#senku x male reader
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rei-uwu-22 · 2 years ago
Dr.S. Senku Ishigami x Lector Masculino [Corto]
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"Atrevido Tesorero"
Fecha: 14 de Febrero, San Valentín después del horario de clases de la escuela (horario de actividades de clubes).
Ubicación: Escuela de Preparatoria de Japón, sala del club de ciencias.
Posiciones: #___ tesorero del consejo estudiantil #Senku presidente del club de ciencias.
Resumen: Na no es necesario.
Pov Narrador
En la sala se encontraba un chico con el cabello Anti leyes científicas, este sólo estaba en el lugar ya que no quería ver cómo la mayoría estaba declarándose o siendo rechazado en los pasillos o en el patio o en cualquier lugar de la escuela, tenía todo el tiempo del día hasta que se acabase las clases y la hora de cierre de los clubes, ya sea por qué hoy era el día de San Valentín y los profesores lo tomaban como escusa para tomarse un descanso y no dar clases hasta que la hora termine y puedan retirarse a excepción de los demás encargados que se quedan para vigilar el lugar o estar ahí por si ocurre algún acidente.
El peli-blanco/verde estaba concentrado mezclando algún que otro líquido químico o revisando algunas de las instalaciones de sus proyectos, de ves en cuando llendo al baño o a la máquina expendedora para agarrar algo para beber, en estos momentos ya terminó de verter y revolver una solución y se limpio las manos de polvo imaginario para quitarse los guantes y tirarlos en el contenedor de desechos tóxicos.
-Senku: kukuku~ ya está muy bien ahora iré por una lata y volveré lo más rápido posible para volver a encerrar me y descansar unos minutos- Dijo al aire para sonreír y salir de la sala para cuando abrió la puerta saco su cabeza para mirar a ambos lados y asegurarse de que nadie lo viera.
Al acercarse a la máquina expendedora y poner las monedas/billete para luego rebuscar lo que quería escoger de todas la variedades que veía atraves del vidrio, cuado lo encontró oprimio el botón de esté y espero a que cayera para poder recoger lo mientras esperaba empezó a escuchar pasos en el pasillo lo ignoro y al instante cayó su lata que de inmediato agarro al inclinarse para abajo, para volver a levantarse y abrirlo escuchando el sastifactorio sonido de lata abriéndose, para cuando giró sobre sus talones se encontró con el chico peli-___ que tanto lo fastidiaba/gustaba no toleraba que esté le interesará tanto de forma actractiva y romántica que el no deseaba en lo absoluto pero ahí estaba encantado con el atractivo y carácter del chico de maravillosos ojos color ____ (según el) que siempre lo inoctisaba cada que los miraba.
Mientras que el peli-blanco/verde admira con el seño fruncido a su enamoramiento quien ahora estaba sorprendido y nervioso por la cercanía con el ojos rubí la cual el científico no había notado por estar sumido en sus pensamientos.
-____: Que bueno verlo Senku-San pero podría moverse un momento por favor necesito una bebida -Hablo el chico con nerviosismo ante la mirada intensa que le mandaba su interés amoroso.
-Senku: Eh?, Oh lo siento no sabía que el tesorero aún se encontraba a estas horas en la escuela pensé que ya se retiraría -Dijo mientras se movía a un costado de la máquina expendedora, ya bebiendo de su lata observando atentamente al tesorero del consejo estudiantil- Por qué sigue aquí tesorero? -Pregunto con una sonrisa divertida que puso nervioso al chico oji-___.
-____: Oh en realidad no es tan tarde además de eso no ahí salida de aquí para mí ya que tengo trabajos del consejo que no me dejan dormí literalmente, pero bueno ahora me estoy tomando un pequeño descanso si me quedaba ahí un poco más me moriría de asfixia ahí solo -Respondio el tesorero con una risa al final dejando de lado su nerviosismo, metiendo unas cuantas monedas/billetes en la expendedora.
-Senku: Oh el perfecto tesorero tiene problemas? El consejo debe de darte vacaciones entonces -Dijo de tono burlón mirando al chico con cariño, esto dejo confundido al otro chico quien rápidamente desvió su mirada a la expendedora con un sonrojo en el rostro y movilizó su mano de nuevo para precionar el botón de un jugo de naranja.
-____: Si, esté "Perfecto" tesorero enserio necesita vacaciones -Respondio haciendo entre comillas con sus dedos en la palabra perfecto -Si no lo hacen terminaré tirandome por una ventana te lo juro, pff jajaja - Termino de hablar con una pequeña risa baja que fue una bonita melodía a los oídos del científico que sonrió alegre al escucharla.
-Senku: No pensé que alguien se riera tan bonito -Murmuro mientras se acercaba a la máquina expendedora y inclinarse a recoger el jugo para después volver a pararse y mirar al chico de hebras ____ quien miraba atentamente las acciones del otro chico -Bueno tendré que sujerirles/amenazarlos que te den un pequeño descanso está tarde no quiero que mi acompañante se muera antes de decirme que si - Dijo mientras le entregaba la lata de jugo al dueño.
-____: Decirle que si, a qué presidente Senku-San? Que lo deje aquí para que yo siga trabajando con la montaña de papeles que me esperan? Pues créame que no sería un placer hacerlo Senku-San yo deseo aún estar aquí con usted -Le hablo con una sonrisa divertida y coqueta llevo al diablo sus nervios y vergüenza, hablo con su enamoramiento de forma en la que se dejara llevar, eso sorprendió al amante de la ciencia que rápidamente sonrió de forma coqueta así que le siguió el juego.
Lo único que pensó Senku fue *Al diablo con esto, el amor es completamente ilógico y absurdo y molesto como también inútil pero... Si es con el no creo que sea de esa forma, asique dejemos eso de lado le daré un pequeño capricho a mi corazón y dejaré que ____ Sempeí se quede en mi corazón junto con la ciencia*.
-Senku: Oh no no no se equivoca no dejaría que esas lindas manos se sigan dañandoce de esa forma en la que no sea manipulando las Miles de cosas que se encuentran en la sala de mi club del cual soy dueño -Hablo mientras tomaba con delicadeza la mano del chico bonito que le atraía el cuál se sonrojo como tomate y miraba a esté con el corazón a mil -Yo quisiera que esté travieso tesorero acepte acompañarme a una pequeña cita conmigo en esté San Valentín tan aburrido dentro del club de ciencias -Contesto con diversión mientras le sonreía de una forma muy atractiva al punto de vista del oji-___ quien se moría de emoción.
-____: Oh oh oh es-eso es perfecto digo emg digo sonó bastante bueno me encantaría estar ahí con usted encerrado dentro del club ayudándolo a cumplir sus caprichos~ Senku-San~ -Contesto con un tono seductor acercándose más al chico científico aún con el agarre de esté en sus manos, ése chico que lo traía loco con su curioso atractivo.
Mientras que el chico peli-blanco/verde lo miraba atentamente con una sonrisa que al escuchar lo de cumplir sus caprichos titubeó y quedó con la boca entre abierta con las mejillas salpicadas de un tinte rosado, no podía créer que hayas aceptado y para ser más encantador el chico ____ le proponía cumplirle sus caprichos, como no lo pondría loco ese chico le encantaba, lo muy tentador que le era esa preciosa cara suya y esa vos qué ahora mismo le proponía algo tan comprometedor y emocionante ése chico lo llevaría a la locura.
-Senku: Pues que esperamos para nuestra cita tesorero?- Dijo con una sonrisa coqueta mientras agarraba la mano de este y lo estiraba a un costado suyo para poder movilizarse a la sala del club.
-____: Nada absolutamente nada Senku-San -Respondio mientras se ponía a un costado del cientifico.
Y así estoy dos chicos enamorados pasaron su lindo día de San Valentín dentro del club de ciencias charlando y bebiendo sus bebidas mientras se ayudaban mutuamente haciendo el proyecto científico que los unia más entre ellos, para cuando terminó la hora de los clubes y termino el día de clases estos dos fueron juntos a sus hogares mientras quedaban en alguna que otra tienda a comer algo y seguir con su cita, para cuando llegaron a la casa del ____ fueron recibidos por el padre de esté quien pidió amablemente que el chico peli-blanco/verde se quedará a cenar con ellos ya que había preparado mucha comida para ellos dos solos, sin más el chico de ojos rubí se quedó después de haberle avisado a su padre, sin saberlo el científico se había quedado a comer con su futuro suegro padre de su esposo a quien se le propondría unos 3700 años después de unos días de esa cena.
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axxa-the-allikatt · 4 months ago
Ex Military Spy Male reader X Boyfriend Senku Ishigami (somehow)
I was about to mention scientist Senku Ishigami but then what's the point.
Anyways, This isn't exactly a fluffy chapter, more like them just being there for each other.
If M/n's 7 years of working as a spy before he was petrified had taught him anything, it would be to not mess with crazy science wackos who are on a mission to get something done. Seeing Senku running around the lab, with a timer ticking in the corner, signalling the impending doom, pretty much gave the same impression to M/n.
It had been a few years since the team had come back from the moon, and Senku had started his mission to make a Time Machine, along with Xeno and a few others. M/n had joined as a trainer for the defence units, and with the help of Stanley, had managed to keep their 'empire', or whatever it was now supposed to called, safe and sound. But it was obvious that, over time, some other science dude inside, would realise his talent, and try to work against them.
Which was precisely what had happened. Some side character had decided he had to get Senku and Xeno out of the way to become the 🐐 or something and had somehow managed to send a little gift, straight to the lab. From outside the thing looked like a robotic vacuum cleaner that you keep at home. It seemed simple enough, pull a little something there and another something here, and it was disabled, from doing whatever it was supposed to do, although no one could figure out what.
Stanley had managed to catch the guy who had sent it. When he had been asked what it was, he had admitted that he himself had no idea what it was but he was sure about one thing. It would blast, destroying everything near it. Everyone had assumed that it was disabled, continuing their experiments without paying much mind to it, as it was thrown into the dustbin, considering they were close to a breakthrough and were too busy with it.
It was all fun and good until it started ticking. At 2am in the morning. And the only souls around were Senku, who was too excited about some idea to sleep, and M/n who thought it best to keep Senku company, lest he fall asleep in the middle of some dangerous experiment, considering how the guy hadn't slept for 3 days straight. As they looked around for the source of the noise, and found it to be the supposedly broken machine, the same thought occurred to them. It was going to blast. Sooner or later. The worse thing was, there was no timer or anything that might give them an idea as to when it would blast, or what was making it tick.
Which led to the current situation, three minutes later, as Senku ran around looking for some things muttering about what bad timing this was. They couldn't take it to some deserted area, seeing as to it could blast 5 seconds from now or 5 days from now. Neither could M/n break it with force, as it might cause an earlier explosion that was actually set. Suddenly the beeping got louder as both of then internally panicked.
Then, a with blaring sound, the machine blasted. Without a second thought, M/n threw himself against Senku, covering him from the explosion, just like he had, all those years ago, when the petribeam had come shooting from the horizon.
The next morning, they were found, unconscious and barely breathing, on the lab floor.
Three days later M/n woke up to the sounds of people talking, and winced as the lights in the room glared at him. The person beside him shushed the other person, as he helped M/n sit up. Once he could see better, he realised he was in his own room, with Stanley sitting beside him, Suika at the other side of the room, already preparing a cup of milk with dates, M/n's regular drink. "Whaa?" He muttered, looking at Stanley for answers. "The machine blasted," he answered as he gave M/n a glass of water and some medicine. "That thing was not as much of an explosive bomb as it was a poisonous gas bomb. Apparently, it continuously collected the atmospheric nitrogen and then once it reached its max capacity, released it all in one go. You and Senku were found unconscious in the lab in the morning 3 days ago, and we did some tests. Turns out, you suffocated because of it." He paused for a few seconds before smiling. "I know he would never admit it outright, but Senku has been worrying about you like a mother hen, ever since he woke up almost a day and half ago. You're the first name he called out when he woke up."
