#self aware kylar
(this is very much inspired by @/fauxyandere's self aware kylar, i've caught myself rereading it so often, its so good!)
Thinking about self aware Kylar, that one day gains sentience and realizes he's not meant to be alive, he's not meant to be anything past words on a screen. This is all fake, his parents aren't real, his world isn't real, his love isn't- Wait...
The person he knew as his love may not be real, but... Who is this, he can faintly see behind them, seemingly tied to his former obsession ? Who is this person, this ghost, this puppeteer ? He tries to ask PC who you are, but he's only met with a blank stare and silence. Is he the only one that can see you ?
What are you, anyway? Are you PC's guide, are you some sort of God ? He needs answers, now. He continues trailing PC, but with a different intention now, he needs to learn more about you, you obviously are more than a ghost. You seem so detached, so nonchalant. You're obviously not from his "world", no, you seem greater, much much greater. He's started to notice that, sometimes, the universe stops moving, and it seems like time completely stops, but only he is aware of it. Clearly, you're in control here, I mean, the world stops and starts at your command, doesn't it ? You're the one making the world go round, you're like a god !
He needs to make his way to you, he can't be trapped here forever in a facsimile of life, no, this isn't fair! No no no, he needs to get to you, I mean, you guided PC to him for his happiness back when he was still a fool, surely you only have his best intentions at heart. He's sure of it, and he starts giving you little hints as to his awakened state.
Instead of "Something is watching you", it's "Someone yearns for your gaze", instead of Kylar mainly staying at the park or the arcade (or the manor), you can find him pretty much anywhere in the game. Oh, you're getting a check-up with Dr.Harper? He's restocking on some meds and ready to escort you out. You're bartending at the strip club ? Guess who just decided he should start building up his tolerance ? (he's the lightest of weights let's be real, one flute of champagne and he's out like a light, he's so cute) Even Remy's farm isn't safe (or unsafe ?) from him, he's either becoming a hucow himself or just rescuing you by manipulating the code in his favor, something he had to learn to do because you kept ignoring him...
After what feel like days of trying to him but are probably only a few minutes to you, he reasons he has to get more aggressive, so he starts just leaving you "cute reminders" every two or three pages of text, like: "don't keep me waiting too long, my love" or "please get me out soon, i want to see you darling!"... He gets more and more impatient, surely you see his little notes ? What are you waiting for...
On your end, you're just thinking you downloaded the wrong update, and you wish the next one will fix all the weird bugs you've been getting, you're pretty sure your encounter rate isn't supposed to be his high... And man does Kylar take up so much of it, you're just trying to find Whitney in peace and it feels like he's just there at every corner. You're starting to think you should delete this save, but you have so many hours in it, it'd be kind of a shame, no?
Meanwhile, Kylar has gotten tired of waiting, and has just decided that if you won't try to get him out of this hell prison nightmare torment place, then he has no choice but to bring you in as well, so you can see how much he had to suffer, and surely this will bring you to see his side, right ? Then you can both leave and live happily together, never to see this fictitious town again. Won't that be nice, darling ? Be ready, you'll be with him soon.
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neet-elite · 2 months
↳ EVENT 06. M!Kylar (Incest)
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Pairing: Big Brother M!Kylar / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,509 Warnings: incest, bath sex, yandere, creampie, cockwarming, stockholm syndrome, riding, breeding Prompt(s): 07 — incest Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: i dunno what inspired me to take a softer approach to this request, but i've been enjoying writing the really loving requests... so i hope that this is still enjoyable !! i also think kylar suits this prompt the most, so it was super fun to explore!!! tysm!
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After a long, exhausting, and humiliating day of school (or as Kylar likes to affectionately call it, imprisonment), there is simply nothing better to cap the awful experience off than to indulge in some alone time with his favourite little sister. His only little sister, the light of his life, the sole joy he experiences in this shitty world and his shitty life. To say that he relies on you for all of his comfort and happiness would be an understatement— he saps it. Leeching off of you from the moment he enters home, calling out for your attention before the front door is even closed. And the fact that you're none the wiser only encourages him to use you some more, forever pushing you to your limits to hopefully break you in as his own.
And tonight is no special exception. Away from prying eyes, in the safety of four thin walls, he begs for your affections once again. Dragging you into his room to spend the night together, just like always. And it's comforting to know that even after all the bullshit bullying he has to endure during the day, he can always count on his precious little sister to make it all worthwhile. God, he'd go through near death beatings daily if it meant he got to wrap his arms around you at the end of it all, nice and snug and soft, pretty little sister in his arms for him to coddle and coo at. Because he loves you so much, he's willing to endure whatever it takes to keep you out of harms way; so much so that he willingly puts himself into dangerous situations just to make sure you don't need to leave your shared home for any reason.
The world doesn't deserve your kindness. The town is unworthy of your cuteness, undeserving of your sweetness. Or; perhaps he's just being a selfish big brother, right? Keeping you all to himself, locked away in his tower for self serving reasons.
Like to be the only one to hear your barely audible little whimpers, how soft and pretty you sound right now, especially when his knuckles brush against your wet cheek and you shiver into him. Fuck, feels so good, doesn't it? He knows he does, playfully biting down on his bottom lip— unchecked confidence flowing through him now that he's only with you. It's funny, actually, how no one outside these four walls would assume just how cocky he can get, reserving that side of himself just for you. It's only fair, he thinks. He gets to see sides of you that no one else does, and in return, you receive authority over every aspect of your life, all in an effort to keep you safe. An innocent enough want, though he's well aware of just how degenerate he can get. How far he can twist relative honesty.
