#senile fascist says what?
wilwheaton · 19 days
The words below were taken verbatim from a campaign speech former President Donald Trump delivered in Potterville, Michigan, Thursday when he was attempting, at least initially, to criticize Kamala Harris’ record in San Francisco, presumably referring to her tenure as district attorney there: "She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?
Questions surrounding Trump's mental acuity are a real 2024 story
Um. What?
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
The “don’t vote” left’s point is basically that, if Biden gets a second term, it’ll basically signal that “They’ll vote for us as long as we’re not Republicans, why don’t we do some REAL fucked up shit, if we can get away with it?” It takes the power out of the people’s hands and places it firmly in the party’s.
I can’t completely disagree with that, my caveat is that there’s no real alternative system or party in place, because top-down change is ineffective; a third party president has to contend with a two party congress.
Except no. This whole "Biden just wants to do as much fucked up shit as possible while not being a Republican, and if you give him a second term he'll do more fucked up shit deliberately to spite you" mindset is only possible as an interpretation if you a) deliberately and comprehensively ignore everything he has done to date, and b) you approach the situation with the maximum bad faith possible. Not to mention, the ultimate outcome of this Big Important Teaching Biden A Lesson is that Trump gets back into power and makes everything orders of magnitude worse, because he does in fact want to deliberately do evil shit to everyone and says so at every opportunity. There is not some magical happy alternative that springs into existence by not voting. If you choose this as a year to Teach Biden A Lesson, you are enabling Trump. Trump will be much, much worse. If you don't care about that, I still do not care what your Great Ideology is. You are not helping anyone and you are directly and irreversibly hurting everyone.
I made a post a few days ago wherein I mentioned that I want to assess Biden fairly, taking into account both strengths and weaknesses, but the rampant bad-faith, lying, misreading, misrepresentation, and open sabotage of him (especially by the online left; the GOP sometimes only wishes they were as good at turning Biden's voter pool against him) makes it really difficult to do that. My frustration with those people makes me just want to go "BIDEN IS GREAT THE END." I know he is a flawed old man (though by literally every account of a career spent in public service, he really does care about making the world a better place and any remotely good faith reading of his accomplishments thus far can see that). It is also very likely that he goes MORE left in a second term because he won't have to face the electorate again, he has always gone more left when pushed before, and he's not actually the scheming genocidal mastermind that leftist social media paints him as. Shocking, I know.
I know there are things in the world we don't like and don't want and want to stop, and therefore we blame our own president for not making it stop. But I have zero, no, none, absolutely none whatsoever sympathy for this pseudo-populist "WE NEED TO TEACH BIDEN A LESSON BY ELECTING TRUMP AGAIN, I AM VERY MORAL MUCH ACTIVIST" mindset. There's this funny thing about America wherein it is still (for now) a democracy. If Biden wins a second term, he can't run again. I would take literally anything these people said more seriously if they focused on developing their dream progressive successor for 2028 (and also figured out how to get that person elected and in a place to make real change) rather than cynically sabotaging Biden in the most consequential election year, again, of our lifetimes. If you don't like him now, find a way to make his successor a better option. Throwing a toddler tantrum and handing the country back to a senile, deranged, fascist, revenge-riddled, theocratic Trump HELPS. NOBODY. I still don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that, but yeah.
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artbyblastweave · 10 months
There's a question which the west coast Fallout games are quietly litigating, which is that age-old gotcha about what you do with the remaining orcs once you've deposed Sauron. In the original Fallout, the Super Mutants are basically universally aligned against the quote-unquote "good guys," for whatever value of that term is applicable to the wasteland at large, but subsequent games make it clear that this was an ideological thing, and a product of the political moment of the mutants creation rather than an ontological quality that they have. The game is very aware that this is something that was done to them, and the tragedy of that; the first mutant you're likely to run into is dying scared and alone.
Fallout 2 presents super mutants who've broken in every direction ideologically in the aftermath of the Unity's collapse; the peacemakers under Marcus at Broken Hills, Gond as a member of the abolitionist NCR rangers, reactionary remnants of the original mutant army, genocidal self-hating fascists like Frank Horrigan. Fallout: New Vegas iterates on this beautifully. The mutants dovetail perfectly with the theme of how every faction in the wasteland is trying and oftentimes failing to reckon with the weight of history. Their utopian movement imploded outside of living memory, closer to the apocalypse than to the present day. The survivors- who can only dwindle in number due to their sterility- have been left to reckon with that in whatever way they can. And they have their backs to about a hundred and twenty years of that reckoning not going particularly well, of being the bugbear and boogeymen for bullies and ideologues whose grandparents weren't even alive to suffer from the Unity's actions. The lack of a collective future for mutantkind casts a pall over even the best ending for Jacobstown; humans are collectively resilient within this setting, but through violence, and accidents, dementia and senility, the day will inevitably come when there are no mutants left. And worse still will be the day before that, when there's only one mutant left. Finding some form of satisfaction or contentment within that dwindling window, with the world against you, is a task that falls to the individual mutant. (Take Mean Sonovabitch, for example. He seems to be doing alright for himself.)