M/n sat there silently for a second, processing all this, before he squealed and got out of bed, saying something about how that leeky boy did care about him. Stanley and Suika let him leave, seeing as to how he was almost literally flying, back in good shape. M/n skipped his way over to the lab, only to find the Senku had gone up the balcony. He made his way up the stairs, and found Senku standing at the railing, looking like he was posing for a movie.
When he noticed M/n, his eyes slightly widened, before he wore his signature smirk. "So you made it after all, chameleon." M/n only laughed, as he walked over to him, hugging him from behind. "Of course I did. Who else is going to fearlessly protect you when there is danger the next time?" He asked. Senku shook his head, grinning, as he turned in M/n's grasp, resting his head against M/n's shoulder.
"Yea. Who else but you?..."
Reblogs appreciated~
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okeutocalma · 2 months ago
Senku Ishigami — Male reader.
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O silêncio reinava na biblioteca da universidade. As prateleiras abarrotadas de livros eram um convite ao mundo do conhecimento, mas poucas pessoas ousavam mergulhar tão fundo. [Nome], com seus óculos levemente tortos e uma mochila repleta de cadernos rabiscados, andava de prateleira em prateleira, procurando algo específico.
— Física Quântica para leigos… Física Quântica Avançada… Física Quântica e o Multiverso… Droga, por que todos esses livros parecem tão inúteis? —  resmungou, passando os dedos pelos títulos.
De repente, uma voz calma e levemente irritada surgiu atrás dele. — Se você acha que esses livros são inúteis, talvez devesse começar pelo básico de verdade.
[Nome] virou-se rapidamente e deu de cara com um rapaz de cabelos espetados, brancos como neve, e uma expressão de tédio misturada com curiosidade. Senku Ishigami, o gênio da faculdade, conhecido por sua inteligência fora do comum e uma língua afiada que podia derrubar até o mais confiante dos estudantes.
— Eu não pedi sua opinião, sabe?—  respondeu [Nome], cruzando os braços defensivamente.
Senku arqueou uma sobrancelha, inclinando levemente a cabeça. 
— Talvez não, mas você claramente precisa de ajuda. O que está procurando?
[Nome] hesitou, mas acabou cedendo.
 — Algo sobre aplicações práticas de física quântica. Tenho um projeto para entregar e… estou perdido.
Senku suspirou e passou os olhos pelas prateleiras como se estivesse lidando com uma tarefa simples demais para ele. Em menos de um minuto, puxou um livro que parecia completamente esquecido na prateleira inferior. 
— Aqui está. Isso deve ser mais útil do que você esperava.
— Como você sabia onde estava? —  [Nome] pegou o livro, surpreso. 
— Diferente de você, eu já li quase tudo que há nessa biblioteca. Inclusive, você é péssimo em procurar coisas. Talvez devesse usar os sistemas de catalogação ao invés de andar em círculos. —  Senku deu um meio sorriso.
[Nome] sentiu o sangue subir para o rosto. 
—  Você é sempre tão… direto?
— Eu prefiro o termo eficiente —  respondeu Senku, já se virando para sair.
Porém, algo curioso aconteceu. Minutos depois, enquanto [Nome] se acomodava em uma mesa para começar a leitura, percebeu Senku sentado a poucos metros, aparentemente lendo, mas com os olhos constantemente voltados para ele.
Quando se levantou para pegar outro livro, notou que Senku também levantava, seguindo-o até outra sessão da biblioteca. Finalmente, [Nome] se virou, cruzando os braços. 
— Você está me seguindo, ou é só coincidência?
— Coincidências não existem. Estou apenas curioso para ver se você vai se perder de novo. — Senku deu de ombros, com um sorriso de canto. 
[Nome] revirou os olhos, mas acabou rindo:
 — Você é insuportável, sabia disso?
— Prefiro o termo fascinante.
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evereinefaust · 10 months ago
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ࿐ྂ
Pairing: Senku Ishigami X afab!Reader
Synopsis: So, how did MC, an average student, get personally tutored by the genius scientist in school? In math lessons, nonetheless.
Word Count: 4,220
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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
​​​​You block out the white noise that encompasses the entirety of the classroom; the white noise being⁠—in your vocabulary⁠—your Math teacher, Mr. Ishikawa. You couldn't be bothered to listen to his discussion anymore, seeing that you've been so lost in thought for at most the initial 15 minutes of his class that you practically cannot catch up with the rest of the students. So why not spend the remaining hour doodling and watching as the clock hand goes by? And that, you did.
The middle-aged teacher had noticed your aloofness from the corner of his eyes. He knew that you weren't paying any attention to the lesson at hand, not to mention that you were in contrast to the sea of students who had their heads buried deep in their textbooks. Your [e/c] irises were blankly staring at the wall clock located at the front of the class, just above the board. If others were to observe, they would be convinced that you were paying attention to the mathematical equations scribbled on the chalkboard. In a nutshell, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
The man sighed, easing his headache by gently massaging his temple. The midterms were coming right up, and he feared that his students wouldn't have enough time to prepare and study for the test. To say that he's slightly concerned is an understatement; he's anxious for them. The majority of students had problems with the Math lessons this semester, and he couldn't blame them. Imagine having to memorize more than 10 formulas and being expected for to stay with you until you use it on exam day. And that's not all, you also have to familiarize yourself with the terms used and avoid confusing it with another.
He knew that his students would pay attention to the lesson and try to catch up as much as possible, but what he didn't expect was you be absentminded and have your head up in the clouds in his subject: Mathematics. Mr. Ishikawa never doubted your intelligence as a student; you are averaging and have no problems with Math, though a bit confused at times, but nothing that you couldn't get your head around. However, at a critical time like this, he can't help but reprimand your behavior later.
Ding... Ding... Ding... Dong...
Finally, the awaited hour at last. The school bel⁠l's chimes resonated around the whole campus, enveloping the students and faculty members alike with its gentle, relaxing tune. A sigh escaped your pink lips as you glanced at the time for the last time. 3:15 in the afternoon, meaning, the dreaded period has ended and you can finally go on to your merry way. Mr. Ishikawa stood up from his seat and faced the students, addressing his concerns about the upcoming exams. After, he had dismissed your class.
​​​​You immediately fixed your belongings inside your black shoulder bag⁠—not that you have a lot to return inside since you zoned out from the last period⁠—and stood up from your seat. Bringing the strap over your shoulder, you watched as your classmates headed out from the back door, leaving only a few, you included, inside. You were about to take a step towards the exit when a stern voice called you.
"Miss [L/n]."
You visibly flinched at the tone of his voice—serious and firm. It was the usual setting between student and teacher, although the way that it was delivered to you made you unsettled. It's like you've been caught red-handed by your parents, only this time, you didn't even know what you did wrong.
You whipped your head back to the older male at his table, dark blue eyes boring holes into your soul. You were tense but still decided to wear a convincing confused front, masking your anxiety effectively.
"Yes, sensei?"
"Please come here for a second. I need to address you about something."
The way that he motioned you over or the fact that he had his finger on his temple didn't look like it was going to be good news of some sort. You swallow a small lump in your throat as you saunter to where the teacher is. You surely didn't get into trouble, right?
"What it is you wanted to talk about, sensei?" You cautiously queried, becoming more anxious than you already were.
"Miss [L/n], I know that you're a hardworking student and your grades in Math aren't that bad. However⁠," Mr. Ishikawa spared a glance at his student, observing your bodily cues. "⁠—it seems that you weren't paying attention in class today. Is something the matter? I know that lessons this semester are quite difficult, but please be aware that midterms are approaching. I don't want your grades to be in danger, especially in my subject."
You pursed your lips at his words. You didn't hate him or his subject in any way. Although Math has given you quite the difficulty⁠—no, wait, scratch that⁠. It is literal hell⁠—you still manage to bring your grades up even just a bit. You consider yourself as just average in the subject, not that smart to constantly have an achievement, nor dumb to fail. It's just so-so, enough to let you pass. However, it seems that your grades are suffering and on the verge of failing.
You weren't so sure what the cause might be, or if you were to blame in this situation. Nevertheless, the news is certainly not good for your ears to hear. You glanced at the oakwood floor for a while, before returning your attention to the teacher.
"I'm sorry, sensei. There's nothing wrong. I just feel overwhelmed with the subject that I tend to space out," giving a sincere bow, you explained your reasoning.
Mr. Ishikawa's calculating gaze didn't leave you for a bit, making you shuffle slightly in your spot. He then let out an exasperated sigh, his hand waving dismissively. "No matter, it doesn't change the fact about your grades and midterms. If things were to continue like this, you'd surely fail my subject. I'd recommend that you have someone to tutor you in the meantime, in that way, you won't fail."
The male before you gave you a knowing look. You weren't quite fond of having a tutor, to say the least, especially when if it's someone you don't know. But, what other options do you have? It's not like you want to fail in your second year of high school. So with a squeamish heart, you spoke, "...Alright."
"Great. I'm sure that Mister Ishigami won't mind tutoring you," with that said, Mr. Ishikawa flashed you a smile as he fixed his books.
Pink flushed across your cheeks at the mention of the student. Sure, you and the leek-haired genius were friends for like, years. But just pondering about the thought of him tutoring you sent you into overdrive. You secretly had a crush on the male since but didn't have enough courage to confess the feelings. Just acting normal was tough when every time, you're being assaulted by your hormones to do something intimate to him. So spending time with him tutoring you was something you haven't imagined, even in your wildest dreams.
The sudden screech of metal against the wooden floor broke you out of your trance. Facing the teacher once again, he patted you on the shoulder and stepped out of his seat, pushing the chair further into the work desk.
"I'll be leaving now. Be careful on your way home, Miss [L/n]. And please don't forget our discussion, alright?"
You bowed your head. "Yes, sensei."
"Good," a smile etched on his aged face.
Your gaze trailed upon Mr. Ishikawa's back as he walked out the front door, probably heading back to the faculty room. You let your eyes linger on the closed sliding door, before releasing a huff of annoyance. Gripping your bag strap, you trudged over the aperture and exited the classroom.
The hallway was seemingly empty, considering that your earlier discussion took more than five minutes. Your [e/c] eyes observed the surroundings as you walked⁠—cream-colored walls, wooden oak floorboards, metal plaque located above each room to indicate the room name, and sliding doors with windows. You muttered in each room as you passed by them, boredom lacing in your tone.
"Class 2-2, class 2-3, literature club, library..." An exasperated sigh escaped your lips after, noticing that there was no more classroom by the end of the hall.
Your feet immediately turned a swift left into another hallway, only this time, you were met with a familiar person. You recognized the skinny young man with his iconic anti-gravity leek hair with two locks that drape over his face. He had his hands in his pockets while staring at the floorboard, seemingly lost in thought⁠—you noted. Yet, despite him not noticing you, just the sight of the teenager made your face flush.
Eventually, the student turned his gaze to the front, landing on nothing else but you. The surprise was written over his expression, but he nevertheless smirked at the sight of his best friend. "Well, isn't this a surprise? I was 10 billion percent sure that you're on your way home right now."
You playfully rolled your eyes at him, stopping just a meter from your best friend. "Well, apparently, your calculations were off since I'm here right now."
"Let me guess, waiting for me?" the male said, placing his hand on his chin as if thinking. Though the smirk on his face never left, making your blush redden.
