sm-selenographer · 9 days
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📰Newsletter News⋆✴︎˚。⋆
📷Earlier this year, I started an analog newsletter/photozine called HOLD STILL, which is (aspirationally) published on a monthly basis, aka whenever I can scrape together enough free time. Each issue is one sheet folded into eighths & contains ~8 photos + 1 page of text. Subscriptions are $12 for the first volume (=12 issues), which means you'll get whatever issues are already printed at the time of your subscription, then the remaining issues will be mailed as they are printed. Subscriptions, single issues ($1 each!), and other zines are available for sale here: https://ko-fi.com/mothburning/shop
🖳My (extremely infrequent & unobtrusive) email newsletter got deleted before I even knew the company (TinyLetter) was shutting down. I have started a new one the old-fashioned way, which is just me bcc’ing messages directly to subscribers instead of depending on yet another third party to store my data. If you wish to subject yourself to the occasional LiveJournal-esk personal update sprinkled with shameless self-promotion, you can sign up for my *new* e-newsletter via this form: https://forms.gle/PPFMTPUtX7P73tJr7
🗳️Please register to vote by October 7! Georgia voters, remember to check your registration early & often: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/
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mappingthemoon · 2 years
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a @shitpostsampler i made for my best @412sooz​!
started: Jan. 17, 2021 / finished: Sept. 3, 2022 (lol)
i really enjoy cross-stitch but the main reason it takes me so long to finish is that i’m impatient and i hate sitting still! these are the lessons of cross-stitch :|
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The Moon in high resolution. 🌑
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jadekwan · 1 year
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thehallstara · 1 year
alright here's a handful <3 :🍧🌿🍉🍓 & i see that you've done this one but i'm still gonna send it again: 🌷
🍧 weirdest place you’ve written
okay as discussed i am going to do both possible interpretations of this question so first!! as far as setting goes i think the weirdest one i've created is my version of the underhot?? just like. this unbearably hot labyrinth of tunnels where there's a library and mausoleum and a kitchen where they bake cannibalistic pies i just think it's fun!!! and then as far as like. weirdest irl place i've been with writing uhhhh probably either waiting for a drag show to start or to get an ekg. you choose which skdjska
🌿 who is your favourite character you’ve ever written?
AAAAA SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!! probably either edric in ablaze or bright in selenography bc i can't separate them from those works but it just like. flowed out of me writing those two?? i also really like like. any of my garages i've written in the past year they've just been so fun.
🍉 favourite wip
sigh like. it has to be photometry bc there's such great stuff in there but also like it's also my least favourite because a lot of the great stuff in there has been sitting there for over a year so it really is one of those wips where i'm like. i need this out of my head already ykwim?
🍓 worst thing you’ve done to your characters
oh hmmmm... okay it's either the window scene in swallow your guilt or the end of the first act of ablaze. both of these are like. very spoiler heavy scenes so i won't go into detail but like. if you know you know
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
okay well if i did the twines last time i have to do and one day i'll watch them burn with me. this series i think still has some of the most clever writing i've done in years, and i just worked so hard on worldbuilding and characterization and stuff?? and like. even despite people refusing to be normal abt stuff i made some really good fics despite of that!!! plus between the main series and the b-sides there's nearly 70k words of published fic (with more to come!) so if folks haven't checked them out yet you should lol
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lunaex0rienss · 1 year
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Mapa Księżyca z "Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio" [Selenografia: lub Opisanie Księżyca] autorstwa Jana Heweliusza (1611-1687) słynnej pracy dotyczącej geografii Księżyca wydanej w 1647 roku.
Map of the Moon from "Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio" [Selenography, or A Description of The Moon] by Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) his famous work about geography of the Moon printed in 1647.
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hawkhills · 2 years
What are some of your favourite masriel fics?? 👀
Hey Anon, thanks for asking! I have to preface this answer by saying that it's tough to choose cause of the sheer number of top quality fics for this pairing. Really, I've been in sooo many fandoms throughout the years, and masriel/hdm in general seem to be the most consistently great in terms of both the prose and the ideas. It's like this ship attracts great authors! I have yet to read a fic I didn't like, which is very much an outlier for me.
