#seonghwa x seungwoo x reader
atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
Acts of Kindness
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⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Pairing: Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Han Seungwoo (Victon)/ GN Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comfort
AUs: Established (Poly) Relationship, Slice of Life
Rating: (PG)
WC: 2.6k+
Tw: Stress
©atiny-piratequeen/nocturne-overtures 2022. do not repost, translate, or use my works.  
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
A/N: Reader has no specific gender so I hope any and all of my lovely AliceTiny can enjoy this little soft commissioned work thanks to my lovely bestie @jacksons-goddess-gaia​ I Hope you don’t mind me using some of your irl work stories and craziness for this and I hope the next time you have a rough day, you think about a certian two soft house husbands and it lifts your mood a bit 
✦Also, If you have filled out my taglist before and have since changed urls, I ask that you make sure to refill out my form if you haven’t already! I think I’m losing people in the sauce sometimes because of url changes or blog moving and after and it’s a bit easier for me if you refill out the form if you’d like to be tagged still. Thank you!
✦  AO3 |   Taglist   |   Commissions
Network Pings: @kwritersworld​ | @kdiarynet​ | @8makes1teamnet​ | @k-vanity​
Seonghwa wiped the sweat from his brow, sighing as he looked up at that pesky corner in the hallway. It was a bit too high for him to reach with his duster, even standing on the tips of his toes.
“You look cute when you’re pouting.” he doesn’t startle at the voice behind him, but he does blink in surprise when he feels a larger hand close around his, gently prying the duster from his hands before an arm extended over his head, knocking away cobwebs and strings of dust that had collected there since the last clean.
Seungwoo sent him a dimpled smile as he passed the duster back, kissing the top of his head before making his way into the kitchen.
“C’mon, it’s Friday night and Y/n should be getting off soon. I’ll wash the veggies and cut up some of the meat. Pick which base you want to go in the hot pot.” the older man instructed. Seonghwa muttered something about washing his hands as he headed down the opposite side of the hall.
Idly, he wondered why you hadn’t called either of them yet. Usually, around this time, you liked to call them to have one or both of them keep you company on the drive home.
“I don't understand what you’re not getting. I said it’s an emergency, so go back there and tell the doctors I need help.”
You feel your temple throb in annoyance as you look at the woman parked in the handicap spot in front of your office. You can't help but notice the lack of a placard, but you inhale, putting on your best fake smile.
“Hello, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but the office is currently closed. Urgent care is down the road, or I would recommend going to a hospital as soon as possible in the event of an emergency.”
The woman huffed, sticking her upper body out of the window.
“No! I had an appointment at 10 am! You have to take me!”
You look at your watch, the LED ‘5PM’ staring back at you before you lift your gaze to the woman, trying to keep your ‘customer service’ voice on despite the spiraling ridiculousness of the situation.
“Ah, we called you earlier-twice-to inquire about your appointment and if you needed it to be moved to a later date. Because we never got a callback, I’m afraid you’ll have to schedule another appointment. Or…go to urgent care down the street. They’re still open.” You try to offer helpfully.
Its met with an indignant huff as the woman glared you down. Before she even opened her mouth, you could tell this was going to be a conversation that would give you an even worse headache than usual.
“I don’t want to go there. I want the doctor to do his job and take care of this right now.”
Your fake smile loses its wattage and the annoyance is probably very much visible at this point by the settle of your brow as you exhale.
“The doctors are gone for the day. The doors are locked. Unfortunately, we cannot see you today since you didn’t show for your appointment.”
The woman launched into a tirade, hurling insults your way, but you find it more humorous this way, deciding to send a text to your boss about the situation before excusing yourself and heading to your car. The woman called after you, but you just calmly remind yourself that you don’t get paid enough to deal with that.
In fact, you’re off the clock. You’re not getting paid at all.
Instead, you set your phone up in the mounted dock on your dashboard and call one of your partners, relaxing into your seat as you hear a familiar deep voice pick up.
“Y/n? Are you on your way? Seungwoo-hyung is starting to prep for dinner.”
You smile the moment you hear Seonghwa’s voice, pulling out of the parking lot and leaving the ranting woman to her own devices.
“Sorry, some weirdo showed up as I was leaving, demanding to be let in for the ‘emergency’ of us seeing her, meanwhile she missed her appointment for 10, and didn’t return any of our calls.”
Seonghwa’s brows furrowed as he headed into the kitchen, setting his phone somewhere where it wouldn’t get wet or dropped and putting it on speaker for Seungwoo to hear you.
“You sound stressed. Is it just that?” Seungwoo hesitantly inquired.
As if opening the flood gates, you begin to vent about your day as you drive. From that woman outside the office demanding to be let in, to the coworker that tried to explain how to combat global warming, only to explain how to make an incredibly poisonous gas. Or the person who told them that she wouldn’t do what the doctor told her to do because it was ‘uncomfortable’ and wanted a shot to ‘fix’ the pain of her broken bone. Or the person asking for horse tranquilizer to help with their cold.
By the time you had settled down and let out an exasperated sigh, both Seonghwa and Seungwoo’s brows were fixed in perplexing positions, their mouths half-open.
“So anyway, sorry for venting, how is your day going?”
The two men exchanged a look before they began flying around the kitchen, preparing dinner faster than they were before.
“One, don’t ever apologize for venting. Two, hurry home so we can feed you, you’ve had a hell of a day, darling.” Seungwoo’s voice came from a bit farther away than Seonghwa’s had, and you can faintly hear the sound of a knife quickly chopping something in the background. You feel a bit bad, dumping all of the day’s stress on them.
They can tell from the silence coming from your end, apparently, and Seonghwa’s soothing voice snapped you out of your own musings.
