celestialknight9 · 1 year
(Translation: Some time after the Red Tail Incident)
This is Rachel. I don’t normally make these memory-traces like the others. I just don’t see the point of it. Why bother with sentimental stuff. Everything’s going to burn in hell anyways.
I don’t mean to come off as a pessimist. I simply see things the way they are and if there’s too much to handle, I’m not afraid to run. Running doesn't make you a coward. Running makes you a survivor. I’m sure the rest of them think I’m a piece of shit who does nothing but sit back getting piss drunk and high off of distilled dragon fruit from the year 2055. I wouldn’t blame them. I don’t give a shit if they all die and earth gets conquered and assimilated by the shadows. The world is already a shit hole I learnt that from early on. I owe up to all of it. This is me.
Yet why is it that I bother saving him each time. He’s never there for me but when he needs me I’m never a second late. I can’t be. Not by choice at least, even if I do wish he’d suffer a little for what he’s don’t to me.
I control time. I should start from there at least. I’m one of 9 demigods of this age that are meant to govern over the laws of the universe. But the universe decided to play us dirty. I just like the rest of the shitheads are all humans. We laugh. We cry. And we make mistakes. But the worst quality of all is that we’re from planet earth.
The night that son of a bitch landed in my yard was the night my life went to shit. If old men were narrating this they’d call it a biblical event. Two scaly angels landed in my backyard followed by the wreck of a Eurofighter typhoon supersonic jet. Him and…whoever the other one was…but him specifically. He looked angelic as he reached out to me like from a portrait worthy of Michelangelo himself. I knew who he was…lucky me.
He wasn’t some angel or Christ either and he wasn’t here to save me, to lift me to the heavens in his arms no. He was here to condemn me to pergatory for the rest of eternity. Time why did it have to be time. From them on I had nothing but time to contemplate and plot a way to reverse it. Unfortunately like a cruel act from the mistress herself I cannot go back to before that night. Ever. It’s simply not allowed. The cruelty and unfairness of it all.
We were…friends once. Both as distant as one can see over the horizon and as close to ones hearts as the ribcages that imprison them. He was like a shooting star that pierced my volcanic ash and as gentle and sweet as a white rose as I was jagged like a shard of obsidian. But all roses have their thorns. His sharp words chipped at me like a sculptor’s chisel shattering me like the black volcanic glass. Each shard becoming more delicate overtime but also becoming sharper and more frightening until one day he was the one to be cut.
We said our goodbyes in silence and I prayed to the holy mother never to see him ever again.
Slowly I picked up my broken pieces, some as fine as desert sand and put them back together to make the beautiful knife I once was until that faithful night.
I. Hate. Him.
But there was a part of me deep down that was ecstatic. He was real, in the flesh. I wanted to know him all over again even if it means destroying myself. Wanting to be carved open, to relinquish all my fragile pieces to him. But a tool can only take so many repairs and I wasn’t ready to loose the edge I’ve honed.
The universe is truly cruel. He explained himself well of course as expected. Charming my nasty parents, even myself a little. He means we’ll I used to tell myself, etched in the chisel under all the layers of rust I know there’s kindness that runs like a vein of gold although it’s now covered in even deeper layers of silt and darkness. He gave me the universe core of time. And I accepted it like snow white took that forsaken poisoned apple from the witch. The power to travel through all of time and all realities. It was too tempting not to try. I needed to see for myself where it could happen. We could happen. The fairy tail ending snow white got.
And maybe there was a happy ending somewhere in the depths of hell, but I had to suffer the curse first. I couldn’t find anything in any timeline. In most of them I simply didn’t exist. What’s more frustrating. No much much more than that. What burns like a hot poker in the chest is that I can’t even go back to see him. The person he used to be. Our golden age. That’s the rule. I couldn’t travel past the point where I received the universe core as if time before that didn’t exist.
