#sending virtual hugs !!
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crystalrainfall · 16 days ago
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where-is-the-angst · 1 month ago
ok so the reason I needed to rant is this…
so I tried something yesterday because for a while I’ve been feeling really… ig expendable is the word?
so I decided to not fake smile like I usually do and also not go to them. Just to see if they’d notice. You guessed it… no one noticed or gave a crap that I was gone. you know… the person who calls herself my “best friend” said all of maybe 5 words to me yesterday. And that “conversation” if it can even be called that, was initiated by me in study hall when I asked why she decided not to sit by my like usual.
I’m not clingy I promise. I just want someone to care if I’m there or not. You know?
All my friends have this obsession with squid games but I don’t want to watch it cause it lowkey looks stupid (no offense if you like it). They did the same thing last year with a different show and the same thing happened where they started ignoring me. so yeah…
I’ve decided that I’m done doing everything in all my friendships but no one will listen to what I have to say. That’s the problem with being the “therapist” friend. Everyone dumps their issues on you but doesn’t care about yours.
I’ll update you if anything else happens (if you want)
Thanks for listening/reading (?)
that’s terrible! i’m so sorry they treat you that way, you (or really anyone) don’t deserve that
you are not expendable <3
you are an incredible person with a sparkling personality <3
im sorry the people at your school can’t see that <3
i hope you find your people <3
sending all the virtual hugs <3
i wish i went to your school so we could be besties (ik we already are but yk) <333
love u so much ali!! ❤️‍🩹
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justaflyintooka · 1 month ago
10 people I’d like to get to know better
Thank you so much for the tags @bladelei and @babyscilence!! <33
Last song: Some kind of monster by Neon Trees (actually listening to it rn as i‘m typing this lol)
Fav color: hmm, that‘s a hard one but at the moment that light beige color when you put too much milk in your coffee…
Last book: Well, technically The Siege of Beszterce by Kalman Mikszath but I‘d be pretty shocked if they had translated it to English (this one was for my studies by the way:)). Other than that one I think it was Artemis by Andy Weir
Last movie: Doctor Strange. Kind of got into Marvel after watching their Spider-Man films and now I‘m going back to watch all I missed. This one was not bad but not my taste :)
Last TV show: Uhh, it‘s been a while but I think The Six Million Dollar Man. There‘s just something very comforting about 70s-80s TV that modern stuff just doesn’t have
Sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy mostly, but sweet is a close second
Relationship status: Single :)
Last thing googled: Uhhh, lemme take a peek… Apparently it‘s ‘origin of get help my brother dying meme’. It just…came up in a conversation. I had to…
Looking forward to: Tomorrow, aka the weekend. Had a pretty tiring week and taking a day to just not be in a rush for anything sounds perfect.
Current obsession: uhh, the song Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons? I know it’s weird to be obsessed with a song but it’s so energetic and the lyrics are amazing and it’s been stuck in my head for days and I really think they should put it on Spotify… Also, uploading unavailable tracks to my Spotify library via local files. Um, yeah xD. It‘s fun though and worth it :))
NPTs: @kt-burnt, @randommouseclick, @lyssolay, @corriegardenia (i really have no idea if you guys do tag games so feel free to ignore <3) and also anyone who wants to join the fun!
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mattscoquette · 2 months ago
guys i’m so devastated i can’t hug u all like im so in my feels oh my god
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coffeedepressionsoup · 6 months ago
I hope Yoongi knows how loved he is, and how proud we are of him 💜
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mamadoc · 10 months ago
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I thought I’d send out some peaceful pictures of beautiful flowers from my garden. With 6x7 just a couple of hours away, we may all need to have a moment of peaceful meditation. Sending hugs to anyone who might need one. 🫂 🥰
The last picture is a flower called a bleeding heart. That’s how we all felt after 6x6. Fingers crossed this episode is the first step in rebuilding and healing.
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v7lgar · 9 months ago
Your writing is lovely
why thank you anon, u are lovely as well
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noa-ciharu · 6 months ago
i am so obsessed with your fics i swear ive reread some of them like 10 times and i always get so:333 whenever a new one gets posted.!!!!
Awww you're so sweet thank you so much!!! 😭😭😭💜💜💜 gives me motivation to write more
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erraticprocrastinator · 1 year ago
Had a bit of a rough day and I think it’s going to be one of those nights when I need my characters for comfort. I have a few really wholesome scenes coming up so hopefully that’ll cheer me up. Writing when I’m emotional can be difficult but I also think it’s usually some of my best work? Anyway if you’re also having a hard time today I feel you and I’m sending virtual hugs/shoulder pats.
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productofaritual · 1 year ago
I would like to thank the about 2 people that keep consistently liking my BBN posts, it means the world to me ^^
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eamour · 2 years ago
Hi lovely I just want you to know I love you and your blog ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
that really makes me so happy to read… thank you!! 🥹🫶
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dontyoulistentome · 1 year ago
Are you quite alright, @minty-tea-soup ?
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i love when characters don't get to die
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oscar-isaacx · 3 months ago
So this isn't oscar related but I just want everyone to know that, no matter who you are you are welcome here. You're safe here.
Please don't be afraid to reach out and I will try and do whatever I can.
I know I'm just some random person on the internet so it probably doesn't matter anyway.
I think because of how social media is it can seem that negativity and hate are everywhere but in reality it really is a minority. They are just the loudest.
So just know you are so needed and wanted here and I'm giving virtual hugs 💕
(Of course the only exceptions are obviously people who are abusive and are particularly abusive towards my girl Elvira.)
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shadowsingers-mate · 6 months ago
I'm back.
To everyone I was roleplaying with, I'm so so sorry that I disappeared. Life happened, I was drained emotionally and mentally.
I didn't mean to hurt or ignore anyone. All of you who checked up on me, your love and care reached me, comforted me.
There were days when I didn't have the energy to face my day. Somedays I'd just sit in front of the screen, staring at the blinking cursor, trying to reply to everyone's messages. But no words would come.
Thank you. I'm back and I promise to make up for the lost time and not go AWOL.
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months ago
TYSM @hero-of-the-wolf and @skyward-floored 🥹 UNO reverse!!! I love you guys /plat
@smilesrobotlover @telemna-hyelle @silvercaptain24 @ladye-zelda @mad-navi @kikker-oma @endlessartpumpkin @milkyplier and all of you other lovely people whose names my tired brain can’t remember (i’m sorry!) but who brighten my day <333
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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cuntnikida · 6 months ago
I adore you. I look up to you so much
You seem so confident, something that I strive to be but have never been able to do
All of the times we have interacted, you have been nice to me. I am so thankful for that, because it gives me a bit less scared to tell you all of this
I love your blog, it both fascinates me and brightens my day a bit
Thank you for being on Tumblr, you make the experience much more enjoyable for me
Please know all of this is platonic btw
oh. thanks anon. i think i know who you are and if you are who i think you are just know i care alot about you too. And even if you aren't, you seem really sweet and i care about you too.
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