dorianbrightmusic · 5 months
so, a question for all ye health-havers
i'm not seeing a doctor again for a couple of weeks, but i do have an appt scheduled to check in on some stuff. this is where the question comes in:
i've been having a lot of symptoms that look a bit (a lot) like POTS, and there's something weird going on with chronic pain. so i'm wondering – when at the doctor's office, is it best to be upfront and say 'i've heard of Symptoms Condition and i am having xyz symptoms that would mean i'd like to investigate Symptoms Condition', or do you just mention the xyz symptoms and hope the doctor makes the connection?
i.e. is it best to just say 'i've been having spells of presyncope and vertigo when i stand up, my hands and feet get cold and sometimes take on a mottled appearance, and i've sometimes noticed my heart rate go up 40 BPM on standing at home', or to instead say 'i've had episodes of tachycardia on standing + these symptoms, i've read about POTS, and was wondering if it would be possible to investigate that somehow'.
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Oh to be a mollusc and not have any joints.
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
one of the most bullshit things about having trauma from your chronic health conditions is how said trauma makes the chronic health conditions worse but then the fact that i am suffering from the chronic health conditions is worsening the trauma response which is making the chronic health conditions worse which is a worsening the trauma response which is—
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comradejoanmir · 4 months
Like over 90% of the grid is white european and they're constantly told and believed in to be the best in the World. It makes for fun publicity but is just completely untrue. It would be futile to remind the grid that there's more important things in life bc the primary idea of sport is that this is all that matters
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iliveinmyblanket · 8 months
The fact that I'm numb all the time, but I can feel the chronic pain, but I'm also kinda paralysed, but I'm also sensitive to touches. Like I don't even know how to explain that. Like I have bad balance cos I can't feel things properly, It's hard for me to walk because my legs feel like bricks attached to joints. Or I can't feel my back but if I do something wrong I can really really feel my back in a really bad way. My chronic illness just feels so paradoxical.
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russilton · 1 year
As I lie flat on the floor on two dog cooling mats with a fan pointed at my face I can only really REALLY fuckin hope this years sticky oppressive summer heat fuels my creativity like it did last year rather than just making me a really grumpy prick
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thehungrycity · 1 year
Playing Animal Crossing for the first time with my son, disturbed by the premise of indentured servitude on a "deserted island". Also, it is one of the more tedious games I've ever played. The UI is clunky and annoying, the 'voices' are aggravating, the koala looks constantly mad, and the local multiplayer is pretty shit.
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not-poignant · 2 years
Hi Pia
I've just finished FFS and oh boy, what a ride! I loved it so much and all the feels it gave me.
I just wanted to know, will you ever write a session between Ef and Dr Gary where the address Henton and his actions more thoroughly? I know Ef was avoidant of that subject for most of the story and was only beginning to edge towards it nearing the end, but I'd really like to read how that would go and all the hurt/comfort that it can lead to, especially between Ef and Dr Gary.
Hope you have a lovely day!
Hi anon!
I might write that one day (with Henton and his actions). It's definitely one of the things I've thought most about circling back on. Right now I'm on the fence with it because Henton will be coming into Underline the Black and I may also be able to address things there in a more immediate/different way!
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pigeonsparty · 1 year
I've never been so happy to have a pain flare up, but I do wish my partner would wake up so he can bring me tea and drugs.
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vibrantgroup9 · 3 months
Drug abuse is a growing concern in our society, with millions of individuals of all ages falling victim to its harmful effects.                              It is essential that we collectively focus on the need for advocacy, sensitization, and rehabilitation when it comes to addressing this pressing issue. One of the key factors that contributes to drug abuse is peer pressure. People often feel…
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
so sweaty at work its actually revolting
#ambient in my lab is 30c at the mo..its abt 26 in the main lab but i have a smaller/less ventilated space#and i had a water bath on at 90c + incubator 55c. cant use a fan bc im working with respiratory sensitisers so dust inhalation risk#AND full ppe (long sleeve trousers closed toe shoes thick full length long sleeve labcoat p6 mask goggles hairnet nitrile gloves)#fortunately im done with the hands on stuff for the next 2 hours so i can prop the door open and put the fan on now#but when i took my ppe off my shirt was straight up fucking wet. not even just underarm sweat patches but the front + back too. YUCK!#good thing i anticipated this + picked out a v light/breathable outfit today but really i shouldve brought a whole change of clothes#and still no word abt when theyre putting the fucking aircon on. they said it MIGHT be later this week but no promises#not that itd help in my lab bc they didnt install a unit in there anyway..... we dont have the spaaaace#ik the reason theyve been so reluctant to install aircon is bc they have a new plot where theyre gonna remodel + build a new lab#so like in idk 2 yrs time this lab will be shut down and if im still working w them ill get a big shiny new application lab. WITH air con#separate from the main lab + installed w all the equipment we actually need so i dont have to run between both labs and canteen constantly#but whether ill still be here in 2 years... well its a big if. pay + benefits r good + i like the work + generally good environment#but there are many other labs in the world... some of which probably already have air con. and id like to work w plants again eventually#cuz my degree was in biology specialising in plant sci. not food/biochem (<- industry im in rn)#anyway. at least its taken my mind off how tired i am..... im gonna take a snack + water break and then i have some admin to do#happy wet beast wednesday everyone#.diaries
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yournewfriendshouse · 8 months
my brother is convinced ginger ale makes pain worse…is this a thing…?
