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scalecallerpeak · 20 days ago
pardon me for asking, but who is MK? just so im informed and know who im avoiding.
Oh MK is short for Michael Kirkbride, he is a FORMER (very gotta stress that word) writer for the Elder Scrolls. He hasn't written for TES since the Knights of the Nine DLC in Oblivion but still acts like he's relivant and unfortunatly fans of his work still take it as gospel.
Kirkbride's writing is most promiant in morrowind and he did write one book for ESO which was just an extention to the 37 Seramons of Vivec. But his writing has been very well known to be racist, slur usage, trans fetishization and gloryfying rape (things such as molag bal being the god of rape, that was MK).
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koreposion · 2 years ago
The makings of the Deep Speakers and The Statues are just reminders to Dream and Nightmare how being ruled by only their emotions is a bad idea. But also, Nightmare is upset to find out that Dream promised that his statues could make abominations so soon!
"Just because you're older doesn't mean you can make reckless and rash decisions!" Nightmare lectured Dream, pulling at his cheeks with both hands.
"Yer tho mean!" Dream pulls out of Nightmare's hold, "If anything you're older! It's like you don't know how fun works."
They both squabble as an Overseer and Oracle watch. Doing their best to make sure none of their followed saw the two Gods fight over something meaningless. They would have to make notes in their seramons to accompany the information that...while the power of the Gods are great, to respect death is also important.
A part of being a refugee under Dream is meeting the one who stays near the garden every day.
An oracle with the ability to see into the future and predict Bad Sans attacks. And scarily accurately as well.
But... they seem to have lost it in the process.
"Okay, I'll get the guards ready for the next attack."
"..... what? That's it? You're going to ignore the others? They've been so nice to you this whole time."
The head guard sighs and turned to the statues, confusing the new recruit who had come to accompany them.
"Thank you all for your hospitality. I apologize for ignoring you all. I will come back after the meeting to properly greet you all."
And on the way back, the new recruit asks him why they talked to the statues like they could hear them.
"I can't quite make out what theyre saying yet. I was in the wrong there."
"But they're... statues?"
The head guard would look at them with genuine confusion.
"They... can't talk?"
The head guard would wave their hand dismissively and chuckle.
"You'll understand soon enough."
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trackermons · 5 years ago
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Babys Time
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phoenixharp-05 · 3 years ago
according to some website apparently testicular feminization gets rid of male pattern baldness and gives you nice hair and you probably wont menstruate but would be at risk for osteoporosis???
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mesotokyo · 4 years ago
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EDEN Terra Nova TN226(ベースアンプ)
軽くてそこそこ小さいのに多機能、というかLOW MIDとHI MIDが両方パラメトリックEQなのが素晴らしい。これで多分どんなキャビネットとの組み合わせでもなんとかなりそう。32,780円。
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EMINENCE LEGEND B810スピーカーを使ったキャビネット。このスピーカーはよくあるAMPEGの10インチスピーカー8個搭載のキャビネットとかで使われているやつと同じタイプのものです。家で鳴らすには十分ですが流石に超低音はあまり出ない。スピーカー部分は8,778円。キャビネット材料費で6,000円くらい。特に裏側がよくできていると自画自賛しています。
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スポンジビーター(TAMA BSQ10S)
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SERAMONIC SmartMic 3.5mm TRRS(スマホのイヤホン端子に刺して使えるマイク)
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pocket operator MEGAMAN ロックマン PO-128
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pocket operator STREET FIGHTER ビート PO-133とケース
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MEINL HTHH1BK(ハイハットに付けるタンバリン)
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Zildjian Z3 ride 20インチ
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1PLAY ¥10ステッカー
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lhhoustonchurch · 5 years ago
Something is about to change | Pastor Keion Henderson
Something is About to Change Acts 2:1-4 
 1) Changing the Form 
2) Changing the Facts 
 We welcome you to watch this encouraging message “Something is About to Change” by Pastor Keion Henderson of The Lighthouse Church. Come and join us on Sunday at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 1:30 p.m. and Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. God is about to rearrange the form and the facts of your life. Watch as Pastor Keion uses the story of the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost to encourage you that something is about to change.SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2zXYkgr Connect with Pastor Keion Website: http://pastorkeion.com/ and https://www.keionhenderson.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pastorkeion/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pastorkeion/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pastorkeion YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KDH525
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anarchayintheuk · 4 years ago
I had a feeling about today. Maybe I should have just stayed home. I had premonitions about losing you. I could picture myself getting a tattoo in your remembrance. But I pushed those thoughts aside and kept on going in hopes that they could fix you...now here I am still awake haven't slept at all in 24hours. Tired and afraid to take you home. I'm so sorry Seramon. I'll love you forever.
