 
“Shut up,” Jake mumbled as he sat down in his chair, and placed the drink in the cupholder next to him, “It’s for Grim.” 
Rooster let out a loud laugh, “Was her diss yesterday not enough for you to get the hint?” 
“There was no diss.” 
There was a total diss. You had fired back one of Jake’s infamous “this is how you bury a fossil” lines as you left him hanging in the air and wide open for Rooster to come in and get the shot. Jake could hear Fanboy’s loud laugh over comms, congratulating you on your win and mocking Jake. He landed with a bruised ego and a semi-hard-on. 
Everyone took their seats as Maverick walked in, giving the day’s brief and starting in on the new flight plan for the week. Jake looked over his shoulder noticing, taking note of your absence. He knew that you had a morning meeting with Captain Underwood, some new hot shot that was brought on to take Mav’s spot now that he finally got prompted. It wasn’t that Jake didn’t like him, it was that Jake somewhat hoped that Maverick would stay head of the squadron. Captain Underwood just had a sort of arrogance that Jake had no time for.  
As the brief droned on, Jake was starting to get concerned. It wasn’t like you to be late for meetings like this. Jake kept checking his watch every thirty seconds or so, and glancing over his shoulder, waiting for you to appear. You were almost annoyingly on time to things, giving Jake shit for being on the dot. Hell, he was almost positive that you had never taken a sick day in your whole career. 
Rooster also noticed Jake’s strange behavior in your absence. He leaned forward, “Do you think she’s-” He whispered right as the door clamored open. Everyone turned towards the back, as you stood frozen in the doorway. 
Jake knew something was wrong just by looking at you. Your normal confidence was gone as you walked forward under the scrutiny of everyone’s eyes. You threw yourself down in your chair, not bothering to look up at Maverick. Jake had expected you to apologize to Mav and the group, and give some sort of explanation for your tardiness. But instead, you sat there, with your eyes trained downward, rubbing at your wrists. Jake looked up at Maverick, the older man’s eyes filled with confusion and concern. The two men locked eyes and Jake simply shook his head, willing him to go on and not ask you why you were late in front of everyone. 
“Anyway, as I was saying. . .” Maverick continued. 
Jake wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention to the lesson Maverick was droning on about. Instead, his eyes were on you, trying to figure out what the hell happened. 
The second the squad was dismissed for the day, you were the first one out the door. Jake didn’t even get the chance to talk to you or to offer you the watered-down pink drink that was still sitting in the cupholder. 
Your same odd behavior went on for about a month. You hadn’t shown up late again, but you showed up barely on time. You wouldn’t talk to anyone or look at Jake as you sat down in your chair and kept your eyes trained on the ground. Jake noticed that you weren’t even taking notes like you usually did. But somehow, you managed to soak in everything Maverick was saying. The second you were in the sky, you executed each drill with textbook precision. You gave minimum calls to Jake as you moved about the sky, but the two of you had been flying side by side for longer than you could remember. 
The hop for today had been anything but easy. Jake had been paying attention to the lesson and he still wasn’t sure if he understood it all. For once in his career, he was a bit nervous about going up in the air with you. He knew you wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt him or yourself, but he felt a sense of unease as he sat in the cockpit and watched as you went through pre-flight. It was as if you had been flying on autopilot these past couple of weeks, and Jake was hoping that you hadn’t turned it off yet. 
“Dagger One, you are cleared for take-off,” The tower said over comms. 
“Roger, dagger one, taking off,” Jake closed his eyes as he heard your voice. Hearing those small tidbits was all Jake or really anyone, got to hear from you. 
You moved with expert precision through the air. This is where you know you are in control. This is the one place in your life where you can conquer your fear. Jake kept up with you the whole time, reciprocating your every move and anticipating the next. You hardly even had to say anything for Jake to know what you were going to do next. It was one of the reasons why you and Jake were the best pair in the sky. 
The second your boots were back on the ground, the adrenaline was still coursing through your body. You had that giddy smile on your face as you took your helmet off and looked over at Jake. Everything felt normal. Everything felt like it should be. 
“Nice flight, Fossil,” You shouted over the tarmac. 
Jake’s head whipped towards you, his bright smile on his face, “Hey! You can teach old dogs new tricks, ya know!” 
You giggled and walked over to him, “Almost thought I lost you there on the-” 
“Ain’t she amazing, boys!” You were cut off by an all too familiar voice. It felt like ice had been poured down your spine. You looked at Jake like a deer in the headlights as chills arose on your skin. Jake’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked over your shoulder as Captain Underwood, Cyclone and some other Admirals walked over to them. 
Captain Underwood stood next to you, a bright smile on his face, “This is Grim, short for Grim Reaper. She’s one of the best, boys.” 
“Lieutenant Commander L/N,” Simpson started, “We just saw your last run with Lieutenant Commander Seresin. You’ve got some skill. The both of you.” 
“Lieutenant Commander L/N is one of the best,” Admiral Underwood said as he put a hand on the middle of your back. You stiffened at his touch but knew better than to shy away. You knew that if you did something to give anything away, things would just get worse. 
“It’s not so bad if you stay still.” 
Jake’s green eyes narrowed in on you, as Admiral Underwood talked with the Admirals and Cyclone. You were even more clocked out than you had been in the classroom. Your gaze was fixed on the ground and you stood frozen in your spot. It was almost as if you had stopped breathing altogether. 
Jake cleared his throat, interrupting the officers, “If you’ll excuse us, Admirals, we got some post-flight ops to go work on.” 
“Oh of course,” Admiral Underwood said, smiling at Jake, “I’ll see you later, right, Lieutenant Commander L/N, to work on your packet?” 
You looked up at him and noticed that glint in his eye. All you could do was nod, before turning on your heel and walking towards the locker rooms. Jake said a quick goodbye to the men, before jogging after you. You had already ditched your stuff, pacing into the locker room. 
You were trying to calm your racing heart as you placed both hands on the cool metal lockers. The adrenaline rush you had felt after flying was quickly diminished by the paralyzing fear of being near Captain Underwood. You never had any interaction with him outside of his office and for that, you were somewhat grateful. When you would leave his office, you pushed those memories to the back of your head. You willed the feeling of his hands on you out of your mind. 
Closing your eyes, you felt more in control of your breathing, as you opened your locker. All you wanted to do was go home. You wanted to go home and sit on the couch in the dark, in that oversized burnt orange sweatshirt that you had stolen from Jake on your last deployment. It had been your routine for the past month or so. Sitting on your couch and staring into the void until you fall asleep on the couch. 
“Grim,” Jake’s voice boomed as he walked into the locker room. You didn’t turn to look at him, closing your eyes again and trying to keep your heartbeat at a normal pace. “What is your problem? You were fine talking to me and then all of a sudden you go silent,” Jake asked, slamming your locker shut. You jumped, still not saying a word as you stared straight ahead, “Not gonna talk?” Jake huffed, “Fine. When your ass gets kicked out of the fucking squadron for your inability to work with others, don’t come fucking crying to me.” 
You clenched your jaw tightly, willing back the tears as Jake turned on his heel and stalked out of the locker room. When you heard the door slam, it was as if the damn had finally broke. You let out a loud scream and slammed your fists into the metal of the locker. Tears clouded your vision as you repeatedly slammed your right fist into the front of your locker until your knuckles split and there was a noticeable dent in the metal. 
— — — 
You were tired of the never-ending questions about your hand for a week. You told everyone that you had smashed it in your car door after a night at the Hard Deck. Except Jake saw straight through your bullshit. He wasn’t going to press you on it, knowing the last conversation you had wasn’t very friendly. The two of you had kept your interaction to a strictly work basis. 
It was a rainy day and you were sitting in your office, staring at the small pink box that Captain Underwood had placed on your desk while you were out at lunch. He had a strict rule that he had broken and went out to make sure that nothing would transpire from the meetings in his office. You felt sick to your stomach as you looked at the morning-after pill box. You could hear the voices of your squad outside your closed door, throwing a small foam football around. 
