#sequel route
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This situation is obviously exaggerated for drama, so that Mitsuhide’s rebellion didn’t seem like it’s out of nowhere. In reality, Nobunaga doesn’t go this far with Honganji. After he petitioned the court to have Kennyo ousted and all the monks of Honganji evicted, he just left them alone. Kennyo went to retire to a different location, and Nobunaga didn’t bother hunting down every single one of the Honganji temples or believers. 
Surprisingly enough, the one who kind of did this is actually Ieyasu. After the Ikko Ikki of Mikawa rioted, eating up even half of the Tokugawa vassals in 1564, Ieyasu banned the Honganji sect from Mikawa altogether. All the Honganji-affiliated temples in Mikawa had to change into a different denomination or else they’d be punished or even eradicated. This ban on Honganji faith is not lifted until 1583.
Also, this is a mistake that I myself also made previously, but the Honganji sect is not the sole representative of the Jodo Shinshuu faith. As it turns out the Jodo Shinshu had split into at least 3 branches before Kennyo, with Honganji being actually one of the lesser branches at first. In time they grew in prominence and became the biggest one, causing misunderstanding that they’re the sole inheritor of Shinran’s Jodo Shinshuu teachings. 
Realistically speaking, throwing out Honganji doesn’t necessarily mean throwing out the Shinshuu faith entirely. Nobunaga had himself given clemency to some Shinshuu temples in his territories, after they swore that they’re not associated in any way to Honganji or the Ikko Ikki.
The branches don’t even like each other. The Takada branch of the Shinshuu and Honganji had multiple disputes with each other through history, from civil disputes like fighting over whose abbot gets to be awarded the post of the Most Reverend, to even proxy wars through samurai clans. Whichever side’s championed clan rules the land will run the other sect out of the territory and demands those who remained to convert into the other sect.
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bespectacledbun · 4 months
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Happy Chevalier Sequel Route day to those celebrating
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dododrawsstuff · 3 months
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My entry for @aquagirl1978 's event of Chevalier's Sequel Route Release for the prompt Love
Yes, it's yet another drawing of Chev and Mel sleeping, but in this one he is the small spoon. I imagine he could only show this level of vulnerability around someone her truly loved, and that's why I thought it fit with the prompt I swear I'll try to draw more serious art tomorrow lol
I also tried another rendering on this one, it's been fun experimenting with them
OC taglist: @olivermorningstar @keithsandwich @bicayaya @scummy-writes @aquagirl1978 @sh0jun @mxrmaid-poet @violettduchess @floydsteeth @lorei-writes @ikeprinces-stuff @flimflam707 @errethebunny @natimiles @judejazza (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
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A/N: Day whatever of my Chevalier Sequel Route Release event (we won't talk about the shit week I have had) Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader Prompt: Family Word Count: 948 Tags: fluff; Chevalier as a father
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A soft smile spread on my lips as I walked through the hallway to your room; I was certain this was my “human” smile you adored so much. I felt a warmth – one that was unfamiliar at first, but has since become something I have grown to enjoy – stir through my body as I approached your room. The closer to your room I got, the happier I felt for I would soon be seeing you.
As soon as I crossed the threshold to your room, my eyes were locked on you, your smile radiant as you sat up in bed. My gaze then drifted to the sleeping baby in your arms. 
Our baby.
“There he is, the new father!!”
I let out an exasperated sigh. Of course he came to see you. I glanced back at you, your eyes apologizing for keeping such a secret. You were right to do that; had I known, I certainly would have put up a fuss at his invitation.
Without greeting the old man, I approached your bed and placed a quick kiss on the top of your head. Never having had much experience with small babies, I awkwardly tickled his toes as gently as I could.
“How have you both been?” I asked quietly so as to not wake the sleeping baby, my fingers still touching his toes. I’ll never let you know how truly worried I have been the past few days since our new arrival. 
“We’re doing well, we’re having a nice visit with great-grandpa.”
My body tensed hearing a man who was not a grandfather to me referred to as great-grandpa to my child.
“Please don’t call me that, it makes me sound like such an old man,” the marquis replied smiling. 
I smirked and finally allowed my eyes to meet his; I didn’t have to look behind me to know the joy that was written on your face. 
