girlchildinafrica · 7 years
I am here to accept the award for “Most Neglectful Blog Owner in 2017 &  Part of 2018” .
It’s a title that I have shamefully earned. After promising to post during my holiday and then proceeding to not post during the holiday , I truly deserve that dishonor. Blogging only a handful of times in 2017 is not my proudest moment. And this being my first blogging effort in 2018 is entirely deplorable.
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Honestly, life did not unfold effortlessly for a while. I hit a gargantuan speed bump (metaphorical) during my holiday.
My will to blog , let alone do anything, was obliterated during that time. I had been disappointed and hurt by someone close to me and getting over that initial shock was hard.  I spent some time feeling very sad and angry , and rightly so after all that I had endured.
Part of me was reluctant to feel sad because it felt as though I was back-tracking on my mental health. After some time , in acquiescence, I opted to put an ending to my stoic tendencies and acknowledge what I was feeling at that time. It was the healthiest thing I could have done for my mental health.  That was my turning point after that heart-wounding.
I managed to overcome that funk and enjoyed the rest of my holiday. I spent time with my friends and family. It was beautiful and peaceful. I was at peace with my self and felt perfectly content. Suffice to say , blogging was really the last thing on my mind ;). I spent my days eating good food , reading good books and indulging in the company of my family. And swimming daily 🙂
Content 🙂
Happy Lily
Post swim haze
Reflection time ! 
2017 was a year of mixed emotions . I had dizzying and ludicrous highs and really low, below the ground , lows.  I learnt a lot during 2017. Discarded some naivety for some life experience.  I matured significantly and I hope to utilize this personal growth to go onto better things .
2018 thus far . . . 
Then the academic year began. . . It was a mad rush and in a very short space of time , I was incredibly busy. 
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2018 had me feeling a little bit lost at first.  I felt as though I was a first year who was trying to find her feet again.
I have been inundated. Mostly with school related work but also very personal matters.I have done the needful and set all my ambitious goals and I have been quietly and slowly working on them. #self care
I am not going to make any blogging promises, because I clearly can’t keep them , but I still view this blog as a happy and calming space and I will utilize it as often as I can throughout this year.
I’m in a much better mental space at the moment and even though I’m bull-dozing my way through assignments and currently on rotation , I feel healthier and I am much happier ! 😀 :
Thank you for reading my rambling thoughts and following my blog 🙂
❤ ❤
Feeling good 🙂 Feeling great
Happy Lily 🙂
Lots Of Lily Love ❤ ❤ ❤
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Chaos and Calamity I am here to accept the award for "Most Neglectful Blog Owner in 2017 &  Part of 2018
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