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filmap · 1 year ago
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Syk pike / Sick of Myself Kristoffer Borgli. 2022
Fountain City Fountain, Karl Johans gt. 41B, 0162 Oslo, Norway See in map
See in imdb
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linezandrhymez · 9 months ago
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Du får meg til å føle at hele verden er forelsket
I deg finner jeg kos, mitt sentrum, min frelse.
Dørstokkmil var skummelt, men til slutt falt vi.
Å leve på luft og kjærlighet, du tar meg på sengen.
Sammen reiser vi oss som solen på himmelen
Bølge etter bølge
Høyere og høyere
Men så kommer fall
Omslynget sammen
Sjeler bundet
You make me feel like the whole world is forelsket.
In you I find my comfort, my center, my salvation.
Those first steps were scary, but eventually we fell.
Living on air and love, you catch me off guard.
Together we rise like the sun in glory
Wave after wave
Higher and higher
But then comes the fall
Entwined together
Souls bound
#poem, #poetry, #love, #fysen, #verden, #kos, #sentrum, #frelse, #skummelt, #kjærlighet, #sammen, #reiser, #solen, #bølge, #høyere, #omslynget, #sammen,
#sjeler, #bundet,
#world, #cuddle, #center, #salvation, #scary, #love, #together, #rising, #sun, #wave, #higher, #encircled, #together,
#souls, #bound,
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8ande · 1 year ago
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26.08.2023 - Laurdag i byen
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svartmalt · 4 months ago
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Einstürzende Neubauten, Oslo, October 13th 2024
Ist Ist
Grazer Damm (eng)
Isso Isso
Möbliertes Lied
Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/
Seven Screws
Trilobiten (eng)
How Did I Die
Ten Grand Goldie
Alles in Allem
Besser Isses
Everything will be Fine
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hanna-water · 1 year ago
I finished my very first podcast translation today 😊 and I am glad to share it with the lovely remains of the tumblr fandom 😄. In my opinion this is one of the best and most interesting podcasts with Bård that we got within the last 2 years (besides the Stian Blipp one) and thats why I wanted to translate it to make it accessable to you all.
Since I translated from one foreign language to another, it´s not perfect and I left some little gaps whenever something was too difficult to understand. But I still hope, whoever listens to it, enjoys it. 😁 The subs might get edited and improved over time too. To give you a quick summary: pastries, music, guitars, walkman 😎
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guy60660 · 2 years ago
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JARMUND/VIGSNÆS | Asker Sentrum | studio_magga
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reisewiki · 6 months ago
Trenger du et sentralt hotell i Malaga? Hvorfor ikke sjekke ut våre anbefalinger til 10 hotell i Malaga sentrum
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9ande · 7 months ago
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15.07.2024 - Karl Johan
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benaresresturant · 1 year ago
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Benares restaurant is the best restaurant Oslo Sentrum. We help you make memorable eating and dining with great taste.
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rausule · 1 year ago
Zwemer Sentrum voorbeeld van valse Christene wat lacuts sprinkane preek Soos geprofeteer het hulle aangetrek soos vroue en blapers or die dood.
“Niemand deur al die eeue se Christelike sending na Moslems het beter verdien as
Samuel Zwemer die benaming van Apostel vir Islam.” So het die groot sendinghistorikus geskryf,
Kenneth Scott Latourette, in die inleiding tot J. Christy Wilson se biografie van Zwemer,
gepubliseer in 1952
Samuel Marinus Zwemer is gebore op 12 April 1867 in die pastorie van die Gereformeerde Kerk in
Vriesland, Michigan. Sy ouers het uit Nederland na Amerika geïmmigreer, en Samuel was
die dertiende van hulle vyftien kinders. Die Zwemers was ’n hegte gesin, met diepte
godsdienstige oortuigings en morele waardes. Al ses Samuel se susters het skoolonderwysers geword, en
vier van sy broers het die Christelike bediening betree. Een van die broers is in die sending dood
diens in Arabië.