“Someone’s hungry,” the old man said as my son stirred in his mother’s arms, his soft cries piercing the uncomfortable silence that had fallen in the room. “I think this is our cue to leave,” he added, winking at me. He rose from his chair, and only then did I notice he had a cane with him.
He’s getting older.
Lifting my hand in a small wave, I smiled at you once more before turning on my heel and leaving your room.I knew my son wouldn’t see me waving goodbye, but I did it anyway.
“Do you have a few minutes to walk with me to Sariel’s office? I wanted to pay him a visit while I’m here.”
Nodding, I followed him down the hallway, silence lingering between us.
“He has her eyes,” he said softly.
I glanced at him curiously, recalling the moment the nurse placed our baby into your arms. The first thing you had said to me after laying eyes on him was that he had my eyes.
“Not your wife. Your mother.” There was a fondness in his voice I hadn’t often heard.
I fell silent as I walked alongside him. I never thought of her as my mother; to me, she would always be the late queen. An unpleasant feeling stirred inside me, one I wished I could easily ignore.
It wasn’t a long walk to Sariel’s office, the remainder of which was spent in silence. I was relieved when I saw the ornate door to his office.
“Maybe I’ll see you around here soon,” I said awkwardly, not really sure how to say goodbye. “It would mean alot to her if you came for a visit again soon. She is quite fond of you.”
“And I am very fond of her.” He rested his hand on the doorknob to the office before continuing to speak. “But she already extended me an invite back. Said it would be good for your son to get to know his family.”
A huff of laughter escaped my throat; of course you would say something like that to that old dotard. 
“Besides,” he added while opening the door to the minister’s office, “someone has to tell your son what you were like when you were younger.”
With my eyes wide and my jaw slackened, I found myself not completely hating the idea.
After leaving the old dotard, I returned to your room, my heart happy to see you again. Opening the door slowly, I found you asleep on the bed, our son nestled in the bassinet nearby. I walked over to him, and took a moment to just watch him. To enjoy him while he was still this little. 
I reached out my hand, and allowed my fingertip to graze his fisted hand. Awkwardly, I stroked his little hand, hoping I was gentle with my touch. His hand opened and his fingers flexed, wrapping all five fingers around my one.
As I glanced down at my son, my finger gripped tightly in his tiny fist, I felt that not so unpleasant feeling wash over me once more. 
Being born into royalty meant a life of duty and honor to one’s country. While it was a life thrust upon me with no choice whatsoever, I wasn’t certain that this was the exact life I wanted for my child. I didn’t want him to repeat my mistakes and follow the life handed to me. I wanted – no, needed – him to know that being a royal also meant that they needed to know love and what it felt like to be loved. 
I smiled as I realized what that feeling that had filled me so often was. It was something I had never felt before; it was familial love.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
@ikesenwritings @kalims-pessimist-bestie @justpeachyteastea
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stellarstardust · 3 months
Wake up, babe. New cringey IkePri MC quote just dropped:
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Me reading this: 🤦🏻‍♀️
And here is where Chevalier is me:
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You deserve to be laughed at and feel embarrassed, Emma. I laughed and was embarrassed for you.
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scorchieart · 3 months
Sniper, no sniping!
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And that's the story of how Yves solved world peace. Leon was there, he can corroborate.
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ikeprinces-stuff · 21 days
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Event : Leon Dompteur sequel route release
Host : @aquagirl1978
Characters : Leon x Reader
Words : 1414
A/N : My first entry to the event, a day early before the start time, pls don't mind me, Aqua ✨❤️🤣 the one who'll get deeper to what inside the story is the smartest fella!
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Day 1 - “Love : Who/what does Leon love? what does love mean to him?”
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Love can take on numerous interpretations, shaped by individual perspectives and experiences. For some, love serves as a coping mechanism, while others might use it as a justification for actions that stray far from its essence. Conversely, many view love as a beacon, a source of joy, and a guiding force in life. The unique love discovered by the King of Beasts was particularly exceptional; it prompted him to reconnect with a part of himself that he believed he had eradicated long ago, unaware that this hidden self had been quietly residing within his lonely heart.