Sincerely your mom.
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africaprimenews · 7 years ago
Nigeria: Contractor Defends Poor Renovation Of Health Centre In Kaduna Community
Nigeria: Contractor Defends Poor Renovation Of Health Centre In Kaduna Community
Ninte Community members in front of rejected Primary Healthcare Centre after a town hall meeting
  Mr Mike Paulinus, the contractor handling the renovation of Ninte Primary Healthcare Centre in Jema’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State, northwest Nigeria, says the job was executed according to specifications.
Paulinus, of Seramon-T Concept Ltd., told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on…
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largando · 8 years ago
Header: </style><a style="font-family:arial; font-weight:normal" >Knights of Exile Island<br><br>Exile Island is a crappy place between all the great empires and crawling with remnants of great evil empires from the pre flood era. There are so many dungeons here that farmers are always wary of digging up a cursed relic, a lost city or some horrible monster when all they want is turnips. The north is still wild and barbaric but the south has the barrony and a Colony of the Great Empire on the south continent. Both these lands produce knights but others come from far off lands to quest and kill monsters that are hard to find in less horrible lands.<br><br>A knight is basically a military aristocrat cavalryman who owes fealty to a superior lord all the way up to a king or emperor. Some who come to the Island are fairly exotic. Some weird non human knights also come. Undead knights occasionally roam the land too from when necromancers ruled man thousands of years ago.<br><br>from Elfmaids and Octopi<br></a><a style="font-family:arial; font-weight:normal; font-size:75%"><br>elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/05/d100-knights-of-exile-island.html</a><hr>
table: start <style>ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}</style>& <style>table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}</style>& <table><col width="150"><col width="1000">& [|<tr><td>Knight Type</td><td>[@KnightlyTypes]</td></tr>|<tr><td>Knight with Entourage</td><td>[@KnightsOfExileIsland]</td></tr>]& <tr><td>Doing what</td><td>[@WhatAreTheseKnightsUpTo]</td></tr>& <tr><td>Equipment</td><td><ul>[@KnightEquipment]</ul></td></tr>& <tr><td>Heraldry</td><td>[@MakeHeraldry]</td></tr>& </table>
table: MakeHeraldry {legs==4}& {creature=='[@HeraldicCreatureDesigns]'}& On a background of [@HeraldicColours]:<ul><li>& [!{1d3} HeraldicObjects >> implode <li>]& <li>{creature} [@CreatureDepiction{legs}]</ul>
Table: KnightlyTypes Knights of Barrony, where mostly evil robber knights near Shadelport come from Knights of The Empire, currently waging a long civil war around the young tyrant The Crusader knights who battle chaos eruptions in the name of the gods of Law Templar knights, warrior priests who serve the gods in the crusades Knights of Waerlund, the misty mystic Islands where knights and wizards rule together Knights of Dutainia, the Iron Kingdom, who grind the weak and poor under hoof Knights of Volnir, the frozen north kingdoms who wage eternal war against barbarians   Knights of Sindra, the desert kingdom, whose curved swords serve a strange god of law Knights of the lotus-shrouded dragon kingdoms, seeking salvation from desire and slavery Knights of the Cherry Blossom Islands, who fanatically kill and die for their bloody honour code [|Paladins|Holy champions] of a particular [|religion|state|order], on a great quest to destroy evil Obsidian knights, who ride terror birds in the great jungle kingdoms [@SomeStrangeKnights]
Table: SomeStrangeKnights Lizard knights, riding [|raptors|triceratops] from monster island come to challenge man Tako octopi riding flying sea horses have mass migrated to escape evil fish men Faerie knights ride unicorns (women) or stags (men) and hunt with werewolves Doom Knights, servants of the long gone necromancer kings are up to something Rowanac, chaos elf wizard knights who ride dragons, monsters and demons Giant knights ride mammoths and wooly rhinos from the glaciers to kill mankind Mutant Knights, corrupted by chaos into parodies of knighthood Changeling knights, from hidden courts of beast men and nature lords Beast knights from mongrel tribes of beast folk who seve chaos Witch knights, evil magical knights warped by the forces of hell
