#send me wtnv related asks maybe please :)
cowboyinternist · 2 years
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wtnv ladies :)
+ some other sketchbook stuff under the cut :]
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years
More stress in my life = more crack for you all. 
I haven’t even reached Tony’s part of the timeline in LTTR/OTNC, or even touched the Civil War arc of TWiFFON yet here you go, mini-crossover snippets of my two biggest AUs thus far that I’m now considering expanding later. 
Warnings: everything Welcome to Night Vale-related, because LTTR/OtNC!Tony’s got it in his blood. Only referenced, though, nothing graphic. 
This is in the grey area between ‘just messing around’ and ‘can be considered canon’ because this is set at the ending of TWiFFON, and as of right now OTNC is nothing more than a fic idea that I’ve only started to expand a little, set in the same universe as Live Through The Rain, wherein Maria Stark née Carbonell was born and raised in Night Vale.
Just random scenes in my head that I couldn’t get rid of, here.
Under the cut, because RIP mobile users otherwise.
Tony straightened up, and dusted himself off. He...probably shouldn't have been messing with dark matter like that when Clint was around, in retrospect, oops—wait.
No, wait.
The universe wasn’t—oh shit. 
The universe didn’t— it wasn’t singing to him like usual, it was in a minor key instead of a major, uh-oh JARVIS would rip a hole in whatever reality to drag him back and Pepper was going to kill him.
Umm. Okay. Where was he, exactly? He needed to get home, where the hell was he and how’d he even gotten wherever he was in the first pla—ah. 
Cue robots, of course. Okay, Tony could work with that. They felt almost familiar, but far emptier than what he was used to, but he could work with it. If they were friendly, great. If not, he had his bloodstones and gear on him, and knew enough combat invocations to at least make a dent. 
“I take it you’re the welcoming committee here?” He asked dryly to one, and started walking before they said a word.
“Greetings. I take it you are aware of your displacement? Come with us, please, we can help get you back.”
Ah, they were friendly and polite. Great, his laser knife-fighting skills were rusty anyway.
“This is Tuesday to you guys, isn't it? Random strangers accidentally falling through the fabric of reality?”
Great! Hopefully nobody’d be looking at him weird here, if this kind of thing was normal. It’d be a nice change of pace, for once.
...he took that back, this place was just as weak as his own dimension. Dammit.
“So, you’re saying you’re used to evil clones and that’s why you jumped out the window of a several-hundred-foot building.” His double said, a hand on his watch and an incredulous look on his face. Besides him, a young man in a red-and-blue suit stood, mask in hand and watching the two of them like a tennis match, and some dude with a cape was in the corner and managing to both keep a wary eye on things but also very clearly trying not to smile and failing badly.
“Yeah, I mean, I took Bio 351 in college. Got excellent marks on the final. Besides, it’s not like you have room to talk, Mr. I Took Over The Planet.”
“You...okay. What exactly do you need, to get back home? Because this is weird even by my new standards and I hadn’t thought it was possible, and stop laughing and help me out here, Strange, dammit.”
“Oh, shouldn't be too hard, my main worry is JARVIS tearing apart reality looking for me. Always annoying, that.”
“And for the record, I didn’t mean to take over, it sort of...just happened. Wait, what do you mean JARVIS can warp reality? He’s an AI, isn’t he?”
“Well, duh. But computer science is an arcane field. Coding’s right up there with dark magic.”
His alternate looked like he’d been smacked by a fish, and leaned back. “Science? Arcane? You— okay, no, I don’t even, Strange get over here I think this is more your field than mine.”
and, later on, 
[with some potential spoilers for what’s going to happen in OTNC when things get a bit more serious]:
“So, why the robot army. I mean, no complaints here, but personally I’d been looking more into other fields.” Tony started. Because sure, the Iron Legion looked pretty shiny, but it was also pretty hard to follow, especially given the looks this universe’s Avengers gave his double the moment he brought up said robot army.
“Did you guys not get invaded? The name Thanos ring any bells?” Hope—as she’d introduced herself as— asked carefully, trying to feign being casual but Tony didn’t miss the way the others had stilled...great. 
It’d better just be a dimensional thing and not a Night Vale thing because that’d be just the goddamn cherry on top, seriously.
“I mean, we had New York just a few months ago, but that was more annoying than—” He cut off when the room all but exploded, and maybe he was using his power for evil but Tony couldn’t help but keep an extra sharp ear out for anything he could use amidst the muttering.
“We should tell him—”
“No, but his dimension’s—”
“Should you—”
“I mean—”
Tony tried to get their attention, but it’s not until he brought out the big guns and said something in Triple Spanish that the room remembered he was part of the conversation too.
