#ser madre
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arte-inmortal · 1 year ago
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anadelacalle · 2 years ago
¿Qué es "Ser madre"?
Una madre no es simplemente la que pare al hijo/a. La vinculación biológica es decisiva para la relación que se desarrolla posteriormente; pero para que ese vínculo materno/filial pueda tener lugar con lo que se denomina un apego seguro, hay que estar presente, una vez se ha dado a luz, para los hijos. Y no cualquier forma de estarlo es beneficiosa para el recién nacido, niño, adolescente y…
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bubbarnes · 10 months ago
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from cartier' instagram - may 08, 2024.
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vindria · 2 years ago
El verdadero miedo es la maternidad; Huesera (2022)
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sstandsfor · 3 months ago
amo este país la puta madre
i love this fcking country so much you have no idea
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te amo arcanetwt argentina link to the gif here so you can read the quote rts lol
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alien-girl-21 · 6 months ago
escuchame👂🏻🧏🏻 con atención ☝🏻🗣️💥🗣️🗣️💥🗣️💥💥💥🗣️💥💥 estos tres tipos calvos 👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲 y yo esto el 😔 yo estroy 😔 yo estoy prisionero 😨⛓️⛓️ 🗣️💥🗣️🗣️💥🗣️💥💥💥🗣️💥💥 ayúdame por favor 😰☝🏻🏃🏻 estos ☝🏻 locos 😰🗣️💥🗣️💥💥 🗣️🥘🥘💃🏻🇪🇸💃🏻🇪🇸🗣️🗣️🇪🇸🥘🗣️🗣️🇪🇸 VIVA ESPAÑA 🗣️🇪🇸🥘🥘🥘🇪🇸💃🏻🗣️💃🏻💃🏻🗣️🇪🇸🗣️🥘🇪🇸🗣️🗣️ 🗣️💥🗣️💥💥
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batzieboo · 3 days ago
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Bitches stay up all night 7 whole days a week
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albertivna · 1 month ago
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، 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗔  “𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑”  𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗦    ›     asiste a la reunión de ex-alumnos en la VIEJA MANSIÓN DE LOS BUCHANAN.
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28mindgames · 1 year ago
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WHAT ?????? !!!!!!!
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bubbarnes · 11 months ago
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“... because there's so many moments and there's so many messages and so much complexity to all the whole story and the characters and it's great”.
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im-fucking-baalin · 7 months ago
Tell me . More about your cult of the lamb au :3
I'm specifically curious about the idea that lamb could have been a priest of a religion based around a warped version of Narinder (you could say... a cult)
How did they warp his image? Does he know about it? How long has the religion been around- does it dissappear when the lamb is sacrificed? Grrrr I am so curious!!!
ok first of all, english is not my first language so if theres something you didnt quite understand lmk pls 🤝
sooo,,, an incredibly long explanation is incoming!
im gonna be honest, this all originated from A Single™️ line that Shamura said in-game. This One:
"The lamb is, after all, the sacrificial beast. Bred to slaughter"
Since the first time i read it, it kept lingering in my mind because, wdym.
In my own madness, that lines existence means that, even before the lamb genocide happened, the bishops considered lambs as some kind of free soul resource they could use for sacrifice with no repercussions. And thanks to that, ive been constantly in a state of Making Things Up In My Mind Until Shit Starts To Make Sense.
And heres where, basically everything comes into play. The lambs were Narinders cult, to some extent. They were assigned to him, courtesy of his siblings, to be literally the pastor of them, yknow, protecting them and guiding them until the time to be sacrificed came. However, those sacrifices were never for him. Those were for the rest of the bishops.
Let me explain! One thing i LOVE with what the community has done in COTLs lore understanding is the way we see the crowns powers. like HELL YEAH they are NOT a single concept they EMBRACE the whole spectrum of said concept! Including everything that may be considered "good" and "bad"!!!
AND NOW, the important thing with this,,,,
In-game, after indoctrinating the bishops into your cult, and completing each individual quest for them, they kind of tell you where they got their crowns? the version of the game ive been playing is the spanish one, and honestly i hadnt read those same dialogues in english to see if they actually translated them faithfully, but oh well!
Thats what i got from it; with the four telling you how they were basically normal creatures before finding the crowns. mind you, finding
We are talking about a culture in wich gods were kind of the basic population, maybe in the timespan before that weird "war" happened; youd think they would be more careful with those things no? Exactly!
The bishops werent properly crowned!!! :000
THIS MEANS, in my mind, that they had absolute zero knowledge of what those crowns fully embrace!!
This, also, is where i have a loose knot, for i still hadnt come to a reasonable explanation on how Narinder got his, for he seems to be the only one who wasnt a crawling creature before the crown, possibly meaning he WAS properly crowned. ill work more on this in the future :P
SO, before i start expanding waaaay more, this is where i wanted to get to, but itll be on giant general terms that i promise ill explain with more detail in the future:
the bishops didn't believe in death having some kind of spectrum to it, one that they used on their own personal gain, receiving offerings and such in exchange of "good things". As a result, they kind of excluded him, in a not so catastrophic way like you might think, but rather in a "your domain is of no use to us" kind of way.
