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sm-selenographer · 6 months ago
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📰Newsletter News⋆✴︎˚。⋆
📷Earlier this year, I started an analog newsletter/photozine called HOLD STILL, which is (aspirationally) published on a monthly basis, aka whenever I can scrape together enough free time. Each issue is one sheet folded into eighths & contains ~8 photos + 1 page of text. Subscriptions are $12 for the first volume (=12 issues), which means you'll get whatever issues are already printed at the time of your subscription, then the remaining issues will be mailed as they are printed. Subscriptions, single issues ($1 each!), and other zines are available for sale here: https://ko-fi.com/mothburning/shop
🖳My (extremely infrequent & unobtrusive) email newsletter got deleted before I even knew the company (TinyLetter) was shutting down. I have started a new one the old-fashioned way, which is just me bcc’ing messages directly to subscribers instead of depending on yet another third party to store my data. If you wish to subject yourself to the occasional LiveJournal-esk personal update sprinkled with shameless self-promotion, you can sign up for my *new* e-newsletter via this form: https://forms.gle/PPFMTPUtX7P73tJr7
🗳️Please register to vote by October 7! Georgia voters, remember to check your registration early & often: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/
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thepastisalreadywritten · 9 months ago
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The Moon in high resolution. 🌑
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jadekwan · 2 years ago
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thehallstara · 2 years ago
alright here's a handful <3 :🍧🌿🍉🍓 & i see that you've done this one but i'm still gonna send it again: 🌷
🍧 weirdest place you’ve written
okay as discussed i am going to do both possible interpretations of this question so first!! as far as setting goes i think the weirdest one i've created is my version of the underhot?? just like. this unbearably hot labyrinth of tunnels where there's a library and mausoleum and a kitchen where they bake cannibalistic pies i just think it's fun!!! and then as far as like. weirdest irl place i've been with writing uhhhh probably either waiting for a drag show to start or to get an ekg. you choose which skdjska
🌿 who is your favourite character you’ve ever written?
AAAAA SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!! probably either edric in ablaze or bright in selenography bc i can't separate them from those works but it just like. flowed out of me writing those two?? i also really like like. any of my garages i've written in the past year they've just been so fun.
�� favourite wip
sigh like. it has to be photometry bc there's such great stuff in there but also like it's also my least favourite because a lot of the great stuff in there has been sitting there for over a year so it really is one of those wips where i'm like. i need this out of my head already ykwim?
🍓 worst thing you’ve done to your characters
oh hmmmm... okay it's either the window scene in swallow your guilt or the end of the first act of ablaze. both of these are like. very spoiler heavy scenes so i won't go into detail but like. if you know you know
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
okay well if i did the twines last time i have to do and one day i'll watch them burn with me. this series i think still has some of the most clever writing i've done in years, and i just worked so hard on worldbuilding and characterization and stuff?? and like. even despite people refusing to be normal abt stuff i made some really good fics despite of that!!! plus between the main series and the b-sides there's nearly 70k words of published fic (with more to come!) so if folks haven't checked them out yet you should lol
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lunaex0rienss · 2 years ago
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Mapa Księżyca z "Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio" [Selenografia: lub Opisanie Księżyca] autorstwa Jana Heweliusza (1611-1687) słynnej pracy dotyczącej geografii Księżyca wydanej w 1647 roku.
Map of the Moon from "Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio" [Selenography, or A Description of The Moon] by Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) his famous work about geography of the Moon printed in 1647.
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kitaston · 2 years ago
Moon Globe by John Russell
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therewillbenoromance · 7 days ago
Names and etymology
The English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is typically written as Moon, with a capital M. The noun moon is derived from Old English mōna, which stems from Proto-Germanic *mēnōn, which in turn comes from Proto-Indo-European *mēnsis 'month' (from earlier *mēnōt, genitive *mēneses) which may be related to the verb 'measure' (of time).
Occasionally, the name Luna /ˈluːnə/ is used in scientific writing and especially in science fiction to distinguish the Earth's moon from others, while in poetry "Luna" has been used to denote personification of the Moon. Cynthia /ˈsɪnθiə/ is a rare poetic name for the Moon personified as a goddess, while Selene /səˈliːniː/ (literally 'Moon') is the Greek goddess of the Moon.