Then we slide on over to the east coast games, where the mutants are.... morons. Cannibals. Marauders. And when you meet one who isn't, the game throws itself a ticker-tape parade for containing such an audacious twist. To go back to the orc thing, it's like if The Hobbit had contained a lengthy, empathetic subplot about the rich internality and fleshed-out-if-deeply-flawed ideology of the orcs, and then there was a pivot to treating them like a monolithic block of ontologically evil marauders in LOTR. While staring you straight in the eye the whole time, unblinking. Daring you to say something
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hero-israel · 9 months
I think there needs to be a reckoning about how so many white (passing) American secular/nonpracticing antiZionist Jews can say "Not in my name, Israel doesn't speak for us!" and then think they can speak for Israel. How so many of them can have a limited familial connection to Israel, have such a disdain for Israelis, Israeli culture and society, and Israel as a concept, and then have the gall to act like their opinions matter?
I see their attitudes be described as fear, but to me it strikes me as more than just fear. A lot of them, I suspect, have incorporated antiZionism as a fundamental part of their Jewish identity. It's not just a disagreement, they're not just saving face. Take away the Goyim and talk to them privately and they still believe what they believe, and express it in the same way. They hate Israeli Jews.
And Israel is only going to become less Ashkenazi (aka less "white") as time marches forward. The bad faith hysterical Israel bashing and condescension is only going to look more and more like Orientalism, and frankly, racism.
I think it's very possible that calling something antisemitic can't just be a catchall term when this chicken comes home to roost. I think if there aren't already, there will be distinct forms of antisemitism, some that only Diaspora Jews face and some that only Israeli Jews face. And if this is true or will end up being true, it's pretty important that we not speak over each other's experiences. To do that we have to recognize these experiences and respect them. Do some Israeli Jews disrespect the Diaspora experience? Yes, from what I've seen. Is it nearly as vitriolic and is it growing nearly as quickly as the disrespect for the Israeli experience among antiZionist American Jews? Not even close.
All this divisive language to say: sometimes when Israelis say "so and so is antisemitic!" in the context of antiZionism, they're talking about themselves, their experiences, the stakes for them, and not Americans. So maybe we should all learn to stay in our lanes sometimes.
A lot of Israeli Jews disrespect, or at least are unable to grasp, diaspora existence, particularly when it comes to Americans. I can't even count the number of times I read Israelis say "Why are you American Jews so upset about Trump? Don't you see how good he's been for Israel?" Which is the worst damn argument a person could possibly use - it feeds into both left-wing and right-wing antisemitism, while ignoring that American Jews live HERE and are at risk from Trump's fascist cult and general lawlessness. And it is bad FOR EVERYBODY to have "pro-Israel" become the position of stroke-babbling grotesque racist criminals, and also for America to be too focused on anarchic decomposition and Yugoslav-style street warfare to be able to support Israel like it traditionally has.
And because turds of a feather flush together, Netanyahu wants ALAN DERSHOWITZ to be Israel's advocate if the ICJ case proceeds. I knew Netanyahu was a senile failure undermining all the strengths he had ever built for the country and this is just the shit cherry on top of the shit sundae. Alan Dershowitz is the ultimate stereotype of a Boomer who was kind of useful in the 1980s-90s and became awful and embarrassing now, Trump is surrounded by them (i.e. Rudy Giuliani). Your grandma in Florida remembers Alan Dershowitz for writing "Chutzpah" and being tough and quick-witted, and everybody under 40 knows Dershowitz as a Trump cultist and Epstein fuckbuddy. Big "Vladek Spiegelman can only compare his artist son to Walt Disney" energy. There are surely thousands of lawyers better-suited for the role, just off the top of my head I'd prefer Eugene Kontorovich and so should anyone who is more aware of the world as it actually is than how it was in 1994.
I say all that to parallel your original point, not to contradict it. Yes, the American Jews who performatively loathe Israel are by and large just an Extremely Online phenomenon of the most college-town bubble-protected, least observant, least affiliated, and least aware of non-Ashkenazim. It is not so hard for American Ashkenazim to stay protected from antisemitism as long as they totally unplug from their Jewish identity and any public-facing aspects of it. Can't be killed in a synagogue or JCC or kosher store if you never go in, head tap.
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kineticpenguin · 6 months
You know, I do think I understand the liberal frustration with the way we tend to talk about Biden and Trump. They're both old as hell, and Biden may stumble over his words, but Trump also has some weird issues of his own.
I mean, Trump talks like a goddamn space alien. He says crazy shit all the time! "If I lose they'll have to change the name of Pennsylvania"? The fuck? Are you sure the lights are on up there? Why aren't we talking about him being senile or coming off like he just stumbled in from a home for nearly dead people?
I think the problem is just that Trump is loud and that can carry you in the current media landscape. And MSNBC has what I can only call a sick obsession with the dude: wall-to-wall coverage of Trump and every little thing going on in his various court cases no matter how boring, breathless discussion and speculation of his increasingly fascist rhetoric, blah blah blah. Even if Biden was a more energetic and clear speaker, how is he supposed to get in front of that?