"Sorry, but I wasn't boy genius," you let out a scoff, crossing your arms as you tried to cool down your cheeks. "I would be delighted if that's the case since you're nowhere to be seen during the last period. Speaking of which, where were you during Math?"
"Since the school's Science competition is nearing, every teacher gave us, the Science club, permission to spend the last period preparing for the competition," Senku explained, placing his hands on his hips as he did so. "So being the club president, I was at our club room for the hour."
You nodded in understanding. But soon, your lips contorted into a pout, eyebrows creasing to accentuate your hidden indignation. "How nice. I wish I could escape the Math period as well."
"Silly," without warning, Senku flicked your forehead which earned him a surprised yelp. "You know that you can't just skip the subject. So tell me, what makes you upset this time?"
Despite Senku's remarks and occasional forehead flicking, you knew that he was genuinely concerned about you, especially your studies. Sure, he would appear arrogant and overbearing, often annoying you about your oh-so-average grades, but there isn't just a moment when he didn't help you improve. Not to mention that he's so observant about you that he can point out your cues and even know what you're feeling at the moment. That's why you admire the boy so much.
A frown replaced your pouting lips at his words, slumping your shoulder a bit. "I was held back to discuss something with Ishikawa-sensei."
"And that is?" he quirked a brow, prodding you to explain further.
"Ishikawa-sensei told me about my grades, and apparently, it's suffering. So for me to pass the upcoming tests, he advised that I should get someone to tutor me in the meantime," an annoyed sigh escaped your lips after that statement. 
"If that's your concern then you don't have to worry about it too much. Overthinking might lead to losing more brain cells."
"Hey!" you shouted at him, offended by his sarcastic remarks.
"No need to shout at me, [Name]. Geez! I was only joking," he pulled up his hands in surrender. "Besides, you already have me. Who else helps you study, silly?"
Your [e/c] hues stared at the male's face, still not quite convinced. A pout graced your lips while your cheeks were red in embarrassment. Eyebrows still creased up, indicating your agitation. Senku didn't bother to move an inch under your heated stare. The boy knew all too well about your tendencies and antics, and this one of them.
The moment lasted for another minute when Senku broke your trance with his iconic smirk. This made you blink in surprise as realization fell on you; you'd been staring at your best friend's devilishly attractive features for too long. You instantly flared at this, moving your head back while averting your gaze somewhere but him.
God, couldn't you be a little more cautious around him? You're ogling him in front of his face! Isn't that super embarrassing? Whatever excuse your head came up with, you couldn't justify your earlier action by any means. So instead of speaking, you decided to remain silent until he spoke first. Damn, your teenage hormones.
"What? Too embarrassed to have me as your tutor?" Senku mused. Despite you being unable to see his face, just hearing the teasing tone of his voice is enough to know that a smirk was still on his face.
You were close to snapping back at him, but you held your tongue back at the realization. It dawned on you a moment after his claim that he was volunteering to tutor you in Math. You were beyond baffled. Sure, the two of you occasionally spend time reviewing and studying, but that was way too long ago. Considering that he's always busy in his club and studies, you concluded that you should just leave him be⁠—not bothering to ask him to help you study.
"Wai⁠—w-what?" you whipped your head back at him, face covered in a red hue.
Senku just sighed. "You told me about your grade problem, right? So to help you study, I'll be tutoring you starting today."
Your eyes widened at his claim. Surely, your mind isn't just making up the scenario, right? Admittedly, due to your annoying hormones, you once imagined being tutored by this leek genius at school in private⁠. And not only that, but your dirty mind also added another scenario following that. But we'll never speak of it any further.
"Can't it be tomorrow?" you whined, pleading him with your puppy eyes to at least let him save you from further embarrassment. Who might know? Your hormones might initiate something you wouldn't want to happen.
"No, the earlier, the better," he retorted, grabbing your hand and dragged you inside an empty, unused classroom. "You will improve quickly this way, I'm 10 billion percent certain."
You just swallowed a lump in your throat as he led the way, nervous sweat rolling down from your forehead as your heart sped up. Your head was swirling with dirty thoughts and different scenarios. Once the two of you entered the room, you shook your head, ridding yourself of those thoughts, and tried to focus on the situation at hand.
Your eyes observed the classroom⁠—even though it was unused, it wasn't overall bad. The room had a total of 20 desks with five chairs in each row, a rather small chalkboard on the front, a shelf that stores personal belongings at the back, and a storage cabinet at the farthest corner. You sat on an empty chair in the front row as you were instructed to. Taking out a notebook, the Math textbook, and a pen, you then set down your belongings on the table while placing the bag on the ground.
A frown made unto your face at the idea. Sure, you wanted help with your current problem, but you aren't that obliged to start the tutoring session right away. You thought that maybe you could have a day or two without worrying about your brain exploding from information overload. Though it seems that Lady Luck has long abandoned you.
A comfortable silence settled between you two. Senku scanned the vicinity to find⁠—what you guessed as⁠—chalks while you were watching him. You hadn't noticed it earlier, but now you knew that the male wasn't wearing the usual uniform, nor his iconic lab coat.
"Why aren't you in your uniform, Senku?" you asked, trying to spark up a casual conversation before getting down to studying.
"We made a miscalculation with the project, and then one thing leads to another, then kaboom⁠—" the leek-haired replied, rummaging through the storage cabinet and found the item he's looking for. "⁠—We're all covered in dust that's why I decided to change."
"Anyways, let's start," Senku announced as he made his way to the front. "I'm guessing that the lesson is still about 'Estimation of Parameters', right?"
You nodded in reply, opening the textbook to what you assumed was the last lesson discussed. "Ishikawa-sensei discussed 'Calculating the Confidence Interval', I think. I wasn't listening."
Your best friend let out a disapproving sigh. "No wonder you need a tutor."
"Eh, not my fault that Math's scummy and difficult to understand," you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
"No, it isn't. You're just not paying attention during lessons," he deadpanned.
"No. And yes, I'm paying attention. Why do I even pass the exams if I wasn't?" you quipped back.
"Who knows? Maybe it's just your abundant amount of sheer luck," the male shrugged before facing the board. "Anyway, I don't have even a millimeter of interest arguing with you. So please listen to me as I review the basics of this unit. We don't want you to fail now, do we?"
The deliberate side glance Senku gave you made you huff in annoyance. You were about to resort to another snappy remark earlier if it wasn't for his immediate interruption. You two knew all too well that once either of you started something, it wouldn't be the end of it. So instead of a peaceful study session, it might've ended up in a full-blown squabble between you two. Slumping deep in your seat, you watched as Senku scribbled formulas and definitions on the board with a blank look on your face.
Senku started to re-discuss the lesson shortly after, with you trying to catch up with his explanation and take some notes as he continued. The male would often pause or slow down his speech as he waited for you to comprehend the lecture. He would also approach you and inspect your progress, checking out any errors that you've made and aid you with some tips for the solution. At first, it didn't seem so bad, until you came to a certain point where your brain could not grasp the new information anymore.
It didn't take you an hour to zone out from the seemingly long lecture. The fact that the young scientist was busy writing down the next sample problem gave you the spare time to take a trip to fantasy land. The scraping of the white chalk against the wooden board was the only sound that you could hear.
"First, identify the variables before substituting the formula. It's crucial to know which is the mean, standard deviation, and the sample size," the teenage male instructed, writing down the solutions with his left hand resting on his hip.
You began to tune out his voice by this point, boredom was visible on your blank [e/c] irises that were staring downward. You propped up against your right elbow on the table, resting your cheek on the base of your palm. Holding up the pen in your left hand, you let your thumb graze the tip before pushing it down.
Click! Click! Click!
Senku turned around at the soft sound that distracted him, his crimson hues landing upon the female he was tutoring. He noticed that you've let out a disinterested sigh, continuing your small ministration. Senku's eyebrow twitched a bit, silently face-palming—you will surely be the end of him.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Footsteps echoed inside the room as a certain male trudged over to where his best friend sat. Once he's in front of your desk, he gently—but still making sure to produce enough sound to alert the girl—slammed his right hand on the wooden table while the other made its way under your chin. Placing his thumb below your parted lips and folded index finger below your chin, he slowly lifts your head, forcing you to make eye contact with his mesmerizing ruby jewels.
Your cheeks heated up at the unexpected intimate gestures; your eyes were wide as saucers as you willingly stared at Senku, your soft lips were parted out of shock, your heart racing inside of your chest, while your brain could not comprehend the situation at hand. Senku's face was just a few inches from yours, making it accessible for you to observe his flawless features; the stray locks of greenish-white hair that gently draped over his face as his eyebrows were scrunched up in a frown, crimson orbs contained disappointment and concern. You could've sworn that you weren't even breathing at this point due to the unexpected turn of events.
"[Name]..." he started, voice gentle as he chided you. "How can you pass the upcoming exam if you don't pay attention to me?"
You could've sworn that your brain interpreted that differently. Surely, he only meant about him explaining the lesson, right? But then why did the red hue across your cheeks darken? And most importantly, when did he start to sound so concerned about you? If you could remember correctly, never did he ever do this kind of thing to you. Like ever. So why the change? Honestly, your mind was brewing a lot of questions that you're pretty sure wouldn't get answered at all.
The two of you stared at each other's eyes for another minute before you broke the interaction by shyly averting your gaze away. You pursed your quivering lips, the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears. Senku disregarded your initial reaction and decided to pull back. He isn't an idiot; he knew that you were a bit uncomfortable and flustered at his action.
"[Name], you need to pay attention when I'm teaching. Or else you won't pass the midterms," the male sighed, pulling a nearby chair and setting it beside the girl, sitting on it after. "Maybe it's better if I teach you this way."
However, you didn't respond to his remark, feeling your face flush red at this proximity. Senku resumed tutoring you—his whole attention on you and your notes which you found embarrassing. You didn't hate this setup, however, it made it difficult for you to focus on the lecture when your [e/c] hues kept stealing glances at your crush.
An hour later, the young genius eventually ended the session. Both of you prepared to go home—you fixed your things while Senku erased the writings on the board. After that, the two of you exited the room and walked in a comfortable silence through the halls. Your [e/c] hues glanced outside the window, witnessing the sun descending behind the horizon. The palette of orange, yellow, pink, and violet decorated the evening sky, providing you a sense of warmth and serenity. Your mind wandered back to earlier events, a slight scarlet hue spread across your warm cheeks.
Letting out a contented sigh, you gaze back on the front. By this time, you've noticed that you and your best friend were out of the campus and heading home. Once more, you stole a glance at the male beside you. Senku was facing forward, his ruby orbs intently locked on the path both of you were heading. The way that the yellowish-orange rays adorned his features gave off a gentle glow. You didn't notice a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips at this sight.
"Well, this is home," you chirped once the two of you arrived at your street.
Senku halted at your announcement, his eyes landing on your petite back. You stayed standing for a moment before turning around to the male and stepping closer into his personal space. Senku closely watched you as you leaned in, pressing your soft lips against his pale cheeks. It happened so quickly that when the male finally registered the occurrence, you were already on your heel and ran away from him. His cheeks bloomed to a shade of scarlet at your bold gesture. Surely, he wasn't expecting this interaction to happen.
A smile adorned his handsome features, soft crimson hues staring at your faraway silhouette. "Well, this is exhilarating."
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zaimta · 2 years ago
I TOTALLY FELT YOU WHEN YOU SAID DR STONE IS LIKE A DRUG OMG its like my lifeline at this point
i was wondering if i could request a small drabble or headcanons for ryusui !! i keep having this repeating idea of him with a reader who’s like his childhood friend and ever since they were young, ryusui always tried to pursue them romantically but reader would always just laugh it off, thinking he was joking. but ryusui never gave up on his love for the reader!!
