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dungeonmalcontent · 1 year ago
Microfiction: The Stars See You
Your task completed, the token of each cultists bathed in chaos retrieved, the hunched old woman gives you a kind smile. Her bandaged hands retreat into the folds of the sleeves of her oversized robe with the tokens faster than you thought possible. Her hunched back cracks slightly as she cranes her neck up to look you in the eye.
There is a stray lock of gnarled and sweaty gray hair hanging over the corner of her mouth as she speaks the words, "my thanks, young hero. You've had a splendid journey." Her voice is hoarse and kind.
The hood of her robe slips back and her posture straightens. Her skin glows white hot in an instant, her bandages burn away, and for a moment you feel as though you are staring into a bright void or a distant sun. But her body cools and twists into a taller and more upright figure of molten red and orange.
Now long and slender, the old crone has become a three dimensional tapestry of stained glass. The sharp contours of her cheek and jaw bones seem like thin metal supporting frames for panels of shimmer white and silver and blue mica flexed glass. Her hair, once gnarled and gray are like white hot blown glass filliments joined into soft curls that drift on an invisible breeze. Her eyes, piercing through you, are solid black and glossy like a rook's and speckled with all the stars in the night sky.
"You stand before the mother of gods, the maker of magic, traveler of the expanse, mistress of fates--Sevass, the star weaver."
You fall to one knee and bow instinctively. This earns you a chuckle from the goddess. Something you can only compare to the warbling roar of a black hole collapsing in on itself.
"Do not be so formal, little charm. You've earned a sparkle in my eye. I will watch over you." Her voice echoes out into eternity, calm and overbearing.
You look up, face blushing horribly. You expect a gentle and terrifying glare. You see nothing.
She is gone.
You look back down as you get back on your feet and see the gift she has left you hanging around your neck. A platinum amulet set with a single polished stone. A crystal of dark blue aster filled with the light of the night sky.
No matter where you roam, no matter what sky you look up into, you feel as though you are home.
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jackhkeynes · 4 years ago
Tu Me Hamtau (com un Tumour)—caneria complið
You Grew on Me (like a Tumour)—complete lyrics in Boral
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Gloss and pronunciation below the cut.
Tu me hamtau com un tumour /ti me hamˈto kɔm ɪn tiˈmuʀ/ 2s 1s.obj inhabit-pst as indef tumour
E tu m'insinuau com pielcancr malefactour /e ti ˌmɪn.siˈnjo kɔm pjɛlˈkan.kʀ̩ ˌma.le.fakˈtuʀ/ and 2s 1s.obj infiltrate-pst as skin.cancer malevolent
Tu a my cour irront /ti a mi kuʀ iˈʀɔnt/ 2s have 1s.gen heart break.in-ptcp.psv
Me valois t'eliminar toð pront /me vaˈlɔjz teˌli.miˈnaʀ tɔθ pʀɔnt/ 1s.obj should-imp.sbj 2s.obl remove-inf all immediate
Eð oy jo hoir oc caura jamay hauðer /ɛθ ɔj ʒo hɔjʀ ɔk koˈʀa ʒaˈme hoˈðɛʀ/ and now 1s fear prx.s get-fut never healthy
My sens resoluð par solaç poçonnander /mi sɛnz ˌʀe.zoˈlɪθ paʀ soˈlats poˌdzo.nanˈdɛʀ/ 1s.gen feeling fix-ptcp.psv by treatment antiseptic