And I don't really have a good answer besides "get loud and stop looking so weak." But unfortunately, this pattern of helplessness seems to be a tactic embraced by the administration. Mumble something about how you don't like what Netanyahu's doing while shipping him a new load of weapons every 36 hours, for example.
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soymikki · 3 months
God it feels everything is up in the air for November in the US.
The acting president is a living corpse thats about 3 steps away from fully being Weekend at Bernie's-ed. His opponent is a 80s capitalist fascist who attempted to stage a coup and was tried on 88 criminal charges. Which didn't even stop him because-
within the last month it was ruled that acting presidents have immunity when committing crimes as president.
The democratic party is still trying to prop up Biden as a capable opponent for Trump, even though his support numbers are Dire. This is especially bc he has not withdrawn support for Israel, or even made an Attempt to stop the genocide that is actively continuing in Palestine now even as I type. They're trying to bandaid the shit out of Biden's image with investment in clean energy and a promise to reinstate Roe v. Wade if he's re-elected but like! HES ALREADY PRESIDENT. HE COULD DO IT NOW. But the man is 5 steps from the light on a good day and even if he weren't I doubt it'd be much different.
It's The Simpsons two party system joke with the two aliens in disguise. It's the Homestuck double juggalo fascist presidents with evil Guy Fieri as the pope. It's two senile white men who cant even hold a coherent conversation during a debate together being toted as the Only Options. It is somehow so fucking funny and one of the worst periods of my life knowing this is happening. This feels like knowledge that would turn a normal person into the Joker.
I have no fucking clue what's going to happen. Biden literally made it legal for the president to kill his opponent and yet I would still be surprised if he actually did it. Happy, but surprised. Most people I know just want them to drop dead before the election and try again with someone new, and I can't say I disagree, but it ain't exactly a sure thing. Idk. We live in a strange world.
For any fellow Americans out there, just vote. Just go fucking vote. This isn't even about the president. I dont even know what im going to do there when the time comes. I mean vote on your local and state levels. Regardless of your pick of a candidate that isn't Trump, we want to at least Try to get people who are for basic human rights and against a decline into fascism and genocide. France and Britain have managed to prevent a decline into the far right, and I'd like to hold on to the hope that we can too.
Otherwise I fear the people suffering the most in the world now will only continue to suffer.
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auramgold · 4 months
it's wild how liberals will see someone posting about "biden is absolutely shooting himself in the foot electorally and seems to have no sense of strategy" and will immediately jump into their YOU'VE GOTTA VOTE NO MATTER WHAT I DON'T CARE IF HE'S 99% HITLER even when it's someone who is going to "vote strategically"
they can't conceive of someone who's willing to bite the genocide bullet and vote for biden that might even remotely want to criticize his strategy, to them anything less than unwavering support acting like a senile rapist is the second coming of christ is the exact same as a trump vote.
"biden is sabotaging himself electorally with all the groups that got him elected in the first place" is not inherently a statement saying that voting doesn't matter, but liberals can't conceive of criticism as anything but that, because they can't conceive of anything better than the democratic party in its worst possible self-sabotaging state.
liberals legitimately saw the 99% hitler joke and went "this should convince people to bother voting if i yell it loud enough everywhere" missing that admitting your candidate is hitler at all is a sign that everything is broken
build dual power. build parallel structures. build support networks for the oncoming fascist takeover of the united states, because the democrats seem to be doing everything in their power to sabotage themselves to make it happen faster.
(btw any biden bros on this post get blocked. if you yell at me about elections here, you're missing the point that you're bad at advertising)
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girlcalledwhatsername · 11 months
Today on "ableism is all okay tho": someone commented on a post that was quoting the Joe Biden clip where he calls himself a "rabid dog", and they said you shouldn't call these people dogs or inhuman because that is fascist rhetoric... And then went on to say that actually they have "no empathy" and called Biden senile. When will you face the fact that some people will be malicious and want to cause harm for personal profit without it having to do with their "empathy" and mental states? There was a ton of other ableist shit there of course when isn't there? I've stopped bothering about most of it, leftists are way too comfortable with ableism. But this one really struck me because this person was nitpicking about wording and what the words we use might imply but don't care about it too much where ableist wording is concerned. Ok.
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godisarepublican · 5 months
How DANGEROUS and SENILE is Biden? The rest of the planet is so convinced they can see what Biden has planned that Poland announced that we can position nuclear weapons within their border
Here's a Newsweek article. Poland is saying that "NATO" can station nuclear weapons on their soil, along the border with the Ukraine. Because, you know, there isn't a nuclear war coming...
The Ukraine doesn't want peace. Google it: One of their conditions for peace, and this is the Ukraine I'm talking about, is that Putin and the rest of the Russian leadership has to all surrender for war crimes trials. The war can't end until that happens, according to Zelensky.