(spoilers for the treasure island arc)
but once everyone on the perseus gets petrified, leaving the reader (who had gone with the recon team to scout the area), reader starts to realize just how much they were worried for him, and especially when he comes back to them in fragments after kohaku smashed him. and the second that he gets revived, the reader is all over him and telling him how worried they were, and the second that the two of them are alone (maybe the team recognized that they were having a moment and let them have it?) reader confesses that they return his feelings and the possibility of possibly losing him helped them realize that? O:
male reader would be preferred (ryusui bi icon frfr), but i dont mind gender neutral!! :D
thank you so much for your time in advance, and remember to stay hydrated!! (expect more interactions from me, im literally obsessed with your works ❤️❤️)
彡zai says- the brain rot this gave me was insane back on my dr stone grind!! he really is a bi icon i'll never forget what he said to tsukasa (ngl i read it a year ago so i spitballed the lore lol)
paring: ryusui x male reader
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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ever since you were kids you were always the main thing on his mind. he was constantly teasing you and clinging to your side. as you got older it turned into him flirting with you and seeing how far he could push your buttons until you got flustered.
when senku broke him from the stone he was more focused on you than himself, he knew you had an impressive skill set and he used that to his advantage. even if they didn’t have enough revival fluid he brought you along anyways, dressing your statue so when they could revive you, you were ready to go.
when you came to you immediately fell into someone’s arms. their hold on you was firm but also familiar, and their scent was familiar too it was almost comforting. you pulled back to look back at them, and you were met with ryusui smiling down at you “i missed you.”
you laughed and gently removed yourself from his hold “i’m sure you did.” you didn’t notice it but his face slightly faltered.
his flirting was no better when the two of you were alone, as a matter of fact, it was only worse. the two of you sat alone staring at the moon, he spent most of the time staring at you instead of the sky “you’re so handsome, the way you shine in the moonlight is amazing.” you laughed again and rolled your eyes. you always assumed his flirting was just empty words, he was the human version of greed after all he craves everything the world has to offer and he does this to everyone.
“you don’t have to keep saying those things ryusui. i know you don’t mean them.”
he stared at you, no matter how many times he tells you he adores you or how many times he admits how he wants nothing more in the world than you, you never believed him.
at least not until the incident.
when you first laid eyes on his stone body you wanted to scream but you couldn't, the scream was barely louder than a whisper hardly a scream at all. it only got harder when kohaku brought him and the others back as fragments.
the second he was revied the team cleared out and kohaku sent you a knowing glance.
one the two of you were alone you immediately wrapped your arms around him pulling him into a hug "i was so worried about you, i thought i lost you." he returned your embrace and rested a hand on the back of your head pulling you closer to him "you could never lose me." he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, and for the first time instead of backing away from his affection you accepted it.
you gently pull back from his hug to look at him face to face "i've realized some things."
he raises a brow "and what would that be?"
"how much i care for you, and how much you care for me." his hand moves to gently cup your cheek while his thumb gently caressed your cheek "oh? and how much do i care for you?"
"you've basically spent most of our lives trying to win me over, and every time i never really responded to them or gave you any straight answer. so why did you never give up?"
he smiled at you "that's easy. because i'm the greediest guy there is." your face slightly fell which caused him to chuckle "you didn't let me finish. because i'm the greediest guy there is i know there's no greater treasure than your heart. i'd stop at nothing to make you my boyfriend and to be yours."
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cieioarchives · 2 years ago
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Senku Ishigami x reader | Meeting him
You can also find me on wattpad: @/VANILLASHAKELLE
IG: (art-acc: @vanilla.shakelle)
It was one lazy afternoon during weekends that you find it in yourself to visit the Ishigami household. Never had you thought you'll befriend the science geek when you've first met him at the school's laboratory, he was the type of student who ace almost everything with little to no regards on academic awards and certificates. "I learn them because I want to." He'd often phrase, he was busy mixing various potential chemicals when you stumbled upon him that one fated afternoon, too engrossed with his task to notice your figure walking in with caution. You have been tasked to bring the science club president to a meeting, such a simple task indeed, but the said club president has never attended every single meetings since he took the position.
'This elected president must be a lowly delinquent, it just so happens that the club was in dire need of someone to lead them.' You thought, brows furrowing lightly in displease, you were supposed to leave early today if it weren't for this dumb errand your professor assigned for you before you're fully dismissed for the day.
But then again, it's mostly the Science club president's fault. Whoever they are, and what they do, does not even concern you the slightest.
Speaking of, the president always stays longer than everyone else, that's how much you've known about them so far, so it wouldn't be hard to spot them.
"Excuse me?" You finally called out, the lone figure clad in lab gown paused for a moment before they lazily angled their head towards your direction.
Male, probably somewhere around your age if not older. His platinum hair was styled upwards with light green accentuating the tips of his locks before fading to dark gray. His eyes were sharp, pupils dyed in reddish shade.
The lack of interest etched across his face went unnoticed as you rely your mission at hand.
"I am tasked to fetch you for the student council meeting.."
As if on cue he turned back on his work. If he heard you he chose to ignore you completely, and if he doesn't, he must have a bad hearing. That's what you have managed to deduced so far.
This guy would be a complete jerk if it was the former, but before you could continue glaring daggers at his unsuspecting back you heard him speakㅡvoice in cool tone, and slightly low, one that you wouldn't expect he'd possess.
"Tell them I don't engage in such."
Your frown deepened, "I've been informed about your lack of participation in any meetings, but I am tasked strictly to ensure you'd attend this time." You rebute back, you barely know the guy but you can conclude he is definitely someone a little over his head. Maybe perks of being a club president?
He visibly sighs, a hunch burdening his shoulders lightly as he turned around, hand rubbing the back of his neck in a dismissive manner.
"Look, I appreciate your effort, honestly. But those annoying people knew I wouldn't come eitherway."
You stared at him, gauging any lies or hovering deception on his seemingly uninterested gesture. Finding complete absence of ulterior motives, you find yourself exhaling at the thought of your failed task. It was simple, awfully simple. You thought, heck, anyone could do this, what could possibly go wrong?
But fate just has other plans for you.
"We're you going to take long?"
"Huh?" He looks genuinely confused as he stared at you in a calculating manner,
"Your potions...stuff, I'll help you with it."
He stared at you for a moment before a low chuckle left his lips. If he's purely amused or he simply finds your curiosity humorous, you wouldn't know.
He pressed the heel of his palm against his temple before looking back at you again with a confident grin etched across his lips.
"Alright then, since you're pretty insistent." He gestures for you to come closer, his hands hovering over a ring stand, the lab burner flickering just below a flask containing a miniscule amount of odd green liquid. The color somehow reminded you of his ombre.
"Is that a biosolvent substance?" You muttered as you eyed the strange concoction,
His eyebrows perked up lightly before grinning at you once more, "Exactly. Ten billion points for you."
You couldn't fathom the unusual need to give you a score, but you couldn't care less, your mission is at stake here, so long as you managed to help him and finish his task faster, the better.
But that doesn't seemed to be the case.
"You should have seen my recent experiment when I mixed in the glycerol with nitric and sulphuric acid!" He grinned, an excited tone in his usually pensive voice.
"You tryna' bomb our school or something?"
He laughed, maniacally. You swore you can see him teetering over the edge between madness and sanity. "Nah... although it smells terribly sweet for something deadly." The scientist denied with a low chuckle,
"Like a burnt caramel."
"Exactly." he grins once more, before turning around to fetch his used test tubes and flask, he run them over the faucet before craning his head to look at the clock, confused your eyes went to flicker towards it as well.
5:45 PM.
"Ooop, my bad." He smirked, looking back at you in a pensive manner, "It seemed like we missed the meeting."
That seemingly mad scientist is now a friend of yours, who would have thought? Back then you wouldn't even spare the science club a glance, too busy brainstorming your next painting ideas, being a member of the club gave you endless access to tools, equipment and materials you'll need for your hobby.
It's one of the things you find the most joy in. So you couldn't find it in yourself to ask Senku about his seemingly unhealthy obsession towards Science either, because in all honesty? It somehow applied to you too. Just in a completely different font.
You rang the doorbell, once, twice, thrice.
Until it finally opened to reveal a groggy-looking Senku, his eyes were sunken a little, hair in disheveled mess, hinting at a possible all-nighter experiment he's so inclined to ever since.
"Good afternoon!" You greeted with a smile, as you welcome yourself in. As usual, it seems like his father wasn't around due to his line of work. But he always mentions you're welcome anytimeㅡmuch to his son's dismay that is.
A sigh was heard from the male as he shut the door close, "You're too loud, it's so early..." he grumbled under his breathe, hand coming up to ruffle his ombre locks even further. You scoffed,
"It's literally 2pm in the afternoon, dummy. Have you eaten yet?"
You walk towards his room, finding his usual messy set up normal, before situating yourself on his chair. Your eyes caught an empty cup of ramen by your foot and some empty energy drink. Frowning at the boy's lack of interest in sufficient nutrients, you went to grab your purse.
Senku who just happened to enter his room with a yawn, was yanked back outside, down to the stairs, and out they go.
The male was seen crouching down as he attempt to catch his breathe, poor boy has a stamina of a high school girl. "Damn you, (Name)... at least let me breathe for a second. Ya' tryna kill me or something?" He wheezed, hand pressed against his chest as he glared at you menacingly, at least from what he could managed. From your point of view however, he looks stupidㅡlike an angry cat. You stiffle a laugh before grabbing him by his forearm, dragging him inside the ramen shop,
"Atleast feed that big brain of yours with proper nutrients!"
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squiddy-god · 7 months ago
𓆩♱Tome of the Dark⊱♱𓆪
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Hi hi hi~ the masterlist for my fics! Previously I was @/squid-god-supreme. Please make Shure to check the pined post for navigation! It has convenient links to everything!
❥-potential content warning/dark fic.
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Genshin impact-
♥︎-Secret Menu (diluc x reader)
♡- happy birthday diluc
♡-dilf albedo hcs (albedo x reader)
♡-Xiao and his "friends" (Xiao x reader)
♡-love on the breeze (venti x reader)
♡-happy birthday tartaglia
❥a lonely night (osial x reader pt1)
❥a stormy night (osial x reader pt2
♥︎- neuvillette smut hcs
♡-"crashing winds" venti x soulmate reader!
♡- "antique hearts" zhongli x reader
♡❥-"festering feelings " Dragon!albedo x reader
♥︎-The Hydro Dragon? A closet freak!? (Neuvillette x reader)
♡-types of affection (xiao, childe, albedo, zhongli)
♥︎♡- neuvillette fluff and more NSFW hcs
Twst (twisted wonderland) -
❥groom of the deep sea(Azul x reader)
♡-Pomfriore as vampires
♡-a kiss to wake (malleus x reader)
♡-intertwined (jade, Floyd x reader)
♡-Dorm leaders happy S/o
♡-Dorm leaders S/O bad period
❥captured (king! Malleus x reader)
♡-Confession to a fae (Lilia x reader)
♡-Ode to a prideful knight
♡-Lilia vanrouge fluffy confession
♡-random imagines (dorm leaders x reader)
♡-dorm leader crush on same person
♡-octo trio plushie
♡-dorm leader general hcs
♡-Malleus, Leona, vil, Floyd S/O who rides horses
♡-dorm leader crush hcs
♥︎-idia shroud phone sex
♡-malleus, Leona shy but crack S/O
♡-meeting deuces mom
♥︎-malleus and his long ass tongue
♡-like a mother to a flame (Moth! Idia x reader)
♡-cuteness aggression (Floyd x reader)
♡-Malleus, Azul, lilia, jack, idia S/O bad at self care
♡-riddle, Azul jealousy hcs
♡- S/O rest head in lap (ace, deuce)
♡-pirates treasure (jack x reader)
♡-Harpy epel
♥︎- Rook NSFW CEJX
♡-Rook wedding BDGHMT
♡-Silver Wedding Alfebet C,D,E,H,K,M,N,O,Q,T,U,V,X,Y.