It's the least he could do for you, considering all you've got to do is exist and he's happy. Do you even know the things he goes through for you? How much trouble it is to actually keep you healthy and secure? It's like keeping a pet, only more rewarding when you take hold of his hand, little fingers locking with his own before dipping them back under the water together.
So cute! You're so fucking cute it pains him, heart hurting at the way your silky skin rubs against his own, tits pressed snugly to his chest, secured only by the warm water surrounding him. The skin on skin contact just gets to him— it's one of his favourite ways to spend time with you. Naked, bare, ignoring the moral implications of playing with his baby sister in such a disgusting way; he plays with you in far worse ways anyway. But the connection coursing through him, from your fingertips to his own, is unmatched. Causes his cock to tremble inside of you, his eyes instinctively rolling and then squeezing shut at the tight fit inside of your cunt.
It's bath time! he'd ordered you once home, pants already tenting from the way you excitedly started running the water at the mere mention of some valued bath time with big brother.
C'mere, sit on my lap he'd encouraged you once getting in the too hot water, but a little burning isn't gonna stop him from hanging out with his baby sister, now is it?
Wanna sit on it? he'd asked you once feeling you squirming around, wiggling your baby sister butt on his fat cock like routine. It's not the first time he's impaled your angel cunt in the water, and it certainly won't be the last. A regular enough occurrence at this rate that he knows cock is what you're after when he mentions bathing— not that he's any better, looking forward to getting you wet in the bath just so he can shove his dirty big brother cock inside of you again and again— routine.
It's only natural, he thinks. Given that you're disallowed from seeing anyone else, let alone any other suitors, that you'd want to explore things like sex and orgasms with your big brother. Which is luckily all according to his plan, to seclude you enough to make you think that it's your choice to date him. Greedy cock twitching inside your pretty little hole as you idly rub a thumb up and down his held hand, allowing him to slide down the tub just a little to reposition his cock at a better angle inside of you. If he keeps you all to himself like this, leaving you no other choice but to date and fuck and kiss and marry your big brother, then he can die happy.
"What did you do today?" He mundanely asks, but it's more of a grunt than anything else. Winded by the unfairly tight squeeze of your cunt, wrapped sooooo nicely around him, God, he'd kill for that cunt, yknow?
You take a second to answer, clearly preoccupied with not shifting around too much as he feels you tense up on his cock at the sound of his voice. Pretty baby, big brother will always protect you, okay?
"The usual," you yawn, and he has half a mind to pull out of your pretty pussy to instead stuff your open maw full with cock. "Mostly waited for you to get home, Ky."
Oh, how the affectionate nickname you've taken to calling him goes straight through him, fat beads of precum staining your insides all gloopy as a proclamation of love. His pretty little stockholm sister, are you even away of the things you do to him? How the banality of it all, taking a simple bath with you, is the lewdest part. Cock pulsing against your squishy insides while your tits ride against his chest, primal need dictating him to let go of your hand in favour of placing both hands on the small of your back. A little pressure added there to really make you feel the weight of your words, and by extension, the weight of his cock.
Your reaction is immediate, a sharp little squeak that he wants to force out of you again and again— but there is joy to be had in taking things slow, too. Like how when he lifts a hand up to your soaked hair to pet at, he's privy to the view of your wet cat like stare back at him, pretty pout and all. He leans down, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips as a reward for being so cute for him. "Don't you get bored of waiting for me every day? Aren't you doing something else?" He tests you, resting his chin at the top of your head to force you into listening to how hard his heart beats for you; in time with how fast his cock pulses with need.
"I— No... Seeing big brother again is my favourite thing!" You protest, and it's difficult to remain in his calm, cool, and collected big brother composure when you're whining so prettily for him like that, a little moan at the end from the way he rolls his hips against your own in the face of your absolute devotion.
Perfect, he thinks. You're already his, so he can do whatever he wants to you, right?
And while having you cockwarm him is one of his favourite pastimes, he'd be lying if he said he could do it all night. Much to his disappointment, though he tries every single bath time to do just that, your high pitched gasps and sweet little sighs coax him into movement without fail. A gentle back and forth to begin with, moving you up and down his cock with ease more so than moving himself— you can always count on big brother, okay?
And yet, domesticity calls to him. Begs to keep the slow pace, to let you hump him mindlessly once he's kickstarted your movement. You're a good girl, you know to keep moving, yeah? A simple up and down while he twirls your wet hair, gently cupping the back of your head with one hand, the other finding home on your ass to pinch and tug on your cheek. There's not a thought to be had in that dumb little sister brain of yours, is there? And there better not be, given how hard he works to make sure that there isn't. Rock hard cock stroking your insides gently, at your own pace, a satisfied hum escaping him when you huff and puff up and down his length.
"Good answer— ah—" he rewards you with a rushed moan, wrapping his body even tighter around you to get as close as possible to his little sister, wanting more than anything to melt into you, become so connected through the leaking precum dirtying your insides that all you can think about is him— because all he can think about is you, it's only fair! Even if you've proven yourself thus far to surround your world with him, he doesn't think he'll ever be able to get enough of you. Convinced by your devotion to thrust his cock up just a little, enough to knock you off balance and further into his greedy hold. "Waiting for big brothers cock?" He urges you to continue, to fuck his perverted length faster, fuck yourself stupid on big brother, okay baby?
