#sending you love and glitter ❤✨
veroinfaciem · 2 months
Hello! I'm here for the WIP Title Tag Game 🥳
May I acquire some information about 'DR st chrysanthemums' and 'DR st head', please?
Sure you can! :D Thank you for the ask @flamboyant-vampire ❤❤❤! 
Both belong to the I've seen you bundle - an AU in which Doflamingo rescues Rosinante from the Sabaody's Auction House - so they were both written as a part of said fic. I'll address only DR st chrysanthemums though, as the other one is actually a huge spoiler to the small climax of the series (if everything will go according to plan and not off rails, as it tends to do xdd) and I wouldn't dare to spoil the fun so much ;) 
I'll try to be vague anyway and put the leak under a cut. 
DR st chrysanthemums 
Big part of the fic deals with Rosinante's trauma and oh boy oh boy, our precious bean had it hard TvT 
Part of the PTSD can be compared to a constant loop that's hard to break from, it has its patterns. Title refers to a little detail Rosi remembers (among other things), that just keeps resurfacing from time to time under specific circumstances, all of that making him distressed anew.
One such episode finally prompts Rosinante to start a conversation with Doflamingo about a thing that bothers him a lot, which he never had neither the safe space, mental strength, nor self-permission to address directly before.
As it is now, the conversation ends, but the problem stays open with no real closure nor perfect solution behind it (being more of a shallow ‘rational-advice patch’ than anything) -  it's still too early for healing the years worth of damage and the trauma doesn't magically disappear because one opened up a little to another. 
That conversation creates a new trace of thought in Doffy's mind though, one he's not even fully aware of, posing a question - is Doflamingo really as okay after all that happened to them as he thought?
A small snippet from chrysanthemums to tickle your curiosity a bit (again - it may contain spoilers + sorry for all mistakes, English is not my first language TvT):
(TW: slight gore, DQ’s canon past)
The first person you killed. Do you remember them? 
Did he?
Doflamingo blinked.
What kind of question even was that?
Of course he did. 
Doflamingo thought back to the blown skull, sawed-off neck and the blond mustache clumped with blood and grimaced inwardly. What a jarring day that was. His wrists were hurting from all that strain, the bone broke only after a solid half an hour of work, that was such a hassle. Heat was pouring down from the sky, everything around was stinking like rotten garbage, Rosi was howling to the sky in utter anguish and the knife was constantly slipping from his blood-drenched fingers. 
Of course he remembered. Father's uselessness was unforgettable, as seas were long and wide. So were its consequences. 
Small flintlock still burned the wood at the bottom of Doflamingo's drawer, and occasionally his mind.
That's also the day when everything started anew, or rather ended. Both. Equal measure. (He never should have left.)
“I do,” he just said curtly, widening his smile into something more leisure-like and carefree. “Hair and eyes, skin and all- Why the question though? Are the goners even worth any of our precious time? They're dead anyway.”
Yes. Why are you asking, Rosi? What is going on in that head of yours?
Rosinante was wriggling the paper and biting his lip, mulling over an answer, most likely. A nervous gesture if he ever saw one, but the look in those rusty eyes was a growing fog of inner turmoil and it didn't bode well, at all. Pulling Rosinante out from another episode didn't align well with neither Doflamingo’s schedule nor his blood pressure. “You don't have to answer Rosi.”
Still though, he should. He brought the topic up himself.
Rosinante finally settled on some kind of answer, because the pages flew open and his brother started to scribble those blotchy scratches. He tossed him the notepad, gaze wandering around Doffy's face, almost, almost looking him in the eye.
How do you cope? 
Doflamingo stared at the drying ink.
With what, he wanted to ask, but that could be a tad insensitive of him. And besides, Doflamingo thought he could guess that rather accurately. 
Nothing to tell though.
There was nothing to cope with. 
