#sentence meme (mutuals only)
jiskblr · 1 year
Tumblr Rules for Redditors
Hello, fellow redditors! Many people are trying to tell you rules about how to Tumblr properly. Many of them are wrong, or assholes, or both. I am also an asshole but I’m going to not be one for a minute to give you some advice:
“Reblog this or you’re a bad person” and any variation on that is a violation of intergalactic law. Don’t do it. Also, refuse to comply if someone else does it.
Generally, people can see what you reblog, but cannot see what you ‘like’. A like may seem like an upvote, but it is much less significant than one, since it doesn’t affect visibility in the slightest. A like will be visible both to the OP of the thread, and to the person whose reblog you put the like on. Like promiscuously! It feels good to get likes and there’s no downside. (Unless you are a space alien AKA influencer.)
Tumblr nominally has the ability to browse global tags (e.g. seeing the entire site’s posts and reblogs tagged #superwholock or #reddit exodus) and to search the site for things. No one uses them and they don’t really work.
You are probably less surprised by this than denizens of literally any other website on the internet, but there’s no algorithm here. Chronological order only. (If you’re using the search or global tags, they might have an algorithm, but if they do, it doesn’t work. We don’t know because we don’t use them.)
Anyone can have absolutely any conversation in the notes of your post that they like. This is how the website works. You are allowed to complain about it, but don’t expect anyone to humor you.
Many people have ‘DNI’ lists in their blog descriptions. This means ‘do not interact’ and indicates that they don’t want you to message them, reblog from them, reblog any posts they are OP of, or even, sometimes, ‘like’ their posts. It is good manners to respect these, if you know they exist, but in normal use you probably won’t look at blog descriptions very often so it is entirely okay to violate them by accident. (When the lists get very long, it becomes impractical to check whether you violate them. Generally, just skip it. You probably don’t want to interact with those people anyway.)
Notes on posts you start will go to you no matter how many intervening hops there are on the reblog chain. If you get a post with an enormous amount of notes, this can get overwhelming. Whatever the current incarnation of Xkit (basically RES for Tumblr except we’ve switched names and maintainers seven times) is, will have a setting to deal with this. If that’s insufficient, the suggested course of action is to reblog your OP to your own blog so that you have a copy for posterity’s sake, and then delete the OP. This silences the notes.
If you and another user both follow each other, you are ‘mutuals’. This makes it much easier to have conversations with each other, which is ordinarily sort of hard since everything is purely chronological. Frequently your mutuals are your friends; if not yet true, they may become your friends.
When you reblog things, you can write words both in the word part and in the tags, Modern tumblr norms are to write long rambling tags in full sentences rather than put words in the main body. Do not that only the first four tags in the list can be searched on. Unlike some other norms, violating this one and putting your response in the body of the reblog is not particularly rude. The worst it does is make a reblog chain long. Probably don’t reblog things and just say “This.”, though.
If you want to search your blog, consider Siikr. Don’t overuse it, it’s one guy’s project.
Be verbose! This ain’t Twitter, no character limit. (Not even the really large character limit of a reddit comment.) Write a 3000-word story in a single reblog if you want, that sounds awesome. Use ‘read more’ if you do, though. Posts can be very long, one of our oldest memes is about this.
Infinite scroll is the default, but you can turn it off. Actually, check all the settings, many of them will improve your experience.
Everybody be excellent to each other!
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sciencewife · 7 months
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The portrait is familiar, but the reality is warped and twisted, like a reflection in a broken mirror.
Happy 1st Anniversary to Schrödinger’s Cave!
(A big thank you speech under the cut)
It’s impossible for me to express just how excited I am to celebrate this anniversary, or how grateful I am to everyone who’s been with me on this journey. It’s been a wild ride so far, and I’ve accomplished a lot with this story over the past year. But I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s support and encouragement.
I’d like to thank:
My beta readers, for not only spotting mistakes I missed, but also giving me live reactions of the events in each chapter draft I’ve sent.
My Bearers of The Knowledge, for signing Aperture NDAs promising not to divulge spoilers and keeping SC’s greatest secrets from day one.
Everyone who has made fanart and memes for SC. One of the greatest joys is seeing that someone took time and energy out of their day to make something to celebrate something you made. You have made me smile, cry, and kick my feet in glee. I have every piece you all have made saved, and I will treasure them—and you—forever.
Cave Johnson and Caroline, who have lived rent free in my head since the beginning of my Portal obsession. This divorce fic extravaganza would not have been possible without a good dose of Caveline brainrot.
My Portal mutuals who supported and encouraged me as a new writer when I first broke ground on this fic. Without y’all this fic would’ve gotten nowhere!
@the-dangerous-mute-lunatic, whose test subject Cave art inspired the creation of this AU.
@wiezumbeispiel, for being my combuter expert and helping me design a Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System. And worsening my brainrot about this fic /pos.
And last but not least, I’d like to thank my readers. Whether you’ve been with the fic from day one or you just started reading, it is a privilege to share my story with you. Thank you for writing comments (whether an essay, a sentence or two, or unhinged keyboard smashing. It all brings me joy), for leaving kudos, and staying with this fic so far. I’m excited to have y’all along for the ride wherever this fic goes next!
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commander--wake · 2 days
commander--wake/beyonces_fiancee's top ten TLT fic rec list!
these are my top ten bestest fics thus far in no particular order. criteria to get on this list: I think about them all the time. my mouth was hanging open when I finished them for the first time. I recommend anyone read them, especially you, YES YOU. some of these are deservedly popular/widely read and some are criminally neglected.
I have a taste for dark fic, perverted kinky shit, intimate character studies, slow-burn tragedies, beautiful prose, and good sex writing. assume all of these are bittersweetly tragic at a minimum, fucked-up at a maximum.
the soul that seeketh him by bittybelle
john/a lot of ppl. all of this author's stuff is preposterously amazing but I had to pick one as a representative. so let's pick john fucking the pain away through the cohort, his lyctors, and everyone else within grabbing range, including before and after the Resurrection and his daughter and his other daughter and his surrogate daughter and all the women in the world. john is depicted with such compassion and with no mercy. "the dove in the clefts of the rock" is so good it makes me want to barf too. bittybelle has an amazing faculty for packing a sentence or a paragraph with information, characterization, and beauty as densely as a neutron star yet making it all seem effortless.
the 86 escapes of gideon nav by gimmeshellder (@jeejyboard on tumblr)
gideon & the 9th. my comment on jeej's fic: "This is freaking unbelievably amazing and gives me everything I wanted and didn't get from canon. Gideon's evolution and character are perfectly fleshed out in a way that fanfiction is all about. You have such a wonderfully deft hand and your style has evolved so much into a beautiful direction that marries rly well with canon but also has its own zesty angsty unique spice. Write Alecto pls xoxoxoxoxo" jeej understands gideon's internal workings in a way that I don't think anyone else does (at least not anyone I've read, so if you find that person, direct their works to me pls) and this fic is really important to me for that reason. it respects her life so much in a way that makes me want to cry
pretty when you cry by Elldritch (@elldritch-horror on tumblr)
gideon/cytherea. knuckle-bitingly sexy very slight canon divergence: what if palamedes hadn't interrupted just as "the old panic of confession seemed to rise up", and "dulcinea" groomed and manipulated gideon into becoming her cavalier to replace loveday? my comment: "it's really rare to find someone who writes a skillfully manipulative character who can think on both the level of that character and the one they're manipulating." Elldritch's cytherea is soooooo casual and careful and methodical and the starved orphan gideon is putty in her hands, in an extremely sick and believable way. and the kink/sex writing is so dark and twisted and mmnfnnfnfffff
and my burdens are light by elijah_was_a_prophet
alfred & cristabel, among others. an absolutely insane exploration of cristabel & alfred egging each other on, against a backdrop of all the other lyctors driving one another into sadomasochistic suicidal madness. the academic apologetics at the start warms the reader for what is to come. my comment: "I was already slavering and licking my chops at the footnotes and you did not disappoint!!!!! I’m completely fucking coocoo at John’s stupid memes being inscribed into divine writ and cited alongside the gospels. and the secret note… we need to talk more in this fandom about CILICES and HAIRSHIRTS and the SCOURGE!!! *clap emojis* [redacted spoilers] love the Lyctoral mutual destruction because real life has become so unreal that ripping each other’s bodies apart is the only way to touch the edge (my personal favorite headcanon). bravo!!!!!"
