cerseiwexler · 11 months
So it surprises Kim when Jimmy comes to her one afternoon just as she’s wrapping up to go home for the weekend, placing his hands on her desk and looking her square in the eye. “Kim. Will you come to a burlesque show with me tonight?”
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watasemasaru · 11 months
"...Last I checked sexual tourism doesn't usually include a divorced cop in his thirties, so what do you want?"
send a 🌹and i'll post a random sentence from a random wip!
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feydrautha · 11 months
From the current chapter-in-progress of La Morte e la Fanciulla:
Resa didn’t know what relationship Capricorn and Basta had after years in the real world, but if it had remained the same as it has been in Inkheart, his anger was directed at losing to his enemies, not any personal attachment to Basta or any of the others.
(Send me a 🌹 to get a sentence from one of my WIPs)
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corgoship · 2 years
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The deleted scene where what now???
Okay okay so I'll cover this properly in the post but. I don't believe they ever shot the full scene (half of it is available on youtube) but there was a piece of the season 1 script floating around, extending the scene in season one where Walt asks Jesse to buy stuff for the new cooking method (aka the "yeah mr. White yeah science!" scene). Anyway the realtor lady walks in on Walt holding Jesse's face bc he's a freak and awkwardly introduces them as "the owner and his... friend." (that part is on yt) Then she's supposed to tell the potential buyers something like "yeah i know, gay couples usually take better care of their homes". Girlbossed too close to the sun to be included ig 💔
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steviatea · 1 year
🌈🎈for the ask game
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
i'm not sure if "really fucking hard" counts for this, but i do have a few that i did some fairly extensive research on (or, more extensive than usual)! for Aftermath, i did research on the experiences of patients in the ICU/on ventillation. for things that are beautiful and transient, i did basically surface-level research but i learned more about Prague than i normally would! (both are lydia survival stories hehe)
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
i think it definitely has changed and evolved over the years as i've gotten more experience with writing! when i was a teenager, i was glued to a thesaurus whenever i wrote to make my writing seem more interesting or unique, haha. what i aim for now is more "easy to read but descriptive and to-the-point" --- no idea if my writing style feels that way to others, but i just try to let whatever i'm writing flow freely!
thank you for sending these in! 🥰
(meme link)
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bluestockingbaby · 2 years
🎁 Hannibal Lecter!
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el-michoacano · 2 years
Aurelia definitely calls Domingo Bambi. He's got that vibe! 😂💖
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catboyelimgarak · 4 months
With the mirrorverse garashir posted in the prompt list fic, I’m gonna ramble a bit on what I thought could possibly be for them (atleast one way anyways, bc I had a more simple possibility in mind at first). It’s also very inspired by another good fic Ive read along these lines that really fucked me hp emotionally in a good way, I’ll def add the title in tags. But it’s A typical fanfic of drama angst slow burn to good ending.
But like, Gul Garak is able to take Captain Julian as pretty much a bed warmer and Julian intends to escape (gets communication to his crew that he’s still alive) but the selfish tired part of his mind is just “we are living a comfortable life, the sex is great now that you have it and it’s new style, and Garak is such a sad little loser he wouldn’t want you hurt or sent away.” And so he just slowly accepts it all despite knowing it’s also killing him inside and his strength to fight.
And after a while and a fight with Intendant Kira that makes Garak desire even harder to kill her and take control, Garak goes home and realizes the fire in Julian is no more and he’s looking lifeless and listless in every way (especially physically). Always stuck in Garak’s quarters even tho before Julian demanded being let out to atleast walk, Garak doesn’t like this Julian, he liked the rough tussle and fire in Julian as not just a Cardassian arousal thing, but a source of endearment and show that “this is a powerful man with so much inside of him and deserving of respect and following, and I want to do just that for him because he makes me feel alive and proves how strong a person can be” way. Garak has fallen in love and makes it his purpose to get Julian off the station and back with the Resistance (also too he knows only Julian and his crew can kill Intendant Kira so that’s a plus).
So when it finally comes time for the final push, Garak helps Smiley get Julian off station and protects them from the pursuing Intendant and her lackeys. And at the ship Garak tells Julian to go but Julian himself admits he doesn’t want to go, he wants to be with Garak on the station and that they can soothe things with the intendant to get their easy life back. But Garak doesn’t want that for Julian or even himself, he wants Julian safe and Kira dead. Even when Julian finally asks for him to get on the ship and go back with him to the Resistance, Garak declines because it would not work out when he is not only a Cardassian, but is known as Kira’s right hand and lead torturer who killed so many.
So Garak literally shoves Julian inside, Smiley has to grab on to him to keep him from trying to reopen the door and running out, and Garak seals them in and the ship leaves. But of course, for once in life, Gul Garak has the idea of really planning things out even if it’s highly impossible of working out. And in the style of Prime Brilliant Garak, Gul Garak had an extra escape shuttle pod prepared and is barely able to escape in it.