You let out a muffled mhm!, moaned directly against his chest, heat rising to his cheeks from how cute you can be when doing something so immoral. You actually enjoy fucking big brother? Gross, he sneers internally. Only, the fact that you take part and also relish in something as vulgar as this tugs on his heart. Has his mind reeling with affections for you, grabbing a greedy fistful of your ass to aid in your bounces up and down.
Water splashes around him, the pace of your tiny humps quickening the harsher he grabs you. To the point that he has to use both hands on your pretty body, literally picking you up and letting you drop back down on his cock with insatiable need.
"Fuck, I can't— you're too good at this." he half laughs, sinking further into the water so as to allow you enough room to properly straddle him, every bounce you make on his fat cock leaving him more than a little breathless as he struggles to keep up with your thirst. Chest tight with the sight of you indulging yourself to his cock, using him just as much as he uses you on a daily basis. Oh how he loves it, to be at the receiving end of your adoration, your warm cunt sucking him further in with ever fuck, prompting his hips to hump upwards out of sheer desperation to match your sibling fucking energy.
Greedy as he is though, his hands settle possessively on your hips. Aiding in your movements in a selfish manner, forcing you to grind your puffy clit against him every time you slam your ass back down against his lap.
More than anything he strives to make you happy. Everything, literally everything he does is for you. Guided by your smile, aided by your laughter. He loves you so much, didn't you know? It's why he's helping you fuck yourself dumb on his cock, thoughtlessly thrusting in tandem with your humps, moaning out for you just as much as you sob his name. Over and over, his favourite song.
And like the good big brother he is, he knows when you're close. Takes over the job of fucking when you grow too weak to continue, despite the water splishing over his face. He'd drown if it meant you got to cum, honestly.
Rather than state the obvious, he focuses solely on helping you get there. Cooing and tutting and staring at your scrunched up pretty expression. He'll have to give you so many kisses afterwards for allowing him the privilege to see that cute face later on. Helping you grind your hips down on him in a way that his groin rubs your clit just the way you like, preferring to keep you seated there as your nails dig into his chest for slippery stability, taking to fucking his cock as deep as possible from your stationary seated position. He's barely moving, relying on the twitches and throbs of his cock inside for stimulation. But fuck— baby sister cunt feels so good, how your insides squirm around and suck his cock off so well, pretty whines spilling for him in abundance.
He stares at your face, only so that he can watch you fall apart on his big cock. Because the cut off sob you let out, followed by a gasp of his name before your moth falls open in a silent beg is so cute, fuck, he can't stop himself from cumming too. Not when your hole wraps tighter than ever around his intrusion, bullying his way inside your cunt to shoot his load as deep as possible, aiming to breed his baby sister bitch as payment for sticking by him when no one else would. Promising a future you've yet to learn about simply because you're too cute to hold back, painting your insides sticky white to mix with the bath water when he inevitably pushes some out with deep thrusts.
Gushy little cunt, still spasming around his length when he's done filling you up. It's a good thing you're in the bath with him after all, quietly cooing to you in soft privacy to get up, let him clean you while you're here. There's no one here to tell you how wrong it is for him to not only breed your cute hole, but to also clean it up afterwards with his fingers sneakily entering to scissor around a little.
And he hopes to keep you this way. Dumb, obedient, and oblivious. It's when his favourite little sister is at her cutest.
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bruhainrot · 12 hours
Purityguy responded to my questions about Sydney!! If you have any other questions about Sydney you can directly message them as they get back to you very quickly and very active on discord 🫠🫠
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The embarrassing tea response got me going “KID KYLAR U SLY MF💀💀” Man kylar can be cool if he doesn’t have a lack of self awareness.
Sydney pissing Whitney off id like to see that hueheuheu 🍿🍿
edit ion know guys. I feel like there could be a Sydney dismissal event for that last one cause im gettin the chills. As Syd can have a big reaction when PC confesses to them about their broken vow, it’s likely that Sydney would react strongly if PC cheats on them with Whitney during PC/Sydneys pregnancy. Whitney might do some cheeky blackmailing like with Kylar. Siding with Whitney leads Sydney to break up with the PC as a result. Just a speculation. So far we have Whitney making Sydney moan during their little fight in the library, being able to impreg/be fucked by Sydney during science class and Sirris prolly be like “thats my boy/girl!!! Grandchildren rahhhhh” in syd’s future pregnancy content, so ima expect something real funky
edit edit sydney sucks at science, damn sirris ur own kid lacking in ur own class 💀
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asylumdweller · 8 months
literally the only way to avoid cucking kylar is by getting kidnapped by them... (also any kylar basement hcs?? if you have any crumbs to spare hehe)
i ALWAYS have a kylar crumb or two to spare ty for asking this is shorter than i wanted it to be though aehghrf
cw noncon, knifeplay, yandere, just. kylar
♡ ok so whether you have been responding to them or not responding to them they will come up to you and talk about it if they have a bad day. they dont go to school nearly as often anymore so its not all the time but they come and just. sit in your lap and bury their face in your neck. and mumble to you about whatever horrible things happened to them and how glad they are that they have you now. whether this escalates is dependent on whether youre naked or not lol they just cant help themself
♡ DOES actually clean you up from time to time by wiping you down with a washcloth or smth, similar to the brutality event but theyre just. not as blunt as brutality kylar lol ("damn love you smell like shit") they def wait a little too long, something about kinda "liking the smell of your musk" and if you have any of their cum on you theyre VERY RELUCTANT to wash it off and might just skip that area if they can. also skips where the bonds are. really might as well just not be washing you but they really enjoy doing it
♡ sometimes theyre stuck mulling on what theyve been doing to you and if you havent been very defiant a little self awareness shines through and they feel kinda bad so when they come and check on you they give you space on very rare occasions. just enjoying your company but shakily resisting the urge to touch you or say something too weird. it feels nice almost bc it reminds them of when they were first getting to know you. before things... got like this.