there is a light that never goes out by reconquer (@sophelstien on tumblr)
coronabeth/&ianthe, with a wide variety of side dishes. this is the quintessential corona fic, that explores two separate eras of grief in her life and all the ways that she has been fucked up and fucked everyone else up in her turn. her relationship with ianthe is so searchingly and intelligently explored, and fills in so much around the edges of canon in an unexpected yet "how-could-it-have-been otherwise" way, which is what the best fanfiction is meant to do. bpd coronabeth is my lodestone and this fic is my heartsong
feeling good was easy when he sang the blues by forjodssake
pyrrha/g1deon/wake. can't believe this is less than 6k words, it feels like a whole world unfolding before my eyes. the pre-Rez stuff is so heartbreaking and sparely crafted and the tangled tension between wake, pyrrha, g1deon, the ticking clock in the background, and the keenly-felt deprivation of life and culture that john perpetuated on the resurrected world... music is so lacking in the TLT 'verse but I never realized it until this fic shot a bolt through my chest with the pain and joy of "me and bobby mcgee" - a masterwork
more than the mountain by Raxheim (@theriverbeyond on tumblr)
g1deon/john, plus g1deon/pyrrha/wake. the quintessential g1deon fic. this fic more than anything gave me an understanding of g1deon's mentality: his devotion to john, how he could let it fall by the wayside for wake, how he could live without pyrrha for so many thousands of years... an excerpt from my comment: "the split gideon/pyrrha perspective is so f***ing effective and tragic. I half-wonder sometimes why she was heartless enough not to tell him somehow that she was still alive, but tbh, some things you just can't tell. she's been dead and gone so long that he's calcified into a living rictus without her... and even if she did tell him, they can never have each other again the way they did before. GAWD." and yes the splattergore is PHE NOM EN AL
so I open the window to hear sounds of people by oriflamme (@sunderedstar on tumblr)
gen john worldbuilding, with some john & alecto. the seven days of creation, post-apocalypse. marvelous characterization and very clever structure and a john that is so so so so understandable and so homely-sketched and human that the constant drumbeat of repellent death he cultivates like a garden around himself is almost, almost, almost offset. almost. seeing his relationship with alecto grow makes you understand just what is happening for him in a very upsetting way. this is really, truly excellent and I don't have to tell you about depression-blasting mitski and "the ice cream machines" to beg you to READ IT NOW
lux perpetua luceat eis by skvadern
pyrrha/g1deon, pre- and post-Rez. yet another <5k work that rips my fucking heart out. a brilliantly paralleled pyrrha pov of the two kisses they gave each other: before g—'s death by nuclear bomb, and before pyrrha's death by ascension. my comment: "the mirrored single kisses... gideon being a nerdy devoted engineer (bad posture, shitty fashion, chapped lips, struggles to cry, giant heart) who pyrrha can't help but sacrifice herself for in every lifetime makes me sob buckets of sobs. extremely essential very well done and assigned reading for everyone"
all that singing at the fingers by dire_quail (@direquail on tumblr)
nona/camilla. another one of those "a world in a sentence" authors, writing something that feels ripped straight from canon. a good nona voice (with a flash of alecto that punches through the text like a knife ripping through wallpaper) has a price beyond rubies, and stone top grieving longing suicidal camilla breaks me. that plus the achingly sensual sex language ("petaled swollen and ruined," "drawn helplessly tight on that talented and holy finger") just hooks this fic into my heart.
(honorable mention: three fics on my "marked for later" list that I'm hyped to read!)
at the last trumpet by liesmyth (@liesmyth on tumblr)
LUV me some christian exegesis in conversation with TLT themes. luv me some character explorations of the ninth. can't wait 2 read!
and rising in the dead time of night by a_big_apple (@a-big-apple on tumblr)
I think jeej described this as "in which ianthe tries to vat-baby-trap kiriona" so a of all yes and 2 of all it's a_big_apple so u know that shit is gonna be elegantly crafted
beauty, blossom, die by rnanqo (@rnanqo on tumblr)
idk it just looks dope as fuck and i'm not even an au person like that! I'm just ever so interested to see where the author goes with the notion and how they choose to flesh out the OG lyctors and cavs that we didn't get to meet ^_^
happy reading!
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wangxianficrecs · 8 months
Our Red String of Fate is a Wireless Connection by TheLegendofChel
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Our Red String of Fate is a Wireless Connection
by TheLegendOfChel (@the-legend-of-chel)
M, WIP, 24k, Wangxian
Summary: Between navigating classes and cultivating his persona as a popular streamer of the MMORPG, “The Untamed,” Wei Wuxian’s final year of college is shaping up to be busier than ever. Good thing he has friends to turn to in times of stress--like Bluetooth, one of his most dedicated fans, and Hanguang-jun, another top player who frequently teams up with Wei Wuxian in the game. Now if only he could get his classmate Lan Wangji to say more than two sentences to him... Kay's comments: Recently, I've been in a mood for gamers Wangxian and then I remembered this fic that I really enjoyed when it first started posting and gave it a re-read and my love of it is still going strong. It's been a while since it updated, but I still really recommend giving it a go, because it's really cool and well-written. Living for the identity shenanigans, the ace rep and the strong pining in this story. Excerpt: Rolling his eyes, Wei Wuxian ignored his fans and turned his attention back to the game. It looked like Hanguang-jun had been taken off guard at some point and needed assistance. Bluetooth was one of the first loyal viewers to join Wei Wuxian’s channel back when he started out. He kept Wei Wuxian company in an otherwise empty chatroom, and was the sole patron of his virtual tip jar for quite a while. Wei Wuxian didn’t know if their matching usernames were coincidence or not, but he didn’t really care. Bluetooth has been there for him since day one, and when the channel gained traction it was a no brainer to make him a moderator. Wei Wuxian had a couple of other mods at this point, and they did a good job, but no one was as dedicated as Bluetooth. Like Hanguang-jun, Bluetooth was someone Wei Wuxian considered a good friend despite never meeting him in person. After over two hours of nonstop battle, Yiling Laozu and Hanguang-jun were victorious. The Xuanwu of Slaughter exploded into a cloud of smoke that faded to reveal a large, ornate treasure chest.
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern no powers, secret identity, gamer wei wuxian, gamer lan wangji, streamer wei wuxian, college/university, college student wei wuxian, college student lan wangji, mutual pining, gaming, internet famous, esports, jiang cheng/nie huaisang, sangcheng, asexual jiang cheng, asexual nie huaisang, trans nie huaisang, fluff and humor, memes
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Long term mutual really enjoys the plotting and what ifs which is fine, I enjoy that too. Only they won’t write the plots into threads. They pester and say they want more things, I write detailed and tailored starters, send in sentence starter memes, make up my own to send them and I get squat. I enjoy our friendship but I keep ending up disappointed about our writing that never happens.
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mistress-of-vos · 8 months
It's their turn! 💛❤️✨
(Extra context of the meme below (mini fic?)!!!)
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After the events of Red Robin, Babs and Luke inform Jean-Paul of the issues and problems going on among the bats. During a mission, Bruce got hurt again and has been benched, meaning the situation of "Dick covering for Batman" is once again back in town. This creates a lot of tension among Dick, Damian, Tim, Jason and Bruce, making it almost impossible for them to work together.
Having their hands full with actual city saving, Luke and Babs called JP to ask him to go back and help for a while. Luke does apologize for it, since he knows JP is way happier in Europe and working on his own. It's not that JP doesn't like Gotham, but he grew tired of Bruce and Dick treating him like trash, so he left months after Jason had that - violent encounter with Tim on Titans Tower.
Jean-Paul admits that was part of the problem too; he didn't like it that Bruce seemed so at peace with Tim getting hurt. And Tim... Tim allowed Bruce to ignore his pain. That was maddening, btw, and Jean-Paul had snapped a few times against Tim, screaming that he shouldn't let Bruce walk over him.
Whatever. Jean-Paul had left. He went to Europe and traveled, getting rid of the order of st. Dumas by himself alone, and then getting rid of other groups equally awful and cruel. It was a tiring, slow job. He traveled a lot, and from time to time visited Brian in Spain to chat, but mostly he focused on ending the cycle of violence that he had been raised into. Eventually he did, and just months later, Luke and Babs call.
