#self-insert: scourge of royalty (telanthera)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
Talking to Selwyn has helped me narrow down how I want Telanthera to be, actually, so I’m putting it here as well (which gives me a chance to refine the wording a bit, and that’s also nice!)
Telanthera is the sort of person who always gives off the impression that she knows exactly what she’s doing, coming across as almost slightly smug or self-satisfied a lot of the time. This is because she has learned this is the best way not to be questioned on things, and she definitely has the intelligence to back up this quietly confident demeanour if someone does decide to try and throw her off - which, more often than not, just leaves them feeling like the fool. If she is uncertain about something, she’ll often be actively working to gather what information she needs on the fly, such as by picking up on cues from other people talking around her in a social situation and wording things very precisely to gain the most information in a way that sounds carefree. In circumstances where she can actually let her unfamiliarity with something show, it comes across more as curiosity than hesitancy, especially if it’s someone else (like one of the twins) kindly introducing something to her without making her seem unworldly or out of the loop for not knowing about it beforehand.
Additionally, the more ridiculously expensive something is, the more likely she is to be dismissive of it, unless it actually has good reason to be that expensive (such as a clearly-sentimental and lovingly-crafted item made using a delicate and fascinating construction method, as opposed to something gaudy with ten thousand gemstones shoved onto it purely for the sake of inflating the price). It’s the sort of attitude that just completely baffles a lot of the richer nobles, but I’d like to think it’s a trait that makes her much more likeable to those who don’t entirely centre their lives around money.
I hope that this makes sense!
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void-kissed · 1 year
and ONLY if you want to, don't feel pressured if it's too daunting- 1 for camellia?
Ahh, and here it is. Thank you for this, friend. You flustered me into oblivion.
(question source: "F/O Kiss Meme" by self-shipper-snowdrop)
First kiss
The context here is that Telanthera was once caught off-guard by a prospective assassin sent by some other noble that didn't like the way she had risen to nobility without being born into it. Luckily, Camellia was there and was able to put her training into practice to easily dispose of the attacker, even if Tel was knocked to the floor in the process - but in the process, revealed to Telanthera exactly what she is capable of. This is something she had very much been trying to avoid out of fear of rejection, but Telanthera does not think ill of her for it at all, and proves this through the following scene.
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"Come here. I promise, that dagger of yours needs not taste blood again tonight."
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"If you truly think yourself to be unworthy in my eyes, dear Camellia.."
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"..then please, allow me to demonstrate exactly what worth you hold to me."
(I hope that this is alright! Thank you very much again for sending me this ask and helping me talk through how the scene might play out!!)
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Here is my piece for today, which is the twenty-fifth day of the month! It's of Camellia teaching my self-insert Telanthera to dance, since Tel never learned how to properly in her youth despite her current position as a noble lady, but this is something that Camellia has some prior experience teaching despite her position as a servant. Selwyn mentioned once that this is something Cami would be able to do, and.. it fit perfectly into what I'd established of Telanthera's story, so I made it canon to my selfship with her.
Tag list: @catake | @vampking | @wazzuppy | @cherry-bomb-ships | @call–me–home | @xenobabble | @beeon | @coralward | @crosshairswife | @pandapup | @altamont498 | @mercuryships | @lemonloven (to be tagged in what I make, please see this post!)
Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required! ^-^
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
My Lady Telanthera,
Another year has passed, it seems. It feels as though only a blink has occurred in the time I've known you, and yet the depth of my feelings has not subsided in the slightest- if anything, they appear to have grown deeper. If you were not you, dearest, I may consider it worrying; as such, I know I have nothing to be concerned of at your side.
Your birthday has come again, and I wished to give you my hopes once more. ...I always feel lacking in the fact I am unable to celebrate you as publicly as other nobles may be able to, even as I know you hold no grudge against me when I cannot... But perhaps one day- perhaps one day soon we'll be able to celebrate as you well deserve.
I'm afraid my words always seem to slip through my grasp when I write these letters to you. It appears you have that affect on me. From the first time you saw my true nature to even now, my guard never appears to be up as much as it should be to protect myself from acting like a fool around you...
Ah... And yet... I never seem to mind as much as I should. You, my love, rarely make those moments unpleasant.
...I apologize. This letter has gotten quite lengthy, has it not? And on a topic so unrelated to what I sought out to write to you about. Then I'll end it on this note:
Happy Birthday, my lady. I hope your day is just as wonderful as the days you often seem to bring me.
Camellia Smith
[...placed in the envelope along with the letter is a pressed heliotrope flower.]