Of course, he also got weird looks, because he still weirded anyone who wasn’t Happy or Pepper or Rhodey out, whenever he messed with intonations.
“What the hell was that?” Hope demanded, a hand sitting on her...was that a taser?
“Triple Spanish. For when I need to get the room’s attention. Tell me what, by the way?”
...apparently the room agreed on letting him know what his dimension might be in for. Good.
“Just curious—didn’t you go through a portal, during New York? Because that was...a pretty big moment, for me.”
“Well, yeah, but it wasn’t like I saw the Void or anything. The warhead made a very nice boom, but overall it was just deep space, nothing special.”
“Nothing specia—” his alternate managed to choke out, all-but-glaring at him. Rhodey’s less-chill clone was about as stunned, too.
“I mean, I’d been warned all my life about looking into the Void, how it can drive some into madness and everything, think I caught a glimpse of it during the one astronomy class I snuck into, way back when. But what I saw wasn’t it.”
His double just stared.
and even more ridiculousness, because why not. Taking quite a few liberties with stuff from WtNV, here:
“So, New York differences notwithstanding, that probably means you’re probably going to need to deal with Thanos. Big, purple megalomaniac, wants to kill everything he encounters.”
That got Tony’s attention.
He straightened up, and noticed the glances that were being thrown his way.
“He’s a tyrannical despot? Wants to bathe in the blood of his enemies or whatever? Has a huge never-ending army?” He asked, not even bothering to hide the edge in his voice now. Oh crap oh crap oh crap—
“Yes,” Rhodey’s alternate said. 
Well, fuck. Tony leaned back, and hoped nobody noticed the tremor in his hands, or the way the shadows by the table were suddenly a lot more jittery than they had any right to be.
“So you’re saying I’ve going to need to gear up for the Blood-Space War. Damn.”
Okay, he could do this. Tony took a deep breath, let it out, and ran a hand through his hair. Just keep everything under control, this was fine—
“What do you mean ‘blood-space war?’” A very pale version of himself asked, echoed by the entire room in varying tones. 
“In my dimension, mom’s from Night Vale. I take it she’s not, here?” Tony looked at his hopefully-not-evil clone for confirmation. When he shook his head, it wasn’t a surprise. [Well, that explained some things.]
“I’m Night Vale, too. It’s a long story, but the short version is it’s a small town with some apparently unusual quirks. Me, I don’t see what the big deal is about time travel requiring a license, but whatever. The Blood-Space War will happen at an unspecified point in time, when reality and unreality are at a nexus, neverwhere and yet eternal.”
Tony paused to take a drink, noticed everyone’s looks, and continued.
“Some of Night Vale’s people’ve enlisted. They get sent out, across time and space. Plus there’s the Society for A Blood-Space War, who sends time-traveling assassins to prevent despots from ever starting their reigns of terror.”
“You what now?”
“Ġ̫͙͋͑͗r͔̣̩̞͉̪̖ͬ̈́̋̆̎̓̐̀͑a̝̗͉͕͈ͯͨ̎ͧ͛ͭͨn̜̼͙̣̈́̓̋ͭ͗̃d͚̰̤̀p̮̮̖̝̖͍ͦ̎a̳̯̲͍͈͊̂ͥͥͦ̂͗ sent letters home like clockwork.”
Tony had not meant to make them flinch like that. Right, English only when it came to outsiders, oops. [But talking about his grandfather just felt weird without the proper intonation!]
“Grandpa enlisted when mom was...seven, I think. He sends letters like clockwork, last I heard he was slated to command a battalion... But yeah. Blood-Space War. I’ve been trying to lay the groundwork to protect our guys for a while now, guess I’ll need to step up my game. Thanks for the heads up, though.”
These people’s expressions were about on par with his own team’s, when they first found out about Night Vale. [People never change, do they?] 
Finally, this Strange guy broke the silence. “Let’s...focus on getting you home, shall we? And hopefully the rest of us’ll be able to wrap our heads around...this.”
If Tony wasn’t so resigned to it, he’d pity them. As it was, this was old hat and the sooner he got home, the better. At least there everyone he cared about was more or less used to his quirks, even if Steve still sometimes made a face whenever he drank his smoothies. Odds were JARVIS was busy on his own end, anyway, and Tony needed to start planning for this latest development too.
Clearly, he’d need to find Night Vale sooner rather than later...hmm.
There’s more to it that that, of course, but these snippets were the ones that really wanted out.
Because, just imagine it: OTNC!Tony, aka NightVale!Tony, just crash-landing TWiFFON and breaking everyone’s brains. 
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