“Don’t worry, Y/n. Our day was fine. We spent most of it cleaning up and preparing for the weekend. Got some fresh food from the store today, so we’ll be having hot pot.”
You feel your brows go up eagerly and you let out a small, excited ‘oh?’. Both of them laugh to themselves and you get home a bit faster than usual.
The moment you open the door, you feel your feet leave the floor as you’re engulfed in a strong pair of arms. Your feet dangle as Seungwoo picked you up, peppering your face in kisses. A smile crosses your face as you hug him back, your work bag slipping from your arm. Seonghwa appeared at your side, pulling it off completely before kissing your cheek, partially squishing you between them.
“Honey, I’m home.” you laugh playfully, kissing both of them as Seungwoo placed you back on the floor. They step aside so you can put your house slippers on, making your way to the kitchen, following the tantalizing scent of the hot pot broth. It’s set up in the living room, with comfortable cushions placed on the floor in a crescent shape so the three of you could eat and watch something on TV.
Instantly, you feel yourself smiling wider, sitting in the spot between the two of them and looking around at the spread of food in front of you.
“There’s so much here. What’s the special occasion?” You inquire, setting yourself an egg in the broth to cook slowly before grabbing some baby corn to put in the pot. Seungwoo pops open a bottle of apple soda, pouring it into your favorite glass before doing the same with Seonghwa’s watermelon soda.
“Our partner has had an absolutely garbage week and we want to help in any way that we can to help take some of the stress off of you. Tada, your favorite food and one of your favorite movies.” Seonghwa explained, cycling through movies on Disney+ before landing on The Princess and the Frog.
Your eyes light up (ha) before you look at both of them.
“What did I do to deserve such amazing partners?”
“You put up with my shit in college.” Seonghwa answered without missing a beat, making the two of you laugh as he put some pieces of chicken into the broth. Seungwoo sat by, checking the ingredients to make sure they were fully cooked before serving both of you, ever the diligent lover.
“You should eat too, Woo-ya.” You remind him, holding up a piece of freshly done beef, holding your bowl under it so the broth didn’t drip off of it. He chuckled and smiled, leaning to take it from your chopsticks before covering his mouth as he chewed.
“Wah, I really did get the freshest beef today, huh?” He mused, handing Seonghwa a few bok choy leaves. You relax in your cushion, eyes drifting from the pot to the tv every now and again, singing along eagerly to the upbeat jazzy songs.
Half an hour of eating later, all of the plates and bowls had been depleted, the fire underneath the hot pot turned off as the three of you shuffle about and shift positions. Seonghwa sprawled out on the couch behind you as you scoot closer to Seungwoo, the three of you touching at all times.
At some point, Seungwoo’s hand finds its way onto your thigh, massaging and kneading while both of Seonghwa’s come around to your shoulders, kneading and massaging. You feel your eyelids flutter, a small sigh leaving your lips while both of your lovers knead out the tension that had built up from the week.
“Goodness, Y/n, there’s so much tension back here.” Seonghwa sounded genuinely concerned, even sitting up with you between his legs as he kneaded your shoulders. You wince at first, just from the knots being worked on, but you don’t pull away from him, only closing your eyes as you quietly sang along to a certain iconic firefly on screen.
Seungwoo shared a look with him, motioning behind him and silently conveying that he was going to go run bath water for you. You feel him move, but you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes, enjoying the feel of Seonghwa’s fingers working out the stress from your shoulders and back too much at the moment.
You stirr slightly when you hear the distant sound of water running, lifting your head. Seonghwa smiled and kissed the crown of your head, lowering his voice to a small coo.
“You ready to take a bath? Hyung should be getting it ready for you.”
You looked up, eyes crossing slightly as Seonghwa eclipsed into your view, kissing your nose before kissing your lips. You hum against his, smiling sweetly before you pull away, rising to your feet. Seonghwa follows suit, wrapping his arms around your waist and slowly waddling towards the bathroom, careful not to trip or step on your toes.
When you entered the bathroom, the soothing scent of citrus and something that reminded you of the ocean flooded into your nose. Your eyes zero in on the large tub in the center of the room, noting the milky white color and the slices of different citrus and previously dried flower petals now floating about in the bath as Seungwoo gently stirred it all together. He picks up the sound of you and Seonghwa entering the room and looks up, his dimples popping as he smiled.
“Oh, is the movie over? The bath is just about finished, darling. Did you want me to get your pjs ready while you bathe or…?” He trailed off and you feel yourself getting emotional.
It was the little things, but the two of them were always here for you. No matter how hard things got, no matter how overwhelmed the work day-or week-made you, you still had these two loveable goofballs to return home to.
“Can you stay? Both of you? It’s big enough.”
Indeed, the tub had been custom bought with the three of you in mind. Your response seemed to both surprise and make them flustered.
“If that’s what you want, of course.”
You smile and grab Seonghwa’s hand, pulling him closer to Seungwoo and kissing both of them, tender and slow before you worked on helping them strip. They glance at one another, seemingly pleased that they’d turned the evening around for you, and start taking your clothes off, Seungwoo’s damp and slightly cold hands contrasting Seonghwa’s warm ones. Seungwoo gets in first, scooting over and extending a hand so you can follow suit. Seonghwa’s hand remained firmly on your waist, making sure to keep you from falling as you lowered yourself into the tub. Once he had gotten in, the three of you sink in unison, sighing out as the warm, fresh scented water covered your shoulders.
“I…really appreciate this, you two.” You mumble, smiling as a sakura petal floated by, eventually getting stuck on Seungwoo’s pectoral as he began to wash his arms.
