#sentient genshin impact cult
twinsyy · 4 months
as scary as it would be
when bored on genshin, i start to hope the character i presently play as just starts spouting new lines
imagine exploring fontaine as wanderer, because zoom. and you start just going around in circles because you ran out of things to do
when suddenly, an all too familiar scoff but an unfamiliar line, “do you really have nothing better to do than to make me nauseous?”
your hands freeze, letting go of controlling wanderer’s movements of going in circles. and zoom in to look at him
he holds his default expression, still staring obliviously into the distance
strange. must be a new voice line. so you check his voice lines to see if there was anything new
there was not
you convince yourself that it must be just a cool surprise hoyoverse added. to make the characters more alive
little did you know
you reach for your phone to tell some of your friends
so you don’t notice his eyes adjusting to look directly at you through the screen
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xiaoseminence · 2 years
𓆩✬𓆪 𝕋𝕖𝕪𝕧𝕒𝕥’𝕤 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕥 𓆩✬𓆪 (𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝔸𝔾𝔸𝕌)
Summary ➵✬ When you wake up atop a golden altar, surrounded by the beloved characters from your favorite game, you will learn how far their fervent devotion truly goes. (Harem, GN pronouns) Warnings ➵✬ Heavy Yandere, Worship / Religious practices, Dark Topics, Slighty Mature / Suggestive scenes
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“May the sacrifices we offer you appease you, our beloved creator. In these times of hardship, please guide us and lend us your strength” 
The words reverberated in the hall, making it seem as though they were coming from all around you. You hadn’t opened your eyes, and yet an almost blinding ray of golden light was visible even through your closed lids. You barely registered the horrified gasps and shouts of astonishment as the strong smell of incense burned your lungs with each breath. 
Was this… Death? The last thing you remembered was a train speeding towards you, headed for an inevitable collision. By the time you even noticed it, it was clear that you wouldn’t manage to escape its trajectory - too engrossed in the game you were playing on your phone to save yourself. 
The people you knew always thought that death would be painless, a void empty of emotions or sound. And yet… Why was it this loud? By now the gasps had been replaced by hectic shuffling, too many muffled voices yelling over each other to the point that you couldn’t make out a single word. As if you had just emerged from a frozen lake, your senses suddenly returned to you all at once - brain now on high alert. Where were you? With a movement so fast that it made your head throb painfully, you ripped open your eyes and sat up. As soon as your lashes parted to take in the sight in front of you, your (e/c) orbs were met with shimmering cores of gold and ruby. 
It took you a second to realize that you were face to face with a person, as their skin as pale as moonlight and eyes as crystalline as jewels made it easy to mistake them for a delicately crafted statue. Yet your shock seemingly couldn’t compare to that of the man, who visibly trembled to the point that his legs gave out under him. 
He fell to his knees, and then… he lowered his head so far that it barely touched the stone floor beneath. As your eyes quickly darted around the room to make any sense of this situation, you were met with many other people following the example of the man in front of you. Some of them fell to their knees in an instant, creating a loud thud that echoed in the large, temple-like building, while others lowered their gaze in more of a demure manner, letting their bodies slowly follow suit as they sank to the ground.
Where were you? And why did the man in front of you seem so familiar? His golden eyes, brown hair tied with a black ribbon, and elegant attire were connected to something in your memories, yet said memory evaded you like a word stuck at the tip of your tongue. 
“Your grace-”, his breath shuddered as he spoke, yet his voice held a sense of desperation. “Thank you for honoring your worshippers with your presence”. You tried to speak, ask what kind of twisted afterlife you’d been sent to, when his next words caused your thoughts to fly into a frenzy. 
“Your first apostle, Rex Lapis, is forever at your service. Command me as you wish, your grace” 
Rex Lapis? This couldn’t be true. And yet… it made too much sense for you to deny it. He looked just like the character you had managed to acquire just last week, after hours and weeks of your time poured into collecting as many primogems as you could. And… you could have sworn that you heard someone mention the word “Teyvat” when you first gained consciousness in this… hall. 
It was as time had frozen still, as no one dared to move a muscle or even so much as breathe. When your eyes fell onto a statue at the far end of the temple, you too froze in place. It was your face. Etched into immaculate white stone. The statue depicted a person sat on a throne, long robes draped around their body and pooling at their feet. Even as a statue, the cloth was depicted perfectly. And even if the mighty posture and perfectly dignified expression did not resemble your current state at all… it was unmistakably your face staring back at you with lifeless eyes made of marble. 
“Ningguang?” As if to test your theory, you had spoken the first name that came to your mind when you looked at the audience. There were many people, hundreds, maybe even thousands - but you had spotted her form kneeling in the very front row. Her attire was different from what she wore in the game, her white and golden dress was replaced by a red hanfu. But her long hair, which was colored like freshly fallen snow, with a red tassel tied to it was just like you had first seen her in the game.
At the mention of her name, she seemed to flinch a little in surprise, before she dutifully raised her head, albeit not fully. She lifted it only to the point of being able to gaze up at you, her ruby eyes peering through long white lashes, glinting expectantly. 
“Yes, your grace?”
You couldn’t believe it. It was real. But… What would you do now? They seemed to revere you as maybe royalty - or even a deity. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself just a moment to force your brain into thinking of a plan - any course of action that would seem reasonable and not put you in danger. For the start, this should be simple - play along while you discover more about this world around you. The only problem was… how would you play along when you didn’t know what they expected of you. 
Reminiscing back to the moment you first woke up in this world is something that nowadays, you didn���t do often. On occasion you wondered whether you would have done anything differently, knowing what was to come. Though, as you now rested in the arms of one of your consorts, half aware of the sugary promises of love and servitude they whispered into your ears, you didn’t regret it as much. Yet the road leading to this state of peace in your mind and acceptance of your situation had been a very long one. ➵✬ to be continued 
Word count ➵✬ 1.05k 
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the-real-fandom-person · 10 months
SAGAU-related brainrot knocking around my skull lately: Lady Maria!Creator.
Noble, graceful, remorseful, powerful, melancholy, otherworldly Lady Maria. The Creator isn’t a pure and untouched soul, she’s a scarred and battle-hardened warrior, ridden with guilt. Trauma has made her cold, yet paradoxically gentle.
Teyvat makes lumenflowers blossom everywhere to herald Maria!Creator’s arrival. Big ones, small ones, towering ones, blooming after sundown alongside the glaze lilies. Even in extreme temperatures, the cold, pale flowers make themselves at home. Slotting peacefully into the local ecosystems without becoming invasive. 
The Pari and the Aranara wake up to find lumenwood groves just outside their respective homes. The Melusines become enamored with these new ‘moon blossoms’ sprouting throughout their village, even the parts that are completely underwater. Amurta students and Fontaine researchers scramble over each other to study this new species. Nilou makes M!C a lumenflower crown, and it replaces her hunter’s cap for the day. Nilou gets the first ever hug from the Creator. Suck it, Azar.
Albedo and Sucrose experiment on these new plants immediately. Xiangling is already using it in some strange new recipe, something Chongyun will actually eat for once. Tighnari, Ganyu, and Shenhe take curious bites out of a lumenflower cutting. The taste isn’t unpleasant, just incomparable to anything else in Teyvat.
Inazuma characters, especially Kazuha, are absolutely fascinated by the Rakuyo (and maybe a little jealous). So graceful is M!C with her strange weapon, so easily she wields it on the battlefield. Every blacksmith in Teyvat hears the words ‘trick weapon’ and takes it as a challenge. Many come close, but none can truly replicate the genuine articles. May they never have a true need for beast-slaying weapons.
Imposter AU? With one of Bloodborne’s toughest bosses? Laughable. RIP anyone stupid enough to try. And if there’s a fake Creator pulling the strings? Not after a quick visceral attack, there isn’t. M!C pulls a blood blade to cut down the imposter’s guards (she notices the stars in her blood that weren’t there before) and the imposter receives the most satisfying visceral ever. 
Up to this point M!C put no stock in the ‘god’ thing. All she sees is mad cult, led by a petty and jealous brat on a power trip. But then she sees the stars in her blood, hears the voice of Teyvat itself, puts two and two together and just… laughs hysterically, because this whole situation is patently ridiculous. Byrgenwerth and the Healing Church failed in their quests for ascension, their heinous crimes being all for naught. Now here she is, thrown headfirst into unwanted ‘godhood’ and getting hunted by her supposed worshipers. Oh, how the tables have turned. 
