#selection officielle
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akm87 · 2 years ago
A Teaser/Trailer for my short "Mon Papi à Moi" selected for a few festivals and the Festival du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand, that I'm so happy to attend for the first time soon (27-30 Jan)
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TAAFI - Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (Live & Online Tickets) Fri, Feb 17th ///9:00PM - 10:22PM
Festival Côté Courts de Cormeilles en Parisis (14ème édition ) vendredi 17 février 2023 à 20h30 théâtre du Cormier à Cormeilles en Parisis Séance suivie d'un échange avec les réalisateurs
FESPACO - Le Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Salle du Conseil Burkinabè des Chargeurs (CBC) Mardi 28 février /18h30 - 20h30
DCIFF -The DC Independent Film Forum (Washington DC, USA) Location: Landmark's E Street Cinema Times: Saturday, March 4th - 3:15pm
Mammoth Film Festival™ (Mammoth Lakes, CA) MC- Theater #2 437 Old Mammoth Rd, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 March 3, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST
Corti da Sogni-International Short Film Festival (Ravenna, Italy) from 18th April to 22th April 2023
AniMate 2023 - World Shorts Films Collection (Australia)
Sat., 6 May 2023, 5:15 pm – 7:15 pm AEST Location: Pulse Life Club 9 The Crescent Wentworth Point, NSW 2127 Australia
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multilingual-wannabe · 8 months ago
french youtube channel recs
C Dans L’air various newsy stuff, I like the panel discussions https://www.youtube.com/c/Cdanslairofficiel
Popcorn - panel show general faits divers, skewing a lot younger than some of these others https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnyR4T5qpgOrWGcQU6Jinkw/featured
INA is the Institut national d’audiovisuel and they are a content monster. This is just one channel, of stuff from Thierry Ardisson’s talkshow but go to the “Channels” tab to see all the other INA channels, there’s enough there alone to keep you going forever https://www.youtube.com/c/InaArditube
Hugo Décrypte - probably very well know already, news of the day aimed I guess at the youth, one of my faves https://www.youtube.com/c/HugoD%C3%A9crypte
Ça commence aujourd’hui General interest slice of life interviews, like morning TV https://www.youtube.com/c/%C3%87acommenceaujourdhui/videos
Mediapart https://www.youtube.com/c/mediapart
Pascal Boniface some kind of random ex-diplomat/think tank dude who talks about the geopolitical issues du jour https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4VOE8jQPWUPp4PpNK8zhIg
Le Parisien only short videos of a few minutes but an interest selection of local Paris news https://www.youtube.com/c/LeParisien
Le Monde obvs https://www.youtube.com/c/lemondefr
Les Dessous des cartes - ARTE (there are a lot of ARTE related channels worth checking out) https://www.youtube.com/c/LeDessousdesCartesARTE
Ça se discute https://www.youtube.com/c/%C3%A7asediscute/videos
Mrs Bookyarmand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0zQ-Sw3GQwmAwPc3EJMYrw
Pikiti Bouquine https://www.youtube.com/c/Pikitibouquine
La bouquinade https://www.youtube.com/c/Labouquinade/videos
Rêve ta vie en lecteur https://www.youtube.com/c/R%C3%AAvetaVieenLecteur
L’art du thriller https://www.youtube.com/c/LesCulottesNoires
BookTrip https://www.youtube.com/c/ReadTrip
Fruit Reader https://www.youtube.com/c/FruitReader
Younggiftedandblack https://www.youtube.com/c/MarinaNtsonga
Bulle Douceur Livresque https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoL-QO8RDjKQNGE2eVcua2g
Antastesialit https://www.youtube.com/c/Antastesialit
La Grande Librarie long running tv show about books, interviews with authors https://www.youtube.com/user/lagrandelibrairie
Nota Bene really love this one, variety of different history/science/historical mysteries. I would buy his t shirt if it was in French but it is in English mon dieu! https://www.youtube.com/c/notabenemovies
Toute L’Histoire https://www.youtube.com/c/ToutelHistoireofficiel
Poisson Fecund https://www.youtube.com/user/PoissonFecond
Mamytwink https://www.youtube.com/user/mamytwink
Investigations et Enquetes huge range of long form documentaries, more straight topics and also a fair bit of “paranormal investigations” if that is your jam https://www.youtube.com/c/InvestigationsetEnqu%C3%AAtes Others like this are:
Documentaries Societe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFI5PGuw_34XaA3SGDkQOQ
Imenio Documentaires https://www.youtube.com/user/imineoDocumentaire