“We were going to do it anyway because the milk bath things we’d ordered from overseas had finally came in but it’s an added bonus since you’ve been having a rough time. It’s not much, but I hope this took some of your stress away.” He motioned for you to turn, and when you do, you feel him lightly washing your back with a loofah.
Seonghwa hummed in agreement from the other side of the tub, grabbing your leg and gently washing it, making small comments on how smooth your skin was. The bath had certainly helped, but you find yourself unable to comment on that, your eyes slipping closed as both of them wash you.
You don’t know when you drifted off, and once you come to, you make an idle comment on how dangerous it is to do so when you notice you’re being wrapped in a warm, fluffy towel. You blink a bit and Seungwoo laughed gently picking you up.
“We’re almost done, baby.”
No words leave your lips as you nod, a pleasant fuzz enveloping your mind. Seonghwa hung back for a bit, presumably to clean the tub before he joined you minutes later, looking through some of the skin care products the three of you have. You sit in Seungwoo’s lap, eyes closed as you let Seonghwa moisturize your face.
“Oh, darling. You’re so sleepy, aren’t you?” He cooed, leaning forward to press kisses against various parts of your freshly moisturized face. You grumble sleepily, chasing his lips before you pout at him. He laughed and finally relented, kissing you softly. You wrap your arms around Seonghwa’s shoulders, humming as you lean against him. You can feel Seungwoo’s hands on your body as you do, rubbing cream against your skin. It doesn’t leave an oily feel, and once you’re done, you turn your head to kiss him in thanks. He laughed at the needy whines behind your kisses every time he tried to remind you that you all needed to get dressed.
Instead, he relented, pulling you into the bed and lifting the blankets for Seonghwa to follow suit. You’re enveloped in their arms, surrounded by warmth as you hear them share a kiss over your head. They’re whispering something while tracing patterns along your skin, but in this pleasant haze, you can’t make out what the words are.
Instead, the sound of Seungwoo’s heartbeat against your ear and Seonghwa’s against your back began to soothe you, pulling you deeper into the realm of sleep.
Soon, you lose the battle against it, drifting back to sleep into their arms. Both of them notice your murmurs and bring their conversation to a close, smiling victoriously.
Sometimes, it’s the simple kindness behind your actions that can turn your partner’s week around.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
@kimnamshiks @jacksons-goddess-gaia @atiny-dazzlinglight @angel0taiyo @not-majestic-bluenicorn @daisyhwa​ @gettin-a-lil-hanse​ @yunhofingers​ @seomisaho​ 
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k-vanity · 2 years
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WayV | NCT | NCT 127 | NCT Dream | Stray Kids | GOT7 | BTS | ATEEZ | Seventeen | TXT | B.A.P | The Boyz | The Rose | Kard | Pentagon | Astro | Monsta X | Day6 | EXO | SHINee | SuperM | Enhypen | 2PM | Victon | Winner | Billlie | Kingdom | iKon | StayC | SF9 | ZeroBase1 |
Xiaojun | Taeil | Hendery | Jaemin | Johnny | Haechan | Jaehyun | Sungchan | Taeyong | Mark | Felix | BangChan | Han | Lee Know | Hyunjin | Jay B | Yugyeom | Mark Tuan | Jinyoung | Jackson Wang | Bambam | Suga | V | Jimin | RM | Jungkook | J-Hope | Seonghwa | Mingi | Hongjoong | Wooyoung | San | Yunho | Yeosang | Mingyu | Yeonjun | Taehyun | Beomgyu | Yongguk | Hyunjae | Sunwoo | Q | Younghoon | New | Dojoon | BM | Yanan | Yeo One | Kino | Wooseok | Kihyun | Minhyuk | Hyungwon | I.M | Young K | Jessi | Lay | Taemin | Shownu | Jeonghan | Jeno | Baekhyun | Kai | Minho | Jungwon | Sangyeon | Seungmin | Eric | Sehun | Sunghoon | Heeseung | Joohoney | Juyeon | Jungwoo | Jun K | Wonwoo | Chanyeol | Joshua | Jin | Seungwoo | Soobin | Jun | Suho | Ten | Jongho | Woozi | Hongseok | Hanse | Seungsik | Yuta | Yangyang | Shotaro | Junho | Mino | Hoshi | Jisung | Vernon | DK | Eunwoo | Dino | The8 | Scoups | Jay | Moon Sua | Tsuki | I.N | Wonho | Dann | Huening Kai | Jake | Kevin | B.I | Isa | Woosung | Kun | Chen | Seungkwan | Hwiyoung | Wonpil | Rowoon | Inseong | Changbin | DPR Ian | Matthew | Doyoung | Haknyeon |
x Reader | x Member | x OC | No Pairing
Smut | Fluff | Romance | Angst | Drama | Fantasy | Action | Crack
Oneshot | Series | Drabble | Social Media
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
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Welcome to Halloween month on my blog!!
Every day this month, I will bring you a story involving a sexy or scary idol/moment that will leave you either turned on or terrified.
