lullaboid · 2 years
listen, the haha adrien is a sentimonster theories were fun and it was a wild time post introduction of the peacock miraculous and its powers, but are we serious with everyone being a sentihuman?
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wilygryphon · 1 year
Yellowjacket (Miraculous Ladybug AU)
Diverges from Heart Hunter.  When Hawk Moth tries to make a deal with Chloé, she tries to trick and betray him, but he easily defeats her and uses the Horse Miraculous to send her to the middle of nowhere, then has Mayura instead create a Sentimonster copy of Chloé for him to turn into Miracle Queen.  This Sentimonster goes on to do what Flanderized Canon!Chloé does in Seasons 4 and 5.  Meanwhile, the real Chloé finds herself stranded in the wilderness.  She hides out and waits for the Miraculous Cure to bring her back to Paris, but when days pass with no magic save, she fears the worst and realizes that she is on her own, and she must struggle to survive.
Half a year later, Ladybug and Chat Noir are in trouble as SentiChloé now employs a robot army provided to her by Gabriel, when a mysterious vigilante swings in with a grapnel and fights off the robots with bolos and a cattle prod to help the heroes escape before disappearing just as suddenly.  The stranger returns to her hideout and takes her mask and hood off, revealing herself to the audience as Chloé, who remarks, “What has my clone gotten herself into?” We cut back and forth in time, seeing how Chloé fends for herself and stumbles into trouble, running into allies and enemies who will push her to overcome obstacles external and internal, and jumping back to the present to see her try to reclaim any remnant of her former life and turn things around while also aiding her heroes as the enigmatic vigilante Yellowjacket.
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flightfoot · 2 years
This is about the idea of Chloe being a sentimonster. What would you think if Audrey loses Chloe’s amok and Zoe finds it? Zoe wishes that Chloe was kinder, not knowing the amok can control Chloe. Chloe starts acting kinder while not knowing why, and Zoe tells her it’s because she feels guilty. Zoe figures things out and gives the amok to Chloe, but Chloe's confused regarding why she would do that since Zoe seemed happy when Chloe was acting kinder. But later, Chloe decides to be kind for real. What could the show do to do justice to the idea?
Huh, that could be interesting. Glad that Zoe's giving the amok over to Chloe in this scenario, even if it makes her "nicer", it's not right for Chloe to be brainwashed.
I think the main sticking point would be WHY Chloe would decide to be nicer. It'd have to be clear that it's not due to any residual programming, but instead due to Chloe's own decision. Like, is it because she figured out that being kind actually felt good, or that she liked how people reacted to her when she was nice to them, stuff like that? Basically, it'd need to show WHY Chloe wants to be kind now, why she'd make that choice when she hasn't before.
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camelots-rose · 1 year
Okay so it took a bit of thinking but here's how senti Chloe will likely go down in my crossover.
Chloe leaves Pairs a few weeks after Miracle Queen, originally this would have been the end of Chloe's involvement with Pairs till her return and her heroic sacrifice three and ahalf years later.
However, thanks to Optigami, Gabriel and Natalie became aware of Chloe running away, so a few hours after she left, he briefly gives Tomoe the peacock to create senti Chloe.
So while the real Chloe gose off on her own misadventures(aka taking part in the Great Holy Grail, making a deal with Alaya, ect) Senti Chloe takes on S4-5 Chloe's role just space out over multiple years.
No one in Paris notices the Chloe living among them is a fake till real Chloe's return during the final battle against Shadow moth.
Some stuff might change, definitely will likely expand upon it but for now at least here's the lore I'm planning on giving her, it'll probably take me a bit but I'll create a character sheet for her, I just need to figure out which class would best fit her.
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goldensmilingbird · 4 months
I'm not a sentiChloe truther but I kinda want to see a rewrite of Emotion where Chloe is a senti instead of Kagami. I just think it would've been funny
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
You know, regarding sentichloe (joe), the fact she cant read and how she seems to act so childish could be attributted to how gabriel sees chloe, as a spoilt child who never grew up, stuck as a six or seven year old, which translates as a girl with that intellectual and emotional level, its pretty horrifying thinking joe as a little child stuck in the body of a teenager, i dont think chloe or zoe would be comfortable leaving her alone with any adult, them or the miracuclass as a whole.
Yeah it's.
Honestly depending on if Gabriel or Audrey made her it's REALLY reflective of this.
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
It's confirmed in the wlw Zoe episode that she is a year younger than Chloe so the logic would be that Audrey gave birth, fucked off to NY where she got pregnant again and gave birth 9 months later. It's not like Audrey has maternal instincts to want to be near Chloe anyway.
But then someone's going to use a 1 year time difference, which is possible for actual siblings btw, to be like "Oh Chloes a sentimonster and then Audrey got knocked up during an affair. SentiChloe confirmed."
Apparently senti pregnancies are a thing anyway… yeah
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
The thing that I really like about the "all rich kids are sentis" theory is that it very much so opens the doors to the possibility of having a group home for them once their parents are all arrested. Which is like, tragic no doubt, but also the idea of Adrien, Félix, Chloé, Kagami, Zoé, and (possibly?) XY all living in a house together is inherently funny. The shenanigans. The possibilities.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I'm going to use this Senti Chloe discussion to tell you about my headcannon. That Audrey had Chloe made by Emilie after she found out she was pregnant with Zoe, so that Andre would have to stay with her after the cheating came to light. And that Chloe's attitude partially stems from the anger Emilie felt at Audrey for hurting her friend.