Table: WhatAreTheseKnightsUpTo Exiles now mercenaries who hope to find a new patron Robber knights have taken over a [|ruined castle|cave] Robber knights on borderland who profit from playing sides against each other On a sacred quest seeking a relic Hunting [|enemies|a criminal] Seek a important person to rescue Off to crusade killing anything they don't like look of on the way Hunting a [|fanciful questing beast|famous monster] Seeking to carve out a territory on lawless frontier Looking for deeds for fame and glory Seek opponent to challenge for the glory Blocking a [|road|bridge] to [|challenge|tax] passers by Seek a traitor who possibly sent them here on wild goose chase [|Cursed|Damned] to complete a doomed quest Fleeing destruction of their lord and now deemed outlaws Defending the common folk who have no justice Seeking [|squires|mercenaries] for an adventure since last ones were all killed Following a leader who has shamefully led them all to tragedy and dishonour Hunting an evil [|magician|priest] raising hell the area Escorting something or someone of great importance
Table: KnightEquipment <li>Ringmail AC+3<li>Spear<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Helmet<li>Light warhorse <li>Scalemail AC+4<li>Spear<li>Lance<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Helmet<li>Light warhorse<li>Baggage horse<li>Squire <li>Chainmail AC+5 spear<li>Lance<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Mace<li>Helmet<li>Medium warhorse<li>Baggage horse<li>Squire <li>Splint Mail AC+6<li>Spear<li>Two lances<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Mace<li>Helmet<li>Medium warhorse<li>Two baggage horses<li>Squire<li>Courtly outfit<li>Type one kit for squire or spare <li>Plate Mail AC+7<li>Spear<li>Three lances<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Mace<li>Helmet<li>Medium warhorse<li>Three baggage horses<li>Riding horse<li>Luxury tent<li>Squire<li>Servant<li>Two courtly outfits<li>Type to kit for squire <li>Full Plate AC +8<li>Spear<li>{1d4+1} lances<li>Shield<li>Sword<li>Mace<li>Helmet<li>Light warhorse<li>Two baggage horses<li>Two squires (one young one older)<li>{d4} servants<li>Bard<li>{d4+1} courtly outfits<li>Type three kit for old squire and type one for younger one
//Lady Knights fine in my setting and amazons are pretty common - i guess there could be amazon knights. feel free to change genders and names.
Table: QuickKnightTypes Young Knights Veteran Knights Old Knights Hopeless knights Robber Knights Wicked Knights Foriegn knights Hell Knights Holy Knights Strange Knights
Table: KnightsOfExileIsland Sir Everard a young knight seeking glory and adventure opportunities to make a name Sir Aramor driven from home and his inheritance usurped seeks allies to help him Sir Marat hopes to obtain some peasants and take them to claim frontier land Sir Donal is being hunted by hired killers and cant get home he worries about Sir Alek wants allies so he can attack humanoid villages on the frontier for glory Sir Petar seeks to kill the man who killed his father Sir Seramon looking for his sweetheart who was kidnapped by a wicked hag Sir Fanilek is haunted by a evil spirit and has fled home to spare his family Sir Danor who is secretly a lady in disguise trying to save her family and brother Sir Radiment wants quick cash and experience is looking to join murder hobos for a bit Sir Morngrim seems a gloomy down and out knight but secretly is a spy seeking bandits Sir Ormond is looking for holy relics so gods will forgive his broken vows Sir Dremond has returned from crusade to find everyone he knows is dead from plague Sir Hillary secretly a templar is looking for signs of chaos in the frontier to destroy Sir Lorien seeks elves or faeries to translate family documents for a inheritence Sir Digby likes to drink and fight and likes to join murder hobo companies for fun Sir Lor serves a dark cult and roams seeking suckers he can lure into cult dungeon Sir Villimor looking for goblins who kidnapped a peasant girl Sir Arrant has become a desperate highwayman and hides his heraldry for the shame Sir Kernu is a wild knight who has been impeding hunters and loggers on the frontier Sir Tirion is world weary and seeks a just cause to die for Sir Mardrak seeks magic to restore his youth chasing any story or lead Sir Orlak seeks to start glorious war with humanoids to reignite the flower of manliness Sir Firlion wants glory and fame after years of inglorious courtly administration Sir Wadrak is a chaos agent and wants dupes to release demons trapped in a dungeon Sir Curleon seeks secret decadent vice and inhuman pleasure often joins adventurers Sir Garlan a tired almost broke old knight wants cash but really