colourmoon-tech · 6 months
Which is the Best SEO and SEM Services Agency in KPHB
Are you struggling to rank higher on search engines like Google? Do you want to drive more qualified traffic and leads to your business website? Look no further than Colourmoon Technologies, the leading and Best SEO and SEM services agency in KPHB, Hyderabad. With years of experience and a team of certified experts, Colourmoon Technologies specializes in creating customized digital marketing…
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realtruefirms · 9 months
Having a search engine marketing agency as a partner has several benefits. They are capable of revitalizing digital marketing campaigns. These businesses give brands a competitive edge in the market by increasing their internet presence.
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heinsberg · 1 year
SEM Agency in Thane
Nestormarketing is a reputable SEM agency in Thane. We focus on providing effective and efficient marketing strategies to businesses of various sizes. We are equipped with a team of experts who specialize in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and Social Media Marketing (SMM). With Nestormarketing, businesses can expect to achieve their marketing goals. for more information visit our website https://nestormarketing.com/ppc-company-in-thane/
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junocornkiwi · 2 years
I'm sad 😔 decided that I would not be sad alone >_<
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sithfamily · 2 years
Dooku never was a "real" jedi
POV: When your padawans, daughter and grandson are the same...
Semage: Why...
Dooku: I don't know!
Semage: How you don't know?! They are your children!
Dooku: It just happened!
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true-firms · 8 months
Explore search engine marketing companies
Use the experience of the SEM companies listed on Truefirms to improve your online visibility. These excellent businesses are skilled in increasing your exposure on search engines, guaranteeing optimal impact and reach. By making it easier to find the best SEM partners, Truefirms' extensive network helps companies stay competitive and maximize their digital marketing efforts.
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milaalkhansah · 5 months
Sekian lama bermain Tumblr, menulis dan membaca berbagai tulisan di sini masih saja selalu menimbulkan banyak ledakan perasaan di hati. Mungkin karena kebanyakan penghuninya tak seberani & sejujur di tempat lain. Jadi, kebanyakan tulisan di sini selalu mampu untuk diterima, dan sampai di hati tiap orang yang membacanya. Karena benar-benar ditulis dengan tulus, dari hati.
Membaca tulisan perjalanan seseorang mengambil pelajaran, kita yang membacanya bisa ikut mengambil pelajaran yang sama, meskipun mungkin kita belum pernah melalui hal yang dilalui oleh penulis. Membaca tulisan curhatan atau kesedihan seseorang, perasaan sedih mereka seperti sampai ke kita, sehingga kita bisa ikut berempati kepada mereka. Membaca tulisan berisi kebahagiaan dan pencapaian membuat kita yang membacanya ikut bahagia, dan diam-diam mendoakan supaya kebahagiaan mereka bisa kita rasakan juga.
Tulisan itu bisa dirasakan. Ia seperti makanan yang berjejer dalam etalase. Meskipun belum merasakannya, kita seringkali bisa menebak dan mampu membayangkan bagaimana rasanya. Seperti mencicipi sesuatu tanpa perlu merasakannya dengan lidah terlebih dahulu. Aneh memang. Tetapi semagic itulah sebuah tulisan.
Katanya, tidak ada yang kebetulan di dunia ini. Semua punya maksud dan tujuannya masing-masing. Sehingga barangkali, semua tulisan yang tidak sengaja kita baca, atau lewat di beranda media sosial kita saat ini pasti mempunyai niatnya tersendiri. Entah itu untuk menemani dan mewakili perasaan yang tidak mampu kita sampaikan dengan lisan atau tulisan, membuat kita berempati dengan keadaan orang lain, menjadi pengingat kita untuk memperbaiki dan kembali, sekedar menorehkan senyum dan tawa di pipi, atau bahkan menimbulkan hangat di hati.
Apa pun itu, terima kasih banyak karena telah menulis dan berbagai kebaikan ini, ya? Aku harap, apa yang kalian usahakan melalui tulisan yang kalian bagikan, bisa terwujudkan. Terima kasih telah menjadi teman di segala keadaan, aku bahagia mengenal kalian sebagai tetangga. Meskipun kita mungkin tak pernah bertukar sapa secara langsung, setidaknya melalui tulisan-tulisan kalian yang kubaca, aku bisa mengetahui kabar kalian semua.
Terus lah menulis dan membaca, karena aku percaya, seseorang akan selalu hidup, selama tulisannya masih hadir dan kita baca. Meskipun mungkin, raganya tak lagi ada.