Once people see the cosmos reflected in M!C’s blood, they fall over each other trying to apologize. Since she’s reached negative patience for everyone’s bullshit, she ignores them and fucks off to the Nightmare. After coming into Teyvat, M!C gained the power to enter and exit the Nightmare at will. The Nightmare doesn’t bend to her will, but it doesn’t treat her as an intruder. The Silverbeasts and Winter Lanterns don’t bat an eye at her presence. She’s a true denizen of both the waking world and the world of dreams, now. 
That night, every soul in Teyvat has the same nightmare - the Celestial gods attempting to forcibly summon the Creator, only to have themselves snatched from Celestia and dragged into a hostile, eldritch world of unfamiliar mish-mashed environments. At every turn, it is full of nightmarish creatures out for their blood. One by one, all but a select portion of Celestials become beast food, with M!C protecting the final ones herself.
Celestia, responsible for planting the fake Creator, falls from the sky the next day, its grand architecture reduced to mere rubble that rains from the heavens. Found amongst these ruins are the mangled, blood-drained and half-eaten bodies of Celestial gods. Spears made of blood impale many of the bodies, spears that seem to have sprouted from inside the flesh. Those that still have intact faces bear identical looks of horror. They find The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles in literal pieces - crushed and torn apart by hands that must have been the size of a grown man.
New stars and constellations appear in the night sky, as the illusion created by Celestia slowly fades. The curse placed on the people of Khaenriah gradually dissipates as well - the hillichurl tribes withdraw from the world, content to leave it alone. Every day, the curse lifts a little more from the people of Khaenriah; one day, Dainslief, Pierro and all the rest will finally be able to die. 
In Celestia’s place rises a second moon - a snow-white harvest moon, always full, large and visible even when clouds blanket the sky.
The Archons try to follow M!C into the Nightmare, but like Celestia, they get their shit wrecked by the denizens of the Frontier. The Archons don’t die for real, they’re just permanently cut off from the Nightmare. It takes Nahida, with dream powers of her own + Traveler and Wanderer in tow, to reach M!C and convince her to give the people of Teyvat a second chance. Nahida succeeds because she has the sense to treat M!C as a person, not some untouchable idol.
Sumeru is warm and welcoming, nothing like Yharnam or Cainhurst. M!C has fond memories from her time as a Byrgenwerth scholar, and the Akademiya feels like home. Sumeru becomes M!C’s preferred nation by default, to the pride of the locals and the despair of everyone else.
M!C has trouble wrapping her head around how mundane Teyvat’s supposed ‘gods’ are. Elemental powers or not, these Archons are too human to be divine; the only divinity M!C knows is eldritch, alien, far beyond mortal comprehension. The Traveler is fractionally closer to true godhood than any Archon. But then, just as the Great Ones were beyond human comprehension, so too are humans beyond the understanding of the Great Ones - perhaps it’s better for humans to have human gods.
Speaking of gods, M!C and Nahida bond over their dream-related powers. If this is before the climax of the Sumeru quest line, the Akademiya gets real quiet, especially when M!C publicly points out how asinine their logic is (she was closely associated with Byrgenwerth and Laurence, she knows their kind all too well). For all of his failures, all the disastrous consequences, Vicar Laurence at least had genuinely good intentions; these fools only care about themselves and preserving their own power. Scaramouche, Azar, the traitorous Sages - selfish, ignorant children all, meddling with forces they only pretend to understand. Crushing them herself is merciful compared to the other outcomes.
Through tactical manipulation of dream worlds, M!C busts Nahida out of baby jail long before Traveler and co. have to, and the Akademiya goes into panic mode because the Creator herself is coming for them. Traveler and co.’s plans turn instead to finding the hidden laboratory under Sumeru City - the combined power of dreams horrifically distorts the battlefield around the Shouki no Kami, even after his defeat. M!C doesn’t kill Azar after the fact, but she doesn’t let him go into exile empty-handed... because she cuts off his hands. Cyno is too unsettled to laugh.
Scaramouche resents her for her part in ruining his apotheosis (and because the Creator didn’t do shit for him in his tragically long life) but as the Wanderer, he and M!C bond over a shared disgust for the Second Fatui Harbinger.
And speaking of the Fatui... Well, they try to recruit her to the cause, and she has this to say:
“I’ll not serve your organization while any part of Dottore yet lives. For too many years, I stood by and did nothing while so-called ‘doctors’ brutalized the innocent and vulnerable for their supposed research, their dreams of godhood and divine revelation. Never again. If your leaders possess a shred of self-preservation between themselves, then perish the thought this instant.”
Fatui agent(s): ...
They don’t give up, of course. The less friendly ‘recruiters’ get sent back to Snezhnaya in pieces. The only Fatuus M!C tolerates is Tartaglia, because aside from being the Traveler’s friend, he’s a decent punching bag/sparring partner. She finds his Foul Legacy transformation cute, like a kitten baring its teeth at a lion.
Related idea: M!C meets Dottore’s remaining segment, and after everything she’s heard (let’s say from Collei and Wanderer, maybe Nahida too) she barely lets him get two words in before cutting his head clean off. Will this affect Dottore in the long run? Probably not. Does it make her feel better? Yes, actually. Collei certainly isn’t upset by the news. Wanderer is, only because he feels M!C was too merciful. She lets him dismember the segment so they can stuff it in a box and send it back to the Doctor as a warning.
If a scourge of beasts were to descend on Teyvat, probably because of Dottore M!C would lead the defense. This is not a war that mortals alone can fight, she insists. By her orders, every available god (herself included), adeptus, dragon, and most of the older allogenes are on the front lines, staving off the worst of the horde. Pyro users are in high demand, for the beasts fear them the most. In lieu of blood ministration, the various healers of Teyvat are working ‘round-the-clock. An entirely new crop of Vision-wielding healers spring up, because Teyvat’s top god herself unconsciously wills them into existence. Because M!C would never make use of the Old Blood, not after seeing and experiencing its effects firsthand. The burden of being a capital-H Hunter, the sweet, intoxicating call of blood - M!C remembers Byrgenwerth’s sacred adage, and she has learned from the mistakes of Vicar Laurence. Yharnam was merely the latest in a cycle of destruction, all because of the Old Blood. She will not doom Teyvat to suffer the same fate.
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xxmaxwellxx · 6 months
Can someone help me find some Sagau fics?
1. Alhaitham begs to see author/writer reader’s work and they’re a little insecure about their writing so they hand over some of their work and panic about what he thinks about it, eventually reader forgets giving to him only for him to publish their work. Reader panics and goes over to his house and kaveh opens the door and reader asks to speak with alhaitham and when they do he’s spewing praises. Edit: found this one! It’s Language Shenanigans by thatdeadaquarius!
2. There’s some kind of written language barrier in teyvat where the reader can’t read there and the characters can’t understand what they write and alhaitham kinda recognized what the reader was writing so he took them to the library and there’s like slang from 2015 carved into stone and it kinda horrifies reader. Edit: here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/thatdeadaquarius/706940879634628608/about-language-brainrot-imagine-writer-creator?source=share
3. Headcannons where the reader is playing shirtless and it flusters the characters, I remember reader going to the character selection and all of them were flustered, blushing and one sqeaked and stuttered through their voiceline
4. Reader stimming by clapping their thighs while playing and the characters are confused and flustered because they think something else is going on, I think xiao was in it and was blushing really hard lol Edit: I couldn’t find this on the master list so here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/fandangotales/698730573789806592/500-followers-event-about-your-prompt-could-you-do?source=share
5. Reader gets isekaied to teyvat and is very flustered by the characters because reader thinks they’re hot, they constantly avoid eye contact with the characters and it makes the characters think that looking at reader is some kind of grave sin, eventually reader bumps into zhongli and they make eye contact and reader blushes really hard and stutters and tries to look away but zhongli thinks something is wrong with reader and goes and fetches a healer only to find out that no, there’s nothing wrong with reader they just think the characters are hot. Edit: It’s a simp in Sagau by hiraya-rawr!