Being back in Gotham is - weird. It has been years, and Jean-Paul feels uncomfortable around Jason and Damian. His dislike towards Dick hasn't lowered, and it has stayed as a mutual feeling, although JP can't help to feel a bit of pity for Dick when he sees how tired and old Dick looks once he takes off the Batman cowl. But hey, didn't Dick argue that JP wasn't worthy? Then perhaps he should carry the weight of the mantle he insisted JP tainted.
Mostly, JP doesn't like being back at Gotham. Until he sees Tim.
Tim, who has - grown into such a smart, beautiful and sassy young man. Tim, who wears eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. Tim, with acrilic nails as sharp as Catwoman's. Tim, with a perfume even more hypnotizing than Poison Ivy. Tim, lethal and beautiful. Tim, that makes JP's knees tremble as if he's a teenage virgin boy.
And it gets worse when they start working together. Huge news! Ofc JP had been called back because Tim refused to work with the bats anymore, and it's JP's duty to work with him and push him back to Babs (she does understand that Tim doesn't want to be close to the others, but she worries about Tim being alone, and doesn't want him going out without any support). And doing that is hell, because JP falls hard and deep for Tim.
JP is sure that he was completely whipped by the end of the third week working together. Maybe even sooner.
That's how Luke learns about it, since JP is awful at hiding his crushes. And Luke has the nerve to laugh, telling JP to ask Tim out as if Tim wasn't way out of JP's league! Does Luke enjoy seeing him suffering? JP thinks he will go crazy if he has to hear one more phrase about taking risks...
And yet JP follows Luke's advice: He asks Tim out.
He asks Tim out in a chat. A grupal chat. With Luke on it. And maybe he's hugging his cat George all the time while waiting for Tim to reply.
Against all logic, Tim says yes, and then texts JP on their private chat (the one that's supposed to be used for cases only), saying just one sentence:
"You're adorable, Jean-Paul."
For the record, the first date goes great. JP manages to get to third base, and Tim smirks smugly while murmuring "Puppy" on JP's ear, nails holding his long blonde hair to keep him in place: At Tim's mercy.
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kittykittyanon · 6 months
if we were irl friends:
Imagine us laying on your bed during a sleepover, it's late and night and we're snuggled together (i love physical affection) and if you're cool with it I would be lile twirling one of your curls with my fingers.
Suddenly I would say the most depressing shit like, "Sometimes I wonder if everyone in the world hates me but then I remember you, and realize that if everybody in the world hates me at least I have you."
Of course you would probably stare at me like 😧 "what the fuck Amor"
And then a few seconds later I would say the most inappropriate shit like the mood swinging teen I wm ,"The things I would let Leo do to me 😏😏" (which would be a joke btw)
woahzaz,, that was fast!! /pos!! and—
—OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH YESSSSSSSS. GAHHH!!! I LOVE THIS SM AMI!!! i was actually gonna add a bit related to this (deep talks, i mean) to the hcs but i didn't know if you were cool with it so i ended up scrapping it,, but now that i have confirmation i am ready to go WILD. (LETS GOOO MUTUAL LOVE OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION RAHHHHH) (other hcs here)
and i love those types of suggestive jokes,, they're so fun — especially when it's with someone who can match it LMAO
song for this: Thérèse by Maya Hawke!! and the other hcs gave me Warsh_Tippy and Zelda by Whatever, Dad vibes but i forgot to put it at the end of them (*ノ∀`*),,,, tags: @ziipzeepzop-eez cause you wanted to see it (*/▽\*) !!
imagine under the cut!!
we'd tuck into eachother, comfortably tangled in a nest of limbs; my head would lay on your chest, mindlessly scrolling though my phone on one hand, the other resting by your side. your hand in my hair, the atmosphere cozy and the lights off, room only lit up by the faint blue light emitting from my phone, it was a comfortable end to the day filled with excitement. your chest would rise and fall with each breath and i'd hear you sigh, the first sound you made in a while. perhaps you were thinking.
"sometimes i wonder if everyone in the world hates me, but then i remember you, and realize if everybody in the world hates me atleast i have you."
the room falls silent again. what? where did that come from? my thumb pauses mid-scroll, hovering in the air above my screen. my hand is still. yours is not.
despite the absolute bombshell of a sentence you dropped on me, my curls are still twisted and twirled between your fingers, undisturbed in their pursuit.
i don't know what to say.
"... there's no way everyone in the world hates you. you're not hate-able, amor." i'd murmur, a dry attempt at making you laugh. i don't think it worked.
"you're loved. and not just by me. anyone who says otherwise is factually incorrect and i will, uhm... commit... some sort of crime to stop 'em." that one pulls a slight amused huff out of you, and relief pools in, atleast i managed to get you to smile, "but... i'm glad you know i love you."
there's a pause, an intermission; your hand would rest in my hair and we'd be unmoving, still, content to sit in each other's company. a comfortable silence.
"the things i would let leo do to me..." you'd snrrk, and i'd hold back my giggles, but let a few slip through anyway.
"you when leonardo," i'd turn my phone to face you, showcasing a silly meme that made me think of you, and in moments we'd burst into laughter, filling the quiet of the room with a lighthearted atmosphere once again.
"anyways DONNIE WANTS ME FRFR 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤪🤪🤪🤪💥💥💥—"
taa-daaa!! that's it for this imagine :PPP eueuegdgejdgh it's my first time writing where it's with a hypothetical scenario and i'd have to use "would" so my apologies if there was an overuse of the thingy "'d" !! if you have any criticisms or things you noticed that i have to improve on,, pretty please share!! i wanna improve (ノ*°▽°*) !! ((and about the donnie thing,, that was a joke too LMFKAKAO))
for extra hcs related to this,,
we'd definitely have deep talks at the randomest of times. like we could be eating snacks while watching a show or a movie and the conversation (originally discussing said piece of media) would swerve into our beliefs and ideologies and we'd dig into our childhoods and how it affected us and our behaviors and just as quick as the topic derails it goes right back to being silly again
feels like the kinda friendship you can share anything in. like one of us could share a piece of jaw-dropping, tear inducing, heart breaking trauma or one of the most embarrassing things we had ever done and there would be zero judgement.
where if you're comfortable, then i'm comfortable, and we do whatever we want together without fear of weirding the other out.
"kitty, what's the meaning of life? why are we here? what's our purpose?" "i dunno. but i pet my cat, ate a sandwich, and i hung out with you. i think that's enough meaning for today." "oh." a moment of silence. "... wanna play just dance?—" "is that even a question—"
we wouldn't even be able to finish a song 'cause we'd laugh so hard we'd end up on the floor.
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Tag Game: Writeblr Interview
Thanks @tildeathiwillwrite for the tag here!
I hesitate to tag as many people as this is one of those things where there’s no point in doing it twice but tagging:
@xenon-writes-sometimes, @rumeysawrites, @rivenantiqnerd, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @kaylinalexanderbooks, and an open tag!
This is going to be a long post so I’m adding a break here
Short stories, novels, or poems?
I cannot stand most poetry. Maybe it’s because I’m still in school and have to analyse it but I can’t deal with how abstract it can be. I want to write more short stories but my one and only WIP is probably gonna be closer to a novel, if and when I finish it.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, especially high fantasy. Murder mysteries and detective stories in general are a close second. Most other genres are reserved for spin offs or fan fiction.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I make a plan that I then actively ignore my OCs force me to not use
What music do you listen to while writing?
Most of the time I listen to the one Reddit podcast I’ve listened to every episode of because I can zone out and I don’t miss anything important. This one is a bit of a bad habit because it distracts me, but EPIC the musical is my current hyperfixation and I listen to that constantly as well.
Favorite books/movies?
Because I have the reading comprehension of an 11 year old we have Murder Most Unladylike (I would die for this series), its spin off the Ministry of Unladylike Activity, The Hunger Games but only really the first book, How to train your dragon but only really the Netflix show and the first movie (the books are great but I haven’t read them in 7 or 8 years and because they’re so different from the movies I’m not sure if I’d like them anymore)
Any current WIPs?
Gold, Greed and Gods which is a vaguely Victorian fantasy about the main cast trying to find a cult before it engulfs the world in literal chaos. And also magical shenanigans and timeline fuckery
Create a character description of yourself:
Honestly I’d rather not. Sorry!