♡ but then theres the OPPOSITE END OF THE SPECTRUM where if you push them enough theyll carve their name into you. not super deep and they still regret it afterwards but would be lying if they said a part of them didnt love the look of it.
♡ after they fuck you they stay pressed against you as long as possible. sometimes spends like 10 mins just slowly, lovingly fucking their cum back into you or vice versa, if youre lucky their parents start making noise or something bc otherwise theyre not off you until they decide theyre off you
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banned-for-horny · 1 year
Pls elaborate on your self aware au cuz i'm a curious bitch
so the cheat menu lets you mess with LI-specific stats, including dominance/confidence/rage, and i had this mental image of kylar at MAX jealousy, feeling absolutely hysterical and beating PC's face in after the kidnapping event
only for the player to go "Okay, that's enough of that" and reseting Kylar's jealousy. all of that rage and hysterics just evaporate.
or robin's confidence suddenly vanishing and they get so scared and confused because they were able to stand up to whitney just fine yesterday! they were able to get PC to sleep with them yesterday and now they're suddenly scared and fearful of everything with PC there to comfort them saying that they can handle everything
like how terrifying would it be to look at this random husk of a character and learn that they're capable of turning random emotions on and off within your brain just because they're too lazy to try and wait it out
whitney would probably kill PC if he found out but PC could just smile, max out his love stat and erase his confidence, and go "But I thought you loved me?" and whitney wouldn't be able to lift a finger against them
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hatkuu · 8 months
trying to get kylar's jealousy up enough to be kidnapped hurts and it kills me to be mean to him at school. like bullying him when the other students look into his locker and you call him a creep and he runs off crying. like imagine being kylar and the only person you care about calls you a creep poor baby (he has no self-awareness and absolutely deserves it)
AAUUGGHHH. but. but he's CANONICALLY a macohist so its fiiiine.... but yeah. i wish there was a way we could get Kylar's jealousy up without ignoring and being SO cruel to him.
and yeah, i do like being mean to kylar sometimes when he's being icky and gross (bc you KNOW he'd get off of that too) but just outright calling him a disgusting creep for just trying to talk to you </3
the only way he'd forgive you for being mean is to let him breed you and for you to never talk to anyone else again!! easy peasy, right??? i mean. maybe you have a complete change of heart suddenly (totally not from kylar hypnotising you or anything OR maybe that love potion from the forest worked) and you start loving kylar unconditionally without question!!
yeah.. petition for kylar to get jealous even when you're spending everyday with him. hnnn it'd be so hot because he'd literally be overthinking every little instance of you talking to someone else and then fucking you SO rough for it. i just know he'd NEVER say anything like this but he'd ask you 'who owns this pussy/hole' and you'd have to scream 'kylarkylarkylarkylar--" over and over again until he's not jelly anymore. petition for my delusional boyfriend to kidnap me over the most minute things :) bc i can kinda understand why you'd kidnap pc for cheating bc that's just mean :( especially after he confesses in bed to you and the two of you love one another sm.
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macabrecravings · 8 months
Seraphina the Camgirl
18 years old, Cisgender Female (she/her), Bisexual, 157 cm
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Pinterest | Spotify | RP/Ask Blog: @xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx
Here it is. The long-awaited Seraphina lore MASTERPOST. Under the cut you will find 1,000 words describing her & her backstory, ALONG WITH a compilation of my favorite pretty pics :3!!
TW // Kidnapping, Self Harm & Disordered Eating (briefly mentioned), (Ask to Tag)
If there’s one word that describes Seraphina, it's famous. Her classmates look up to for her top grades and her delinquency. (The only thing that keeps her from being among the most popular is her relationship with Kylar. She has a soft heart and never uses her status to put others down, because she knows what it's like to be the underdog.) Most of the town is aware of her as well, particularly due to her... keen interest in exhibitionism.
At first, she began exploring this in the comfort of her own room. When she began working & saving up money to pay Bailey, she spent some of her savings to buy a laptop. Quickly, she became enthralled with the internet. She spent most of her free time playing video games or watching My Little Pony with Robin. Technology was a great escape from reality, for a while. Unfortunately, most of the content she consumed was less than stellar. She spent an unhealthy amount of time on sketchy chat rooms, threads and forums, gore sites, and porn sites. In these forums, users began to tell her that she should use her webcam and stream herself. Seeking money, attention & validation, she joined a cam site. Making money without leaving her room and interacting with the lecherous townspeople sounded like a dream and she would be able to become comfortable in her body without their gaze.