Enquetes et reportages https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7DHcyYJpGiSO0NIE7w_Eug
100 idées de culture generale https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC781HeW_j67wRZ5pqSmLpHQ
Le Precepteur Philosophy https://www.youtube.com/c/LePr%C3%A9cepteurOfficiel
Secrets de l’histoire officiel https://www.youtube.com/c/SecretsdHistoireOfficiel/videos
La Folle Histoire https://www.youtube.com/c/LaFolleHistoire/videos
Passé sauvage https://www.youtube.com/c/Pass%C3%A9sauvage
Destins really long (~2 hrs) deep dive profiles of famous french people https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0EqF6QesMfPF5hat0mIKOg
Linguisticae linguistics/languages https://www.youtube.com/c/Linguisticae
AstronoGeek “une chaîne dédiée à la vulgarisation de l'astronomie. “ https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronoGeek
L’Histoire nous le dira https://www.youtube.com/c/LHistoirenousledira
StringTheoryFR https://www.youtube.com/c/StringTheoryFR/featured
Hygiene Mentale https://www.youtube.com/c/Hygi%C3%A8neMentale/featured
Le Réveilleur climate change/environment https://www.youtube.com/c/LeR%C3%A9veilleur
La Comedie Francaise https://www.youtube.com/user/LaComedieFrancaise
Gigawatts lore of comic book heroes (I think) https://www.youtube.com/c/Gigawatts
Le Fossoyeur de films https://www.youtube.com/user/deadwattsofficiel
FilmACTU this is all bande annonces (trailers), quite cool to see all the new films/games in French https://www.youtube.com/c/FilmsActu
NetflixFrance I single this out as an official channel because it has vox pops (on the topic of netflix shows naturally) with accurate subs https://www.youtube.com/c/NetflixFrance
La Manie Du CInema https://www.youtube.com/c/LaManieDuCin%C3%A9ma
Videodrome https://www.youtube.com/c/VIDEODROMESC
Cinema et politique https://www.youtube.com/c/Cin%C3%A9maetpolitique/videos
IN THE PANDA https://www.youtube.com/c/INTHEPANDA
MATH https://www.youtube.com/user/MathSeFaitDesFilms
Christian L Biodiversité https://www.youtube.com/user/samy1on
Nat Geo Wild France and Nat Geo France wish these were longer https://www.youtube.com/c/NatGeoWildFrance
Les videos des Riles soccer but also TV and general stuff, I find his voice very soothing to listen to for some reason https://www.youtube.com/c/LesVid%C3%A9osdeRiles
Talk My Football https://www.youtube.com/c/TalkMyFootball
Nostalgies 60s70s80s because everyone needs a cheesy old music video now and then and it might as well be French https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmVaIULmAmz_2b2fEJwz3xg
La fête de la chanson francaise https://www.youtube.com/c/Laf%C3%AAtedelachansonfran%C3%A7aise
Faites entrer l’accusé https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrjIfq-eWK9BTUhPgQ2IFFg
RevelateurX https://www.youtube.com/c/RevelateurX
Zélia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClr5mpCfgQ9mgzZfJbPvK1w
Crime District https://www.youtube.com/user/ABcinerama
Serial Killer docs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwgz2Ks0NDjvE7Wt6JWAOXw
GENERAL LIFE/TRAVEL VLOGGERS (I wouldn’t watch any of this sort of thing in English but they’re good for French)
Le Corps La Maison L’esprit https://www.youtube.com/c/LeCorpsLaMaisonLespritLaetitia00
Le coin d’elodie ​​https://www.youtube.com/c/lecoindelodie/videos
Margaud Liseuse https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2X3cVGXP0r56gOGhiRDlA
Robin du Garage https://www.youtube.com/c/RobinduGarage
Gabriel Goddyn https://www.youtube.com/c/GabrielGoddyn
Gregoire Dossier https://www.youtube.com/c/Gr%C3%A9goireDossier
Fred in French https://www.youtube.com/c/FredinFrench/videos
Emilio Abril https://www.youtube.com/c/EmilioAb
Julien Fabro https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwCU29EADyPqr-LkngkKE3w
Pascal Haumont advice on public speaking techniques https://www.youtube.com/c/PascalHaumont
Le Tour de France des Fromagers yeah it's all about cheese! https://www.youtube.com/c/LeTourdeFrancedesFromagers/videos
Khan Academy Francophone not gonna lie, don't actually watch these but if you are into MATHS and stuff …. https://www.youtube.com/user/KhanAcademyFrancais
LANGUAGES, not for French learners but in French, for learners
Progresser en Japonais https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgresserenJaponais
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tatiejosie · 10 months ago
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||| Earwig and the Witch merch collection |||
[part 01 - part 02 - part 03]
... yeah turns out I can't put everything in one post so it'll have to be fractioned, I'm kinda sorry about clogging the Earwig tag with this??