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herefornewthings · 1 year
I urge women to talk about your stories of cat calls, groping, harassment and other things down the same lane with the men in your family. Sensitise them to how gross and objectified actions of other men make you feel.
Maybe you will save one of your own from becoming a future whatsoever and do a favour to the rest of us.
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fred-the-dinosaur · 1 year
it is homophobic that in june i can't spend time on my balcony without some asshole smoking and driving me indoors
I am a chronically ill queer cant go anywhere else fun bc 'covid is over' so nowhere is safe (and im too tired to go out much) im not against it in general but dude put it in a fucking brownie or smoke it indoors. Theres other people living here asshole. And some of us are allergic. and have nowhere else to go. And who need to air the house in order to survive.
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konigsblog · 8 months
know that you brought up simon as a actual rapist i cant stop seeing it
simon who's sensitised to rape after taking part in attempted rape, helping out his buddy. :(
he thinks there's nothing morally wrong with what he's doing. simon believes he deserves it, considering his role in society. a man should always get what he pleases and desires; what he longs for. simon's eyes wander your body, smoking a cigarette held between his two thick, gloves fingers. the black balaclava shields his face, giving him a threatening appearance, one that'll have you shuddering, your breath caught in your throat.
you're drunk, lightheaded, clearly having too much to drink. poor thing, you probably need some rest, but simon's hungry and perverse gaze wanders, his thick and hard cock stiffening in his boxers. gloved hands grasp at your waist abruptly, covering your mouth with a large palm, silencing your screams as he drags you further into the alleyway, darkness consuming you as you're thrown to the cold, wet concrete.
you're weak; defenceless and weak, benefitting the large, looming man, a man you don't recognise – at least at first. simon's cock springs free from the tight confines of his boxers, smacking against his bare and muscular abdomen as he pulls his shirt up, pushing inside your folds painfully. it's all agony, your screams silenced by his cooes, a pathetic attempt to coddle and soothe you from the fear. he doesn't like to cause fear — he already does that enough — he rather just... desires and believes he has the right to a selfish act; an inhumane and dirty, filthy act.
his hand covers your mouth, feeling your slit swell around his thick, lengthy cock, prodding against your gummy cervix with each thrust. your screams fall, quietening down as he pushes inside, too drunk to plead for mercy anymore. simon feels his stomach tighten with shame and guilt, the feeling of wrongness. something is nagging at him, that this is wrong — but god, if it's so wrong, why does it feel so fucking good?
control is his power, having power is everything to simon. how else is he supposed to look at you, as your superior? recognising you as the woman he took advantage of brutally and disgustingly.
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overstuffd · 27 days
Taking you out to a - unbeknownst to you - feeder cinema.
'It's amazing!' I tell you. 'They have waiter service right to the seats - and I got us a great deal. We're going to watch a marathon of classic stoner movies and we get dinner and unlimited snacks. Doesn't that sound perfect?'
Without thinking your hand goes to your growing pot belly. You kept saying you need to take it easy on indulging your appetite for greasy food - but your gut rumbles in response.
After a moment's hesitation, you agree that it sounds like fun. I smile, hungrily.
They're stoner comedies, so of course I get you stoned beforehand. Plenty of bong hits before we head out, encouraging you to hit my vape on the -thankfully- short walk to the movie theatre.
When we get there, the staff are so delighted to see you. They explain that you'll be served one course of dinner between each of the four movies and there'll be a midnight feast at the end. In the meantime, help yourself to the snack table.
Snack table hardly does it justice - there's a huge buffet set up with every kind of appetiser you can think of. I encourage you to go through to the theatre and get comfy in your seat while I fix you a plate.
The seats are really two person couches, with soft looking pillows to prop ourselves up on. They're pretty well sized, but with your thicker thighs you realise we'll be pressed close together.