♡-Twst cowboy Au! (The town of night Raven)
♡-dorm leaders w/ chubby S/O
♡-Vil with an overworked, tomboy s/o
♡-3rd years with a s/o who crochets
♡❥-Dorm leaders x neglected reader
♡-savanaclaw x golden retriever (beastman) m!Reader
♡-gojo, nanami, geto, noya cuddle hcs
♡-Jjk men as dads (gojo, nanami, geto, choso)
♡♥︎- Kevin honkai impact, sfw and nsfw hcs
Moriarty the patriot
♡-William fluff hcs
Bungo stray dogs
✤-Tell tale heart (poe x reader)
♡-soft akutagawa hcs
♥︎-riding akutagawa
♡-valentines day chuuya
♡-"You hand in mine" akutagawa x reader
Demon slayer
♡-Main trio Reckless s/o
♥︎-praise obanai
♥︎-blindfold (giyuu x reader)
Obey me!
♥︎-shower sex (levi x reader)
♥︎-chokeing (belphegor x reader)
♡belphies fashion show pt1
♥︎belphies fashion show pt2
♡-NRVWX Satan wedding alphabet
♥︎- reader in heat (belphie x reader)
♡- you propose (brothers x reader)
♥︎- wedding night (brothers x reader)
♡♥︎-making out with belphegor
♡-tummy kisses from the brothers+dia
♡-beel cuddleing his +sized s/o
♡-Levi x reader who is a VA
Black butler
♥︎-body worship (snake x reader)
✤♡- traumatised s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker)
♡- snake hcs (snake x reader)
♡-grell jumpy touch-starved s/o
♡- jumpy touch-starved s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker, snake, triplets)
♥︎-snake NSFW alphabet a-z
♡-snake wedding aplphabet CDEHKMNOQTUVXY
Death note
♥︎- food play (L x reader)
♡♥︎- valentines day L
My Hero Academia
♥︎-overstim (shigaraki x reader)
Call of duty
♡✤- his ugly Orange hair (konig x ftm reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Ghost x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Gaz x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Soap x Trans! Reader)
♡- ghost valentines day
Dr. Stone
♡✤- comfort fic (ryusei x reader)
♥︎- blunt confessions (senku ryusei tsukasa)
♡-Senku, gen, ukyo shy S/o
Honkai : Star rail
♥︎-HSR men and manhandling (argenti, Boothill, ratio, king Yuan)
♡-"makes you look stupid" (ratio x reader)
♡-ratio x cheeky m!professor
♡- gepard fluffy hcs
Chainsaw man
♡-Denjis bi panic (Denji x male reader)
Boulders gate 3
♡-Wyll, Astarion, karlach, Gale x plus sized/chubby reader
Wuthering waves
♥︎-Wuwa manhandling (geshu Lin, jiyan, calcharo)
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teenandbeyond · 3 years ago
Senku x Dom. Male reader
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Was gonna choose another one, but this was too cute to pass up.
This wasn't easy to think up since Senku isn't really interested in romance (there's too much going on for him to think about it) and Senku kind of gives me a "Dom that knows anatomy too well and tortures you" vibe...I might do that next. Did this in one sitting, so if it's not my best, my bad, but hope it's still to your liking!
Part 2: https://teenandbeyond.tumblr.com/post/673018517439889408/hello-i-was-wondering-if-you-could-make-a-part-2
Part 3: https://teenandbeyond.tumblr.com/post/673406756228120576/part-3-senku-if-you-are-available-ofc-achlys
Anyway, here you go!
🍋Take a Break🍋 (Dr. Stone)
Warnings: Lemon, Flustered Senku, Post-stone world, aged up Senku, long, a little inaccuracy, fluff
Senku's been working so hard and all you want him to do is relax, so you make it a science experiment.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
After all that's gone on, you have a moment to settle, but Senku chooses to keep working like always.
He's working the hardest out of everyone, building all these things, protecting people, his mind constantly running.
He needs a break.
Where is he?
You ask around until you get an answer that seems most like him.
Senku's in a quiet corner to himself working, muttering something you couldn't hear from the distance.
You almost didn't want to disturb, the sound from the others faded from this far, the only sound the quiet waves of the sea.
"[Name], how long are you going to stand there, you look like a stalker."
You smiled, walking over to him, "A cute stalker, right?"
He raised a brow, "That's your response? Sometimes you're questionable."
You crouched next to him, "What are you working on?"
You were a villager, but you understood science very well, whether from him or making educated guesses, you were also probably the most well-read villager, you read, wrote, and understood ahead of your time.
He gave you an explanation without filtering it like he would sometimes so the others could understand. He liked this about you, it made things more simple and you were a good Senku translator.
You rested your head on your closed palm, "Humanity came up with some amazing things...but are you going to be able to make it in this time span?"
"Yeah, but...I keep missing something, and I know it's got to be so obvious..." he sighed.
You smiled fondly, "You might just need a break, Senku--"
Senku ran a hand through his hair, "I can't! There's so much for me to still do, I have other lives depending on me to get the world back to the way it was, to lead them..."
"And you won't be able to do any of those things properly if you're burned out, you need to give yourself a break and relax a little."
"How would I even do that?"
You gave him an accusing glare, "When's the last time you let your brain breathe and not constantly work Senku? Sleeping doesn't count since I remember you told me our brains never fully sleep."
He just blinked, you thought he was confused by your question or had ignored you.
You spoke up again, "I--"
He held up a finger, "I know what you said, I'm thinking..."
You shook your head, "If you have to think that hard, it's probably been a while."
"...Over 3,716 years."
You paused to process this, "So what your saying is..." You looked into his eyes with worry, "Since around when you were four? After that, you've just been constantly thinking?"
He started tinkering with his experiment again, "Yeah, then I counted all throughout my petrification, when I was unpetrified, after I was revived, while we were in the village--you know that--and since then. Well, I mean, I guess, I'd play Doremon or other games sometimes, but yeah, mainly science and thinking."
Still, you couldn't imagine being trapped and counting the whole time, wake up, you have to figure out how to survive, then almost right off the bat you have to battle against an enemy who can murder without flinching--and kills you--only for you to come back alive. You have to survive, hope you can gather allies from people you don't know, almost die a few times, and go into a war. All before you're even a full adult.
"...All right, we're taking a break, Senku."
"[Name]. I just said-"
"Break. Now."
He obediently moved his hands away from his work.
"You can come back to it later when you can come back with a clear head," you smiled kindly.
But low-key, you were probably one of the scariest people Senku knew-- when you were upset anyway.
Immediately his eyes darted around while his hands twitched awkwardly.
"Do you need help relaxing?"
He gave you a lost puppy look.
You gestured for him to move closer with a finger.
He sat across from you stiffly.
You couldn't help but chuckle at how strangely adorable this was, "Damn, you really can't relax, can you?"
Before he could say anything, you gently pulled him to your chest, grip loose enough for him to escape if he wanted.
You rubbed gentle circles into his shoulder blade, his shoulders were stiff.
"You secretly like my hugs, don't you?"
He'd nestled into your chest a little, a little below your clavicle.
He did, whenever you hugged him, he felt safe, comforted, reassured, warm (even if he tried to play if off and push you away...in public anyway...). And when you pull away the world would always come crashing back down on him.
You laid back with a small grunt, Senku's body following.
One hand ran through his hair while the other lightly massaged at his shoulder.
Senku found himself sighing.
Another thing Senku liked about you, he could count on you for anything. It was nice when everyone counted on you, to have someone you could count on.
His fingers finally stopped twitching, eyes stopped darting, after a few minutes of this. The scientist moved his arms to a more comfortable position.
But there was something missing, don't get him wrong he was starting to relax for a minute, but...
Your fingers found a big knot around his trapezius and started to massage it.
He couldn't help but let out a deep groan.
You paused for a moment in surprise.
"Don't stop..."
After a sound like that...that statement sounded very suggestive.
With a warm face, you continued.
"[Name]? Why is your heart beating faster out of nowhere?"
"...Nothing, don't think anything of it."
He looked up at you in concern, "Your heartbeat speeding up randomly could mean there are possible heart issues--"
"I'm okay, I promise."
Only unless the heart issue is being in love with you, then yes, I have heart issues, Senku.
Senku sat up, sitting on your torso, "You can't just brush something like that aside..."
He placed his hand above your chest, you hissed when his thumb brushed against your nipple.
Then his concerned expression got worse.
Shit, now he probably thought something really was wrong.
Not really, just too many things happening at once making you aroused at the worst possible time. You forced yourself to breathe slowly to calm down.
"There's soreness around your chest area?"
"Don't lie, I just saw your reaction."
Your face got pink, "It's not...that type of reaction..."
Senku got tense again, now you had to start over.
"We need to get you checked out, [Name]."
You got off you and forced you to your feet, although you towered over him, and dragged you into his room.
"Senku, babe, I promise I'm fine."
You were promptly ignored.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
"And maybe here..."
"Oh, where did it go?"
"Senku. Stop."
He paused, glancing over at you.
"I'm fine...I was just flustered earlier..."
"Then what was that earlier when I touched your chest?"
Your face went red, "Ah, um, I'm just sensitive there..."
You weren't going to say that he'd accidentally brushed against your nipple, and sitting on you made it worse, that's awkward. You hadn't really gotten to that phase yet.
He looked around...for something to do. Damn, it, you got him back in 'need to do something' mode.
How could you make him relax again? The same tactic wouldn't work since he'd only be stiff.
That's when you got an idea.
"Senku...I've got an experiment."
His head shot over to you at the word.
"If I can make you completely relax and feel good...in...hm...30 minutes."
He snorted in disbelief.
"Come here, then."
"You still--counting, Senku?"
He took a shaky breath, "T-ten minutes..."
Senku was currently undressed, leaning against the wall while you fingered him and ate him out (author learned what that was on accident today).
How was he supposed to count in these conditions? But that was the experiment, if you could do it and if he could manage to count the whole time. Win-win, he can do his science and relax at the same time.
How had it gotten to this? You had only really intended to make out, I mean, not that you were complaining.
You pulled away, making Senku whimper at the emptiness.
Yes, the Senku Ishigami whimpered.
He was past being embarrassed at the sounds he made after ten minutes.
You grabbed a bottle of something, "So, I spoke to Gen...Didn't figure it'd be this soon...but mentioned this...ah...lubricant to make this easier.
Senku rolled his eyes, of course, Gen would meddle.
You put some of it in your hand, "He told me about it, how it's supposed to be used, the consistency, in decent detail...So I started thinking...could I make some? And you see," you ran your full hand across your length, "I'm pretty damn smart Senku...at some point... I thought of corn starch and water, it works pretty well."
If he weren't really horny right now, he'd show that he was impressed.
He gasped as he felt you brush against his desperate hole, "Time?"
"Mm. Alright, I can work with that."
You slowly eased into him with a soft sigh, letting him adjust before slowly finding a rhythm.
Since this was the first time either of you had done this...(you just got a lot of advice from Gen since you were interested in it at some point...you were no longer pure...) you went slow, you wanted Senku to relax.
"Feel good?" You asked, biting your lip when he clenched a little.