Toð cas sera jo degredient /tɔθ kaz seˈʀa ʒo ˌde.gʀeˈdjɛnt/ all case be-fut 1s in.decline
Me valois te delir paravant, inagent /me vaˈlɔjs te deˈlɪʀ ˌpa.ʀaˈvant | ˌi.naˈʒɛnt/ 1s.obj should-imp.sbj 2s.obj get.rid.of earlier | inactive
Jo t'accaroy com un bdella /ʒo ˌta.kaˈʀɔj kɔm ɪn bdeˈla/ 1s 2s.obj acquire as indef virus
Com podagronos meningothera /kɔm poˌda.gʀoˈnɔz ˌme.nɪnˌgo.θeˈʀa/ as severe.inflammation meningococcus
A pigl es tu l'arjon /a pajl ɛz ti laʀˈʒɔn/ to leg be 2s def burning
Cosogr tey, jo smarc plu l'aubon /koˈzɔjʀ ti | ʒo smaʀk pli loˈbɔn/ in.a.pair.with 2s.dsj | 1s surface no.longer def morning
Jo n'array hour aðief por y fregn a lotrigneth /ʒo naˈʀe uʀ aˈðjɛf pɔʀ i fʀijn a ˌlo.tʀajˈnɛθ/ 1s neg have-fut.1s time enough for def risk at surgery
Y canç sera zefr a trohad scur eð igne /i kants seˈʀa ˈze.fʀ̩ a tʀoˈhad xɪʀ ɛθ ajˈne/ def chance be-fut zero at amputation certain and sterile
Te delir toð paryent a denou /te deˈlɪʀ tɔθ paʀˈjɛnt a deˈnu/ 2s.obj get.rid.of all successful at ending
Ig vel nos occir y dou /aj vɛl no‿zɔkˈsɪʀ i du/ dst.s will-sbj 1p.obl kill def two
Tu me hamtau com cancr ammonent /ti me hamˈto kɔm ˈkan.kʀ̩ ˌa.moˈnɛnt/ 2s 1s.obj inhabit-pst as cancer presage-ptcp.act
Me souprenoy com ptyssoscia resconent /me ˌsu.pʀeˈnɔj kɔm ˌpti.soˈxja ˌʀe.xoˈnɛnt/ 1s.sbj surprise-pst as degenerative.glaucoma be.undercover-ptcp.act
My vijon es innuoðað /mi viˈʒɔn ɛz ˌi.njoˈðaθ/ 1s.gen vision be neg-cloud-ptcp.psv
L'oc dos imminuð de tey a m'avoglað /lɔk dɔz ˌi.miˈnɪθ de ti a ˌma.vɔjˈlaθ/ def prx.s dose unmitigated of 2s.dsj have 1s.obl blind-ptcp.psv
Me valois y suajon de my SV accarr /me vaˈlɔiz i sjaˈʒɔn de mi ɛzˈve aˈka.ʀʀ̩/ 1s.obj should-pst.sbj def advice of 1s.gen family.doctor acquire
Siempr array jo vijon cas de hamarr /ˈsjɛm.pʀ̩ aˈʀe ʒo viˈʒɔn kaz de haˈma.ʀʀ̩/ forever have-fut.1s 1s vision fall.ptcp.psv from cliff
My periphery es foul /mi peˌʀi.feˈʀi ɛz ful/ 1s.gen periphery be useless
Ne spiant yonoscon, jo te vey y soul /ne spiˈant ˌyo.noˈxɔn | ʒo te vi i sul/ in look-ptcp.act wherever | 1s 2s.obj see def alone
All'acconnosc tu sta scaudr, destimað /aˌla.koˈnɔx ti sta ˈxo.dʀ̩ | ˌde.stiˈmaθ/ at.def introduction 2s be.imp shallow | disdained
Pu mell'armour coyeu noc ty flesc enverimmað /pi ˌme.laʀˈmuʀ koˈjaw nɔk ti flɛx ɛn��ve.ʀiˈmaθ/ but 1s.gen.def armour stop-pst neg 2s.gen arrow poison-ptcp.psv
Y peitrin parfis entrig /i piˈtʀɪn paʀˈfɪz ɛnˈtʀaj/ def chest stab.ptcp.psv in.between
Si j'yeme te deslocar oy, jo sagn morir desig /si ʒjeˈme te ˌdɛz.loˈkaʀ ɔj | ʒo sɛjn moˈʀiʀ deˈzaj/ if 1s manage-imp 2s.obj dislocate-inf now | 1s bleed die-inf because.of.it
De mey respir enfug /de mi ʀeˈspɪʀ ɛnˈfaj/ from 1s.dsj breath flee
Tu me hamtau com un tumour /ti me hamˈto kɔm ɪn tiˈmuʀ/ 2s 1s.obj inhabit-pst as indef tumour
E tu m'insinuau com pielcancr malefactour /e ti ˌmɪn.siˈnjo kɔm pjɛlˈkan.kʀ̩ ˌma.le.fakˈtuʀ/ and 2s 1s.obj infiltrate-pst as skin.cancer malevolent
Jo neyau a trovar /ʒo ni.jo a tʀoˈvaʀ/ 1s fail-pst to find-inf
Hastous alcot un magret vil hamtar /hasˈtuz aˈgɔt ɪn maˈgʀɛt vɪl hamˈtaʀ quick how.much indef rash will inhabit-inf
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years ago
I am going to use this opportunity to, unsolicited, talk about my Sen-Boral setting (the one in which the Flip Finnigan stories exist).