This newfound love acted as a catalyst for his journey towards authenticity, allowing him to emerge as his true self rather than merely playing a role cast by others. After nearly succumbing to the depths of his solitude and despair, he found solace in the presence of someone who shone like a warm ray of sunshine, nurturing him back to life and helping him rediscover the essence of who he truly was.
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“Nothing will change the man I know, you will always be you.” Even after all this time, the words still resonate in his mind like the enchanting sound of bells—melodic and timeless. He finds himself replaying them over and over, especially when he’s with you, the one who spoke those cherished words. They linger in his thoughts, a beautiful reminder of that moment, evoking feelings he never tires of reliving.
"‘As she departed from the barren place she once called home, she resolved to embark on a journey through the kingdoms, in search of the truth... answers... about her own identity. Throughout her life, people have regarded her as charming, resolute, and adept at winning hearts with her personality and deeds, almost effortlessly.’" You read the passage attentively, your place nestled in your king's embrace on the bed, as if sharing a bedtime story. "You know, Leon?" you called out, catching his attention, which shifted towards you with evident curiosity. "This heroine reminds me of someone. She has a way of captivating people instantly, with an irresistible charm." You shot a teasing glance at Leon, prompting him to chuckle. "I wonder who that could be?" he replied playfully, already aware of your intentions. As he wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you closer, his actions spoke louder than words, reinforcing your point.
“Do you really think she’s like me?” Leon asked, his strong arms enveloping you in a comforting embrace, transferring warmth from your skin to your very heart. You let out a soft sigh, allowing yourself to lower your defenses in his presence. “Maybe not exactly,” you replied, sensing the intrigue reflected in Leon’s eyes. Earlier, you had drawn a parallel between him and the heroine of the story, but now it seemed you had shifted your stance. “What do you mean by that?” Leon inquired, curiosity evident in his voice and a playful smile dancing on his lips.
“Well, this heroine, despite her intelligence, beauty, and indomitable spirit… spent her life in solitude. She overcame challenges and fought against the odds, yet she did it all on her own. Though many admired her, she never let anyone in, never truly lowered her guard. She was surrounded by admirers, but her only true companion was her instrument—her intuition and her instinct for survival.”
Leon was taken aback by your in-depth character analysis, recognizing its precision, poignancy, and underlying sadness. Even though the character was fictional, he felt a sense of connection. Despite being constantly surrounded by supporters and admirers, he too often felt the grip of loneliness. In a way, he and that heroine were linked by their shared struggle with solitude.
“Maybe it’s just that she hasn’t discovered what could liberate her from her loneliness yet,” he mused, his voice tinged with a softness that hinted at deeper thoughts. Glancing at him, you noticed his gaze was fixed not on the pages before you but somewhere far away, filled with a mixture of sadness and affection.
“She’s lost, you know,” Leon continued, lowering his voice almost to a whisper. “Without any hints of her past, she learned to build walls, never trusting anyone. She was a shadow of herself, unable to open her heart.” As he spoke, you caught a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, as if he were recollecting an intimate part of his own life. Your hand instinctively reached out to his cheek, caressing it tenderly. To your surprise, Leon leaned into your touch, closing his eyes as he reveled in the comfort you offered.
“You and this heroine are quite different, though,” you chimed in with a playful smile, watching him react with a mischievous glint in his now-opened eyes. “You’ve been quite the wordsmith lately, haven’t you?” You laughed lightly, before continuing, “While I can see why you might see similarities, let’s be real here. You said she couldn’t find a way out of her loneliness, but that’s not true for you.” There was a pause, a bridge of unspoken connections stretching between the two of you. “She couldn’t be herself with anyone. But you… you found me. You never had to hide who you are from me.”
Leon fell silent, and you could feel the warmth of your emotions swirling in the air. “When I fell in love with you, it wasn’t just affection; it was a desire to share this life, to ensure you’d never be alone. You’ve always told me that our love lets you be yourself, that with me, you can embrace the real you.” You felt a sense of resolution settle around you, as if the darkness that once surrounded Leon was slowly lifting, replaced by the bright light of acceptance and connection.