Now to the proper answer to your question, here's a bunch of fics I particularly like and have been coming back to. I'll try not to give much away about them just in case they're new for you. If you don't know these stories - go read now!!! In no particular order:
In Winter, In Oxford, by three_atoms. Pre-romance exploration of Marisa and Asriel's first meeting, set around their scholarly activities in Oxford. It's genuinely my favorite version of their first meeting! The focus the author puts on their souls being the primary vessel for attraction is right up my alley. It also has some really amazing world building - I'm very fond of the snippets of technology we get to see, and the really strong cast of supporting characters. And of course the interactions between our main idiots are just 👌👌👌 tbh while reading it I felt like me & the author share the same headcanon braincell hahah
Selenography, by anonymous author. Asriel has a near death experience in the North, and it leads to things. Very haunting, very cinematic. Love it.
Unholy Ghosts, by LavenderJam. Post-canon AU, is actually Lyra-centric, but it's just so good! First of all it's just an overall amazing fic with great prose and fantastic characterization, and I love reading anything older Lyra dealing with stuff. From the shipper's perspective, it's one of my favs cause it's such a great peek into Marisa and Asriel from a third person's perspective, and I feel like we don't get that a lot.
Unholy, by three_atoms. Affair-era, they go to the North for a conference together. The imagery of the North here, Jesus! And, not gonna lie, it has absolutely fucking incredible smut.
Applied Heresy, by Kaesa. Another piece I just adore for the world building. Marisa and Asriel form a connection based on science and intellect first, and it evolves from there, which is my favorite take ever.
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bread--quest · 2 years
3, 13, and 23!!
three....its the magic number.....
3. a fic that sold me on a character or ship
okay it was absolutely one of the fics from cyndakip's price of perfection series but i can't remember which one so i'm just linking the first one and you can read them until you fall in love with polkadot patterson like i did. no but seriously like these were some of the first blaseball fics i ever read and they were sooo formative for me i very nearly became a moist talker. i was SO distressed when dot got alternated and its all because of this fic. cynda if youre reading this you are so cool :)
13. my favorite fic about incineration
oh theres so much. i seriously considered putting down selenography because even though bright doesnt get incinerated yet its so about incineration (go read selenography guys) (i'll find a way to plug it eventually dw). but in the end im going with on the death of a teammate, by my friend kite, which is exactly what it says. its about the short circuits mills and a team's first incineration, before any of it is remotely normal, and its just so harshly real its fantastic
23. my favorite fic about the vault
hmmmm theres a lot of really great ones out there (including one that i really really want to find a way to show later) but i think i'm gonna plug the real treasure of the vault was the friends we made along the way, or whatever by my friend ducky!!!! mostly its about wyatt mason ivy and parker macmillan but theres some top tier Vault Moments in there. vault as a sentient thing that isnt trying to be malicious but definitely isnt human my beloved.
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vampiricmycelium · 1 year
Fandom: Traffic Series, EVO SMP Ship: background BigDog & Solidaritek Tags: gossiping, mysteries, jealousy also on ao3
While Pearl and BigB are out on their first big mission together, Tango visits their home to drop off a gift and ends up having a discussion with Ren about Pearl and all of her mysteries. Written for the Fictober prompt: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Tango nearly jumped out of his skin. He wasn't expecting anyone to be home right now. After all BigB and Pearl had left on their current mission. So their house should have been empty. Tango turned to see the familiar sight of Ren. He had come around from the side of the house, which wasn't unusual. He didn't live with BigB, or at least Tango didn't think they lived together and if they did before splitting as monster hunter partners, but Ren most likely had a key.
"I wasn't going to pick one. I just wanted to get a closer look."
"I'm just saying that Pearl will kill you if you ruin any of her flowers, dude."
Tango glanced down at the flower he had been reaching out towards and nodded. So maybe he wasn't just here to look at the flowers and he had been tempted to pick one of them. He just thought of the smile on Jimmy's face when he got home and tucked the daisy behind his ear. And there was no way that Pearl would be able to know if he just took one right? He tried to remember what False had told him about her, but even when the two of them were together, it wasn't as if Tango knew her well. Even know, he didn't really know anything about Pearl. She was beautiful and had a strange aura about herself. She was a capable fighter and tended to work alone. False was clear on that. Pearl liked her alone time. He just have become lost in thought about his boss's ex because next thing he knew Ren was waving a hand in front of his face.
"You okay there?"