For once, in a long time, you wished that they were anywhere else but in the office. 
“Whoa,” You heard Rooster’s voice call out, “Where’s the fire, Nix?” 
“Where’s Mav?” Natasha asked, looking briefly into the open offices, “Where is he!?” 
You quickly stood up from your desk, grabbed the pill box, and shoved it into a drawer. You opened your door, making eye contact with a panicked-looking Phoenix. Her eyes were red, tears ready to spill. 
“He’s in a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock. . . what’s going on?” Jake had stepped out of his office, looking at his friend with concern. 
“Ad. . . Admiral Underwood,” Natasha began, but the tears threatening to spill made her choke on her words, “H-He invited me into his office ‘cause he said he wanted to talk to me about a possible promotion. He sat down on the couch next to me and h-he. . .” Natasha looked up from fiddling with her fingers, finding your burning stare from across the room. No words needed to be exchanged between the two of you. You both knew what she was going to say. 
“Did he touch you?” Jake spat, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. Rooster’s hands balled into fists, his knuckles turning white. Bob’s jaw was clenched so tightly, that Nat was scared he was going to break his teeth. 
“No,” Natasha shook her head, “He tried. He put his hand on my thigh and he kissed me. I fought him off, he said it would-” 
“Hurt less if you stay still,” You finished her sentence. Natasha simply nodded. Everyone’s heads turned towards you, both shocked that you had spoken and that you knew what Natasha was going to say. 
“It’ll hurt less if you stay still.” 
The room was silent as everyone was processing the truth that had been unraveled. 
“Grim. . .” Rooster swallowed, “Did Underwood-” 
“He’s tried shit with you?!” Jake snapped, his green eyes boring into you. You didn’t know what to say, so you just nodded. Embarrassment flooded your body as you looked down at your boots, “He touched you?” You nodded again, tears falling down your cheeks. You lifted your head and looked at Phoenix, who had tears down her cheeks. 
“Y/N, oh my god,” Phoenix shook her head. She took a tentative step towards you, but Jake stood in the way. 
“Why the hell didn’t you say anything!” Jake yelled. 
“I couldn’t!” You yelled back, tears running down your face, “He said he’d ruin my career. I-I need this! I need my job, my career! I’d have nothing.” 
“So you’d thought to keep quiet and let a monster go after your friend!” Jake scoffed. 
You covered your face with your hands as sobs left your body, “I-I didn’t think he-” 
Jake shook his head and turned towards Phoenix, “C’mon, let’s get you to someone and file a report.” 
Phoenix looked at you one more time, before turning on her heel and walking out of the office, Jake following after her. It took all your strength to not collapse right there on the floor, as the rest of the dagger squad looked at you. But you swallowed your pride and held your head up as you walked to your office. The second you slammed the door shut, you fell to your knees.
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taglist: @els-marvelvsp @sarahsmi13s @topgun-imagines @cassiemitchell @xoxabs88xox @seitmai @a-reader-and-a-writer @bradleybeachbabe @kmc1989 @senawashere @beautifulandvoid @ohtobeleah @rogersbarnesxx @oatmealisweird @dempy @devil-angel-winchester @gillybear17 @cornylovers
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mx-myth · 2 months
Little thing I wrote because everyone was throwing prompts around on the discord and I got inspired.
When Laurence was young, it was disappointing to be markless. He was never content with not having a soulmate, even with the informal arrangement he had with Edith. He remembers conversations spent together, wondering how long they would have to wait before their soulmates would be born and for their mark to appear.
He cares much less about it now. Perhaps he had felt belated horror after the initial shock ran through his crew aboard the Reliant as Temeraire first spoke and as black scales bloomed across his face. Laurence had felt nothing at the time, no physical sensation to signify the appearance of his soulmark. It was only when Temeraire was eating that Riley had stepped up and quietly told him of what had occurred.
It had taken him a long time to come to terms with having a dragon as a soulmate. But now Laurence wears his mark with pride. Black scales cover his left cheek, reaching down his neck and over the majority of his chest, inked across three-quarters of his arm and stretching down to mid-thigh. It is a huge mark, which would be looked down upon in the polite society in which he was raised. But why wouldn't it be large, given that Temeraire has dominated his life since he entered it?
Laurence remembers being reassured upon meeting the other aviators. Harcourt has lilies blooming up and down her back, she's said, and at times he can glimpse the edges of petals peeking up out of her collar at her neck. Granby has an entire bicep encircled with fire, which became immediately self-explanatory when Iskierka hatched, and even more so when he lost part of his arm. Berkley, in contrast to how large Maximus is, has scales scattered across the backs of his hands in Regal Copper red. James has Volly's colours painted up and down his legs. The Rolands both have blue and orange and white over their cheekbones. Even Little, who Laurence counts as an acquaintance verging on friend, has Immortalis around his wrists. Very quickly he learned that it was more uncommon for an aviator and their dragon to not be soulmates; his large and prominent mark apparently did a lot of work smoothing his arrival in ways he was unconscious of in the beginning.
He had worried also in the beginning whether the rumor was true that dragons didn't have soulmarks. He was afraid of him and Temeraire being different, more so than they already were. But on that front so too were his concerns put to rest.
Perhaps he should have known better. After all, he had known as soon as he looked into Temeraire's blue eyes and seen the storming, crashing waters of the sea within them, no shore in sight as the sky wheeled overhead. It was the sight that made him fall in love with the sea the first time and, he thinks fondly, scratching Temeraire under his closed eye, the sight that made him fall in love with Temeraire too.
(I have a fountain pen and so it doesn't dry up I try and write a little bit every couple of days. Most of it is temeraire-related; I'm thinking the ones small enough to not be fics technically I might post)
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pinkwright · 2 years
thinking about hbcu!shuri x hbcu!reader where shuri reveals she barely ever gets ate out as a dom top n reader offers to help her out
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duchesschameleon · 2 years
lazy day nap time
summary: Jake’s been home for six weeks when the Nap Time Incident happens. pairing: bradley “rooster” bradshaw/natasha “phoenix” trace/jake “hangman” seresin, tom “iceman” kazansky/pete “maverick” mitchell warnings: none, this a fic for all, have some fluffy family goodness! a/n: thank you @qvid-pro-qvo for letting me play in your sandbox a little, love you!! find this fic on ao3
Nicholas Peter Seresin hasn’t always had the best relationship with his nap time.
As a newborn, he had an innate sense for the moment one of his parents stepped back from his crib or out of his room and would open his eyes, crying out for them. Baby-wearing accessories became a necessity in the Bradshaw-Seresin-Trace household, Nicky refusing to nap without one of his parents in close reach.
But as he grew older, he grew more accustomed to the crib and sleeping on his own. It still took a little bit of time, but eventually he would fall asleep and stay asleep in the crib, leaving his parents to accomplish what they could while he slept in his own space.
Soon enough, nap time became a favored part of the day for Nicky as well as his parents. The more mobile he grew and the more he played, the more he would look forward to and not mess with his nap. There were still some struggles, but overall, Nicky loved nap time.
His parents enjoyed nap time even more as he grew and tired them out quicker than before.
Natasha knew she was exhausted balancing work and her son, knew that Jake and Bradley felt that exhaustion too and she honestly wondered how two parent households made it work. She knew she couldn’t do this without either of her partners, a fact made even more clear when Jake got sent on his first deployment since Nicky was born.
That deployment tested Natasha and Bradley in so many ways. In how they handled Nicky, how they adjusted his schedule to just the two of them, how they explained to wailing Nicky who wouldn’t settle for either of them that Papa is at work, overseas, on a carrier and can’t hold him right now. They leaned on Mav and Ice even more, accepted their help and company more and more as the days stretched on and the exhaustion wore them thin.
And then Jake came home, and all felt right in the world. The three of them, at home, with Nicky and spending time together, watching him grow.