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
No it kinda weirds me out. The closest I’ll get is asking my one irl mutual about their experiences with stuff that I (as a someone who is cishet and perisex) do not understand
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I’m not the biggest fan of angst so no. If anyone was gonna die you aren’t allowed to get attached to them so I don’t get attached them hence why the only dead characters in my WIP die before or very soon after it begins. That isn’t to say my characters aren’t affected, but I can only imagine any potential readers will be neither here or there about those characters.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
I don’t really like hot drinks but I hate the smell of coffee so tea?
Slow or fast writer?
A secret third thing which is I wrote 5000 words in 3 hours yesterday so for atleast the next week I won’t be able to string a sentence together
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
A healer would be fun? I wanna be a doctor so I guess that’s close enough. I cannot imagine I’d survive very long without my glasses/ contacts in any case.
Most fav book cliche:
Not really a book cliche but horny bard memes will never not be funny. I also love juxtaposition between characters, if done tastefully, eg. Ray of sunshine is best friends/ dating the grumpiest character alive. I also just love ray of sunshine characters in general. Also, calm/ happy go lucky/ mentor figure characters who have really high body counts and it’s just kind of an open secret are really fun.
Least favorite cliche:
A lot of romance tropes are tied for last place: miscommunication, any reference or idea that firsts=better (virginity, first loves, one true love etc.), not like other girls
Also love triangles. The only good love triangles are the ones that end in polycules. No exceptions (/hj)
I probably just have a problem with like most romance stories
Favorite scene to write?
I love when characters reference unique worldbuilding things that I actually had to think about. Similarly, if I feel I’m doing them well, exposition dumps can be fun.
Reason for writing?
Because blirbos in my head yearn for freedom
On a more serious note, I’ve gotta do something healthy with all this escapism and maladaptive daydreaming.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
What genre do you prefer reading?
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
What music do you listen to while writing?
Favorite books/movies?
Any current WIPs?
Create a character description of yourself:
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Most fav book cliche:
Least favorite cliche:
Favorite scene to write?
Reason for writing?
Thanks again for the tag!
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clippedwingsmuses · 6 months
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" 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝙁𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝘿. "
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canon divergent multifandom multimuse - private - penned by crowmun musing charas from genshin, pokemon, sonic, danganronpa, cookie run, & mlp:fim
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muses - ocs - rules - about - verses - drabbles - credits - memes - headcanons rules under the cut for mobile users please see my rp tracker before asking about replies that i owe
Typical roleplay etiquette applies here. No godmodding, no meta-rps, no powerplaying or controlling my muse, and don't be a dick.
This blog is PRIVATE, meaning that I only roleplay with mutuals. -- As this is a sideblog, I follow from my main; TRACKDNTRAILD.
Personals will be soft-blocked unless they have a RP sideblog listed.
I will not roleplay with minors because of my blog's themes.
Proper grammar and punctuation are a must when threading with me.
I exclusively do LITERATE roleplays, typically multi-para in length.
You don't have to match the length of my replies, nor the speed at which I reply! However, I expect more than a sentence or two reply.
I will not roleplay with a fandom that I am not familiar with.
If I have not responded to our thread for TWO WEEKS+, tell me! -- Similarly, if you have not responded to our thread for more than THREE MONTHS without notice, I will consider it dropped.
This blog will deal with mature themes, but I will not write NSFW. -- Content leaning to NSFW will fade to black, no exceptions. -- I will not engage in mature themes with minor/aged up muses.
If you write content intended for pr*shippers, or you are one, leave.
I will not roleplay fight sequences unless they are heavily plotted.  -- If our RP is edging towards a fight, please talk with me first so we can discuss where it goes. I will do the same to you.
I am MULTISHIP, so I will ship my muses with multiple characters. -- Every character that I RP with will be set in their own verse. -- Please ask before including other people/muses in our verses.
I am more than willing to write pre-established relationships! -- I will not write pre-established romantic or familial relationships, unless I know you personally.
Don't reblog memes/threads/musings/aesthetics directly from me.
Specify verses when sending starters/asks! See my verses HERE. -- The main muses of my blog are KIERAN, KOKICHI, and KITSUNAMI. I will respond as them by default depending on their activity.
I will only ship characters in the same age group, including aged up muses. (Ex.: No Scoots x Mane 6, even in the post-finale verse)
If you read these rules, please send an ask with 'I will heal you'. -- If I reply to the ask IC, you don't have to make it a thread. -- I'll also accept you liking my promo as sending the password.
my blacklist: images of bugs / blood/gore / body horror / spiders, unsanitary jokes
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(About Me)
[PT: In all caps and bolded reads, "Did you stumble into the unknown, in fear of you?" with the next line reading as follows, unbolded and in parentheses, "About Me". End of PT.]
Meowdy, howdy, hello hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my intro post!
(CW for sentence structure repetition in my about! Marked where it starts and ends!)
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Quick Info: Kinship, They/It/Neopronouns, Intersex, Queer, December, Capricorn, Adult, White, Neurodivergent, Disabled, System, All Intro Images have IDs in Alt
My RBYF (Read Before You Follow) is included under the cut.
Stances: ACAB, BLM, Stop Asian Hate, Anti-Right Wing Extremeist, Anti-Nazi/Neo Nazi, Anti-Capitalist
Stances Ext.: Proudly Neurodivergent, Queer, and Plural. Also an angry Military Trained and Crippled Punk that supports Decolonization, Defunding the Police and Military, and crushing Fascists and Colonialists with boots, cane, and wheelchairs manually.
My Blog: I post about my special interests, hyperfixations, disabilities, and US low class and physically disabled experiences a lot here! Also I reblog my art from @death-tinkerer here to share since its my "love language" with mutuals, friends, and partners.
Credits of Art: Icon is by @death-tinkerer, Header is Rubicon's Region Screen from Rain World, LTTM and Rivulet are from Rain World, Rivulet gif is from the Rain World Miraheze Official Wiki, Live LTTM Reaction is an edit by me!
Please be aware I try my best to content warn posts! Mutuals may send in triggers and squicks for me to tag! If I miss something that I have tagged in the past, don't hesitate to tell me!
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Important tags;
| | post - Posts I've made
| | reblog - Reblogs from other blogs or my own blogs
| | ask - Asks and Ask Memes
| | vent - Vent tag! Feel free to block.
Other "| |" tags - Related to people I know! Masterpost is BELOW the Live LTTM Reaction image!
My art - My art and also other creative media
Friendo arto - I don't even remember why I named it this tag but it's friend art that I reblog and tag with this!
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Fandoms (limiting to SI and Hyperfixations)
Ace Attorney
The Blackout Club (is on thin fucking ice)
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Disco Elysium
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon (is on thin fucking ice)
Final Fantasy (7, 10, 10-2, 12, 13 Trilogy, 15) (is on thin fucking ice)
FNAF (is on thin fucking ice)
Homestuck (is on thin fucking ice)
Just Shapes and Beats
Kingdom Hearts (is on thin fucking ice)
Legend of Zelda (is on thin fucking ice)
Lobotomy Corporation (and related)
Mob Psycho 100
Rain World
Risk of Rain
Slime Rancher
Super Mario Bros
Team Fortress 2
Yakuza (Game Series)
The phrase "is on thin fucking ice" is my way of saying I have a super complicated relationship with the media so I tend to be super critical to those especially.
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Topics (SI and Hyperfixations)
Ambience Music
Disabilities (mostly my own)
Fictional Species
Mixed Genre Music
Scifi Fantasy
Tabletop RPGs
Tarot Cards and related
Variety of Music in general
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Read Before You Follow; I will block the following people with stances like these
are Transmed/Truscum or T(W)ERF/SWERF/FART
are Anti-kinfolk, Anti-fictionkin, Anti-MOGAI and LIOM
are Exclusionists (of any kind in plural, queer, physically disabled, mentally disabled, neurodivergent, etc circles and communities) (I.e. People who talk over others, exclude others because of anger caused by oppression, exclude "contradicting" labels and identities, and more)
are Fujoshi
engaged in Bad Faith Discourse (i.e. discoursing only in bad faith about things you do not understand and discouraging critical and/or good faith discourse points)
engaged in Callout Post Culture (i.e. posting callouts in general UNLESS it is something well documented or documented unchanged behavior for well over a few years)
engaged in Ship Discourse (just don't be gross)
if you are or have been recently Intersexist towards intersex people regardless of identity.
practice DDLG/CCLG
support Thinspo/Proana
Think reverse oppression is real and ignore active erasure and deaths of minorities across the globe caused by (USA and European) colonialism. (example. Right Wing Extremeists, Nazis/Neo-Nazis, Fascists, Colonialists and Defenders, All Lives Matter, MAGA, Biden AND Trump supporters/defenders, JKR supporters/defenders, and a lot more so this will be liberal)
Think Amatopunk includes Incest/Consang
I would prefer Minors to not follow, send asks, or submit at all here. Following will result in a softblock. However, if you dont respect the softblock or other conditions, I will hardblock with no hesitation. Likes and RBs are hard to control, so just be considerate that I am an adult that wants primarily interactions with other adults.