Leon locked his amber gaze onto you, an irresistible glint of mischief in his eyes as he snatched the book from your hands and slammed it shut, plopping it down on the bedside table. “Hey! I wasn’t done with that yet—Oooff!” The air rushed from your lungs as he nestled his head against your chest, arms wrapping around you tight. “Leon…?” You could hardly process it as he purred like a contented cat, radiating warmth and affection that made your heart flutter. “You’ve got this uncanny knack for making me fall head over heels every single time,” he murmured, grinning up at you.
Your surprise quickly melted into adoration. “Well, I hope that heroine finds something to chase away her loneliness,” Leon said, as your fingers gently gliding through his hair. “Someone who makes her feel free to be herself, you know?” Leon nodded thoughtfully. “Basically, she needs to find love, right?” you added, and he totally agreed. “I always knew you cared for everyone, but I didn’t think you’d extend all that compassion to fictional characters too,” you teased, a grin creeping onto your face.
“Hey, I just can’t stand the thought of anyone going through what I did,” he shrugged, still clinging to you like you were his security blanket. “If that heroine figures it out, it’ll mean she learns that being herself is all about love. And thanks to you, I know just what that feels like.” He looked at you, eyes glimmering with hope, and you couldn’t resist giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Really, all I did was fall for you. I’m not some great sage or anything,” you laughed lightly, but his expression was mock-serious. “Oh please, drop the modesty! Even if it’s true, I’m giving you all the credit anyway,” he shot back, settling on top of you like it was the most natural thing in the world.
With barely a moment to catch your breath, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, fingers intertwining in a dance that felt like pure magic. Just as you were about to get lost in the moment, reality hit you like a ton of bricks. “Ugh, what if I forget where I left off in the book? This is totally your fault!” You rolled your eyes, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. Leon chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Don’t sweat it! You won’t forget a single detail of tonight—especially when I keep reminding you how much I love you,” he grinned, capturing your lips again as you both dove into a world that was just the two of you, wrapped up in an endless loop of love and laughter.
Fin ✨❤️
Taglist : @violettduchess @the-bird-and-the-flute @lorei-writes @chirp-a-chirp @solacedeer @judesmoonbeauty @drachonia @wistfulwanderingone @candiedcoffeedrops @scummy-writes @rjthirsty @reborn-elven @candied-boys @leonscape @citrusmornings
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I love their interactions so much. When they're not trying to kill each other anyway.
Actually no. Even then 🫣
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Arthur says it best
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Playing Pretend Collection Event [ Leon's Sequel Route Release]
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°° Leon's Story Card °°
Leon : Young Bf // His POV
Litch : Teach me, Senpai? // His POV
Clavis : Master & Apprentice // His POV
Chev : Perfect Doctor // His POV
** still uploading **
I can't guarantee that I'll get their POV though. 'Cause I have to be on top 100 to all of them. And I can't because I'm saving for Chev, Sil and Gilbie's event for the future. So... Probably, just Chevie and Clavs is certain ~~~
I think I can focus on this event now that I've finished all routes (except the bitter end) for the ikevil event and I'm not really chasing the ranking this time (Just Roger's bonus story).😎
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sylphid187 · 24 days
I like how the entire dynamic of everyone is in this as they're trying to tail Arthur:
1. Dazai's mischief, and poor Isaac getting dragged into it.
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2. For someone who didnt wanna be there, Isaac eventually ends up going along with it and joining in 😅
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3. And then there's Theo...the enabler 🤣🤣
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5. And once its all over, it all goes back to poor Isaac being bullied by Dazai in the end 😅🤣
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I'm quite sure this is a reference to Hideyoshi giving Mitsuhide a warning in Act 1. It could be incidental, but since she specifically said Hideyoshi and not the others, I think it might be purposeful.
Unfortunately, when I first read the Act 1, the translation was in error and what Hideyoshi says is completely different in English. I haven’t replayed the Act 1 again to see if the translation has been changed since (hopefully it has), but I don’t have the screenshots of that scene anyway, so I will just provide the context here with quotes from the Japanese text.
In the final or epilogue chapter of Mitsuhide’s Act 1, after they dealt with Nagamasa’s betrayal, Hideyoshi dropped by and said this:
I’m indebted (to Nobunaga) because I’ve been raised (in rank) from my humble origins, so if anyone betrays Nobunaga-sama…
… I will not forgive them, even if it’s you, Mitsuhide-san.