Then time passes, maybe a year or two, things happen, and Julian finds Garak’s shuttle pod and Garak living a scrapper’s life but also horrible wounded from some reason, and he takes Garak in to heal. And soon Garak is residing with Julian in the Resistance, agrees to share info to help their cause, and it’s like before but much better and their a couple and it’s of course not easy or without hatred from outside people, but it’s nice and good as it can get in the Mirror Universe.
Also other different things that could have happened, maybe something a bit in compliance to the show (such as Quark and Rom’s rescue adventure), little ideas like that.
Anyways thanks for reading, always down to answer questions, always down to maybe get off my ass and dabble a bit in this cheesey ass fic
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pulquedeguayaba · 1 year
Tagged by @hereforthelizardsex TY! Sorry for not making it ST themed (blue shirt forever)
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Tagging (no pressure) @michaelmandog @edmy @karlavhh @jeremyfrail @benfoldsenjoyer @galacticstar @midweekblues @cuntboysupremacy @igneousghoul @seraphtrevs and whoever else feels like doing it
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caleblandrybones · 2 years
Have you got any breaking bad / better call saul/ nacho blogs you recommend? I need more on my dash :D
oh man! you've got the classics @gilligould @odekirk @mcwexlerscigarette @septembersghost @laloslayamanca @villa-kulla @gaysails @jimmymcgirl @wexler-mcgill @snowstormserenade @saulwexler @regencyrobes
amazing art blogs first of all @geitonas @daisanfar @themadknightuniverse @rwsucculent @chocopinda @kettleghost @krokonoko @blatantly-hidden @spikescribbles @transatlanticalien @dogtheories @s0upl0ver @chomchomcherrybomb @woodenrice
and wonderful writers @seraphtrevs @el-michoacano @femalenacho @karlavhh @jimmymcgools
and just to name a bunch of other besties @riotgrrrlhole @girldadlalo @howabhwmwn @kimberlywexlr @bluewaterlily @spice-curls @rei0d @fionastic @lalito-gran-pito @kafkaetc @dedicadoamax @gayfring @aminta @baldrmani @kylejsugarman @lalowhorleone @oldmanroadhouse @transmantraut @galeboettichergf ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Nacho Varga's outfit analysis and symbolism
Okay uh I just saw a gif set of the scene where Nacho gets rescued by the twins, and I had a revelation but I have no idea if this has been pointed out before. I gave myself like 1 hour of research through tags to see if it was and I didn't find anything. But if it has been, sorry! Anyway here is another very long post about BCS because I have no self control anymore.
! TW blood and heavy spoilers !
So the thing is after all that time spent looking for Nacho and Lalo's outfits yesterday combined to the gif set, I just got hit by the fact that in the scene he's shot and found by the cousins, Nacho is wearing the same kind of shirt as in the very first time we see him.
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I even thought at first it was the same shirt, but they are different. And it's a very interesting choice to make considering the scene. It would have been awesome if it was the exact same shirt. Why? Because Nacho gets badly hurt in this scene, right after being caught up by all his choices. He takes a bullet in the shoulder and in the side, which can be compared to many christian representations. @seraphtrevs already did a splendid analysis of Nacho being a Christlike figure, so I wont be too long on that parallel, you can check out her post about it here . So here Nacho is left to die in the desert, covered in blood, and between all the blood and the shirt pattern itself he looks like he's been torn apart by hell hounds and he just came back from the Purgatory. He's caught up by his actions, his choices, he's suffering for it.
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It even goes further than just him being badly hurt in this outfit tho. The shirt even gets shredded by the hands of the cousins, the previous version of himself symbolically destroyed by the hands of a Salamanca. And when Leonel removes it with the help of the vet, it even looks hard to get rid of it, like the second skin of a snake if I push the comparison to an extreme.
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And of course we have Marco giving him the Salamanca blood afterward, which is still an insane thing in terms of symbolism, I can't believe it happened. It's just plain "you've been torn apart, stripped of a part of you, and now we fill the emptiness of it with a part of us". Wild.
But still, why is it so interesting that Nacho has the same kind of outfit? Because this exact scene happens when his traitorous side is revealed to one of the character that has a lot of power, Fring, and he's now to serve as a double agent. And so, putting him in a look alike outfit from the first apparence tells us that the Nacho we knew before has been killed. There is no way back. There is no healing from this. It's a permanent change. A permanent consequence to his actions. And after all this, Nacho's desire for power and money starts to disappear (and he's been going down this road for a while once his dad is threatened, but this whole situation seals it I believe). So Nacho doesn't wear the exact same shirt. It would have been great for the blatant symbolism of it all, BUT the fact that it's slightly different gives us the opportunity to actually see something more. We have 3 scenes with Nacho that happens in the desert and that kind of echoes each other with their similarities (multiple people gathered, all there to solve a problem, and there is at least one Salamanca in each one). And if we take a look at his outfits in the 3 scenes, that's where it becomes even more interesting than just the first comparison. So let's take a look at the 3 outfits during those 3 key scenes.