This was a result of Shamuras doing, for they were the only bishop who got to understand what a crown entails, knowledge being in their domain after all
(as a little side note, i FUCKING LOVE what this implies. Yknow? that the contrary of war is not peace but rather knowledge, because the more informed you are the more able to see what kind of shit youre doing, yet also functioning as the greatest weapon to use in the field IS PEAK TO ME)
What Shamura was trying to do was protect him. They were very afraid of him, and in trying to make that fear go away, they decided to kind of "keep" the truth away. This resulted in him never exploiting his full domain, wich then led to ppl believing that praying to death was basically useless, unless you did it to get consolation, wich meant there were no offerings or sacrifices in his name.
Now, as the pastor of the lambs Narinder hated the way the other bishops treated them. The lambs were kept in some kind of village, from where they, whenever they wanted, could choose any lamb and make Narinder sacrifice them in their name. Even kids!
Well, after this half-assed explanation bc i didnt want to make it way longer, here comes the actual answer to your question! (sorry!)
the religion started the moment the lambs managed to escape the place they were kept in. the situation that led to this, was the same one that sparked the conflict between siblings: a resurrection.
even if Narinder was their patron god, the lambs never had contact with him until the time to sacrifice came. here youre gonna meet ellen! shes a missing link i had to write into the story for it to make more sense. she is, also, the culprit for that religion to exist!
Basically, that day they had sacrificed her lover. they were planning to escape that night, but sadly they had no chance on knowing who was to be chosed for slaughter next. instead of praying to their god, she insulted him, with such a burning passion, Narinder knew this was his opportunity.
he made a deal with her. he would revive her lover, and in exchange she would leave and never tell anyone what happened. the only gain Narinder was going to have with this was the knowledge that he could actually revive ppl, so it was a total win-win.
ellen, however, saw this as death being the kindest god to ever exist, and she felt incredibly lucky, for she was the first and only to ever be offered this.
we all know how this went, though. the ritual was interrupted by the bishops, they started arguing, Narinder did what he did etc etc
she escaped, alongside her whole village, and decided to mask her selfish act with sermons about how Narinder sacrificed himself so they could live better lives, and how he had choose her to be the carrier of his word. it was all made up ofc.
so, for a millenia, the lambs were worshipping an incredibly distorted version of Narinder. They didnt even get his name, nor his title. They only knew him as death. This also meant Narinder never got to know about this. As far as his knowledge go, the lambs may all had been sacrificed without any regulation in the next coming days after his imprisonment. None on his name, tho
fast forward and we get to Lambert! theyre the last priest to this religion, both figuratively and literally
the way priests and priestesses (?) work in here is something that in on itself deserve its own post, but on general terms:
in catholicism the priest is a person who got religious preparation to serve god and spread His word. they are meant to be chaste, kind, and just. they are also meant to be "served", to some extent.
in here, priests are more like the leaders of the lamb population, replacing Narinders role back in the day. they were all following a rule that only female direct descendants from ellen could get that title which OF COURSE MEANS IT WAS A TRANS DOMINATED FIELD LETS FUCKING GO (projecting much? LMAOOO)
so, yeah! they guide and serve! so imagine Lamberts pain after the bishops kill not only their family, but their Whole Fucking Species in front of their eyes!!! lads flabbergasted!!!!
and thats it! thats how they got a distorted version of Narinder for worship. No, he had no idea that both the lambs were still alive and that they had been worshipping him in a completely different way than intended. and yes! the religion did disappear once lambert got sacrificed! but to explain what actually happened there i need to make another pointlessly big paragraph and honestly i think i already abused my yapping rights for today!
i promise, all these concepts WILL be treated at their own pace, but it may take time for me to develop them nicely!
if you, however, fancy keep asking questions for me to go apeshit at them, PLEASE PLASE PLEASE DO SO!!!!!!
MAN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK YOU MADE MY WHOLE WEEK!!!! you asked about the EXACT point ive been DYING to expand more on THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
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somos-amor-luz · 1 year ago
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Artista→ @Indigo.degaia
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elbiotipo · 1 year ago
Fuera de joda que nada pero nada la baja más que escuchar a alguien haciendo chistes de "saquenmé de Latinoamérica" no importa lo atractiva que sea la persona en otros aspectos o cuánta onda podamos tener para mí es un no instantáneo
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mjfass · 1 year ago
Wrestling has been there for me during my most difficult times.
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manaosdeuwu · 9 months ago
NOOO. Qué te sea lo menos leve posible persona de mi dash :(
aaa gracias!! por suerte no es dengue al final 😭🙏 me salió negativo el análisis
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irontragedyreview · 25 days ago
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Esto te deja las siguientes conclusiones:
Hay gente que sinceramente nunca deberia tener hijos.
Si sos madre y tu hijo sufre disforia de genero esto no es nada para celebrar, lo primero que necesita un niño/a que sufre de disforia de genero es acompañamiento familiar y sobre todo psicologico que lo ayude a llegar a sus propias conclusiones.
La gente es ignorante y no conoce las leyes.
La hormonizacion en muchos casos no empieza hasta que el niño tiene 18 años, si se puede comenzar antes con pequeñas dosis que eviten la produccion de testosterona o estrogeno, sobre todo en casos donde la disforia es verdaderamente grave (es decir la salud mental del paciente en realidad se deteriora a niveles que podrian ponerlo en riesgo) para que los cambios durante la adolescencia no sea traumáticos para el adolescente (de nuevo esto no es en todos los casos y hay un gran acompañamiento psicologico antes de siquiera sugerir hormonizacion)
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