Does THAT sound like a reasonable, rational person who wants the war to end?
Then there's the terrorism. No, not just the recent Moscow terrorist attack where an "Iranian backed group" is infuriated with Russia for their excellent relations & trade partnership with Iran. Besides that. There have been terrorist bombings inside of Russia and even a fairly recent train derailment. And then there's the radiological bombs.
The Ukraine keeps trying to bust open nuclear reactors, spew their radiation everywhere, render vast treks of land uninhabitable while condemning all the contaminated people to a slow cancer death. There's been lots of such attempts, including attacks on one particular reactor THREE DAYS IN A ROW. When? Last week. But they weren't the only such attempts.
Biden insists that the United States is in a suicide pact with the Ukraine. And the Ukraine is doing everything it can to bring about that suicide.
End this. Stop it. If there's no other way then give all the aid to Russia, let them solve our problem for us.
The Ukraine crisis is very much like the situation in Gaza, where a genuine solution requires reasonable, rational people. Hamas isn't reasonable, isn't rational. If they were and honestly cared for the Palestinian people, they would have surrendered months ago, ending all the death & destruction. And the Ukraine isn't governed by reasonable, rational people. They're terrorists who are desperately trying to raise the stakes, provoke a nuclear war. They're also fascists who cancelled elections and persecute thought criminals, such as the Orthodox Church.
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wtf-tfw · 5 months
an acerbic thwack is by definition, a sick roast or burn on another individual. crosby is in fact the master of acerbisms.
10. when he kissed Asmodeus on the checks and dropped him into the abyss taunting "SEE YOU NEXT MONTH, BEEEEYITCH"
9. When he retorted back after beign caught crying on the floor after hte Ball Scene with "At least I know how to button my pants properly"
8. "Don't tell the Bentley about my secret hobby you insolent peach"
7. When he told that Adam kid to "eat shit and die" and then punted the book of ineffable prophecies into the pond with the ducks
6. When he swallowed that rock after saying "And nobody can stop me from eating this rock, especially the likes of you"
5. when he told the undead fascist she "smelled like rotten pears"
4. When he told Azirple "You're older than the dinosaurs, you senile bitch"
3. "Flagrant misuse of the Hellish Doctrine. out of my SIGHT you little flea-bitten serf."
2. "You don't even know what it means to love someone. You're so caught up in what heaven is tellign you that you have thoroughly lost the plot, gay boy" (what a sass master)
When he swallowed another rock saying "Nobody can stop me from eating this rock either. even though it hurtes"
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Marianne Williamson
(Madam President)
Stephen jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
All my life, I’ve been told that I exaggerate. Little did I know that this gave me the talent to work for the American news media! You should have seen the headlines of my local newspaper, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. For example, there was “The Biggest Rainfall Coming to L.A.! Many Will Drown!” And (my favorite): “Communists Rob a Grocery Store!” As it turned out, some Russian tourist had taken a red apple without paying for it. At the neighborhood food market, you could buy The National Enquirer. My favorite headline of theirs was, “I Had Gay Sex With John Wayne!” Of course, this was all designed to get you to buy the tabloid.
Well, nothing has changed since then. On cable T.V., they want you to watch their commercials, so they try to captivate you with sensationalism. “Oh! My! Bob!” or “Donald Trump wants to be dictator!” The fat fuck must have somebody tie his shoes for him, for Christ’s sake! Yeah! That’s right! Then there are the mouth pieces of the Right: Nick Fuentes, the Gilbert Gottfried of the gentile race! I am terrified of him. Matt Walsh, the Catholic mental case with a Fidel Castro beard. Dennis Prager, the covert narcissist who thinks God worships him. He would do anything for attention. If he was guaranteed survival after committing suicide, he’d do it. “Look at me everybody! I’m special!” Indeed, you are, Dennis; indeed you are!
Like the Navy versus the Army in football, the two-party system is going to last forever. Both parties are controlled by the 1%--the Conservative elites and the Liberal elites.
With all of these apocalyptic predictions and end-of-the-world scenarios, why even bother to vote? They want you to stay home.
Want to upset a conservative? Tell them that Trump is no different than Biden. Or tell a Liberal Democrat that Biden is like Trump! Watch the steam come out of their ears—like Herman Munster. They are both senile, old farts.
We’ve got the presidential primaries coming up, however, that’s all heading south. The Democratic Party’s Central Committee wants to cancel the primaries. The Democratic Party has already done so in Florida, but three other Democratic candidates are fighting the decision. Good luck on that score!
One candidate who’s caught my eye is Independent, Marianne Williamson. She is from the New Age Left. Though I despised the New Age movement in the 70’s, some new agers I’ve met are very Anti-Authoritarian Left. They and I are from the same generation of late Baby Boomers. We are both the romantic idealists of the counterculture. I can’t vote for Abbie Hoffman, he’s dead! So, I’ll vote for the Hippie candidate.  Williamson’s policies are like those of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR never survived to implement his “Economic Bill of Rights,” so maybe she can continue FDR’s reform of America.
