monstermoviedean · 2 years
here is a collection of posts dating from the immediate aftermath of goodbye stranger:
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ghost-woods · 10 years
i want to stay up for a12 cuteness but i have a museum day (!!) planned for today so umm please feel free to tag me in exciting stuff and i will be forever very grateful?
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noshameinoursickness · 11 years
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sentirlanada said: "The Body Never Lies" by Alice Miller helped me a lot to validate my feeligs about my abuse
Another great book recommendation! Thank you! Here's a link.
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onamelancholyhill · 11 years
ahah tu voz es muy bonita! ^.^
Muchas gracias!!!!! 
Un día de estos me voy a copar y voy a subirme cantando….
mueren todos de dolor de oído jajaja
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deancasotp · 11 years
aaah thank you for posting the link of the video, I didn't find it, Misha is soooo adorable, and I love what the girl says, Misha's fans are the best fans! :D
You're welcome darling :) Misha is most definitely adorable and the cutest ever. And I liked when the girl said that too, because it's true. :) 
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minion-with-a-shotgun · 12 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
sirtearex (5%)
sentirlanada (4%)
fuyu-no-gymnopedie (4%)
kittygotwet (4%)
two-and-a-half-f---s-i-give (3%)
ackles-snackles (3%)
1967chevy-impala-supernatural (3%)
dean-is-an-assbutt (3%)
army-men-and-legos (3%)
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herefortheships · 12 years
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sentirlanada replied to your post: All of a sudden it hit me.. What if we annoyed...
he has a great and weird sense of humor, I’m sure he loved it :P
Yeah, I hope so. He would have said something if it bothered him, too.
I just think too much about things x)
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glossostiel · 12 years
sentirlanada replied to your post: Has anyone seen a gifset of that scene from Swan...
oh that hurts
said every deancas shipper ever.. all day, every day
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pocketsized-prophet · 12 years
Tag! You're it!
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
(consider it a follower get-to-know-you)
tagged by quizzicalcrowley
1.  How did you find my blog?
Honestly, I don't know. I don't really remember following anyone, so don't take it personally. Usually it's because I looked through your blog, liked your posts and wasn't put off by your theme.
2.  If you could do any kind of work, and money was no object, what would you do?
I'd be a writer. It's all I want to do.
3.  What are your favorite books?
Harry Potter. Good Omens. Anything that John Green's written.
4.  Do you like hanging out with your family?
Yeah? Sometimes they make me want to throw myself out of my bedroom window, but most of the time they don't. And if it means I get to spend a weekend with my adorable nephew then I'm all for it because let me tell you something, that kid is cute :'D
5.  What cheers you up when you have a bad day?
It depends why I've had the bad day. Reading can help. Music can help. Pouring it all out in words can help. Rewatching SPN can help. Having a good cry can help. Drowning myself in chocolate can help. All depends.
6.  What have you been listening to on repeat lately?
Home by Philip Philips. And basically anything Florence + The Machine.
7.  What is the funniest moment in a TV show you’ve ever seen?
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  Basically all of Tall Tales. But these three scenes have me crying every time.
(Though Yellow Fever, Changing Channels, Clap Your Hands If You Believe, The French Mistake and Hunteri Heroici also make me cry with mirth sooooo).
8.  What are your favorite shows?
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Grey's Anatomy, True Blood, Game of Thrones.
9.  Do you have a religion/philosophy?  What is it?
Not really. I don't really believe any organised religion has it right. But I envy people that can blindly trust in things without proof. I'd feel a whole lot better about life and death if I knew there was going to be something after I died.
I guess I like to believe in something/some kind of higher power.
10.  Why are your friends your friends?
Because I like them and they like me? And they're not put off by my crazy obsessions or the fact that I'm a hermit?
11.  What fictional character would you most like to be friends with?
Can I just say all of Team Free Will? Because I'd really like to just bundle those three up in blankets and cuddles, feed them pie, hamburgers and salads, and keep them safe from their mean mean writers...
