#sell my house KC
beeshoesometimesdraws · 6 months
It is I, Soup.
For the centaur au, have any fun little tidbits or facts about Sun and Moon?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think you have any major stuff about them on your blog yet, and I’m a little curious about them.
If you don’t have anything to tell yet, go ahead and ramble about some other random character, I’ll enjoy it either way✨✨✨
(Sorry if these aren’t the kinds of question you wanted lol)
*gasp* it is the great Soup! :0
You’re all good! I love all the questions lol
Yeaaaah I’ve kinda neglected sharing stuff about them since most of the focus has been on the others though I’ll be happy to share what I have about them! :D
Sun ☀️
Sun is based off a palomino tennessee walking horse
Sun’s main job on the farm is planting and taking care of and harvesting the crops and also taking care of the smaller animals like the chickens and goats and pigs
Sun is also the one in charge of actually going out and selling whatever goods they have (fruits, vegetables, cheese and jams, eggs, wool, etc) as he does better with socializing and has more patience and energy than Moon does
Despite not working in a daycare in this au (that being Earth’s job), Sun is still very good with kids and, if they’re not busy, will sometimes stop by the daycare and help Earth with the kiddos
Sun likes to cook and bake and make jams using the strawberries and blueberries they collect and they often bake with Earth and Lunar when they have the time—their favorite things to bake are pies, specifically apple pie (they know how to do all the cool design stuff with the dough and make it look really neat and pretty)
Sun will often times let her cats ride along on her back as she does the chores (though they aren’t allowed in the chicken coop for obvious reasons)
Sun is still really big on cleanliness in this au and can spend hours cleaning the house and the barn and whatever else they’re able to get to to clean—Sun is also big on keeping themself clean as well as has one of the sleekest and shiniest coats of all the celestial fam
Sun is taller than Moon, if only by a few inches
Moon 🌙
Moon is based off a black and white paint
Moon’s main job on the farm is working with the sheep, with the help of Solar, and Sun when he’s available (raising them, moving and herding them between pastures, sheering and collecting their wool, etc)
Moon is also the main handyman on the farm alongside Solar
Moon is a big coffee drinker and will even eat the beans straight if he’s in a rush, he’s the “I can’t function until I’ve had my coffee” sort of guy
Moon is less concerned about cleanliness than Sun and has gotten himself chewed out by Sun a couple times for coming back to the house covered in mud and tracking it everywhere
Moon cannot cook or bake to save his life and is not allowed in the kitchen when the others are cooking or baking
Moon, sometimes with Sun or one of the others, goes to visit KC when he can (they are working things out and getting better though they still aren’t on the best of terms)
While he is calmer in this au than in canon, Moon can still get very angry if triggered and can be pretty damn scary when he is; the coyotes and wild cats who have tried to mess with his sheep and other animals have been on the receiving end of this, and so has Eclipse-
That’s all the little tidbits I have to share rn! I’ll start working on the designs for these two soon since I finally have some ideas on what I wanna do >:)
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freezaprime · 2 years
MY NEIGHBOR IS A REALTOR PART 2 (human Frieza & Reader)
It was an awkward moment in Starbucks. Not because you were having coffee with a rich realtor but so many people were staring at the two of you as if they were seeing a celebrity out and about in public. It made you wonder if Frieza was some sort of pop idol.
“Are you alright, dear? You haven’t touched your Carmel frappe yet.” Frieza spoke casually sipping on his vanilla iced coffee.
“I’m fine. It’s just the atmosphere here.” You smiled trying to keep your mind off of the many eyes staring at you.
Frieza looks at the people staring at them which in turn causes them to avert their gaze. “I see. Well my family is well known amongst the realtor community and further beyond that. Have you not heard of my father, King Cold or KC as he is mostly referred to as?”
“You mean Cold real estate? A bit but not too much. Sorry I’m not into anything involving realtors.” You said apologetically as you sipped on your frappe.
“How interesting.” Frieza raises an eyebrow. “I’ve never met anyone who didn’t know about my father or his business. But to get to the point of this, I am here because the…..President…..of my company has been concerned over the lack of development in this area.” He shivered at the mention of the president of his company.
You were confused about that but continued to hear Frieza out.
“From what he heard plenty of plans to turn those empty plots of land into a flourishing neighborhood were met with threats of violence and destruction of some construction tools including setting a forklift on fire. It has been going on for years and the President needed someone to go and ensure that there were no interruptions to the construction process and here I am.” Frieza said.
“Yeah that kind of stuff does happen further from where I am. But why are you telling me this and not someone else like the mayor?” You asked.
Frieza sighed before sipping on his iced coffee. “Ever since I had moved here with my son; Kuriza, I have been asking around about the reasoning behind it and I’ve been told that a drug gang rules that part of town. When I pressed further about they just changed the subject and even recommended me to build the new neighborhood elsewhere. Those fools had the gall to tell me that it was a lost cause to build anything there. Besides there’s been too much brown nosing amongst those other realtors who are asking to work with me to build the neighborhood in a more ‘ideal location’.” He air quoted in a sarcastic tone. “I had just gotten home to relax when you dropped off my son at my front door. It was when Kuriza told me about you that I decided to at least talk to someone who might know more about this area and why they fear this gang so much. Plus you were very kind as to take my son home to which I am thankful for and you seem easy to talk to.”
You took another sip of your frappe before speaking. “They sell drugs as well as make them. The police have tried to track them down numerous times but because of the wooded areas they always managed to escape. I’ve never seen them but I know some people who were threatened to keep quiet about it and those kinds of people made good on their threats. One of my coworkers had ignored those threats and reported to the police which led to several arrests of a few gang members and even raided one of the meth labs. But then when he went home to find his house broken into and his dog butchered. A note was left there saying, ‘We’ll get you next time.’ He moved away after that.”
“Damn. They’re not fooling around at all.” Frieza said in awe.
You nodded as you covered the left side of your mouth and whispered. “Plus I heard from a friend of mine in the police force that the gang leader is on the FBI’s most wanted list yet he’s been evading them for years now. He’s wanted not just for drug dealings but also first and second degree murder, rape, and assault.”
“Interesting.” Frieza hummed. “So this drug gang is led by a convict? I’m surprised that this small city is still afloat and here you are talking about it like it’s no big deal. It’s even more so that you’re taking a big risk in telling me this. Aren’t you also afraid of those individuals?”
“Honestly I don’t think they’d be interested in someone who doesn’t poke their noses into their business.” You shrugged. Then suddenly you were pushed out of your seat and landed on your side letting out a loud, ‘Whoa!’
“Good afternoon sir! I’m Margret Campbell of the Redfox real estate. Pardon my intrusion but I have a few proposals that you may be interested in.” A brunette haired woman who looked to be in her 40s had just stolen your seat and was talking to Frieza in an enthusiastic tone.
“Excuse me, ma’am! But I was just sitting there! So could you please find an extra chair to sit in?” You exclaimed loudly standing up.
Margret looked at you as if you were an annoying fly. “I’m talking to a very important person, can’t you see? Now shoo!”
You huffed and looked at Frieza giving him a ‘can you believe this?’ expression.
The purple haired man just sighed as he closed his eyes for a short time.
“As I was saying, there are a few spots to construct a neighborhood here in this city that is far more better than the one you suggested. For example if we were to build it near the mall-“ Margret was continuing but stopped as Frieza spoke.
“Not interested in your proposal, Mrs. Campbell.” Frieza looked at her with disinterest. “I have already made up my mind and I won’t be changing it any time soon.”
“Please reconsider. Plenty of construction plans had been attempted in that specific area but too many complications have arisen and we can’t afford to have any more delays.” Margret said. “Anywhere in this city is better than that place.”