I refuse to continue to portray Telanthera as uncharacteristically flustered like I have kept doing before this so I’m afraid you just get a very worn-out me instead (well, Telanthera is me, but that’s because she’s my self-insert - hopefully you get the drill)
And so, I say: aaaaaaah this was so, so special, friend! Thank you so, so much, seriously - this letter truly means a lot to me and I have treasured it ever since I first read it. There are so many wonderful details that you’ve included and they all really made me smile (“dearest” as a pet name from Camellia of all people, heliotropes representing devotion.. aaaah I just feel so lucky right now >w<)
Thank you, so much, once again!!!
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
ca~mel~lia! do you and lady telanthera share any hobbies? if not, are there any that you've tried to pick up for the other? if so, how do the two of you usually enjoy them together?
Camellia: "I see that you have prepared a veritable array of questions, my liege. Very well; I shall answer each to the best of my ability, as always.
My lady and I do indeed share a number of pastimes, though not all. The one which we are fortunate enough to partake in most together would be reading - though, more precisely, it is often that my lady will take the opportunity to read her latest novels of interest aloud, should I happen to be preoccupied with other tasks yet still present in the room with her at the time. This, I believe, is her way of including me in the process, even whilst I am carrying out my duties. ..At her insistence, I have occasionally joined her in the impromptu recital of certain scenes, should she be re-reading ones I recall well enough to recite. Then, there was that additional instance of her practising a favourite song that typically features both a main vocal and harmony, one particular afternoon..
Ahem. In terms of acquiring any new hobbies as a result of the other, my lady has been quite graciously endeavouring to expand her palate of favoured teas as of late, and at each instance, has requested my assistance with preparation. Despite the array of different varieties she has tested by this point, none have truly seemed to satisfy her tastes - yet she has been persevering regardless, which is rather unlike her when considering her general reticence regarding meals. ..I suspect that part of this is due to what she perceives as the less strenuous nature of this task compared to other duties I may otherwise be engaged with, as well as perhaps the fact that it allows us a while to share together, usually away from many others.
Hm. If this has satisfied your curiosity, and is all which you require from me at this time, then I shall take my leave, my liege. However, as ever, please do not hesitate to call on me again, should you have need to once more."
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void-kissed · 2 years
I do find it very amusing that two of my more cold and stoic self-inserts - who are actually pretty similar in some ways, being nobles in a somewhat unfamiliar situation compared to the nobles around them for example - are for two of the F/Os who manage to make me most flustered simply by existing (or saying certain lines, more specifically)
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
a question for cameron! if lady telanthera is feeling down, is there a way you know is best to cheer her up? does she try to return the favour, or does she typically have too much on her plate and/or is in too different of a position?
Cameron: "Oh! Of course, my liege - I shall answer these all for you, right away!
Hmm.. Lady Telanthera does her utmost to appear as calm and collected as she can muster, most of the time - but, as with anyone, there are occasions when she grows troubled, or most often, overwhelmed. Lia is always very good at directing her away from troubling thoughts, or helping her find a way to leave stressful environments - but, if she wasn't already with her for whatever reason, then she'll usually come and find me in the gardens. I do spend most of my time there, after all, and getting to speak with her about how all of the plants are faring is something she and I both seem to find relaxing! I'm, ah.. not the loudest of people, as you know, but I'm glad that she feels she can come to me so frequently, whether she needs consoling or uplifting.
Regarding the second part of your question, ah - I would say that both suggestions are true, to some extent! For example, Lady Telanthera will often make time to approach me in the gardens, even when she isn't feeling quite so down - and I must say that her presence there is always very appreciated, especially whenever I myself am feeling rather lonely. She enjoys hearing what I have to say about the many different plants I'm tasked with caring for, and always makes sure to ask after my own condition, as well. I'm very grateful for her genuine interest. Oh- of course, she cannot always accompany me as much as she has sometimes said she would like to, but.. nevertheless, the fact she goes out of her way to do so when she can is, um, something I do truly appreciate, as I have said before.
Is there anything more that you need of me, my liege? I do hope that my answers were satisfactory, but- please do not hesitate to say if there is anything more you wish to know!"
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void-kissed · 2 years
My lady Telanthera,
I... Must confess, I'm not typically one to take part in these types of celebrations. My duties keep me on the sidelines more often than not, and so I'm afraid I don't know as much about this holiday as you may, but...
I wanted to wish you a pleasant Valentine's Day. Our duties may keep us separated, but perhaps- for just a moment- I'll be able to slip away and see you...
