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mylifetutors · 28 days ago
The Role of Online Communities in Self-Directed Learning
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In today’s digital era, online communities play a crucial role in self-directed education, providing learners with access to knowledge, support, and collaboration. Unlike traditional classrooms, these communities enable self-directed students to explore topics at their own pace, engage with experts, and exchange ideas with like-minded peers.
Platforms such as Facebook Groups, Slack, and specialized forums offer valuable resources, discussions, and mentorship opportunities, making it easier for learners to stay motivated and accountable. Additionally, many learners enroll in a self-directed course through platforms like edX, Skillshare, or LinkedIn Learning, where they can join study groups and gain insights from fellow students.
By leveraging online communities, learners can personalize their education, overcome challenges, and develop essential skills in a flexible and engaging way.
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nursedailypay · 3 months ago
MKE Week 8 – The Fog Is Beginning to Dissipate
This exceptional article by Janet... It's a quick 2-minute read, give it a look!
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connorchen-saddog8 · 5 months ago
Feed Back after proposal
(linked above)
Game sexuality… lara croft 3 polygon tits… even from the earliest rudimentary technology it has been used to jerk off with 
Contrast between the clunky retro side of technology, white stained shit box pcs, 
opposing the fact that porn is at the precipice of technology, often driving its innovation. Ie: 3d animation advancing from people making porn of the girl from bioshock, sleek new sex bots that are “high technology” 
Using materials that are actually fucking gross!!!!! Slime.. Glue… boiled rotten rice… silicone 
Innuendo of machine and sex - hardware/software, jacks, ports, charging, exporting
Using these as dialogue inspiration… cheesy porn script, inputs and “correct” choices in video games to get the “good” ending
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guiderichess · 6 months ago
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borderline-culture-is · 1 year ago
bpd culture is you’re pathetic and no one loves you, you abusive whore, you probably deserved all the abuse you got, and you’re ugly. no wonder you’re single, you’re not even a worthy enough human being to be in a relationship. how do you even have friends, you’re an ugly loser and i bet everyone who isn’t using or manipulating you for their own sake probably doesn’t even talk to you. you probably don’t have any true emotional connections with anyone because people just use your body and then leave you when they’re done with you. /selfdirected
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infornograph · 1 year ago
A selfproduced and selfdirected serveee
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oswednesday · 10 months ago
okay flattening the discussion by like A lot it being a little cheesecake there adds i think to the way theyre all treating falin before that like falin is a goal an object reliable falin will always be there for marcille (she wont be, she'll follow her brother anywhere, she wont be she's a lady expected to marry a lord, she wont be she's a tallman who wont live as long as marcille) a little sister for laios (his abstract goal for freedom form society, his personal burden he offsets lord responsibility feelings on, a built in caretaker and yes man), a perfect partner for toshiro (someone who feels like an outsider no matter where he lives seeing someone who he also views as an outsider, someone who can rescue him and someone he can rescue) like this person who falin is, objectified literally before she rips her clothes off the last symbol of personhood she has, thus freeing herself and in this way being sexual in a way no one views her capable of, like shes not herself, but she was not "herself" before the dragon either she had no selfdirection, i say this a million times but her only active choice that isnt throwing herself in harms way for others is taking the dragon with her, with the dragon it represents freedom from the role others have cast her in
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misticotraveler · 4 months ago
Take Charge: Control Your Mindset and Biases! by Mistico Traveler - Heart Centered Living Join us in this empowering video as Speaker_00 takes you on a journey towards mastering your mindset. Discover how to take control of your biases and shape your own destiny through self-direction. Don’t miss this chance to transform your mental outlook and subscribe for more great content! #MindsetMastery #Empowerment #SelfDirection #ConfirmationBias #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth #Inspiration #PositiveThinking #SubscribeNow #TransformYourLife via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGhKnwQ-j60
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coachbeede · 5 months ago
Blaze Your Own Path: Advice for Student Athletes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oRab7oO_qc Join our inspiring discussion on blazing your own path! In this video, Coach Beede shares invaluable advice on self-direction and evaluating student athletes from a coach's perspective. Discover the importance of communication and individualism while navigating your unique journey to success! #BlazeYourOwnTrail #SelfDirection #StudentAthletes #CoachingPerspective #SportsAdvice #Individualism #CareerGuidance #MotivationMonday #AthleteEvaluation #Inspiration via Coach Beede https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCunSQGST_QIdZGKo8-CXebQ October 01, 2024 at 08:01AM
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carewithoutlimits · 2 years ago
The New National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
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The disability services Australia ndis first national scheme designed to help people with disability get the support they need to live an ordinary life.
The NDIS aims to make sure everyone who has a permanent and significant disability gets the right support at the right time. This is done by replacing the current system of disability services that is run by different states and territories.
How the NDIS works
The NDIS is a new disability policy, designed to replace the previous systems of state-determined services. It aims to promote choice and control for participants, and supports them in planning and buying the services they need.