6. archons reading readers fanfiction. It somehow got into book form and has been circulating to the archons, I remember zhongli sitting behind the desk at the funeral parlor and being so focused on reading that he didn’t notice reader coming in and reader snatches the book from him only to be horrified because he was reading fanfic they wrote and him being like “is this another universe creator?”
7. The archons reading imposter au fanfic, I remember ei reading it and sobbing because she would never do something like that to the creator and zhongli says he would never kill reader because he’s worshipped them for years and why wouldn’t he recognize the creator???
8. Headcannons where The characters get isekaied into readers world. I remember reader walking into their office and finding the characters and thinking they’re cosplayers so the reader yells to their secretary thinking it’s a joke only for them to be real, I’m pretty sure scaramouche was in this one
9. The reader being isekaied into teyvat and thinking it’s a dream so they go to the dawn winery and gets drunk and accidentally cuts themselves to reveal gold blood, cue everyone freaking out and when diluc comes in for his shift the reader is sobbing asking why he hasn’t come home yet. Edit: Here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/hiraya-rawr/677068166680166400/diluc-drunk-creator-reader-creator-reader-waking?source=share
10. Headcannons where Reader likes to play glider chicken with them. They think their god is going to kill them only for them to pull out a glider last second and if the reader does it to much it becomes a tradition or something. Edit: I looked through their master list and I couldn’t find the name so here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/fandangotales/698541977190449152/i-have-a-request-for-the-500-follower-event-if?source=share
11. Venti sleeps with reader in their world and when reader is isekaied to teyvat. venti’s upset because the social standards are different and in teyvat if you sleep together that basically means you’re married so he’s upset because I think reader started flirting with the others? The last part is a little foggy but I remember venti being upset because he thought they were exclusive and reader is just like ‘wat?’
12. Reader being isekaied to teyvat and albedo keeping them at his house. They live with albedo and Klee and they only get discovered because they went out for a picnic or something and someone discovers reader and albedo is brought back and is to be punished but reader stops them from punishing them
13. Characters being isekaied to readers world and having nsfw thoughts about everyday items, this one is a little fuzzy so I can’t remember the details but one of them having nsfw thoughts about a spoon and thinking about readers saliva and other doing their laundry and wanking it over the washing machine. Edit: found this one! It’s Reverse isekai, Childe and Heizou in reader's home (MATURE CONTENT). By fandangotales!
14. Reader gets isekaied to teyvat with a gun and shows the characters how to use it
15. Sagau reader helps wanderer/kuni. It’s where reader goes out to his house to help him and at night when they’re in their futons he gets a boner and reader decides to help him in other ways
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imjustabitodd · 1 year
Had another idea. Y'know how zhongli's meteor goes around him when he's idle? Think about that but when their grace is sitting or just stays still a mini teyvat will circle them. Now I kinda imagine humanoid celestia just being the ultimate scary dog pass.
I think teyvat and celestia can change their humanoid body to whichever gender they want. The inspo for this hc was "please baby let me back in! I can give you everything you need from a man! Or from a woman."
Mmmm throwing a b-day party where you share it with the twins because most people set it to their own b-day.
Oh how I wish I could write
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fishfishiee · 2 years
A somewhat continuation of this. In which you were a Genshin player before an apocalypse destroyed your world. After getting isekai-ed, Teyvat then gave you an ability to rewind time every time you died.
Warning: no Genshin Impact characters mentioned in this, MC mentioned to have short and dyed hair, MC knowledge of Teyvat was up until Inazuma was released.
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There were still a lot of Teyvat that you still haven't explored yet. You vaguely remember the game had just finished the story for their third nation, Inazuma, when the Calamity came upon your world. The remaining nations (Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and the highly infamous Snezhnaya) were a complete blank for you. And so, you gathered your gear, planned your routes, prepared some food, and set out on the road.
Sumeru was set as your next nation to visit. You didn't even bother with Inazuma since it was just too much trouble to even get there. It was pretty, yes, and a part of you really wanted to visit the land of cherry blossom, but not at the cost of your already diminishing sanity and morality. Sumeru was also your next hope of finding out about this 'Creator' business and the whole 'isekai-ed' thing.
You had considered sneaking into Mondstadt's library, but considering that it was literally inside the Knight of Favonius Headquarters, it was way too risky to even try. Sumeru was a nation that prides itself in their knowledge. That means (hopefully) a public library to get information from. Oh, how wrong you were.
Traveling to an unknown land unexpectedly set something in your heart. A land where you know almost nothing about, and a chance to learn a bunch of new things. You had a theory that, maybe, your ties to these nations were minimal since the game company hadn't put them out for you to play with.
You heard about the 'acolytes' talking about how 'the Creator's presence was enveloping them as they went about their day' and how that stopped a while ago. That might not match with the timeline of your world falling into chaos six years ago, but time can be weird sometimes. You figured that, perhaps, the remaining nations would have fewer people who recognize you, since you never 'played' with them. You also had no idea where a certain blonde traveler with their floating companion were.
(Did you know that when you stopped playing, your acolytes were driven into frenzy and Teyvat was forced to freeze the time itself? From then on, it had been slowly gathering energy to bring you here, to the safety of itself.)
Your appearance also drastically changed. You never cut your hair even during your surviving days in Calamity, keeping it in your preferable shoulder-length. Now your hair was cut very short, dyed with wolfhook juice to make it a tinge more purple. You snatched some clothes from treasure hoarders and picked up their mask while you're at it. So now you looked like a treasure hoarder through and through, and had a story to back it up too. Just say that 'Oh, a group of treasure hoarder ambushed me and burned my bag, so I had to take their clothes to replace mine that was ruined, you know?' and probably most people would believe it. Right?
Sumeru was not easy to approach. The border was either The Chasm or going through Tianqui Valley. You ended up choosing going through the Chasm. It never came to you, but seeing that the Chasm literally looks like something twisted the place and pull it underground amazed you. It was a magnificent sight, really. Much to your surprise, there wasn't a lot of Milelith roaming about. From the gossip that you picked up, it seems that there was something wrong with the Chasm's… seal? There was also a rumor that said monsters were coming to The Chasm in droves, like something was calling them there. The odd thing was, those monsters then disappeared, never to come back out of the Chasm again.
The minimal security means that The Chasm was a perfect place for you to make a makeshift hideout. The amount of Treasure Hoarders also made it easy for you to blend in. After spending some time traversing the Chasm (in which you didn't die at all! What a record!) you finally stood on the Cinnabar Cliff, stunned by the sight before you.
It was a lush forest.
Somehow, you always thought that Sumeru would be a desert nation. Though, it made sense for the Dendro Archon's territory to be full of greenery everywhere. You can somewhat see sand dunes in the far back, so maybe your guess wasn't all that wrong.
You took a deep breath and confirmed your routes on the map you pilfered from one of the hoarders' camp.
Perhaps things will finally be looking up for you from now on.
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eliciana · 2 years
SAGAU SERIES: Misunderstandings
-> Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3(Here)| Chapter 4 | Chapter 5|...
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Tw: Sagau, Cult!Au, Blood
Reader: Gn!Reader, Creator!Reader, God!Reader, Reader is very curious of everything,
Characters: Reader, Aquilo, a tiger and some critters, Hilichruls and Abyss mages (mentioned), Archons and genshin characters (mentioned)
(A/N: I totally haven't forgot I was also a writer)
Little animals carefully scan the bushes for threats in all directions. Other animals leapt forward after the bunny and ran quickly to the other side of a trail. They were startled by a loud shuffling in the surrounding bush. In preparation for the worst, the animals warily cluster together. All they wanted was for it not to be a predator. They remained staring at the bush while shivering. A tiger immediately emerged. It was one of their buddies, and they sighed in relief. A sack containing essentials that they had seen in an abandoned camp site was being gently pulled by the tiger as it roared quietly. The little animals prodded the tiger to go more quickly by pulling at its fur.
The tiger muttered angrily at them as it quickened its speed. The Beloved Creator couldn't be made to wait, after all. The creatures move through the huge forest in search of a single, extremely, incredibly secret route. 30 minutes later, they had succeeded in locating it. the location they were seeking. The leader bunny took 10 steps forward, or possibly leaps, followed by 4 steps to the left, 2 steps back, then 7 steps to the right. A gigantic, bright magic circle with colorful, floating circle lights materialized on the earth. A staircase appeared as the enchanted circle vanished. It travels deep beneath and circles the area where the magic circle is. The stairs were adorned with vines at the sides of it.