That setting is essentially an endless soup of primordial chaos until a being of immense power, that can exist freely in that soup, decides to basically just eat a chunk of space and make a "stable" universe inside it. "Space" in this world is called "sen", and is used to refer to these stable pockets. "Sen-Boral" is literally just "Boral's space" and Boral is an immense serpent that was convinced to curl into a ball and create a universe. His eye is the brightest star in the sky of all of the planes contained within his space (and the elven space shuttle that hit warp speed as they slammed into his side and got stuck between the folds of his body is the second). If Boral ever decides to uncurl, the universe ends and returns to a state of primeval chaos. So the forces of "good and evil" in the world, the real ones that operate in the background, are in a constant philosophical war of either trying to convince Boral to end the universe or to maintain it.
Your planar system is a giant, cosmic beholder. The material plane rests where it's main eye is, and the rest of the planes comprise the rest of its eyes.
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veerahautamaki-blog · 7 years ago
Digitaalinen liiketoiminta ja toimivan verkkoyhteyden merkitys
Tiedättekö sen autuaan lämmön tunteen, kun kirjoitatte esseetä tai kirjoitelmaa posket punoittaen, äärettömän syvässä flowssa (nyt puhutaan siis Mariaanien haudan syvyyslukemista), näppäimistö laulaen hymyn levitessä korvasta toiseen onnistuessanne vihdoinkin palauttamaan sen täydellisen tekeleen 4 päivää ennen deadlinea?
En minäkään.
Asiaa ei auta se, jos pakertaa viimeisiä lauseita hiki kainalossa vielä minuutteja ennen palautusajan umpeutumista. Sydän jättää välistä lyönnin tai pari – mitäpä sillä tässä vaiheessa on enää väliä – ja sitten se tapahtuu, juuri palautushetkellä.
Ei verkkoyhteyttä.
Ei auta hiusten repiminen, ei huutonauru tai ne surullisenkuuluisat itkupotkuraivarit. Mikäs nyt selitykseksi? Koirakaan ei ole voinut syödä toimeksiantoa, koska elämme digiajassa – Ellei Mustille maistu piirilevyt tai puoliksi syöty omena.
No mutta digiaika. Siinä se nyt tuli. Verkkoyhteyskin toimii moitteettomasti, joten eiköhän ole aika kirjoittaa muustakin kuin hikisistä kainaloista.
Digitaalisuudesta voisi riipaista kertomuksen tai pari melkeinpä puolinukuksissaan (älkää silti hyvät ihmiset kokeilko…), mutta digitaalisesta liiketoiminnasta puhuessa juoni tiivistyy vieläkin mielekkäämmäksi. Aihe koskettaa minua läheltä, sillä olen tehnyt itsekin digitaalista liiketoimintaa yli kahden vuoden ajan – kahdessa eri työpaikassa sekä kevytyrittäjänä. Matkaan on mahtunut muun muassa innovointia, käyttöliittymän suunnittelua, puhelutallenteiden litterointeja lakimiehille sekä kaupallisten yhteistöiden toteutusta. Lista tulee jatkumaan entuudestaan, sillä oman digitaalista liiketoimintaa harjoittavan yrityksen perustaminen on ihan näppituntuman päässä nykyhetkestä.
Digitaalisen liiketoiminnan monimuotoisuus ja tuhannet mahdollisuudet houkuttelevat. Mieleen iskeytyy erityisesti (ja puolueellisesti) viestinnän, konsultoinnin ja markkinoinnin liiketoiminnat, jotka voivat perustua hyvinkin pelkästään sähköisesti tehtävään työhön. Somen tarjoamat työt villitsevät nuorisoa, ja kuka tahansa voi myydä osaamistaan erinäisillä Internet-alustoilla. Kun nuori Veera aikoinaan haaveili ammattijalkapalloilijan urasta, nykyinen versio taas unelmoi nappaavansa matkalaukun ja tietokoneen mukaan ja lentävänsä Bora Boralle konsultoimaan yrityksiä Skypen välityksellä. Digi much?
Digiajan tuulia pohtiessa tulin siihen tulokseen, että mielestäni digitalisoituminen ja digitaalinen liiketoiminta ovat toisistaan poikkeavia asioita, jotka voivat kuitenkin blendautua keskenään aamusmoothien lailla. Yritykset, jotka digitalisoivat myynnin tai palvelujaan, antavat nykyaikaisen vaihtoehdon perinteiselle asioinnille – tai siirtävät sen kokonaan sähköiseksi. Digitaalista liiketoimintaa harjoittavien työ perustuukin täysin Internetin antamille mahdollisuuksille, oli kyse sitten alustataloudesta tai vaikkapa SEO- ja API-ymmärtäjistä. Raja voi olla kuitenkin nykyään hyvin häilyvä, eikä kukaan vedä Permanent-tussilla viivaa läppärisi eteen.