Jake’s been home for six weeks when the Nap Time Incident happens.
He’s adjusted back to being home, to what Nicky’s schedule has turned into while he’s been away. The three of them slipped back into a comfortable routine of work, taking care of Nicky, and taking care of each other. This particular Saturday quickly turned into a lazy one, the first in a long time, as exhaustion settled over the family and the pull of just spending time together in the house called.
So it was a day at home, Bradley doing a little laundry, Natasha baked, and Jake played with Nicky. And when the chores were done, Bradley and Natasha joined in the play time, flopping on the floor next to Nicky and Jake.
They played and they played, watching as Nicky figured out scooting himself around the carpet and grabbed for various toys. And they played and played, chased him around, made him giggle, and relished in this uninterrupted family time. They let Nicky play through his usual nap time, until Natasha could tell he was fading and quickly approaching his over-tired and cranky state. So she sneakily started cleaning up, had the boys put on Bluey, and gathered Nicky in her arms for a family nap, the adults needing it just as much as Nicky.
They climbed onto the couch, Natasha sat in the middle but stretched herself horizontally to rest her head on Jake’s shoulder and her legs in Bradley’s lap. Nicky settled on her chest, snuggled up to her as the show and proximity to his favorite people in the world settled him down. His eyelids grew heavy, slipping closed as his breath evened out. Natasha felt herself relax as Nicky fell asleep on top of her and she could hear light snores from Jake and Bradley.
And so they all fell asleep on the couch, tangled together and happy to be there.
And when Maverick and Ice used their key to come in for dinner an hour later, as promised, they saw the family of four still sleeping. Nicky had flipped over in his sleep, hugging his mom while her hand rested on his back. Jake’s head rested on top of Natasha’s, his arm wrapped around his partner and son while Natasha’s legs were still in Bradley’s lap, with his hands resting on her shins.
Ice wrapped an arm around Maverick’s waist as they took in the scene in front of them. Mav slipped his phone out, staying as quiet as possible as he took a picture.
The shutter sound went off as soon as he hit the button to take the picture and Bradley’s eyes cracked open at the interruption. He blinked a few times as Ice and Mav held their breath, afraid they’d woken everyone up.
Bradley looked over at his family, thankfully still asleep, before he spotted Ice and Mav and the culprit of the shutter sound. Mav shrugged sheepishly as Bradley narrowed his eyes and shook his head. Ice sighed from behind Mav and tugged on his husband, pulling him into the kitchen. They started unpacking the groceries and supplies they brought over, both for dinner and just to restock the fridge and pantry for Natasha, Bradley, and Jake.
“I can’t believe you didn’t check if the sound on your phone was on,” Ice whispers to Mav as they put things away. “Such an old man, ringer on and all.”
“Hey, I thought it was off! I was on base earlier, usually it’s off when I’m there!” Mav responded harshly, also keeping his voice down.
They passed at the sound of movement from the living room, listened for Nicky’s cries to know if they woke him up or if they’re in the clear. Nicky snuffled, but made happy noises, a sure sign his parents gently woke him up.
And sure enough, Jake carried Nicky into the kitchen to say hello, big, sleepy smiles on both their faces.
“Who’s that Nicky? Did Grandpa and Poppy come over to see you?” Jake said, picking up Nicky’s little hand to wave at Ice and Mav. “Can we say hi to Grandpa and Poppy?”
Nicky rubbed his face in Jake’s t-shirt, clearly still waking up from his much needed nap. Nat and Bradley trailed behind Jake, entering the kitchen with arms wrapped around each other.
“Thanks for bringing all this over,” Nat said as she separated from Bradley to greet Mav and Ice. “You guys are life-savers.”
“Nah, we’ll leave that title to Hangman, just helping out family here,” Mav said as he squeezed Nat’s shoulders. “Snapped this when we walked in, I can send it to you if you want.” He handed his phone over, the picture of them sprawled on the couch napping pulled up. Nat smiled at it, shoulders shaking as she laughed and beckoned her partners over.
They all laughed and demanded it be printed out. And so the family nap time photo was featured prominently in multiple offices on base and two off-base homes.
And of course, it was sent to the Dagger Squad group chat where everyone zoomed in on faces and made emojis out of it, never letting anyone live down family nap time.
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hazardous-arcadia · 10 months
Welp, at nearly 40 chapters apiece, my dual FMA fics are creeping up on the one-quarter mark.
Yeah, (nearly) 40 chapters apiece and now I can say they're a fourth of the way complete.
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saintvainglorious · 3 months
I read no fic at all in May, as I was too busy devouring all nine Temeraire novels in a single month - and then spent a very happy June reading a fairly absurd amount of Temeraire fics. In honor of a Pride month well spent, here's a fic rec list!
(Divided up into categories - Laurence/Tharkay, Laurence/Napoleon, other ships, and gen)
ley lines by malfaisant/@stanleyraymondkowalski (T, 14k, 2015) Amnesia era!Laurence sees Tharkay and it doesn't cure his amnesia; a renewed friendship tinged with loss follows
Tharkay makes it to Peking intact with the news of Napoleon’s imminent invasion of Russia. Which would be all well and good, except that Laurence isn’t very intact himself.
which is like everything by sere (This_is_Sere) (G, 3k, 2024) Post-canon Laurence accidentally breaks Tharkay's heart a little, and put it back together in the sweetest way possible
A chance remark from Granby provokes an excess of feeling in Tharkay.
The Reward of Service by yunitsa/@pamphilia (T, 4k, 2016) A lovely post-canon get-together fic, where Granby puts his foot in it a little and realizations are had
‘It is no good asking me,’ Laurence said at last, pushing the pattern-book away over breakfast, ‘I am not the one–’ Not the one who would be living with the result, he had been about to say. But they had hardly accepted Tharkay’s invitation as casual houseguests.
A Soft Dawn by corvile (G, 2k, 2015) A soft and sweet Tongues of Serpents-era fic, featuring accidental spooning, self-introspection, and maybe the most romantic hand-holding known to man
Upon thinking on this feeling of jealousy, Tharkay has done some rather clever intuitive leaps involving situations both real and imagined, and he's come to a rather curious conclusion: he's a little in love with William Laurence.
all flowers in time by lastwingedthing (E, 7k, 2017) A splendid post-canon get-together where it's Laurence who pines after an oblivious Tharkay, rather than the other way around. Also, sex!
The consolations of possession.
Ship's Gossip by Spatz/@cactusspatz (M, 6k, 2019) AU where Laurence takes up Tharkay's offer to become a privateer and Tharkay joins Laurence on the ship; Laurence learns some things about Tharkay, and then about himself
Laurence is beginning to enjoy life as a privateer - though he cannot figure out why Tharkay should still be sailing out with them - when Temeraire decides to ask him about sodomy.
Dearest William by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (T, 23k, 2016) Laurence and Napoleon are pen pals! Riotously funny, until it's heartbreaking
Napoleon sends a letter to the upstart sea-captain who stole his dragon, Laurence sends one back, and a correspondence begins under the uneasy eye of the admiralty. When Laurence had admitted the matter to Granby his lieutenant exclaimed, “God, does Boney want you drawn and quartered as a traitor?” which seems perfectly possible.
i sing of arms and the man by Jack_R (M, 21k, 2020) Ancient Rome AU (and really good dragon-related worldbuilding)! Laurence longs for the days of the Roman Republic, but Rome's new emperor is rather adept at persuasion
‘You think me a far worthier man than I am,’ he says, then. ‘No,’ Napoleone says, softly, ‘I don’t think I do at all.’