Day 1 - Yeosang (ATEEZ) - temperature play
Day 2 - Sunwoo (The Boyz) - overstimulation
Day 3 - Subin (Victon) - demon
Day 4 - Sehun (EXO) - wild hunt
Day 5 - Taecyeon (2PM) - cock warming
Day 6 - Younghoon (The Boyz) - vampire
Day 7 - Junho (2PM) - brat tamer
Day 8 - Baekhyun (EXO) - edging
Day 9 - Mingi (ATEEZ) - ghost
Day 10 - Chanhee (The Boyz) - siren
Day 11 - Minjun (2PM) - daddy/dom
Day 12 - Wooyoung (ATEEZ) - exhibitionism
Day 13 - Sejun (Victon) - fey
Day 14 - Yunho (ATEEZ) - warlock
Day 15 - Eric (The Boyz) - trickster
Day 16 - Seonghwa (ATEEZ) - orgasm denial
Day 17 - Nichkhun (2PM) - serial killer
Day 18 - Yixing (EXO) - sensory deprivation
Day 19 - Seungwoo (Victon) - praise
Day 20 - Hyunjae (The Boyz) - role play
Day 21 - Jongin (EXO) - incubus
Day 22 - Sangyeon (The Boyz) - corruption
Day 23 - Jongho (ATEEZ) - zombie
Day 24 - Wooyoung (2PM) - doppelgänger
Day 25 - Jacob (The Boyz) - angel of death
Day 26 - Hongjoong (ATEEZ) - marking
Day 27 - Juyeon (The Boyz) - breeding
Day 28 - San (ATEEZ) - teasing
Day 29 - Junmyeon (EXO) - werewolf
Day 30 - Chanyeol (EXO) - choking
Day 31 - Read all of the fics from this month over again!! 😂😂 Happy Halloween!!
*This is a tentative schedule bc I am a lazy human being, and the kink stories are for mature audiences only (NSFW)*
*All kinks will be written as member x female reader since that's what I relate to the most*
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atiny-dazzlinglight · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
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The following list below is gonna be my list for this years Kinktober. Due to my current work schedule and just life, I’m not following a list this year for Kinktober and will just be coming up with my own spicy prompts for this October. I plan to make this year’s Kinktober as inclusive as possible, so there will be female, male, nonbinary, gender neutral, etc., readers for everyone to enjoy. The last day is just something for me and my moots that loves my ocs just as much as me, so I’m gonna indulge and if y’all like it, then y’all do *shrugs* Also, threw in some pairings from our rp server for some ✨spicy✨
I plan to make this a masterlist and have it on both this blog and my multi blog @/sweetsweetkpop and will update it all as often as possible. You to be tagged in any works? Fill out my form here and please be 18+ for my nsfw stuff (which is all of these).
Stuff for @atiny-dazzlinglight is marked with 🌊
Stuff for @sweetsweetkpop is marked with 🍬
(^Copy pasta it from fie cause it feels more organized~^)
Day 1: Blowjob- Byeongkwan x Sehyoon 🍬
Day 2: Pegging- Switch!Jiwoo x switch!male reader 🍬
Day 3: Size Kink + Aftercare Manhandling- Bang chan x gender neutral reader🍬
Day 4: Suspension Play- Hwanwoong x Leedo🍬
Day 5: Size Training + Knotting- Dragon!Seonghwa x Hongjoong🌊
Day 6: Leash & Collar- Jaebeom x Wonwoo 🍬
Day 7: Face Fucking- Jongho x male!reader🌊
Day 8: Food Play: Ten x member🍬
Day 9: Spit Kink- Yoongi x Namjoon🍬
Day 10: Toys- San x Felix 🍬🌊
Day 11: Puppy Play- Sub!Mingyu x dom!Jeonghan🍬
Day 12: Gagging- Yunho x gender neutral reader🌊
Day 13: Femdom & Edging- Sunwoo x fem!reader🍬
Day 14: Double Penetration- Wonho x reader x Shownu🍬
Day 15: Face Sitting- Soft dom&Fem!reader x Sub!Minghao🍬
Day 16: Overstimulation- Seungwoo x Hanse x Subin🍬
Day 17: Creampie- Dare Gone Good Reader x 99liners🌊
Day 18: Exhibitionism & Orgy- Omega!Changkyun x Beta!Jungkook x Alpha!Johnny x Omega!Yoongi🍬
Day 19: Mutual masturbation- Omegas!Wooyoung x Felix 🌊🍬
Day 20: Spanking- J.Seph x gender neutral reader🍬
Day 21: Daddy Kink- Yugyeom x reader x BamBam🍬
Day 22: Squirting- Vernon x fem!reader🍬
Day 23: Cuckholding- Lou x reader x Ayno🍬
Day 24: Free use Kink: Mingi x Ateez Members🌊
Day 25: Somnophilia- Jaemin x Jeno🍬
Day 26: Scissoring- Somin x fem!reader🍬
Day 27: Bondage: Yeosang x reader🌊
Day 28: Thigh Riding- Wonho x Seungcheol 🍬
Day 29: Anal Play- Doyoung x Taeyong 🍬
Day 30: Body Worship- Wonho x Chubby!reader🍬
Day 31: Wild Card- Dean x Theo (Ocs of mines)
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femdomlieeh · 3 years
✧ ✦ latest updates ✦ ✧
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🍑 = mature/smut
✨ = suggestive
🧸 = fluff
🎭 = angst
🧋 = requested
✧ ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ੈ ✦ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✦‧₊˚** ✦ ੈ ✦
fics & headcanons
🍑🧸🧋 Caramel ✧ Sunghoon (ENHYPEN)
🍑 Crown ✧ Heeseung (ENHYPEN)
🧸🧋 Jealous ✧ Haruto (Treasure)
✨🧋 Pink Blush ✧ Haechan (NCT)
✨🧋 S. Shop ✧ Renjun (NCT)
🍑🧋 Key ✧ Taeyong, Jungwoo, Mark x Reader (NCT/SuperM)
🧸 Dream ✧ Jaehyun (NCT)
🍑🧋 Pretty ✧ Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
🍑 Cheek ✧ Mingi (ATEEZ)
🍑 [3:38] ✧ DK/Dokyeom (SEVENTEEN)
✨🧋 Pink ✧ Xiumin (EXO)
🍑🧋 Little Angel, Little Devil ✧ NoRenMin (NCT)
✨ Hot Tea ✧ Felix (Stray Kids)
🧸🧋 Skirt ✧ Beomgyu (TXT)
🍑🧋 asylum. ✧ Wonho (Monsta X)
🍑🧋 Under The Table ✧ Hongjoong (ATEEZ)
🍑 Tattoo ✧ Seungwoo (VICTON)
🍑🧋 Classy ✧ Kai (EXO & SuperM)
reactions & scenarios
🧋✨ Wearing a skirt for you pt 1 & pt 2 ✧ Seventeen