This is done through a 'personalisation' model of funding where individuals receive funding packages that are determined by their level of need and self-defined goals, with which to purchase services. It draws on policy trends in the UK and Europe that have promoted 'personalisation' of social services, including services for people with disabilities.
However, market based approaches have the potential to entrench or widen inequities if they are not carefully considered. This could occur through inefficient or ineffective (i.e. thin) disability markets, market failure in some areas or by imposing conditions on recipients which ultimately undermine their health (such as forced relocation to achieve choice and control).
The NDIS has the potential to secure gains in health for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a disability, but these can only be achieved if it is implemented correctly. The NDIS will need to be a highly-effective and equitable system that takes careful account of the inequities above, and others as they arise.
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
There are a number of criteria that a person must meet to access NDIS funding. These include age, residency and disability.
The NDIS also has specific requirements for children aged 0-6 and people with psychosocial disabilities. It is important to remember that the NDIS does not consider income or assets when assessing your eligibility.
Getting your NDIS access is the first step to getting support and you will need to complete an Access Request form and provide evidence that shows you meet the NDIS eligibility criteria.
Your local MS Queensland NeuroAssist Infoline can help you with this process. Call 1800 177 591 to book in for a free information session.
You will need to have evidence that your disability significantly reduces your functional capacity (your ability to perform activities). This is called a ‘disability requirement’ and if you are eligible for this, the NDIS can provide you with a range of supports.
What are the benefits of the NDIS?
If you or a family member has a permanent and significant disability, you may be eligible to receive support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). You can use this funding to help you live your life to the fullest.
The NDIS supports people with disabilities by helping them plan, fund, and provide the services they need to achieve their goals. These can be about gaining independence, employment, social participation or health and wellbeing.
In addition, the NDIS helps disabled people build their self-confidence through various life skills training. These include enhancing assertiveness, teamwork, selfdirection, and communication skills.
You can also get help finding accommodation that will suit your disability and needs. Whether you want to stay in your own home, move into a supported apartment or live with a family, the NDIS can help you find a place that’s right for you.
According to a report by Per Capita, the economic benefits of the NDIS in 2020-2021 will be $52.4 billion. For every $1 billion that the government underfunds the NDIS, it will remove over $10200 jobs from the economy.
How can I find out more about the NDIS?
The ndis service providers is a new way of supporting people with disability to live life the way they want. It provides funding based on need and gives you choice and control over the support you receive to help achieve your goals.
You can find out more about the NDIS on the NDIA website or through your local disability services agency. They will be able to tell you more about the NDIS, explain your eligibility and provide information on what supports are available for you.
Your local NDIA service coordinator will also be able to help you with your plan and how to use the online NDIS portal, myplace. They will work with you to make sure your plan covers the best range of supports and that you are using it to its full potential.
Getting started with the NDIS can be complex. To get the most from your plan, you need to understand the different types of services and supports available, gather medical reports and prepare for your planning meeting.
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nursedailypay · 5 months ago
Eliminated Procrastination & Manifested The Big Dream Discover How 3300+ Found Success & Fulfillment https://my.linkpod.site/mkmma2024#selfdirected not #selfimprovement#nothinglikeit#Selfaction
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zulfa-km · 3 years ago
"Seseorang yang kurang bisa mengatakan kalimat penolakan, atau minder ketika merasa berbeda biasanya dipengaruhi faktor kurangnya ego yang timbul dalam dirinya"
Seketika, aku merasa sangat tersindir dengan kalimat ustadz Aad. Walaupun bisa dibilang sudah tidak begitu lagi. Tapi agak kaget karena itu ternyata karena ego dalam diriku kurang terbentuk dengan baik saat masa itu. Hingga seringkali aku tak bisa mengucapkan penolakan terhadap yang tidak bisa atau tidak ingin aku lakukan. Dan berujung menyusahkan diri sendiri
Walau sebenarnya, kita juga harus bijak memaknai persoalan mengenai kalimat penolakan. Harus mempertimbangkan banyak hal hingga akhirnya mengeluarkan kalimat itu.
Beliau melanjutkan kalimatnya. Yang intinya..
"Orang Indonesia, seringkali mengalami hal ini. Generasi latah namanya. Takut berbeda padahal saat itu ia sedang dalam perbedaan yang baik. Takut ga punya teman, dan banyak lagi. Terkadang, persoalan macam macam yang terjadi ini karena ego. Bukan egois. Berbeda dengan itu. Ego lebih bersifat kepada ke-aku-an. Atau bahasa lainnya punya kemampuan atau sistem yang kuat dalam mengelola diri. Dan banyak sekali orang Indonesia tidak memiliki ini. Akibatnya mudah menjadi pengikut. Takut berbeda. Mudah terjerumus hal yang salah."
Aku mengernyit. Dan bergumam dalam hati. "Iya juga ya, karena kurangnya mengenal diri itu akhirnya bisa kemana mana masalahnya."