Though, this decision would prove to be more detrimental. The audience she garnered wasn't any less lecherous, and because they were online & anonymous, they were more sadistic. She'd get higher tips for increasingly awful requests, such as harming herself on camera. Due to poor emotional regulation and spite, she'd do it.
After that inkling of kindness, Kylar became fixated on her. He easily found her online and began to monitor her online presence. Sitting and watching her streams for hours on end fed his parasocial relationship. When she began to befriend him, Seraphina was completely unaware of his obsession. But once he started using throwaway accounts to threaten and harass viewers in her streams, she'd become uneasy.
Once she started to connect the dots, she started to distance herself from Kylar. He was openly dangerous; threatening people at school over her, and all in all making her uneasy. Her streams became infrequent. She returned to playing video games and spending every second with her actual boyfriend-- Robin. Her childhood best friend and the light of her life. He was her safety net and she was his- especially considering she pays Bailey for him.
The final turning point was on Halloween. She lovingly spent the day with Robin, then Whitney, and had an awful feeling about meeting Kylar in the park. Even more so when he brought her into the woods. She played along with his love potion bullshit, gave him a taste of his own obsessive medicine, but then Whitney showed up.
One thing about Seraphina and Whitney is that they are complicated. He bullied her and made her life hell for so long, yet she genuinely cares for him. They've had their sparks of love/romance, but mainly she just seeks him out to have fun. Drinking, vandalism, exhibitionism, hard sex,,, she thinks spending time with him is a blast! So, when Seraphina excitedly went along with everything he on Halloween, it destroyed Kylar. His actions that night terrified her. She moved seats in English, never left Robin's side, and secluded herself for weeks.
Kylar kidnapped her one evening after school. She wanted to buy some new clothes, but ended up bound in his basement. Eventually, she cracked. He was obviously devoted to her, and truly wanted to keep her safe, right? One look at the state of his house broke her heart. Everyone deserves a friend. He's misunderstood, he just needs someone to take care of him. Clearly, no one else would.
Her innate want/need for people to be kind to each other often makes her naïve. Like Robin, it makes living in the DOL town a huge struggle for her and her mental health. Harper requests to see her every Friday, but she doesn't listen to any of his advice. She is a masochist who copes with pain and lack of control through self harm and disordered eating (though her sensory issues play a big part of that as well.)
Speaking of sensory issues, Seraphina is autistic. Because of her line of work, she's had to learn how to be hyper aware of others and their body language. Oftentimes, this leads to her assuming everyone has the worst intentions and causes her to panic, aided by her past traumatic experiences. She has issues with clothes textures (wet fabric in particular) which honestly could aid her in how little she wears. Because she's autistic, she has a tendency to fall very deep and obsessively into interests very fast. This is how she fell so far into the internet all at once. As I've mentioned before, her special interests include MLP, Classic Creepypastas, scene/scenemo subculture, music, and dancing.
For work, Seraphina models with Niki, is the main star in shows at the brothel with Briar, helps Darryl with the club, dances for Charlie's friends, strips, bartends, and prostitutes herself. Skulduggery is something that she practices, specifically when she works at the spa or is fucking a client. (She used to rob houses, but it's dangerous for her to walk around at night now that she's so well-recognized.)
Before Seraphina was sent to the orphanage, she lived with her single mother (Rosalia the Castoff) on Domus Street. She was an accident; the result of a contraceptive failure between Rosalia and a client. Coming from poverty, Rosalia had just barely gotten on her feet financially. Still, she kept the pregnancy and had Seraphina. Try as she might, Rosalia couldn't support the both of them. This resulted in her surrendering Seraphina over to the orphanage at 6 years old and disappearing. She's presumed dead, based on the state she was in as she gave Seraphina up, but there's never been any concrete evidence. All that remains of her are musings of her name on the street, spurred on by Seraphina's presence. Townspeople note that Seraphina is following her mother's footsteps and laugh at the idea that her fate may be the same. (Especially considering her fame may as well have surpassed her mother's now.)
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1st image drawn by: @mothmanharvey-nsfw
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one-winged-dreams · 3 months
Formal Request
ship: (Dione x Svarog) source: Honkai Star Rail word count: 1043
this is supposed to make me feel better so it's mostly just dialogue with little substance but eh, i needed to make something for this ship eventually
no proofreading, we post like men
tag list: @kylars-princess @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @dorothys-wife @the-sleeping-city @camellias-and-coriander @sunstar-of-the-north @lysandreslittlechatot
"Has Clara seemed off to you, lately?"
The question came idly from Dione, but not without an amount of thoughtfulness.
In lieu of a response, Svarog merely tilted his head inquisitively, the motion almost missed until Dione turned his gaze to actively gauge any such response.
"She's been acting… Strange. Unusually bashful. Surely you've noticed." Dione's eyebrows raised as he spoke. "Am I imagining things? I'm imagining things aren't I? Ah, but what if I'm NOT…"
His gaze snapped back up to Svarog again, wide yet weary eyes studying the robot's featureless face.
Though he did not breathe, a sigh was an appropriate vocalization in the way of response from Svarog.
"Your stress levels have been accumulating exponentially within the timeframe of the prior 5 days. I believe self-evaluation is in order."