🍑 Riding your thigh ✧ Monsta X
✨🍑 Revealing their mommy kink ✧ Stray Kids
🍑 Teasing you (pt. 1) ✧ NCT U
🍑🧋 Wanting your attention ✧ WayV
🧸 Receiving a hickey for the first time ✧ TXT
🍑 Finding out you have a mommy kink ✧ Monsta X
🧸🧋 Pulling them into your lap in front of friends ✧ A.C.E
✨🧸🧋 Being called Babyboy by their BFF ✧ NCT 127
🍑 Choking them ✧ SuperM
🧸 Accidentally calling you Mommy ✧ ASTRO
✨ Calling them Babyboy for the first time ✧ ATEEZ
🍑🧋 Cross-dressing in public ✧ DAY6
🍑 Catching them playing with themselves ✧ GOT7
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✦
m.list ✧ wip
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nocturne-overtures · 2 years
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Main Kpop Masterlist
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Rating Key:
╚═════ ∘◦ ❈ ◦∘ ══════╝
Acts of Kindness- Seungwoo x Park Seonghwa x GN! Reader  (𖥸)
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
Paitence & Virtues- Male Reader x Hanse  (❤)
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
These works are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
My works are not to be posted anywhere else aside from the accounts I have created on my own.
©nocturne-overtures do not repost, translate, or use my works
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ak-fantasies · 5 years
Master List
My Masterlist
A: Angst
F: Fluff
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Jumping Universe ATEEZ OT8 AU [Collab with @/k-pop-boy-scenarios]
How would ATEEZ:
React on a first date and where [Anon Req]
React to your confession (requited feelings) [Anon Req]
Mini scenario:
S/O forgive ATEEZ after being cheated on [Requested]
Wherever You Go, I’ll Follow (Hongjoong x Reader) A/ F?
Best for the Both of Us (Seonghwa x Reader) A
Truly Moved On (San x Reader Ft Seonghwa) [Sequel to Best For Both of Us] A/F
You Fool (Yunho x Reader) F
Pup Christmas Eve (puppy!Yunho x Reader ft puppy!Mingi) [Anon Request] F
I always win (Yunho x Reader) F / School!Au
Arranged (Yeosang x Reader) A
Take Me Back (Yeosang x Reader) [Sequel to Arranged] A
Truly Moved On (San x Reader Ft Seonghwa) [Sequel to Best For Both of Us] A/F
You (San x Reader) F
Playboy (Mingi x Reader) Slight A/ College Au
No Manners (Mingi x Reader) [Sequel to Playboy] Slight A/ College Au
Unreturnable Gift (Mingi x Reader) [Anon Request] A/ Valentine’s AU
Why? (Wooyoung x Reader) A
Second Chances (Wooyoung x Reader) {Sequel to Why] A/ Slight Fluff ending
I Was Happy (Jongho x Reader) A
Highways (Jongho x Reader) [Anon Request] A
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Dream of You (Seungwoo x Reader) Soulmate AU Slight F?
Sorrow (Subin x Reader) A
Fairy Tale Gone Wrong (Subin x OC) [hiatus] 
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Lay (Zhang Yixing)
Best Friend (Yixing x Reader) [Anon Request] A
(Inserts Tittle)  (BaekYeol) A/F
Tonight (Baekhyun x Reader) A
Scary Things (Chen/Reader) A/F
Choice  (Jinyoung x OC x Chen) F
(Inserts Tittle) (BaekYeol) A/F
Secrets (D.O x Reader) A?
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Under the Weather  (JB x Reader) A
Sunshine (Under The Weather Sequel)  A/F
Falling (Mark x Reader) F
Bubbles (Jackson x Reader) A
Eternal Youth 1 2 (Jackson x Reader) (trigger warnings) [Soulmate] A
Trauma (Jinyoung x Reader) A
Once Love  (Jinyoung x Reader) F/A
Choice (Jinyoung x OC x Chen)
Goodbye (Bambam x Reader) A
Your Encouragement  (Yugyeom x Reader) F
Monsta X
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Mood (Shownu x Reader) F
After Work  (Wonho x Reader) [Anon Request] F
Colors (Minhyuk x Reader) [Anon Request] [Soulmate] AU/ Slight F/ A
All In Drabble (Prince AU, Kihyun x Reader)
Just Post-It (Kihyun x Reader) [Soulmate] AU/ F
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L-O-V (Hoshi x Reader) F
Please Don’t Lie (Dino x Reader) A
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Little Things (Jhope x Reader) F
Breaking Point (Jungkook x Reader) A
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Words (Hyuk x Reader) [Soulmate] F
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A Date (Minhyun x Reader) F
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Developed Feelings (Jaehyun x Reader) [Anon Request] A/F
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Pain (Rocky x Reader) A
Stray Kids
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Untold (BangChan x Reader) A
Told the Untold (BangChan x Reader) (sequel) A/F
One Phase (BangChan x Reader) [Anon Request] A/F
First Date (Hyunjin x Reader) F
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Communications  (Seunghee x Reader) A/F 
79 notes · View notes
chankai-ao3 · 4 years
by xPoros
Hey! I'm opening writing commission slots. All the information and examples are on my Twitter Profile @Prominsik as well as under this post: https://twitter.com/Prominsik/status/1233137208485384192?s=20
Any inquiries preferably through Twitter DM! I will also answer your comments here if you are interested. Prices and rules listed below!