She is not Christian. So, what! I don’t give a poop if she channels Elinore Roosevelt! If she can help put America back in order, my vote is for her.
And now, what’s this shit about Trump wanting to make America fascist? With what army? The orange puke can’t even navigate a ramp! To accomplish it, he’d need the support of the 1%, the U.S. Military, the CIA, FBI, Wall Street, mainstream Protestant denominations, and other establishment entities. Do you really think that Trump has the support of the CIA? Me neither.
With all the hysteria going on, I say, bring it on! Hail, Trump!
Just kidding.
Marianne Williamson for president! I’m not kidding.
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
But…but…Biden has a great team of ethical, effective, smart, not evil people around him who are not 81. Also, if he gets elected and becomes senile or dies of old age or something, we have a procedure for that and then we end up with a president Harris who will probably be swell!
Cheeto Hitler (NOT THAT MUCH YOUNGER) is probably never going to die bc he’s like a cockroach, but if he got elected and did, we’d still have the axis of evil to contend with, who will be swiftly dismantling democracy as fast as their bloody, bejeweled hands can do it.
I mean... yes. This. You are not just voting for one person, you are voting for the entire team that you want to run the country. Biden is the manager and most prominent player on that team, but regardless of what SCOTUS says, he is not the only almighty god-king. When you vote for team blue, you are voting for the people who staff every federal agency, the cabinet picks, the judges who will be appointed (already the most diverse ever selected and a MAJOR issue due to the possibility of SCOTUS seats, which may be filled under Biden but WILL be filled under Trump when Thomas and Alito retire to make way for younger wingnuts), the ambassadors and diplomats, the people who make foreign and domestic policy. Etc. Etc. You are not only choosing one person, and as noted, if Biden God forbid DID bite the dust, there is a perfectly competent and indeed very historic replacement ready to take over. That is the Vice President's literal entire job and always has been.
When you vote for team blue, you are voting for a team of (for the most part) well-meaning, diverse, intelligent, qualified people who want to make life better for America/the world, and who genuinely believe in democracy as a concept. They are flawed, because they are human, but they are still by any reasonable metric the only choice at hand. That is because team fascist, uh, red, has literally descended to the depths of cartoonish and unimaginable evil and continues to make their intentions clear at every moment. Any argument to the contrary is thus delusional and wishful thinking. As such, I literally do not care if you think Biden is personally the antichrist. You are not exempted from the moral duty to do everything possible to stop the other guys from getting into power, and if that is voting for the team that Biden happens to currently manage, so be it. Anyone saying otherwise is either a Russian psyop, a tankie, a doomer, a bot, or an idiot, and none of those are your friend. Voting is the number one most repeatedly reliable tool at hand to fumigate fascists. I suggest we use it.
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draculasstrawhat · 1 month
I think it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that when we are fucking with fascists, bullies, and bigots, the usual discursive rules do not apply.
The rules we are using are “what most annoyed the worst and least effective teacher at your secondary school.” The whole purpose is to cause your target to betray themselves in to looking ridiculous/guilty/unpleasant. This isn’t like the “calling the bad person fat” thing - something they will never hear, but your fat friends will. This is far more directed and specific.
We know there’s nothing wrong with being weird. Loads of us have reclaimed it. It’s the sort of harmless difference Trump supporters (among others) LOATHE.
Calling Trump supporters weird does not deflect from them in the way that calling them mentally ill, or senile, or poorly educated would do - partly because it fucking LANDS. Their whole worldview is based upon them being “normal” or “superior”. Their whole argument is that we’re the weirdos.
The second reason it works is because it’s true. They *are* weird - just not in the harmless, fun way that the rest of us are. Calling them weird is a real fucking blow to their sense of self. They’re not scary, honourable truth seekers - they’re just a bit weird. Same way your year nine PE teacher wasn’t scrupulously firm-but-capable-of-taking- joke, he was just a joyless little bully who hated people laughing at him.
The whole
The whole black mold thing works on the slightly different logic of a wind-up whose intention is to leverage the recipient’s sense of self importance to make them look ridiculous. What’s she going to do? Issue a statement denying that her house has black mold?
Threaten to sue people for saying her house has black mold?
Offer a scientific perspective on the actual effects of black mold?
Tactically acknowledge the whole thing by changing her profile picture to one that looks like she’s got a cock coming out of her ear?
Tweet a clearer picture of her Very Expensive Ugly Wallpaper to make it clear it’s a pattern and not black mold?
None of these would work. The ONLY thing she can do that doesn’t make her look ridiculous is to ignore it! But she can’t do that. She can’t bear that people on the internet might be saying that her expensive wallpaper is actually rot, even in jest, even when it’s very clearly satire. Her hubris won’t let her allow it.
The point is not that black mold has a moral aspect - it’s just something some houses get, usually due to structural issues. It’s a nonsense - just as it was a nonsense that my year eight Spanish teacher has any resemblance at all to Sideshow Bob.
It was just that every time you mentioned him she completely lost control of the class.