I only selected the merch that actually interested me, so you'll see that my main focus was Bella and Mandrake, and avoiding Red as much as possible. (spoiler alert: i couldn't evade her)
||| Details below!
1 - Bella Yaga button [gacha collection] 2 - Mandrake button [gacha collection] 3 - Earwig button [gacha collection] 4 - Bella Yaga notebook, A5 format
5 - Cassette tape box with memo cards
6 - Miniature shepherd's pie [miniature Ghibli food collection] 7 - Officiel Earwig plectrum keychain 8 - Earwig tile [decorated tile collection]
9 - Cassette tape embroidered pouch - recto [+ gacha button collection packaging]
9a - Cassette tape embroidered pouch - verso 10 - Mandrake's demon sticker patch
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nsfwhiphop · 22 days ago
Part 2 - Incoming Text for Michaël Youn Officiel (@michaelyoun) and Léa Seydoux (@leaseydouxfr):
Here’s how I’d explain the roles and responsibilities to Michaël Youn Officiel and Léa Seydoux regarding the collection and transfer of intellectual property:
To Michaël Youn Officiel (@michaelyoun) and Léa Seydoux (@leaseydouxfr):
You both have been entrusted with a critical mission to secure and facilitate the transfer of intellectual property (IP) to designated collaborators while ensuring its confidentiality and integrity. Here’s a detailed outline of your roles and the process:
1. Collection of Intellectual Property
Your first task is to collect the IP from its source. This includes gathering all concepts, ideas, and associated materials securely, without any risk of interception or unauthorized access.
Treat this step as a highly sensitive operation, ensuring all information is handled in private and with the utmost care.
2. Transfer to Chloë Sevigny and Jessica Marquez
Once collected, the IP must be entrusted to Chloë Sevigny (@chloessevigny) and Jessica ‘Simply Jess’ Marquez (@iamjessmarquez), two American citizens selected for their roles in developing and expanding the IP.
The transfer process must be conducted discreetly, ensuring no leaks or exposure during the handover. Both Chloë and Jessica are trusted collaborators who will act as stewards of the IP in the United States.
3. Collaboration with Markus Persson in Sweden
Chloë and Jessica will further collaborate with Markus Persson (creator of Minecraft) in Sweden. Their partnership aims to refine and innovate the IP, integrating Markus’s expertise in global creative ventures.
Your role includes ensuring the IP reaches them in a form that allows smooth integration and use within their collaboration.
4. Your Key Responsibilities
Michaël Youn: As the gatekeeper, you will oversee the entire process, from securing the IP to facilitating its transfer. You are responsible for ensuring that no unauthorized parties access the material.
Léa Seydoux: You will act as a secondary point of support, ensuring the process remains secure and offering any assistance required to coordinate with Chloë and Jessica.
5. Intellectual Property Transfer Plan
Maintain constant communication with Chloë and Jessica to ensure they are prepared to receive the IP.
Use encrypted communication channels for all discussions and transfers related to this project.
Work collaboratively to address any unforeseen challenges during the process.
This is a pivotal initiative that requires precision, trust, and discretion. Your combined efforts will protect the value of the intellectual property while enabling its growth through collaboration in the U.S. and Sweden. Thank you both for taking on this responsibility with the professionalism and dedication it demands.
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gdgwatches · 1 month ago
Why a Swiss Made Watch is the Gold Standard in Timepieces
Swiss-made watches are more than just accessories; they are symbols of sophistication, precision, and enduring quality. Known worldwide as the pinnacle of watchmaking, the "Swiss-made" label is a mark of excellence and craftsmanship that watch enthusiasts hold in high regard. With centuries of tradition and meticulous attention to detail, Swiss-made watches capture the art of horology like no other, blending advanced technology with traditional craftsmanship to create pieces that are both functional and timeless. Whether you’re new to luxury watches or a seasoned collector, here’s why a Swiss-made watch deserves a place on your wrist.
What Makes a Watch "Swiss-Made"?