Yang sedang mengusahakan untuk terus menulis: Kendari 11.27
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arinailma · 2 years
Hampir memasuki tahun baru, Solo hujan terus ya. Tiga hari ini aku pulang dengan kondisi rok sampe bawah basah kuyup. Stok baju makin boros, cucian numpuk. Kaos kaki yang sekali pakai langsung basah. Untung aja udah selesai kuliah, jadi gaperlu bolak-balik kampus pakai sepatu. Keknya kudu bikin inovasi kaos kaki tahan air wkwk, yang sekali kebas udah pada bergemericik airnya kek bebek kalo habis berenang suka gituin bulu-bulunya.
Hari ini aslinya semager itu. UAS udah kelar tapi masih ada laprak yang DL nya masih lama. Mana udah keburu langganan netflix lagi, jadi keinginan untuk gogoleran saja lebih banyak dibanding jalan-jalan kek adek yang tiap hari pengennya maen mulu. Tapi, emang secinta itu ya Allah sama hamba-hambanya. Siang ini masih diizinin buat ketemu temen-temen ukmi walaupun udah demis. Kenapa ya kalo habis ketemu mereka entah apapun itu, siapapun itu, rasanya kek yaallahh bersyukur bangett. Gatau, langsung good mood aja gitu deh wkwk. Mungkin setiap orang juga punya, lingkungan yang setiap kali habis ngumpul bawaannya pengen ketemu lagi. Susah kalo mau pulang, di lama-lamain aja pengennya. Ya semoga kita semua masih bisa ngerasain hal yang sama ya.
Kalo kata mbak inas di akhir wejangannya, karena kita lagi ngomongin ukmi ke depannya, jadi ga jauh-jauh kek petuah dari alumni ke pengurus selanjutnya, oh jadi beliau ada bilang gini "Allah itu menguji hambanya sesuai dengan kemampuan hambanya, kalau hari ini seseorang masih di uji perihal perasaan, mungkin memang sampai situ batas kemampuannya." Jadi, ya jangan sampai la, sebagai hamba Allah yang punya amanah sebagai khalifah fil ardh, kita terjebak pada kondisi labilnya perasaan karena seseorang yang bahkan belum pasti. Yppa, yang pasti-pasti aja wkwk.
Terus apa lagi ya.
Ini sih, nanti kedepannya jadi rumah dengan pekarangan yang luas ya, ga perlu jadi rumah setinggi hotel-hotel bintang lima. Analoginya gitu. Intinya, sebuah lembaga khususnya lembaga dakwah kita sama-sama bergerak, zaman berubah, trend berubah, tapi nilai-nilai kita tetep sama. Bismillah ya. Kita gatau kedepannya ujian kayak gimana yang akan dihadapi. Tapi selama itu untuk islam, Allah akan selalu memenangkan agama-Nya bukan?
Wayang terakhir || Sabtu, 24 Desember 2022
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Red Thread of Destiny
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46997566 by Anaxeyah It's a story in which Obi Wan is the son of Qui-Gon Jinn, whose mystical thread of destiny has connected him to Count Dooku's daughter. Despite having a loving family, Obi Wan has always lacked something in life, or maybe someone? Anakin Skywalker was bought out of slavery with his mother by Sheev Palpatine, who decided to raise and train the future, extremely powerful sith lord, and someday pass the power in the Galaxy with his help. Unfortunately, the plans of the future Emperor are crossed by destiny, which decided to combine Obi Wan struggling to appreciate his own abilities and skills and an ordinary boy gifted with extraordinary potential, whose fate was to change the entire Galaxy.... In the meantime, everyone around them is sacrificing everything to bring a happy ending to the story of these two innocent beings who do not know life. The question is, will they succeed? Words: 4254, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, Star Wars Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Semage (Star Wars), Plo Koon, Jaster Mereel, Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, Alitara Dooku (OC), Jango Fett, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn/Original Female Character(s), Dooku/Semage, Plo Koon/Jaster Mereel, Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Red String of Fate, Arranged Marriage, Strangers to Lovers, Hugs, Qui-Gon Jinn Lives, Protective Qui-Gon Jinn, Qui-Gon Jinn is a Disaster, Jedi Master Dooku (Star Wars), Grandparent Dooku (Star Wars), Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan needs some love, loving family, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Top Anakin Skywalker, Possessive Anakin Skywalker, Jedi are Bad at Feelings (Star Wars), Manipulative Sheev Palpatine, Plo Koon Being a Little Shit, Parental Plo Koon, Good Parent Jaster Mereel, Self-Esteem Issues, Obi-Wan is a son of Qui-Gon Jinn read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46997566
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February Mini-News!