I watched as through foggy eyes as Nick had his barrel pointed straight at his head. HE was still, lifeless. His eyes were pitch black matching the colour of my obsidian heart. I shed a tear but I watched on. He had everything coming for him and I envied Nick’s resolve. I should be the one to do this but was I still too broken? Did my edge really dull this much? Why? I thought I was airtight. Not a single crack still showing. And yet her I was contemplating what to do. There was nothing to do. Nothing. I simply had to do nothing.
I didn’t.
A flash of purple. My ability to make portals through time and go whenever I wish.
I was always the one dragged into his world, one way or another, but for the first time since I received my power, no for the first time ever, I dragged him into mine.
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celestialknight9 · 1 year
(Translation: Prologue aka before literally everything else)
It's been three months since I've seen darkness. Three months of travelling through the blank white plane that is Zero Space running away from her. Three months of unease, not knowing when I'll draw my last breath.
I suppose we could run forever but my friends and I are done with running. We make our final stand today. Of course, 'day' is a planetary term. We're travelling through Zero Space where time and space are both irrelevant planes. Zero space is the definition of nothing. A white canvas that's been left unpainted between the fabric of space and time. The "place" where an eternal game of cat and mouse was playing out. We're the mouse. It's all my fault really. I shall carry the burden of my mistakes, knowing my incompetence may have spelled the end of our universe.
That is why I decided to stop running. I don't want to be remembered as the Guardian who ran for all eternity. If I'm going to die, I might as well go down with a fight and hope I make a difference. And if not, I hope the next generation's Guardian will succeed where I have failed.
I bring The Crusader to a halt, breaking back into reality. We re-materialised right at the centre of the Universe, between the two aspects; a Hyper Star and a Super-massive Black Hole. It's a spectacle to behold, even at my final hour. The two driving forces of the universe were each as large as small galaxies. Flares from the Hyper Star arced across and were immediately absorbed by the Black hole; The Symbol of Beginning and End. It's mesmerising to watch the endless cycle. Each of the two Aspects we're orbited by much smaller spheres. Universe cores. Generators of elements and forces. The Hyper Star is surrounded by three while the Black Hole has seven....
I didn't need that to remind me we're on the loosing side. Only me and three of my team are left alive, the other four didn't make it. They fought valiantly but, in the end, they were no match for her. They we're annihilated and I ran because I was too weak to do anything.
She caught up. Less than a minute after we arrived. She was closer than I thought. Reappearing out of a worm hole was a Celestial Shark. The Crusader was massive, even for star-ship standards, but it was but a fly to the celestial being capable of swallowing entire planets with ease. She however isn't the shark. That is simply her host. She is sitting inside the shark no doubt laughing at my decision, savoring every moment. She is my shadow. Tiamat. The embodiment of Entropy. The natural degree of randomness and disorder. Chaos. Her goal is to accelerate the growth of our universe. Particle interaction will decrease to the point where no new stars can be formed, and the universe falls into heat death.
Stars give off light and energy, but their main role is their affinity to the Hyper Star. Each planetary system, each star Tiamat destroys, loosens the forces holding the universe together.
I intended to stop her by creating stars and planets faster than she could destroy them, but my plan backfired. About a year ago, I had accidentally created a new type of life. Symbiotic celestial bodies. Enormous 'living' beings made up of small planets of pure elements that act as elements. They are naturally passive beings, roaming the galaxies absorbing starlight. Tiamat took advantage of this and infested a juvenile celestial shark. It was too young to fight back for control but even though it was young, it could devour planets faster than I could make them.
Everything fell apart from there. One day we tried freeing the celestial shark but that proved disastrous. We lost Chloe that day. Fighting it is impossible. We lost three others during our next few attempts. Running worked better but we can't run forever. There is one more option.
Seven shapes emerged from the shark's body. The shadows of my comrades. They all inhabited huge creatures, but they were all insignificant compared to Tiamat.