“Are you finished? If so then would you kindly get out of my neighbor’s seat? I was talking to her first before you ungraciously shoved her onto the floor.”
Margret looks at you dumbfounded. “Neighbor? Her?”
Frieza stood up and walks over to Margret with a fake smile. “Yes, her. Now please get out and don’t bother me again.” He then gave her a chilling glare. “Otherwise I would have to report this to the police as harassment and quite possibly assault which is what one would consider seeing what you did to my neighbor just now. You don’t want that on your clean record, do you?”
Margret stuttered and eventually left with a flustered expression on her face.
“Terribly sorry about that, dear. How about we take a drive before anyone else interrupts us?” Frieza suggested.
“Sure.” You nodded following him outside. You bumped into him suddenly. “Sorry! It was-“ Your voice faltered when you noticed that Frieza was standing eerily still. He seemed to be staring at something which prompted you to follow his gaze and that’s when the blood drained from your face.
A trio of rough looking men were looking at the two of you with menacing grins on their faces. In each of their hands was baseball bats. This made you feel really uneasy.
“Can I help you?” Frieza asked curiously.
The men didn’t say anything.
“If you three have nothing to say then I will be on my way.” Frieza walks towards the limo.
One of the men charges at him readying the bat to strike him.
“Look out!” You screamed and the next thing you knew the man charging at Frieza was on the ground in a fetal position holding his stomach while groaning in pain. Standing over the man with a satisfying smirk was Dodoria.
‘I forgot they were with us the whole time.’ You thought remembering that after you took up Frieza’s offer for coffee and getting into the limo just to see Dodoria and Zarbon sitting in there too. You felt unnerved about earlier so you avoided looking at Dodoria before he gave you a small apology. When you had arrived at Starbucks, Zarbon and Dodoria both stayed in the limo and watched you both sitting beside a window to make sure everything was alright. Obviously they noticed the three men trying to attack Frieza and decided to jump in.
“Who’s next?” Dodoria asked while cracking his knuckles.
The two men were hesitant but went after Dodoria. Zarbon took one of them down with a swift kick to the face. The other man became frightened and tried to run but Dodoria tackled him hard to the ground.
“Going somewhere?” Dodoria asked amusingly.
Frieza chuckled as he approached the down man. “Did you really believe that you would get away with this stunt of yours? I don’t. Perhaps you can explain to me what caused you to attack me when I’ve barely done anything to you.”
“You’re better off building your fancy neighborhood somewhere else. If you don’t then you can kiss that swanky ass house of yours goodbye along with that brat of yours.” The man hissed.
Frieza glares and nods sharply to Dodoria who slammed the man’s head hard into the ground again.
“What are you doing?! Shouldn’t you leave the interrogation to the police when they get here?” You exclaimed.
“You saw what they tried to do. Don’t tell me you don’t feel upset about this.” Frieza said coldly turning his gaze to you.
“I am. It’s just that this is something for the police to do.” You retorted.
He sighed as he walks up to you with his piercing red eyes staring hard into yours. “I do not doubt the capabilities of the authorities, however; unlike the police I have no patience for those who get in my way. Of course I will leave the rest to the police but they first need to know that it was a mistake to attack the likes of me. You’re more than welcome to turn away if you get squeamish but just be glad that you’re not in their position.”
You couldn’t help but shudder at that last sentence. At first he seemed like a gentleman of business whom you’ve just chatted with over coffee but now he seems more like a mob boss than a realtor. Something moved behind Frieza and looking behind him it was one of the guys who had been knocked out by Dodoria and he was charging at Frieza with his bat. You pushed Frieza out of the way just in time as the bat came down on your skull causing you to black out.
Frieza landed on the pavement. “What the hell was-“ He was about to go off in a raging rant when he looked to see you collapsed on the ground and standing there in disbelief was one of the men who was holding his bat.
Dodoria body slammed the man into the wall of Starbucks knocking him unconscious. “Are you alright sir?” The pink haired man asked concernly.
“Just call an ambulance right now, Dodoria! She’s bleeding out as we speak!” Frieza hissed in an angry tone before turning to Zarbon. “Check her pulse!”
Zarbon ran over and knelt down over you as he grabs your wrist and presses his fore front fingers down on it. “She’s alive, sir.” He turns you over onto your back just as he started to notice blood coating your hair. “Hopefully it’s just a broken skin.”
One hour later…
You woke up inside a hospital room feeling groggy while your eyes adjusted to the bright lights. Instinctively you tried to sit up.
“The good doctors will have a fit if you move too much.” A familiar voice said.
You looked to your right to see Frieza sitting next to you. “Are you alright?”
“Of course I am, silly girl. But what you did was reckless.” Frieza said sternly. “Even though I appreciate the gesture, you should consider your own sense of self preservation in the near future. You’re just lucky that you have a hard head.”
You touched the bandages that was wrapped around your head. “So it’s not that bad of an injury?”
Frieza shook his head. “No but they’ll be keeping you overnight just in case and I’ve already taken care of your medical bill. Think of it as my way of both a thanks for your action and for the helpful information you’ve provided me.” He then stood up to walk to the door. “I wish you well, Y/n.”
10 minutes later…
Frieza sighed as he looks over a letter that made his brows furrow.
“Sir? Is she-?” Zarbon inquired as he drove the limousine.
“Apparently she is, Zarbon. Though I have no idea what hobby her aunt finds a waste of time. Besides now wouldn’t be the best time to tell our new neighbor about her aunt selling her out to settle her debts. For now we shall focus all efforts on ensuring that this neighborhood is built on this spacious land.”
“What about this meth gang sir? In all honesty I suggest we bring ‘him’ in to clean it up.” Dodoria said.
Frieza stiffened. “No. I’d rather not bring him in unless the situation is dire. And you already know how smug he gets everytime I call him for cleanup. ‘Couldn’t handle this on your own, eh Frieza? Seems only natural that you would ask for me, the perfect soldier, for help.’ Bah! I swear that man could go on and on about his ‘perfection’.” He air quotes irritably.
A phone vibrates in Frieza’s pocket causing him to pull it out. He smiles in satisfaction as he looks at the caller ID. “My dear Captain Ginyu, have you finally made it?” He answers.
“Yes sir! My men and I are at your new office right now.” Ginyu responded.
“Excellent. I will meet with you shortly then.” Frieza hung up and dialed Berriblu. “I’m meeting up with Captain Ginyu and his men for debriefing. Let Kuriza know that I’ll be home past nine o’clock if not later.”
“Of course sir.” Berriblu said.
Kuriza’s whining was heard in the background.
“What was that?” Asked Frieza feeling concerned.
Berriblu giggles. “He’s fine. It’s just that his favorite…..vtuber….just rescheduled their streaming session for a later date. Honestly though I still don’t understand much of it and why he’s so fascinated with it.” Her tone was laced with confusion.
Frieza scoffs humorously. “From what my son has said, vtubers happened to be people who would rather not show their actual face but would instead speak through these virtual avatars while playing video games. Most of the time they would apply some lore to their avatars to make them more interesting.”
“I see. Well I shall make sure that Kuriza goes to bed at a reasonable hour. Take care sir.” Berriblu said as Frieza hung up.
The next day…
You took an Uber home after being released from the hospital. Thankfully it was only a concussion and nothing serious. You sighed while looking at your discord chat that was asking if you were okay after you told them about getting whacked by a baseball bat. Assuring them that you’re fine, you climbed out of the car and thanked the Uber driver when you arrived at your house. You then saw a piece of paper sticking to your front door as you approached it. It read: ‘Watch your back. Snitches get stitches.’ A lump feeling began to form as you read the note and quickly ran into the house.
“How did they know? Did those guys saw me talking to Frieza at the cafe?” You asked shivering in fear.
