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I Am The Fire // Tagged by @nina_green_poetry for #septemberfalls20 “i am the fire” • • #MBS #poem #poetry #poetsofinstagram #poet #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #poetrylovers #writer #writingcommunity #writing #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #spilledink #spilledwords #instapoet #instapoetry https://www.instagram.com/p/CFN2R0Pl5Hy/?igshid=1322kmwpdz2b1
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Time. . . #scriptember #fallspoetry #septemberfalls20 (rolling stone ) #poemsofinstagram #poetryislife #poetryofinstagram #time #weekendmood #liferightnow https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0vVLvJEDS/?igshid=kzmm2bsobldg
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From a music prompt ‘The Whole of the Moon’ by The Water Boys set by #SeptemberFalls20
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From a music prompt ‘Holy Grail’ by Hunters and Collectors set by #SeptemberFalls20 What I’ve loved about doing #SeptemberFalls music prompts has been the chance to step into all kinds of music and all kinds of culture. This song, I’ve discovered, is about Napoleon’s march on Moscow, the ‘Great Crusade’, and has become a de facto Australian National Anthem, played at events like the Australian Rules Football finals. Great song and a great sport. I’ve used a screengrab from a video which shows Hunters and Collectors playing at halftime at the AFL Final in 2013.
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From a music prompt ‘Prayer of the Refugee’ by Rise Againstset by #SeptemberFalls20
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From a music prompt ‘’ by #SeptemberFalls20 ‘the quiet things that no one ever knows’ by Brand New
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From a music prompt ‘Black Dirt Track’ by the Waifs set by #SeptemberFalls20
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From a music prompt ‘Heaven beside you’ by Alice in Chains set by #SeptemberFalls20 I grabbed an image from the official video and used this as the basis for writing two tankas, syllabic forms using a structure of 5-7-5-7-7
#poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #readersofinstagram #igpoems #igpoets #writersofig #poetryislife #poetrylovers #poetrylife #writepoetry #writepoems #wordsmithery #wordsmiths #poems #writingcommunity #writingcommunityofig #haiku #tanka #ekphrasis #ekphrasticpoetry #heavenbesideyou #aliceinchains

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From a music prompt ‘Sea of Love’ by Cat Power set by #SeptemberFalls20 Although this song has been performed by Cat Power and many others, it’s a cover of a song from 1959 by Phil Phillips. It’s a story of yet another black artist being ripped off by the music industry. Phillips always stated that he only ever received $6,800. He died only recently in March 2020 aged 94.
#poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #readersofinstagram #igpoems #igpoets #writersofig #poetryislife #poetrylovers #poetrylife #writepoetry #writepoems #wordsmithery #wordsmiths #poems #writingcommunity #writingcommunityofig #rhymes #rhyming #sonnet #haiku #tanka #ekphrasis #ekphrasticpoetry #seaoflove #philphillips #catpower

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From a music prompt ‘’Northern Downpour’ by Panic! At the Disco’ set by #SeptemberFalls20 Lovely song and I grabbed some images from the official video to accompany this piece.
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From a music prompt ‘How Villains are made’ by Madalen Duke - #SeptemberFalls20 Excellent official video for this track – I was struck how it seemed to capture the atmosphere of a Hitchcock film. I picked up on the old telly flickering away in the corner and built this piece around it.
#poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #readersofinstagram #igpoems #igpoets #writersofig #poetryislife #poetrylovers #poetrylife #writepoetry #writepoems #wordsmithery #wordsmiths #poems #writingcommunity #writingcommunityofig #madalenduke #howvillainsaremade #hitchcock

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From a prompt ‘Sun shower’ by Chris Cornell - #SeptemberFalls20
Photo my own.
#poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #readersofinstagram #igpoems #igpoets #writersofig #poetryislife #poetrylovers #poetrylife #writepoetry #writepoems #wordsmithery #wordsmiths #poems #writingcommunity #writingcommunityofig #sunshower #chriscornell #cleethorpes

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Most Of The Time // “most of the time” for @fallspoetry #septemberfalls20 • • #MBS #poetry #poem #longformfriday #poetsofinstagram #poet #poetsofig #poetrycommunity #bobdylan #mostofthetime #writer #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #writing #writersofig #writerscommunity #spilledwords #spilledink #instapoet #instapoetry https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSOOX2FpOF/?igshid=wfl3y098m561
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From a prompt ‘Hum Hallelujah’ by Fall Out Boy set by #SeptemberFalls20
Great song which segues into a reference to Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Hallelujah’. Some great lyrics like this line A teenage vow in a parking lot, ‘til tonight do us part. This got me thinking about car parks and how there’s a guy in the UK, self-described as the world’s dullest man, who’s set up the Car Park Appreciation Society.
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From a music prompt ‘to withstand the force of storms’ by La Dispute’ - #SeptemberFalls20
Some great lyrics from this song:
you never let them hear you
In a soundproof room, in a windowless world
Keep your voice down or dull your words
This got me thinking about anechoic chambers. Thanks to sound artist #jacobkierkegaard for his photograph of himself in such a chamber.
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