wants a home Sir Karlid serves a vampire sorceress and lures young heroes to be her victims Sir Glorion throws splendid decadent parties and secretly has links to many cults Sir Kalidad killed his kin and now lurks country trails hoping to join robber knight band Sir Glubfrey seeks young adventurers but really he works for goblins who pay him Sir Arnold distracts travellers with colourful stories while his servants rob them Sir Seran seeks brave warriors to join him because his cult needs them as sacrifices Sir Corgan begs to join parties but he is vain, boastful and a bit of a coward Sir Bendell is a washed up drunk but he joins adventurers to cook tasty monsters Sir Viran brings his werewolf lover with him everywhere that usually ends in tragedy Sir Corman is ill and wants to die fighting, his family will blame his companions Sir Veritous is a hopeless black lotus addict and will do anything to get more Sir Bindle has inferior equipment and hopeless servants but wants to fight monsters Sir Abanathy is insanely greedy and will join explorers but will try to steal treasure Sir Doran leads a band of villains from a ruined keep and charges road tolls Sir Malcombe leads brutal murdering bandits who kill all to keep his good name Sir Toran has kidnapped many ladies to work looms and has ogres guarding them Sir Voran leads bandits but they are also cultists who torment and sacrifice captives Sir Kippel and his robber band have a ruined keep and command a long stretch of road Sir Rendel and his robber band are actually were rats but they usually hide this fact Sir Orzak is a robber and has recruited evil goat men who eat their victims Sir Telran leads a robberknight band from a cave and they worship devils Sir Malarous enjoys robbing with his band and taking hostages to their hidden dungeon Sir Banlan the one eyed leads a band of cut throats and they impale captives for fun Sir Zaran serves a witch who has brought him back from the dead several times Sir Kerab rules a village of cultists off the main roads who worship demonic megaliths Sir Varas rounds up victims by force then tortures confessions from them for treason Sir Korad works with witch hunters egging them on to atrocities while he worships chaos Sir Malekor collects orphans and buys poor children he burns before a altar in a dungeon Sir Vardel kidnaps and spoils maidens then feeds them to his wyvern in his tower Sir Garad recruits commoners to the rebellion then captures and hangs them for rewards Sir Kaldor lures victims into the forest ruled by his spider demon lover Sir Tarump boasts about his deeds but actually works with hobgoblin chiefs in secret Sir Marrus joins travellers and shares poison wine with them from his evil cult Sir Erad is a swarthy strange knight with unusual weapons for a knight on a quest Sir Tremour is a beautiful foreign knight that women harass and keep ruining his life Sir Farziv is a foreign knight with spectacular decorations who is rude and superior Sir Kalimar is a strange foreign knight actually a fishman hybrid seeking sea god relics Sir Utilkar is a exotic feather plumed knight with a obsidian sword on a quest Sir Barbar is huge foreign man with sharpened teeth who collects severed heads Sir Kunlun is a strange foriegn knight with a jade sword and spectacular fighting arts Sir Umbra is a dark skinned warrior from far away with odd customs but very noble Sir Sharmar is a strange knight from far away seeking glory in combat and gold Sir Sir Hazran a knight from distant kingdom seeking prehistoric tomb   Sir Kerull is actually a devil in human form seeking escapee criminals from hell Sir Nimeon herding coffle of chained serfs to sell to raise funds for hell Sir Viran with his men rounding up villagers for treasonously avoiding taxes Sir Raddog with secret police and erinyes devil looking for traitors hiding from law Sir Masterman with cultists looking for host body for devil promising superhuman powers Sir Curmdgen looking for a hellmouth so he can deliver gifts to the dukes of hell Sir Tradmere transporting naked criminals to deposit in hellmouth Sir Mortlen seeking relics of hell sealed away by good long ago in dungeon Sir Varan is actually a shape shifting devil trying to grant wishes four souls of knights Sir Orlok a vampire knight sent by hell to killl those trying to get out of serving hell Sir Armelia a lady paladin seeking evils on backwood roads she has heard of Sir Marlok a fanatic paladin seeks to destroy village of possible chaos cultists in area Sir Tirion the paladin looking to challenge wicked knights and cults on the frontier