Suddenly you heard someone knocking on your door which caused you to yelp. You grabbed a broom randomly and braced yourself as you opened the door and swung the broom at the person.
“Get away from my house!!!!” You screamed but the broom stopped mid swing.
“WHOA! WHOA! I’M NOT GONNA HURT YOU MISS!!” Exclaimed the person.
You looked at the man who apparently was six feet tall wearing reddish shades with blue hair. He wore a sports tank top and shorts with some shoes to match. “Are you with the meth gang?”
“Hell no! I just got here! Can you please put down the broom so I can explain myself?!” The man said.
You pulled the broom away from him but still kept it by your side. “Sorry I’m just on edge after finding a note on my door.”
“I know. I just took care of that guy for you.” The man smiled warmly.
“What? You did? Why?” You looked surprised.
“The boss told us about the gang yesterday and I decided to go on a walk to survey the area and as luck would have it one of them put a note on your door and I took him on my ‘walk’. Now you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Boss?” You raised an eyebrow curiously.
“You had coffee with him before you got injured?”
“Oh! You work for Frieza? So are you his elite bodyguards?”
“You can call us that.” The man laughed. “I’m Burter by the way.”
“I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You smiled.
“I know this is sudden but do you want to join me on my walk?” Burter asked. “You look like you could use one.”
“Sure but aren’t you on duty or something?” You asked.
“I’m always on duty. Besides the boss doesn’t mind a little multi tasking on the job.” Burter said.
Back at Frieza’s house….
“As we speak sir, Burter has neutralized one of the gang members and is keeping the young lady outside while Jeice and Guldo are installing cameras around her house.” Ginyu spoke to Frieza who was fixing himself a fresh cup of coffee.
“Excellent. Be sure to keep an eye out for any of those hooligans that might crawl around near either her house or mine.”
“Yes sir.” Ginyu was about to leave but stopped. “Pardon me sir but what do we do of the other one we have in the basement?”
Frieza chuckled. “It’s only been an hour so he should have had plenty of time to adjust to his new surroundings.”
The man screamed in pain as Dodoria ripped off his third fingernail with a plier.
“Do you still wish to not tell me what I need to know about your leader or your little drug organization?”Frieza asked amusingly.
It had been twenty minutes since he began to interrogate the man who had attempted to put up a warning note on Frieza’s door only to be tackled by Dodoria and Zarbon. So far the man only threw insults and threats to his purple haired captor. However, he would instantly regret it when the first of his fingernails was torn off. Frieza tried again asking him about the gang he was associated with but despite the pain he continued with the same routine. And again once more ripped off his second fingernail.
“E-even if I-I told……you….it….won’t matter…!” The man said in pain. “This fancy house will be….burned to the…..ground………..your people will be shot and stabbed! And your kid will…..”
“Dodoria!” Frieza snapped.
Dodoria immediately ripped off a fourth fingernail causing the man to scream again.
“I have been nothing but nice to you until now. You should know better than to threaten a parent’s child especially when the said parent can make you disappear in an instant.” Frieza said coldly. “Now I will ask you this question one, last time; why are you targeting me?”
The man groaned in pain as he slowly realized that Frieza wasn’t kidding around. “We know that bitch told you about us and the boss is furious. He decided to give you both a warning.”
“And what if we don’t heed that warning?” Frieza asked amusingly.
“You both would wish you had.”
Frieza hummed as he walked up to the man. “Are sure about that? You probably got away with those threats in the past but I’m afraid that it won’t work now. I came here to build a new neighborhood and I won’t be intimidated by thugs like you. Whoever your leader is will come to regret his mistake in attacking me.”
The man huffed. “You’re just a realtor. What could you do that would make anyone scared of you?”
Frieza snapped his fingers.
Ginyu then called Recoome to come in. The red haired man carried a limp body as he tossed it onto the floor.
“Jack?!” The man gasped as his eyes widened in recognition of the body. “What have you done to him?!”
“Not to worry you’ll be joining him when I send your remains back to your ring leader….in boxes.” Frieza laughed evilly.
To be continued…….
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eleven-fiftynine · 1 year
Listen to me. Picture my hands cupping your face and my eyes looking directly into yours. Take a deep breath. Heed these words: It’s okay, friend. Throw it away.
The clothes you’ve been meaning to donate that have been sitting there for six months—throw them away.
The items you’ve been planning to sell that have been making your room unfunctional for months—throw them away.
I’m not anti-donation, I’m just pro-realism and pro-accessibility. Today is about getting back to functioning.
If you have not done it yet, it’s not going to get done. Throw. It. Away.
It’s okay—really.
How to Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis
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Sell Your House Fast In Kansas or Missouri!
Need to sell your house fast in Kansas? We buy houses in Kansas or Missouri and surrounding areas in as little as 7 days. If you're saying, I need to sell my house fast! we'd like to buy! We provide win-win solutions to help homeowners get out of their sticky situations… like Foreclosure, owning a burdensome property, probate, or anything else. At O&L PROPERTIES KC, we focus on providing you with a solution to your situation so you can continue to do the things you love.
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kcsplace · 3 months
Thank you @teaforarteza for the tag, this was fun!
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
Frankenstein -More specifically that while the Creature's (I will fucking cut a bitch that calls him Monster I swear to God don't test me) actions are indefensible, they are utterly and completely understandable and also Victor is a crybaby bitch. The ultimate deadbeat dad. But even worse, you have to remember that at the time of the book's writing, the belief was that only God gave life. So Frankenstein wasn't just the Creature's creator and father, he's his GOD. and what does he do when his child opens its eyes? Runs screaming from the room, the house, the city...try getting child support outta that loser. Deity whomst? Creature4life
The Post Office Scandal/Inquiry- I genuinely genuinely need to know if Jason Beer KC's spouse can fight because I am in love with his big and beautiful brain. He's so calm, so patient, so fucking smart...the CIA wish they had him as an interrogator. he doesn't just find a chink in the armour, he makes it and then slips a stiletto through. Those not in the know, the PO Horizon scandal is the biggest miscarriage of justice. the Post Office had a system that malfunctioned, they knew it malfunctioned, and they covered it up. the system would incorrectly log takings, making it appear that the subpostmaster/mistress was stealing. the PO is also one of few organisations that can conduct their own prosecution. and they did. Nearly a 1000 people's lives were ruined. marriages ended, bankruptcy, imprisonment and one man took his life, with another woman only not doing so because she discovered she was pregnant. and none of the higher ups give a SHIT. they spent decades covering it up while earning millions and getting fucking awards. Bring back the guillotine. (one did have to listen to a disgusting email she wrote read back to her in court while the woman she'd read about stared daggers at her and that was delightful. Repeat after me kiddies, never ever ever write anything you don't want to have read back to you in court)
The lack of physical media- Look, streamers are convenient, I get it, but fuck off with the lack of DVD releases. GIVE ME DVDS. I am a) not paying for all 8000 streamers to get access to shit and b) don't trust the bastards not to just take shit down/sell it to someone else. Nope, I will burn all the shit I love onto disc. But I want the gag reels and the bts interviews and commentaries. GIVE THEM TO ME
Space - When I was a kid my dad built a telescope with stuff he found in a skip. he bought the lenses and stuff but the tripod and body of the telescope were bits and pieces he pulled from skips. We'd sit on the patio and he'd teach me the stars and the order of the planets in the solar system (of which there are NINE. PLUTO IS A PLANET fight me) and I did astrophysics at college. I wasn't good at it but god, I just love space. No surprise that my most read genre is sci-fi (Please read The Expanse, please ppepllleeeeaaaasseee its so good and Amos is my sweet murder muffin)
Food - For so many of us, getting to immerse into all the different cultures and countries that we might want is just financially a pipedream, but the easiest access is through food. Everyone eats, we show joy and share grief and seek comfort through our food, and the different dishes that are served at what is the "same" event (ie a wedding) based off culture or religion are so varied and incredible and so many people light up if you ask them their favourite food or dish. many of us have deep emotionial connections to certain dishes that to anyone else is "just a lasagne" but its the lasagne you grew up with. sharing food and stories and good times is so important and so nourishing for the soul, even for this introvert.