"No worries. I am just thinking about Pearl." Tango realized how that could sound. "Not like that! It's more... I don't really know anything about her. She's False's ex and she's Jimmy's cousin, but it's not like either of them talk about her at length. Well Jimmy has but when he talks about his family, he usually is complaining." Tango knew there were more things going on with them. But that was a topic he knew not to pry about. He probably knew more than he should, but if Grian had a problem with that, he had yet to say anything to him and Jimmy never seemed like there was a problem. "You must know her better than me."
Ren nodded, looking like he was taking his time to think about it. "I suppose I do know her fairly well. She kept to herself in the beginning a lot. She was almost avoiding BigB at one point after watching in on us-"
"-making out." Ren laughed, shaking his head. "I would have died of embarrassment if she walked in on that. I'm sure she would have just left. But she's gotten friendlier recently. She can be easy to talk to. She has a nice sense of humor. Very strict about cleaning up after yourself and not leaving trash around. She can be a little... intense at time, I suppose. I know she can be very intense in a fight, but BigB seemed to admire that about her. I am glad he has someone capable watching his back."
"You were capable too."
"I know, but it just wasn't right for me. I've never seen them fight together, but I am confident they do well." Tango got the feeling that there was something else bothering Ren. He didn't want to pry considering he hadn't actually done what he came here for. And he should get on that and go home. Jimmy was waiting for him and he promised he'd not be out too late after doing this delivery for Gem. But Tango didn't want to just leave it here.
"You okay?"
"Would you be surprised if I said I was jealous."
"Of Pearl?"
Ren nodded. "I don't mean to be! BigB wouldn't do anything behind my back and I know he's had his own trouble with Pearl. She isn't stealing him away, but I get worried sometimes. They do fight well together, but it's not just that. There is this vibe around the two of them. Like they are old friends reuniting. And I don't know what to do about it. Sometimes when I come over and they're together, I feel like I'm intruding. Like I'm intruding. But neither of them seem to be aware of it. I talked to BigB about it, but I don't think he fully understands." Ren sighed, rubbing his head. He looked a little exhausted.
Tango wasn't sure what to say. It's not like he had any experience in this matter. No that's not true. He had felt that way before, but not in the same way as Ren. When Grian and Jimmy were talking and Tango entered the room it was as if all conversation had immediately stopped. Like he had walked in on something he wasn't invited to. But then Jimmy would smile at him and gesture him over, or talk to him about something, and it'd be broken. Except for the strange look in Grian's eyes.
"I think you need to talk to Pearl. I know she doesn't remember her past either, but I get the impression it's different from BigB. That or talk to Grian. I don't know if he'll gossip about his sister to you, but maybe it's worth a try. But don't worry. I am sure it'll be alright." Tango could feel his phone buzz in his pocket. There was so much left to say. Tango realized it had been quite a while since the two of them talked, even if they were talking about their friends behind their backs. "Hey Gem wanted to give this to Pearl. Could you drop it off inside? I have to get going."
Ren took the package. He gave Tango a small smile. "Yeah. No problem. And um, thanks for talking to me Tango."
Tango patted him on the arm. "Any time. Don't try and think too hard about it. Pearl is myterious for a reason." Before he left though, he did lean down and pluck one of the flowers. He raced off, assured that Pearl wouldn't notice when she returned. But he wasn't going to be able to keep that conversation off his mind for the rest of the night.
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grupaok · 4 years
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Johannes Helvétius, Selenography, 1647
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sm-selenographer · 28 days
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Presque Isle, Erie, Pennsylvania, April 7, 2024 | SM Piotrowski
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mappingthemoon · 11 months
Signs at Bell's in Athens GA
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GOOGLE IT (July 31, 2023)
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"a great price considering" (Aug. 4, 2023)
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all-shades-of-drama · 4 years
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Take her to the moon for me ~ bing bong
Ref -art aftab's yt channel
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monshuygens · 7 years
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// 9/3/2018, “Waning Crescent I”
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thehallstara · 2 years
my top two posts of the year are about antisemitism that’s... dark
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razorsadness · 2 years
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phantoms in the moss phantoms in the train cars dressed
like porters with
black eye makeup phantoms full of saliva &
the cottoned virus phantoms in the telegraph
ink grinding their teeth now
horses follow the messenger girl into the wooden woods—
—Joshua Marie Wilkinson, from Selenography
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