L'envoyé céleste triomphant de la Maladie. Antoine-Jean Gros (1813) by VerdetCadet/@verdet-cadet (G, 3k, 2023) A League of Dragons captured-by-Napoleon fic involving a rather appalling painting and Tharkay and Granby being the world's funniest wingmen (ha)
"Given what he has done with the barest civility on my part, I cannot think what he would do with the least encouragement." “Oh, no?” said Granby innocently, a sentiment that provoked a raised eyebrow from Tharkay over his glass, and in Laurence, a strangeness in the pit of his stomach. Or: Napoleon is an enthusiastic patron of the arts. Laurence's best friends lovingly suss out his willingness to bone Napoleon for political gain and strategic expediency.
Ordinance of Fate by by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (T, 13k (WIP), 2022) *slamming hand on table rythmically* soulmate AU soulmate AU soulmate AU soulmate AU
The name comes when he is 15, and Laurence hides it immediately. Then at the age of 22 Laurence reads a letter from an old shipmate who writes that “the troops in Italy were routed by some new General of theirs, Napoleon Bonaparte-"
Doctrine on Worship by Kangoo/@youngster-monster (G, 6k, 2021) AU where Laurence becomes a priest instead of joining the Navy, and meets Temeraire anyway - but Temeraire's captain takes an interest in his dragon's new friend
“You do not strike me as a man well versed in selfishness. Perhaps you ought to try it; you might find it easier to understand my presence then." In which Laurence made a different choice, a long time ago, which changes very little in the long run.
Tender Like a Bruise by VerdetCadet/@verdet-cadet (T, 5k, 2024) Granby/Little - Granby struggles with the shame and trauma of losing his arm; Augustine Little is there for him
It is not a good time to be short an arm, if there ever was such a thing. Granby has always prided himself on his competence and his easy good cheer. Now, at a stroke, he finds himself lacking in both.
revelry by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (E, 2k, 2018) Tharkay/Laurence/Granby/Little - Post-canon Tharkay & Laurence invite Granby & Little over to visit, delightful and unabashedly voyueristic sexytimes ensue
Little suddenly turns away and throws himself down on the couch where Laurence previously sat, drunkenness making him stumble a little. He leans heavily against Tharkay, who doesn't mind, and tosses Granby a jaunty salute. “Now you must kiss him, John. I know how long you have wanted to; you will always regret it if you do not."
What comfort I can by VerdetCadet/@verdet-cadet (M, 5k, 2023) Laurence/Granby - Amnesiac!Laurence has suspicions about the nature of his relationship with Granby. Second in a two-part series, part one is also splendid! I just have a fatal weakness for the amnesia era ok
The truth of Laurence's treason comes out while Laurence is still aboard the Potentate. Laurence's half formed memories are just there enough for dangerous conjecture. Granby is there to offer what comfort he can.
That Dare Not Speak Its Name by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (E, 11k (WIP), 2024) Laurence/Granby - Laurence covers for Little and Granby and discoveries are made. The dialogue and introspection are so very delicious I'm SO INVESTED AUGH
After an incriminating letter is discovered, Granby is caught out as an invert – and everyone knows his lover is another captain. Since the companion of a common Yellow Reaper would not be spared the noose, Laurence declares that it's him. Over time, he starts to wish it really were.
Uncharted by novembersmith/@novembersmith (E, 5k, 2009) Laurence/Granby/Tharkay - Laurence and Granby are together and Tharkay is mortified, until he's given quite good reason not to be
Tharkay had had the dubious pleasure of watching Laurence and Granby being blissfully in love for several weeks now.
Foibles by VerdetCadet/@verdet-cadet (M, 3k, 2023) Laurence/Tharkay and Laurence/Napoleon, sort of - Tharkay likes roleplaying and Laurence is not displeased by the role Tharkay takes on this time
Tharkay, faced with an inconvenience he was forced to endure or a problem his mind could not set aside, found his ease by simply Not Being Tharkay for a time.
An Alchemy of Character by PepperHoney (G, 7k, 2023) Tharkay/Granby - Tharkay and Granby compete for Laurence's affections, until they find a more fulfilling use of their time
Granby and Tharkay have been watching each other court Laurence to no avail for years now. It's something of a game between them, truly, one whose success they don't really believe in anymore. It takes a long journey aboard the Allegiance for them to realise--perhaps, if Laurence can't be reached, someone else can.
Smooth Water All Our Days by 20thcenturyvole (T, 37k, 2021) Technically Laurence/Tharkay (and they're lovely here) but much more gen-focused. Post-canon, Laurence, with his family's help, gets Temeraire's political career off the ground; meanwhile, Tharkay investigates a conspiracy. Also, parties!
Laurence desires nothing more than to retire to Tharkay's estate and help Temeraire get to Parliament, for what more could he want than a place in Britain with space enough for a dragon, and the company of a dear friend? But wars rarely end so neatly. Bellicose lords, Bourbon princes, errant heirs and shadowy forces threaten to undermine the very peace that Laurence and Temeraire fought to obtain, and ruin the happiness that Laurence was just beginning to glimpse.
remember (you deserve this) by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (T, 10k, 2018) Laurence finds a different way to punish himself for the treason. Superb angst (mind the tags), and the last line of this fic d e s t r o y e d me
Laurence is pardoned for Temeraire's sake, but he manages to punish himself anyway.
Animal Husbandry by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (G, 11k, 2017) Laurence is told that Temeraire accepted Dayes as his captain, but Laurence cannot forget the dragon he's lost.
Weeks after finding a dragon egg in the Amitie’s hold William Laurence reluctantly turns away and lets the Corps take Temeraire - but he doesn’t return to the Navy. He’s not an aviator, but somehow Laurence still ends up going down in history as the instigator behind the Great Dragon Rebellion of ‘06.
Captains by StrangerWithMyFace/@agentem (G, 2k, 2010) Perscitia (my beloved!!!) has a rough day; Wellington, in his roundabout way, is there to cheer her up. I am weak for Perscitia and Wellington bonding weak i say
Perscitia encounters two men at the London covert, and one of them is her captain.
Forays Into Human Sexuality (or whatever Laurence is doing) by WerewolvesAreReal/@werewolves-are-real (G, 1k, 2024) Laurence finds out that no, actually, not every man is secretly a repressed bisexual
Laurence says, “It is wholly natural, anyway, with no women around.”
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stcverogers · 1 year
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F: it's all about you by @bussyslayer333 the four times jake knew that his girl was the one he was going to marry, and the one time he made her his wife.
F: next thing you know by @disturbedbeautywrites you and jake met at the hard deck. in the blink of an eye, you're happily married with children you adore.
F: one man's loss is another man's gain by @sebastianstangirl01 jake would never thank rooster for anything other than leading his wife to him.
F: dad's shirt by @stargazing15 you and your daughter get jake a shirt for father's day, though she's more excited to wear it than him.
F + A: oh deer by @wkndwlff jake loved you, that he was sure of. out of fear of ruining your friendship, he kept that a secret. when you're in a car accident and jake almost losing you, he had to let you know.
F: i think there's been a glitch by @folkloreslovechild jake can't help who he is when he's around you.
F + A: 5 times hangman got older + 1 time he got wiser, too by @folkloreslovechild jake had always loved you, he just never realised it.
F: jake and his sweet wife by @fireinmoonshot
F + A: always a bridesmaid by @sugarcoated-lame when the dagger squad arrived at rooster's wedding, he had given them a stern warning to stay away from his baby sister. of course, jake is never one to listen to what bradley bradshaw has to say.
F: and i know when i need it i can count on you by @carnationworld-writings jake will do anything to help alleviate some of his pregnant wife's pain
F + A: you again by @ereardon you and jake were once in love, till he decided that you needed to break up. years have passed and you've both achieved your aspirations. will this then make room for both of you to rekindle that lost flame?
F: apple pie and you and i by @honeyhenry jake realises how fortunate he is when he's surrounded by the people he loves most, his family.
F: reunions by @gigisimsonmars you and jake haven't been together long and a pregnancy scare creates uncertainty about your relationship.
F + A: beach day by @harvestleaves jake's main concern will always be his girl, even if it meant skipping out on showing rooster up at dogfight football.