"I'm--hah~ Ten Billion percent--sure I want to--do this again."
You were glad, you'd hoped you weren't too bad.
Gen had mentioned there was a spot that made things feel five times better...you'd remembered suddenly and decided to find it.
He bit his lip to mute the rest of what would've come out.
Is it there? You experimentally thrust there again. Senku cut off another loud moan. Yep, it's there.
You made sure to hit that same spot, "What--Fuck, Senku--What was that?"
Did you really expect him to answer a question while you were hitting that spot so deliciously? He knew you, you liked knowledge like him.
He couldn't talk clearly, you noticed.
"Hey, Senku!" someone called from outside the door, you weren't paying enough attention to check who.
You paused.
Senku went red--well, redder than he already was and went to pull away.
You smirked and whispered in his ear, "Answer her, Senku."
You were still inside, though stationary.
"What is it?"
"[Name] was looking for you earlier, did you end up seeing him?"
You moved Senku so his back was against the wall, instinctually his legs wrapped around your waist.
You slid back in and started moving again.
You're an asshole, he decided.
"Answer. Her." you whispered, punctuating each word with a harder thrust.
"Y-Yeah, we--earlier--saw him earlier."
"Are you okay? Should I come in?"
"I'm fine! I'm fine, d-don't worry--H~"
You covered his mouth right before he let out a particularly loud moan.
You spoke up for him, voice strangely smooth for someone who was fucking someone, "Yeah, he's fine--he's with me. I forced him to relax. So, uh, I'd appreciate it if he could do that, please."
"Yeah, sure thing. He needs it, I just wanted to make sure you found him."
You waited until their footsteps faded away to uncover his mouth, immediately a choked moan spilled out.
"You're irritating~"
You grinned, "Yeah, I know."
He tilted his head back against the wall as you got a little faster.
"Time, Senku?"
"Uh...Fuck, um, twenty--five."
After all this time you finally went faster, hitting that spot with speed and sharp precision.
The way you rolled your hips so smoothly into him.
You held Senku up with one hand, while your other decided to pleasure his member some more, then you teased one of his nipples with your mouth (you learned 22 minutes ago that his were sensitive too, not just yours).
He couldn't do it anymore, you quickly muted his erotic moan as he came with a kiss.
You slowly pulled out and started to finish yourself off, you were close.
Senku decided to help you, he moved your hands out of the way and replaced it with his mouth.
It didn't take long, the sight of Senku disregarding how nasty that shit would taste, how unhygienic it probably was, and almost greedily going down on you, was too much to handle.
You groaned releasing it into his mouth.
After you settled, cleaned up a little, and started to get dressed, "You more relaxed now, Senku?"
He tied the rope around his waist, "Yeah, actually. I think I know what I forgot too."
"You gonna go finish your project?" you sat against the wall, yawning.
He shook his head, sitting in your lap, "No, I think I still need a break."
You both ended up taking a cat nap.
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kimmexart · 4 years ago
|| Good girl ||
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|| Kohaku x Gn!reader || 18+
anime: Dr. stone
CW: Overstimulation, Cunnilingus, fingering, slight degradation, squirting
Kohakus moans gently filled the air as her legs were sprawled open on as she laid on the rock that sat in the lake.
the thin piece of clothing covering her holes.
your face flushed along with hers as you stood in between her legs. making sure your lips were pressed roughly against hers.
kohakus moans vibrated throughout your mouth as your fingers ran gently through her covered folds.
“take them off- please (name)” kohaku begged as tears pricked from lust.
you nodded untying the underwear and throwing them to the side not giving a care where they ended up.
drool dribbled down your chin as you see her wet juices glistering in the sun light.
you ignored her own begging slowly rubbing your finger against her clit and then down her folds.
kohaku rubbed her breast and nipples in anticipation.
you forced two fingers into her cunt not giving her a moment to spare her hips jerked up forcing the fingers to be inserted deeper.
“good girl~” you purred pressing her stomach down with your free hand and gently curling your own fingers inside her.
The blondes eyes clenched shut in pleasure. grinding her hips against your fingers trying to get more friction.
“stay still!” you shouted at the impatient girl “you’ll get hurt if you don’t relax!” you commented
kohaku let out a shaky breath trying to stop her own body she curled her toes trying to release the tension.
your fingers slowly began to move in and out making wet slapping noises covering the sounds of her moans.
Her legs shook violently “fuck” you cursed before lowering your head in between her legs
she cried out in pleasure and she your wet tongue press down against her clit.
with her legs now over your shoulders she whimpered feelinh the familiar knot build up in her lower abdomen.
“are you gonna cum?” you spoke up nearly breathless. she nodded quickly as she tangled her fingers in your wet hair forcing you back down inbetween her legs.
you quickly wrapped your lips against her clit sucking it roughly feeling her walls pulsate and clench down on your wet finger.
you licked your lips at the taste of her. “delicious” your words vibrated against her clit while your finger repeatedly curled up hitting her sweet spot.
kohakus back arcs against the rough rock along with her legs shaking violently failing to hold her body up any longer.
her cum glistered against the sun light slowly watching it drip down her thigh.
“tch you aren’t getting a break yet.” without hearing her reply you roughly shoved your fingers back into her “i never said you could cum”
her hole clenched tighter around your fingers as she cried out in pleasure as this much more clear liquid squirted out her hole for a good second.
her body raked in pleasure moaning in relief.
“good job kohaku!”
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years ago
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—Welcome to the Masterlist
🌸This has all of my writings in here, so feel free to check them out! If any Links are not working, please PM me. Thank you!🌸
🌸Here is Masterlist 2, Masterlist 3, and Un-Anime Related Stories🌸
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🌸Delinquent(Bakugo x Female Reader)
🌸Friendship(Izuku Midoriya x Male Reader)
🌸Support(Selkie x Female Reader)
🌸Cope(Sero Hanna x Female Reader)
🌸Ruffling Your Feathers(Hawks/Keigo Takami x Phoenix!Female!Reader)
🌸Male Reader HCs(Izuku/Bakugo/Kaminari)
🌸Single Dads HCs(Bakugo/Gray)
🌸Protective Little Brother(All Might/Selkie/Lida/Tsuyu/Bakugo)
🌸Coma HCs(Aizawa/Vlad King/Tsuyu/Iida/Todoroki)
🌸Coma HCs(All Might/Endeavor/Bakugo/Deku/Toga)
🌸Cuddle HCs(Aizawa Shota)
My Own:
🌸Red Feathers(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3[DISCONTINUED]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
🌸Panic Room(Dabi/Hawks x Quirkless!Female Reader)
Part 1, Part 2[DISCONTINUED]
🌸The Secretary(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3(FINALE)
🌸Date?(Kirishima x Female Reader)
🌸Wrong Place(Dabi x Female Reader)
🌸Bicker Bicker(League Of Villains x Female Reader)
🌸Scared To Be Lonely(Hawks/Keigo Takami x Female Reader)
🌸Back Again(League Of Villains x Female Reader)
🌸Pizza Is Important(Bakugo x Female Reader)
🌸My Flashlight(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
🌸Mistletoe(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
🌸Villain With A Heart(Dabi x Female Reader)
🌸My Little Mouse(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)[YANDERE 18+]
🌸Peace(Dabi/Touya Todoroki x GN Reader)
🌸Little Bird(Hawks/Takami Keigo x Female Reader)
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🌸Be My Galaxy(Senku x Female Reader)
🌸Sing For Me?(Senku x Female Reader)
🌸Braided With Love(Senku x Female Reader)
🌸Birthday(Senku x Female Reader)
🌸Jealousy(Senku x Female Reader)
🌸Greed(Ryusui x Female Reader)
🌸Love For A Best Friend(Senku x Female reader)
My Own:
🌸Christmas(Senku Ishigami x Female Reader)
Part 1, Part 2[FINALE]
🌸Leek(Senku x Reader)
🌸Comes From The Heart(Senku x Female Reader)
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🌸Single Dads HCs(Bakugo/Gray)
🌸Overworked HCs(Gray/Byakuya/Zenitsu)
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🌸Prompt 10(Zeldris x Male reader)
🌸Reincarnation(Gilthunder x Male Reader)
🌸Long Time No See(Zeldris x Male Reader)
🌸Male Reader HCs(Zeldris)
My Own:
🌸Cherish The People Around You(Meliodas x Female reader)
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🌸A Painful Meeting(Hinata Shouyou x Female reader)
My Own:
🌸Kurasuno’s Second Chosen Manager(Haikyuu!! Various x Female Reader)
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My Own:
🌸Staring(Beastars x Female Reader)
🌸Assassin(Beastars x Reader with my OC)
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🌸True Friends(One Piece x Female Reader)
🌸Touch-Starved(One Piece x Female Reader)[YANDERE]
🌸Death Is A Lie(One Piece x Female Reader)
🌸Love And Support(One Piece x Female Reader)
🌸Whitebeard Stalking HCs
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
🌸Devil Fruit Powers HCs
🌸Platonic Yandere HCs(Nami/Sanji/Zoro)
My Own:
🌸Peaceful(One Piece x Female reader)
🌸Small Talk(Monkey D. Luffy x Female Reader)
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🌸Can I Steal Your Heart?(Theif!Joey Wheeler x Princess!Reader)[Aladdin AU]
🌸Teach Me To Duel HC’s(Yugioh x Male Reader)
My Own:
🌸Always And Forever(Atem/Yami Yugi x Female Reader)
🌸The True Meaning(Yugi Muto x Female Reader)
330 notes · View notes
narrators-journal · 2 years ago
Dr. Stone masterlist 2: The new stone age
So, since Tumblr has put a limit to the amount of links on a post now, I’m making a second masterlist!
If you want to skim the first one, it’s here!
Created: 6/3/23
Edited: 12/30/24
Fanfiction- x
Headcanons- //
Scenarios- \\\
Ask- ^
🚬 Stanley Snyder 🚬
Regular content
Stan and Kinro x reader // ^
Stan x reader fluff //^
What are we \\\^
Attachments from the past \\\^
Bold as brass \\\^
NSFW headcanons //^*
Take me for a ride \\\^*
Stan in highschool //^
How would a date go? //^
Adjustment period \\\^
After basic //^
Stano x reader //^
Stan's first time vs the reader's //^
Stano seduces a reader //^
Stanley Snyder x rockstar!reader //^
👓 Kinro 👓
Regular content
Stan and Kinro x reader // ^
🔪 Hyoga akatsuki 🔪
Regular content
Hyoga x fem!reader headcanons //^*
Hyoga with a shy person //^
🐠 Sai nanami 🐠
Regular content
Sai x male!reader headcanons //^*
🔭 Senku ishigami 🔭
Regular content
An awkward first date \\\^
20$ make a fella holla \\\^
Art is all around \\\^
20$ might not be enough \\\^
intake questions \\\^
Go ask your other boyfriend \\\^
Yandere/Dark content
Yandere!Senku Headcanons //
💡sengen 💡
Regular content
Left blowing in the breeze \\\^*
I'm a bad, bad magician \\\^*
Senku as a top, gen as a bottom //^*
It's like I can almost here them ///
🎲 Gen Asagiri 🎲
Regular content
Scotty doesn't know ///^*
NSFW alphabet: Gen Asagiri \\^*
🥼 Xeno 🥼
regular content
Highschool au!Xeno x reader //^
Stano x reader headcanons //^
Stano seduces a reader //^
🔫 Stano 🔫
regular content
Stano seduces a reader //^
Stano x reader headcanons //^
Yandere/Dark content
Yandere!Stano x reader //
I always feel like sombody's watching me \\\
🦦 Ryusui Nanami 🦦
Regular content
Early morning hugs \\\^
Yandere content
Yandere!Ryusui Nanami headcanons revisted //
🦁 Tsukasa Shishio 🦁
Regular content
Go ask your other boyfriend \\\^
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stupid-simp33 · 3 years ago
Summary: just a lil sumthin sumthin kinda fluffy
Warnings: N/a
Request: nope
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Imagine before the world turned to stone….