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hong-kong-art-man · 7 months
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There Is Something As ‘Away’: To Walk In The Newness Of Life, Say Goodbye To Things That We Do Not Need And Say Hello To Things That We Will No Longer Buy
There is nothing scornful of your life if you keep buying and disposing. We are human. We want to feel secure and count on owning things that money can buy.
I am moving house this month. I have lived by the sea for more than 30 years. I yearn for some ‘fresh’, if not refreshing, air around the bustling city.
Moving home is nightmarish when it comes to packing my belongings especially old things—that I am sentimentally attached to. Objects can hold memories and emotions, and getting rid of them can make me feel that I am destroying a part of my past. I fear ‘fear’ too, the fear of letting go, of the loss of a possession and of the unknown relating to replacing it with another thing.
One thing makes old people unique: time. The older you are, the more time you have had to accumulate things. Sadly, as death is approaching, we should try to create ease and space for our life. Nothing is as important as gradually throwing un-needed, though much wanted, stuff away. It is wise for us to control things before life will soon be out of our control. I have been keeping too many things that I did not bother to take a look at, let alone use them.
Guilt is one of the hardest feelings between the ready us and the reluctant us to throw away things. I have learnt a few lessons this time. Don’t give up too many things and at least keep 50% of what you do not want in order to make yourself less nervous. Learn to dislike an item when it can remind you of the stupid mistake of buying it in the first place. Make a generous gift of things to your friends, building caretakers or office colleagues who desire to take over your possessions. Donate anything that charitable organisations may want. You can support the cause of helping those in need. Think about the joy of decluttering and your stress-free life will bring; and also the beauty of minimalism that your home may acquire.
The Japanese developed a philosophy called ‘mottainai 勿体無’. The principle is to ask people to 'reduce, re-use and re-cycle'.
It encourages us to stop buying things and make good use of what we presently have. I can buy less but cannot stop buying. So, the new Japanese theory of ‘斷•捨•離 (break, abandon and depart)’ is right for my aptitude. Removing unnecessary things from my life is now the best timing when I have to declutter for my new place.
From now onwards, whenever I buy in future, I will get rid of one thing in my house and later, perhaps 2 items, 3 items and 4…till everything in my house only has one of its kind. Less is more and emptiness is the best.
‘Carousell’ is a web-based online marketplace for people to sell second-hand stuff. I tried but all the hassles involved in the process including the delivery of the goods to a buyer put me off. Donation is the great solution.
Hong Kong government will soon impose the ‘charge-per-bag’ arrangements, residents will have to pay for each litre of garbage that they throw away. It is now the right thing and the right time to dispose of what you do not need; before you have to pay.
Let us all reduce the complexity of survival by having a rich life that is simple. One day, ‘you are left only with what you love, with what is necessary and what makes you happy’. Sounds good?
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yi-yi-de-she-da-100339438?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
“Give It Up” by KC & The Sunshine Band  https://youtu.be/UBsIGF-KZZw?si=T2spF4p-9c5sfh__  Acknowledgement-TopPop
Break, Abandon And Depart   https://youtu.be/9pH1b8Vh8cY?si=GXEyNMb0ps7urukN  Acknowledgement – ELLE Hong Kong
Simple Life   https://youtu.be/IJukpYKNuoQ?si=-p7i_F8ceMi2wM5h  Acknowledgement – Nicholas Garofola
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alan-p-49 · 8 months
steve flow
mom couldn't handle us devil boys so she threw us out. we never had clout.
Mark calls himself KC Maniac. We stole one of them drays from the transportation department. The boys call it a Cadillac but I don't know man looks like an RV to me.
We sell turquoise on a discount cus that shits square. Those jewelers make shit up and call it rare.
We sell blue mint feywild zaza. Some bitch named Mardaza grows it deep in Skullport. Never been there cus i don't fuck with black mold. Never understood sex and them escorts; I'll rather have the alcohol take the hold.
Don't try me. I'll blow up your mama and your house and take the insurance money.
I call Lathander daddy because he's a better father than my dad. That man never knew what he had. Left us with a woman that force fed us chicken bone scraps for breakfast. His morning grace keeps me steadfast.
I don't associate with that man anymore. If I had to put up with anymore of Mark's bullshit imma burn his skin off. Burnt a house on accident and motherfucker just turned into a rat. Didn't like that. Asked for dragons with fat stacks.
The smell of the ocean suffocates me. Suffocates like mustard gas. No amount of gas will make me forget about how we had to sometimes bury bodies at the beach. Those memories drain my soul like a leech.
Don't try me. I now have the power to fireball your ass and the rest of y'all black earth cult ass.
My party filled with random ass cunts and we're proud of that. I might be too weak but before i faint I'll fuck you up like that.
New life don't come from rainbows, they come from the flame of the soul. Sometimes I hope my soul won't turn into a black hole. I wish I was a mole. Digging a hole. No one would harm me no mo'
When they see me all they see is a criminal, but all I am is just cynical. Miracle. Lyrical. Almost getting hanged again makes me feel so liminal.
My only will to live is to help the weak because I am one. Hoping for redemption because I need one.
Don't try me. If me killing you hoes means I'm the good guy then so be it. If me living with you means I'm the bad guy then so be it.
I'll burn you alive with the embers in my sapphire eyes. This cycle never ends. This war never ends. Fighting and fainting never ends. This new life gives me more loose ends. Maybe I am the devil boy my mother called me. Maybe I am the brains of a gang lacking glee. Dogs go loose. Wererats and scumbags trying on our turf. But all we wanted was to survive and thrive so that we no longer writhe in the institutions that hardly ever let us revive the lives we have lost to the fire.
I fall into the water, hoping it's a shortcut; but that bitch grabbed my lifeline and made her cut. I'm dead now. In the water that the wine weird I threw down into the river and consumes it like a cannibal with it's alcoholic mandibles. What use do I serve now? What was the point of all of this? Was I a mistake made by the gods above? Everything is dark. Everything is cold. Silence everywhere. Into the singularity I return. Maybe to Elysium or to Baator. I don't know what my soul has come for—that material plane that I called my home.