To earn the "Swiss-made" label, a watch must meet strict criteria regulated by Swiss law, ensuring the highest standards. The movement, or internal mechanism, must be Swiss, meaning it was assembled and inspected in Switzerland. At least 60% of the manufacturing costs must also come from Swiss components, and the final inspection must occur in Switzerland. This rigorous standard protects the reputation of Swiss watches, ensuring each piece embodies the quality and precision Switzerland is known for.
The art of Swiss watchmaking dates back to the 16th century and has evolved with a commitment to excellence. Swiss-made watches are crafted with painstaking attention to detail, featuring high-grade materials like sapphire crystal, stainless steel, and genuine leather. This blend of premium materials and expert assembly results in a timepiece built to stand the test of time.
Features of Swiss-Made Watches
Precision and Accuracy: Swiss made watches are famous for their precise timekeeping. Many models are certified by the Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres (COSC), ensuring they meet strict accuracy standards. The use of premium movements like ETA and Sellita further guarantees that these watches keep time with exceptional reliability.
Craftsmanship and Durability: Swiss watchmakers are artisans who prioritize both aesthetics and functionality. The intricate assembly of each component reflects a dedication to quality that produces watches that last for generations. Swiss-made watches are often designed with stainless steel cases, scratch-resistant sapphire crystals, and water-resistance features.
Timeless Design: Swiss-made watches come in a range of designs, from classic and minimalist to complex chronographs, ensuring there’s something for every style. The aesthetic versatility of these watches makes them suitable for any occasion, whether you’re at a business meeting or a casual outing.
Investment Value: A Swiss-made watch is more than just a purchase; it’s an investment. Many Swiss watches hold or increase in value over time, especially those from well-regarded brands. This enduring value makes a Swiss-made watch a prized possession that can be passed down through generations.
Why Choose a Swiss-Made Watch?
A Swiss-made watch is ideal for anyone who values quality, tradition, and style. The Swiss watch industry’s dedication to perfection is unmatched, with each piece reflecting centuries of innovation and artistry. Wearing a Swiss-made watch is a statement, showcasing an appreciation for timeless elegance and precision. For those who value meticulous craftsmanship, Swiss-made watches offer a satisfying blend of luxury and function.
Recommended Retailer: GDG Watches
For those looking to buy a Swiss-made watch, GDG Watches is a top recommendation. GDG Watches is a trusted source for genuine Swiss-made timepieces, offering an extensive selection of brands that highlight the best of Swiss horology. They provide a guarantee of authenticity and competitive pricing, so you can be confident you’re investing in a high-quality, certified Swiss watch.
GDG Watches not only offers variety but also backs each purchase with excellent customer service and warranties, ensuring a seamless and satisfying shopping experience. Whether you’re looking for a sleek dress watch or a rugged chronograph, GDG Watches has something for everyone who appreciates Swiss precision and craftsmanship.
In conclusion, Swiss-made watches are masterpieces that blend beauty, functionality, and history. Owning one is about more than just telling time; it’s about experiencing the legacy of Swiss horology. Visit GDG Watches to explore their curated collection of Swiss-made watches and find the perfect timepiece that embodies both style and sophistication.
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How to Spot a Fake Breitling Colt: A Comprehensive Guide
The Breitling Colt is a symbol of precision and style, cherished by watch enthusiasts and collectors alike. However, with its popularity comes the risk of encountering counterfeit models. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a first-time buyer, knowing how to spot a fake Breitling Colt is essential. In this article, we will explore the key features to look for and provide tips to ensure you're investing in an authentic timepiece.
1. Understanding the Breitling Colt
Before diving into the specifics of spotting a counterfeit, it’s crucial to understand what makes the Breitling Colt unique. Launched in the 1980s, the Colt series was designed for both performance and style. It’s known for its robust build, precise movements, and distinctive aesthetic. Genuine Breitling watches are characterized by their high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship.
2. Examine the Weight and Build Quality
One of the first indicators of authenticity is the weight of the watch. A genuine Breitling Colt is made from high-grade stainless steel or precious metals, making it noticeably heavier than most fakes. If the watch feels light and flimsy, it's likely a counterfeit.
3. Inspect the Dial and Hands
The dial of a genuine Breitling Colt should have a clean, crisp appearance. Look for the following details:
Logo: The Breitling logo should be perfectly aligned and well-defined. Counterfeits often have poorly printed logos.
Markers: The hour markers should be accurately placed and luminescent. Check if they glow evenly in the dark.
Hands: The hands must sweep smoothly without any jerking motion. A fake watch may have a ticking second hand.