Sir Zabur hunting ogres on frontier who have preyed on villagers Sir Marmad the paladin hoping to keep the peace on the frontier and preventing wars Sir Cordelia a lady paladin who heals the poor and hunts plague spreading evils Sir Curan a paladin seeking lost relics of good and hopes to destroy evil relics Sir Prendal a paladin intolerant of druidry and non lawful cults who tolerate evil Sir Korthal seeks to burn non lawful good holy places and kill non believers Sir Marel the paladin kept busy rescuing maidens from harm Sir Golan wears suit of decorated plate he never removes because he is a iron golem Sir Boran is actually a revenant with cultist servants who work to kill knights Sir Derleth scours the land seeking rival old ones cults to destroy for his master Hastur Sir Baran roams the land collecting treasure for master is actually a dream emanation Sir Viriam is actually a elf in disguise with druidic disciples as servants on elf quests Sir Orlando is a ancient immortal knight who changes gender occasionally   Sir Mortis is a flesh golem and his servants are really necromantic apprentices Sir Perimore a famous musician and courtly lover but really he drains the life of his mates Sir Grendan the Sea knight is actually a fishman hybrid serving dark sea god cults Sir Vetrin is a imortal seeking a relic so the gods will finally let him die
Table: HeraldicColours a single colour two coloured halves split [|vertically|horizontally] two colours, [|divided into quarters|checkerboard pattern] three colours in [|horizontal|vertical|diagonal] bands four colours divided into quarters
// Sometimes heraldry seems to fit knights character sometimes it is a problem. My friends family coat of arms had three severed negro heads which family rightfully embarrassed by. // Feel to pick something that suits the knight though. Pick a colours that seems to suit the knight. Poses of beasts all have names and a easy way to distinguish between knights // with same beast or you might have two or three of the same beasts on one design.
Table: CreatureDepiction4 head only, facing [|front|left|right] lying down standing on all fours standing on all fours, facing front standing on all fours, one leg raised standing on all fours, one leg raised face front on standing on hind legs, forelegs in air standing on hind legs, looking behind -- two of them, standing on hind legs, facing each other
Table: CreatureDepiction2 head only, facing [|front|left|right] lying down standing, facing [|front|left|right] standing, looking behind -- two of them, standing, facing each other
Table: CreatureDepiction0 head only, facing [|front|left|right] lying down risen up, facing [|front|left|right] risen up, looking behind -- two of them, risen up, facing each other
Table: CreatureDepiction3 \z
Table: HeraldicCreatureDesigns Dog (for loyalty) Cat (for the crafty) Lion (for the brave) Wolf (for the fierce) Deer (for lord of the woods) Boar (for savagery) Bear (for might) Fox (for cunning) Goat (for resilience) Bull (for might) Falcon (for alertness){legs==2} Owl (for wisdom){legs==2} Rooster (for protection){legs==2} Puffin (for fidelity){legs==2} Raven (for cunning){legs==2} Peacock (for splendour){legs==2} Finch (for industry){legs==2} Swan (for beauty){legs==2} Duck (for intuition){legs==2} Eagle (for freedom){legs==2} Beaver (for hard work) Mole (for destiny) Rat (for survival) Otter (for creativity) Weasel (for cunning) Bat (for fearsomeness){legs==2} Shrew (for savagery) Hare (for craftiness) Hedgehog (for protection) Squirrel (for preparation) Snake (for fertility) Toad (for longevity) Frog (for opportunity) Newt (for magic) Turtle (for patience) Crocodile (for devouring) Lizard (for regeneration) Raptor (for ferocity) Triceratops (for defence) Tyrannosaur (for might) Dolphin (for helping){legs==0} Shark (for savagery){legs==0} Pike (for alertness){legs==0} Whale (for might){legs==0} Swordfish (for aggression){legs==0} Barracuda (for warlike){legs==0} Catfish (for longevity){legs==0} Narwhale (for nobility){legs==0} Lobster (for inscrutibility){legs==0} Crab (for determination){legs==0} Octopus (for cunning){legs==0} Basilisk (for lethality) Wyrm (for wisdom) Dragon (for wealth) Wyvern (for determination) Salamander (for invulnerability) Drake (for cunning) Naga (for mystery){legs==0} Amphisbaena (for eternity ){legs==0} Cerastes (for steadfastness (Ram horned snakes)){legs==0} Unicorn (for purity) Yale (for preparation) Cateoplas (for awfulness) Gorgon (for fearsomeness) Peryton (for deception){legs==2} Leucrotta (for duplicity) Manticore (for mean spirited) Chimera (for versatility) Sphynx (for mysterious) Lamia (for attrition ) Ogre (for brutishness){legs==2} Satyr (for fertility){legs==2} Mermaid (for duality){legs==0} Minotaur (for guardianship){legs==2} Goatman (for virility){legs==2} Cyclops (for single minded){legs==2} Centaur (for ambiguity) Giant (for appetite){legs==2} Gigantes (snake legged giants) (for strength){legs==2} Apkallu (fish man sage) (for wisdom){legs==2} Harpy (for revolting){legs==2} Siren (for charming){legs==2} Phoenix (for immortality){legs==2} Cockatrice (for destruction){legs==2} Griffon (for ferocity) Hippogriff (for loyalty) Hippalectryon (half rooster and horse) (for alertness) Stymphalian Birds (for steadfastness){legs==2} Pegasus (for loyalty) Winged snake (for healing){legs==0} Elemental (for magic){legs==0} Hag, [|washing|holding a broom] (for terror).{legs==3}// 3 means no positions Ankou (robed skeleton with lamp and scythe) (for death) Vampire (for eternal hunger){legs==2} Werewolf (for savagery){legs==2} Hellhound (for ferocity) Hellcat (for duplicity) Demon (for evil){legs==2} Devil (for domination){legs==2} Angel (for holiness){legs==2} //Bees, snails, rabbits, eels, kingfisher and anything really depending on climate, local industry and taste
Table: HeraldicObjects Holy symbol Book Grail Scales Eye Sword Axe Mace Severed head Bottle Bunch of grapes Head of wheat Poppy head Flower Tree Apple Hammer Waves Crown Sceptre Spear Horn Harp Drum Skull Armoured knight Candle Lantern Scroll Fish hook Anchor Quill Acorn Mistletoe Turnip Onion Tankard Helmet Bound faggots Burning faggots Noose Coil of rope Pick Spade Wheel Tower Castle Crossbones Open hand Heart Gem Barrel Ship Anvil Flail Cat-o-nine-tails Pitchfork Portcullis Needle and thread Smoking pipe Boot Gauntlet Chest Chain Hourglass Star Ring Key Sausage Mortar and pestle Wheat sheaf Cauldron Beehive Snowflake Teardrop Seashell Fist Bell Oakleaf Pinecone Arrow Crescent Full moon Sun Mountain Volcano Mushroom Treestump Sickle Scythe Shears Comet Jaws Compass Gate Birdcage Shepherds crook Chariot [|Hood|Domino mask] [|Chef's|Papal|Mayoral] hat
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trackermons · 5 years ago
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finally before i sleep...... as promised, some sketches for the digis i hadnt redesigned yet
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phoenixharp-05 · 3 years ago
never fucking trust google translate
pretty sure they use a french sort of method to pronunciation for vietnamese words which...makes sense given the french colonization but its wRONG
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yahube-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Catscan - Seramon
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trackermons · 5 years ago
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more redesign progress :)
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trackermons · 5 years ago
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2016 > 2018 > 2020
just a brief history of seramon because i found my oldest art of these guys
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trackermons · 6 years ago
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HELLO i’m not dead i swear! take this offering as proof of my not-complete-absence;; a lot of things happened these past few months including a VERY prolonged tablet repair, but everything is hopefully back to normal now and I’m looking to kick it up a gear on all of my blogs from here onwards! 
Drawing references was demotivating me quite a lot, so instead of drawing it out longer than it needed to I’m going to look into starting the comic before every single one is finished. I’ll make and update them as and when characters make an appearance instead!
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trackermons · 7 years ago
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seramon, child guardian of the stars
rather quiet and lonesome, this amorphous digimon previously spent a vast majority of their time in the depths of (digital) space, leaving them disconnected somewhat from the conflicts and issues going on down below. still, they’ve been dragged into this problem like everyone else, so have to deal with it - very, very vocally, usually by complaining about it. they’re not intending to be mean, though, and they’re actually quite amicable - they’re just a little too misplaced for their liking and not having too much of a good time.
nebumon > taurimon > seramon > astramon > ??? > ???
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