The animals entered the newly-created hole right away. Ahead of them, hidden lamps lit up, illuminating the route down the stairs. The magic circle resurfaced after having traveled quite a distance from above ground, and it once more sealed the hole's opening. The entire passageway is covered in exotic flowers. How are they even able to grow underground where there is no light? Who knows, I guess. As they descended further, the pit began to resemble a cave.
(A/n: I'm going to refer to it as a cave for the time being because I'm out of words for an underground hole. My thoughts are wandering to inappropriate places.)
The larger cave became visible as the creatures neared the bottom of the underground pit. Glowy mushrooms gave the area some brightness. Your house was in the center of the cave, still in good shape and undamaged. You were taking a nap when the animals' continuous squeaks roused you, and you got up to investigate the disturbance. You could see from afar the animals that rode in the tiger's back and the sack that was in his mouth. When they noticed you, the animals came down the tiger and greeted you. You laughed at them because you found their attempts to say hello to you to be pretty adorable.
The tiger's head lightly brushed against yours as it purred. They rubbed all over you before sitting down, and you gave the tiger a thorough ruffle of their fur in response. You received the bag it was holding. You were interested to see what it might be made of. Upon opening it, you discovered numerous items, including clothing and culinary supplies. You pet the animals and thanked them for their assistance. 'Goodness gracious!' You grieved quietly to yourself, "Now I have some items for my new home," remembering how big your house was without any furnishings. Being completely honest, all you have is your bed, a few items of clothing, and food. Although you were grateful for what the others have given you, you had become weary of consuming fruits and other foods provided by the Hilichurls.
You yearned to eat some of the delectable food from back home or even any of the local cuisine in Teyvat. Though Teyvat was able to provide you with some sustenance, such as fruits and vegetables, you were genuinely in need of meat. The need for meat is increasing worse every day, despite the fact that you were given seafood. But! You started to worry about what these adorable little creatures would think of you. Would you frighten them? These kinds of ideas enter your mind. You're forced to do it! You consider them to be family now! All you can do is eat your veggies and fruits cruelly while pretending they are fried chicken. How difficult life really is.
You put all of it on those awful characters that you once adored. You provided them with everything they required, from strong artifacts to their constellation. You desire to once more run around the fields, feel the sun on your skin, and consume THEIR GODDAMN FOOD! You were treated unjustly by fate. You lack magical talents, whereas they do. Something else to frown upon. 'TSK!' So, what if they have superpowers? You're the Creator! Although, that is what the others, including the abyss mages, have told you. Your really are depressed aren't cha?
Bidding goodbye to the animals, you entered your home holding the sack of essentials in your hand. To arrange your kitchenware, you first visited there. Your hand reached for the knife as you carefully set the bag on the oak dining table. However, you were so resentful of the other people's magical prowess and your own lack of them that you unintentionally touched the knife's tip.
You inhaled deeply before shouting, "SON OF A BTCH!" The knife was quite sharp. To check the size of the cut, you pulled your hand out of the sack. When you looked at the blood coming out of you, which wasn't red and most definitely wasn't green, your eyes widened in shock. Yes, you were unquestionably the true Creator of Teyvat. Indeed, there is further proof of it.
But of course reading SAGAU fanfics before transmigrating here has prepared you for this shock. You just haven't thought of this since you were too busy to hide yourself from the genshin characters especially from the Archons. Maybe, just maybe, fate is favoring you now. "Alas, I have finally seen you, my gold blood. I have been waiting for you." You muttered to yourself, holding up your bloodied finger above your head, worshipping it.
We looked stupid. Aquilo thought.
Reader to the genshin characters:
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Reader when they saw the gold blood:
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cielosphere · 2 years
ranking of how genshin characters would ACTUALLY react to/feel about reader being the creator
tw:sagau. not being talked about really just like. ugh.
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willing to explain for all of these. me and my bestie are objectively correct.
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to-myalphonse · 2 years
♡ Wanderer fic
♡ 1k+
Self aware!Sagau
For those who aren't aware, Self Aware is one of the types of Aus in the Self Aware Genshin Impact Au. The characters dont come out of the game, and this does not involve Cult Au or God Au. (Where the characters are obssessed with you.)
Plot: Chaotic Adventures with a Genshin Player and their self aware characters.
This is one of the multiple types of Sagau.
Chapter 1/?
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"Can you stop yelling in my ears!" Wanderer yells, catching your attention from the other side of the screen. He saw you flinch before slowly turning to look at him.
He smirks in triumphant, striking his idle pose.
You eye his figure carefully. Instead of looking towards the mountains, he faces you grinning.
You lean over hesitantly poking the screen.
"Wait Scara what did you say?" You poke his cheek making him angrier.
You recoil in surprise, creeping towards your bed. His gaze follows you as you move this time. As his gaze follows you, you tilt to the left and right. "The fuck?!" He laughs.
"My exact words, Oh Mighty [player name]!" He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. You crawl at a snail's pace towards the computer. As you approach him, he smugly looks down at you.
"Down on the ground where you belong, insect?" You roll your eyes, as he sneers.
"How are you talking to me right now?"
"Everyone in Teyvat has always heard you." He makes eye contact continuing further.
"We've always heard you talk about your crush and what you want to do with them." He makes a disgusted look as he recalls hearing his name uttered again by you.
You frown as you recall Shikonin Heizou and the other characters you berated for not returning home. You can't help but worry if they'd be repulsed or terrified of you if you spoke to them.
"We hear everything Y/N." You quiver, hovering the mouse to over x button. Scaramouche's eyes widen seeing the exit symbol highlighted. Before the game ended, you heard his voice.
Itto, Ei, Ayato, and Wanderer are the current banners showing on the screen banner. Instead of their usual expressions, they were disgusted. You saw their eyes meet yours as you exited the pre-load up screen page. Your eyes were met with anger and disappointed sentiments.
You hurriedly exited the room after clicking off your computer. You didn't know how Scaramouche spoke to you, but you didn't want to see it again.
Shaking it off you began to get ready for bed.
After weeks of not playing Genshin, you returned to wish for Ayato Kamisato, whose banner was expiring. You log in and quickly launch the game avoiding their stares. When you click on the door, instead of the symbols, a message appears.
"Have you finally chosen to return?" You ignore the message while waiting for the game to load, assuming it's Scaramouche speaking.
After 5 minutes the message didn't disappear. You move your mouse clicking along the screen.
"Why so eager to return to Teyvat, you abandoned it after all~"
This was not Scaramouche talking at all. You try to exit the game like last time only for a lock to appear over it.
You exclaim in anger trying to click pass the text.
"Trying to flee so quickly? No, I don't believe so." To your chagrin, the individual, whoever it is, wants you to keep playing genshin.
"What's the deal with these new game events?" You take out your phone to look for the error message, but there is none. You gather your belongings and prepare to leave the room.
"Nope! You can keep this game Satan, i dont want it anymore!" You gather your keys and other valuables and prepare to leave the room.
"[player name]!" you exclaim as you go out of the room. When you turn around, you see Wanderer on the screen.
"Scaramouche?" You return your gaze, peering over your shoulder.
"Where are you going?" He looks at the items you had in your arms.
"I'm just going to leave for a minute." When the wish banner music plays as you try to exit the room.
"How did you do that?" You put the stuff down approaching him.
"Didn't you want to wish for Ayato?" His beautiful words drew you back into the room, closer to the computer. You return to your seat and hover over the ten pull to make a wish for him.
Scaramouche smiles darkly, as the screen goes black. The wish banner music glitches in the background.
"Scaramouche did what?"
"He spoke to me." Seeing the unamused look on your friend's face you continued.
"Then he started claiming that Heizou hated me and that Kazuha would find me disgusting." You exasperatedly wave your hands to prove your point.
"If Scaramouche really spoke to you, wouldn't you be pleased, after all "He is your husband right?"
You slowly nod calming down. "Yes, but the situation is so weird." You take a seat next to them laying back against the couch.
"How about this?" They stand gathering their belongings.
"We go back over to your house and check your genshin account. If Scaramouche really is self aware we'll send a video to mihoyo asking them to check it out."
When you returned to the house, you heard nothing except a ringing in your ears. You come to a halt in front of your computer that turned off.