Another team has moved off Roblox due to reasons within the platform; this is not the first time a developer and/or team has moved away since Deadzone's creator, DeadzoneZakZak, abandoned the platform due to the game being stolen and passed around (through an uncopylocked version) which led to the creation of Unturned (originally Deadzone 2) + Semag Games discontinued their Roblox version due to the platform's updates and now continuing it through another engine.
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drinkwatersoon · 1 year
Gak mau lagi main gak jelas sendirian. plis atuhlah, udah dua kali kayak gini.
pulang-pulang langsung muncul vertigo. Tapi masih bersyukur karena kerasanya cuma dikiiiit bgt
trus suara udah mulai beda, pas aku batuk aku langsung notice apakah ini bibit-bibit influenza. padahal aku cuma batuk sekali doang tapi kenapa kepikirannya sampai over gini ya.
Aku punya trauma dengan influenza berkepanjangan bulan lalu, hampir 4 minggu lebih :((
Aku langsung cek n ricek pola makan, iya lagi kacau huhu. Soalnya asupan buah lagi kurang, sahur kalau gak air putih ya cuma mi instan, semager itu saya menyiapkan sahur saya sendiri bisa bisanyaaa yaAllaaah. Makan agak bener pas berbuka aja, itupun lautan minyak :)) karena di sini orang-orang pada doyan berbuka dengan gorengan, ikutan lah saya huhu.
Tapi gak boleh banyak overthinking, jangan ya. makin drop kalau khawatir berlebih. Lebih suka mengalihkan pikiran dengan hal-hal lucu udah kayak gini.
Ya Allaah jagalah hamba
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
Tales of the Jedi Reaction
Y'all, it was SO
<3 <3 <3
Spoilers under the cut
Episode 1
Pav-ti (Ahsoka's mom) is beautiful 
And she has a gun :D
Also her dad is a lovable dork <3
I appreciate how they have 1-year-old Ahsoka acting appropriately for her age
This is quite the ritual for one so young. But I appreciate it, in a way. 
Ohhhh no big bad monster
Hghhhhhhhhhhh very big bad monster!!
Is this gonna be a Grogu-with-the-mud-horn moment?
I mean we know how this ends but STILL
THAT SCREENSHOT THO with baby soka patting the tiger's nose <3 <3 <3
(How on earth did she get on top of that thing?? XD)
Gosh dangit y'all I need to sleep but I now don't WANT TO
Episode 2
Young Dooku!! Is that young Qui-Gon? Can't really tell. I don't see a padawan braid
That's the most actual dog-looking dog I've ever seen in star wars
Dooku's so dramatic with that cape XD
Y'all are leaving your backs wide open
Ohhhhkaaay this is sinister
Mmmmmm this does not look like it's going to end well
His lightsaber was blue <3
Why? Just... why, senator dude?
Heeheeheehee it is Qui-Gon <3
Good golly gracious I'm gonna cry Qui-Gon was so sweet
(Noooooo why is this show SO GOOD I WAS GONNA SLEEP BUT I GUESS NOT)
Episode 3
I can see why Dooku is getting very fed up with the system. I would be, too.
What are those GLOVES? Like, are they just for show or are these people only near-human? (I lowkey want a pair)
Hmmm the senator's nervous. He'll do ANYTHING for his people, huh?
Disaster lineage rebellion didn't start with Qui-Gon XD
Thhaaaat's a lightsaber mark in that tree
Ope, LOTS of lightsaber marks
Well this went downhill very quickly
This guy's got mismatched eyes. Neat
Semage. Is that a name I should know?
(As interesting and genuinely fascinating as Dooku's backstory is, I hope we don't spend a whole of time on his fall. It's depressing.)
Episode 4
At least one more Dooku episode. Alrighty, that's fine. I just kinda hope this is the last one.
Ooooooooh I like this inner view of the archives :D
There goes Kamino :'D
Ohhhhhhhhh this is DURING Episode I
"an active imagination", honey--Master Nu--that is NOT the right response to a report of Sith appearing--
Was NOT expecting that
So Yoda's just weird I guess
Dropping hints, are we, Dooku?
"I will not be there to protect you, my old Padawan" "You need not worry, Master. Obi-Wan fills that role now."
"He acquits himself quite well."