Mikä on sitten parasta digitaalisessa liiketoiminnassa? Se ei ainoastaan anna monille ihmisille mahdollisuutta ansaita leipänsä sähköisesti (tai edes murusta siitä), vaan se tuo myös palvelut sekä tuotteet lähelle kuluttajia.
Ainakin siihen asti, kunnes näytölle ilmestyy
”Ei verkkoyhteyttä”.
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tuempleord · 4 years ago
Vuelven las discusiones sobre el Código Laboral
New Post has been published on https://www.tuempleord.do/2020/10/07/vuelven-las-discusiones-sobre-el-codigo-laboral/
Vuelven las discusiones sobre el Código Laboral
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El ministro de Trabajo, Luis Miguel de Camps García, ase­guró que la crisis creada por el COVID-19 es un momento propicio para retomar las con­versaciones que se han produ­cido en los últimos años con miras a una reforma del Códi­go de Trabajo.
De Camps García señaló que se debe buscar un espacio en que se puedan lograr los mayores niveles de consenso, a la mayor brevedad posible y siempre respetando los dere­chos de los trabajadores.
“Los derechos de los tra­bajadores deben ser respeta­dos, eso es algo en que esta­mos muy claros en el ámbito de cualquier conversación, eso no es óbice, no impide que esas conversaciones se pue­dan desarrollar y se puedan encontrar mecanismos de re­forma y puesta al día de esa pieza legislativa tan importan­te”, destacó el funcionario du­rante el Desayuno del Listín Diario.
El ministro de Trabajo seña­ló que la reforma del Código debe verse de manera integral junto a la reforma de la ley 87-01 de la Seguridad Social, lo que permitiría la eficiencia del sistema productivo nacional y la mejora de los niveles de competitividad del país, pero admitió que eso es muy difícil.
Agregó que es necesario re­tomar las conversaciones res­pecto a la reforma del Código a la luz de la nueva realidad que vive el país y su aspiración es conocer cuáles son las pos­turas de los distintos sectores.
De Camps García dijo sen­tirse esperanzado en que du­rante su gestión el sector labo­ral alcanzará un acuerdo para la actualización del Código La­boral que data de 1992 y dijo apostar a que el ministerio sir­va de equilibrio y de ente faci­litador en el proceso.
Aunque no ofreció fecha para que se retomen las conversa­ciones tripartitas, De Camps García se mostró positivo res­pecto a la intención mostra­da por los sectores laborales de búsqueda conjunta de so­luciones a la situación que se vive en la actualidad.
Definió como una de sus principales preocupaciones, la dificultad que implica la for­malización del empleo. Agre­gó que desde el ministerio se deben fomentar espacios de conciliación laboral para dis­minuir la judicialización de los conflictos que se crean en­tre empleador y trabajador. “Entendemos que la judiciali­zación en extremo de las rela­ciones laborales es pernicioso para el trabajador y también para el empleador”, puntuali­zó el funcionario
Expuso que con el fomen­to de espacios de conciliación se podría reducir considera­blemente el número de firmas de abogados que se dedican a “cazar” casos de conflictos la­borales.
Sobre fondos de pensiones
El ministro de Trabajo se mostró partidario de que prevalezca en el sistema de pensiones el modelo de capitalización individual y que los fondos de pensio­nes puedan ser usados para proyectos de alianza públi­co-privada.
“Uno de los proyectos más importantes de este Gobierno va a ser la utiliza­ción de las alianzas público-privadas, porque en ellas se puede o se podría utili­zar, con los resguardos ne­cesarios, estos fondos para invertir en algunas de estas iniciativas que producirían rentabilidades mayores”, sostuvo el funcionario.
Al responder sobre su opinión respecto al reclamo de que se entregue el 30% de los fondos de pensiones, el funcionario negó que es­to responda a una lucha de los trabajadores, atribuyen­do la demanda a sectores con intereses particulares.
Explicó que en el país existen dos modelos, el de reparto y la capitalización individual, y se mostró partidario de que se use solo el modelo de capitali­zación individual para que estos logren una rentabili­dad que beneficie a los tra­bajadores.
Destacó como un fac­tor que influye en las me­joras de las pensiones es que hasta ahora ha habi­do muy baja oferta de in­versión de estos fondos, los cuales juegan un papel fundamental en el desa­rrollo nacional.
SALARIOS Revisión de metodología.
Al preguntarle sobre el tema de los bajos sala­rios en República Domi­nicana, el ministro Luis Miguel de Camps Gar­cía, se mostró partidario de que se revise la meto­logía para ajustar los sa­larios mínimos dentro de la actualización del Código Laboral.