Zwemer het op 9 Maart 1884 sy persoonlike geloof in Jesus Christus bely, en hy het gou aktief geword
in die kampussendinggroep by Hope College, die skool wat hy in Holland, Michigan, bygewoon het. In
1887, Robert Wilder het Hope College besoek as 'n verteenwoordiger van die Student Volunteer Movement,
en Zwemer het gereageer op Wilder se beroep vir sendelinge. Dit was eers jare later dat
Zwemer het verneem dat toe hy nog 'n baba was, sy ma hom aan sendeling opgedra het
Nadat Zwemer sy voorgraadse werk by Hope College voltooi het, is Zwemer na die New Brunswick Seminary
in New Jersey vir teologiese studies. Soos Hope College, was (en word) New Brunswick besit deur
die Hervormde Kerk in Amerika. Terwyl hy by die kweekskool was, het Zwemer saam met twee ander studente, James, aangesluit
Cantine en Philip T. Phelps, en 'n professor in Ou Testament wat 'n sendeling in
Egipte, John G. Lansing, om 'n sending na Moslems te beplan. Die Here het hulle gelei om op Arabië te fokus, die
sentrum van die Moslemwêreld en die moeilikste plek om Christelike sendings uit te voer. In die daaropvolgende jare het Zwemer heen en weer uit Egipte getrek, waar hy by die
Presbiteriaanse Kweekskool, na die Persiese Golf, waar hy met Moslems gepraat en lektuur bevorder het
verspreiding en skryf. Hy het na die Verenigde State gereis, waar hy honderde kere gepraat het
studentegroepe, kerke en sendingkonferensies. Hy het land vir land deur die Noorde gegaan
Afrika, daarna na Suid-Afrika op uitnodiging van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika,
waar hy in Engels en Nederlands met Christelike gemeentes gepraat het en in Arabies met byeenkomste van
Moslems. Hy het verder na Indonesië gegaan, waar hy Christene in Java en Sumatra uitgedaag het
verhoog hul sendingwerk onder Moslems. Toe was hy in Bagdad vir 'n konferensie met
sendelinge van Arabië, Iran en Irak. Hy het na Indië gegaan, waar hy by konferensies gepraat het
die een kant van die land na die ander. Hy het besoeke aan China gemaak, waar daar miljoene is
Moslems, en in verskeie Chinese stede is hy genooi om in moskees te praat as gevolg van syne
kennis van Arabies en Islam.
'n Tipiese voorbeeld van 'n persoon wat tot Islam bekeer is ma fondamentalmente mai accettato la religione cristiana come fundamentale verità e la madre di Cristo come portatore e sabbiatrice
Soos geprofeteer het hulle aangetrek soos vroue en blapers. Christene wat lacuts sprinkane preek Soos geprofeteer het hulle aangetrek soos vroue en blapers or die dood.
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aurora-daily · 10 months ago
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It helps me in my way of looking at the world and being understanding about what people can go through. Mainly I would say that being different brings me closer to everyone who feels different in the world.
AURORA on how her bisexual identity nourishes her music in an interview for Têtu by Florian Ques | 04.02.2022
Translated by Amroth and AURORA France
photos @ Sentrum Scene by Ole Onstad // 22.03.2024 // Oslo, Norway
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black-arcana · 2 months ago
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Swedish/Canadian/American extreme metal titans ARCH ENEMY have announced the "European Blood Dynasty 2025 Tour". Support on the trek, which will kick off on October 10 in Stuttgart, Germany and conclude on December 15 in Düsseldorf, Germany, will come from AMORPHIS, ELUVEITIE and GATECREEPER.
Tickets go on sale on Wednesday, November 27 at 10 a.m. CET via www.archenemy.live.
ARCH ENEMY says: "We can't wait to see you again!"
"European Blood Dynasty 2025 Tour" dates:
Oct. 10 - Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart, DE Oct. 11 - Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt am Main, DE Oct. 12 - Zenith, Munich, DE Oct. 14 - Barba Negra, Budapest, HU Oct. 15 - Gasometer, Vienna, AT Oct. 17 - Columbiahalle, Berlin, DE Oct. 18 - Sportovni Hala Fortuna, Prague, CZ Oct. 19 - PreZero Arena Gliwice, Gliwice, PL Oct. 21 - The Hall, Zurich, CH Oct. 22 - Alcatraz, Milan, IT Oct. 23 - Radiant Bellevue, Lyon, FR Oct. 25 - Vistalegre, Madrid, ES Oct. 27 - Zenith, Paris, FR Oct. 28 - AFAS Live, Amsterdam, NL Oct. 30 - Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, UK Oct. 31 - O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK Dec. 01 - Eventim Apollo, London, UK Dec. 03 - Rockhal, Esch sur Alzette, LU Dec. 04 - Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, BE Dec. 05 - Haus Auensee, Leipzig, DE Dec. 07 - Partille Arena, Gothenburg, SE Dec. 08 - Annexet, Stockholm, SE Dec. 10 - Ice Hall, Helsinki, FI Dec. 12 - Sentrum Scene, Oslo, NO Dec. 13 - Poolen, Copenhagen, DK Dec. 14 - Swiss Life Hall, Hannover, DE Dec. 15 - Mitsubishi Electric Hall, Düsseldorf, DE
ARCH ENEMY's twelfth studio album, "Blood Dynasty", will arrive on March 28, 2025 via Century Media Records.