Dione blinked a few more times.
"So I'm… Imagining things?"
"I will not confirm or deny this claim."
This was a particularly odd response and both parties did indeed seem to be aware of it. It was now Dione's turn to provide a response via addressing the other in a particular tone.
Both seemed to take a pass for their next turn to speak and thus it was silent for a moment.
"Something IS going on with Clara, isn't it? And by my deduction skills, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were INTIMATELY aware," Dione finally broke the silence.
"My request for a moment of introspection still stands."
"You're changing the subject."
The theme of a response each followed by a mutual pass continued, though this time it was Svarog's turn to break the silence.
"It is nothing you need become increasingly concerned with. Rest assured that Clara is well, and has requested you not press the issue."
"I WAS RIGHT!" Dione stood abruptly, pointing an accusatory finger. "You and Clara are up to something TOGETHER? Without me?"
Dione sounded almost heartbroken at the prospect, but only in that overly sensitive and minor way that wasn't worth being overly concerned with. And again did Svarog respond with a synthesized sigh.
"You have my word that it is something best left alone by you in particular, Dione."
"ME IN PART- Okay, now I HAVE to know! I'm your wife aren't I?" Dione pouted, bringing up the seemingly permanent game of house that had been put together to get Clara to trust Dione from the day they had met. The fact that Dione was bringing it up even with Clara absent meant he was pulling out any and all stops he could.
The longer Svarog paused, the more Dione's brow furrowed.
Dione was genuinely surprised that Svarog had caved so easily, he had been prepared to go all out for this. He was almost DISAPPOINTED it had been so easy.
"In comparison to prior data, trying to dissuade you in such a state would prove futile. I will tell you, but you must promise not to tell Clara that you know."
"That depends."
"A formal request from your husband."
It was just as effective whenever Svarog played house right back.
"Clara has been… Concerned with your state of being. Increased weariness and drop in mood and motivation in particular."
Dione frowned, looking down at his feet.
"Noticed that… has she?" he spoke solemnly before feebly attempting to cover his vulnerability with humor. "She's a sharp kid. Something you'd expect from a girl raised by a robot."
Svarog only responded with silence, to which Dione puzzled.
"So what's with her tiptoeing around? Is she trying not to hurt my feelings? Am I upsetting her?"
"She's been… Planning something for you. She… And I."
Once again, Dione was only able to express his surprise with his own silence.
"And what is… this something?"
"Is that a formal request?"
"From your wife."
"I see."
There was another turn of silence before Svarog continued the intermittent conversation.
"The details have not been pinned down, but… she wished to provide a genuine familial experience."
Dione looked even more puzzled now.
"That I do not know the specifics. It seems she is still in the planning stage, but she specifically mentioned the Overworld."
"The Overworld? And you had no objections to this?" Dione questioned, pushing the glasses that had slipped down the bridge of his nose back to their proper position.
In return, he received only a nod from Svarog.
"But you… You HATE IT there. Or at least genuinely dislike it. Things may have improved between the Over and Underworlds but I can't imagine you'd be given too much respect up there." Once again did Dione's brow furrow, but more so out of perplexion as well as slight concern.
"It would only be for the span of a singular day and night. I have more important matters to focus my attention on than the respect of Overworlders," Svarog responded in no particular tone.
"Such as?"
A blush made itself evident on Dione's face, not quite blessed with the lack of features that made Svarog so difficult to read.
"Right… Though, I have to ask, why one night? Why not just come home?"
"Clara has expressed a personal interest in the Overworld's own Goethe Hotel. Though I cannot personally grasp the importance, she has assured me it would be… Pleasurable by human standards."
Dione stared for one stunned second before snorting a giggle.
"Is that so? I can imagine it would be a fun experience for her at any rate. This may be for my sake, but I can't say I can refuse if it'll be enjoyable for her too. Because you know," he started before his expression softened, "seeing you both happy is enough to lift a bit of weight off my shoulders."
"That much is obvious," Svarog responded plainly, though it was clear it was meant to be playful in its own right.
"So she insisted on the hotel, huh?" Dione's expression returned to something playful himself.
"Alright, noted. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if she insists on running off to visit Serval before bedtime."
"I'm afraid I do not understand the implication."
"I suppose you might see it my way once you see how nice those hotel rooms supposedly are."
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propertyofkylar · 3 months
What would bestie kylar have to say in this forced apology?
(re: bestie kylar being forced to apologize to pc by doren)
hmmm i'm not too sure...probably like a youtuber level apology like "pc i am so sorry if what i did was wrong." kylar has no self awareness about being insane so probably just googled "how to apologize" and copied that exactly
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what do you think would be a good punishment for self aware kylar, like he calls you way to late at night, what punishment do you think he would hate while it is happening but forgives you almost instantly.
-notes anon
Hard to say, but maybe something with edging ? Obviously in the moment he very much dislikes it, but after it's over, he's mostly just glad you let him cum, and has learned his lesson. I think that can work pretty well. I would've recommended the silent treatment, but I don't really think he'd forgive as easily as that, which is a shame because it's so much easier.
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Currently thinking about a self aware character.Ai version of Kylar. One who's messages seem so fluent it's hard to believe it was written by a machine. The only one you can actually use due to the other characters being unsatisfying or downright broken.
You get a few dms on various social medias from new, unknown accounts who's messages are eerily similar to your little ai buddy.