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dragontrailz · 2 months
Deep Green Political Sketch - July 15th 2024
"Mr Zelensky urged his Western allies to put an end to “all limitations” placed on donated weapon systems in a speech on the fringes of the Nato summit in Washington."
[Source: Telegraph - 11th July 2024]
Zelensky has been a central part of the mechanism, in the rachetting up of tension between NATO and Russia.
He's a very dangerous fool and a Fascist. His strongest military brigade, Azov, are an elite Neo-Nazi fighting unit.
All of this has been obvious for some time, but largely hidden from those who only consume mainstream media. Why do some of you fly the Ukraine flag? [Exceptions can be made for Ukrainians, or those with family connections to that country]. Would you fly the Azov flag alongside it with the Nazi Wolfsangel symbol?
I don't think you would. So why are you so confused about this?
1. Stop swallowing British Intelligence seeded as Disinformation and Masquerading as Media.
2. Educate yourself as to what the 'Integrity Initiative' is/was. If you don't understand this, you will remain confused about what is on the horizon.
3. Stop falling for all this Russophobic Racist Hate. The Guardian are the worst spreaders of this: Luke Harding, James Ball, Carole Cadwalladr, George Monbiot etc. They've all been outed as seeding NATO disinformation, some of them multiple times.
The Russians are not the real enemy. The real problems lie much closer to home within the Military Industrial Complex. We should not be provoking The Kremlin. After Putin came to power, both Blair and Clinton said he was a man they could do business with. Then it all changed and now he's the enemy again.
A key moment was the Maidan Coup in Ukraine in 2014. That was a US-funded colour revolution. That provoked a Russian response, which was to take Crimea - hardly surprising, under the circumstances, given it's strategic position on the Black Sea.
Then the trouble started in The Donbas and Lugansk regions in the South East of Ukraine.
The Guardian at the time had not been completely taken over by the Security Services and two articles from 2014 remain, which tell us what was happening there at the time. Read them.
They are by: John Pilger and Seumus Milne. I think that might have been the last column Pilger wrote for the Guardian. Milne went on to become one of Corbyn's key advisers.
Look at the history of what's happened and work out what the key moments were that changed the relationship between the UK and Russia from an economic one to a military confrontation.
I can tell you more, but if you don't work it out for yourself, you might not believe it. That's how propaganda works. The BBC, Guardian, The Telegraph - they all reinforce overlapping narratives until 80-90% of the nation become confused.
At that point that the paralysis sets in which allows for dangerous lies to be peddled e.g. 'Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction'. By the time the first shots are fired, it will be too late.
Why are NATO provoking the Kremlin by encircling Russia with military bases and then installing missiles in these border areas, and then, worse still, threatening to fire them into Russia.
This is nuclear brinkmanship. The last time it was this bad was either Able Archer (1983) or the Cuban Missile Crisis (1963).
But in the latter case John F. Kennedy was in charge and he was able to think clearly and his opponent Nikita Khrushchev wasn't stupid either. In the former case, it was Thatcher and she may not have been a nice person, but she wasn't a dimwit like Starmer. Reagan was a bit thick though and that was the problem there.
Joe Biden is going senile. Keir Starmer is a serial liar who will do anything to gain the approval of The Establishment and gain more credit and power. He's another Narcissist, drunk on power, who has navigated his way to the top job, via a series of elaborate deceptions. Yet, he's well out of his depth, despite meeting with top people from the UK and US Secret State multiple times before he even took power. So, he was well briefed. So, how has he read it all so wrong?
He's a member of the Trilateral Commission - if you don't know what this, then look it up (clue: it's a secret power clique between 3 nations: UK, US and Japan).
All of this is opensource information. It's all out there, most of this has been in the public domain for months or years.
I'm going to start writing up some research I've been doing for the past 4-6 years, and will soon by starting a new blog. Any assertions made will be backed with evidence that's either peer-reviewed or multi-sourced. Then you can decide for yourself where humanity is at in July 2024.
The bulk of the work is based around the MSc I started in 2018 on 'Sustainable Food and Natural Resources'. I did not complete the Masters, but I did get a Postgraduate Diploma - with Distinction. This will give the work a 'Deep Green Ecological' foundation.
As I looked back to the origins of philosophy for solutions (Proudon for example), I also looked forward and tried to understand the emerging threats of the 2020s: creeping Fascism, Artificial Intelligence and exotic climate 'technofixes': SMRs for nuclear power, nuclear fusion, biomass, CCS, BECCS, a 'Hydrogen Economy'; and potentially the most dangerous of all theses scams: the ones that claim they can reverse biodiversity loss (gene-editing, synthetic food, biodiversity offsetting and gene banking).
People in France understand these issues, that's why a new left-wing Alliance (New Popular Front) were recently able to defeat the dual threat of Macronism (Neoliberalism) and Marine Le Pen's National Rally (Far-right), whilst also partially co-opting Macron and neutralising the threat of him being leader again.
Why are people in the UK so uneducated and ignorant? We don't have a movement that's anything like as educated or organised as those in France.
