#self-ship: driftwiz
silentsoundwaves · 5 years
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tfw you draw your self ship
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wizard-self-inserts · 5 years
“Since it’s you, I’m gonna let it go.”
also late but a short thing!!!! it took a darker tone bc i was like “how about sg wizard?” so uh, some sg drift & wizard i guess. my brain didn’t catch the “soft sentence starters” memo huh
“No, please don’t,” Wizard hisses into the air, vocalizeralmost shot.
Drift shoots them that smirk that would have melted their sparkwhen he was a Decepticon. “Disobeying orders now are we, Wizard?” he coos atthem. “I thought I taught you better than that.”
Wizard shuffles back against the wall. Energon leaks fromthe wound on their side in a sluggish flow that makes the ground glow pink. “Sinceit’s you, I’m gonna let it go,” Drift says after a long moment. They should berelieved but Drift has always had ulterior motives. He’s never been one forforgiveness. He sees hope brighten in their optics nonetheless and finisheswith, “But only if you come with me.”
“No, no, no,” Wizard whines into the air, all fear andpanic.
Drift laughs, already knowing a victory when he has one, “Comeon, pet, that crew of yours will be safe if you come back with me.”
Wizard freezes. Defeat seeps into every line of their frame.“Alright,” they croak.
Drift gives them a genuine smile and they feel sick to theirspark.
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silentsoundwaves · 5 years
some shattered glass self-insert stuff i wrote forever and a half ago. there’s more if anyone’s interested i guess.
Drift strides into the Decepticon encampment wit the confidence of a thousand warriors. His red plating reflects the darkened lights of the confinement in a way that makes him look tackier than Wizard already thinks he is. His sword sits on his back in an open warning.
The other Decepticons freeze at his entrance, watching as he stops in the middle of the crowd. His nonchalance is practically palpable, from the way he smiles easily to the way he leisurely strides. His red optics shift for only a moment before they find Starscream.
Soundwave is quick to shove Wizard behind him as if he’s realized something. His larger stature hides Wizard’s smaller-than-average frame easily. It makes an anxious knot in Wizard’s throat dissipate.
“Can you tell me where Wizard is?” Drift asks easily.
His optics stay locked on Starscream. Wizard knows why. Their affection for the seeker has never been a secret and Drift has always seen him as weak. “Is that any of your business?” Starscream asks with the defiant tilt of his helm.
Drift’s easy smile becomes a scowl faster than Wizard can process it. “I think it is,” Drift all but hisses.
His tone enough that it almost makes Starscream flinch but he holds his ground. “I don’t really think it is,” Starscream returns coolly, almost coldly.
“I can slaughter all of you,” Drift threatens without tact.
He releases a moody vent that would have made Wizard laugh centuries ago. Now it just makes them feel sick. They’re not dumb. They know what he’ll do now. They push pass Soundwave without warning. He doesn’t have time to stop them.
“I’m right here, Drift,” they call, kinder than they should.
The crowd ripples and splits. Behind them they hear a loud screech but they’re not sure which cassette makes the noise. They don’t look back. Drift’s scowl twists into a smile. He purrs, “Wizard,” like their designation is too sweet to keep in his intake.
It’s a step up from anything else he could call them, but they don’t expect it to last long. “What do you want?” they ask.
Drift’s optics light up like lights, “I want you.”
A sneer passes across Wizard’s lips. There’s no self-preservation when they say, “Take me away then, officer.” They can’t argue with Drift, not with Rodimus on his side.
When Drift moves, he’s in their face in seconds. “Say your goodbyes,” he says, but his servo already has a lazy grip on their arm.
“I don’t have any to say,” Wizard says.
Even as they do they’re comming Soundwave a silent, “I love you.”
Soundwave’s only reply is a wave of desperation. He pleads for them not to go, to fight, but Wizard doesn’t acknowledge it. “Come then, pet,” Drift sounds smug and all too possessive as the moniker slips past his lips.
It’s more like a collar than it ever has.
“Where are we going?” Wizard asks, but they step into line beside him as he moves toward the exit.
“The Lost Light,” he says like it is all the answer they need.
They finally spare a look back. It feels like the last one they will ever get.
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