“TODAYS THE DAY. TODAY IM GONNA TELL YUZURIHA I LOVE HER!” Taiju burst into the science classroom practically bursting at the seams of his uniform in energy. Y/n was sitting on the counter next to Senku handing him another chemical substance to break down the plastic bottle caps.
Pop; her lips made a small smack sound as she released the suction grip on her popsicle. “Congratz taiju” her lips re attached to the light green melon milk popsicle. “The camphor tree right?” She hummed as he nodded violently fast. ‘A normal humans neck would ache or snap from that kind of rapid motion yikes’ she rubbed at her neck shying away from the idea of aches.
“Hm interesting sooo interesting” senku turned to face the hulking man with little interest. A disgusted frown pulled at his face. “I’ll be cheering for you so hard here in the science lab that my vocal chords’ll snap.” He was so dry at this. Y/n looked at him with a flat expression. “Could you be more dry?” She gave a lazy kick to his leg that could hardly even qualify as a tap. Senku deviously offered the concoction the two had made and as expected Taiju rejected it with complete confidence.
“Kk well good luck Taiju~ I’ll actually be rootin for you!” She exclaimed quietly and offered a relaxed but kind smile towards the male to secure her sinserity after Senku’s back handed statements. Said male bolted from the room to meet Yuzuriha.
“What a lug head totally Didnt suspect anything even with that pungent stench.” Y/n snickered as Senku dumped out the gasoline. “It was only gasoline.” Senku shrugged. “Wait so if Taiju had drank that…” a classmate started to question. Y/n turned around and dragged her thumb across her neck and lulled her tongue out- “Legh” her head dropped to the side. The club kids shivered.
Y/n proceeded to turn to the side and grab an energy drink out of her bag for Senku who accepted it without thought. “She’s totally gonna accept.” Y/n cooed as the two walked towards to window with a few others to watch the exchange. “One hundred yen he gets rejected!” One boy smirked “Five hundred says he gets rejected!” A girl giggled. “Ten thousand yen says she’ll accept him.” Senku challenged. Y/n let out a hum of agreement taking a small bite of her popsicle that she’d almost finished by now.
“Hey Senku… do you see that?” A green light blazed in the distance. An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. “See what?” Senku stalked over with a risen eyebrow. His crimson eyes widened- what was that?! A small pull at his arm made him look over to see Y/n shivering with wide eyes. Y/n had dropped her popsicle. Large e/c eyes stared deep into his own. “Senku…im scared…” her hand trembled even if her voice held strong. Her arm linked with his; and she turned her face away from the blinding green light. He couldn’t respond. It’s dark.
216 notes · View notes
stoneworldsimp · 4 years ago
what’s mine is not yours —a request
platonic senku x reader
warnings: swearing, anxiety, talk of insecurities and worries, gender dysphoria
your name!
your name!
your hands slapped to your ears, eyes shut tight. i can’t take this so early in the morning.
the voices from your dream had lingered longer than you would have liked. it reminded you it was time to face another day, to endure another long long day and night of hearing the wrong things.
maybe if i went and lived on my own again…i wouldn’t have to deal with it—no. senku needs me. he needs me…what does he need me for again? you rolled onto your stomach; your pillow rustled as you flopped it on top of your head. he doesn’t need me. i’d rather be lonely than hear everyone say some bullshit about me.
everyone in the village knew you as a miss. yuzuriha made you more neutral clothes upon request, but everyone assumed you were tomboyish. luckily, no one read more into it; it was nice to dress comfortably, but it was like no one else understood. why were they still calling you a girl? and the older folks, you knew they meant well! but you couldn’t help but feel like their constant “sweet girl”s were making fun of you at this point.
i can’t do it, i can’t do it, they’re making fun of me right now, as i think. as i exist!
you felt a tear trickle down the side of your nose.
oh, you’re kidding. crying? again? is this—
a knock on your door halted your thoughts; you quickly flipped back and sat up in your bed on the ground of your hut, and wiped your face quickly. you lightly slapped your cheeks to stop yourself from continuing crying.
“it’s me. can i come in?”
senku’s voice brought some sort of relief; personally you felt it was better for him to come in at such a time than anyone else.
you took a deep breath. “sure, but i just woke up. i’m staying under my blanket.”
senku laughed behind the door. a small shove was made and it opened, revealing a quite chipper senku. he liked to come early in the morning when the rest of the village was quiet.
his smirk faltered once he saw your face. you believed you hid your crying well; you didn’t think to check your red eyes or stinging cheeks.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, his words much gentler than when he asked to come in.
damn. how could i not realize i was so obvious?
with a deep breath, you whispered, “senku.. we’re pretty good friends, right?”
he snickered. “of course we are, way more than that asshole gen.”
his voice was closer. you laughed as well, and wiped your eyes clear. he slowly walked over and sat down on the floor next to you. senku was looking at you, really looking at you; it was intense, almost if he was making sure his closeness or anything about his presence wasn’t bothering you.
“okay…i’m about to say a lot of stuff. let me know if you need me to explain more, or if i’m talking too much. or—“
your words halted as senku put a hand on your shoulder, a smile light on his face. “all ears.”
you smiled back softly. “okay. so—back in..our time,”you gestured between the two of you with your hands, “i told my family and friends i was, uhm… nonbinary. like i don’t feel male or female, i use they/them pronouns; all that good stuff. still feel that way now. and, for quite some time, they didn’t believe me. not in a direct ‘you’re lying’ way, but more of ‘i don’t understand it therefore you shouldn’t understand it’ type of thing. i got a lot of shit from people who weren’t my friends, too. but with my friends’ support and getting more confidence after coming out, my parents were able to kinda see it. but yeah, it took quite some time. probably like.. eight months? even then, i had to remind them constantly, ‘not a daughter. please don’t call me she or he. please don’t call me a woman.’ but we were getting there. and right when we got petrified, right when it happened, i saw the look on my mom’s face.
“we were talking about me and my identity and it was like something had clicked in her brain. like, she knew exactly what i meant and how i felt when i said what it meant to be nonbinary. i don’t even remember what i said specifically, but i remember her expression as if she were standing in front of me right now. i was so hopeful i’d see her again, her expression got me through my petrification and even helped me break out of it. but of COURSE, i didn’t ever see her again after i woke up. and then i almost lost my own sense of self after being by myself for probably a year.. i was under the assumption i’d never meet another person again, so when i did run into your village—i had this gross feeling of dread. and i realized it was the same feeling that basically lived inside of me before i came out.”
you sat up straighter and looked away from senku. “it’s like, i have to rebuild my identity all over again. people always say you shouldn’t care about what other people say, but i can’t help it. i’m a sensitive person. i get hurt easily, no matter how hard i try to thicken my skin. they all, they all just use ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘that girl’ so often, it feels like they’re making fun of me, like they’re constantly telling me i’m not who i say i am. and i can’t tell them senku, being nonbinary was confusing for so many people in our time, i hardly believe they’ll understand it now. sure, my parents were fine, but it took a while before they got it. i can only imagine how long it’ll take for everyone here.”
senku was quiet. have you over explained yourself? was it too overbearing? in all honesty you’d only been good friends with senku a short while; you should have waited at least a little bit longer before letting him in on something so personal—
“it all, it all kind of makes sense now.”
huh?! “what?”
“what you told me, i think i get it now.”
you gave him a look up and down. it was possible, but you didn’t think there was much of a chance that senku would be so..cool with it. not right away. you expected some form of silent treatment for at least a day or two, so he could collect his own thoughts.
“i’m gonna say something, and i need you to listen. yeah?”
you stared at him like your brain short-circuited. what the fuck is he gonna say to me.. oh god, he doesn’t wanna be friends anymore. but he’ll be too nice to kick me out of the village. but it is his village—
“hey, hey…are you with me?” you both sat facing each other now, and his hands rested on your shoulders.
just hear him out. “yeah. all ears.”
he smoothed your shoulders with his thumb. “you’re just as valid as everyone out there. i know you’re scared, but believe me when i say they will not be mocking you in any way. sure, it might take a while for them to understand, but theyre not going to give up just because they dont get something right away. it took me a few months to fully convince this village i could help them, and even then, there were still a few who didn’t fully understand the experiments and contraptions i made until a while later. i know that isn’t the same as your situation… but what i’m trying to say is that they will try their best to know you, the real you. they aren’t going to mock you; if anything, they’ll have lots of questions to ask you.
“also, you have me, you have gen to help out in case you don’t have the capacity to answer everything yourself. i’ve a few things about gender before the stone world, and gen definitely knows a lot of things that are relevant to it as well.
“everyone here… they’re all so eager to learn, i highly doubt they’ll be unaccepting. they’ll be curious. and they’ll be happy you’re letting them in on something that is so important.”
tears had made their way down your face and on your clothes halfway through his mini-monologue; you didn’t notice him continuously wiping them away until he was finished. “it’s going to be okay. trust me.”
with a quiet sob, you pushed yourself into his arms for a hug.
“thank you.”
you knew he wasn’t particularly one for any type of physical contact, but he gladly accepted. for the occasion, he thought. his arms slowly wrapped around your slightly shaking body as you tried to calm down. neither of you spoke for a few minutes; only your soft sniffles were heard in the hut.
“senku, i think that was the most i’ve heard you talk about something that wasn’t directly related to science,” you laughed into his neck.
he laughed back. “i had a lot saved, since there were moments i could tell you were kind of uncomfortable. i didn’t want to force you into talking about it either, so i just waited. tried to figure out what i was going to say. it had to be good.. you are one of my closest friends, after all.”
both of you embraced each other a little tighter. “i hope all of this helped, i want you to live here with none of those worries. especially after so many months of having it bottled inside.”
you nodded in response.
today.. today will be the day i tell everyone not to use what they used to call me; that won’t do at all anymore.
today, i’ll tell everyone my name.
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years ago
Masterlist for upcoming hc's and fics
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Genshin males:
Rui!reader x Scaramouche, Albedo and Childe
Senku!reader x Zhongli, Albedo, ?
Rui!reader x Scaramouche, Childe and Albedo
Giyuu!reader x Scaramouche, Childe and Kazuha
Rui!reader x Childe, Scaramouche and Albedo
Giyuu!reader x Scaramouche, Childe and Kazuha
Mui Iruma!reader x Xiao
Senku!reader x Zhongli, Albedo, ?
Giyuu!reader x Scaramouche, Childe and Kazuha
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Genshin females:
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aciid-eater · 5 years ago
Ishigami Senku x reader smut/lemon
Summary: Senku as to take care for y/n for a bit so she can get back to work.
Warning: Oral, Fingering,choking, squirting
“Pass me the nitric acid.” Senku stated, his gaze fixed on the loose formulas on the makeshift table. Y/n didn’t reply, handing over the small clay pot holding the liquid. She squirmed slightly in place as Senku whiped his forehead with the sleeve of his Stone Age attire. She gulped, her thighs clenching slightly as his toned arm reached out to grab a mineral from one of Chrome’s baskets.
Senku’s eyes caught hers, and she held them for a moment before looking away uninterestedly. She tried to mask her neediness, but Senku was smart, and he was picking up on the way y/n’s legs were rubbing together slowly.
“Huh?” Y/n wasn’t even paying attention, her eyes were grazing over his hands. They were pretty big, and the way she was subconsciously rubbing her neck was giving away her intentions.