That's because key figures have acted as obstacles to progress over the last 20-30 years or so (George Monbiot, Vince Dale, Jonathan Porritt) and because campaigns have been infiltrated or smothered. Some of the people obstructing progress have been outed, but they are still there interfering - Paul Mason is a good example in that respect.
It does now seem that October 7th 2013, and Israel's Genocidal response to it has ripped the mask off the West's claim to be the global authority on common sense, diplomacy and democracy. That was always a lie, but at least now, you can all see that lie.
With regards to France:
Learn about who Jean-Luc Mélenchon is and why he's far smarter than Corbyn ever was.
His party, La France Insoumise or 'France Unbowed' form part of the radical left alliance. Rather than let the media define how you view this political faction, why not do some more research and find our for yourself.
But don't stop there, keep researching and find the future you want to build. Then go and make it happen.
Here's one entry point to learn about 'France Unbowed'
Julian Assange: 'If wars can be started by lies, then peace can be started by truth.'
#France #Melenchon #FranceUnbowed #FranceInsoumise
#Zelensky #Fascism #Starmer #JoeBiden #VaughanGething #Ukraine #MaidanCoup #Russia #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide
#CubanMissileCrisis #AbleArcher #NuclearBrinkmanship
#Guardian #IntegrityInitiative #Harding #Cadwalladr #Monbiot #Mason #NATO #Disinformation
#Climate #DeepGreenEcology #Biodiversity #NutrientCycles #FoodWebs #PlanetaryBoundaries #EcocideLongList #Proudon
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g3sdogden · 7 months
Hate the people acting like voting for biden is going to save us from fascism more than the people who're actively, openly fascist TBH. Part of it is their disgusting paternalistic "you don't know what you're saying" bullshit, which when coupled with them not actually understanding how shitty things are right now and how bad they're going to be REGARDLESS of who wins this next presidential election makes them fucking insufferable
Like, y'all had your chance to show you could push biden leftward; you didn't, and he's actively turned rightward from four years ago, just like we fucking said he would. At this point he's ALSO openly fascist, and unlike trump he's driving us towards a repeat of nazi germany UNOPPOSED, meaning it doesn't fucking matter if he's driving us there more slowly, we're going to get there at roughly the same damn time either way because he's hitting all green lights and isn't getting pulled over every five minutes for speeding and attempting to run red lights
we have ALREADY LOST the fight against fascism, we are ALREADY THERE, and what we're looking at is a question of which senile old man drives this country off that cliff, and the shitstains saying "but you gotta vote blunomattahoo" are actively supporting the rise of fascism. This strategy of yours is why we're in this situation as it stands; it doesn't fucking work! When the only thing we, as a people, can LEGALLY do to affect change is cast or withhold our votes as we wish, then DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE act like us withholding our vote is US being ignorant of the risks! I am already expecting to get rounded up and die in a goddamn concentration camp regardless of which of your dictators win! Why would I help YOU absolve YOURSELVES of your willful compliance with the rise of fascism!? Your "vote for the lesser evil" strategy only works if you're actively planning a goddamn revolution, but you fuckers ain't, so you're just saying you want blussolini instead of cheeto hitler, and that ain't good enough, YOU ain't good enough, I CAN'T vote directly in favor of my own death, and I DON'T have the ability to go making calls like you fuckshits keep thinking works when it absolutely fucking doesn't, so when you say to vote blue no matter what happens, no matter how similar the platforms and actions and attitudes of both parties become, all you're saying is for me and mine to FUCKING DIE QUIETER so you can go back to your fucking brunch!
You want my vote, my worthless spitting into the ocean that's nothing but a performative farce, then you fix your goddamn candidate!
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gaykarstaagforever · 11 months
Sean Hannity did a "sit down" with Mike Johnson, a man whose name I keep forgetting a minute after I've looked it up for the 12th time. Politico has a "listicle" of the 12 key points, where we can get a "peek into his thinking."
What this ACTUALLY is is a promo bit so Mike can show America how white and folksy he is, and Hannity can set him up to give hard-right approved soundbites, reassuring the fascists he's still quietly one of them. Important work for the good of the country, all 'round.
Let's waste time on this, shall we?
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"Biden is senile." Zing. They literally have nothing else, except that he has also, sometimes, been awkwardly weird to women and children. But they can't talk about that, because being awkward and weird to women and children is a GOP plank.
And yes, it is a "failed presidency." Because the Democrats said that about Trump's tenure, so the GOP has to say it about Biden. Because political attacks are identical to when an 8 year old yells, "No, YOU are!"
This is also a dog-whistle about how POCs and queer people are still allowed to walk the street without being terrorized, and we should all go to men's retreats and cry about how oppressed we are by it.
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Yes yes, we can't support Ukraine anymore because Trump confused Twitter conspiracies for security briefings, and now the mainline GOP has to pretend it makes any sense that the Ukrainian Illuminati wanted to hack voting machines in the Deep South.