Not history-related, just a call back to the previous route
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silvergarnet12 · 11 months
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sad bird hours
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aquagirl1978 · 3 months
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Run Away With Me
A/N: Day 1 of my Chevalier Sequel Route Release event I know I'm two days late Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader Prompt: Love Word count: 1058 Tags: fluff
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While working in the kitchen, you were putting the finishing touches on a tray of beignets for tonight’s garden party. It was a special event, the first time the guest of honor was a renowned author who just happened to be a childhood friend of Prince Keith. Needless to say, everything needed to be perfect. 
You knew he was there before he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered into your ear. It was the little things that, after being together this long, became second nature. His familiar footsteps. The light rustle of his cloaks that billowed behind him. The scent of roses that followed him everywhere. 
“Someone’s been hard at work.” His hot breath tickled your skin before he pressed a gentle kiss on the pulse point of your neck. 
Making a soft sound, your body relaxed, melting into his as his kisses grew hungry, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as his mouth traveled down your neck. His arm tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Closing your eyes, you tilted your head, further exposing your neck to him, inviting him to nibble on your sweet skin.
Trembling, you gripped the edge of the counter as your knees weakened. The tip of his tongue felt so good laving your skin, you didn’t want any of this to end. Your lips parted, exhaling a soft moan, the sound of which brought you back to reality.
“Cheva–” you whimpered, your hand lifting, fingers winding in his pale locks, holding his face close to your neck, betraying the words caught in your throat. “We shouldn’t…not in the kitchen…”
“I'm sorry,” he replied, his face still buried in the crook of your neck, his lips barely brushing your skin as he spoke, “but I’m hungry.”
“If you’re so hungry….” Twisting  in his arms, you lifted your hand to his lips, offering the warm beignet held delicately between your fingers. “Try this.”
He took a small bite, graceful as ever, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. “Keep improving at this rate, and you’ll soon be better than the palace chefs.”
Your face flushed with warmth; Chevalier was not one to offer compliments, so this was high praise from your king. When he finished the beignet, you began to pull your hand away, only to find your wrist tight in his grasp,  his fingers firmly pressing against your skin in a way that was not unpleasant. 
Your eyes widened as he brought your hand towards his lips, his tongue darting out licking the tip of your pointer finger. Your gaze fixed on his; pale blue flames of passion flickered back at you as he slid your finger slowly into his mouth.
“What’s gotten into you?” you asked. Not that you minded the attention, rather quite the opposite. But this affection – here, in the kitchen, where anyone could walk in at any moment – was very unlike him. A little thrill ran up your spine, leaving your body tingling as you wondered what would happen if someone did walk into the kitchen right now.
With your finger sill in his mouth, his lips curled into a smirk, his teeth gently nipping your skin as he withdrew your hand.
“You had some sugar on your finger,” he said nonchalantly, as if he had not just had your finger inside his mouth. He let go of your hand, allowing it to drop unceremoniously to your side.
An awkward silence fell as you gathered your thoughts, unsure if any action would encourage more biting.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked as you noticed his gaze lingering on the tray of sweets behind you. “We don’t want to be late,” you added in a whisper. 
“No, of course not,” he said, his smile soft. “I’ve heard how busy you have been planning this soiree.”
“Oh?” Warmth mixed with surprise filled your heart. 
He nodded and cupped your cheek in his hand. “I know the lengths you have gone to in order to prepare for this event. The lunches you shared with Maeve to discuss the details. Working with Yves to plan the perfect menu. Reading the copy of Sonia’s book that Maeve gave you in the few spare moments of your day.”
Your heart swelled with pride. He didn’t have to say it; his eyes did:  I see everything you do and appreciate it. The knowledge that he found you worthy – worthy of his love, worthy to stand by his side as the future queen of Rhodolite – was honestly a bit overwhelming in a good way.
“Run away with me,” he said, his eyes warm pools of pale blue water. 
This was hardly a thing Chevalier would normally say to you. But recently, he had developed this habit of quoting lines from books you both had read or were reading. Maybe it was his teasing way of testing your memory. Or maybe it was his way of expressing himself in ways he otherwise couldn’t. Either way, you found this new habit of his to be quite endearing.