Señaló como puntos a revisar la gran canti­dad de salarios mínimos (17, según datos publi­cados), el uso de las es­calas salariales como un mecanismo de fom
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sizekitap · 5 years ago
Kan Gülleri Açmasın kitap (Vuslatı Bekliyorum)
Kan Gülleri Açmasın kitap (Vuslatı Bekliyorum) F. Melek Boral Tunç Yayıncılık
Saklaya bilseydin eğer yüreğine Mutluluk resimleri çizerdim kimsenin görmediği sevdayla Gözlerine mavilikleri sığdırır Yanaklarına bahar çiçekleri kondurur Gül kokusu olur dolardım soluğuna Huzuru yazarken alnına Şiirden bir aşk demeti sunardım gönlüne Gözlerin derya kıyısı liman Demir atardı yüreğim Dudaklarında mühürlenirdi son cümlem Her gece senin şairin olur Şiirlerimi hep bir tek sana yazar okurdum Adı ben sevdası özlemi sen Eğer sığdırabilseydin yüreğine -F. Melek Boral-
Kitabın Adı:Kan Gülleri Açmasın kitap (Vuslatı Bekliyorum) Kitabın Yazarı: F. Melek Boral Yayınevi: Tunç Yayıncılık Kodu: 9786056542091 Sayfa Sayısı: 2. Hamur Basım Tarihi:
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devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/kitaplar/siir/kan-gulleri-acmasin-kitap-vuslati-bekliyorum/
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darkcircleguy-blog · 6 years ago
Boral Kibil & Levent Ozbay Ft Kadim Tekin – Sen Aglama (Original Mix)
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winhousing · 7 years ago
Danh mục vật liệu chung cư Sakura 1 – Lavita Tứ Hiệp
Chung cư Sakura 1 thuộc dự án Lavita của khu đô thị Hồng Hà Eco City đã chính thức ra mắt tọa lạc tại xã Tứ Hiệp, huyện Thanh Trì, thành phố Hà Nội.
Chủ đầu tư đã đưa ra danh mục vật liệu khi hoàn thiện của Sakura 1 – dự án Lavita.
1. Thiết bị cho phòng khách, phòng ngủ và bếp
Sàn gỗ công nghiệp
Tường bao ngoài: Trát xi-măng, bả, sơn nước, được sử dụng sơn bả Jotun Việt Nam, Dulux Việt Nam, Nippon, Kova hoặc tương đương.
Tường ngăn các phòng: Bả, sơn nước, được sử dụng sơn bả Jotun Việt Nam, Dulux Việt Nam, Nippon, Kova hoặc tương đương.
Trần: Trần thạch cao, bả, sơn nước, được sử dụng sơn thạch cao Boral, Vình Tường hoặc tương đương, sơn bả Jotun Việt Nam, Dulux Việt Nam, Nippon, Kova hoặc tương đương.
Cửa chính Căn hộ: Khung cửa, nẹp cửa và bàn cửa gỗ công nghiệp, ổ khóa tay gạt inox chống cháy sử dụng của Odlong hoặc tương đương.
Cửa phòng ngủ căn hộ: Khung cửa, nẹp cửa và bàn cửa gỗ công nghiệp, ổ khóa tròn sử dụng của Odlong hoặc tương đương.
Cửa sổ căn hộ: cửa nhôm kính sử dụng của nhôm Huyndai, phụ kiện Kinlong hoặc tương đương.
Thiết bị điện: Aptomat được sử dụng của LS – Hàn Quốc hoặc tương đương, đèn chiếu sáng D110 ánh sáng vàng của Rạng Đông hoặc tương đương, công tơ điện lực cấp, dây và cáp điện của Goldcup hoặc tương đương
Thiết bị nước: Ống cấp nước PPR, ống thoát nước uPVC của Tiền Phong – Việt Nam hoặc tương đương
Thiết bị bếp: Tủ bếp gỗ công nghiệp, máy hút mùi của Termacook hoặc tương đương, bếp từ của Termacook hoặc tương đương
Thiết bị Aptomat của LS Hàn Quốc sử dụng cho chung cư Sakura 1 dự án Lavita Tứ Hiệp
2. Thiết bị phòng vệ sinh
Sàn: lát nền (gạch nhám)
Tường: ốp tường (gạch)
Trần thạch cao của Boral, Vĩnh Tường hoặc tương đương
Vách kính temper 10mm trắng trong
Aptomat được sử dụng của LS – Hàn Quốc
Cửa nhôm kính của Huyndai hoặc tương đương
Ổ khóa tròn của Trung Quốc
Công tắc và ổ điện
Đèn chiếu sáng D110 ánh sáng vàng của Rạng Đông hoặc tương đương
Dây và cáp điện của Goldcup hoặc tương đương
Thiết bị vệ sinh: xí bệt, chậu rửa, vòi, sen tắm, vòi xịt, gương và phụ kiện của Bestme hoặc tương đương
Thiết bị nước: Ống cấp nước PPR, ống thoát nước uPVC của Tiền Phong – Việt Nam hoắc tương đương
3. Ban công
Sàn, lát nền (gạch nhám)
Trần, tường trát vữa sơn nước của sơn Jotun Việt Nam, Dulux Việt Nam, Nippon, Kova hoặc tương đương.