Don't try me. Let me die. I want this. i need this. It was miserable. Depression is critical. I ask for no charity. Let me sleep in this singularity.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Walking around the Plaza Art Fair in September, Ron Jury bumped into several acquaintances who had the same question for him.“It was a lot of, ‘How do you like your new neighbor?’” said Jury, who lives south of the Plaza, between Ward Parkway and State Line Road.They were referring to a rumor that’s been whispered among real estate agents, local artists and blue-blood business types since late spring: that the billionaire pop star Rihanna had purchased a house in, of all places, Kansas City.Lending credence to the gossip is an actual fact: Rihanna quietly visited Kansas City in June when rapper A$AP Rocky — her partner and father of her children — filmed a music video in the West Bottoms. Four months earlier, Rihanna had performed during the halftime show of the Chiefs’ victorious Super Bowl.Rihanna’s handlers did not respond to questions from The Star about what designs, if any, she might have on Kansas City real estate. But the rumor mill has churned out a variety of explanations for why such a rich and famous couple would decide to buy a home here.They had been charmed by the city during their stay. They realized they could buy a palatial estate here for a fraction of what it would cost on the coasts. KC’s a nice halfway point between their homes in Los Angeles and New York. They wanted a quiet place away from the glare of international media to take their two young children.Or maybe it was just an investment property.Whatever their supposed motivation, the same question is on many Kansas Citians’ lips:Which house?5550 Ward ParkwayNear Jury’s home, on the northwest corner of 56th Street and Ward Parkway, a sprawling, six-bedroom, eight-bathroom, Mediterranean style home sits on two gated acres.“It’s a pretty ornate property,” said Chris Egan, the former president and CEO of two local companies — Attane and Service Management Group — who also lives nearby. “I’ve heard the rumor that they bought it, yeah. My nanny heard it from somebody at a hair salon she was at. But that’s all I know.”5550 Ward Parkway was once the home of Mike Archer, the former CEO of Applebee’s. More recently it was owned by Daniel and Donna Thomas. Daniel is the president of Periodontal Specialists, a dental surgery practice with six locations in the metro; Donna is a pediatric dentist.The Thomases sold the home in July, records show, to MVT Properties LLC. The registered agent of MVT Properties is Michelle Van Trump, a local real estate agent. Her lakefront home in Belton is currently on the market for $1.8 million.Records also show that MVT Properties took out a $2.5 million loan from Country Club Bank on the home and filed an Assignment of Rents with Jackson County at the time of the purchase. An Assignment of Rents typically suggests a property will be leased. Lenders (such as Country Club Bank) often require them to secure rental income in the event the homeowner defaults on the mortgage.Perhaps, the thinking goes, MVT Properties is just a “straw buyer” that purchased the home and has a separate, private agreement to lease or eventually sell the property to Rihanna.But there is no publicly available evidence to support that theory. And Van Trump denies it.“My daughter is an architect who’s starting a new firm, and we’re going to renovate it,” Van Trump said of the home. “Nobody is lined up to rent or buy it from us. We’ve had zero discussions like that.”She said she’s aware of the rumors.“I’m surprised it took you this long to call me,” Van Trump said. “I’ve been hearing from people for months. The listing agent even asked me, ‘Did I show the home to them?’ I said, ‘I think you’d know if you showed a home to Rihanna.’”But a neighbor, Gary Robb, wasn’t quite so dismissive. Along with his wife, Anita, Robb runs a boutique aviation litigation firm that has worked on, among other lawsuits, the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash case. Theirs is a majestically manicured house off 55th and Ward Parkway that looks like a museum.Asked if he’d heard that Rihanna was moving in, Robb told The Star, “I’m not supposed to comment on that.
We have and always will respect people’s privacy.”1200 W. 57th TerraceChris Mather thinks he knows the root of all the Rihanna/Rocky speculation. He is the listing agent for 1200 W. 57th Terrace, a 7,600-square-foot home a couple blocks down Ward Parkway from Van Trump’s property.“I have been in the thick of this rumor mill for months now,” Mather said.The home has been on the market since the spring (asking price: $3.5 million). It is owned by a trust controlled by the Belger family, who are known in town for their arts patronage.Mather said he was approached by “someone in Rihanna’s crew” in June because she was looking for a place to stay for a few nights while A$AP Rocky was in Kansas City filming his music video. There was interest in the Belger house as a possible option.“She never actually looked at houses to buy,” Mather said. “She was just interested in somewhere to stay for a few nights. Which was exciting, because there have been rumors that she has spent a lot of money per night to stay at these huge houses before. But given the privacy of the owner and the amount of amazing art in the house, the answer was unfortunately no.”(He added that he didn’t know where she ended up staying but didn’t think it was anywhere on Ward Parkway.)Mather thinks the rumors started there: Rihanna looking for a house to sleep in for a few nights turned into Rihanna shopping for houses.“Every friend, colleague, and random human I know has called me about it,” Mather said. “But I do a lot of homes in this price range, and I’ve talked to just about every agent who would be involved in something like this. And I know (Michelle Van Trump). And I haven’t heard anything that makes me think this is true.”Still, the rumor persists. Recently, the celebrity gossip Instagram account DeuxMoi, which has more than 2 million followers, published an anonymous tip from someone claiming Rihanna bought a house down the street from them in Kansas City.Others have speculated that a different house on Jury and Egan’s block could be the one, owing to the fact that it is currently under a great deal of construction.The house is owned by Jeff Hargroves, the founder of the pharmaceutical compliance services company ProPharma, and his wife, Amy. The Star was unable to reach them for comment. But Jury, who lives across the street, said he didn’t think so.“They bought the side lot next to them a few years ago,” Jury said. “They’re just remodeling, moving things around.”He added that he would be happy to welcome Rihanna, A$AP or any other celebrities to the block.“Somebody asked me the other day if Beyonce was going to buy my house,” Jury said. “I look forward to receiving that offer.”
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Calvin Buys Properties
Sell My Home Quick Kansas City Is it true that you are in the arrangement of a separation? Maybe you might have lost your cycle, as a result of this you could't hold making credit bills on time. We help advance your Kansas City homegrown.
Do you routinely tell yourself, "Assuming that I should best sell my home fast?" Calvin Purchases Properties are driving money home clients Kansas City; we are there to help while resources proprietors think of themselves as in an "uncommon" situation where they need to sell their possessions fast.
We were purchasing homes for cash from individuals in urgent need to advance for more than 10 years. Calvin Purchases Properties has bought homes with stripping paint, entryways tumbling off pivots, and ones with vagrants in them. These had been head entanglements for the owner, however we've taken them over. Nonetheless, we want to concede that we've been fortunate to moreover buy many homes in exceptional shape as well. That is the reason you don't should stress over what structure your property is in sooner than reaching us.
We continually make an honest money offer that is situated in the commercial center expense of your own home. Like that, you dispose of a limit bother without a ton exertion.
In the same way as other possessions owners we've worked inside the past, the end component you really want is a delay in the arrangement. Long prepared periods can be a calamity, explicitly on the off chance that you need the cash fast, and we capture this higher than every other person. Moreover, you would rather not pay the real estate professional and severa different charges, particularly when eager to advance.
There isn't any reason to pay a penny in real estate agent charges while you offer a KC resources for us since there are no real estate agents included. Additionally, by means of offering to us, you're wiping out the long and regularly agonizing procedure of redesigning the home, organizing it, and managing many outsiders who make lowball offers. At the stop of the day, it is a thoroughly time-ingesting way.
Imagine a scenario where we let you know that it's miles feasible to keep 100 percent of the home's deal charge. That way you don't need to pay somewhere in the range of 6% to 10% in what's called extreme charges on your Kansas City home. There isn't any need to pay title costs, real estate agent's expenses, pay for redesigns or upkeep; in all actuality, you pay nothing by any means. Like that, you get to hold a hundred% of the honest money offer we make for your own home.
Besides, we make it conceivable to offload your property in just 14 days. As a depended on and rumored association, we have a records of bestowing house proprietors an honest arrangement. Our adage is that we construct connections, and our offers are made founded absolutely on those connections. In various expressions, we're in your side and could furnish you with the best exhortation we can base for your circumstance.
Not at all like other money for-homegrown purchasers in Kansas City, we for the most part make a fair money offer. Our proposition isn't based for your distress to sell the house.
Why We Purchase Homes In Kansas City
Indeed, the huge rationale is that we like Kansas City, i.E., its way of life, quality, and individuals. That is the not entirely set in stone to establishment shop here a drawn out before. We've bought many devices in the metro region after some time. Be that as it may, we buy homes all through Kansas City. Kansas City when bragged getting less expensive lodging and a flourishing monetary framework. We really want to help the beautiful individuals of Kansas City As the main cash home buyers Kansas City, we've helped masses of resources proprietors very much like you advance their homes speedy!
No depend your situation, we've a group who are instructed with experience, which is the reason they perceive the delicate idea of the deal and your condition.