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Expansion of MY Stances: -(Sentence Structure Repetition CW)-
Trans Rights are Human Rights. Intersex Rights are Human Rights. All Queer Rights are Human Rights. Black Rights are Human Rights. Asian Rights are Human Rights. All POC Rights are Human Rights. Muslim Rights are Human Rights. Jewish Rights are Human Rights. Religious Rights are Human Rights. Immigrant Rights are Human Rights. Indigenous Rights are Human Rights. Ethnic Rights are Human Rights. Physically Disabled Rights are Human Rights. Neurodiverse Rights are Human Rights. All Disability, Condition and/or Other Differences Rights are Human Rights. -(CW end)-
The rich, white, ablebodied and minded, cishetallonormative people (mostly men) do not get to dictate our lives as human beings. We can stand united as minorities and fight for a better future together. We can all fight if we just uplift each other and help each other. By existing and thriving, we fight them directly. So let us be together to change things for the better. Let us do more direct change together.
I am allowed my own space and to reply to stuff if I feel like I have input that could be helpful. HOWEVER. If you think I was rude but want to better understand my point, just ask immediately. I never mean to be rude. It is just my default for giving advice and explaining can be beyond blunt and harsh due to how language has worked for me as a result of brain damage and severe CPTSD.
Feel free to also correct me if I have been wrong about something! I don't mind corrections and will correct myself from then forward.
I may have missed some things but this is just to say, I can and will update from time to time.
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This is the "Masterpost" of all my mutual tags! If you'd like one and/or do not see you mentioned, Lemme know! (I can try to change tags too, I just like naming the tags myself lol)
"#| | meat suit" - Info about me OR aesthetic stuff
"#mecore" or "#me" - Stuff I like a lot and associate with Special Interests and Hyperfixations.
Closest to:
"#| | bunhun" - @scrybe-of-the-dreamworld
"#| | jackjack" - @beware-the-dog
"#| | eggcellents" - @coffeecereal
"#| | butterfly-scholar" -
"#| | cold-as-ice" -
"#| | invaderz" - @anewed-hope
"#| | manorbuddy" - @elysiangroom
"#| | meatastic" - @molochzmeat
"#| | orb-ponderer" - @mobianheart2008
"#| | synthetic-humanoid" -
"#| | disco-nnected" - @bathroomcube
"#| | re-iteration" - @lemboweeeee
"#| | cripplefunk" - @crippled-peeper
"#| | rattled-snake" - @lemon-snake
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That is all! Thank you for your time, Mutuals!
Also here's an 18+ intersex only server I am running! ♡
this is the end, did you find what you are looking for? /j
[PT: The text reads "this is the end, did you find what you are looking for? /j." End of PT.]
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Roleplaying Etiquette
Don't control other people's characters without permission. If your partner reveals things that only you, as the writer should know, don't make your character magically know them unless your partner said it was alright. .
Your character might have powers that interfere with others directly, or you might interact with characters who are supernatural or powerful. You should discuss things with your partner before you harm, kill or alter their muse - however keep in mind that if you don't want powerful muses to affect yours, then you should reconsider interacting with them. It's also not okay to demand someone else change their muse for your sake if you know beforehand that they're powerful or evil. .
Please read everyone's rules before you interact. Some people don't like roleplaying with non mutuals (terminology below), others are selective, etc. It's common courtesy to check first. .
Tag your triggers or state on your blogs that you don't tag them so others can decide whether or not to follow. However, it's polite to tag flashing images, irl blood/gore, nsfw posts, insects and body horror. . DON'T censor the word! It does not help and only fucks up people's blacklists. Writing tr*gger or tri//gg//er or other variants will show your posts to everyone anyway, so please write the entire word NORMALLY for the blacklist. .
Consider sending an ask before you reblog an ask meme from someone. Some people prefer you reblog memes from the source (the blog who posted it) instead of from them. .
Mun =/= Muse. Don't get angry at people for what their characters write. If you feel uncomfortable with how a character is treating yours, you can change your interaction or bring it up, but don't take it as a sign that your partner secretly hates you and is trying to hurt you through their writing. .
If you can, cut your posts to reduce dashboard spam. This only works on desktop, you can use XKit or XKit Rewritten .
Don't start drama. Don't vague people, send hateful or impolite anons, don't pass around call outs or feel like you have to make a statement or pick sides if you see arguing on your dash. Roleplaying is not activism. If someone is trying to get you to turn on a partner or side with them, it's better to just step away. .
Don't pester people for replies. You can send a follow up message asking if someone's still interested in continuing a reply, but if you harass someone to answer you by repeatedly spamming them with questions or making them feel guilty for not replying immediately, they will likely not want to write with you anymore. RPing is a hobby, not a job, and your partners probably have lives outside of writing.
OOC - out of character
IC - in character
Mun - the writer
Muse - the characters
Starters - a drabble or a sentence that invites interaction
Ask memes / inbox memes - prompts you can send people via asks
Magic Anons (also spelled m!a or magic!anons) - Anonymous asks that put a "curse" on your character (i.e: muse turns into a cat for 3 days) You can ignore it if you don't want to do it
Mutuals - people you follow who follow you back
Selective - Mun will only write with people they select
Semi Selective - same as above but more lax
Private - Mun writes with only very specific people
Reblog karma - you are expected to send an ask if you reblog an ask meme
Passwords - some people ask you to send a specific word or phrase into their inbox to prove you read their rules
OP (ie this muse is too OP) - over powered
Fade to black - suggestive roleplay that doesn't involve any sex scenes and instead skips to the next scene
Exclusive shipping - you only ship this character with another character and don't allow any other ships for that muse
Dropping threads - ending a thread without continuing it
Soft block - when you block someone and then unblock them, which unfollows them from your blog
Mun =/= Muse - The Mun is not their characters and does not advocate for everything their muses do
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growling · 3 months
For all the (mostly american) mutuals that were curious about the realm of Poland and its strange and unusual inhabitants:
Polish soldiers/armed forces etc salute with two fingers instead of the whole hand. Apparently some cub scouts also do that??
Mushroom picking season is like REALLY big here. Like. It's big. Poles love mushroom picking. When I was a young boy my mother, aunt and grandparents would drop me off into the wilderness to pick boletes for 4 hours straight then get lost and have to navigate back into the car via utilizing the earth's magnetic field to determine our position which took like 1 more hour and then once we got back I had to physically recover from that shit for like an entire week. We got like at least 4 huge baskets mushrooms after that that lasted for at least a few months if they're preserved well however I do not like mushrooms so I never even ate them. Except for cultivated mushrooms these are fine the soup bangs actually
I thought this was normal in most countries but turns out it's just us and a few others in eastern/middle Europe: most movies in Poland use voice-over translation/lektor filmowy instead of dubbing/subtitles. Multiple va dubbing is reserved mostly for children's movies and those real popular but mostly younger audience marvel type movies or something, while the subtitle type of translation is pretty rare and I honestly never even seen it on tv.