Lan can thép sơn tĩnh điện
Đèn chiếu sáng D110 ánh đèn vàng của Rạng Đông hoặc tương đương.
Dây và cáp điện của Goldcup hoặc tương đương.
Thiết bị dây cáp điện Goldcup sử dụng cho Sakura 1 dự án Lavita Tứ Hiệp
Chung cư Sakura 1 cung cấp cho khách hàng danh sách vật liệu xây dựng với những thông tin liên quan của vật liệu để quý khách hàng có thể nắm bắt được tốt nhất những thông tin của dự án Sakura 1 – Hồng Hà Eco City
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 years ago
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A look at how I do pantheon building. This is from a project which has no official name as of yet, though I can say it is tied to the Sen-Boral setting.
It’s pretty basic, but the whole spreadsheet doc for the pantheon works really well for me.
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glamourstreet-blog1 · 8 years ago
Daftar Harga Ready Mix Termurah
Dasar-dasar nyata mungkin dapat dibangun prefabrikasi, artinya, mereka pindah ke arah website untuk ereksi dan diciptakan dari situs web. harga ready mix menjual semen dan pasti akan berbeda dari $80 - $200 per kubik-halaman, yang akan memberikan kira-kira 80 kaki AT-4 inci tebal biaya. Undangan diperluas untuk semua ilmuwan asing yang energik, tugas-tugas yang belum dimasukkan untuk mempublikasikan informasi yang diperlukan menuju mulai nyata di khusus @, untuk memastikan bahwa masa depan model catatan bisa menjadi total dan lebih luas. Penelitian diakui bahwa ahli seperti penggunaan beton item karena siklus hidup biaya.
Beton Institute of Australia anggota terhormat dalam konferensi ACI saat ini di hadiah untuk kualitas nyata bangunan Gala Dinner karena revolusioner pemanfaatan EFC Geopolymer di jalan-jalan dan fokus mereka pada Barat Wellcamp Bandara Brisbane. harga ready mix tender bersaing tempat stres kontraktor untuk memilih harga termurah yang disediakan. Panel ketangguhan diakui delapan mata pelajaran tertentu, masing-masing untuk menjadi tertutup ketangguhan yang berencana oleh orang yang diusulkan prinsip praktek; Kursus publisitas; dianggap-untuk-kebutuhan yang sesuai; gaya nyata, bangunan dan menawarkan; bertindak; istirahat dan istirahat menangani; dan efisiensi penilaian. Perakit meja yang dapat dipercaya mencakup singkat jaminan terbatas yang selalu alamat kekurangan produksi selama 1-2 tahun.
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Pertemuan dua tahunan Institut nyata Sydney, yang menjadi disimpan sepanjang akan disimpan ke 2 di Pullman resor di Victoria dari 30 Juli September 2015. Di Australia, teknisi dan kontraktor belum rentan terhadap rutin setiap dikontrol dalam pilihan, gaya atau menginstal jangkar dan nyata kuku secara Antarabangsa, ada telah banyak parah masalah orang-orang di bangunan. ACPA telah merilis sebuah situs perjalanan nyata trotoar di situs.
Greg dari Dublin biaya: kerikil-e50-m2 Paving-e60-e80 + PPN m2 Rock-e70-e80 + PPN m2 semen-e50-m2. Dinding blok dapat berfungsi dinding pemandangan baik, namun, ketika membuat rumah Anda pada dasar yang Anda mungkin ingin untuk bersandar ke arah masukan semen. Anda harga ready mix Abu Dhabi dan Dubai semen yang mana item UEA Readymix Real Anda menempatkan karya nyata Fit-Out di Dubai Rose Center Readymix semen. Melakukan hal ini menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk melemparkan-di-tempat mungkin program kawat atau kolom beton. Mungkin kualitas kekuatan semen yang didirikan secara statistik sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam AS1379. Spesifikasi yang membutuhkan bahwa bisnis terpercaya mengesahkan pembuat salah satu baru precast. Ini bisa menjadi persentase dari hanya satu sampai 6 untuk adalah hanya nyata power lemah dibandingkan dengan program 15 dengan demikian tidak ideal untuk struktur bertingkat. Dengan tampilan awal dilakukan dengan bangunan nyata, beberapa benar-benar nyata-ruang manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh struktur ini.