I finally look towards what’s left of my friends. Joanna, Lazarus and lastly Imma, all with long faces, the last of their hope evaporated. My final order for them was to take The Crusader and escape this nightmare. They refused.
I started with Imma. My Wife. I heated up her molecules until they were nothing but gamma radiation, preserving her life, her DNA as a wavelength. She screamed at me to let her fight with me, but I stopped her with a final kiss.
I turned to the others, but Tiamat bit the ship in half. I had no time left. Joanna and Lazarus too died because of me.
I will my universe core to let my body transform into my ethereal form. The next moment I'm a gigantic phoenix as large as the Celestial Shark and made entirely of star-fire.
We fought wildly tumbling through space and inadvertently destroy a couple of galaxies. A few minutes in and my heat was starting to take affect of the planets inside the celestial shark, but Tiamat was much more experienced with her body. She bit into my right shoulder. Her massive teeth pierced my universe core. My powers started to drain at an exponential rate. I said my final command to the universe core, Ultra Nova.
My body and everything around me turned to pure energy, even stronger than gamma, where there was no wavelength, just a wash of solid energy that engulfed everything hopefully destroying Tiamat and our shadows with me. In my final spark, brighter than Zero-Space, I see a slideshow of memories of my life.
My spark was fading. My legacy's end spells the start to a new Guardian's. I hope I made a difference.
- I was born on Milky Way024S178P3, Earth, 10000 years after the first human. My name is Yeshua. I was different from the rest of the humans. Some of people followed my philosophy but most of the men shunned me. It was fine though because I was soon proven I was right. I was a teacher at my time. I lived a nomadic life teaching about the workings of the universe.
One day, one of my students revealed himself to be a brass lion. He gave me a cloak, a sword and a shining sphere that looked like the stars.
Three years later I faked my death to escape my followers and ascended to space with my closest companions. The first year in space was exhilarating. No human has come close to even an idea of what space looked like.
Then Tiamat appeared. I thought she was good as she was a part of me, my shadow, but she soon proved herself to be absolute evil. We raced each other. Creation vs Destruction. Life vs. Death. Until now. I'm not even sure who won. Is there a point to winning? The Universe decides that, not me. I want to say I'm unlucky that Tiamat ended up so much stronger than me but there's no such thing as luck when it comes to the Universe. It was destined to be this way -
. . .
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celestialknight9 · 1 year
Something something writing...
Any Pronouns! My character is an ascended being after all!
Almost all of my posts will be anecdotes from the book that I'm writing; 9th Generation. You can find a failed version of that on Wattpad (¬_¬")
Unfortunately I have 0 motivation, in general but more so to write in a comprehensible and chronological way, SO I will be writing snippets taken from RANDOM points in time.
I do believe each story is enjoyable on it's own however and I will do my best to post tags that put each story somewhere on the general timeline.
I write SFW, NSFW, LGBTIQ+, gore, trauma, angst, fluff and a shit ton of dark themes. Some of my works also have religious references. BE WARNED!
I do take requests! After all my story isn't finished yet so if you have something particular you want your favorite character to do let me know and it will be put into consideration!
DNI! Don't be a toxic cunt! Easy enough! (Seriously NO Homophobia, LGBTIQ+ Phobia, Racism, Pedophilia, Incest shipping, Adult x Minor shipping, Body shaming)
By the way, 9th Generations consists of 9 main characters and therefore 9 MAIN POVs:
Tohru(Me, Celestial Knight), Ian(Tektonium), Nick(Plasma), Rachel(Time), Daniel(Shadow), Teresa(Light), Asia(Liquid), Isaac(Heat), Charlotte(Metal).
I will eventually write in all their POVs. Obviously im biased and tend to write more in my favorites' POVs.
Pick your favorites! I don't really care who's your favorites. I'm kidding please pick me.
TIMELINE For Reference.
©2023 celestialknight9 Do not repost my work without my permission.
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