Situations wherein we might be of dazzling help include:
Not entirely set in stone to make a primary way of life substitute You have financial occurrences that order exchanging the house Inhabitants or vagrants making your ways of life hopeless You not should be or alternately can't keep up with being a landowner We should eagerly take a gander at a couple of those possibilities under:
For what reason Do We Purchase Your Property And Just Make Fair Offers? Calvin Purchases Properties purchases properties across Kansas City no matter what its circumstance or the state of the dealer. As a matter of fact, we have confidence in treating house proprietors with respect and nobility throughout their period of scarcity. Nonetheless, there's nothing evil or unmistakable around purchasing homes for cash; we promise you that our aims resemble a few gatherings i.E., to show an ethical income with the buy.
We utilize many faculty who canvases for us. Every specialist is a specialist with long stretches of appreciate inside the property market. That is one reason why we don't guideline ball vendors. We are not here to take advantage of your situation.
Assuming settling on a choice to advance a homegrown, we can start with a serious evaluation of the house, decide its fair commercial center cost and afterward make you a proposition basically founded on that. You can contrast the furnish we make with others, and it will be clear that our give is extra liberal. Our point is to endeavor to make you an idea that cares for your home loan on the home. Like that, you could stroll a long way from the house and not utilizing an extra or last obligations.
As far as we can tell, most of house proprietors will leave with coins in their fingers. Be that as it may, there are extremely unprecedented cases in which the property holder is the alternate far up at the credits. In circumstances like those, we can work with the proprietor of a house to assume control over the installment so you don't owe something to the loan specialist.
Our motivation is to save you a lot of time and stress with the guide of purchasing your home. Reach us along with your postal district, phone, email and we'll help you get cash in Kansas City for your property.
For what reason Do We Purchase Kansas City Homes In a tough situation? Calvin Purchases Properties is a local organization gaining practical experience in revamping troubled homes after which transforming them into smooth and safe rental lodging for people locally. We have been doing this for a long time and element a great many dollars worth of possessions in our portfolio. As specialists, we furthermore comprehend that advancing your confidential home is colossally stressing.
The manner in which we bring in cash is from the arranged decreases with workers for hire as opposed to lowballing vendors. That is the reason there is no way in inquisitive for a money offer from us. We will inspect your confidential home and, in view of our long stretches of involvement, conclude how a decent arrangement fix and protection work is required, then make a proposition dependent absolutely upon that. You can consider it a free meeting that doesn't expect you to flag any office work.
You are not committed to advance since we made you a fair coins give. We don't pressure individuals into elevating their homes to us. We just buy your property when you consent to the give. Our group of gifted delegates will frequently transform the homes into townhouse effects. That implies the benefit doesn't come from fundamentally flipping the house however rather through providing protected and low valued lodging for patrons of the organization, with a modest condo rate tag.
We know from revel in that quite a large number "we buy home for coins" organizations simply need to look for a permanent place to stay for inexpensively, a decent arrangement significantly less than its market cost for you to flip it for a pay. Different experts were looking an excess of HGTV and believe turning houses and not utilizing an experience is perfect.
The issue with these experts is that they're relying totally upon their capacity to bargain you directly down to the least sum you're leaned to just acknowledge an effective method for getting the most cash.
That is no longer how we at Calvin Purchases Properties work!
Arranged Limits, Is The means by which We Bring in Our Cash Indeed! We don't lowball proprietors inside the commercial center to sell.
Our money is made by means of an organization of workers for hire who work with us at particularly limited rates concerning upkeep and redesigning a home in exchange for a bundle of reliable tasks. Thus, our profit aren't made through lowballing people, but rather from making a simultaneously helpful settlement with a project worker who embraces all of the reestablish work.
While looking for a home, we never request that the current proprietor embrace any fixes or even smooth up the home. In truth, you might walk around of it with the aggregate how it is, so that you're not stalled through the tension of having freed of old furnishings or particles.
Our team deals with all of the tidy up and next recuperation work.
Offering Your Home to Money Home Purchasers Kansas City Versus The Customary Course The initial step to advancing your own home the ordinary course is to set it up for posting. That approach clearing all remarkable work permits and guaranteeing that the house is refreshed on charges, or perhaps convey it a moderate facelift.
That is followed by means of the procedure for showing the house to likely clients. It can require a very long time of adapting to outsiders coming to your home inside the expectations of an individual leaned to make a top notch offer.
When you find a buyer, it might require something like 50 days to bring on the deal to a close, as indicated by insights from the Public Land Affiliation. Also that many home exchanges can fall through at the end minute.
As should have been obvious, there is heaps of exertion and time concerned. Notwithstanding, further to all of that, you likewise pay 6-10% in the approach to outstanding costs. Likewise, there are accuses involved of safeguarding straightforwardly to a resources and lawful charges related with the deal. In the event that something, those can add however much loads of greenbacks as a base that lump off a piece of the home's decency while you sell your own home.
Our offers imply that you get to keep 100 percent of the deal cost! That is the very thing that goes with elevating to us a reasonable choice!
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webuyhousescashkc · 3 years
How To Sell My House In Kansas City
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If you are wondering how to sell my house KC, it is very easy and quick. The Kansas City real estate market remains one of the best in the nation for both buyers and sellers. Even if you have not bought a house for a while you could always get back into the game. This will help you purchase your dream house even if the market is down all over the country.
Homes are very easy to buy in Kansas City. There are plenty of different neighborhoods to choose from so there is bound to be something perfect for you. Real estate agents in Kansas City can show you properties that others have already looked at but you can find something that you want right now. When you sell my house fast in Kansas city you are getting the first crack at the property so don't wait too long.
Houses in Kansas City continue to appreciate and grow in value as time goes by. The top portion of the city is always very desirable. This makes it even easier to sell my house in Kansas City because the demand is always there. The best thing about the real estate market in Kansas City is that you can find any type of home you are looking for and most of them are reasonably priced. If you decide to sell your house in Kansas City you won't have to worry about getting the first bid, you will have plenty of options to choose from.
Kansas City homes are known for their architectural design. The architecture style is very classic and very appealing to the eye. You will see many new houses that look like old-fashioned houses simply because the designers are trying to attract the same type of clientele. The older styles of homes tend to sell quickly because of this reason. People are drawn to these homes because they feel like they are living in a good old-fashioned home.
If you are tired of living in Kansas City and you want to sell your house fast then you should consider buying a home in Kansas City. This city is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. There are plenty of job opportunities in Kansas City. The average income is above forty thousand dollars per year, which is great for families with children.
If you don't mind commuting to work each day then you won't have problems finding a home to buy. Many Kansas City homes are on the northwest side of town near 55th Street and Interstate 360. This is where all the action is because there is always activity going on.
If you are looking for an investment property then Kansas City has some of the best properties around. The homes are generally in good condition and they sell for good prices. They are priced in the range of five hundred to one thousand dollars. There are also lots of banks and credit unions that are happy to finance the purchase if you qualify.
Even if you are not interested in buying a home in Kansas City you could still sell my house fast. There are plenty of real estate agents in Kansas City who will help you find a buyer. You can go online to look for houses or you can contact real estate agents in the Kansas City area. These people are usually happy to help you.
One of the ways to sell a home in Kansas City is to advertise in newspapers and on websites. It pays to advertise your property because if you get multiple offers then it will increase the value of your home. You should post a sign in the yard so that anyone who comes by can see it. Posting a sign is one of the best ways to let people know that you have an available home for sale.
Once you sell my house in Kansas City you need to make sure that you get all the money you can from the sale. You can take a mortgage out with a local lender and then you will get the money you need to fix up your home. A home that looks nice on the outside can be very bad on the inside. Fix up your home to make it look nice. It will also help you to get a higher price for your home when you sell.