Words: 427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: EXO (Band), ATEEZ (Band), VICTON (Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, TWICE (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), SuperM (Korea Band), Stray Kids (Band), SHINee, SEVENTEEN (Band), ONEUS (Band), Monsta X (Band), MCND (Band), BLACKPINK (Band), GOT7, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW (Band), NCT (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongin | Kai, Oh Sehun, Kim Junmyeon | Suho, Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongdae | Chen, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho, Han Seungwoo, Kang Seungsik, Choi Byungchan, Heo Chan, Im Sejun, Jung Subin, Do Hanse, Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan, Park Junhee | Jun, Kang Yuchan | Chan, Lee Donghun, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Im Nayeon, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu, Yoo Jeongyeon, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Lee Taeyong, Lee Taemin, Mark Lee (NCT), Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas, Hwang Hyunjin, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Kim Seungmin, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Choi Minho, Kim Kibum | Key, Lee Jinki | Onew, Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi, Lee Chan | Dino, Lee Seokmin | DK, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Jeon Wonwoo, Chwe Hansol | Vernon, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Kim Mingyu, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups, Boo Seungkwan, Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo, Kim Youngjo | Ravn, Lee Seoho, Son Dongju | Xion, Lee Keonhee, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Im Changkyun | I.M, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Song Minjae (MCND), Son Seongjun | Castle J, Nam Seungmin | BIC, No Huijun, Bang Junhyuk | Win, Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jackson Wang, Im Jaebum | JB, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam, Kim Yugyeom, Mark Tuan, Choi Youngjae, Jeon Soyeon, Song Yuqi, Seo Soojin, Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Minnie Nicha Yontararak, Park Jiwon | E:U, Wang Yiren (EVERGLOW), Heo Yoorim | Aisha, Kim Sihyeon, Han Eunji | Mia, Jo Serim | Onda, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun, Park Jisung (NCT), Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Jeno, Kim Jungwoo (NCT), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Zhong Chen Le, Dong Si Cheng | WinWin, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Huang Ren Jun, Moon Taeil, Qian Kun, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery, Jin Yangyang, Xiao De Jun | Xiao Jun
Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin | Kai/Park Chanyeol, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Kang Yeosang/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho/Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Han Seungwoo/Kang Seungsik, Kim Byeongkwan/Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan/Park Junhee | Jun, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Choi Soobin/Huening Kai, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Kim Jongin | Kai/Lee Taemin, Hwang Hyunjin/Yang Jeongin | I.N, Choi Minho/Lee Taemin, Lee Jihoon | Woozi/Yoon Jeonghan, Song Mingi/Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo/Yeo Hwanwoong, Im Changkyun | I.M/Yoo Kihyun
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, PWP without Porn, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Enemy Lovers, Crossover, OT3, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Social Media, Furry, Incest, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst with a Bad Ending, Violence, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Warfare, Drama, Family Drama, Romance, Canon Compliant, alternative universe, reader - Freeform
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by kesmonsterwrites
I don't usually write smut, but I decided to challenge myself by participating in Kinktober Writing! I hope you all enjoy! (these will also be posted on my Tumblr - @keeper-of-the-uwus)
Words: 2241, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: NCT (Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), Monsta X (Band), ATEEZ (Band), VAV (Band), SEVENTEEN (Band), SF9 (Band), VICTON (Band), GOT7
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Na Jaemin, Park Junhee | Jun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Song Mingi, Lee Geumhyuk | St. Van, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Sanghyuk | Dawon, Lee Jaeyoon, Han Seungwoo, Lee Donghun, Kim Youngkyun | Hwiyoung, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas, Jackson Wang, Park Seonghwa, Suh Youngho | Johnny, Do Hanse, Lee Jeno, Huang Ren Jun, Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Nakamoto Yuta, Mark Lee (NCT), Kim Youngbin, Kim Seokwoo | Rowoon, Jang Peng | Jacob, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Im Sejun, Heo Chan, Kim Hosung | Lou, Im Changkyun | I.M, Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jeong Yunho, Yoon Jeonghan, Qian Kun, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Reader
Relationships: Na Jaemin/Reader, Park Junhee | Jun/Reader, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X)/Reader, Lee Geumhyuk | St. Van/Reader, Song Mingi/Reader, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun/Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu/Reader, Jeon Wonwoo/Reader, Lee Sanghyuk | Dawon/Reader, han seungwoo / reader, Lee Donghun/Reader, Kim Youngkyun | Hwiyoung/Reader, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas/Reader, Mark Tuan/Jackson Wang, Park Seonghwa/Reader, Suh Youngho | Johnny/Reader, do hanse/reader, Huang Ren Jun/Lee Jeno/Na Jaemin, Kim Sehyoon | Wow/Reader, Jung Wooyoung/Reader, Mark Lee/Nakamoto Yuta, Kim Youngbin/Reader, Jang Peng | Jacob/Reader, wen jun hui | jun/xu ming hao/reader, im sejun/heo chan/reader, Kim Hosung | Lou/Reader, Im Changkyun | I.M/Reader, Im Jaebum | JB/Park Jinyoung, Jung Yunho/Reader, Yoon Jeonghan/Reader, qian kun/chittaphon leechaiyapornkyl |ten/reader
Additional Tags: Mutual Masturbation, Daddy Kink, Dom and Sub, Power Bottom, Service Top, Face Sitting, thigh riding, Edging, Spanking, Somnophilia, Exhibitionism, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Cock Warming, Breeding, Sensory Deprivation, Dirty Talk, face fucking, Wax Play, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Strip Tease, Orgasm Denial, Voyeurism, ABO, A/B/O, Threesome, Double Penetration, Size Kink, Bondage, Praise Kink, Finger Fucking, Nipple Play, servitude
0 notes
atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
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This list includes all of my Ateez works. The AO3 link is here. On that account, I write for BTS and Monsta X, as well as Ateez. If you’d like to follow my Monsta X side account, click here. If you’d like to follow my BTS side account, click here, my misc kpop blog where all other written works will be posted, click here
Fluff=F|| Smut=M ||Angst=A| Commissions=C| Series-S
I have a side blog where you can ask my muses questions over here on @atiny-crew-musings​
 My ask box is always open if you’d like to talk about works posted :)
Important Author’s Note: For my readerxmember fics, if anyone would like me to rewrite it as male readerxmember, or non binary readerxmember, please dm me, I have no problem making sure everytiny feels included and enjoys my work! Thank You!