We have the first scene we meet Nacho. The pattern is blotchy, black and white (or maybe blue/green/grey something like that, it depends of the light). It's messy, a bit wild looking. It fits Nacho's personality at the beginning of the series. He's got more wit to him, he makes reckless decisions/have reckless ideas (Selling his own stuff on a cartel territory with the pills, terrible planning of a robbery, plotting Tuco's death, hiding his illegal activities to his dad, planning Hector's death, etc) Also black and white suits his personality and his double agent role pretty well. Nacho is stubborn, he has a strong personality. The heavy contrast of black and white fits the way he's capable to strike with his words as well as his fists. He's a sharp thing. He's also in a grey place when it comes to morals, like most of the characters in the show.
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Then we have the scene where he's shot and found by the cousins. Like we said we still have a shirt that have some similarities with the first one. It's still a heavy black and white pattern, blotchy, it's irregular BUT there is more structure to it already. We can discern horizontal and vertical lines creating something like a grid pattern. Compared to the first shirt we could assume it represent his change of direction in life. At this moment he got scared of Hector killing his dad, so he acted to get rid of this menace. Nacho isn't looking for more money and power. He's trying to survive and keep his dad safe. He can't be as reckless as before, he has to think things through. So, more planification for survival, more restrain, more care into what he does.
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But then, we get to his last scene. The pattern isn't blotchy at all anymore. Still black and white. We have the horizontal and vertical lines still present from the precedent shirt, and of course they look like crosses. But there is still a bit of wildness/irregularity to this pattern, with the way the lines doesn't all connect, it isn't just crosses all over it. Nacho has drastically changed. He's still himself deep down, but there is all the things that changed in him too. At this point he went through everything, and finds himself in a dead-end. He's been obeying orders but also staying alert to not fall into another manipulation, he's more sharp than ever in his perception, still playing his last cards thoughtfully. He's been stripped of so much, all his hopes for a new life, no more desire for power and money at all, he's even sick of all this cartel thing. There is almost no more wildness to him, he was forced to become more calculating and cold in order to survive and protect. And his last moments are spent to surviving long enough to make sure his dad will be safe, to punish the Salamanca once more by revealing what he did to Hector (and there we can see his wild side exploding, it's raw but controlled), and keeping the choice to take his own life instead of letting others have that power over him.
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To me, these 3 shirts, using them for desert scenes, it just screams morphing patterns, and so his mind morphing too.
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seraphtrevs · 11 months
FIC: Every Master He's Ever Had PAIRING: Lalo/Nacho RATING: T for mature themes WARNINGS: None SUMMARY: Lalo wants a kiss. Nacho would rather bite.
A classic 100 word drabble for the Lachoweek2023 prompts "bite" and "first kiss"
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gerandor · 1 year
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This part from the absolutely gorgeous fic Reign in Hell by the very talented writer @seraphtrevs is so good! The idea that lalo had given Eladio his Ferrari not to one up bolsa but to actually put Eladio in a good mood so that his meeting with Nacho would go well. Lalo was so worried for Nacho in that episode that i fully accept this hc! It just fits so well!
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corgoship · 2 years
5 and 13!
5. favourite form of potato?
Oh man I love potatoes so much. Gotta go with baked potatoes (the kind that we make over here, I tried looking it up in english but it doesn't seem to show up). When you add butter and onions and cheese and bacon... that's the good stuff! Mashed potatoes are also okay.
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
Don't think I would kill anybody but I'm definitely stealing. Books, clothes, technology, jewellery to sell later... Having myself a little 100%-off black friday 💅💅💅 Also might burn down my university. As a treat.
Thanks for the ask!
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bluestockingbaby · 2 years
bestie you have to send me the name of a character too!
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el-michoacano · 21 days
sacrificial lamb
Me? In the mood to write Catholic-flavored lacho? It's more likely than you'd think! 🖤
"Your middle name is Jesús?"
When had Lalo snatched his wallet? As touchy-feely as he was, Nacho wasn't surprised he'd managed it, and he snatched the wallet back, shoving it into the pocket of his jeans. Without even looking away from the road, he said, "That's always been my middle name."
"It suits you," Lalo said, suddenly looking strangely thoughtful. He only got like this when it was just the two of them.
"Mamá thought so," Nacho agreed. Why was he saying this? He felt stupid, but somehow Lalo always managed to get him talking.
"Poor Ignacio," Lalo murmured, his gaze cast out the passenger's seat of the Javelin. The sun was setting, and he looked all made of gold, like some false idol to be worshiped. Nacho had been on his knees for him mere hours ago. "He's suffered more than Jesus!"
Nacho's eyebrows drew together, and he glanced away from the road for just an instant. "I didn't say--"
"You don't have to say it, cariño."
He was right. Nacho had sacrificial lamb written all over him. Considering the Sacred Heart tattooed on his chest and the cross at the apex of his shoulder blades, that suited him, too.
Tagging @themadknightuniverse, @sword-day, @eros-thanatos89, @seraphtrevs, and @rosayoro 🖤
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