When you sell my house in Kansas City, you are not going to be able to get top dollar for it because other people are going to want it more. Find a good realtor in Kansas City that knows how to sell houses. Make sure that you fix up the inside before you put your house up for sale. This is a good way to get a good price for your house. When you sell your house in Kansas City, you need to make sure that you find a good realtor that knows how to sell houses.
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kazuwhora · 2 years
ik I rant a lot here but this moving shit has me physically ill
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ghetsis · 2 years
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He marched through Plasma’s labs as fast as his pained leg would allow. Teeth grit, a Masterball clutched firmly in hand. He stormed forth with such ferocity, such unparalleled rage that no one dared to stand in his way. No one attempted to stop him as he burst into the observatory which had been converted to house a beastly machine. 
KC-1, Project: Deepfreeze. The hulking prototype to the more sophisticated Kyurem cannon which had been installed in the frigate. At the push of a few buttons, the weapon whirred to life. Ghetsis opened the Masterball into the containment chamber, Kyurem giving an anguished bellow as the machine reflexively attached itself to the dragon’s form.
“Divert all power to the cannon,” He ordered. “Now!”
The engineers hesitated. The prototype was powerful, but unstable. Feeding it so much power would have unknown consequences, but would be undoubtedly devastating on an enormous scale. 
“M-My Lord,” stuttered a scientist. “That’s incredibly dangerous... W-we can’t ju-” 
He wasn’t allowed to finish before Ghetsis seized his throat and raised him to eye level.
“I have no use for your opinion,” he hissed. “And if you cannot withhold it, then I have no use for you!”
He cast the man to the ground, leaving him to writhe and choke on his crushed windpipe as Ghetsis turned his murderous gaze to the rest of them. All at once, they scrambled away to do as he commanded.
Gradually, the rest of Plasma HQ fell to darkness, illuminated only by the red glow of the auxiliary lighting, while the massive cannon before him glowed a bright and furious blue. The dragon at its heart roared in pain as their power was pushed to the upmost limit.
Another switch and the system was armed, the roof of the observatory opening to a moonlit sky. If Unova was unwilling to accept the glory of his reign, it would know the might of his wrath! This region and everyone in it, those insolent brats, that disgraceful freak, that worthless scientist, all of them, would be frozen to oblivion! His hand moved to fire.
“Lord Ghetsis,” spoke a voice, calm an familiar. “Is this what you desire?”
He turned to the Shadow Triad who had appeared silently behind him. “Is it your intent to stop me? To betray me like the rest of those filthy vermin?”
“No. We exist to be in your service. Our purpose is to advance your ambitions, whatever those may be. If this is truly your wish, to concede defeat and abandon your aim of uniting the world beneath your rule, then so be it.”
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His hand hovered over the button. Was this defeat? He had no strong source of power elsewhere. To destroy Unova was to lose everything. He would be Lord of nothing. A king of an empty wasteland. A vast, frozen prison. And this was all assuming he himself would survive the devastation. His eye turned to the icy beast languishing in the weapon’s mechanism. 
No. He was not done yet. He may have been placed in check, but he had options. A rash move of such finality was the reaction of fools and beasts. This was... beneath him.
The skylight closed and the weapon gave a soft hum as it powered down. Kyurem was freed from its grip as they were recalled to the Masterball. 
“Leave me,” he ordered. 
Without another word, the Triad bowed and vanished. 
He stared at the ball in his hand. So, now what? What new plan would he conceive? What new lie would he sell? He didn’t know yet, but he would think of something. He would succeed. No matter the opposition, no matter the cost.
Ghetsis’s ambitions will never cease.
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burning-clutch · 3 years
If A Ghost Howls In A Forest…
cross posted to a03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30503925 Danny was hoping his time at a summer camp would be ghost-free, and well, of course not. When would things in his life ever NOT involve ghosts? At least he can hope to get some decent rest tonight, right? RIGHT? Warning: mild descriptions of death 
Prompt by: KC Summer Camps is not complete without a courage test of walking to the haunted woods at midnight. Amity Park campers are weirdly prepared for this. Other campers are not sure how to deal with that
“Why are we doing this?”
“It’s a sort of initiation type of thing.”
“But WHY?!”
“For the spooks?”
“I’ll get the lipstick…”
“Wait what?”
Danny sighed as he watched Tucker neander off back to their cabin to fetch the Fenton lipstick ray, ignoring the looks of confusion that was shot his way from the other campers that he didn’t know from school. Dash and Kwan had thankfully been, well, not assholes the WHOLE time they had been in the camp. Though to be fair, it had only been a day in this week long fun filled… whatever this was.
Apparently, while things seemed to start out well they were told around the evening campfire and cookout, (which was mostly just them poking hotdogs on sticks and trying not to burn themselves when they ate them,) they were told about a tradition about the new campers being lead up to spend a few hours on their first night on a midnight hike through the ‘haunted’ woods.
Danny was the first to groan hearing this followed by Tucker. Even Dash and Kwan looked unamused as well as the random soccer player that Danny vaguely recognized from school.
To say the councillors were confused by the amity park kids’ reactions would be selling the gambit of expression the councillors had. Teenagers being put in charge of slightly younger teenagers, yeah, nothing could go wrong here, nothing at all…
Tucker came back and tossed Danny a wrist ray while tucking the lipstick he had retrieved into his shirt pocket. A boy from some small farming town an hour’s drive from the camp shuddered. “Haunted Woods? How are you not worried about dark haunted woods? Ghosts are in there!” he exclaimed.
“Cuz it’s just ghosts right?” The Amity soccer player shrugged.
“Yeah, I mean the story they told us said that right? Those hikers that got hurt and died in the woods still haunt it to this day” Kwan supplied with a roll of his eyes. The jock wiggled his fingers doing a decent impression of the box ghost with an even more intimidating “OoooOOOoooOO”
“Yeah, unless they’re gonna be sporting some cool gore this will be lame,” Dash added with a yawn. “Pass.” Dash waved the councillor off before trying to turn and head off.
“Well, you don’t HAVE to go on the hike. But those who skip out will have to endure the punishment tomorrow. If you wanna peel hundreds of potatoes tomorrow morning at the ass crack of dawn you’re welcome to head back…. We’re also going to label you as a coward too so there’s that.”  One of the councillors says with a smug smile on their face.
“Has anyone ever seen anything like that?” A nervous looking twig of a boy asked, wringing his hands nervously.
“Oh I won’t say anything on that matter” The second councillor, Jeff says. At least Danny thinks he remembers the name as Jeff. He should probably learn that given this guy was in charge of the cabin he was staying in, “It’ll be better to leave it as a surprise.”
The first councillor, a jock looking guy, built like a brick house with thick shoulders and neck but a tiny waist and legs looking very much like he needed a few more rounds on leg day, eyed the Amity group with a look as though he were going to try to take scaring them as a challenge. Danny looked the guy over, raising a brow when their eyes locked.
Great, he and Tucker looked like an easy target. He knew that look all too well having spent plenty of time being bullied as well as with angry ghosts who underestimated him. More fun tonight will be had by all he was sure.
“Don’t worry We’ll make sure you’ll get some proper spooks.” the brick house says with what Danny assumed the other thought was an intimidating grin.
Dash snorted. “Fenton’s probably the only one who’ll get scared of the ghosts out there. He runs away from all of them back home.”
“Have you seen my parents? Get too close to a ghost and it picks up some contamination you know exactly what they’ll do!” Danny spat back with a glare of his own only barely managing to stop his eyes from glowing in his rapidly souring mood.
The other kids at the camp blink in confusion. “Wait… You guys are from that tourist town that goes way too far with the ghost theme right?” asked a pale kid with brown hair.
“Oh please, that’s just a gimmick” Answered another kid who crossed his arms in a huff.
“It’s not a gimmick dude, we even have our own superhero!” Kwan answered.