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For Your Entertainment- Mafia Boss!Hongjong x Fem Reader(M)
Being the partner of a crime boss is hard sometimes. With Hongjoong hard at work, you feel neglected, so you’ve picked up the [astime of being particularly handsy with other close members of the mafia. Is it a bad idea? Probably.Does it catch the attention of Hongjoong? Definately.Are you in a teeny tiny bit of trouble? Absolutely.
[8:19 A.M]-No Ship Yunho & Hongjoong Centric Timestamp (F)
Kinktober 2020 Day 7-Hongjoong x Wooyoung (M)
Holiday Cheer-AtT Verse Hongjoong Fluff Oneshot (F)
Watch Your Mouth- Vamp Hongjoong x Fem Reader(M) (C)
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A Small Reward- Sub! Seonghwa x Gentle Dom Reader (Ungendered) (M)
[9:25 PM] Seonghwa x Fem Reader Choking Kink Timestamp (M)
Crimson & Magenta- Incubi! San x Seonghwa x Fem!Reader (M)(C)
Mini Marshmallow Cats- Seonghwa x Lee Minho (F)
Acts of Kindness- Seonghwa x Han Seungwoo x GN! Reader (F)(C)
Beauty Leaves-Siren! Seonghwa x Fem Reader (M)(C)(S)
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 
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What You Wished For- Demon Yunho! x Fem Reader (M)(F)(C)
What You Wished For (NB Ver)- Demon Yunho x NB Reader (M)(F)
You have no idea what you were getting yourself into when you filled out that questionnaire. Now the handsome man that showed up in your wet dreams is in front of you, smiling that all too familiar smile. - “We can spend this whole week fucking the night away. We can spend it in each other’s arms. Or you can tell me to bug off. To me, what matters is what you tell me to do and what desires you have” - Yeah, getting an actual demon boyfriend is not at all how you expected this week to go.
[8:19 A.M]-No Ship Yunho & Hongjoong Centric Timestamp (F)
[2:16 AM/2:16PM]- Anniversary Boyfriend! Yunho x Gender Neutral Reader (F)
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Amber Romance- Gentle Femdom Reader x Sub! Yeosang (M)(F)
Yeosang is worried about you missing his last Wonderland performance with the team, so you give him your sweater so he won’t be sad while you’re away.It’s laced with the scent of you and Yeosang finds himself in a rather…interesting predicament when he notices how he starts associating your scent with all of your more…heated nights together 
[9:20 PM]- Boyfriend Yeosang! x Male Reader (M)(F)
Kinktober 2020 Day 4- Yeosang x Gentle Femdom Reader (M)
A Blooming Primrose- Yeosang x Chubby Cow Hybrid Fem Reader(M)(F)
Quiet as Kept- Yeosang x Gentle Femdom Reader (M)
Find Your Way Home- Wooyoung x San x Yeosang (M)(F)(S)(C)
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 (Part 1)| Chapter 3 (Part 2)
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[11:15 P.M]- Sub! San x Ungendered Dom Reader (M)
Happy Birthday- San x Jimin x Ftm Male Reader (M)
Kinkcember Day 21-AtT Verse WooSan (M)
Crimson & Magenta- Incubi! San x Seonghwa x Fem!Reader (M)(C)
Parapraxis-San x Fem Reader (M)
Find Your Way Home- Wooyoung x San x Yeosang (M)(F)(S)(C)
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 (Part 1)| Chapter 3 (Part 2)
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[9:45 P.M]-Prince Albert Piercing! Mingi x Ungendered Reader (M)
My Brother, The Greatest- No Pairing, Mingi & Big Brother! Bobby (iKon)(F)(Light Angst)
[12:35 A.M]-Boyfriend!Mingi x Male Identifying Reader-(F)
[6:50P.M]-Mingi x Gender Neutral Reader (F)
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Black Cat- Cat Hybrid! Wooyoung x Male Reader (M)
Kinktober 2020 Day 7-Hongjoong x Wooyoung (M)
Kinkcember Day 21-AtT Verse WooSan (M)
Hot Topic-GN Reader x Wooyoung x Yeonjun x Changbin (M)(C) (AMAB Ver)/(AFAB Ver)
Find Your Way Home- Wooyoung x San x Yeosang (M)(F)(S)(C)
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 (Part 1) | Chapter 3 (Part 2)
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[1:28 A.M]-Jacob’s Ladder Piercing! Jongho x Ungendered Reader (M)
Long Day?-Soft Dom Jongho x FtM Reader (M)
Sit and Stay- Sub Jongho x Domme Reader (C)(M)
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All Eyes On Me (Completed): (Poly OT8) (M)(F)(Light Angst)
Yeosang is a very shy man. Everyone knows this. But he’s fed up of his shyness and insecurities being the reason he’s left out of sexual activities from the others. He wants them to look at him like they look at each other
Chapter One| Chapter Two| Chapter Three| Chapter Four
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
All Eyes On Me Fever (In Progress): (Poly OT8) (M)(F)(Light Angst)
A year removed from the events of the first AEOM, the boys are back at it, learning more about themselves and their growing relationship.Also Wooyoung really wants to have two cocks inside of him like San and Yeosang. So that's fun
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
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Against The Tide (Ongoing): (Poly OT8) (M)(F)(A) 
 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen |Fourteen |Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen
Kinkcember Day 21-AtT Verse WooSan (M)
Holiday Cheer-AtT Verse Hongjoong Fluff Oneshot (F)
✿Nectar❀ -AtT Verse Suzuka/Bang Chan(M)
The Saint & The Sinner- The King Oneshot (A)
Play Bratty Games...-Fem!Reader x Whiro (M)(C)
Doctor’s Assistant-Fem!Reader x Geb (M)(C)
Playlist ||AtT Character Analysis M.List|| Hongjoong Bestie Poll (Closed)
Hongjoong is the leader of a notorious pirate crew. A run-in with a demon leaves him with immortality and the ability to grant immortal life to those who form pacts with him. One day, a member of his crew angers a sea witch, and she decides to exact revenge on them by casting Hongjoong into a completely different part of the world and stealing his memories. 