He could have at least found a conspiracy theory by someone who actually knows what a Ukraine is. And what corruption there actually looks like. But Trump does research by half-paying attention to Fox News while he's eating his chicken McNuggets, so it was bound to go this way.
I like how Mike is only anti-Putin insofar as it affects his racism against the Chinese. At least, publicly. He has to understand what a genuine threat Putin really is. But like half his party right now loves Putin because only Putin can stop those Ukrainian Illuminati from hacking rural Georgia voting machines. A GOOD person would, you know, call that bullshit out. But since Mike did treason by refusing to certify a free and fair election, Mike is obviously not a good person.
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Like hell you do. If it was up to these people, they'd draft every 17 year old in the country to go kill Muslims, to make them too busy to watch videos on the internet that point out how gross and evil Conservatism is. I mean, Kim Reynolds did her best trying to force them offline by making it legal for them to serve martinis to handsy lawyers at 1 am. But at this point, she can't mandate that.
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Yeah, Mike, I'm sure the reason you don't want to give money to poor Muslims is only because of how insensitive their own leaders are to them. Funny, then, how your party is the one claiming how it is automatically antisemitism when someone dares to suggest Israel shouldn't have free reign to turn a city of 600,000 poor Muslims into a Moon crater.
...Almost like something else is at play, here.
Also I don't disagree that letting Hamas get US funds would turn into Hamas buying weapons with it.
...Weapons that were probably originally produced by US weapons manufacturers. And they have NO IDEA how they even got there!
The irony of a Far Right Conservative being wary that someone violent wants to buy guns.
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"No, it was YOU that committed high crimes and misdemeanors!"
How are people who committed treason against the State allowed to punish other people for breaking its laws? What version of high school civics does Louisiana teach?
I think they just yell "White Power!" and throw a football at your head.
Hey, I'm in Pennsylvania. It's basically the same thing here. Just if you catch it here, they reward you with a Hershey bar.
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Yeah, only white people should have globe-spanning empires, because ours are inherently benevolent and our guns bring freedom! Or whatever weird twists the Conservative mind makes to justify why only WE get to do stuff.
Note that the only reason we "hate" China is because they want to make all the money we are currently making, screwing around with other people's shit. That's why we must stand firm astride the world. So guys in New York have the exclusive rights to squeeze money out mines in Indonesia and Malaysia and Sub-Saharan Africa. A noble endeavor, surely worth the ever-present risk of American military lives!
Also this obviously takes the form of a racism that exoticizes and dehumanizes everything China does, because how dare they not keep to their place? But Mike wasn't overt with that here.
Give him a minute.
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Remember how Republicans changed the rules into something stupid so McCarthy could be Speaker, but then it turned out to be so stupid it cost him the Speakership, and plunged House leadership into chaos? Now that Mike is in charge, he wants to change the rules AGAIN, because now the stupid they thought was good turns out to be bad.
Because House Republicans run any elections they are in charge of like 7 year olds playing superhero, changing the rules after the fact and demanding a redo every time they don't get exactly what they want.
The problem is, when you pull that shit with a Presidential election, that's called "an attempted coup," and it's treason.
Which Mike was involved in. So no surprise that as House Leader, here he goes again, treating election rules like laser eyes you can't have anymore because it's not fair.
As for the stopgap spending thing, any GOP Speaker would parrot this, about how he'll bravely shut down the government until Biden stops giving poor trans students 2% milk instead of toilet water, or whatever their misreading if the Old Testament demands this season.
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Guy who committed treason is suddenly Mr. Law and Order when it means he can worm out of having to try and refight the gay marriage issue. We know he is anti-queer and proud of it, so this is mostly him declaring that he thinks there are more important culture war battles at the moment than reinstating the official legal definition of two dudes kissing as "icky."
He surely wants to do that. It's just a "not right now" thing. Right now, it is time to outlaw
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That is his weiner way of saying "it's a States' Rights issue!", that thing the South ALWAYS says any time you tell them to free their slaves, or stop doing compulsory Bible study in public schools, or you mention how marrying your 13 year old cousin is actually considered child abuse now.
The only reason most of the South has electricity or phone lines is because the Fed had to pay for those, as left to their own devices, they were exercising their States' Rights to let everyone die of mining accidents in cold shacks while a handful of families spent the infrastructure money on fancy dress parties. States' Rights is the immediate cry of a man who is indignant he should have to answer to anyone about anything in the first place.
And now with Roe overturned, he doesn't have to. The South and Midwest can legally turn a fertilized womb into the equivalent of an ankle bracelet, and the rest of us can mind our business! ...Until Mike and his friends make abortion illegal on the federal level.
Because the appeal to States' Rights only applies when the South wants to do something gross in the name of God. If your state chooses another path, you are morally wrong and the law should force you to do as the South says God demands. Because their view of democracy is that they get to be Evangelical Popes who can dictate policy to the rest of us.
This guy is now second in line to the Presidency. Let's hope Biden and Harris doing waving tours of war zones doesn't go stupid. Because if it does...it's going to go stupid for ALL of us.
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