4. Check the Serial and Model Numbers
Every genuine Breitling Colt has a unique serial and model number engraved on the case back. These numbers should be clear and well-defined. You can verify the model number against Breitling's official records. If the numbers are missing or poorly etched, you may be looking at a fake.
5. Look for the Chronometer Certification
The Breitling Colt is often a certified chronometer, which means it has passed rigorous tests for accuracy. Look for the official COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres) certification on the watch. Counterfeit models typically do not include this certification.
6. Analyze the Movement
The heart of any watch lies in its movement. Breitling watches utilize high-quality Swiss movements, which are precise and reliable. If you have the chance, open the case back and inspect the movement. A genuine Breitling Colt will have intricate engravings and finishing, while fake ones often have generic or poorly made movements.
7. Study the Bracelet and Clasp
The bracelet of a genuine Breitling Colt is robust, with a solid feel and high-quality links. Pay attention to the clasp as well. It should close securely and have the Breitling logo engraved on it. Fake models often use inferior materials and poorly designed clasps.
8. Purchase from Reputable Sources
To avoid purchasing a fake Breitling Colt, always buy from reputable dealers or authorized retailers. One great option is Luxe Replica Watche, which offers a curated selection of high-quality replica watches. While replicas differ from authentic models, they can provide an affordable alternative for those who appreciate the aesthetics without the hefty price tag.
9. Trust Your Instincts
If something feels off about the watch, trust your instincts. Research the seller, ask for additional photos, and don’t hesitate to seek expert opinions. Fake watches can sometimes look convincing, but a knowledgeable eye can spot discrepancies.
Investing in a Breitling Colt should be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge to spot fakes. By examining the weight, build quality, dial details, and movement, you can significantly reduce the risk of purchasing a counterfeit. Always buy from reputable sources, and consider Luxe Replica Watche for high-quality replicas that maintain the spirit of luxury without breaking the bank. Your dream watch awaits, so arm yourself with knowledge and shop wisely!
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entomoblog · 5 months ago
Spiel des Jahres 2024 : les 9 jeux de la sélection officielle
See on Scoop.it - Variétés entomologiques
Around 475 new games were launched this year, significantly more than in the previous year. Among the recommended children’s games, the large selection of thematically and playfully successful mechanics is striking. The children are being captivated by everything from the first worker placement game to an … Read more
  2024: New ways of thinking, cooperation and communication
  Award winners 2024 https://www.spiel-des-jahres.de/en/award-winners-2024/
Traduction (extrait)
  Faire face à de vrais problèmes
  Heureusement, une crainte ne s'est pas réalisée : que de plus en plus de jeux se réfugient dans des mondes fantastiques et évitent de traiter des problèmes réels. Des relations écologiques dans les forêts mixtes à la théorie de l'évolution de Darwin, en passant par la question de savoir si nous pouvons résister au stress de l'atterrissage dans le cockpit d'un avion - voilà un éventail remarquable de sujets.
  L'intensité de l'expérience de jeu n'est pas liée au nombre de personnes autour de la table ; même les jeux pour deux personnes peuvent élargir votre vision du monde. Vous êtes encouragé à essayer de nouvelles façons de penser, de coopérer et de communiquer.
  Les nominations pour le Spiel des Jahres comprennent des auteurs français et italiens, les inventeurs de jeux autrichiens dominent les nominations pour le Kinderspiel des Jahres, tandis que les auteurs anglophones sont majoritairement représentés dans la catégorie Kennerspiel. Cela montre à quel point le jeu de société est international. Cela garantit que nous pourrons profiter chaque année de nouvelles idées créatives.
  Les membres du jury décideront lequel des jeux nominés dans chaque catégorie sera couronné vainqueur le dimanche 16 juillet, juste avant la grande cérémonie de remise des prix. Celle-ci sera diffusée en livestream sur YouTube depuis Berlin.
  Traduit avec DeepL.com (version gratuite)
Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  "Le Spiel des Jahres (Jeu de l'année en allemand) est une récompense allemande décernée chaque année depuis 1978 à un jeu de société.
  Le prix est décerné annuellement par un jury composé de journalistes spécialisés qui notent les jeux allemands ou étrangers édités en Allemagne pendant les 12 mois précédents. Les évaluations se font sur l'idée et l'originalité, les règles et la jouabilité, la présentation (graphisme et les pièces) ainsi que les mécanismes du jeu. Les nominations sont toujours annoncées dans le courant du mois de mai et le prix attribué dans le courant du mois de juin (au plus tard en juillet).