Dan ternyata dalam mengenal diri yang harus dilakukan pertama kali adalah mengenal Allah pencipta kita. Maka akan Allah tunjukkan jalan untuk semakin peka terhadap diri kita
SUB. 17.04.22. 22.54
15 Ramadhan 1443 H - malam 16 Ramadhan 1443 H
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amykstudio · 4 years ago
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Gift 65 - In my late-twenties, after years of transience, supporting myself on a subsistence level with cobbled together odd jobs, barters, and occasional sales of my artwork and music, I decided I wanted to hone in on my original intention, set at age 5, to be an artist when I grew up. I didn’t know where to begin, so I gave myself an assignment. I plunked a bunch of grapes on the table and made a dozen drawings and paintings of them, many of which plan to offer up in this gift series. Suffice it to say (for now) that I’ve been giving myself assignments ever since. . Grapes 1: 11x8.5” (plus mat and frame) . . . #artistlife #grapes #stillife #watercolorpainting #watercolors #contemporaryart #artwork #artassignment #assignments #selfdirection #trysomething #makesomething #worksonpaper #fruit #greengrapes #artpractice #creativeprocess #createeveryday #sketchart #sketchdaily #carveouttimeforart #doitfortheprocess #artseries #giveitaway #givingmood #artshare #livinginthegift #blessings #bunchofgrapes #inspiredbynature (at Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKo3c7xHX5K/?igshid=5mdloi9inrof
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hashtagwonderwoman · 4 years ago
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Sooooo excited about this class this semester! It's all about self-control and healthy behavior modification. This will be so helpful to myself as well as sharing with you guys. My goal here and with my graduate studies is to EDUCATE on HEALTHY BEHAVIORS and always health promotionm. This looks to be one of the coolest classes I've taken thus far. I look forward to sharing it with you all. This is just a few slides with good quotes, then the book it is from and a bit of info about the classes. I do not share things with you guys that I haven't learned or studied! I'm just excited to bring you all along on this journey! Please feel free to ask questions m. If I don't know, as always, I will research and find it! Thank for coming along 🙌🏼🤩🥰 #hashtagwonderwoman #healthylifestyle #healtheducation #healthpromotion #selfdirectedbehavior #selfcontrol #behaviormodification #willpower #wellness #strength #selfregulation #selfdirection #healthbehaviortheory #healthbehaviorchange (at UAB Graduate School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUUTDXg7wX/?igshid=sauzyboy37lj
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swimming---upstream · 3 years ago
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Less Institutions. More Communities
Institutions are organizations or businesses that shape the help organize social, economic, and political relations. (North, 1991) Banks, libraries, schools; these are all institutions. They are organized by groups or people or individuals and adhere to a specific set of rules and policies to ensure the health and well-being of the institution. They are governed: policed, if you will. If you, as an individual, have needs that don’t align with the institution, the expectation is that you need to adapt and not that the institution will change, although if enough members of the public complain about rules and policies of an institution, those rules or policies can be amended.
Communities are a set of relationships among people but also a feeling that we can observe when we participate in collective living with people with whom we trust and feel safe. Community is a sense of belonging. (Chavis and Lee, 2015) If you have needs as an individual, you can share your needs with the community with the intent of those needs being met. Communities inherently have room for fluidity baked into their nature.
Communities can form institutions. Institutions can foster a sense of community. But when I think about what kind of experience I want for my children growing up, it is the communities that I after, not the institutions. I want their “education” (I use scare quote because I don’t mean formal education) to be human-centred, not policy-centred.
Since we’ve moved, I’ve been searching for community – for that sense of belonging built on trust and shared experience. Recently, I’ve been looking towards institutions to fill the gap in community and have been disappointed more than once because institutions often need to prioritize profitability and efficiency over people’s feelings.
I know you’re sick of me always pointing at capitalism, but it’s role in this institution versus community analysis is critical. Capitalism seeks to turn community into institution, to package it, sell it, profit off it, commodify it. Online social media platforms sell us the community that we’re lacking in real life to the point where we can no longer disconnect as it feels like we’re abandoning our friends. Capitalism turns social media into institutions: a meager replacement for the real life community that we don’t have time or energy to find, exhausted from trying to make ends meet.
Capitalist institutions are trying to replace community and it’s working. But remember, these institutions are built on rules, policies, and profit-based principles. Communities are focus on human-centred connection and fluid to meet the needs of it’s individuals.
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amomentswisdom · 6 years ago
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Years of clients gaining relief. The Power Within You is Much Greater than Any Pain. I train you to direct your thoughts, at the right brain frequency, to eliminate pain. You are then empowered to do it on your own, as needed. An amazing example: http://mindtechnology.com/blog/?p=2514 Includes a letter I wrote to his pain management clinic saying it is brain science based, teachable coachable and repeatable. No response 😥 If you know of a medical doctor, a nurse, a school interested in truly empowering their patients, please have them contact me. #amomentswisdom #quickpainrelief #directyourthoughts #empoweringyou #brainneuralreprogramming #spiritualcoach #yourbestself #heal #becomeintuitive #reprogrambrain #selfdirection #selfmastery #deeprelaxation #liveyourbestlife #energyhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/BwsF1ytF03e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17lfui50u8jnw
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