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ficthots · 6 months
A kind man said 'We need to love'. I think we need to start spreading this idea around like glitter. I'm sending you all my love in hopes for the best days before you and hope your struggles are behind. Share this with any and all so that 2024 can be the best yet. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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horansqueen · 3 years
Headlines - Chapter 6
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Story Masterlist ✨
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❤  chapter 1 ❤ chapter 2 ❤ chapter 3 ❤ chapter 4 ❤ chapter 5  ❤
❤ written from both Niall and Ophélie’s POVs ❤ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ❤ OU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ❤ 3k ❤ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox! ❤ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
Viktor was annoying, more annoying than usual. Niall and I had been fake dating for over a month now and my co-star, for some reason I couldn't understand, kept trying to get me to cheat on Niall with him. I had no idea what made him believe I'd sleep with him while having a boyfriend when I wouldn't even sleep with him when I was single, but I shouldn't be surprised by Viktor's behavior anymore. To me, it seemed more like some sort of competition he was nourishing with Niall and from what I knew of Niall, he was not the type to get into these games.
The charity gala we were supposed to attend was quite big and it was stressing me more than I wanted to admit. I was not the type to dress up and I knew I'd be uncomfortable the whole time in a dress that would most likely not even look good on me. My hips made every single piece of clothes look horrifying but when it came to skirts and dresses, it was even worse.
Fortunately, the dress was white and large around my hips, and when I turned around to check what it looked like from behind, I sighed and licked my lips. It could have been way worse. I had no idea who had picked this dress for me but I wanted to personally thank them.
"Hey, you don't have to thank anyone, your body makes the dress look great, not the other way around."
I smiled to Corey's reflection in the mirror and he sent me a grin back.
"How's my make up?"
"Great, i love the glitter."
I was not sure how people would be dressed there but I just hoped I would fit in. It's only when I was about to step through the door that I turned around, grimaced, and let out a short whimper.
"Please, Corey, come with me!" I whined, tilting my head and reaching for his hand.
"I'm not gonna be a third wheel, sweetheart. You're going there with your boyfriend, you don't need me. Besides, I have nothing to wear. And, I have a date, too."
I stared at him and blinked a few times, breathing in deeply and licking my lips. I wanted to tell Corey the truth. I wanted to tell him that Niall was not really my boyfriend, that I couldn't stand him and that he felt the same, that I dreaded every single time I had to be in public with him but even more when I had to be alone with him, and that I had even signed a contract for that... and that's why I didn't say anything. I breathed out in a sigh and pressed my lips together, tasting the gloss I had put over my lipstick. I had to come back to reality and keep my mouth shut, which was something I normally did quite easily. This time, it was different. I felt alone and lonely like I never did before, and I couldn't find comfort in anyone.
I thought about Niall and how easier this whole thing would be if we actually could stand each other. At least, I'd have someone to talk to, someone who could listen to me, someone I could help too... but Niall hated me, and I sort of returned it quite well.
"Come on, you can do this." Corey said, hitting lightly my upper arm with his fist. "You belong there, okay? Don't let anyone make you feel like you don't."
My lips curled into a small and fond smile and I nodded, finally leaving his place. It's only when I reached the street that I noticed the car. It was dark and it looked expensive, and when it stopped near me, the driver honked right before the window rolled down.
"Niall." I let out, my smile now completely gone.
"Babygirl." he replied, sending me a smirk as he bent near the empty seat. "You look amazing."
"How did you know I was here?"
"We turned on the gps on our phones, remember?"
I raised my nose up in a grimace and swallowed hard. I was not ready to get in character yet and playing the girl who was completely in love with an asshole was not the easiest role I had to play, even if it was still easier than pretending to love Viktor.
"Come on, petal, get in, or we'll be late."
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my heartbeats but they were going so fast that it seemed impossible. I finally opened the door and sat next to him, trying not to look at him at all as he drove us.
When we walked inside, he grabbed my hand in his and I held my breath, a smile still plastered on my face. Every single time he touched me, it reminded me of the first kiss we had shared. Of course, we had kissed a few times after, but nothing compared to that first time. It was a bit awkward since there was no feelings involved and that we were both reluctant to do it, but the way he had cupped my face and how his fingers were spread on my jaw and neck did something to me that I didn't want to admit out loud. The man knew how to kiss, there was no doubt in that, and the way he had done it was misleading to some extent because when he pulled away, his thumb had brushed on my bottom lip and for half a second, I could have sworn I had seen feelings in his eyes, and had felt affection in his touch.
It was a lie, but I was not sure why it bothered me so much. Maybe it was simply because at that exact moment, he was definitely a better actor than I was and it was not even his job... or maybe because it pissed me off that he would literally play me like that, even when we were in private. Either way, it had troubled me and even if I should have been over it by now, I was not.