A FUCKTON of roadside/wayside shrines just being there, especially in smaller towns. Sometimes theres also a single shrine in the middle of nowhere in some woods with no civilization in sight and you just don't question it
those fuckibg white storks
We still got blasphemy laws ("offending religious feelings"/"obraza uczuć religijnych") by the way. Yes you can actually get arrested and fined and get sentenced to months of restriction of freedom for being mean to jesus
Not removing your shoes upon entering someone's place is considered rude. I feel physical pain whenever someone doesn't do that. Take them off kurwa jebana jego mać stop staining my beautiful surfaces I am going to kill you
Unlike the horror stories I've been hearing about the USA in Poland you're allowed to be rude to customers at your job🥰🥰 You can just not smile if you want🥰🥰🥰🥰 its so funny seeing tourists get so confused and offended over that and half the time we're not even being mean just. Literally servicing you with a neutral facial expression and minimal required effort sfdysrsfjewdggs
Yeah uhh related to above point kind of, there still seems to be a few remnants of a culture of distrust. 30-40 years ago neighbors snitched on each other for subversion and people sometimes just disappeared (PRL times). Fun fact during PRL my dipshit mega absent dead paternal grandfather used to beat people on the street with sticks as a job or perhaps a recreational activity in order to get goodboy points from the police. or the secret police. No idea all we know is that he didn't do that for free. Growling family lore drop
National eating donuts/pączki day. National water fight day
As far as I know, USAmericans (and honestly other english-speaking countries too?) really like to regard people they know only a little as a "friend" like I noticed its really really easy to get called a friend in there. Poles on the other hand are very scared of the word "friend" they really avoid saying it nearly all the time you won't hear a pole just say that. Most people are not our friends. That title is special sacred and reserved for only the worthy ones who you actually genuinely know and trust for a minimum of 10 years. In order to be considered someone's friend in Poland you have to max out all their meters complete all of their quests and defeat their father at the end. Most poles only have like 2-3 true "friends" lmao we really don't throw around that term lightly
Carpet hanger jumpscare
The "polish cow song" people love to meme not knowing the language/lyrics is actually about drug addiction lmao. Sorry. Lol
We also got raccoon dogs here👍👍👍
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kylo-wrecked · 6 months
rules ://
**Do Not engage if your rp blog solely hinges on trending ships/leads with your pussy.**
**If you follow first, Do run ideas by me, send me a meemee, or a dm. Even if you’re unsure how we’d interact.**
**Unless "admiring from afar," I will unmoot with blogs that have been inactive for six+ months and muns who haven’t responded to or acknowledged prompts, ic, or ooc interactions.**
Things I appreciate in a mun
I. Multi-para responses.
Reciprocity and mood over length/“matching” Write what comes to you; make it a post you’d want to respond to
II. Down to have fun.
Let this be a funky little space for passionate, experimental, exploratory writing. 🏳️‍🌈 but also 🫀🗡️ and 🌪️
III. Mutual understanding/communication. :’^)
Don't drop hints unless that's our 'love language'
Just so you know
I. This is not a Reylo-centric blog. This is a chemistry lab. 
Not interested in— Domestic fluff “Exploring post-TrOS Reylo ‘bliss’”
II. I like to ship.
Platonic ships are worthy ships Hateships are sublime So-called “unshippable” muses are especially welcome
III. My portrayal of Ren and the KoR are divergent.
Don't supplant your softcore fantasy onto my muses (You can find my knights @rensect)
IV.  Ego sum 'Sporadicus.' 
I delete sentence memes that don't get my gears going I won’t take on several highly plotted threads at a time I don’t expect daily interaction from any of my mutuals Enjoy a guilt-free hiatus
Further Notes
I only tag moot-specific triggers.
On muns: 25+ is groovy, 21+ is a requisite.
I won’t follow back if our rp styles/blogs seem like they don’t mesh Feel free to follow if you’re “supporting from afar.” I can sometimes suss out who those are and often “admire from afar” myself
*Reply rates and writing quality may vary. No pregnancy plots or mer!anything.
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I generally can't tell if you want to rp with me or not anymore. If I ask I know I'll get the "Yeah, we're mutuals! I'm still interested"; I've made starters, sent ask memes and you've answered none of em (save the ones that are quick little games) Now, another one of your exclusives started following me and im stuck asking the SAME THING. At least this one answered an ask meme, but it was so bare bones that i don't even think it counts. I'm definitely debating on even liking a starter call from them. What do you people what from me? Why are you following me? One of you doesn't even bother to interact IC with me, the other gives me 2 sentences at max and the third one? I'm not even going to acknowledge you. I'll give y'all a week of trying to interact again, but if i get crickets im blocking. I don't know whatever the hell is up with you 3, but i can only think it's a 'me' problem for so long until i get fed up.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I FINISHED SEASON 1 OF WOLF359 AND THIS IS NOT OKAY (Reaction to Episodes 11-13, plus mini episode 1)
So basic info on the tags and how to follow my reactions below, but I'm honestly too emotional to type much more than that. What the heck was even that? I gotta get going, so I'll let past Bods of a few minutes ago do the talking under the "Keep Reading Button" but YIKES this was a LOT.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly. I also made this meme to describe my recent feelings.
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Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
So for these last few episodes, I'm just gonna live react since I have the time to sit down. Sorry for inconsistent formatting.
Episode 11: Am I Alone Now?
Um... Hilbert? A grey door where no one ever goes??? Well...where does it go? "Open in Emergency When You're Alone"... what does that mean?
Oh the joke about the genie. I've heard this one before: "I wish my friends were back with me". Yep, that's it.
Wait. Wait. Is that what the door does? Does it somehow...bring them back? What is this metaphor trying to suggest? Or...does it only make you think they're back? So that you don't go crazy? Or is it a door that leads outside the ship? Like...a door that gives you the option to, for lack of a better word, "give up" if the others die and you're left alone in space? Because that would also be dark.
Okay, Hilbert, I agree, fear can be adaptive. Uh, not sure about the gun and war thing, that's not exactly what I meant...wait bombs? Hilbert, no, you SHOULD be afraid of yourself.
Working on the fear of death? Uh...Hilbert? Are you uh...working on reanimating corpses in space, because that sounds like a bad idea to me.
"Alone should be afraid of us instead there is a door incase I am ever alone." Well what about the others?
I agree Hilbert, alone can be a good time to focus, but I gotta say, not sure I like how you're spending your valuable alone time.
"The scary part is the part of your mind that whispers back: how can you be sure?".
Oh. Now what's interesting about that quote is that in the "Alone should be afraid of us" sentence it personifies alone. The only way to really be comfortable being alone is if you are confident that you are stronger than whatever might be there if you aren't alone. But how can you ever know 100% that you are stronger than the unknown? Also there are sound effects that sound like someone moving about. Don't like that.
Is it Blessie?
"Someone must think they are alone when they are not, there must be monsters underneath someone's bed". Okay, Hilbert, clearly going for the creepy quote of the episode award.
Why is there knocking?
Uh...Empty Man?
Um...why is WHO here Hilbert? What other missions???? Was Hilbert on another mission? Hello???? Hilbert? EXPLAIN????
"You weren't here last time, but now you are here waiting for the day, open in case of emergency, open only when you are alone."
Does the empty man want them to open the door? When they think he's not around? Why?
Uh...I don't think that joke is very funny Hilbert. And no, I'm not laughing, you're dodging my questions.
Oh now we're onto Hera. I like this. We see a lot of Doug alone but not the others.
Yeah, Hera you should NOT trust the code Hilbert gives you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's experimenting on you too.
HERA. WHAT DO YOU "SENSE UNSEEN?" And yeah...Hera I know how programming works. If I don't unblock the wolf359 tag, tumblr.com isn't gonna just show me wolf359 posts, or tell me "hey here's one you should look at". But let's just say, hypothetically, that one of my mutuals draws some wolf359 season 1 fan art that doesn't spoil anything for me. Then I would trust that they might message me, and tell me that it's okay to view their wonderful art, but I won't know that unless they tell me because the tag is blocked. Not the best metaphor, but the point still stands, Hera I guess you don't HAVE to tell them about the "empty man" roaming the ship unless they ask you for that information. But as their friend, you probably should. What motivation would you have for hiding this? Hera seems to have very human attributes in terms of her ability to have social connections. She also seems to care about them to some degree. At least, she seems fond of Doug and has some tension with Mincowski and Hilbert. She's pretending to talk to Doug, which is a very human thing to do.
Ah yes. Good for you for finding loopholes in your programming Hera. I like riddles too. But...what exactly are you going to do with these riddle answers you've acquired? Are you going to help the rest of the crew? Blessie? The empty man? Or do you have your own agenda?
"Somedays I wonder if I'll miss you after you go away forever Doug." Aw, Hera. 🥺.
"I doubt it". No, I think you will Hera. The fact that you, a robot, are even wondering about missing Doug makes me think you will. Especially since you could, theoretically, live until the heat death of the universe, which is a very long time to be alone.