...It may be dangerous, but... I miss you, my love. And those are not words I say, nor write, easily. Even briefly would be enough to sate this desire within my heart to see you again- even if it must be secret, must be under the cover of darkness.
Please... Take care.
Camellia Smith
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..That's it, that's the reaction, I've had this open for what feels like hours and this is all I can muster, thank you and I'm sorry it's not more
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a dance of endeavours (Camellia/Telanthera)
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setting: Four Leaf Cloverse romantic F/O: Camellia Smith (Selwyn's OC) self-insert: Lady Telanthera Amaranth names for the selfship: a dance of endeavours, camellianthera, lianthera, liatel selfship start date: 30th December 2020
Content for this selfship: on this blog | on previous blogs
Some more things you may wish to know about this selfship are under the readmore!
As this post demonstrates, Camellia's character tag is "love: tea for the liege (camellia)", while my self-insert Telanthera's tag is "self-insert: scourge of royalty (telanthera)". The tag for my selfship as a whole is "selfship: a dance of endeavours (camellia/telanthera)"!
In the story of this selfship, Camellia is a servant working under an unnamed liege who is a powerful but arrogant nobleman. Telanthera is a lesser noblewoman working alongside others of the court to overthrow him, and expects to be in trouble when she's caught in the act.. but instead finds herself with a more than willing confidant, and the two end up finding themselves in a somewhat forbidden romance. This was partially inspired by the first post Selwyn used to assign me Camellia as an F/O in the first place.
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void-kissed · 2 years
Echo's romantic selfships: A Dance of Endeavours (Camellia/Telanthera)
"and then, perhaps this would have to be secret no longer"
romantic F/O: Camellia Smith (Four Leaf Cloverse - OC of Selwyn/vampking)
character tag: love: tea for the liege (camellia)
selfship tag: selfship: a dance of endeavours (camellia/telanthera)
paired self-insert: Lady Telanthera Amaranth
self-insert tag: self‑insert: scourge of royalty (telanthera)
selfship start date: 30th December 2020
comfort sharing romantically: fine with sharing and seeing canon x canon ship content!
Camellia Smith is a seemingly-loyal servant working alongside her brother, Cameron, under a powerful but cruel liege. Lady Telanthera Amaranth is a noblewoman present in the same circle as Camellia's liege, who is secretly part of a revolution orchestrated by other nobles to overthrow the tyrant and distribute his assets across those involved in the coup.
Telanthera is known for paying more attention to those of a lower ranking compared to many others in her current social circles, so she quickly takes note of Camellia's impressive apparent diligence and calibre. However, while collecting intelligence for the upcoming revolution, Telanthera's true motivations are accidentally revealed to Camellia - who promptly reveals that she holds no loyalty whatsoever to her liege, only caring about herself and her brother, Cameron. This causes the two to start working together whenever their positions allow, unintentionally culminating in a forbidden romance.
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My Lady Telanthera,
...I'm aware I don't frequently send you letters of this sort, but I had heard from another noble that it was your day of birth. Is that correct? I had hoped to wish you a happy birthday in person, but I'm afraid that work keeps one busy, as I'm certain one of your status is more than aware of. ...Seeing as I'm unable to visit you myself today, I thought it would be suitable to at least write you a letter.
Though I know you aren't the type to have as grand of a celebration as other nobles are prone to, I do hope you have a pleasant day, my dear. If I had the choice, I would come to your side in an instant to celebrate with you. As it is, I hope you have plans you will be able to enjoy- no matter how simple or complex they are.
I've sent a gift to you, enclosed. ...I hope you'll enjoy it.
Faithfully yours,
Camellia Smith
(...With the letter is a package containing a dress that, while simple, must have been no easy task to find. Made with fine fabrics, the skirt is also embroidered with flowers.)
((i wasn't sure if your S/Is shared your birthday, but i hope you'll enjoy this letter nonetheless! happy birthday again!!! ~Sel))
Sel. Sealey. @vampking.