The line he was now quoting was from a scene in the middle of the book, and you were grateful you remembered it so well. The protagonists – a young couple in love – dreamt about running away instead of dealing with the expectations imposed upon them by their stations in life.
It was hard not to relate to the young couple given everything you and Chevalier had faced together, burdened by the sheer fact that he was born into royalty and you were not. It was not an easy path to walk along, but it was the one that you chose. Everything you had gone through and will go through, it was all worth it to be able to stand by his side. 
You smiled wistfully, a part of you wishing that you could simply run away with your love. Even for a day. Wishing for a moment you were the characters in the book and had the luxury of even dreaming of running away.
“And where are you taking me?” you replied in a soft whisper.
“To the stars.” He held your gaze as he spoke; the way he looked at you made you wonder if maybe, for just this moment too, that he shared your wish of escaping together. 
Even if just for a day.
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@redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @keithsandwich @lunaaka @portrait-ninja
@sh0jun @ikesenwritings
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vinnigami · 5 months
Requesting an Aleph, I feel like he’d be fun in your style
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I’ve been wanting to play smt 2 for a while but I don’t know what version I should play. also I have no idea what happens in it. aleph’s awesome though love this guy
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methoughtsphantom · 2 months
plot bunnies about an idea i don’t have enough motivation juice to write. red hood identity reveal variety
smol jason
So, Red Hood reclutantly working alongside the Bat to take down a child trafficking ring when he is hit with a de-aging spell. It even isn’t the first time Batman encountered the end of this particular spell so he already knows the victim would have no recollection of their memories, so he protects the now child (he guessing 11 estimate age) and guides him through the panic of not being able to take off the Red Hood helmet. the one that canonically has a bomb in it (cause older Jason is a dramatic bitchTM) so like, Batman catches the child’s prying fingers and takes them away from the latches because Hood has implied the existence of a bomb and that’s enough for dread to set in his gut. Bruce gently coaxes the child to let him confirm this with a device he takes out of his belt and raises it eye level to the kid’s head. It beeps. And B feels the ground sweep out under him. Because indeed this child has a bomb to his head. (and he’s suddenly hearing another bomb go off in the distance and a warehouse and —)
anyways, B ends up taking (read kidnapping) this twelve year old to the Batcave so they can pry off the helmet and I can only picture the ANGST because this is Jason and Bruce each unaware of who the other is. Jason still lives in the streets in his mind according to him and well, according to B, he’s dead. So they start bonding, kinda awkwardly at first cuz of the helmet’s voice modulator, but Jay at that age (at any rlly) was a spitfire and like he genuinely makes B forget this is a crime lord for a second (kinda difficult to that when the kid is stuck in the helmet) but whatever. I can only see Jason being his cautious self but kinda being at ends here because he kinda does need Batman’s help to get this thing off him, so he can only, just like narrow his eyes when the Bat approaches him for a blood sample. (“Need to check for magic residue, lad.”)
(Jason’s only allows this because he has a knife he found in the clothes he’d was drowning in earlier)
As u can guess, Bruce was obviously lying and wanted to run the blood sample to see if it matched any from his database (as the Red Hood has also implied that they have met before)
Anyways Bruce just gets the alert that the blood reading was finished almost at the same time they can pry the helmet off, and because he got a little attached, he just wants to see the face of this lively if wary teenager that has the same name as his (dead) son. (he managed to pry it from him earlier, how, i dunno) It’s literally Bruce’s martyr and huge guilt-complex that goes like ‘ah yes let me see the face of a child that was failed so throughly by the people who should’ve taken care of him’. So they pry off the helmet and then Bruce feels like he’s been doused by cold water. it’s like he’s staring at the ghost of his dead son again, the image completed with ruffled hair, slightly upturned lips and blue guarded eyes that look up to him with recognition but not recognition.
Bruce immediately hardens, shuts down any hope he can feel rushing in and desperately tries to close the dam and let his confusion and rage turn into anguish. “Who are you?”
The boy—the imposter quickly tracks the 180 demeanor change and immediately goes defensive. A painfully familiar scowl appears in his face.
“I’m Jason, I already told you that, what, your old age catching up to you?”