Wait. WAIT. The storm is happening on a part of the spectrum that their minds can't process...is that what the empty man is? Is that why they can't see him? But Hera can't see it either so her programming must either not be able to see it or it's being blocked. But weirdly enough, only visually it seems. Huh.
Hera seems frustrated with humanity, but also seems to care about them, maybe envy them a little bit. I love this level of complexity with her. "Once the game is over, I'll come up with some names for these colors." Yikes, Sophie, when you said that I was writing the Whisperer very similarly to Hera, I didn't realize it was gonna be that spot on, but okay, especially with her calling this a “game”. It’s kinda like a darker version of what I’m writing or at least, it seems to be leaning darker, probably because it’s adult media. It also makes me wonder who Hera's creator is and what they want, or maybe that just doesn't matter in this story.
"Someday. After you've all gone away..." Um. Hera. Did you open the door?
Or are you the genie in this metaphor?
Ah now we're with Doug.
INCINERATED? What sort of psych evaluation is this? And these questions are NOT standardized for space. When coming up with psych evaluation materials, you need context. Answers that are normal in a warzone or in space are not normal in everyday life.
WHY IS HE SEARCHING FOR ALIEN LIFE IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE? Doug, I know pizza hut might not be paying much, but you gotta follow your passion, and this clearly isn't it.
10 things you miss about earth and not one person? No one? No family? No friends?
"Great listener"/"I empathize too much" ok Doug.
Hm. Not too sure about Doug's answers. Honesty is only overrated when you're not the one being lied to Doug.
It also makes me wonder what you really miss about Earth.
Wait. Mission = Punishment? Spaceship = Prison? Is Doug...are they...are they doing this because they are completing a criminal sentence? If so, I can see how Hilbert and Mincowski got assigned to this as a punishment, they have science and military backgrounds, but what on Earth is Doug's story? "He was a former tech genius kid who burnt out got into drugs and alcohol, worked at pizza hut, did a crime, and now they sent him to space?" And since when do space missions fulfill court mandated community service? Also Doug I think technically has arms training, because if I recall correctly, Mincowski gave him a gun but refused to give one to Hilbert. Like...who are you Doug? What is your deal?
Alone...again. Yeah, just Doug and the voices in his head. Forgot about those. There's a lot to keep track of for a small cast of characters.
Let's do a quick run down before we hear from the commander:
Doug Eiffel- former pizza hut employee, no family/friends to speak of, possibly serving prison sentence, apparently knows how to use a gun and a lot about communications
Dr. Hilbert- doing VERY unethical space experiments, sees himself as a genius despite being a huge liability whose mind was nearly over taken by a killer plant. Obviously knows SOMETHING the others don't, so I don't trust him or his spinal fluid stealing ways.
Commander Mincowski- stereotypical by the books commander, I like her, but she also has a ton of unanswered questions and vague backstory so ???
Hera- seems nice, I wish people treated her better but also clearly keeping secrets from the others including Doug who is her friend so Hera what are you doing?
Percival The Plant aka. "Percy" aka. The Blessed Eternal aka. "Percival B. Eternal" aka. "Blessie" aka "Specimen 34"- a plant that thinks of itself as a god. Where did it come from? Even if it did take over the ship, what is it's plan? No one knows.
The Empty Man???- may or may not exist, seems to be off the visible spectrum even for robots and AI. He's hungry or as the messages put it "the empty man hungers" and that's about all we know about him. What we don't know is what his food source is, and I find that rather troubling. Maybe Doug can make him some pizza. Oh, and one other thing: he knocks. Which...is surprisingly courteous behavior from a dangerous man that can't be seen. But why would they open the door for him, unless...oh. Unless they are so desperate not to be alone that they embrace the empty man. But like...how would that even...I don't even know. Also apparently the empty man was asleep, because the first message said he'd awoken. Awoken from what? Hyper sleep? Was he in the box? Apparently he can see them even if he can't be seen, and I don't like that.
The voices in Doug's head- they say "he's not the first". Which is kind of crazy, because Dr. Hilbert was talking about "other missions". So um...what other missions? Who are the others? Who are the voices? Is something being transmitted into Douglas' head?
Captain Lovelace and that scientist lady (don't remember her name) from the sealed off lab- are they still alive? Were they on a previous mission? Why did they want to make spiders bigger? What was the point of these experiments? I SWEAR I saw people posting about Lovelace before I blocked the tag, which makes me think she's important.
The Spiders- presumed dead. Let's hope so.
The thing in the box- weird that the box was 953, which is 359 backwards. Weird that it had a heartbeat. Weird that it was labelled "for Doug Eiffel" with no other information. Odd that there were so many other seemingly nonsensical boxes in that room.
Whoever sent the “Empty Man” messages. Because I’m starting to suspect it might not have been command and there might not have been a psychological experiment. Which means the messages were meant for someone, but whoever sent them didn't want the others to know about it. ...but who were the messages for? Hilbert? Hera? Hilbert? ...Blessie???
Whoever sent that jazz music earlier. It's good music, but why?
Also important to note that multiple characters on this list might be the same people, people pretending to be the same people, or different versions of the same character due to cloning or time travel experiments thanks to weird space magic and also Dr. Hilbert.
Now let's here from the captain.
I um...I wouldn't call the talent show a success. Dr. Hilbert didn't get to make the ice cream! We never even got to find out what everyone's favorite flavor was 😥
3 minutes. Okay. Let's see what Captain Mincowski says.
I wonder who she's talking to.
Yeah, the plant being, it's weird that that's not a priority here, I agree Captain.
Huh. The weather is weird. VERY weird that Hilbert is ignoring it, and VERY weird that he has human tissues samples and jars with dead things after giving a monologue about trying to conquer death. Don't like that one little bit.
Soap? Hilbert you need to get better at lying. And yeah, captain given that he's talking about "other missions", I think he might have been lying for longer than anyone realizes...
Things moving around and turning up in odd places...it seems the empty man and Blessie (one of the two) enjoy furniture rearranging...yeah I do think there's more than the three of you, my list had at least 10 with some possible overlap.
I'm sorry what. The station changes? THE DOOR TO A SECTION JUST VANISHED? Terrarium? That might be Blessie, but still...that's weird. Eiffel...huh. Unsure if this is a case of him being so absent minded he didn't notice or remember the terrarium, or if he legit can't remember. Wait Wednesday started over? Clocks turned back at midnight? FOOD RETURNED? Okay you can change clocks, but you can't...okay time is being warped now. Maybe. Possibly. This is gonna be one of those things where you don't know how much is in their heads and how much is actually happening right? Oh boy. But also...how can one remember a time loop and the others don't...unless they are all remembering different loops...oh goodness, is this like Netflix's Dark, where I'm gonna have to start drawing maps or something?
"I don't know if there's anyone else I can trust": yeah, commander, and with the others in the same boat, it looks like you all really are alone.
Wait "MARRIED ME?" Who is she calling? Aw. Happy Birthday. That's sad but sweet. I hope she makes it home to whoever that is, but...for some reason I doubt.
Also...with the time loop stuff...is that what they mean by saying Doug isn't the first? Is Hilbert trying to escape the time loop is that why he remembers the other missions? What are the missions for? What does Hera know? Man I gotta stop doing these as study breaks or I'm never gonna quit.
But. Wait wait. Okay, I know I’ve had about 600 different insane theories already, but one more: I don’t know who sent the empty man messages. But. Is the empty man… a vessel for someone? Hilbert was talking about cheating death, time warp stuff is happening, maybe this is an invention of future Hilbert. If it came from the box, it might be for Doug. Like a… backup body for his consciousness or an… invisible clone or something? It makes the “you’re not the first” stuff make sense too. Doesn’t explain Hera’s behavior or why Doug is in space, or why the empty man is hungry and knocking, but… you know what never mind idk where I was going with this one.
I think I'll react to the rest tomorrow, because it's late, and I'm tired.
Episode 12: Deep Breaths
Update: It is tomorrow. :)
Why so doom and gloom Doug? Oh it's Christmas. Well someone's a bit of a scrooge. What else besides celebrating a nice holiday Doug? What doesn't the commander remember?
No Doug, don't hint at stuff, explain it. Normalize explaining things.
Doug. A cigarette cannot be all you are living for. You need help. You all need help.
Don't cry for me Argentina? Do not go gentle into that good night?
Doug is so dramatic. I'd hate him more, but I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.