S + A: stay by @sere-sins jake never spent the night, but you needed him. so he'll stay, even if it's just for today.
A: pink light by @sushiwriterhere jake seresin, in all his blonde haired glory, had you wrapped around his finger. you loved him like the earth loved the moon. he didn't.
A: past the texas line by @allbark-no-bite jake will do anything for you, there is no line he wouldn't cross.
F: let me walk you home by @fireinmoonshot jake thought that tonight was finally the night that he would make a move on you. much to his dismay, you were preoccupied the whole night. he settles on walking you home.
F + A: the worst best man by @youvebeenlivingfictional jake seresin was already an insufferable man. pit him as best man while you've the maid of honour for a wedding, you were sure to be on the verge of pulling your hair out.
F + A: hung the galaxy by @creativeashproductions the last time you stepped foot in the city of angels, you had become a runaway bride. this time, you’re happily together with a fiancé you love dearly.
F + A: would that i by @uselsshuman jake, the ever loving partner, will always be there to clean up your accidents, no matter how big or small.
F + A: the olive theory by @eternalsams on every person’s 24th birthday, they will receive an envelope detailing who their soulmate is. you’re disheartened when the contents of the letter doesn’t describe jake.
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F + A: i don’t know, blame the air force? by @gretagerwigsmuse you are hopeful in getting your end of year bonus, only to find out a big chunk of it was going to the defence budget. it didn't help that you were dating a military man.
F + A: days like this by @sometimesanalice when you've had a terrible day, bradley is there to cheer you up
F: a little bit of courage by @callsignmeiga you and bradley have reached the point in your relationship where he's ready for you to meet his found family.
F: all of the girls you loved before by @wannabeschyulersister all of the girls rooster's loved before made him the one you've fallen for.
F + A: do you want me? by @ash5monster01 rooster assures you that he wants you as much as you want him.
F: sweet encounters + sweet tooth by @junkdrawerfics rooster's first time meeting you was with payback drunkenly stumbling into your bakery, screaming for your croissants.
F + A: bad idea by @sometimesanalice rooster sees the girl that had dumped him at the hard deck, flirting with someone who definitely did not deserve her.
F + A: just roommates by @risriswrites you and rooster were just roommates, till you weren't.
F + A: rescue me by @beccaanne814 bradley is left haunted by the events of the uranium mission and seeks comfort in the one person who can give it to him.
F + A: ruffling feathers by @helloheyhihowdyheya yours and rooster's feud didn't just exist in the air.
F + S: baby come close by @bradshawsweetheart you trust bradley with all your heart, deciding that you are ready to take your relationship to another level.
F + A: pick your battles 𖥻 by @intoanotherworld23 your relationship with bradley ended on a bad note, cruel words were spat and feelings were hurt. you're both called back to topgun for a suicide mission and tensions arise.
F: baby on my left, wife on my right by @popcornlover wanting to be carried from the car into the house, you and your daughter pretend to be asleep
F: stuck on you by @teowritesthings bradley gives you the sweetest morning surprise.
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F + A: my girl by @rlphunter phoenix sets you up on a date, not knowing that you are secretly dating her backseater.
F: fix it by @lovingperfectionsblog bob was not good with women. he also should have known better than to seek advice from womaniser, jake seresin.
F: you gift bob flowers by @peachystenbrough
F: wicked game by @icegirl03 you and bob slow dance in the living room
F: baby, i'm yours by @superhornetbaby bob dials up the endearment when he's drunk
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F: 512 by @bonitanightmxres you've always thought that the guy living in apartment 512 was cute. you finally gather the courage to ask him out.
671 notes · View notes
makethatelevenrings · 4 months
Vestiges of the Past // S. Riley x f!reader
a/n: probably the last thing I post for a bit before I scuttle off into LSAT mode once more. enjoy. I just really wanted to see a fic where Simon's girl is just as uhhhh murderous as he is. And so I wrote it.
warnings: reader is military, canon-typical descriptions of violence, Simon remembers what Roba did to him, SMUT 18+ ONLY, rough sex, under-discussed kink but it's all consensual, degrading language, biting, clawing, spitting, fucknasty baybee
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The door to the dive bar creaked open as it scraped along the floor thanks to the dented hinges from one bar fight too many. Your boots scuffed along the wooden floor as you approached the woman seated at a small table with two beers in front of her. Pulling off your gloves, you stuffed them in the pocket of your hoodie and offered her a perfunctory nod.
“Laswell,” you greeted.
“Nice to see you again.” She motioned for you to sit and nudged the second beer in your direction. You took a seat and popped the cap off using the edge of the table before sitting back against the chair.
“What’s going on?” Short and to the point, she noted. Much like the masked man that typically shadowed you. Laswell had worked with Simon more than you, but she heard good things from John. So when this came across her desk, she knew she could trust you.
The blond pushed the file across the table and you stopped it with a single finger, brow raised in interest. You flipped it open and your brows furrowed as you read the information.
“I don’t understand,” you said as you lifted the papers and took in the photo of the target.
“Enrique Giraldo-Hernandez, Roba’s second-in-command,” Laswell explained. “After Roba’s death, Hernandez laid low and slowly built up the organization again until they popped back up on our radar.”
Your shoulders stiffened and you glanced up at the agent. “And why are you showing this to me?”
“In three days, 141 will be given the orders to capture him, alive, and to bring him back to American soil for trial.” Laswell pushed another manila folder towards you and watched your face carefully as you opened it. Your lips pursed, jaw tightened, and eyes darted all over the page as you took in the photos before you. One of your fingers moved to trace over the lines of the battered face in the image and you blanched at the sight of what Roba did to him.
You had seen Simon’s scars, of course. It had taken him time to take his mask off in front of you, but when he did, you steeled yourself so you didn’t flinch at the sight of the Glasgow smile and the scars that etched deep in the skin of his face and neck. You had merely pressed your forehead against his, hand stroking over the hair that curled at the nape of his neck, and stood in silence until he could breathe normally.
Seeing the images of Simon Riley’s broken body stretched out on a hospital bed after escaping that coffin made your blood boil. He had whispered some of his memories into the quiet of the night. You had traced the scars on his body too many times to count. Their ridges were a map you learned by touch alone.
“Why are you telling me this now?” Your voice was tight and laced with barely concealed rage. Was she taunting you?
“Because that gives you a three day head start.”
You left that night with a note written to Price and Simon explaining that MI6 needed your help with gathering intel.
People treated you as an outlier in the task force. The others served in the SAS while you were recruited from SFSG, a wizard at reconnaissance and intelligence. Ghost, Soap, and Gaz were the threats that people looked out for while you were just their errand girl. Simon relished in this realization as they suited up three days later to hunt down an organization that he thought was a ghost.
He remembered the first time he saw you.
Special forces recruits had gone through the first few stages of selection, whittling down the numbers to just about fifty individuals who hadn’t even gone through SERE yet. Simon was called to watch these next few rounds to ensure that the weak were culled. He had been on break for two weeks when he became twitchy so when Price offered this opportunity, he jumped at the chance.
The doors to the sparring gym were propped open, letting wind drift into the enclosed space. He heard the typical thud of bodies hitting the mat and a grunted exhale. No one was scheduled to be in here for the day and he gathered himself to yell at whatever birdbrained recruits thought they would get extra training outside of their allotted time.
He paused at the doorway and quickly realized that they weren't recruits. One of them was one of the civilian secretaries that worked on base, Beatrice, and the other was…you.
“Nice,” you said in a gentle voice. “That was a good control of your fall there. It gives you more leverage.”
You stood from the mat and offered your hand to Bea and helped her up, a grin on your face. “And you said you couldn’t take me down.”
“You’re going easy on me,” the other woman huffed. You huffed out a laugh, something easy but with an underlying sharpness. You easily knocked Bea to the ground and shrugged, offering her hand once more.