Batman stalks closer and then the boy’s taking two steps back for every one the Bat takes. He tracks the loose outline of a hand closing in tightly around the hilt of a knife in the boy wearing his son’s face and he can only think how dare he.
“Lies! You’re not my son! Who are you?”
Heart in throat, Jason struggles to keep distance between him and the towering black shadow that’s so angry he can sense it in his very bones. He doesn’t understand.
He doesn’t.
“I-I my name’s Jason. Jason Todd. My father is Willis Todd, not—not, Batman.”
And there’s that for the little snippet. Sorry this is so disjointed😭. After that’s just the mental image of Dick cutting in with Zatanna trailing closely behind him and being all “Hey I got your message about a de-aging spell and—“ and just stopping at the scene.
Because that’s Batman towering over a clearly scared kid. Said kid using the distraction to try and stab Batman. The action clearly enraging Batman—that doesn’t make any sense?! B would never— Dick immediately sprints into action and steps in between the two.
like Dick just giving his back to the kid and not seeing. Batman clearly shaking his head in denial and snarling, treating the kid like his crime lord self and Dick not understanding. Having to receive help from Zatanna to get the kid the hell out of here (but like where would they even take him? The manor??)
Zatanna just takes them to the other side of the cave and takes note of the teenager. How he has a dead grip on a red helmet and his gaze is stuck upon it.
Meanwhile Dick has to physically restrain Batman from going after the kid and he raises his voice just enough to demand what the hell is happening?? Why is there a kid in the Batcave? …Batman??? Report. As he is demanding answers Dick had slowly loosen his grip on his dad only to now found him staring at his gauntlet’s data hologram.
The information displayed? 99.98% Match confirmed to Jason Peter Todd.
So as this is clearly pure angst, I want Jason to lash out, sticking only to Zatanna only to realize she’s the magic user that’ll quote on quote will return him back to normal.
Jason is just like on really uneven ground here, even though he doesn’t think he’s ready to retur. But then Batman is just like “Jaylad” … “Jay…” and taking off his cowl and reaching up to him and looking at him like he knows him, like he’s something fragile and precious. Which is sooo fucking jarring you can understand. Jason internally is all what the fuck
Jason just wants them to back off. Jason is an overwhelmed bean. He looks up to Nightwing for help but the man is also mirroring the Bat, domino off and eyes suspiciously bright.
Zatanna is literally the only person in the room not emotionally compromised. She’s with Jay in the ??? train.
Suddenly she looks down and there’s the little boy whose eyes are pleading in helpless confusion. Eyes practically conveying the question you can return me back to normal right?? he pointedly doesn’t rip his eyes from hers as Zatanna puts a hand on his shoulder, pretending she doesn’t notice how he trembles and wordlessly asks if he’s sure.
cut scene
Bruce interrupts because information overload and he can’t compartmentalize this is too important and he and Dick stop Zatanna to which she too is ?? because that was literally what she was called for here. Dick is no help.
Dick is torn.
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somekindabard · 3 months
Okay Im reeeaallly hoping for some legends characters like they said so what if season 2 happens and we find out that Qimir was Tenebrous's apprentice, a new character or was set up to be darth Venamis (Darth Venamis is a bith in legends so probably a new character with a similar story? Or they'll just take some creative liberty and make him human)
In legends, Venamis was Tenebrous's secret apprentice that Darth Plagueis killed and brought back to life. I think that either Qimir was the secret apprentice and follows that story or he was the main apprentice and Plagueis was the secret apprentice and was sent to kill him to take his place as a test by Tenebrous. (Something Palpatine did to Vader in the comics... Like a lot). Either way, Plagueis either keeps him from dying or brings him back to life and he feels betrayed by Tenebrous and horrified that his life was used as an experiment and leaves to find his own acolyte, plotting to kill Tenebrous and Plagueis for what happened.
Also if Plagueis and Tenebrous are in the series it would explain how Mae & Osha were created by the force. Either Mother Aniseya got the help of Plagueis to create the twins or Plagueis stole Mother Aniseya's work after Mae & Osha were born to create life on his own.
And that links Qimir to Mae and Osha in a way and in his mind it's a poetic way to bring down Plagueis. With his own creation. Or he blames Mother Aniseya for the way Plagueis played with his life and that leads to him discovering Mae and Osha.
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