"I expected him to be peeking around a corner." Your friend teased as they checked the rooms thoroughly.
When you start the game, you immediately notice the picture of the first Archon quest has been replaced with Scaramouche's photo from his promotional Archon quest. His eerie smile draws your attention to a different corner of the room.
As the Mondstadt music plays, you examine the load up screen for more information. Once you were sure there were no errors, you entered Teyvat.
Facing the TV, you were met with a albino playing a leaf like a flute.
"I swear Wanderer was here the last time I logged out." You inspect your party setup only to discover that he is completely missing.
"What's wrong Y/N?"
You show your friend the missing person from your party.
"That's strange. Let me check your character archive." They take over pulling up the character archive and hovering over Wanderer.
"You already have him. I'm curious why he's not on your list of playable characters." Wanderer was standing where Kazuha was as they exited the archive to return to the main screen.
Your friend shrugs, handing you back the remote. "Maybe it was just a glitch."
Looking at him in disbelief, you turn back to stop your friend.
"Wait no stay!" You rush over trying to stop them from leaving. While your back was turned you miss the dark look Wanderer sent your friend.
"Look Y/N, I don't know what you saw, but clearly you playing genshin for 24 hours on the weekends is starting to fuck with your mind." They eye the bags under your eyes from gaming.
"Go take a nap alright? Call me later." They let go of you returning to their car. As they drive away, you clutch the door tightly.
"I'm not seeing things!" You yell in retaliation to no one. Wanderer's voice line causes you to turn around. Instead of his normal idle line he wore a smug look crossing his arms staring into the camera.
"Are you done with your whining yet [player name]?"
Tag for this series is #scara sentient
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Taglist : @teyvattales @hikomisan @pochipop @leftdestiny-posts (if you want to be added lmk)
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pensoluv · 3 years
SAGAO Work 27.0
Long prequel + masterlist of following parts.
The following divergent parts are based on your chosen personality. Choose your route, Traveler. Follow your heart as Fate has decreed. Categories, i.e. fluff/angst/crack, shall be determined by your path choices.
Idea and Ask from @emilemovhi! I’ll find that ask and link it here!
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Routes (Masterlist)
Posted Routes:
⁃ mildly angry, intimidating reader who doesn’t care anymore (first finished, posted @27.3)
⁃ you’re innocently unaware & in the centre of chaos (second finished, posted @27.1)
Planned Routes:
⁃ “aww yisss” reader who goes brr, weirdly happy? (unfinished 27.2)
⁃ angry but has ‘smol Kirby with a knife energy’ (unfinished 27.4)
⁃ mommy/daddy/parental figure -energied forgiving reader, like if Jesus went ara ara (unfinished 27.5)
⁃ “come on papi slay meh😩💅🏻✨🧚” kinky meme-lord crack reader (unfinished 27.6)
Prequel (27.0)
You’ve been more than accustomed to your identity and home in Teyvat.
So you’re surprised as well when they had slashed your arm and revealed golden spilt blood.
You see, you’ve never been hurt past the skin before. By sheer luck and circumstance, you’ve only bruised at most, so there was no hint of your camouflaged divinity.
After all, Teyvat is wise and works to its laws to protect their glorious Creator - you. A gust of wind, secret boosters to your defence stat. As fleetingly as a mere glint of the armour, yet as protective as guardian angels. As prominent as a parental figure, yet as undetected as rubble in neglected ruins.
It has been personally preventing you from knowing of such sacred knowledge. It could thwart assassinations, lest there be renegades daring to either slay or pass themselves as its Maker.
You had no way of knowing; since both you and your environment has reassured that you’re just born with natural luck, in the same way that the ‘Creator’ has ‘bad luck.’ Luck works in mysterious ways, as seen in one particularly-familiar pyro allogene.
Every time you’re betrayed and hurt, Teyvat wipes the populaces then rejuvenates you by sacrificing your memories. Like alchemy, it must pay its dues in return for its wishes. In your case, you are both the protected and the protectee, with your life being the sustainer of Teyvat and the reverse.
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twinsyy · 4 months
You consider quitting genshin sometimes
(very self-insert)
when life gets busy, or when you get bored of the game, you genuinely consider quitting.
because it eats up your time and wears down your attention. and recently, the game hasn’t been very rewarding lately.
you’re ar 60, and you’ve done everything in the game. you’ve maxed out the exploration progress. did all the quests.
farming for characters isn’t going good either. your artifact rolls keep getting worse, especially for the ones that you really hoped would be good.
getting primos isn’t easy either. and it doesn’t help that the characters you want aren’t coming home. you either keep getting weapons, or lose the 50/50.
this game is adding more stress than necessary to your life. you already have a lot going on.
so you’ve made it a habit to take breaks from this game. whether it was for a day, week, month or more.
sometimes, you don’t notice how you’ve forgotten about it. especially during your longer breaks.
and you even frequently feel… free of it.
but it never stays that way. you are constantly reminded of genshin (stupid ads). constantly beckoned back. tempted with better rewards and new characters.
and it works everytime. even if it sometimes takes a while. you always go back to them. something in you feels like you have a sense of responsibility to come back. what does this mean?
it doesn’t help that the longer you are gone, the sadder the welcome back message becomes. and odd.
“Welcome back, we missed you!”
“We are relieved you came back. We thought you wouldn’t.”
“We apologize . We’re trying to be better.”
“We’re sorry.”
“Please stay.”
You encounter these messages, different each return, but have never heard about anyone else experiencing this. Guess you’re a special case.
Very special, indeed.
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xiaoseminence · 2 years
I’m not sure if you do these but
An imposter!sagau with a creator (gn??)who just keeps resurrecting when they die, like their body disintegrates and reforms in the same spot like a minute later
Anyway Zhongli’s reaction to killing the creator, then watching their golden blood spill everywhere and realise with horror what he did
Only for creator to resurrect not even five minutes later, but with massive obvious trust issues (and Zhongli’s subsequent extreme guilt)
It’s a guilt fic im asking you to write a guilt fic
𓆩♡𓆪 Divine Retribution 𓆩♡𓆪 (Genshin SAGAU Scenario) (Imposter AU!)
Summary ➵✬ Mislead by a false idol, Rex Lapis commits the ultimate act of heresy. It’s only when the blood of the real creator stains his hands a golden color that he realizes what he just did. 
Warnings ➵✬ Heavy Yandere, Mild depictions of blood/violence, Worship/Religious practices, Dark Topics, Depictions of emotional distress, Reader dies but not really
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Despite how much your legs ached and your lungs seemed about ready to combust, you were slowly but surely starting to realize that you’d never be able to outrun him. If anything, it was as if he was toying with you, his disembodied voice whispering fury filled words into your ears as tears streamed down your face. 
“Sinner, Miscreant! You vile creature will meet your justice at my hands today”
You never asked for any of this. The initial excitement of discovering you’d awoken in the world of your favorite game, surrounded by the many characters you’d grown to know and love, soon turned into icy fear once you saw the look in their eyes. From the very first moment any of them met you, they looked at you with such disdain and malice, they’d curse at you, call you “Imposter” or “Monster”, and chase you away. So far you managed to outrun them all, hiding in the rural regions of Liyue without showing your face to a single soul. But as soon as he was informed about your existence, your life was running on limited time. 
“Their eminence will be delighted to see your head on a stake, hung above the walls of their palace. Demons like you should know that only death awaits you in the land of the creator”
A loud cry erupted from your throat as you felt a piercing pain in one of your legs. One look back revealed a golden spear embedded deeply in your flesh. Although you tried to keep running, it resulted only in a pathetic limp before you collapsed to the ground shortly after. The black cloak you had grown accustomed to wearing hid your form from the archon that was drawing closer and closer to your shivering body. The countless scrapes and bruises that covered you from head to toe after running for such a long time felt more painful than ever before. The golden blood flowing through your veins ever since you first came to this world was absorbed by the dark cloth, remaining as nothing but a barely visible stain. 
His steps were slow and silent as he lazily stalked up to you. To him, you were wounded prey - and he was the predator about to devour you whole. Finally stepping in front of you, his gloved hands reached out to harshly grab your chin, forcing you to look straight into his amber colored eyes that were burning with resentment. 