“Uh-huh. Well you’re superhero ain’t gonna save you from the ghosts out here”  Jeff shot back, crossing his arms. “Right, Tom?”
The brick house, Tom apparently nodded knowingly. “Yep, these ghosts are very dangerous and angry ya know..”
“So? It IS Monday,” Tucker offered flatly, earning a snort from the soccer player.
“Can we just… not do this?” A darker skinned nervous boy whined holding onto the arm of the brown haired kid reminding Danny of him and Tucker from two years ago before they got jaded from ghost attacks.
Kinda made him wonder what could have been…
“Nope we're going, so move,” Tom ordered taking up the place at the back of the line while Jeff took the place at the front.
Danny groaned. “Wonder if there will be any ghosts in there?” He wonders to tucker as they were all forced into a line for their ‘spooky’ hike.
“Maybe it’ll be one of Vlad’s abominations?” Tucker suggested.
“Honestly I wouldn't be surprised.” Danny sighed back with a frown. At least if it was a real ghost his ghost sense would alert him to the danger before they got too close.
They entered the treeline and started heading up a hill and towards the supposed site where the hikers had fallen and gotten trapped by a rock or something falling on them. Their legs were broken and crushed and stuck in place, they apparently died unable to get food or drink and unable to free themselves alone, and not able to scream loud enough for help. They still haunt this area… apparently.
Danny had to admit while the tragedy would be able to spawn a ghost but he also doubted there was one sentient around here if there was a ghost at all. He couldn’t sense very high ectoplasmic concentrations around here. Any ghosts that weren’t purely animalistic in nature wouldn’t last long out here without a boost of ecto-energy.
Which means if there was an animal ghost, that boost of energy could come from attacking humans or eating things as animals tend to do... Again attacking humans but instead of feasting on their emotions, well it’s just getting mauled.
More than anything it meant that if there was a malevolent ghost out there that they would have to be on their toes, and Tucker would have to run interference to make sure no one sees Phantom this far from Amity Park.
Well, at least none of the Amity park residents see Phantom this far from Amity.
As they walked up towards the crescent of the hill they noticed it was significantly colder, though it wasn’t a ghostly cold, at least those from Amity knew it wasn’t. The other kids though?
“Oh, man… Why is it so chilly?!” “You think that means the ghosts are close?” “No way man stop saying stupid stuff.”
“It’s probably the river,” Tucker said simply, pointing to the side where there was a winding stream just below the side of the hill. “The way the winds are blowing it’s cooling this area more.”
Danny smirked at his friend's explanation. It was a neat trick sure, but it wasn’t enough to scare the Amity kids. Frowning but not discouraged, the councillors led their troupe up and around towards a cave that was making a moaning noise every time the wind blew.
“They say this is where the hikers were killed, just at the mouth of this tunnel looking for shelter,” Tom says smirking, enjoying the shudders some of the younger teens were giving at the howls of the tunnel. “If you listen you can hear them screaming still.”
“The wind in the tunnel opening?” Kwan asked helpfully.
“No, it’s the howls of the damned.” Jeff encouraged
“And if you look close enough you can sometimes make out the glowing soul of their spirits,” Tom added ignoring the Amity jock.
“Oh neat! I didn’t know they had Panellus stipticus in this area!” The soccer jock said overly happily.
“Dude, when did you become a nerd.” Dash huffed out teasingly.
“I’m studying Bio to get into Uni for Mycology. Dude mushrooms are totally awesome.” Came the smug reply.
“You would know Kevin” Dash snapped back
“Moving on!” Tom called out before shooing the kids away. This was not going according to plan at all… Why are these Amity kids so prepared for this?! Well, hopefully, the next bit will get them…
As they round the cave towards a small rocky outcropping the councillors do their best to draw the younger teen’s attention towards the crevasse where there was supposedly still a shoe from one of the deceased hikers. “If y’all look hard enough you’ll find it I’m sure~,” Jeff told them.
Frowning the kids shined flashlights down into the ditch looking about before one kid called out, “I found a shoe!”
As they did several things happen at once. There was a roaring sound of pain before someone came bolting out of the woods with yellow and green glowing spots all over them. Tucker raised a brow but side-eyed Danny who shrugged.
The Amity kids watched in more confusion than fear as the ‘ghost’ ran out of the woods towards them and took a swipe at one of the youngest teens in their group. “So that’s your ghost? Lame.” Dash huffed out arms crossed. “It’s not even the right colours.” he added with a wave of his hand ignoring the screeching of some of the other kids who were clearly more startled by the ‘ghost’ than he was.
“So, can we go now?” Danny asked with a yawn as the ghost, or really one of the councillors with broken glow stick goo all over them came close to him with an ‘oooooOOOOoooo’
“You guys really didn’t even flinch?!” the ‘ghost complained.
“Oh hey, there you go now THAT looks more convincing.” Someone says just as Danny’s breath fogged a bit before his face.
The halfa looked to where his ghost sense had pointed him to see a big giant green drooling monster beast glaring at the humans towering over the majority of even the tallest in the group. “Yeah, that looks more like a ghost! How’d you do that?” The soccer player said, (Danny really needed to learn his name)
Tom and Jeff and the ‘ghost’ that was harassing Danny all yelp and take a few steps back while the non-Amity kids scrabble and scatter back the way they came.
“No he’s real,” Danny offers with a sigh of exasperation. “Here Cujo down!”
The beast barked and wagged its tail before shrinking down and giving a yip of delight before rushing over to Danny, legs never fully touching the ground as he flew over to the boy.
“Heel! Sit!” Danny calls out stopping the dog in its tracks before the beast could cover him in glowing green slobber.
Cujo did just that sitting practically on Danny’s feet and wiggling his tail so fast it made his butt jiggle back and forth in the effort. The teen sighed and scooped the wiggling beast up into his arms with little effort, mostly due to the fact that ghost dogs only weigh half of what their flesh and bone counterparts would.
“Figures Fent-freak would have a freaky ghost dog” Dash taunted crossing his arms though when Cujo growled, Dash’s smug smile fell.  
“Tha-That’s?” Jeff stammered out, pointing a shaking finger at the wiggling green bean in Danny’s hands.
“A typical Amity park ghost yeah,” Danny replied with a grin.  “So it's cool if we call this hike a night I’m kinda hoping to get some sleep, that’s kinda why I wanted to come here to catch up on that more than anything…” Danny admitted the last part a little quieter as he put Cujo back down.
The councillor nodded dumbly, moving back away from the teen and the ghost dog, looking as though he wanted nothing more than to bolt when Danny picked up a stick and threw it for Cujo to fetch.
“Awe man I think I stepped in Fen-turd’s dog’s invisible crap!” Dash complained as they all started moving back, Cujo yipping as he came back with the stick giving a snort at Dash before loyally following alongside Danny and phasing through trees as they walked.
Seeing this, Tom decided that it would be best if he hurried back to the cabins to get them ready for the new campers. Yes, That’s exactly what he’s doing…
“Dude you can’t seriously be thinking of keeping Cujo around here he’ll destroy the camp,” Tucker muttered to Danny watching the little pup chase its tail as he followed them.
“Eh, It’s not really fair to keep him in the thermos for the week. Besides I’m sure I can use this guy to get you that extra helping of bacon you wanted.” Danny bribed his friend.
Tucker’s eyes light up and he grins brightly “Cujo here boy! Come see the T-man!”
Danny rolled his eyes, but so long as that was the only ghost they encountered out here, he might actually have a decent week of sleep ahead of him.
He can only hope.
Besides, using Cujo as a threat to Dash sounded like as good a plan as any, and if the councillors were too scared to go near the ghost dog that they would let him sleep in, all the better for him.
Danny smirked, perhaps camp wouldn’t be so bad after all~
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