“I am.” Your inquisitive gaze glanced at the shadow looming in the doorway. “But tomorrow, I won’t go easy on you. This weekend is your chance to learn to defend yourself. Tomorrow, you’re going to be sore and tired and cranky as all hell, but you’re going to show up and you’re not going to give up until you can pin me. Why?”
Your focus returned to the woman before her. “When he comes for you, and he will, he won’t go easy on you either. So, I want you to kill them. Because it’s either you or them and I refuse to let it be you.”
Price explained to him later that you were a second lieutenant that offered to train Beatrice while she worked with the police to get a restraining order on her ex-husband. Simon requested a copy of your file from one of the women in the records office and every single woman in that room regarded him suspiciously as she gathered the files. You were a beloved figure for them, he learned. As one of the few women on base, you were fiercely protective of them, especially since they tended to be contracted positions rather than actual soldiers. But the real reason you were on the base wasn’t to help teach self-defense. No, he learned that one quickly too.
When he settled into a meeting to go over the SERE portion of training, the Ghost found himself seated across from you.
It was easy to underestimate you.
He never did.
When Task Force 141 approached the gates of Hernandez’s compound, they found the metal loosely swinging back and forth with the wind. Price led the charge into the compound, but he paused at the sight of the guards already dead on the ground. The land was cratered from grenades and gore splattered the earth. Silence greeted them as Gaz pushed open the door that was already shoved inwards. Bodies littered the long hallway, blood mixing in with the rich red velvet carpet that lined the ground. Soap stepped over a still twitching corpse to check to the right as Gaz took the left.
Simon paused in the doorway as he took in this place that housed the ghost of a man who once existed years ago, still pacing the cells in the basement.
“Someone got here before us,” Price told Laswell over the comms. The CIA agent hummed out a noncommittal sound as they moved upstairs. Simon’s skin itched under the mask. His hand trembled just slightly. The walls…he remembered these pale, yellow walls. He remembered the way they would bleed into one another as he was dragged from room to room so Roba could taunt him with the sunlight before he was forced back into his cell.
The stairs led to the office. The same office where he had a few teeth removed. His tongue slicked against the replacements that lined his jaw now. His mind ran on autopilot and his feet took him step by step by step closer to that room. That room where they played the screams of his teammates for hours at a time in the hopes that it would break him.
Price counted down on his fingers before forcing the office door open. They spilled into the room, rifles raised and fingers poised, but they found the culprit of the massacre that consumed the house. A blade hung loosely from your hands and you turned to face your lover. Fresh blood stained your face like a mask. Hernandez’s neck was gashed open and an ugly scar was carved on either side of his lips.
“It’s over,” you said. Your attention was directed on Simon. His hands stopped shaking. “It’s over.”
“The lieutenant was sent to retrieve more information regarding the compound before we sent the rest of the task force in,” Laswell explained. “But when the mission went south, she was forced to take direct action.”
“She defied orders to bring him in alive,” the officer spat. You studied the small water stain on the wooden table before you and drowned out the suits arguing around you. Laswell assured you that she had your back, but you couldn’t give less of a shit. You didn’t care what happened to you.
Roba’s organization was completely decimated. No one would be slithering out from under a rock to take over. Even if they did, you would hunt them down. No one could escape you.
“She did what she had to do to stay alive. In one hundred years, when this information is made public, what would you rather the people of England see? That you discharged a medaled officer because she defied an order simply so she could live? Or that you were more concerned that you weren’t able to question a drug lord?”
A scoff and then the scrape of a chair scooting backwards brought you back to focus. The suits stalked out of the room muttering to themselves, but Laswell was pleased with the result. You would be suspended from the field for a month for going rogue and would have to pass your recertification exams, but you were still a lieutenant for the 141.
“Nice work,” she said as you two walked down the hall towards your office.
“Why did you do it?” you finally asked the question you had wanted to voice the moment she showed you those photos. The blonde shoved her hands in the pockets of her jacket and let a sad smile cross her face.
“I know what it’s like to wake up hearing the screams of the person you love.” With that, she patted your shoulder and headed in the direction of Price’s office so she could tell him the good news. The captain was still seething at your disobedience and deceit, but Gaz assured you that he was more upset at the fact you could have died going off on your own like that.
You nudged the door to your office open and felt the hair on the back of your neck prickle. Before you could reach for your sidearm, a hand curled around your throat and threw you back against the wall. You clawed at the muscled wrist that kept you pinned and went for a well-aimed kick, but he merely avoided it with a side step.
“You know what they would have done if they captured you?” Simon snarled into your ear. His grip relaxed minutely against your skin, allowing air to slip back into your lungs, but his large thigh pinned your hips against the wall to stop your squirming.
“They didn’t,” you whispered. His hand moved up to grab your jaw and squeeze, forcing your eyes to meet his. The rough fabric of his mask brushed against your temple as he leaned in closer.
“They would have broken you. Brainwashed you. I wouldn’t have been able to save you. They would have killed you after ripping apart every last part of your mind.”
“You would have done the same fucking thing,” you snarled. Your words were muffled from the way he held your face, but you wouldn’t let his stupid fucking attitude shut you up.
“It’s different.”
“How? How is it so different? Because I’m not the Ghost? Because I’m not as big as you? Bec-”
He yanked you forward, your chest colliding with his, and released your jaw to slide his hand down the length of your arm until his gloved fingers slid against yours with a reverence seen only in a church.
“It’s different,” he reiterated. Indignation flared in your chest and you wrestled against his larger body but he slid his jean clad thigh between your legs, stopping your movement when it pressed just right against your cunt.
“Take the mask off,” you breathed. Your chest heaved with deep breaths, forcing yourself impossibly closer. He reached up and slid the fabric up, revealing the scars that Roba and his men inflicted all those years ago. Scars that you didn’t give two shits about. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and then he squeezed your cheeks, forcing your lips to part, and spat directly onto your tongue. 
You slicked your tongue across your teeth, mingling his spit with yours and then, without warning, you leaned up and bit down on his jaw. His sharp intake of breath sent a thrill of pleasure down your spine. Simon steadied you with his hand on your waist. His fingers curled against the plush skin of your ass and you craved the feel of him against your skin.
“I did it,” you said softly once you pulled away, revealing the slight imprint of your teeth at the hinge of his jaw. “Because the only mark I want to see on you is one I give you.”
His dark eyes studied your face and traced over every wrinkle, line, and blemish. The sincerity in your gaze. The way your pupils expanded.
His nimble fingers yanked the zipper of your pants down and you got the hint, quickly kicking them off along with your boots. He captured your lips in a searing kiss as you worked your hands under the soft cotton of his shirt and ran your fingers along the ridges of his abs. You only broke apart so you could yank his shirt over his head with yours following. He grabbed a handful of your ass and you groaned against his mouth as he kneaded the soft flesh and dragged you impossibly closer. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he easily took your weight. Simon carried you over to your desk and in one sweep of his hand, everything was scattered onto the ground.
Including your monitor.
“You get to explain that one,” you said dryly. His only response was to lay you back against the wood and grind his still-clothed cock against your panties. A hitched gasp escaped you and he bent down, pressing his lips against the swell of your breasts as his hand reached behind you to unclasp your bra. Simon bit down on the top of your right breast and sucked, leaving a dark mark of his own. Your hands flew to his shoulders and you dug your nails into his skin. He grunted as you dragged your hands down, but he continued lining your skin with hickies.
When Simon finally stopped his assault on your tits and stood up straight, you took in the sight of the scarred Adonis before you. He was so beautiful, even if he didn’t believe it. Your fingers traced the scars that adorned his chest and he captured your hand in his, raising it to his lips and placing a delicate kiss against your wrist. Your eyes fluttered shut at the intimate action, as if seeing it would ruin the moment.
“It’s different,” he explained as he ground his bulge against you. “Because you’re mine. And I won’t ever let them take what’s mine from me again.”
Smooth plastic slid over your wrist and your eyes snapped open just in time to see him secure zip tie handcuffs around one of your wrists. He snatched the other before you could fight him and bound your hands together, leaving you spread out on your desk in only your underwear.