“It seems as though the little pest has finally been caught in the trap. Speak, Rat. Dare you defend your actions of besmirching the divine creator’s name with your hideous attempt to copy their form?” 
He always seemed like such a grounded and wise character, yet as you were met with his perfect features pulled into a dangerous snarl, it was difficult to believe that this was the same person. An involuntary whine spilled past your lips as his grip on your jaw grew stronger to the point that you thought your skull would break apart. 
“I don’t know what crime you keep accusing me of. I never hurt anyone!”, it came out as a desperate plea for mercy, yet something inside you told you that it didn’t matter whether you were to beg on your knees or spit in his face - the archon of geo remained as unmoving in his resolve to kill you as mountain, ever unfazed by its surroundings. 
“Pathetic.” - He all but growled this word as his eyes seemed to grow as hard as gold. Before you could even realize what was happening, a harsh push had your back painfully colliding with the muddy ground below. The tip of his golden spear dematerialized from its place embedded in your thigh, instead appearing only inches from your (e/c) eyes. You were scared to blink, even scared to breathe - in fear that the spear would come crashing down on you before you knew it. Your face - the face that everyone seemed to resent you for - was staring right at the archon who would be your killer. 
For only a fraction of a moment, his amber eyes seemed to soften, their color appearing gentle and warm like molten pools of caramel. Yet this moment was soon over, as an even harsher scowl appeared on his features. 
“How dare you? You really thought you’d be able to fool their grace’s most devoted worshiper?”, he hissed, as if it was somehow your fault that you looked similar to the deity they revered. 
“You don’t deserve to utter any last words”
Before your mouth could open to let out one last defiant scream, before your muscles could contract and roll you to the side, away from danger, a sharp pain shot through your forehead - all but seeming to split your head in half as the spear found its place in your skull. The last thing your tired eyes noticed was a single splatter of shimmering, golden blood - before finally… your vision faded to black. 
In all his years of seeing war, bloodshed, famine and death, the archon of Liyue never once faltered in his conviction toward his creator. Even after losing those who held close to his heart, his faith gave him the strength to carry onward - his body seemingly fueled only by sheer devotion. Yet in this very moment, as a single splatter of golden blood hit his face, he never felt more pathetic. Not a single muscle in his form dared to even so much as twitch, as the only feeling aside from his own heartbeat thundering painfully in his chest was the warm liquid sliding down his cheek. It seared him, felt so hot against his skin that he was sure it was a warning of what hellfire would await him after what he had done. 
“I- Your grace?”, his words were barely above a whimper, hand outstretched as if to touch them, assure himself that he hadn’t done what he feared he had. Although he tried to convince himself that he must be mistaken, the endlessly empty feeling in his chest confirmed what he deep down already knew to be true. He had killed them. 
ɢᴏᴅꜱʟᴀʏᴇʀ - ʜᴇʀᴇᴛɪᴄ - ᴅɪꜱꜱᴇɴᴛᴇʀ
The words kept repeating themselves endlessly in his mind. With a broken sob his knees gave out under him, allowing his body to fall onto the cold ground. He felt like he was burning from the inside, hellfire coursing through his veins, yet his shaking hands still reached out for his creator’s limp body. His gloves had long since been discarded, thrown aside and forgotten in the damp grass. “What a fool I am, your grace. What hubris led me to believe that I could be your most devoted servant, the one to lay the world at your feet when in the end… it was I who fell for a false idol?” 
He wanted to cradle his deity in his arms, let the tears that spilled from his eyes wash away his sins and their blood. His face felt tainted, dirty - sullied with the blood of his one and only god. Blood that he had spilled. When his hands should have touched the body lying motionless on the ground, he was met with nothing but shimmering dust. The creator had disappeared. 
It mattered little to Rex Lapis what would become of this world, of the inhabitants of Liyue and all those he swore to protect. Nothing in this world would ever matter again without the gentle guidance of the creator. 
“Please, I beg you! Please punish me! I deserve a punishment worse than death”- He bowed down so deeply that he could feel the cool ground against his face. He was ready to beg and atone for as long as it took for you to punish him. He would accept anything, anything at all - but he couldn’t live knowing he’d been abandoned by you. A life without your presence was a greater torture to him than his mind could even fathom - if you stayed gone… he would break apart. 
“Please… come back”, he had yelled and cried to the point his lungs started to hurt, and by now his voice was nothing above a raspy whisper. What a pathetic shadow of himself the archon had become. 
You often wondered what the afterlife would be like. Would you end up waking up in yet another game world? Or… would dying perhaps give you a chance to go back home? Home, where you belonged and many friendly souls were waiting for you, people who wouldn’t curse and spit at you, forcing you to go into hiding for so long. Yet death did not come to you as easily as you expected, as when you opened your eyes again…
A cloud of shimmering golden dust was surrounding you like a cocoon. When it all at once burst open, you were met with a rather startling sight. Before you knelt Rex Lapis - or Zhongli as you’d first come to know him in the game. Yet to your surprise, nothing seemed to remain of the unshakable mountain he appeared as before. He was shivering, near silent sobs racking his body uncontrollably. 
The slight golden shimmer in his peripheral vision made him freeze. His teary eyes raised themselves at a snail’s pace - too scared was he that it was a mere illusion of his desperate mind. Yet when he met your mortified gaze, he couldn’t help but cry out in relief. 
“Your grace! I will repent! Whatever you want, for however long you see fit-”, the male practically flung himself at your feet, hands grasping all too eagerly at your stiff legs. His touch was gentle, but you knew it would be impossible to get him to let you go if he saw it fit to hold you in place. He was looking up at you with such… passion? It felt as though you could see right through his eyes, into a burning fire of devotion. This was far different to how anyone ever looked at you before in this world. They tended to gaze at you with either disdain or a twisted kind of pity that made you feel sick to your stomach. It scared you far more than if he had been angry, swinging at you with that spear of his. 
“L-let me go! Don’t touch me!”, you frantically cried out, moving backwards so quickly that you fell over.
His expression immediately fell, an almost empty look replacing his formerly so fiery expression. 
“I understand, your grace”, his breath shuddered as he instantly let you go, hands retracting so fast, it seemed as though your skin had burned him. 
“I will prove my worth to you. Command me as you wish. No matter what you order me to do, who you want me to kill. If you want me to mutilate and torture myself I will be happy to do so, I’d burn all of Liyue down in a heartbeat if you so desired -  if only to cleanse myself of the sin I have committed” 
His fervent, desperate devotion was far more terrifying than his wrath could ever be.  Word count ➵✬ 1850 Note ➵✬ Thank you for my very first request
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Teyvat's Beloved — First Acolyte
< Prev | 3 | Next >
In the middle of a field, surrounded by your beloved slimes and hilichurls, you stood tall and smiled wide. “Alright then!” You announced. “Time to get to work!”
“Dada, Mumokuzi!” A few hilichurls clapped while the slimes bounced around your feet excitedly. ‘Mumokuzi’ was their name for you. You couldn’t understand Hilichurlian, but you could always understand the gist of what they said to you.
You hoped they could understand you in return.
A number of quests appeared after you’d completed [First Contact]. The story(?) quest locked levelling behind it, so you made that your top priority. If you got your level up, you could surely survive better; after all, world level didn’t seem like it could work in real life.
Deus Omnium, Act I: Home At Last
Welcome Home
Gather Believers (94/5) Establish a Place of Worship (1/1) Accept an Apostle (0/1)
Level Up Unlocked Player: Weapon Unlocked Player: Artifacts Unlocked Inventory Unlocked
Now you definitely knew what those words meant individually. But how any of it applied to you or your situation? You’d literally just escaped from being tortured and killed as a heretic, you could open that can of words later.
So for all your bravado, you had no idea where to start “getting to work” or what it even meant in your situation. If only you had your own Paimon to guide you, or literally anyone who could actively commune with you to bounce ideas off of.
“No use complaining about what you can’t help,” you reminded yourself. An anemo slime bounced at your feet, you picked it up with a smile and huff. “Maybe you can be my Paimon, would you like that?”
The slime didn’t say anything, it was a slime, but a warm, bubbly feeling radiated off of it. It rushed through you, tickling under your skin. You laughed softly at the feeling. “Okay, you can be my Paimon.”