*shrieking continues"
Dooku still hasn't met Obi-Wan?? Even though he and Qui-Gon apparently still get along? 
Is that the last time they saw each other? D':
Here we go. I sense a climax coming. Yaddle's not having it.
Ohhhhh they just got the news about Qui-Gon's death. Oww.
Yeah, I bet this is Dooku's last episode
Yaddle doing some sneaky sneak sneaking
(Ahsoka canonically never knew Yaddle. This is going to be bad)
Ah, so Dooku's already been in contact with Sidious.
"You lost an apprentice and so did I. All in service of our greater goals."
That was a gut punch if I ever felt one
This REALLY hurts, watching Dooku voice all his regrets for his lost honor, as if he's having second thoughts, but we as the audience already know he's only going to fall further
Yaddle... you... okay, mad respect for giving your full and honest best effort to help this man. But this is an absolute tragedy.
Yaddle, I wish you'd've run. I get that you're still trying to save him, but---
Ohhhh that was unpleasant death
But this still can't end well
....I don't know which moment was worse.
Episode 5
Okay, there's only 6 of these, so better enjoy these last two
(Will there be any more? I don't think so...)
Anakin! During clone wars--baby face! LOOK AT THAT BABY FACE ANAKIN
Seriously, like, not very many people were in there. That super implies they're close friends
Of course Anakin thinks the training remotes are sub-par XD
Troopers! My boys! 
REXXXX <3 <3
"Don't worry Rex, she'll wake up"
*he waves* "Sorry Commander!"
also, super helpful to know stun blasts work for a whole hour. And that you can "get used to it". And that she's dizzy afterwards
Jeeze Anakin how long were you doing this?
So yeah, she does start waking up faster
awww she's still training later in the war
Episode 6
gaaaaaasp is this how Ahsoka gets her white lightsabers?? So excited
Gah the funeral tho (cries)
Bail absolutely saw her
Ah, there he is
Ahsoka's face--she's just... so broken right now
These poor troopers are like "we picked up a weeeirdo"
Ahsoka got the message, tho :D
Yeeee! Cut Lawquane and the Fam!
Orrrr just farmers, okay thay's fine
Aaaaand there goes Ahsoka's cover
Yeeeeaaah, kid, you better skip town. Like. Pronto.
Ah, but that's what attracted the Inquisitor. Got it.
Oh dear.
That is NOT how I expected this to go
Ohhh mmmaaan this is tense
Awww I'm almost sad that we didn't get to see this super cool/dangerous Inquisitor in Rebels. But nah, it just makes this little mini-episode epic
Eeeeheeehehe, there's where Organa's comm came in handy :D
It's implied that a significant chunk of time passed. And Rex wasn't with her.
But that was the last episode
Maybe we'll learn more in the Bad Batch
I'm going to bed soooooo late y'all
But was it worth it?
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heinsberg · 1 year
SEM Agency in Thane
Nestormarketing is a reputable SEM agency in Thane. We focus on providing effective and efficient marketing strategies to businesses of various sizes. We are equipped with a team of experts who specialize in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and Social Media Marketing (SMM). With Nestormarketing, businesses can expect to achieve their marketing goals. for more information visit our website https://nestormarketing.com/ppc-company-in-thane/
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awanditanah · 3 months
Hari ini hari yang baik
Bangun telat, shalat subuh telat, semag, galham sama temen-temen, gajadi shalat Dzuhur karena plot twist masih haid, kumpul KKN dan dapet kabar yang gk enak ttg rumah tinggal, dst dst.
Tapi hari ini tetap hari yang baik.
Hikmahnya aku belum tau, tapi rasanya sudah sampai.
Benar aku belajar cukup dan syukur dengan sifat ringan hati teman-temanku. Di tengah suhu 38°C ini, aku merasa sejuk oleh kebaikan-kebaikan yang aku terima sejak bangun tidur mula. Sesungguhnya aku kasihan pada teman-teman aku yang kasihan padaku, habis sebagian waktu mereka untukku.
Terimakasih ya, semoga Allah ridha dengan langkah yang sedang dan akan kalian ambil.
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junocornkiwi · 2 years
I found someone to ship Dooku with
yass it's Semage, that guardian I saw for five minutes in one episode, but I already have a headcanon that Dooku once took him out of the prison so he could support the separatists too
Semage teasingfully calls him "My Count" and Dooku keeps poker face because he has a ✨reputation✨
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sithfamily · 2 years
A simp I become ~ Creator speaking like Yoda
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