The English adjective pertaining to the Moon is lunar, derived from the Latin word for the Moon, lūna. Selenian /səliːniən/ is an adjective used to describe the Moon as a world, rather than as a celestial object, but its use is rare. It is derived from σελήνη selēnē, the Greek word for the Moon, and its cognate selenic was originally a rare synonym but now nearly always refers to the chemical element selenium. The element name selenium and the prefix seleno- (as in selenography, the study of the physical features of the Moon) come from this Greek word.
Artemis, the Greek goddess of the wilderness and the hunt, also came to be identified with Selene, and was sometimes called Cynthia after her birthplace on Mount Cynthus. Her Roman equivalent is Diana. The names Luna, Cynthia, and Selene are reflected in technical terms for lunar orbits such as apolune, pericynthion and selenocentric.
The astronomical symbols for the Moon are the crescent ☽ and decrescent ☾, for example in M☾ 'lunar mass'.
Lunar geologic timescale
Main article: Lunar geologic timescale
Millions of years before present
The lunar geological periods are named after their characteristic features, from most impact craters outside the dark mare, to the mare and later craters, and finally the young, still bright and therefore readily visible craters with ray systems like Copernicus or Tycho.
The English word sun developed from Old English sunne. Cognates appear in other Germanic languages, including West Frisian sinne, Dutch zon, Low German Sünn, Standard German Sonne, Bavarian Sunna, Old Norse sunna, and Gothic sunnō. All these words stem from Proto-Germanic *sunnōn.[17][18] This is ultimately related to the word for sun in other branches of the Indo-European language family, though in most cases a nominative stem with an l is found, rather than the genitive stem in n, as for example in Latin sōl, ancient Greek ἥλιος (hēlios), Welsh haul and Czech slunce, as well as (with *l > r) Sanskrit स्वर् (svár) and Persian خور (xvar). Indeed, the l-stem survived in Proto-Germanic as well, as *sōwelan, which gave rise to Gothic sauil (alongside sunnō) and Old Norse prosaic sól (alongside poetic sunna), and through it the words for sun in the modern Scandinavian languages: Swedish and Danish sol, Icelandic sól, etc.[18]
The principal adjectives for the Sun in English are sunny for sunlight and, in technical contexts, solar (/ˈsoʊlər/),[3] from Latin sol.[19] From the Greek helios comes the rare adjective heliac (/ˈhiːliæk/).[20] In English, the Greek and Latin words occur in poetry as personifications of the Sun, Helios (/ˈhiːliəs/) and Sol (/ˈsɒl/),[2][1] while in science fiction Sol may be used to distinguish the Sun from other stars. The term sol with a lowercase s is used by planetary astronomers for the duration of a solar day on another planet such as Mars.[21]
The astronomical symbol for the Sun is a circle with a center dot, .[22] It is used for such units as M☉ (Solar mass), R☉ (Solar radius) and L☉ (Solar luminosity).[23][24] The scientific study of the Sun is called heliology.[25]
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mappingthemoon · 6 years ago
Last month I finally had to make a project of deleting old photos because my hard drive is running out of space. Four years ago when I bought my laptop, I just kinda had this nebulous idea that At Some Point In The Future, surely I will have attained a better-enough position in life, financially, that I could maybe finally actually buy a dedicated desktop PC for photography. Well, instead I went to grad school, have yet to find a better job, and now my debt-to-income ratio is just hilarious (I truly don't understand how I still have this level of idiot optimism -- "surely, someday I will be solvent!!! :D :D :D" -- but I mean, I guess that's one way to trick people into continuing to go to their damn jobs every day).
Anyway, I can't afford a new computer right now, I don't want to use an external hard drive as a secondary drive, and I don't want to keep this stuff solely in the cloud (the cloud! is not! a backup!), so I had to get rid of some shit. Probably since 2009, I have saved nearly every digital photo I have ever taken, just because I had the space. Every single exposure, no matter how out-of-focus or poorly composed; even test shots, accidental trips of the shutter, technical fuckups, flash misfires. Every image file. I knew that I could easily free up a good amount of space just by trashing these mess-ups, but I still felt a little anxiety pang as I deleted these hundreds of "useless" exposures. Even though the final, best images of course still exist, so much of my process is now erased... Uncomposed shots where I was simply trying to figure out how to understand the lighting. Repetitive shots where you could tell what pose, what face, what feeling I was trying to capture but it took me 10 or 20 tries until finally pressing the shutter at the exact right time. A record of all the photos I tried to take and failed. The development of my ~style~ over time: all the frantic too-dark close-ups, the weird shapes formed by musicians' body parts and instruments blurring together, blown-out streaks of light and solid flat shadows. All the vacillations between intention and excuse, aesthetics and accidents.