I glanced at him and he noticed but I turned my head away just before our eyes met. He looked good in his black suit and his bow tie to match, and I knew I couldn't compete with that. Was everyone wondering what the fuck he was doing with me? Probably, but I just shrugged it off.
I knew who the host of the evening was and I knew Niall would have to make some sort of speech because Louis was one of his best friends, and if I wanted to be honest, I was a bit nervous about meeting him. I was not the biggest fan of their band but I still liked it and their music. I would definitely never admit that to Niall and I wouldn't act starstruck in front of Louis but this whole business was new to me and it was always a bit stressful to meet someone famous.
I felt my heart jump in my chest when he walked closer to us and without thinking, I squeezed Niall's hand tighter. I expected him to say something but instead, he just squeezed my fingers back and I frowned for half a second as Louis stopped in front of us with his girlfriend. She was gorgeous and he was handsome. The couple they presented was just perfect and it made me slightly jealous. I was never the type to care about people said. I had the chance to be with a loving family who always told me I was worth it, no matter what others would say or think, but this was Hollywood, and it seemed like everyone was skinny, beautiful and talented.
"Ophélie King, it's very nice to meet you."
My lips curled and I grabbed the hand he was handing me before he quickly pulled me into a hug. I didn't expect it but I let out a short chuckle and hugged him back a bit awkwardly. I don't think he really noticed, though.
"Nice to meet you, I'm surprised Niall told you about me." I laughed again, pulling back and sending him a small smile.
"Niall? Niall didn't have to say anything, love. You're on every billboard in town."
At that thought, my heart jumped in my chest. I was definitely not used to this, and finding out someone like Louis Tomlinson knew who I was surprised me, and It was the same the whole time we were here. Every time someone mentioned my name, I was shocked and it brought in me an incredible sensation I never felt before.
"Not easy to become someone famous so suddenly, is it." Niall let out after dinner, as we were still sitting at the table.
He had moved closer to me and I could feel his breath on my neck.
"I'm not used to it yet." I admitted, licking my lips and daring to send him a glance. "It's my first movie and it's a big one, it's not like it happened gradually."
"I know what you mean, I was thrown into this, too. I was also younger than you, which means I made a bunch of stupid mistakes."
"What kind?" I asked, this time turning to him, as the left corner of my lips raised up.
"The kind you didn't make... like, sleeping with Viktor, for example."
I knew he obviously didn't mean he slept with Viktor but it felt like he had made a few mistakes with the girls he had been linked to. I couldn't really blame him, he was still a teen when he got famous, and it probably had been even harder for him.
"Hopefully this thing we have is not a mistake." I added, looking away from his eyes. "Because it could be a mistake with consequences. For both of us."
This charity event was fun, and I was always there when there was a good cause. When we entered, though, some pictures of us were taken and I was a bit nervous to find out what they'd look like. I also knew people would talk, whether it was fans or the press and that's when we would find out if we were credible enough. I believed in her acting skills but I also knew she hated me and it was not easy to be around someone you can't stand, especially when no one knew it was fake.
The fact that normally there's so many people around her and Viktor and that they were actually reciting a scenario with words that weren't really theirs probably made everything easier. With me, it was completely different and it was a miracle we had lasted a month.
I didn't answer her last comment but I knew what she meant. It could definitely be bad for both our careers, and mostly for hers, since she was barely just starting. Hollywood was not super soft for women either and I sighed, leaning against my chair.
I looked at her profile for a few seconds and finally got up, getting her attention, before holding out my hand for her. She frowned and a smile appeared on my lips as I raised my eyebrows.
"Wanna dance?"
She licked her lips nervously and glanced around so quick no one probably noticed except me. I knew she really didn't want to, but I also knew she enjoyed dancing and after a few seconds, she let out a short sigh and put her hand in mine.
As soon as her fingertips slid on my palm, I held my breath. I hated this electricity between us that gave me a shock every single time we would touch. It was ridiculous, we couldn't stand each other, but there was something unrealistic happening whenever her skin brushed against mine, and it made me think that sex would probably be ecstatic between us. I blinked a few times to push the thought away and took a step back before squeezing her fingers and bringing her to the dance floor.