You get settled, and I show up with your pre-dinner snack. If you weren't so stoned you'd say it seemed like a lot. Your plate is stacked with mozzarella sticks, garlic bread and mac and cheese, all of them geneorusly portioned out for you by me.
As it is though your munchies are kicking in hard, so you accept the plate and start eating. Before the film starts one of the attendents comes by and smiles as they place a bucket sized soda cup and extra large popcorn next to our seat, on your side naturally. I already let them know your favourite candies, and they're mixed through the popcorn, the chocolate gently melting in the still warm kernels.
The film starts, and soon you're snorting with laughter like a dumbass at the cheesy jokes and slap stick. Your mouth is dry from the smoking and all the salty food, so you end up chugging your soda hard, but whenever it starts running low one of the attentive staff is there with a replacement.
The same happens with your popcorn, you're only halfway through before your carton is replaced with a fresh batch. It makes it hard to keep track of what you're eating, but between the snack plate and the endlessly refilling bag you're pretty sure you've already had what most people would consider a meal.
It's hard to concentrate on that though, because the first movie is over and it's time for appetisers to be served. You almost don't believe me when I say you haven't even had the first course yet.
Before you put up too much of a fuss though I hand you my vape - no, the staff won't mind I promise - and you relax again, especially when I offer you a pair of gummy edibles to kick in during the movie.
I took the liberty of ordering for you, and you're already faded by the time your heaping pile of nachos arrive, loaded with cheese, guacamole, sour cream, hot salsa, jalapenos and brisket. The spiciness hits your sensitised pallet hard, but there's always more soda to soothe it.
The second movie has started now, and as it plays you polish off your nachos, and most of my order of onion rings once I pass it over.
At some point, your soda cup is replaced with an extra-large cold beer, but you chug that down just as happily, your mind getting floatier with every gulp.
At the end of the second movie the main courses arrive, and you try and tap out. The greasy, double-patty burger is huge, even ignoring the massive side of fries and slaw. The attendents have bought you mug sized tubs of spicy mayo, creamy burger sauce and barbecue to help everything slip down easily, but even so.
You turn to me, your eyes big as the third film starts to roll. I pretend to be sympathetic, but my words are the last thing you want to hear. 'Oh, poor thing! Are you too out of it to eat your dinner even though you're so hungry?'
You try to put together a protest but forming a whole sentence is beyond you at this point, so you flop backwards and let me slowly feed you the burger and sides, holding the dripping handfuls to your mouth until you take a bite and then pushing salty fries in afterwards. When you slow too much I push my vape into your mouth again and the new rush of haziness gives you another burst of energy.
You don't remember anything that happens in the third film, just the growing heat between your legs as your waistband presses harder and harder into your stomach.
The final break - dessert. I get up from our seat, and even if you'd been able to speak you didn't think to ask where I was going, your mind completely preoccupied with the pressure in your belly.
When I come back though, you've realised there's a sundae bar in the lobby that I've visited on your behalf. A huge bowl of softserve, another bucket really, smothered in caramel and chocolate sauce, peanuts, cookie crumb and whipped cream.
Your stoamch audibly groans when you see it, but you're so docile you let me push more than a few spoonfuls between your lips before you start turning your face away, struggling even to move that much.
You're expecting me to grow more forecful, but instead I set the icecream aside and pay attention to your straining gut, undoing your pants (you sigh in relief, they were moments away from bursting) and rubbing slow circles on your belly. My hand dips lower as I make lazy circles and you moan appreciatively, way too far gone to care about embarassing yourself in public.
The film is drawing to a close, the lovable losers have completed their stoner quest, and you're getting close to finishing too. Once you're frantically grinding against my fingers, though, I pull away, and suddenly the icecream bucket is back at your lips.
No spoon now, the softserve has melted into a thick and creamy shake mined with sweetness. I part your lips and tilt the bucket so it pours into your mouth. Youf flabby mind can think of only one defence against choking on it so you swallow, slowly, painfully, your overstretched stomach straining at the additional pressure.
The credits of the movie are rolling and you're almost finished with your shake - and my hand is back between your legs, rougher than before.
I've been training you to come when your stomach is straining, so I up the speed as you take your last mouthful and you finish over my fingers.
I ruffle your hair and wipe a little icecream off your cheek as I coo at what a good job you did for me.
The staff are in no rush for us to leave, which is good because you can't stand right now.
Instead they leave the lights low as I gently rub your eager belly, enjoying the deep rumbles as you start digesting your enormous meal.
When you've recovered a little I'll walk you to the car - and maybe if you're good we can get drive through on the way home.
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