...Huh. Interesting take, there. I feel like "righteous anger at Audrey" would probably have a different result though? And I'm still not sure how Emilie would have been able to create multiple sentimonsters.
Gotta wonder how Audrey would have coerced her into creating Chloe for such a nefarious purpose. Threatened to ruin Gabriel's career if she didn't, I guess? Seems par for the course.
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flightfoot · 2 years
If Chloe is a sentimonster, should the show make it ambiguous regarding how much of Chloe’s nastiness was of her “own doing”, or should the show make it clear that pretty much all of Chloe’s nastiness was because of the amok?
...I mean, I'd assume almost all of the nastiness would be Chloe's own doing. Mayor Bourgeois doesn't seem like he'd order Chloe to bully all the other kids, and Audrey wasn't even on the same continent as Chloe for most of her school years, she didn't get introduced until late Season 2.
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camelots-rose · 1 year
Senti Chloe
Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: C
Mana: A
luck: E+
Personal Skills
Monstrous strength: A
False Queen's Deception: B
Avenger: A
Charisma: C
Mind's Eye (Fake): B-
Golden rule: B
Class: Faker
Possible classes: Archer, Assassin, Rider
Class skills
Independent Action: E
Camouflage: B
Noble Phantasm
Venom: False Queen's gift
Rank: C
Type: anti-unit
Sole Destroyer
Rank: B
Type anti-unit
False Queen's Deception: similar to the skill "For He Is Another Iskandar (Fake)" belonging to Iskandar's Shadow, senti Chloe can imitate the Noble Phantasms and Skills belonging to the real Chloe's Avenger and Rider counterparts, however these copied are dropped by one rank and if she were to tried to use "Miracle Queen's Legacy" or "Queen's Dominion" it would burn out her Saint Graph.
Sole Destroyer: This Noble Phantasm will turn senti Chloe into the Akuma Sole Destroyer in exchange all personal, class skills, and other NPs will be sealed. Sole Destroyer increases the rank of all parameters but mana and luck by one rank.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I don’t know about Chloe being a sentimonster. Audrey would have pretty high standards if she and Andre made one. And Chloe doesn’t really have a lot of talents besides being loud
Eh, I don't think that's great evidence either way. We saw with "Feast" that sentimonsters can inherent motivations and powers that weren't consciously imbued in them. If the two of them made a sentibaby, she may well have inherited her creators more subconscious desires and emotions, and not just what they were consciously trying to imbue in her.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I have a theory, though it's kind of dark and heavily relies on the whole "Audrey is working with Gabriel" and the "senti zoe" Theory. Basically Audrey with Gabriel's help used the peacock and butterfly miraculous and removed Chloe's "flaws" from her which resulted in Zoe's creation. If Zoe is the result of Chloe’s “flaws” being removed from her by Audrey and Gabe, then what would you think if Zoe and Chloe physically merged together later on?
I highly doubt that this is the case, since that doesn't really jive with the way Sentihumans have been presented, with the theming especially. If this theory WAS true, I think merging Zoe and Chloe together would be a terrible idea. It would work better if each of them grew and continued being their own people instead. Even Kingdom Hearts which LIVED off of this sort of thing, had everyone separate out and be their own independent beings.
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flightfoot · 2 years
Tbf Chloe being a sentimonster and Audrey being aware of it kinda makes her New York offer to Marinette that whole lot darker if Audrey not only created her this way but neglected her because she expected her to basically be programmed correctly. Imagine if Marinette had actually said yes to the offer and Chloe found out about her origins cut off from both of them
I don't know what you mean by "cut off from both of them" - Chloe doesn't care about Marinette, she'd only care about Marinette taking her place - but yeah that does make it a little bit darker than it was already, and Audrey's neglect and abuse was bad enough as it was.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I feel even though Audrey has all these high standards of what Chloe should be, she never actually put it into thought when creating Chloe. It's like if you have all these ideas for a drawing, but you forget or didn't think about putting them in when you're doing the drawing. Hence you come up with a final product that falls short of what you wanted.
Definitely possible. Though I think that Zoe is more likely to be the sentimonster.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I think if either of the Bourgeois kids were sentimonsters, it'd be Chloe. We know Andre has some connection to Gabriel/Emilie with the film, since he was the director before Audrey forced him to go into politics. So, it makes sense to me that the Bourgeois created Chloe and then Audrey fell pregnant with Zoe a few months later. So my theory is that Chloe is the sentimonster and Zoe is a real human.
Hm. It is true that Andre has connections to Gabriel and Emilie because of the film, but Audrey also has connections to Gabriel because she "discovered" him, so I dunno whether that means much.
My big question, as far as Chloe potentially being a sentimonster, is: who created her? Remember, the Peacock Miraculous was ALREADY broken in Evolution, before Emilie ever used it. Presumably, anyone who used it to create their own child would have fallen ill, like Emilie did. Chloe has both of her parents, and we haven't heard anything about anyone else who might feasibly have created her. While for Zoe, her dad might have created her - we know little enough about him, it's possible.
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