[Quest Completed: Welcome Home]
[Would you like to accept Rewards? Yes/No]
Well, uh, that was easy. You selected yes.
5 Followers Reached - Level Up
10 Followers Reached - Level Up
15 Followers Reached - Level Up
20 Followers Reached - Level Up
30 Followers Reached - Level Up
40 Followers Reached - Level Up
50 Followers Reached - Level Up
Fuck it, you didn’t have the energy left to react. Too many things at once, come back later.
At least your stats went up, you now had… of course you fucking had 200 attack and defense and 5k HP because that made SENSE. Level 8 and you could probably take out level 40s with ease. If you could fight.
Catalysts didn’t seem to need a physique, some part of your brain helpfully supplied.
You fired your brain.
After sorting through your inventory (filled with everything you’d had in game and more) and fucking around with the menu for an hour, you came away with a few more answers.
Your weapon choice dictated your talents.
You were technically elementless, but only in that it was an empty void that you could fill however you liked (not that you were good at it).
You could level up your new slime acolyte.
And you could still access your characters inventories. You felt great pulling the four-star catalyst off of Lisa and remotely shoving an Apprentice’s Note into her hands.
In fact, every character that chased you had their weapons replaced and artifacts removed. After all the time and energy you poured into them, they didn’t deserve any of it. Foolish cretins took and took and only cared to make themselves feel superior. You’d—
Alright, nope, you weren’t opening that can of worms. Wherever the fuck that came from could stay a hidden part of you what the fuck.
You just wanted to practice protecting yourself with the Hilichurls and fuck off out of Mondstat. But did you go to Dragonspine and try your luck with Albedo or see if Liyue would be more welcoming?
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{Introduction: Prologue - Sandy Tyranny}
SAGAU!Genshin X GN!Reader
(Idea inspired by the amazing @atsukawolfcat​)
This will become a crossover wrapping into one of my Quotev stories, STRAY, if I do add onto it.
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The All Power, The Creator, The Ancient one… A powerful entity capable of completely reshaping worlds with its hands, strong enough to rewrite time with its mind, and the highest form of divinity. The descent of such a being was whispered throughout the ears of gods by the lands it made, expected by eager mortals that prayed for its arrival to at last be blessed by its presence.
So, how do they find themselves now chasing after you, an unfortunate bystander– well more like a victim, due to your face matching their creator’s? It’s simple really… You were shrouded in an unforgiving aura, an aura that made even the Archon, Barbatos, shrivel and retreat when confronted by such force.
Fortunately for you, you had been playing Genshin for a few months now and were able to speed-run Mondstadt AND Liyue just before some – as you would put it – fuckery went down leading you to your current situation! Let’s recap, shall we?
You had been looking for your friend, Keish, who had gone inside your house at some point when this boney, long limbed-spider thing crawled out of your wall and chased you into the kitchen, as you were too afraid to turn around to see whatever grabbed your ankles. In your blind panic, you miss your surroundings changing into something you could describe as The Backrooms. Yes, the mother-bleeping-backrooms. 
Not just any level of the backrooms of course! Why would life be so kind to you? It was none other than “Run for your life” aka level “!” with invasive emergency sirens overwhelming you. It hurt. It hurt so bad. Your ears were ringing and you were losing sight of everything until the darkness flashed a blinding red revealing another freakish monster behind you made out of a patchwork of limbs and mouths crawling toward you with swiftness you could not match.
Even if you were in shape, your movements had slowed to the point you could no longer move quickly. Your head was spinning and your body had ceased in fear when you foolishly glanced back at the beast. 
The closer the beast got, the louder it got; each slam of its hands against the walls and floor brought with it the echo of death. It was a symphony you would not forget any time soon.
As the monstrosity reached you, its hands mere inches from your face, something inside you kicked in. You stumble back awkwardly and continue your original dash through the hallway, your every step felt like you were running across a field of sharp rocks.
You nearly crashed into scattered hospital beds, tripped over wires, and frantically scramble onto your feet again. How did you manage to get from your house to this place? What the fuck was this thing chasing you?!
You wanted to say you would be brave and move, and you did… But like this? Reality crashed down on you. You were helpless– your surroundings doing nothing to assist you as you recognized them to be The Backrooms from something you saw online, albeit only your subconscious recognized this place in your state.
Pure adrenaline was the only thing keeping you going, keeping you from slipping up.
You didn’t know how long you were running – it felt so long – but you saw a door at the end. You didn’t hesitate to use that final push to crash into the door, launching it open, and fumbling onto the other side to fall into an endless white abyss.
You scream as you fall, frantically attempting to grab onto something only to find nothing. 
You fell.
And fell.
And fell.
Until there was nothing.
Until there was nothing but vastness of white, shadows fading into nothing.
Your voice was drowned out and your mind shut down to save you from insanity.
Oh, but what fun would that be? Hm? By the time you woke up, you were being pushed out of the ground by an unknown force. Covered in dirt and grime, dazed and disoriented, you hardly made sense of your surroundings when bricks moved from above you, pushing you through a thin layer of water. (That, you later realized was The City of Freedom’s fountain!)
Such a display caught the attention of locals, traditional Saga Impostor bullcrap ensued and you were forced to flee from the city while knights chased after you on horseback! Shockingly the steeds refuse to cooperate with the riders… How bizarre. Anyways!
That, little relatively rushed recap, brings you here! Running for your life from characters in a came you love more than life itself! All because of some dumb glowing aura around you, nonetheless. You know, you look no different than a walking glowstick, though that’s just my opinion.
“Quit with the snarky comments and help!” You snap, nearing the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, forcing yourself to run faster despite the burning of your legs and pleas of your muscles. Your body demanded a crash, whether that be from asthma or you just not working out. Who knows honestly.
Fine, fine… The narrator will be of some assistance today. 
Your body is forced into another direction, making you slide out of the way of Venti’s arrow and closer to a hilichurl camp. This was a giant red flag for you, “Woah! Woah! Those are hilichurls! Are you trying to get me killed?!”
At this point, yes!
“What the fu–!” Your screams were cut short as your legs take you in another direction, then you’re forced to lunge forward, essentially dive-rolling behind one of the huts with the flexibility you were positive you didn’t possess. Your back slams against the hut, air shooting out of your lungs with a wheeze. This… This was something you thought you would never recover from.
“I’ve officially lost my mind! I’m being hunted by fictional characters, have a voice in my head, and can do acrobatics? Yeah, yep… Nope. I’m insane!” You get your words out between panting, coughing fits happily accompanying it in a loving reminder of your now crusty dry throat. When was the last time you had actual water? Probably a week ago if you ran off energy drinks, maybe a night ago if you leave unfinished waters scattered in your room.
You couldn’t remember.
You could hear distant shouting, the noise of – as you shall now call them – The Horde, fading into the distance along with Jean’s distinct call. It soothed you, somewhat, knowing that they were off your trail long enough for you to try piecing together exactly what happened. You had all of Mondstadt trying to murder you, that’s cool– uh… You had a crappy voice in your head, that’s lovely! And you just escaped a Sour Patch Kid turned– Know what? You don’t even know what to call that fifty-armed thing in the hospital hallway. All you really knew about it was that it was NOT human!
Also, I am not crappy. Leave me alone.
“Oh yeah, because you’re worse than crappy! But so far you haven’t tried to murder me so I’ll take it that we’re on semi-good terms,” you argue, resting your head against the bone structure supporting the hilichurl hut. The air in Teyvat was clean, healing… It was like it was filtering the toxins out of your lungs from your home and cooling the burning in your throat.
That– That is a fair point I suppose.
With your legs back in control, you realize how exhausted you had become from running from The City of Mondstadt straight to wherever you currently were. Well… That and you hadn’t gotten any sleep for the past two nights, meaning you were probably three steps away from a full reset. 
Magically, you power through the creeping drowsiness and feel around you for something sharp to tend to the few scrapes you acquired during the scuffle, your vision was spotting with black blotches appearing at random places demanding you rest. It seems you didn’t really have much strength over your exhaustion, did you?
Closing your eyes, you feel yourself slipping away piece by piece, your legs being the first to numb, then your waist… And, well… you get the idea. Sleep greets you with open arms, easing you into its protective arms while the world around you begins to adjust.
Teyvat was home now, far more loving toward you than anything you could have hoped for… The question was, would you love it in return?
