bloomingtalent · 4 years
At first, everything was dark - like someone had put a blindfold over her eyes. But her senses were slowly coming back and with it, a dull headache as if someone had placed a large load onto her head. She shifted a little before slowly opening her eyes. The surrounding was blurry at first before stone walls came into her view and she let her eyes wander for a moment before noticing that she seemed to be in a dimly lit room...or cave. She wasn't entirely sure. But how did she end up here?
And she slowly began to remember - it wasn't much - but she did remember that red cloud pattern...and a large, red scythe.
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And the realization hit almost immediately - she had been kidnapped by the Akatsuki!
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apocalypsxmaidxn · 4 years
 Stepping into the light of the portal hoping she did the chant correctly this time and shielded her eyes bit when the light hit her, wait..this place wasn’t Azarath nor did it look nothing like it! Maybe her touch was starting to fade because Raven just couldn’t seem to get the spell right. Among examining the realm , it was quite beautiful , there were so many trees, butterflies and the sun was shining like in the summer back in Jump City. 
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If only there were more clues , maybe if she wandered around for a minute maybe she’ll get an idea . Just as she started to walk, she felt or thought she heard someone around her. “Whose there? No point in hiding.”
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aoiiryoku · 4 years
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@serasarc requested: A4 + Tomura? :')
x. / accepting.
                                                   he pissed--
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sxnguinedoll · 4 years
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She’s yelling from down his balcony.
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This wasn’t how it was suppose to end. It wasn’t like he could do anything  either, trapped like a rat really. Disgusting even to his mortal mind. Sheer stubbornness was why he’d even been lasting so long in this game of cat and mouse. This was no game for him, it was simply torture. It felt like the very fraction he was of his family, what he had of his father was being ripped away. It was agonizing, drawing short noises of pain from him every second he spent in this thick fog that swarmed the forest. Really every second was more blood being split, really he wasn’t surprised that more demons began to occupy the area, searching for his ‘mortal’ blood. It’s only then that the dirt becomes futile, the air suddenly surrounds his body and the next thing he knows is his body aches, face down in the dirt and on his side. 
He’d been caught, thrown into the air and he’d landed on his side. Blood staining the Robe of the Fire-Rat, which wasn’t new but it felt terrible deep down to have the precious accessory. Really he should have been paying more attention, not focusing so much on trying to get out. He should have just waited it out, hid in the trees or something. His muscles strained, pushing his front half of his body up to glance. To see the writhing monstrosity of the demons body, ugh tentacles really? Was that just becoming mainstream now? Disgusting.  It’s the fact something cold runs through his entire body and he can’t move. Something rips away from him and it’s like his body has gone numb. He can feel the limbs coil around his torso, lifting his limp frame into the air. A glance down reveals the gaping jaw with saliva dripping from horrendously sharp teeth, the fog was coming from this thing. It...paralyzed him. He’d fought against geese with more empathy and skill than this thing, using dirty tactics to get what it wanted. He could hear the whispers, the other demons gathered around to see if they could scavenge anything of his soon to be dead body.
Instead the limb suddenly coils around his body so fiercely feeling and movement comes rushing back and a guttural scream emits form his throat. It feels like a rib popped or snapped, his body writhing in agony as he can’t move to try and appeal his injury, it’s targeting his earlier wound. Small fractions of it’s limbs gripping into his flesh and digging deeper into it. It feels like it’s going to tear him apart from the inside out! A choked noise escapes him as blood drips from his wounds, his injuries and mouth. It was doing everything it could to get every last noise out of him until he finally perished. He couldn’t even stop his body from reacting, from each agonizing noise drawn from his throat until finally it’s a mangled choke, nothing left as he’s finally dropped. To the jaws of death waiting below him.