We started dancing slowly and a bit shyly but when I grabbed her hand and made her twirl around a few times, she started laughing and it made me smile. She took my hand back a few seconds later and I made her turn around fast again but this time, she lost her balance and fell in my arms. I thought it would be awkward but she laughed some more and I chuckled too. It was fake, she was acting, I knew it, but it made me realize that perhaps, I wanted to have that kind of relationship with someone. For real, though. Nothing fake or forced. I just wanted to be happy with someone, laugh with someone, and love someone without all the problems and the drama most of my relationships had brought in my life.
I didn't really know who Ophélie was, and if it would be tough to really date her, but somehow, I couldn't help but think that I wanted a girl that was pretty much like the one she was faking with me because of our contract.
Without thinking I pulled her closer and my hands slid down to her waist. She looked up just in time as I pressed my forehead against hers and sent her a soft smile. I kept repeating to myself in my head that it was just acting but the short moment of surprise I saw in her eyes was definitely real. I smiled lovingly at her and she sent it back but I was actually surprised when she moved her chin up to reach my lips with hers. I waited a few seconds but deepened the kiss slowly as we kept moving on the dance floor. I could see the bodies moving before my eyes closed and I knew we didn't follow the beat of the song, but I tried to focus on the kiss to make it perfect. I wanted that kiss to be something that would look like love and when she tilted her head a bit, I moved my body closer to hers.
She took a step back when the music stopped but kept staring at me as Louis talked on stage. I didn't really hear what he said but when I heard my name, I blinked a few times and looked up. I knew I was supposed to join him on stage and make a short speech but somehow, I was a bit baffled by this evening with Ophélie. Did we just really have fun together or was I imagining things?
I took her hand and we walked to the stage, climbing the few steps before I turned around and sent the crowd a smile. We were supposed to sing a song together with Louis near the end of the evening, I knew that, but somehow, I had forgotten a good part of what I was supposed to say at that exact moment. I let out a few words about the cause and how important it was to donate, but I could feel my heart beat hard against my chest. It was not something that happened to me often, I normally am quite good with crowds and people in general. I was not an anxious person when it came to being the center of attention at all but somehow, what I had just realized about how wanted someone like Ophélie made me lose my mind slightly.
I felt her squeeze my hand in hers and she took a step closer to the microphone before sending a smile to everyone and licking her lips, but it's only when the words came out of her mouth that my jaw literally dropped.
"My lovely boyfriend didn't want to say it because he's a humble man, but he will donating 300k pounds to the cause, and we really hope it will encourage many of you to be generous!" she started clapping in her hands and everyone did the same.
I could tell you that I forced a smile but It came naturally. Ophélie turned to me and sent me a proud smile as the left corner of my lips moved up into an amused one.
Of course, I needed money to live, but giving to causes like that made me happy, and I had intended to actually donate on that night. I was just not the type to scream it to the world because I was not looking for praise when it came to this. To me, it was just a natural thing to do.
The smile on Ophélie's face, however, made me think that she didn't think I was like that, and I suddenly understood that we didn't really know each other, if at all. We clearly couldn't see past the dislike we had for each other and it was sad.
I didn't mention anything and we barely talked for the rest of the night. It's only when we both walked inside my house that I dared to ask her.
"Why did you do that?" I asked, closing and locking the door behind us.
She untied her hair and moved her head quickly, slipping her fingers in it and rubbing them on her head. "Because."
"Because what?"
I wanted to tell her that it didn't matter, that I was happy to give, and that if she thought of this as a way to annoy me, it was not working. But I wanted to hear her reason first, and the words that came out of her lips made something stir in my heart. I didn't think anything she could say could actually affect me, but I was wrong.
"I just wanted to remind you that I still hate you."
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mezzy303 · 4 years
//sneaks in!
Hehehehe //tiptoes around leaving a trail of glitter!
Eeeep mezzy! ❤❤❤🥺✨🎆 here to spam ya undetected......like a ninja!
Hope ya have the best weekend! Love ya lots❤❤😳🥺 sending ya alllll the hugs ❤☺🥰🌈
Pfft you say undetected but that evidence is never gonna go away 😂😂
Thank you friend, hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend too ❤
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