Untuk dapat mencapai finish semen Anda harus meletakkan ramping dan benar-benar benar-benar, karena kita tidak menjalankan keluar setiap kekurangan. Seperti kesamaan prinsip, tempat-tempat yang membutuhkan untuk bertahan besar penggunaan oleh pabrikan otomotif membutuhkan sen beton. Masukkan biaya per banner, spanduk pengukuran dan menekan tombol untuk mendapatkan biaya-per satuan luas. Iam menerima semen saya untuk E76 m3 untuk 35n, yang akan menjadi apa yang saya akan merekomendasikan untuk permukaan dan dasar-dasar. Memperkuat perlindungan komponen dihasilkan dari 30MPa semen yang diperkuat dengan kafe-kafe yang Y12. harga ready mix seni komputerisasi otomatis menggabungkan dan batching di setiap tempat untuk menjaga kaliber semen dengan tersedia. Untuk dapat memenuhi pelanggan persyaratan Holcim tidak hanya penyedia persediaan kami menawarkan pilihan lengkap.
harga ready mix diolah Yohanes diproduksi secara di batching plant produser - cor / Filipina beton ready-mix itulah baru. Sejumlah berbagai isu-isu yang integral dari kesepakatan yang diperlukan untuk menempatkan semen di tempat, terutama di kontrol dalam perkawinan-luas wilayah. Awalnya dalam orang-orang, Mariner adalah hanya seorang insinyur municipal, dia sebelumnya telah terus peran tambahan dan terdaftar Boral di Australia tahun ini. Malam Precast Nasional cPCI jelas merupakan kunjungan tersedia tempat layanan memproduksi beton Pracetak. Kami menempatkan gerbang pra-cor kita di atas fondasi yang berbentuk beton setelah yang mengapung RC 40 - 50 skate yang semen daerah kanan atas zat yang tepat sama dan kaki membanting yang membantu untuk memastikan bahwa daerah secara teratur mudah.
Beton telah datang di masa lalu miskin sepanjang metode dan hari ini sangat ringan dan memiliki karakteristik insulasi termal yang sangat baik. Anda harus menemukan jika Anda tidak yakin tentang jenis organisasi, mencari nasihat dari ready-mix atau menggunakan afiliasi organisasi nasional Readymix Concrete nyata dalam kondisi Anda. PT.Holcim - tempat cibitung yang siap mendukung proses pengadaan harga ready mix, sehingga menghasilkan kualitas yang dan tepat waktu.
Referensi : pusatreadymix.com
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 years ago
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The first draft of the map of the Sen-Boral setting.
Much still up for change, but on the bright side Inkarnate rocks.
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years ago
Imagine being tricked into "buying" a goat by a door to door salesman, but what you get isn't even an actual goat. It's just an alpaca with horns.
It's literally the worst way to start your week.
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years ago
Something is either very wrong or very right when you hear a piece of music, which plants an unrelated sentence in your mind... and the next thing you know it's an hour later, you've listened to an entire album of beautiful melancholy orchestral music, and there's suddenly 1700 words of a story about a man being tricked into buying a goat in a .txt notepad on your computer.
I suppose this is all to say, the world of Sen-Boral still exists and it's about to have it's second major conspiracy written.
Flip Finnigan and his demon hunting, god-bewitching, magical antics can wait. Samuel Clatch needs to figure out why the statue at the corner of the city square is being swapped out for a new one and no one else seems to notice or care.
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years ago
I've been playing around with some writing in the Sen-Boral setting, and I've been reflecting a lot on how power works there.
God's get their power from primeval knowledge, primordial essence (it's kinda like mutagenic soup left over from planar creation), and devotion. And, technically, anything could become a god (likely a lesser god) through any of these methods. It's just that primeval knowledge has to come from another dimension outside of Sen (the confines of the setting's reality), primordial essence is scarce now that the creation of the universe was quite a while ago, and devotion is mostly given to the existing gods. And, technically, there's primordial knowledge which you can gain via enlightenment or uncovering a divine invocation (which did happen to Flip Finnigan... Entirely on accident), but that really only gets you to demi-god status.