Of course I enjoyed this letter, because it is absolutely AMAZING!!!! It always impresses me how well people are able to write others' F/Os and compose such lovely letters, but.. well, in your case it's a little bit different because Camellia is already your own character. That does not change how wonderful this letter is, however, because it is truly incredibly lovely and I very much appreciate the fact that you took the time to write something so wonderful. Also, yes, to answer your question, my self-inserts do all share the same birthday as me, because they are all me! ^-^
Thank you so, so much for sending such a lovely letter - it really made me smile (and blush, because of course it did), and I very much appreciate it, friend - just as much as Telanthera appreciated the lovely gift of the dress, hehe ^-^
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Incidentally, a full image of Telanthera’s reference model is now on my carrd, now that her model is finally mostly finalised! I may well add more details or change some textures in the future, but it certainly works for the moment. Here is what she looks like:
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This leaves Seralune - my UTAUloid and general vocalsynth self-insert - as the only self-insert I use for romantic selfships who doesn’t have any kind of visual reference yet, although I do also need to update the one for Emily, my Harvest Moon self-insert (mainly so that her reference model uses the same base as all the others, because that base is more accurate to my own facial features compared to the one that old reference model is using). And I’m rather happy about that! ^-^
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“I trust you can make your own way back to your room, my lady?” “I- That is true, yes. There’s no need for you to accompany me, Miss Camellia.” Telanthera asserted, still rather nervous. Something about this brought the tiniest hint of a smile to Camellia’s face.
Here is my piece for today, which is the seventeenth day of the month! It's depicting a scene from the first bit of writing I wrote for my selfship with Camellia, who is an OC of my friend @vampking - if you'd like to read my old writing, then it's linked via the caption!
Tag list: @catake | @vampking | @wazzuppy | @cherry-bomb-ships | @call–me–home | @xenobabble | @beeon | @coralward | @sanderswife | @pandapup | @altamont498 | @mercuryships | @lemonloven (to be tagged in what I make, please see this post!)
Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required! ^-^
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Flowers Hiding Thorns
Telanthera’s involvement in a plot to overthrow a cruel nobleman and distribute his wealth among the rest of the court is accidentally revealed to none other than the head of the nobleman’s household servants, Camellia. Luckily, the situation finds itself working out much more smoothly than either woman first expected. (1256 words)
tag list: @thatslikesometaldude | @garchompp | @beeon | @tex-treasures | @catake | @tartaglialovemail | @kalliopi-ships | @lilacslovers | @blackbirdcrime | @dragonsmooch | @vilehusband | @kissofthemoonrabbit | @childrenofmeyneth | @strawberryshipz)to be tagged in what I make, please click here!)
Made it just in time for this to be my piece for the twenty-first day of sapphic September!! This is also the first piece of content I’ve created for my selfship with Camellia, who is an OC created by @vampking! Technically, this takes place before our relationship actually starts, but.. it still counts, right
Reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but by no means required! Comments should be enabled on the document (which is how I recommend reading it) if anyone wishes to leave any comments, but a transcript is also available below the readmore.
The estate’s regal presence was clear even in the depths of night-time, as the shadows of imposing buildings loomed ominously over their painstakingly-managed grounds. Only a few lonely figures could be seen moving through the mansion, as all those who were awake would have been lowly servants restoring the halls to their peak condition for the apparent benefit of the noble’s guests. Such effort on their part was only a small piece of a grand social affair, designed solely to impress to excess - and the woman holding the wax-sealed letter was sick of it.
“You know I can’t abide by his needless extravagance,” she was muttering in a low voice to a tall man standing in the corner of the room. “All this has to end, for the benefit of all of us.”
“And it very well will, with your assistance in this affair.” replied the man, similarly quietly.  “The weightier the fool’s throne, the harder it inevitably crashes down when he sits upon it, no?”
“Yes, quite true,” the lady nodded, before stepping closer to hand over the letter she was holding. It contained a long list of the observations she had made of the estate the two were currently staying in, little insights and quirks of the buildings or the servants’ paths from her perspective. Although they were not perfect, given the lady’s position as a noblewoman, they were nevertheless more useful than anything her peers could have picked up on if asked to, since her early years were spent in a position much closer to a servant than their master, and even despite rising into the higher ranks of the social circles, she always maintained a courtesy and gratitude towards those who assisted her in some way.
“You’ve made the right choice here, Telanthera.”
This remark earned the man a glare that was only half-obscured by the low light, and the lady’s response came in a much less smirk-filled tone. “I suggest you don’t use any names here unless you want a listening ear throwing a spanner in all your well-planned works.”
“Oh, but of course, my dear. Now then, on the note of such, we’d best leave it here, don’t you think?” he asked, stepping back off of the curtain he had been leaning on with the merest sound. “It’s in all our best interests to have you here to assist.”
The man left the room with the smug confidence of one who has always known power and fortune, closing the door behind him silently. Telanthera felt she had done what she needed to, and after taking a moment to compose herself, she also opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. It was long and sprawling, still somehow retaining an air of pompous grandeur in the relative darkness, but the darkness gave it an ominous nature, as well.