I know that it was the act of preservation in itself that assigned a certain level of meaning and importance to these files -- would I miss them as much if I hadn't had easy access to storing and viewing them for ten years? And, as I've written about before, I know that it was the luxury of the digital camera that allowed me to even *make* so many goddamn exposures when, if I'd been restricted to the rolls of film within my meager budget, I would have been forced to be more careful, more deliberate.
While deleting, I relied on making snap-decisions because as much as I'm having Feelings about this, it was still a monotonous & mundane task of digital housekeeping and I didn't want to spend a hundred hours staring at a screen about it -- and I also didn't want to give myself many chances to become bowled over by The Past (another downside of having easy, instant access to 10+ years of photos in one place. Nostalgia-industrial complex! ugh.) -- but I couldn't delete every single "bad" photo. There were things that made me hesitate and reconsider: photos that had no discernible subject but showed a glimpse of what a room looked like 10 years ago -- the books I had on my shelves, the kind of bag I used to carry and the buttons and patches affixed to it, the t-shirts I wore that no longer fit, the artwork and posters and flyers that hung on the walls of my past homes and houses. Venues that don’t exist anymore. Shadowy faces in sweaty audiences. Someone in the background who I didn't even know when I took the photo but who became my friend later and isn't it a funny coincidence that we were both at this same event before we knew each other and you're in my photo? (note: actually probably not so much of a coincidence, because Athens, but still). Photos that once looked impossibly underexposed but could potentially be recovered now that I have better software? Maybe even the worst shots could be used in some kind of future art project? Or what if at some point in the past my camera accidentally captured important evidence, like that time that guy was accused of murder but proven innocent because he was caught on film attending a baseball game that they were recording for Curb Your Enthusiasm? WHAT IF. Anyway I emptied the Recycle Bin after sitting with my ambivalence for a few weeks after finishing this project, so I guess we may never know.
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sm-selenographer · 7 months ago
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Presque Isle, Erie, Pennsylvania, April 7, 2024 | SM Piotrowski
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grupaok · 5 years ago
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Johannes Helvétius, Selenography, 1647
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all-shades-of-drama · 4 years ago
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Take her to the moon for me ~ bing bong
Ref -art aftab's yt channel
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skylobster · 1 year ago
Selenography. You can see more features on the Moon with the naked eye than any other body in the solar system with an amateur telescope. Mars is 35 million miles away at its closest, 140 times more distant. A good telescope can magnify at 140x, but the image sharpness always suffers from atmospheric distortion at high power.
This map labels some of the easiest Moon features to see from Earth's Northern Hemisphere (Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University/The Planetary Society)
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thehallstara · 2 years ago
🌞 ❌ 🧐 🏆 ?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
pretty consistently during the day for games stuff and evening/night for fic lol i don't write as much as i used to in the evening– speaking of mutuals hmu if you ever want to do writing sprints bc i've fallen of doing them –but i always try and write even just a v tiny bit as i'm waiting for my sleep meds to kick in at night and you know what? it works ldksjfks. def not a perfect system bc i can get pretty loopy but it's a nice little routine that means i usually get at least a couple hundred words in more days than not!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
g-dddddddd i'm so bad at thinking about tropes ngl hmmm i really don't see myself doing any kind of like. high school au or things along those lines??? maybe part of me getting older etc idk it's the first thing that came to mind kdjfks
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
already answered!
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
pretty much by all metrics it's selenography which like. hey i'll take it!! especially because like a) i was so scared to post it for a variety of reasons and b) i'm happy that my biggest fic is one i can still look at ten months on (!!!) and be proud of like if it was gonna be any of my fics i'm happy with it being that one!
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monshuygens · 7 years ago
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// 9/3/2018, “Waning Crescent I”
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magictransistor · 7 years ago
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Johannes Hevelius. Selenographia. 1647.
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nibir111 · 3 years ago
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isn’t it beautiful?
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