“And clearly you need to learn that lesson,” he rasped. The cold metal of his pocket knife slid against your ribs and you felt the fabric of your underwear give before he slit the straps of your bra and yanked it off. You squirmed under his gaze, suddenly self-conscious about being so exposed like this. Did he lock the door? What if someone came in?
Simon palmed himself through his jeans before he undid his belt buckle and slid it out of its loops. He considered it for a moment and then folded it up and laid it on the desk next to you. A whine escaped you and you pressed your thighs together at the thought of him using it. He chuckled, one hand stroking your cheek and the other pushing his jeans and boxers down.
“Don’t worry, love. I always treat my things well.”
The scent of him invaded your senses as he shoved his mask between your parted lips, forcing you to taste the sweat and smoke that clung to the fabric. He grabbed your ankles and settled himself between your legs, hooking each of your legs around his waist. Simon grasped his thick, solid cock and rubbed it against your cunt. Fuck, normally he ate you out or fingered you open before he did this. There was no way you would be able to fit hi-
Your eyes rolled back as he slid into you, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he bottomed out in one stroke. A muffled scream escaped you as his cock speared you open, but you were thrown more by the sudden pleasure than any pain. Had he fucked you so much that you were carved out for him?
“Feel that?” His breath washed over your face as he pressed his weight against you, grinding himself deeper than you thought he could possibly go. “You’re made to fit me.”
You tried to move your bound hands down to touch your clit but he smacked your cheek and yanked your hands above your head. Simon pressed his palm against your cheek as leverage while he pulled out of your aching cunt and then bullied himself back in. You let out a desperate whimper and he clicked his tongue.
“No complaints,” he chastised. “You wanted this, right? That’s why you’re so insubordinate. So irritating. So fucking stupid. But you’re my stupid girl, ain’t that right?”
Your head swam from pleasure and tears dripped down your cheeks as he began to rail you. Holy shit, the two of you had done kinky stuff but this was another level. Your pussy clenched around him and he chuckled low in his throat.
“You like that, huh? Being my little cocksleeve. Being my pocket pussy. Took on a whole fucking cartel but at the end of the day, you’re just a mindless little slut.”
A whine escaped you and you tried to babble something through the soaked fabric of his mask, but you were just consumed by Simon. You should be ashamed right now, being reduced to this mewling, quivering little fleshlight. But your skin burned with want as he grabbed your hips and just started pounding into you. Anyone walking by could hear what was going on and know. You strained against the zip ties to no avail. None of your strength or smarts were on your side right now.
“If they caught you, they’d break this pretty little mind of mine,” Simon snarled. He ripped his mask out of your mouth and forced three fingers into your drooling mouth. Once sufficiently coated, he silenced you with the gag once again and reached down to rub harshly at your clit.
“You understand me, woman? You’re. Mine.” Each word was punctuated with a harsh thrust and a slap to your thigh. Pleasure shot through you at each strike and you clenched around him. He chuckled and pulled out of you before grabbing your hips and easily flipping you onto your stomach. Simon wrapped his hand around your throat and yanked you back so your back met his chest.
And then he just started pounding into you again.
Drool pooled at the corners of your lips and spilled over the edges of the makeshift gag. You slumped against his hold and accepted your fate as his little cockwhore. Because holy shit, he was hitting that little spot in your cunt that made your vision blur and your mind turn to mush. His balls slapped against your clit as he rammed into you and you could feel yourself starting to fall apart at the seams.
“Should keep you like this forever,” he breathed against the soft skin of your neck as he mercilessly fucked you. “Naked and chained to my desk so I can use you anytime I want.” His fingers came down to rub circles against your clit and you choked out a gasp. His other hand curled around your throat and he added just enough pressure to make your lungs burn and that tidal wave of pleasure finally crashed over you.
The second he felt your cunt pulse around him, Simon buried his cock as deep as he could and spilled into you. He bent down and captured the skin of your shoulder in his teeth, leaving an imprint behind but just shy of drawing blood. You were too fucked out to think of the pain. Your hands twitched uselessly in front of you as he rubbed you through the aftershocks of your orgasm and then kept going until you were whining from the overstimulation and pulling away from him the best you could. He stopped his torture on your sensitive nub, but his hands continued roaming along your body.
What a fucking sight you must be. Fucked hard, spread out on your desk with your tits pressed against the rough wood, sweaty, cum-filled, and crying from the pleasure. The mental image made you clench again and the wraith behind you let out a grunt. You waited for him to start fucking himself dry into your sensitive little cunt, but instead he inhaled deeply and stilled your squirming. His hand stroked down the length of your spine and as he slid his cock out of your folds, he placed a delicate kiss to the base of your spine. You pushed his mask out of your mouth and smacked your lips in an attempt to wet your mouth.
“Done being mad at me?” you asked, voice rough from your muffled screams. His lips met a scar that marred your shoulder and he nestled his face against your neck. He nipped at your earlobe and then soothed the sting with his tongue before nosing against the bite mark he left on your shoulder.
“Was never mad at you, love.” The snick of his pocket knife opening was your cue to loosen your hands so he could cut the zip ties off with less risk of hurting you. His thumbs ran over the depressions they had made into your wrists and he brought your hands up to worship your wrists, your palms, your fingers with delicate kisses. You started to sit up and he immediately moved to steady you and pull your body against his chest. Tilting your chin up, you met his gaze and found nothing but devotion present in those dark eyes.
“If you ever.” His hand smacked against your ass and you jolted but he was already kneading the flesh and soothing the sting. “Up and leave to go on a suicide mission again, I will find you, drag you back here, and kill you myself.”
“I had to, Si,” you murmured, your forehead pressing against his bicep. One of your hands traced the nasty scar below his ribs from that fucking hook Roba had in the cells.
“I know. Doesn’t mean I like it.” His lips met your temple. “I’d do the same.”
“You have,” you reminded him. He huffed out a laugh and shook his head.
“‘S not a joke, love.”
“Never was, Si.”
He curled his massive body around you and tucked your head into the crook of his neck. In a moment, the two of you would get dressed and walk back to his room on base. You would wash each other in the tiny shower with the lukewarm water and you would discuss the Man City score and if England had a chance to get the cup and what color curtains you would put in the kitchen.
But right now, you savored the puff of every breath he exhaled against your skin. It was a reminder that, despite Roba’s best attempts, despite his father’s cruelty, Simon Riley was still here, living and breathing, and you would worship him for every moment you had. He extracted himself from the cocoon of safety he had encased you in and bent down to rifle through his jeans for something. A chill swept across your skin and he noticed instantly, his eyes darting around the room for anything to cover you with. You had a throw blanket tossed in the corner of your office for when it got cold and he retrieved it. As Simon wrapped the soft fabric around you, one of his hands stroked along the calluses of the fingers on your left hand and you felt the weight of his devotion settle across your skin.
“Yes,” you breathed into the silence of the night. Simon let his lips press and linger against your forehead as you looked at the simple ring that now adorned your skin.
You took on the worst parts of him without fear. You faced down what tried to destroy him and, in turn, destroyed it. The Ghost didn’t believe in attachments.
Simon Riley would marry you tomorrow if he could.
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sarcasticbeanie · 7 months
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Know who you are, and adorn yourself accordingly.