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dokuhebi · 4 years
❛ no. i will flee no more. ❜ - from crona :3
THE WITCHER 3 PROMPTS // @serasarc​  Shinobi children, even in an era of peace, had a mean streak that hailed from upbringing. With emphasis being placed on strength, praise given freely to whichever child could be the top dog. Such a skill was essential in battle, but made for poor socializing. Crona however, was not a child hailing from such an upbringing. Instead, they were nurtured, if one could use such a kind word, on the principle they were to be obedient, timid and subservient. While Orochimaru worked subtly to guide and rehabilitate Crona in to someone more confident, trying to lend their own reassurances and hoping their habits would be contagious, it is a slow process.Taking Crona to the shinobi academy had been a huge step, but it was nowhere near the biggest hurdle the child would face. Teachers may be daunting, however not nearly as daunting as other students would turn out to be. Weakness was scented like blood in shark infested waters, and the more unruly ones in the class were bound to test their new potential classmate. The serpent was not allowed to be present during a school day, it meant their newly adopted child would be left to fend for themself, amid other youngsters defending themselves in equal measure. It had been brought to their attention that Crona simply wasn’t fitting in, that the environment was not suiting the sensitive childs needs. In short, the serpent determines, this teacher was informing them that bullying was happening. That Crona placed a target on their own back by not having the tools to properly defuse or retaliate conflict. The parent hadn’t been far, suffice to say they had their doubts leaving them there to begin with. When they arrive, sauntering in to the training field, they spot the problem group eyeing Crona rather quickly, but patiently wait for the child to be brought to them. As to not ruin Crona’s day further when being collected by their parent in the middle of class. It is once alone with the child that they hear the rather surprising words, when they offer them a way out to back track from this originally made agreement, “there are other schools, with fewer classes and students, specializing in one on one training,” they offer upon reuniting with the pinkette, a hand placed upon their shoulder. They’re not disappointed, at least the effort had been made. However their offer to guide Crona out of his lions den is rejected, and how rewarding it is to see the slight fire in young eyes. To hear determination of the heart, to hear them speak of standing their ground. It brings a smirk to their lips, impressed, and not shy to show it in their golden gaze. That their faith in the demure child, their belief Crona had potential to be unlocked, was nowhere near misguided. “Very well, then I hope to see you prove me right when you prove them wrong.”
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shirokodomo · 4 years
|| Dark Sentence Starters||
@serasarc​ has sent:  ❝You deserve this. You deserve it. Don’t kid yourself.❞ - from naraku
He found himself in a place he never thought he would be: the basement of Naraku’s lair, the place his creator would only use for two purposes, one was to recover himself from his weakening day, the other was to keep prisoners.
Hakudōshi was currently the latter.
The demon child could say that he didn’t remember how he had ended up like this but he would be lying; his thin, pale, wrists tightly held above his head by slimy tentacles, another one held him around his neck -and from time to time he could feel it squeezing hard, making it hard for him to breathe-, a third tentacle, much larger than the others, pierced his abdomen from one side to another. It didn’t cause him pain but it prevented him from regenerating quickly.
He had betrayed Naraku and he hadn’t cared if his creator found out about it. But he hadn’t exactly planned to be captured by him.
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Violet eyes stared into the red hues of his maker as the child raised his head, he attempted to keep his face devoid of any emotion.
❝ I betrayed you, I won’t deny that... ❞ it was impossible to deny it anyway, there was also a chance of Naraku having found out about the plotting much earlier than he had intended...he would try to confirm that later.
❝ What will you do now, Naraku...? Keep me here? Torture me as much as you want...I don’t feel any pain. ❞ that was when the smirk formed on his childish features, showing the same wicked expression he had inherited from his maker  ❝ You can’t kill me either...not without killing yourself in the process. ❞   
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snxkehxps · 4 years
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Send "Best Seat in the House" for My Muse's reaction to Your's sitting in their lap suddenly @serasarc​​
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He was reading the news paper at the time, busy lost in a world of mayhem and destruction, the tale of violence in the streets and the gutters running red with demonic blood....But that was a Tuesday for you. It seems there was not much of any interesting stories today..