Magic, on the other hand, can take myriad forms. It's a power that creeps through all creation like an ever-present damp spot. You can use it by speaking a proper incantation, harnessing magical materials, gaining a lesser primordial mutation, attaining psychic powers (like Meadowthorn, the vampire in TCTJU), binding a demon or celestial, creating a legally binding contract with a greater being, and soooo many more ways. But exercising magic requires the expenditure of mental energy regardless of how you bring a magical effect into being. It's like racing to solve complex linear algebra in your head over and over again. Some people get really good at it and can hone their skills to produce more and more potent effects. But it still wears the mind down and can result in exhaustion. It's the kind of exhaustion you really need a good night's sleep to get over... But you can get by for a little bit with just a bit of downtime and a nice drink.
But there's also titanic power. Absorbing primordial essence doesn't always guarantee godhood. And, more often than not, mostly just causes extremely rapid evolution. This can make mortals extremely powerful in a physical sense, but they can also lose themselves in the process. Usually this kind of thing only happens to inanimate objects.
Similarly, there are diseases and somewhat negative conditions that adventurers have been known to seek out for their temporary benefits; like the ability to ignore pain for days on end or a heightened and prolonged adrenaline rush... Or even just a disease that weakens the body for a prolonged period of time, but doesn't completely debilitate, and when the subject recovers they have increased stamina and strength from dealing with their weakened state.
There's also magical items too. Though they're temperamental. Usually they're just items I'm yes with magical substances. And not many know how to craft them. There's even the rare demon-core item, a magic item crafted from the stabilized essence of a demon--but that's super forbidden by the god that invented the technique. (Flip and Cheska did it anyway, and even at the behest of a different god.)
This is all to say, it's a very traditional system. But there's a lot of room to explore. Mostly, i think I just haven't gotten around to writing characters that really want to turn the powers that be upside down. Even Flip was a normal wizard... He was just kind of a incantation savant. Or, well, he used to be.
Maybe it's time for a villain to have all the power and for the protagonist to have absolutely no idea what's going on. That feels like the right way to make a story.
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 years ago
Map-making for Dummies
If you have created or contemplated creating a homebrew setting, you have probably thought about making a map for the area. Geography is very important when describing an adventure and the world in which it happens. It also helps when talking about distances and a lot of other very important details.
When I made the Pensos setting, I made a very basic map in a very basic and non-demanding browser based software. It was all square tiles and lines and just... honestly, I need to go back and do better (and I am, but it’s complicated, I’ll talk about Pensos later). Years later, now, I’m writing The Chains That Join Us, and designing a world in which that story occurs, because I’ve been getting lost in some of my notes.
I tried to make a map for Sen-Boral, the setting for TCTJU, and well... it was hot garbage. My attempt was short lived, partly because the base looked so trash that I just couldn’t find the will to go on. It didn’t help that I was using Inkarnate at the time either. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pretty cool program if you have money to put down for a subscription, but my budget is small. Other creators have made great maps in Inkarnate, but it just isn’t for me.
So, if you are like me and have been looking for a decent map making program that has lots of details and finesse for minimal to 0 cost... you’ve probably done some googling and seen Azgaar’s map generator. And you probably disregarded it as a randomized map generator—useful for coming up with something short term on the fly, but not so great to create the map for your opus. And it fooled me too the first few times I used it. But Azgaar’s map generator is by far the most powerful map making tool I have ever seen in my life.
It goes above and beyond all of my expectations without requiring an insane level of experience or technical knowledge... and better yet it’s currently 100% free. And it’s so much more than just a mapmaker. It helps you keep track of culture, religion, language, trade hubs, routes and rivers, capitol cities, chronology, and a bunch of other little things too. It’s almost as all encompassing as WorldAnvil, in fact I’d say the only thing WorldAnvil has on Azgaar’s is that it can create specific articles for miscellaneous information and specific individuals.
Azgaar’s is not sponsoring me. I wish they were, but then they probably don’t have a ton of sponsor funds to throw around because they don’t charge you for the software. I feel like Azgaar is the weird store in the strip mall I never thought I’d go into but it turns out they sell everything that I love and I no longer need to go anywhere else. And I now command you (I’m activating my vampire hypnosis), if you are making a map, to spend a few minutes in Azgaar and see what it can do. Don’t worry about landmass formation at the start either, that part is a bit more complicated, but the rest will blow your mind I promise you.
(Edit: I was so excited about this that I forgot to include the new beta for my Sen-Boral map. So I’ve added it below the cut.)
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dungeonmalcontent · 3 years ago
The final chapter of The Chains That Join Us goes live tomorrow at 1pm.
I’m excited. I’m so excited to both have this released and to be properly done writing the story. It’s been a long and very enjoyable ride. But I’m ready to write my next story. Maybe I’ll come back to Sen-Boral one day. But Flip Finnigan’s story is, for the most part, done.
Rest in peace you miraculous old man.
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