The seven key members of his crew spend centuries looking for him, to no avail, and meet up in modern-day Seoul to try and strategize how they can find their leader. Discouraged, with some close to giving up, they happen upon a man with a familiar smile and voice speaking on the street one day about a Long Journey. 
Now the seven of them must get Hongjoong to remember who he is before he slips through their fingers once again. 
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Night Shift(Ongoing): (Poly OT8) (M) (Chs1-2 Co-written with @kiimhongjoong​)
Ao3 Link
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Kim Hongjoong is the new CEO at KQ. He forms a team of… Somewhat reliable men to help with a project to improve the company.
Unfortunately, his workers seem to be focused on extracurricular activities.
Secretary Kim~-Hongjoong Focused x Ot7(M)
6:15-Yeosang x San (M)
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Ateez Monster Au- (Poly ot8, some mxr (various genders to be included)
Info Post
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Kinktober 2020 M.List
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Kinktober 2021 M. List
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
My works are not to be posted anywhere else aside from the accounts I have created on my own.
963 notes · View notes
chankai-ao3 · 4 years
by xPoros
Hey! I'm opening writing commission slots. All the information and examples are on my Twitter Profile @Prominsik as well as under this post: https://twitter.com/Prominsik/status/1233137208485384192?s=20
Any inquiries preferably through Twitter DM! I will also answer your comments here if you are interested. Prices and rules listed below!
Words: 427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: EXO (Band), ATEEZ (Band), VICTON (Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, TWICE (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), SuperM (Korea Band), Stray Kids (Band), SHINee, SEVENTEEN (Band), ONEUS (Band), Monsta X (Band), MCND (Band), BLACKPINK (Band), GOT7, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW (Band), NCT (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongin | Kai, Oh Sehun, Kim Junmyeon | Suho, Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongdae | Chen, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho, Han Seungwoo, Kang Seungsik, Choi Byungchan, Heo Chan, Im Sejun, Jung Subin, Do Hanse, Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan, Park Junhee | Jun, Kang Yuchan | Chan, Lee Donghun, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Im Nayeon, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu, Yoo Jeongyeon, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Lee Taeyong, Lee Taemin, Mark Lee (NCT), Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas, Hwang Hyunjin, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Kim Seungmin, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Choi Minho, Kim Kibum | Key, Lee Jinki | Onew, Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi, Lee Chan | Dino, Lee Seokmin | DK, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Jeon Wonwoo, Chwe Hansol | Vernon, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Kim Mingyu, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups, Boo Seungkwan, Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo, Kim Youngjo | Ravn, Lee Seoho, Son Dongju | Xion, Lee Keonhee, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Im Changkyun | I.M, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Song Minjae (MCND), Son Seongjun | Castle J, Nam Seungmin | BIC, No Huijun, Bang Junhyuk | Win, Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jackson Wang, Im Jaebum | JB, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam, Kim Yugyeom, Mark Tuan, Choi Youngjae, Jeon Soyeon, Song Yuqi, Seo Soojin, Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Minnie Nicha Yontararak, Park Jiwon | E:U, Wang Yiren (EVERGLOW), Heo Yoorim | Aisha, Kim Sihyeon, Han Eunji | Mia, Jo Serim | Onda, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun, Park Jisung (NCT), Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Jeno, Kim Jungwoo (NCT), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Zhong Chen Le, Dong Si Cheng | WinWin, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Huang Ren Jun, Moon Taeil, Qian Kun, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery, Jin Yangyang, Xiao De Jun | Xiao Jun
Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin | Kai/Park Chanyeol, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Kang Yeosang/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho/Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Han Seungwoo/Kang Seungsik, Kim Byeongkwan/Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan/Park Junhee | Jun, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Choi Soobin/Huening Kai, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Kim Jongin | Kai/Lee Taemin, Hwang Hyunjin/Yang Jeongin | I.N, Choi Minho/Lee Taemin, Lee Jihoon | Woozi/Yoon Jeonghan, Song Mingi/Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo/Yeo Hwanwoong, Im Changkyun | I.M/Yoo Kihyun
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, PWP without Porn, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Enemy Lovers, Crossover, OT3, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Social Media, Furry, Incest, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst with a Bad Ending, Violence, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Warfare, Drama, Family Drama, Romance, Canon Compliant, alternative universe, reader - Freeform
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