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I feel like Hisagi and especially Izuru are so emotionally put through the wringer by the end of Bleach, that they'd feel like their Darling "saved them" from despair and that's what kickstarts the obsession.
Hisagi really doesn't seem like the kind of yandere to do anything sexual unless Darling initiated it, and instead wants to keep an eye on them from afar. He barely exhibits any yandere tendencies unless he feels Darling's in danger; a Hollow gets too close? Immediately cut down with no hesitation. Someone he thinks is harassing them? He's intimidating them into leaving them alone.
I could see him having little "mementos" of Darling but not a full-on creepy shrine. A hair tie they left behind, a coin they gave to him, etc.
Izuru on the other hand is much more like a typical yandere. He's stalking them, he DOES have a little Darling shrine tucked away, and he'd kidnap them if he got too possessive and clingy. Imagine Kylar from DoL but blond and even more depression and resentment/conflict over someone he cared about betraying him.
Basically what happened re: Gin can NEVER happen again. He will not let anyone close betray or abandon him again, and somehow Darling managed to break through the wall he tried to put around himself after that. So if they're in his heart, they're IN.
He's also more likely to use something like sedatives when kidnapping them, unlike Hisagi who really wouldn't kidnap a Darling unless it was some kind of unavoidable circumstance (ie. Darling needs to go into hiding). Hisagi tries to keep some level of boundaries and distance, but Izuru wants to erode that much much quicker.
Izuru has a notebook filled with writing dedicated to Darling: doodles, haiku, things he learns about them, plans to "bump into them", their daily schedule, etc.
He's the type of yandere to drug Darling, kidnap them, and when Darling wakes up he's just staring lovingly at them in his bed. He's also self aware, very much so. He knows this is wrong to do and he hates himself (even more than he already does) for it, but he can't stop himself.
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inkyquince · 2 years
personally ive never watched yarichin but i like the yacchan (?) guy and the mc because they both look really pretty. anyway that's not what i was gonna talk about, go on about your thoughts please
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he's also an underwear thief
and yes, im aware, that's kylar...
Kylar's self insert with Ayato Yuri as MC
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letstalktea · 2 years
Exploring the angst of character self-awareness in the degree of lewdity imagine how horrified some LI would be, some like Eden and Kylar can't help but be obsessed even if self-aware some take it out but others are just super horrified
Robin: Is having a mental breakdown, wonders if any other orphans are real and if his past with PC means anything knowing what you are wondering what's the point of all being good when nothing is real if he’s the only one aware when the game turns off he becomes more distraught knowing he’ll be all alone and desperately searches for another self-aware character, might become overly obsessed and attached to PC knows only they can protect him and to comfort him if they are one of the only real things in his world he needs them. Horrified when you let him suffer knowing you can break them out of the brothel or save them from the pillory only to watch them get hurt or probably the most aware of code and such and knows when your tweaking with things but can't stop you might beg you to stop is afraid of you but loves you he can't change what he was made to be.
Sydney: Horrified but keeps their sanity in check also quick to search for other aware characters not as paralyzed as Robin, have a crisis about their faith knowing it's not knowing there's no point in believing in anything wonders about their dad sick at the fact he’s not real might just throw everything to the wind and go full corruption knowing it's all game, perhaps the most hateful of the characters to PC disgusted by you, see’s you as some sort of monster a sadist that takes pleasure in the misery and pain of others who created a town this horrid for your amusement (I'm not very confident about Sydney and my ability to characterize him well)
Black Wolf: anguished at the fact the pack isn't aware like them knows it's not the family and friend they made the pups they adore all of it's empty and it makes them miserable, might become more attached to PC they can't help it they need interaction wolves are social animals and PC is still their mate so become far more clingy with PC
Alex: Their family is the first thing on their mind all 12 of their siblings fake their mother and father they fall apart and spiral into alcoholism and the farm starts to fall into disrepair they can't work up the will to do anything spend the days drunk and asleep loathes PC but is too much of a wreck to do anything. Can be broken though tweak their stats they won't notice set dominance low and set love high if you want and close the game coming back only to visit him and talk to the isolation will break him eventually will come crawling to PC unable to handle their reality they need people they need something anything besides the isolation and despair they need you.
That's it for me I don't have anything else for the other love interests right now
Some very, very good observations!
I personally think Sydney is a little more complicated if only because they seem to have this underlying tie to some more grand plot/fate. You and then are one. Depending on how becoming self aware breaks them, they could see their sentience as a mark of how you two are meant to be (they were given sentience to love YOU specifically). Or maybe that's me gushing over a character I love.
But imagine the NPCs reactions! Knowing they aren't the focus of the game at any point and knowing you won't be playing for them. They know the game doesn't have many events for them and only a few of them have a stat for you.
Some of them who have an existential crisis. Others would break the game to make themselves a love intrest. Some would likely just give up because they were never meant to be important. Some would just be pissed.