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slow-wth-anxiety · 3 years
I've noticed that in most imposter!Au Reader is beaten and Weak. But how would (either diluc, zhongli or Kaeya) react to S/o Being 10x stronger than then, so they can't even Get a Hit in on the "Imposter." It doesn't matter if they Use all they're strength, Tag-Team, Sneak up on reader. Reader just can't be beat. Even better if Reader doesn't have a vision, and this Power is completely natural and the boy(s) notice this.
Thank you for sending this in! I haven't got that good of a feeling for these characters yet, but I'll try my best! Also I went a tad over board so I'm only doing Diluc rn 💀 I also think I went a little too far away from the prompt you sent so I'm sorry 😭 actually I got way too carried away 💀 let me know if it's not what you were thinking! :)
GN! Reader, Violence against reader, Diluc being mean ish? Angst maybe, Cult! Genshin. Typical SAGAU imposter! Violence
How would they react to Imposter! Darling being stronger than them?
As the so called ' Dark Night hero of Mondstat' He would take the news of an imposter of his God, not very well.
His God helped him though the roughest times of his life, when his father passed, the falling out with Kaeya, his feelings of guilt that has burdened his shoulders all these years.
So the instant he hears someone impersonating you, going around the nations and making a mocking of your name? Diluc is furious, the vision at his side heating in response to his anger.
He tasks the workers to manage Dawn Winery in his absence, and leaves without another word. He tracks the imposter across Mondstat, growing more and more frustrated by the day as he always seems to just barely miss you before you move on to the next place.
Something always seems to get in his way, the wind nipping at his face, a torrent of rain pounding upon his back as he moves through the day. A band of Anemo slimes appearing from the hills to attack him relentlessly. Groups of Hillichurls blocking his way as soon as he starts to get to close to you.
' One would think that Teyvat would help the person getting rid of the imposter' The thought crosses Dilucs mind as he finished off the final Mitachurl in the group that attacked him.
"Strange how persistent these groups are at blocking my way" He mutters as he passes through the corpses. Disgust flashes across his face as he looks upon a weakly moving hillchurl.
" No matter, they'll die just like that filthy disgrace will, given time" Slamming his claymore into the finally still hilichurl, he looks to the direction the hilichurl band came from, and spots a flicker of campfire, and the noise of a single person humming to themselves between the trees.
Chuckling to himself as he approached the campsite, he spots you sitting by yourself, your back turned to him, humming a gentle tune he couldn't place.
Swinging his sword from his back, Diluc steps into the light from the fire, scowl and eyes locked on to your back. He approaches you silently, preparing himself to end your existence.
' They don't deserve a channe to beg, to grovel for the sins they've committed, they will die here' Diluc snarls in his mind, recalling all the times when the Knights of Favonious had let you escape.
"The Knights of Favonious may not have ended your pathtic existence, but I will!" Yelling as his sword descends upon the imposters back, putting every ounce of fury he holds in his body for the imposter, he watches with satisfaction as his weapon swings like an executioners blade towards you.
Shocked gasps echo through the campsite, one from your surprise and fear from being attacked and Dilucs gasp of disbelief, as he watches his claymore rocket away from you by an unseen force.
Swiftly standing, you back away from him holding your hands out in front of you as a gesture of peace " Diluc? What are you doing?!" Alarm coats your tone as Diluc grabs for his claymore again, steadily advancing on you.
" Don't you dare say my name!" Diluc roars as he once again swings his weapon to hurt you, still hitting the unseen barrier just as he did before
' There is no vision anywhere on their body, what is stopping me from killing them?!' He hisses in his mind as he narrows his eyes towards you, analyzing how to get through that barrier.
" I would have preferred to not stain my hands with your filth but if that is the only way, then so be it" A grimace crosses his face as reaches his hands towards your neck, nerves rolling in his stomach the closer he gets.
You stand in place, watching Diluc speed closer and closer to you until he stops before you. You gaze upon him, calmly watching how he moves, eyes flashing as they stare him down.
A shiver jolts down Dilucs spine, pain sparking between his eyes, nausea thick in his throat as he meets your eyes before he shakes it away and glares back at you. He lunges for you, but as soon as he gets too close, Diluc feels the ground beneath his feet begin to shake, the trees groan and shake, whispering words that he couldn't make out, a tongue far older then himself.
Shadows grow from the light of the fire, far stronger and darker then they should have been, seemingly reaching out to you, grasping at your hands, clothes, any part of you the shadows could reach.
You will not harm them boy
The shadows whispered to Diluc, clouding his vision until all he could see was the dark.
How dare you try to harm our God?
The ground shook beneath his feet, the trees mocking Diluc as he began to lose his balance, falling to his knees as he watched the so called imposter simply stare at the events occuring, not looking bothered in the slightest.
" You should have known better Diluc" Your voice echos coldly through the trees, beckoning the shadows to fall back, you barely spare a glance to the fallen man, simply striding to your spot you were once at.
Placing your hand in the fire, you stared at him. " Teyvat will not let harm come to me, by no particle or Element that is from it." Pulling your hand from the flames, Turing it back and forth as you inspect the unburned skin.
Diluc's eyes widen, eyes flicking from your hand to the fire ' how is that possible?! How are they doing this?!' trying to understand the happenings of the last few minutes, turning ideas over and over in his head franticly, searching for the claymore he dropped.
" You ignored your body's warnings Diluc, the pain, the hesitance." You stride towards the still fallen Diluc. " What made you think you, someone with the blood of Teyvat running through your veins, could harm me?"
Crouching in front of him, a frown pulling at your lips " Accusing me of crimes I didn't commit, of someone I so happen to look like?!" You hiss at him, gripping his jaw in your hand as you look in his eyes.
" I have done nothing wrong besides being born..." You mummer to him, sadness flickering across your face. Diluc watches, chest squeezing tight as he sees the sadness flash across your face, body oddly taking comfort from your touch.
" Who are you?" Shakes from his mouth, as he finally realized who exactly he has been hunting down, shame and horror shuttling down his spine as he realizes what a grave mistake he made, what they made.
" Not someone, you or any person of Teyvat will know. You all have shown me who you are." Hardening your feelings, shaking off the agony of having your favorite people attempt to hurt you, you speak to the air, to the very foundation of Teyvat.
" Get him away from me, and let no one else of Teyvat find me again"
The winds of Mondstat howl to complete your command, begining to drag the struggling Diluc forever from your side. Pleas and apologies are ripped from his throat, the very air he needs to speak and breathe, sucked away from his chest. He can only watch hopelessly as he is dragged away, away from the person he was supposed to worship, to love, to care for and hold. A revelation that came too late for him and the people of Teyvat.
The last image he has of you, forever stuck in his mind, and the words that will haunt him for the rest of his days, are of you, sadly watching him be taken away, softly saying under your breath
" You disappoint me Diluc Ragnvindr, and everyone else of these horrible nations..."
Turning from him, you walk back to the fire, sighing and slumping down to the ground, and he knows that he nor the people of Teyvat, will never be forgiven for thier transgressions against their god, Teyvat itself will not allow it.
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big-brainrot-hours · 3 years
Hehe trick question im posting it anyway
I have no idea where this is going or what type of sagau its gonna be, but it definitely follows the thought process of teyvat being sentient lol
Under the cut
“High above the lands of Teyvat, sits a lonely temple.”
“No one knows who built it, for it predates the nations of today, and even the archons themselves.”
“However, rumors say that it was a temple created by Teyvat itself for the Divine Creator.”
“You see, Teyvat is not a child of the Divine One, nor is it a creation of theirs. Teyvat had existed long before the Creator had awoken.”
“Teyvat was a lifeless land. There was nothing. Now, you might imagine a barren wasteland, but even that had not existed yet. Teyvat was matter, devoid of form or meaning, unfathomable to the mortal mind. It wasn’t until the Creator had found Teyvat, and shared their power with it to create the land we now call home.”
“The Creator brought life to Teyvat. The songs they sang together became the whistle of the breeze, the sound of the ocean, the rustling of trees. The two of them danced and shaped the landscape through their movements. And once the world was set, once the two had settled, they created life. Sentient beings to inhabit their world. All was right.”
“However, tragedy struck, and the Creator was stolen from Teyvat. Try as it might, it could not reach them, and the land suffered.”
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