Hilbert. Why do you need him for your experiment?
Hera tell him.
Everyone needs to listen to Hera more. And also ask her more questions.
Oh boy another recording!
Sounds like music, less clear this time...oh. A band!
Aw, Hera remembered his birthday! 🥺 Wait...were those words via the transmission!
Oh Hilbert hush up.
Why would it matter if they were all music or always old transmissions from the 10s or 20s?
Hilbert. Okay. Look, 7.8 light years away, I get that...but...now hear me out...isn't it possible that you could be picking up music on a station that plays music from an older decade? Like if I picked up the song "Let it be" by the Beatles my first thought would not be "Hey! That song didn't come out 8 years ago. ALIENS." it would be "oh we pick up a 60s/70s radio station". Now obviously something deeper probably IS going on here, but still a bit of a leap.
Uh. Making a return trip to...where?? Also this is some pretty clear music. Also good quote "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left no matter how unlikely must be true."
Also I recognize the music playing. Is that...hold up is that Church music? For Christmas? Wait now it sounds like a ballet?
Um...what is that.
...and why did it happen as soon as they talked about trying to find the aliens?
Let's see. A little weird that the station can receive transmission better than it can send. 40 light years away? That's pretty far.
And um...I don't know if I'd be so optimistic about this. We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
What is lock down protocol 24c and what is indigo39? Hilbert. HILBERT. Were you lying about the aliens to experiment on Doug Hilbert?
Oh poor Hera. Alpha victor? What... how does Hilbert have all these codes? Why can't she let Mincowski in? Hilbert. Are you taking over the ship? Is this a one man mutiny? It is treason. WHY DOES THIS ALTER THE MISSION? LAST HALF HOUR OF OXYGEN? NO NO NO NO NO!
Yeah Eiffel, he IS crazy.
Oh no Hera.
Minutes? How does he have a way to contact Earth? Who is YOUR superior Hilbert? The devil? He must be since you are RUINING CHRISTMAS AND DOUGLAS' BIRTHDAY THAT NO ONE BUT HERA REMEMBERED. How hard is it to save your evil plans until after the holidays? How hard is it not to betray a man on his birthday?
Hera. Hera PLEASE tell me you found a way to win the game. PLEASE tell me you found a way around this.
Episode 13: Gas Me Twice
Well that was a bummer. I swear, Mincowski better not die she has a family.
I hate Hilbert so much. Dude is the WORST.
Wait! The oxygen mask! For the cigarette! Douglas your stupidity has saved you again!
...oh my gosh I really am in this picture, and I don't like it.
Oh no. Hera. Hera you need to help him. Yes Douglas! Have faith in her! Even though she's actively withholding information, she still seems nice! HERA! It hurts her? Oh no... oh Hera no. 🥺
22 minutes of air? Well, at least she's still alive.
Incoming pulse beacon? Interesting...
Hephestus station please respond? ...Who is Cutter???
Contingency scenarios? Data series? Transmission from deep space? Origin source? Who are these people? WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR?
Oh...wait why would he know about Eiffel being alive? Haha...oh Eiffel. This was a good plan. But you might have wanted to get a little more information from him.
Death was no immediate? Okay so Hilbert was under orders to kill, but it seems Doug is his own experimental side project? Interesting...
Oh dear. A fire. Looks like you have to let Hera have control back.
Yes! Mincowski is still alive! :)
YES HERA! Emergency response overrides it! For 20 minutes? Great. Kill or capture Hilbert now.
Restarting... no. No. Hera. You killed her. 😢😟🥺
This gif I found pretty much approximates my feelings:
Tumblr media
Shut up Hilbert. No one wants to hear you speak.
Oh...hello Mincowski :)
And yeah...it's okay Mincowski. A lot has happened. Christmas was ruined. You lost a crewmate. It's okay to not be okay.
Can you hear me? Well Hera did say she could always hear him. Maybe a part of her mind got saved somewhere. At least, we can always hope.
Lobotomized her? No you need to fix her. 🥺
Hilbert you bastard. I don't swear much or at all on this blog, but if there was ever a time, it is now. And um... given the plant situation and the other mysterious stuff on the ship...look I don't support murder, but maybe you could just send Hilbert off by himself in a little pod and let nature take its course.
You deserved a good dinner Mincowski. Aw, Doug is 32. Happy Birthday Doug.
Hm. A communication from Hilbert's commanders. This is awkward. But better open it. And yeah, you both deserve answers.
But who is on the other line?
...Why does it sound like an telephone?
How dare. How dare they end on such a cliffhanger?
Mini Episode 1: Are space suits itchy?
So I'm not sure what this is, but it's on my podcast list as the last episode of season 1, so I'm gonna listen to it? Let me know if it's not canon or something, but hopefully it will be nice, even if I don't get any answers.
Aw, third grade questions. "What do you do when you're crewmate betrays you?"
IDIOTIC QUESTION? Doug what is up with your family? Be nice to Stephanie, it was a fair question.
Yeah, no don't see your doctor. He's nuts. I feel like I might be listening to his out of order. Which is a good thing. Otherwise Doug would be on the podcast telling third graders to not call their doctor lest the doctor try to kill him.
Oh boy the censorship 😂. Mincowski is the better person for this.
Well that was a quick one, but nice! Oh okay, so it was like a mini episode that aired during a break, okay. Well I hope that soon enough I'll be able to listen to more. Because I need answers. Hera needs to get better. And Hilbert needs to go to jail. I want his degrees revoked! I want him rotting in the slammer! I want the world to look upon him with nothing but contempt and disgust!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, see you all next time.
Wait no, wait hold on. What about the door? The door that Hilbert was supposed to open once he killed all of them? The grey door, the one he kept giving ominous monologues about? And...he knew about the empty man, or maybe the transmission were to tell him about the empty man. But what is that? What does that mean? You know what, we can figure that out later, I'm still mad at him.
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jedidryad · 7 months
First Lines Meme
Ooh, thank you for tagging me @virusq. This suggestion to share the first lines of my last 10 fics and look for patterns sounds like fun.
I think I’m generally trying to manage some sort of hook with my first lines so I know a lot of them are quick statements that I’m trying to pack a bit of a punch with.
So… 1. “The dreams hurt” (Cursed Needs)
2. “He gave me the lightsaber.” (Lightsabers Are Always Loaded)
3. “He’d gotten carried away.” (Carried Away) - well that one seems more like a topic sentence than a hook.
4. “Luke Skywalker’s face had haunted me for years.” (Darkness Kicks Back) - back to the attempted hooks.
5. “Mara stretched her arms over her head in contentment as Luke stroked his hands up her body under the fragrant water.” (Just Bonds) - ooh or we just drop right into the smut. I don’t do this much. I think there’s only one other story that opens with the smut already underway.
6. “This was not a good time for Luke Skywalker.” (A Better Offer) - this might be more scene setting than anything else, although that could apply to lots of moments in Luke’s life so it might not be that effective. …and skipping over the drabble that inspired that piece…
7. “It took a full 45 minutes for Arihnda Pryce to admit she was distracted.” (Mutual Satisfaction). Hmm. My triumvirate verse stuff seems to open with activities rather than quick declaratives. I wonder if I’m picking up on something stylistic about that collection.
8. “He knew she was watching him.” (Tomorrow) - oh definite vaguefic attempt at a hook. Don’t you want to know who was watching him? It’s Mara. It’s always Mara.
9. “Mara followed Artoo Detoo as he trundled down the halls of the Jedi Academy on Yavin.” (Melting into You) - This one is a bit more in media res, so I don’t know.
10. “Mara kept her relief to herself as she strode quickly over to the freestanding shields that had trapped the Fire on Selonia.” (Selonia is for Lovers) - and I started two stories in a row with Mara walking somewhere. I mean they both wind up with her in bed with Luke. Expert tip, in my stories walks are a great way to get Luke Skywalker into your bed. I suppose it works that way in Zahn’s stories too.
Okay, there are lots of hook attempts in there, but they aren’t all like that. I remember studying first lines as part of a high school creative writing class last century, and I found I liked the more complex scene setting openers over the quick declarative ones here, so I probably should attempt to diversify a bit. I think some of this that my fic is mostly Star Wars and Star Wars is all about quick movements and opening in media res. I tend to try to match that tone in my writing rather than coming up with something lush and languid. I will have to keep that in mind going forward.
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