ARCH ENEMY's 2024 European co-headline tour, "Rising From The North", with IN FLAMES, wrapped up on November 5 in Helsinki, Finland.
ARCH ENEMY guitarist Michael Amott stated about "Blood Dynasty": "This new album pushes the boundaries of what we've done before — it's everything you've come to expect from this band, and then some! We can't wait for you to hear it and feel the energy we've poured into every track. Welcome to the 'Blood Dynasty'!"
Next to the limited deluxe editions that feature two exclusive bonus tracks, fans can direct their attention to the limited liquid blood vinyl that is exclusively available in the band stores and limited to 666 copies.
Issued in July 2024, the "Dream Stealer" single marked ARCH ENEMY's first new music since the release of the "Deceivers" album, which came out in August 2022.
"Dream Stealer" was mixed by Jens Bogren and mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination Street Studios. The accompanying music video was directed and produced by Patric Ullaeus.
Three months ago, Amott told Pulp Magazine about "Dream Stealer" and ARCH ENEMY's plans for new music: "We've been staying busy for sure and are really focused on writing and recording new stuff in between the touring we're doing. I'm kind of always coming up with new musical and lyrical ideas though — I just keep going as it's what I enjoy doing anyway. Making music is a natural process, and it's pretty much a daily thing, so it can be hard to pinpoint exactly when everything was conceived. I do, however, actually remember that the initial seed for 'Dream Stealer' was written during a songwriting session I did with Daniel [Erlandsson, drums] in Los Angeles, California, two years ago, and then it's been rearranged and updated a lot till it reached its final state that you're now hearing."
Asked if it was a conscious decision to go back to the "classic ARCH ENEMY" direction and approach with "Dream Stealer", Amott said: "I've seen some seriously great feedback from the fans, and that's always very encouraging, of course. Personally, I don't know if I’d necessarily say 'Dream Stealer' is a throwback to the sound of the past, but I get what they mean — the song has the energy and speed that is very exciting and infectious. Maybe there is a hint of vintage ARCH ENEMY in there, and why not? I'm looking forward to playing it live on stage — I think it is going to be intense as hell."
ARCH ENEMY played its first concert with new guitarist Joey Concepcion on April 24, 2024 at Musinsa Garage in Seoul, South Korea. The show was part of ARCH ENEMY's 2024 Asian tour.
Last December, ARCH ENEMY announced that it had "amicably" parted ways with longtime guitarist Jeff Loomis.
Jeff, who was the main songwriter in his previous group, NEVERMORE, joined ARCH ENEMY in late 2014, but was not involved in the writing for the latter act's last two albums, 2017's "Will To Power" and the aforementioned "Deceivers".
Alissa White-Gluz - Vocals Michael Amott - Guitar Joey Concepcion - Guitar Sharlee D'Angelo - Bass Daniel Erlandsson - Drums
Photo credit: Katja Kuhl
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afrotumble · 4 months ago
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THE ROOTS - Sentrum Scene // Oslo, Norway
Black Tought - vocals
?uestlove - drums
Owen Biddle - bass
Captain Kirk - guitar
F. Knuckles - percussion
Tuba Gooding Jr. - Sousaphone
Kamal - keyboards, vocals
Photos taken with a D200 NIKON (50mm)
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8ande · 11 months ago
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15.03.2024 - Utatt i verda
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svartmalt · 1 year ago
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PJ Harvey
Sentrum Scene, Oslo 31. October 2023
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hanna-water · 1 year ago
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what do I have to pay them to get them to wear those outfits at Sentrum Scene instead of the green tracksuits? 🔥 source: https://www.facebook.com/bergenchamber/posts/pfbid0aTp37P48Byz3zaphBARHaWupNAHCJbJtYiREwQrc4FysdtJBYqGvXuRBUFUsiXpvl
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