Now you do it!
1. Who's your favourite Harry Potter character?
2. Tell the truth: Did you go through the Twilight phase?
3. Quick! You're given the ability to resurrect one fictional character, WHO DO YOU CHOOSE?
4. Name a ship you just can't stand.
5. What's your Hogwarts House? Did Pottermore sort you correctly?
6. Have you accepted Misha Collins as your Overlord?
7. Which fictional character do you think you're most like?
8. What was your first ship?
9. Tell me a song that always reminds you of your OTP.
10. Who's your favourite family member?
11. If you could be anywhere right now, where'd you be?
(I've tagged a load of people that have just followed me so that I can get to know you guys.)
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littlehollyleaf · 12 years
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sentirlanada replied to your post: Con question draft
maybe you can add the evident special relationship Dean has with Cas.
Actually, I'm very specifically trying to avoid associating this question with Cas. I don't want it dismissed as 'just another shipping question.' 
...of course, Jensen might assume that's what it is anyway :/
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onamelancholyhill · 11 years
Me ha gustado mucho leer ese post sobre el positivismo en el fandom. Yo misma he tenido que dejar de seguir a algunas personas que me gustaban porque estaban demasiado negativas, ,yo soy muy empática y acabo sintiéndome mal. Con respecto a la posible "canonización" de destiel, pienso que siempre es mejor tener esperanza,parte de madurar es darse cuenta de que no siempre vamos a obtener lo que queremos pero no por ello hay que dejar de tener ilusiones.
Yo con todo el dolor del alma también he dejado de seguir a alguna gente, a quien consideraba amigas incluso, porque no puedo soportar tanta negatividad… al pedo, porque nadie sabe nada de la temporada 9 y mucho menos de lo que venga después… entonces opté por lo más “sano” para mi Tumblr y eso fue unfollowear.
Entiendo a mucha gente, porque no solo vos me decís que después de leer opiniones negativas que te pintan todo absolutamente de negro, te sentís mal… a mi me pasa de enojarme, probablemente también se me ennegrezca un poco el panorama, pero principalmente me enojo, porque no puede ser que de una gota se haga una botella de agua.
Con respecto al canon Destiel, yo tengo muchas esperanzas de que sucederá. Pero no va a suceder si la gente en vez de aportar buenas intenciones o pensamientos o lo que sea, aporta pálidas. Y eso es lo que apunto a que el fandom entienda. Nada es sencillo de lograr, y nadie va a hacer canon algo por lo que no se mueven pelos para lograr. Ese es mi objetivo.
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nocasdatsgay · 12 years
darlingee, irenetheawesome26, fistofironheartofgold, hotdogmush, and sentirlanada started following you.
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If you realize I am not quality and unfollow later, I will still love you but won't blame you.
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herefortheships · 12 years
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sentirlanada replied to your post: Fuck. That interview with Misha in TV overmind. It...
they always give us confusing spoilers to create wank, Misha was probably joking, wait to see tomorrow
Yeah :/ 
At least after reading tv fanatic's interview I feel better. But, still. I'm disappointed. I'm going to watch live because, Idk I always do. But I just hope this Megstiel stuff is not ship sinking for Destiel. At least Carolyn (Octoswan) told us the ship will not sink this episode, but she didn't see the script, I mean... She said that about Dean and Cas' confrontation. Anyway, I'll watch and try to stay a little positive. I still have faith, now that I read the other interview. Misha says that there's something game-changing in Dean and Cas' confrontation. Which got me excited again. Just, I can't help feeling bad about the Meg/Cas stuff. If it's only there to end their relationship in a good note, then it's ok, as long as it ends... They did have a thing, it's logical they'd give it a reasonable ending. (Although I thought it had ended when Meg told Dean and Sam 'You deal with him, I can't anymore' in season 7..)
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cherenslegs · 12 years
sentirlanada replied to your post: i don’t think i’ve ever seen dean hate though
I saw it…and it hurts D:
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