Based on fic from @sere-allwehaveisnow
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autisticandroids · 1 month
rarepair fic recs
slipping in my rarepair recs within hopefully like an hour of the deadline. for @spnficrecfest. i'm basically taking rarepairs to mean "anything but The Big Two" so like. if you wanna quibble with calling, say, megstiel a rarepair, that's the definition i'm using.
i actually have a bunch of other rarepair fics on my other lists: casjimmy, samlucifer, sastiel, samruby, and annamary here. crowstiel, deancaslisa, deancasmeg, daphne/emmanuel, and cas/rachel here. draowley here. dagonkelly here. raphael/naomi, deanpala, deancassie, sastiel, mary/naomi, megjo, and rowena/ofc here. samlucifer here. and megstiel on i think literally every list i've made so far. i'd also like to point you in the direction of a dark femslash reclist i made earlier this year.
anyway, rarepair fics in order of wordcount:
i could be kindly by anti_ela, .5k
deanalastair. well, it's exactly what you think.
the replacement by ravenspear, .5k
meg/nick (yes lucifer's vessel nick). meg won't kiss him until his mouth is cold enough.
buy you a round by nevcoleil, .5k
deanhenriksen. they meet again after jus in bello.
vessel by transgenderism, 1k
deancasmeg in season seven. and Gender.
wherever they roam (the sum of our influences) (orphaned work), 1k
deancasmeg. dean and meg met in hell. dean and cas met there too. all three meet again, topside.
aching everywhere by discoxena, 1k, chose not to warn
sammegjo. a seduction, rather than what we see in canon, and that makes it worse in the end.
another perfect moment (that doesn't feel like mine) by lesbiansailor, 1k, chose not to warn
alex jones/krissy chambers. munchausen's by proxy in a wayward sisters setting.
last call by angelszn, 2k
cassie/cisfem dean, in season three. one last phone call.
the pain in the end is all in your memory by filthyfealty, 2k
crowley/transfem dean. an exploration of what it's like to be a demon, and a girl, and dean winchester.
always sere, never blooming by smilla, 2k
deanvictor, after a hunt.
baby steps by angelszn, 2k
missouri/cisfem sam. sam has brain damage, so dean takes her to the only other psychic they know for help. i'm kind of obsessed with sam's characterization in this one, not gonna lie.
and the devil makes four by vaguesurprise, 2k
destiel, crowstiel, meanstiel, oh my! cas likes demons.
new religion (bring you to your knees) by electricskeptic, 2k
megstiel. meg realizes just how faithless cas is in season six.
the wrong game with the wrong chips by a_diamond, 3k
endverse cas/risa. they talk about being dean's discard pile.
the thing about glass slippers by krisomniac, 5k
deanhenriksen. dean allows himself to be temporarily transformed into a woman in order to go undercover and seduce henriksen. she likes it.
end of days (orphaned work), 5k
megstiel and deancasmeg in a pacific rim au.
one night by reapertownusa, 7k
deanhenriksen. a last encounter, three weeks before the deadline.
proxy by bleedingink, 8k
samcasmeg. three people in two bodies, and enough tension to cut with a knife.
grace by nerdylittleangelenthusiast, 13k, violence and mcd
crowstiel. a season twelve mpreg story. cas is on the run with kelly, and crowley is so sweet on him. abandoned but i would rec it anyway.
masters by twisted_slinky, 15k, noncon and violence warnings
deanmeg and megstiel. a story about meg from season three to season seven, as recounted by the demon herself. remember when meg said "i apprenticed under alastair in hell, just like your brother, so dean, can i make crowley do whatever i want?"
the passenger by hansbekhart, 34k, violence and mcd warnings
deanhenriksen. victor survives jus in bello, but just barely. when he's back on his feet again, he goes to meet the winchesters.
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yurnu · 2 months
A Father's Wrath. by CrimsonFucker05
Por favor aceptas este fanfic y leerlo, y dime cual es su opinión (la historia de fondo de Adam HH te hará querer abrazarlo🥲🫂) .
Mientras que usted lo leas, tengo unas preguntas para ti, 🧐¿Si Dios es Omnipresente eso significa que en todos tu Aus, Dios es el mismo?, ¿Cuál sería la reacción o opinión de Dios, si viera que hay fanfics de Él (fanfics que salieron después del estreno de la serie) donde trata a Lucifer como si fuera su "hijo" favorito incluso si cometió el "error" de llevar el mal a la Tierra y apoya a (también "nieta" favorita) Charlie su proyecto sobre la "Redención", y trata a Adam como si fuera el malo?.
Ya que no nos quiere spoilear sobre el castigo de todos lo personajes de Hazbin Hotel de Au Divina Consecución, nos puede describir con una sola palabra o emojis el destino de cada personajes (especialmente de Charlie, Lucifer y Niffy) 😈😼
Sabes me imaginé algo gracioso, mientras que Dios está repartiendo madrazo a todos, me imagene a Michael cuidado a un Adam resucitando y confundido. 💙🥰🙂‍↕️
||🪽 Divina Consecutio 🪽||
Leí ese fic y AMO la forma de escribir del autor, ame las escenas de peleas, AME cuando ROR Adam le arrancaba de apoco las alas a Lucifer (y un brazo) y luego lo dejaba hecho pulpa en el suelo del círculo de la pereza. También ame como no logro pelear contra Roo!Eva y Caín fue hacia él en un intento de protegerlo y luego ver sus inseguridades es tan ¡AAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Los últimos dos capitulos de ese fic me hicieron llorar, toda la mierda por la que paso HH Adam y como en la última actualización ROR Adam lo consuela es tan bello y acaricia mi alma.
Con Dios la verdad es que no quiero involucrar un multiverso, ya que eso implicaría meter a Templar! Adam ya que pelea con monstruos que viajan atraves de Dimensiones. Así que hay un Dios por cada universo mío, los cuales en su mayoría están durmiendo.
Si mi Dios viera esos fic/universos (los cuales yo evito como si fueran la plaga. No me molestan, solamente que no son para mí. Aclaro esto ya que nunca puede faltar el usuario que se toma personal esto por alguna razón) estaría horrorizado y consternado al ver un homólogo o alternativo suyo tratar al architraidor y al anticristo como seres preciosos mientras que a Adam lo trata como si fuera basura. Y debido a eso mimaria por cuatro a Adam y a Jesús y su odio por Lucifer crecería más.
En cuanto los castigos.
Alastor: 🧎🦿👹
Niffty: 👹👊
Angel Dust: 👹🐙
Sirpentious: 👹🦠🦴🩸🔧
Husk: 👹🃏🔥
Vaggie: 🪽👁️🩸
Charlie: 🧠 🥀💧
Lucifer: ???
Aunque esa última escena no pasará, es muy chistoso imaginarlo. Dios destruyendo todo en el infierno y Adam mirando todo con confusión mientras que está siendo abrazado por Michael.
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a-pepper-honey · 2 months
I've been tagged by @andro-beaurepaire to post my current WIPs and sketches and uh. Now is the time to hide in a hole because I haven't drawn in weeks/months actually.
The only recent sketch I have is this portrait of the count of Monte Cristo:
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So I'm going to cheat a little and post old unfinished stuff or quick doodles! All of them are Temeraire:
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(I already posted the Tharkay in a kilt on the Tem discord server but I still love it and at this point I'm already cheating, so.) (It's fanart for @sere-allwehaveisnow's lovely fic Scenes from a wedding, everyone check it out now)
I'm leaving an open tag for this one, anyone who wants to do it feel free to go on and tag me in it! <3
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wildtornado-o · 5 months
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Art for the wonderful fic Scenes From a Party by @sere-allwehaveisnow plsplspls read it it's so fun and silly and also part of a very good series of fics <3 love seeing these guys stuck in modern settings sm...
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council-of-beetroot · 2 months
For live your fandom asks! 3, 9, 12
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate.
Probably Austria because it makes me very happy to make him Jewish.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
If a fic is written well I will enjoy the ship like your amepan fics I don't usually search out ships involving either Alfred or Kiku but nonetheless I enjoyed them. I haven't read the manga enough to understand Robul but I like the art of it.
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
You of course, @samrut for the iconic liet art, @leafyleaf657 for rp, there's quite a few newer people to me such as @kisskisscantfallinlove and @un-ionizetheradlab that I have only recently talked to but are great
And shout out to @canislycaon24 you are always liking my posts even the ones I don't even like.
Also shout out to @waraja12 and @sere-ness-ima
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