As the noblewoman carefully tried to keep her movements quiet yet without provoking suspicion, her mind decided to worry about the consequences of her actions. What would she do if someone caught her out of her bedroom this late at night? One of the most low-ranking servants might be tirelessly cleaning or adjusting the curtains; she supposed she would have to try and emulate enough menace to convince them not to talk about seeing her, though she doubted whether such a tactic would work. It probably would, given that those kinds of people were thought of as expendable and nameless by the tyrant - which is what she tended to call the man whose estate she and other nobles were currently staying in, the man a small selection of those other nobles (which now, as of this night, included herself) were planning to topple and seize the numerous assets of. He was not their direct ruler, so she hesitated to think of these acts as revolution - but he definitely acted like he owned everyone and everything, and at the end of the day, seeing him crumble was all that was important.
That plan should work, she thought to herself, nervously. As long as I don’t run into someone more loyal to the tyrant, someone higher up in the hierarchy, I’ll be alright.
At that moment, the exact sort of person Telanthera hoped not to meet appeared in front of her.
The woman’s bright green eyes seemed heartless and icy in the low light, and her expression belied no hint of surprise or of being caught off-guard. Despite the late hour, her dark brown hair was still tied tightly in a long ponytail, as if she was always on-duty and ready to act. Her dark suit was impeccably neat and proper as well, matching the unmistakeable air of authority she was exuding.
“Camellia Smith, head of the household, in charge of managing household affairs and new servants.” Telanthera had written this down a short time ago in the letter of information she had just handed over, and the fact she was extremely unsure of what to do caused her to absent-mindedly state these facts aloud.
“..That’s correct. I doubt most of my liege’s guests would take the time to recall that as well as you apparently have.” replied Camellia, now also somewhat unsure of how to respond. But such feelings never lasted in someone as well-trained as she was, and she quickly regained control of the situation, standing steadfastly before the nervous noblewoman.
“Might I ask what has caused you to be awake so late at night, my lady?”
“It’s- I-” Such a loss for words was something no person of noble birth should experience, having painstakingly practiced the finer details of etiquette and proper composure from a young age. However, Telanthera was not well-accustomed to the position the Amaranth family had recently reached, and some would argue this meant she was not well-fitting for it, either.
Camellia pressed on, and in the process, confirmed Tel’s worst fear. “If I may, it would not be wise to leave the door of your room ajar with writing implements visible on the table.”
She knew about their plans! Surely someone so important within the tyrant’s servants would expose them!
“Every step should be taken to keep confidential matters and business out of the knowledge of those they do not concern. Surely you understand why this is important now?”
Again, Telanthera was lost for words, though this time because the servant had said something she was not expecting. Was this some elaborate method to try and get more information out of her?
Then something even more unexpected happened.
“I trust you can make your own way back to your room, my lady?”
“I- That is true, yes. There’s no need for you to accompany me, Miss Camellia.” Telanthera asserted, still rather nervous.
Something about this brought the tiniest hint of a smile to Camellia’s face. “Very well then. I wish you a good night’s rest, my lady.” With this said, she began to walk away, in the direction Telanthera had come from.
“A-And the same to yourself, Camellia. However, regarding what you may have seen-”
“Don’t worry.”
She turned to face the lady with the confidence of any noblewoman. “You may already have noticed this, but my brother is also a servant here. Whatever loyalties you believe lie with my liege, are reserved only for him.”
And with that, she turned the corner, seeming to disappear in an instant.
Telanthera hurried back to her own room, still confused, but now wearing a smile of relief.
Perhaps her plans were not ruined at the first hurdle after all.
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🙄 im so sorry but please do camellia
Selwyn, I feel like I'm the one who's supposed to be apologising here, but thank you for this =P
(source: this post by kissofthemoonrbbt)
send me a 🙄 + an F/O and i will tell you how my ship with them is problematic and bad (this is for satire not actual discourse) -
Camellia is a servant. My self-insert Telanthera is a noblewoman (and Camellia isn't even her servant). Clearly that means there is an unhealthy power dynamic going on and I should not even be giving her the time of day
She has a knife, knows how to use it, and has indeed used it in the past on numerous occasions. This makes her an irredeemable villain
I looked at the metric ton of amazing and otherworldly characters in Cloverse and ended up falling for one of the absolute most "normal" human people in the whole thing, how dare I discredit all your hard work like this
We both participate in a revolution and overthrowing of a nobleman for the partial but significant purpose of not having to hide being in love with each other quite as much
I hope that all that was alright, haha - thank you very much again for sending this in!!
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