“Pass me the salt.” Senku said, his tone low, slightly demanding. Y/n’s eyes rolled back a little, and she suppressed the urge to drop her hand between her legs. She quickly picked up the cloth with the salt on it, passing it to the leek haired male. Sitting back on the empty side of the table, she watched him work, her bottom lip grasped tightly between her teeth.
“Is that all you need?” Chrome asked, entering the hut. Senku didn’t look up from his work as he answered the question.
“As far as materials, yes. Go into the village today, take Kohaku and Suika with you.“
“Why? Is there something we need to get there?” Chrome asked.
“No, Y/n and I need to take care of something. I’ll have Ginro come and get you guys when we’re done.” He said flatly.
“...Okay.” And Chrome was gone. The silence in hut was extremely heavy, a pin could be heard if y/n were to drop one. After maybe 20 minutes, when Senku knew the crew was gone, his gaze shifted to her. She started squirming under his stare, her thighs clenched together so hard that her ankles crossed over each other. Senku looked away with a chuckle.
“You’re a mess, doll face.” He mumbled, his voice low. Y/n held back a whine at the childhood nickname. As children, Senku would use y/n’s cute looks to trick adults into getting him what he wanted, hence the name. But the way he was using it now gave it such a different meaning.
“When’s the last time you took care of yourself?” He asked, looking back over his formulas.
“What do yo-“
“You know exactly what I mean.” He cut her off, watching from the corner of his eye as she gnawed on her lip.
“B-before the p-petrification.” She whined. Senku paused for a split second, before going right back to work. Had she really waited that long?
“If you keep biting your lip like that, it’ll bleed.” He said, putting his paper down. Y/n’s hands laid flat behind her on the table as Senku spreaded her knees.
“Honestly, it’s your fault for waiting that long.” He mumbled in her ear, stationing himself between her legs, his waist inches away from her throbbing heat. Senku’s hand came up to grip her chin softly, slipping his fingers down her neck.
“I-I tried but I just can’t be q-quiet and-“ Y/n cut herself off when Senku’s hand gripped her neck lightly. Her back arched, moving away from the wall behind her.
“I know you can’t, doll face, that’s why I made sure you can be as loud as you want right now.” He said teasingly, moving his hand up her thigh.
Honestly, Senku had no fucking idea what he was doing. Yeah sure he had studied the female reproductive system, the difference between kinks and fetishes, and even a few nights brought him to the more adult sides of the internet, but he had never done anything physical before. Frankly he had never seen y/n in that way until the day she was revived. Being a hormonal teenager and the tight skimpy dress she wore didn’t mix. So when she was squirming under his touch, breath labored in need, he couldn’t help but get extremely hard.
“Senku~ Ah harder, please.” She whined, her voice breathy. Senku smirked subconsciously, his free hand bunching her dress up on her stomach.
“Harder? I didn’t think you were that kinky, y/n.” He growled, his fingertips ghosting down her stomach. His hand traveled lower until it was stationed between her thighs. Just as his two fingers rubbed over her exposed clit, the hand around her neck tightened. A gasp and a loud whine erupted from her throat, giving him confirmation that he was at least doing something right.
With newfound confidence, Senku massaged her clit with his fingers, rolling it between his index and middle fingers. The bottom portion of his outfit got tighter and tighter as her moans filled his ears.
As soon as his digits were slick enough, he slowly slipped one into her. Y/n gripped the fabric of his top hard as he dug his two fingers deep inside her.
“Senku~” she whined in his ear.
His face was focused as he worked on her, this was an experiment now. How good could he make her feel, how loud could he get her to be?
His expression was broken by a wicked smirk, making y/n clench around his fingers. His hand speeding up, he kneeled down in front of her.
“S-Senku what are y-you~” A choaked moan slipped from her throat as his tounge began to prod at her clit. Immediately her hands flew to his blonde-green hair, tangling her fingers in it so she could mindlessly buck her core into his face. Suddenly his grip on her neck got much tighter, causing her eyes to roll back in hot pleasure.
Y/n was practically screaming his name when began sucking on her bud. The combination of his tongue, his fingers, and the weight on her throat was overwhelming.
“I have to say, you’re 1 billion percent gorgeous when you’re moaning like this for me.” Senku teased against her slick. Even with everything that was going on, she was still able to catch his gaze and flirt back.
“A-And you don’t look too-Ah~ bad yourself between my thighs like th-that.”
She giggled at the red tint on his cheeks. Her giggle soon turned to a moan as he groaned against her. He was loosing himself in the way her arousal dripped down his chin, he didn’t want to stop. This wasn’t just about making sure she could focus anymore, it was his own hormonal need.
He began curling his fingers, hitting a spot inside of her he had only ever read about. His eyes were dark with lust, fluttering everytime y/n yanked it his hair, the pain blooming pleasurably on his scalp.
Y/n could feel something building in the pit of her stomach, something she had never experienced before.
“Hhh Senku I’m gonna~!”
“Just like that doll face, cum for me.” He mumbled. He basked in the way her walls fluttered around his digits, letting him know she was about to release. He swung one of her legs over her shoulder, speeding up his actions and tightening around her throat.
Then suddenly he felt the splash of a warm liquid under his chin. Immediately he detached from her clit, watching the clear liquid gush from her entrance.
Senku was a clean person, sterile like a scientist. But the sight of a pretty girl squirting so hard because of him made him feral. His fingers scissored in and out of her, splashing her release everywhere.
Senku’s hand released her neck, leaning back so he could watch y/n catch her breath. When she opened her eyes, everything was soaked. Her dress, the table, the floor, the papers, even Senku had her arousal all down his shirt and in his hair, even raindropping his eyelashes. He chuckled, standing from his spot on the floor.
“I didn’t think you had all that in you.” He said, dusting off his hands.
“Wait.” Y/n muttered quickly.
“Well, the others won’t be coming back until you send for them, and I think it’s only fair that I return the favor.” Y/n said playfully. Senku raised an eyebrow at the girl, watching her smirk and flick her vision to the bulge at his hips. He looked down momentarily, then back up with a cocky smirk.
“Well it is only fair...”
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ishigamisenkuwu · 4 years ago
its-chaan Hello there(≧∇≦)/, I noticed you make a dr.stone fanfic. Can I request senku x reader please ❤ I wonder how senku looks if he jealous❤
You were watching Chrome as he tells the story on where he found all of his collection. You were amazed by the rocks and minerals he gathered that the both of you stayed inside the hut for two hours. It is rest day for you because Senku doesn’t like it when you’re over working yourself specially you get sick easily. Senku was making the ship with Kaseki and the others so you can go to America and build cities all over the world. You didn’t noticed how close you were with Chrome until he pointed it out, “Y/n, mind if you move a bit? You’re too close to me I don’t want him to see us like this.” You moved back and you didn’t noticed that there was a basket behind you, Chrome noticed you and pulls your arms towards him. You both fell, Chrome was below you and you are on top of him. You look like you’re sitting on his lap, you both heard the door open and you panicked. “Y/n, are you in here?” you heard Senku’s voice and you and Chrome sat up and he took something behind him and you pretended that you two were just discussing about it. “I found this on the cave where Magma, Senku and I went,” he said and you acted like you were really listening. Senku looked at the both of you not even bothering to say a word and he left the hut. You sighed and looked at Chrome and you blushed about what happened earlier. “Thank you Chrome,” you said and he just nodded. You went outside to find Gen and when you found him you hugged him from the back. “Gennie! Are you busy? Keep me accompany for a while, I’m bored and Senku would be mad if I help,” you said with a pout and Gen laughed. “Of course y/n-chan, let’s go to a tree first it’s hot back here,” he said and you followed him. You didn’t noticed the pair of ruby eyes watching you go with Gen. Senku sighed and continue on working, “It’s fine, I’m the one who said she shouldn’t be clingy when the people are around us.” You had fun watching Gen do some magic tricks and he said he should help already so you went to Ukyo. “Ukyo! What you’re up to?” you asked and he looks at you. “Nothing much y/n-chan, I’m just making some arrows. You’re bored huh?” he said and you pouted. “I didn’t want to bother Senku and he said I shouldn’t be clingy when all of you were around,” you stomped your foot and glared towards the direction of the leek haired male. “You look cute when you’re acting angry. Come on I’ll teach you archery,” he said and you both climbed up on a tree. You and him had a fun time together until dawn. You climbed back down and Ukyo waved you a good bye. You went to the tent where you and Senku sleeps in. You saw him sleeping already. “Senku-kun, you awake?” you asked as you poke his left cheek. He suddenly turned his back at you and you were confused. “Senku-kun, why are you ignoring me?” you asked again and he didn’t even responded. You sighed and lie down behind him and you hugged him without saying any word. He freaking removed your hand from his waist. “Go away y/n, I don’t want to see you for now just go with Gen or Ukyo. Leave me alone I don’t need you. You’re just useless as always,” he said and you were shock. This isn’t like Senku at all, he loves to cuddle with you when it’s bed time and talk with you until you fall asleep. Most importantly he never say this harsh words to you because he know what effects it has to you. “I-I see, I’ll head out for now. Sleep well Senku,” you said and left him inside the tent. You went to the near lake and stare at the moon. You didn’t noticed the tears building up on your eyes and you just noticed it when it poured down. “I didn’t know he’ll say those words again. Did he perhaps had a bad day and he’s not in the mood? Either way I understand it,” you said and laughed bitterly. You hugged your knees and buried your face in between them. You started to cry and remember all of the things your family said to you. Little did you know Gen followed you when you went out of your tent. He saw you crying and he doesn’t know if he should tell Senku about this or just comfort you. He went behind you and pats your head, “What happened to my dear Y/n-chan?” “Oh nothing, I just remembered something Gennie-kun,” you said trying to stop your hiccup. “Really? Mind sharing it to your bestfriend?” he asked once again as he sat besides you and you put your head on his shoulder. “Nothing to worry about Gennie-kun, ok? I’ll be fine,” you said and he just hummed. You started to hum the song you were making for you and Senku’s anniversary. “You really love making songs huh?” he said and you nodded. Inside the tent where you left the leek haired male he was arguing to himself. “Fuck! It has been an hour since she left. Why did I said those words to her? I’m just jealous and.. Oh fuck it I’ll find her,” he said as he left the tent to search for you. He remembered how you love the lake near the camp so he went there. He saw you with Gen and jealousy started to attack him again. He noticed how Gen picked you up and he noticed you are asleep. “Senku-chan, you should watch your mouth next time. I know that you have that kind of attitude but please remove it when you’re with Y/n-chan,” Gen said and he handed Senku your sleeping body. “She cried for the whole hour and asked me if I could let her sleep with me and Chrome. I said that she should just sleep beside you and she went quiet,” Gen said and left you and Senku. Senku looked at you and he can clearly see the tear stains on your plump cheeks. “I’m sorry y/n,” seeing you in the state like that makes him feel hurt. He started walking to your tet and he placed you on your futon and he lied down beside you. He watched your face and he was shocked at what he heard, “S-senku.. Don’t leave me please.. I-I’ll be useful n-next time j-just don’t leave m-me. I l-love you so m-much.. N-no please.” You were crying while sleeping and Senku started to tear up. He shouldn’t said those words because he knows how much it affects you when someone said those to you. “I w-won’t leave you Y/n. I’m sorry baby,” he said while wiping your tears and he kissed your forehead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waaaaaahhhhh I’m sorry if you didn’t like it >.< I suck at writing and I don’t know if I’ll make this a fluff or nah. Either way I’m sorry if it is not good and I don’t know how this request thingy works aaahhhhh >///<
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