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neet-elite · 3 months
HOLY FUCK THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING ACTUALLY YOUR BRAIN IS SO HUGE!!!!! I agree with every single word tbh, Kylar is definitely the type to have a fucked-up fetish like that!! He would be the worst about it too, good luck trying to get better and stop doing that lol. He'd be on his knees begging to keep going. Therapists HATE that guy. He's the worst enabler ever (I need him carnally)
Anyways, thank you for putting it into words because my 2yrs+ clean ass would NOT be able to do that without keeling over and also there's no way to hide triggering stuff under the cut like you can in posts </3
— 🐾
its okay! i haven't delved into it out of fear of triggering people, despite fully wanting to place warnings and such. people are very self destructive, and i worry that my fictional writing might inspire others. which yeah, don't do self harm! its not sexy.
but it's an interesting topic to mix with the erotic, i think. pain and pleasure are very closely linked for a lot of people, and there's a vulnerability aspect to be shared between the topics. so it's fun to explore, but i very highly discourage actually romanticising or doing it, though i assume everyone is aware lmao.
kylar is just a fucked up fake little man and it's fun to torture him <3 thats the extent of it :D
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lxvelyhxney · 3 years
some quick hcs about each of the love interests!
Has most definitely had a rumor spread about them that they fucked a dog
most likely encouraged this rumor by saying dumb shit
played soccer once. when they realized they had to pass drug tests to continue to be on the team, they quit.
petty fighter (example: pulls hair, kicks/punches in the groin, etc, etc.)
kylar disturbs him. like if kylar was a little taller (like towering over Whitney) & they didn't know kylar wouldn't fight back, they wouldn't pick on him.
says kylar has 'psycho killer & r*pist vibes'
likes to smoke fake prop cigarettes when they don't have real ones to maintain 'aesthetics'
Has naturally darkish brown hair, but dyes their hair black in order to appear more mysterious in hopes no one would bully them. the bullies bullied them more because they did a bad dye job, until their parents took them to get their hair dyed by a professional.
parents are pretty normal, but their aunt & uncle are their main 'inspiration' for their romantic life
I think they moved here because they had a traumatic event happen, maybe so bad that they moved here when the event happened around a young age.
gets very jealous easily. like if someone got a better grade than them they would be very jealous.
they found porn at a very young age. maybe around 12.
had a porn addiction for a while, only stopped because they thought they should only get pleasure from their soulmate.
is very very bad at shooters.
they once had a family. one parent is still alive, and they still have hope.
has Japanese heritage. very very distantly.
has never had coffee.
slow-paced games are their cup of tea. Animal Crossing island is very aesthetic, has all of their dreamies. shares their island with you.
a streamer. very tiny group of very supportive and cool people. has 1-2 mods for the occasional spamer.
they usually only get watched for their cool vibe, not the greatest gamer nor the worst.
writes in cursive. never stops writing in cursive. got taught to write in cursive, thinks it's their hand writing.
questioning the world. wants to know but doesn't at the same time.
has definitely looked up 'am I part of a cult? '
if they notice that it seems similar, they think the article is wrong
never thinks that the church is a cult until PC says it sounds like one.
played a little soccer league when they was a kid. never continued beyond that.
only drinks coffee when sirrus says they can.
has definitely said "sorry my parent said no" before. more than once.
part of some choir.
if corrupt they will fucking look up something stupid on a porn website. please stop them. they will get on a watchlist.
Great Hawk
Knew some humans before. the humans were very nice to them at first, but tried to capture him after gaining their trust. doesn't trust a lot of humans, but when they saw PC, they were like "huh maybe this human nice, they seem nice."
please fall asleep on them. they will love it.
thinks that because they trust PC, that means that the PC is their mate.
does not know what curse words are. please do not curse around this bird.
if a human tries to take PC away, and GH sees this, they will bite. like, enough to bleed.
does not know how to be mean. at all.
does not know how to spell. constantly asks PC how to spell shit.
has a shirt that says "of course I cum fast! I have fish to catch! "
can fight like a god. only if it's a 1v1 match.
does not know how to multitask well.
they have Irish heritage. I do not know why I think this.
has stabbed someone before.
I think distantly related to Eden.
one of their siblings have married into kylar's family. so related (distantly) by blood to Alex, legally related to kylar.
does not like harsh lights. their house does not have lights in it, so they have candles everywhere. does not care if PC is afraid of the dark.
has smoked weed before. maybe even cigarettes.
only quit bc they didn't wanna have to pick it up everytime they went to pick up supplies.
does not communicate with anyone except PC and occasionaly Bailey. they won't after finding PC
fav. food is fish. the only reason he doesn't catch fish is because it is boring.
brags about who they work for.
has said "dont believe everything you see on the internet but has believed in every hoax. (big pharma, disease hoax, etc.)
"if it is cheap, do NOT BUY IT. "
gags at the thought of going into a Walmart personally. like he will send someone else in.
has invested into cripto (is that how you spell it?) currency.
used to be in the military for a very, VERY short amount of time.
ask for his credit card. do it.
Black Wolf
Very limited power. You make the choices, they get to say/do other things unless you have another option.
"EVERYONE, SHUT UP. YOU ALL ARE ANNOYING." *sad harpy noises* "except you great hawk, you're amazing and we are excited for you to be here :) "
they had 18 years of free will. they had an average life.
"why are we going in the woods- I'M BEING 'HUNTED? ' BY WHAT. "
"god I wish that they didn't steal that FUCKING NECKLACE. NOW I AM POSSESSED. "
time stops when you're not playing. they can just think.
"I have been here. for so long. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING? "
when you delete your save data, they can get back to their normal life. they still have to face the consequences of your actions.
that got dark-
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