Pentious was about to put the paper away and retire to his lab to start work on some things when he felt the sudden body sitting in his lap...Or what somewhat counted as a lap. The Snake narrowing his pink neon eyes and suddenly shoving the spider off and onto the floor, it wasn’t so much to be mean as more of a reflex from aversion to being suddenly touched..
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“What do you think you are doing?! Hassssn’t anyone taught you to just not sssneak up on someone like that when they do not expect it!” He wasn’t angry, just slightly surprised and irritated..
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hanabiira · 4 years
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( Misc. sentence & symbol starters )
@serasarc​ said: 
“Come watch the sunset with me.” - from grimmy :3
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She’d seen him around before, that blue haired arrancar. Helped Urahara and company during the war. He was rather volatile she thought. Guess he decided to hang around? It was weird, the way he just shouted at her out of the blue, barking at her from afar. Watch the sunset? Was that a joke? A taunt? 
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bloomingtalent · 4 years
Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship?
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Hinata leans more towards the submissive type as she was never one to lead anyone. And since she trusts and loves that person, she doesn't see a need to become dominant either. Unless her own wellbeing or her kids are affected. Then, she'd try to either talk to her significant other, going so far as to stand against them in extreme cases or leave altogether. How she acts in Boruto from what I've seen doesn't count.
But RTN! Hinata is totally dominant! She won't take anything - even from her boyfriend!
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dynamitem · 4 years
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@serasarc​ -  "💎💎💎" - from villain!deku // Symbol Meme. // Accepting.
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‘‘Green, still a nerd, i don’t love you any less’‘.
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whimsical-elegance · 4 years
this is what happens when people don’t have hobbies. -from sesshomaru
𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑒 𝒜𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔:         BUZZFEED UNSOLVED SENTENCE STARTERS I  —   quotes pulled from the youtube series hosted by ryan bergara and shane madej. feel free to make alterations. (For Sesshoumaru)
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[皮肉❀]::                                                                     “Oh? Is it? Does this mean you’re getting yourself a hobby then? My widdle puff muffin?~”
::That was mama, always turning comments on their heads~! Especially with her son.::
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shinvcho · 4 years
Happy (late)Birthday Shinsou !!
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@serasarc​ said; Happy Birthday Shinsou - from Izuku !
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"Thank you, Midoriya"
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@bombhero​ said; "Happy Birthday or whatever, creep."
"How generous of you blasty ~"
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"But, you put in a good mood" that he even bother to remember and congrats him? It was more heartmring then it should comming from the blond "Thank you"
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@bcnnymama​ said; She gives Shinso the new PS5 for his birthday. To: The Sugar Plum
" What.how..I.." that was a way to generous gift but at the same time she was pro - number 5 even. She probably earned more then she knows what to do with either way. And it would unpolite to not accept.
He just isn't used to getting present - less something so expensive.
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" T-thank you"
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sxnguinedoll · 4 years
"Happy birthday, Toga-chan!" - deku offering up a small plate of cookies - messily decorated like a cat's face.... he's not the best at cake decor. :')
Symbol Meme. // Accepting Today.
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All those cookies for her?!. Oh wait, no!. That wouldn’t be fair. 
‘‘Izuku-kun, let’s dig in, if you say no, i will stab’’, she get those urges, sometimes but she’s in the middle of learning to hold back.
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historias-multorum · 4 years
Nnoitra throwing a bucket of holy water on Nel. "MELT WITCH MELT." :')
Nel’s reaction at this very moment:
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fornicaras · 4 years
"Ya just a twinkie filled wit strawberry creme..." - from nnoitra :')
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“You KNOW, Nnoitra. There is a joke to be made there, but I will spare you the details.”
He just waves a hand and smiles lewdly, even licks his lips for good measure. He knows how much it BOTHERS Nnoitra when he says things like that, and why shouldn’t he have a little bit of fun once in a while? 
Regardless, he marches on straight ahead, inspecting the alchemical supplies in that MUSTY Shinigami’s lab. 
“We are helping these bastards for the moment, so I am sure that that miserable little CLOWN won’t mind parting ways with some of his goods, right?”
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