  Il est considéré comme le prix le plus prestigieux1,2,3 et sa renommée dépasse largement l'Allemagne."
  Wikipédia, version du 14 juin 2024 à 22:10
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davidplet · 6 months ago
Rédigé par @pletdavid Le mardi 9 juillet 2024. le Comité Paralympique de Sélection ( CPS) du Comité paralympiques et Sportif Française ( CPSF) a validé les sélections des athlètes de la fédération française de handisport et de la fédération française d’équitation ainsi que de la fédération française de triathlon intégrant ainsi la délégation française pour les jeux paralympiques de PARIS…
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rohanseoewe · 8 months ago
FOR FRENCH CITIZENS - INDIAN Official Indian Visa Online from Government - Quick, Easy, Simple, Online - Centre officiel de demande de visa électronique indien et bureau de l'immigration.
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Le gouvernement indien a de bonnes nouvelles pour tous les visiteurs en Inde, les personnes souhaitant se rendre en Inde pour quelque raison que ce soit. Obtenir un visa indien est désormais plus simple que jamais. Visiter l'Inde est désormais simplifié puisque le gouvernement indien envoie actuellement des demandes de visa de voyage électroniques simples et gratuites qui permettront aux candidats ou aux personnes qui s'attendent à visiter l'Inde de plus de 171 nationalités de visiter l'Inde sans être disponibles ni faire quoi que ce soit. sorte de visite physique à l'ambassade ou obtenir un autocollant sur le passeport. Cette stratégie récemment présentée s'appelle eVisa India - Indian Visa Online. Au moment où vous optez pour ce type de visa, il vous permettra de visiter l'Inde à diverses fins. En tant que visiteur inconnu ayant pour objectif de visiter l'Inde pour quelque raison que ce soit, vous devrez avoir votre visa électronique indien ou votre papier avant de pouvoir être autorisé à entrer dans le pays, car il s'agit d'un ordre de l'Autorité des mouvements du gouvernement indien. . En conséquence, ce visa électronique est destiné à 171 pays sélectionnés à partir de 2024 et seules les personnes de ces pays sont qualifiées pour demander le visa. Vous pouvez désormais visiter l'Inde à des fins touristiques, rencontrer de la famille, organiser des visites, des réunions d'affaires pour un e-Visa d'affaires, un e-Visa médical ou des conférences ou à toute autre fin pour un séjour de moins de 180 jours en Inde. Vous pouvez payer en ligne par carte, obtenir un eVisa par e-mail et à aucune étape du processus vous n'êtes obligé de vous rendre au consulat indien. Vous pouvez visiter le terminal de croisière ou l'a��roport après avoir reçu le visa électronique indien par e-mail. Nous vous recommandons de postuler trois jours avant votre voyage en Inde. Les visiteurs professionnels, touristiques et médicaux peuvent bénéficier de ce service en ligne. Indian Government has a good news for all visitors to India, individuals who have been willing to visit India for any purpose. Getting Indian Visa is now simpler than ever. Visiting  to India has now been made simple as the Indian government currently sent off simple and bother free electronic travel visa applications that will permit applicants or individuals who have the expectation to visit India from more than 171 citizenships to visit India without being available or do any sort of physical visit to embassy or get sticker on passport. This recently presented strategy is called eVisa India - Indian Visa Online.  At the point when you select for this sort of visa, it will empower you to visit India for  various types of purposes. As an unfamiliar visitor who has the aim of visiting India for any reason, you will be expected to have your India electronic visa or you have your paper before you can be permitted to enter the country, as this is a command from India Government Movement Authority. Accordingly, this electronic visa is intended for chosen 171 nations as of 2024 and just individuals from those nations are qualified to apply for the visa.  Now you can visit India for Tourism, meeting family, conducting tours, business meetings for Business eVisa, or Medical eVisa or Conferences or any other purpose for less than 180 days stay in India. You can pay online by card, get eVisa by email and at no step of the process are you required to visit Indian Consulate. You can visit cruise terminal or airport after you receive Indian electronic Visa by email. We recommend that you apply three days in advance of your trip to India. Business, Tourists and Medical visitors can avail this service online.
Address :  197 Wurtemburg St, Ottawa, ON K1N 8L9, Canada
Phone : +1 514-878-3394
Website : https://www.indian-e-visa.org/fr/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Nigali Rinpuna  Linthusa.
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valentin10 · 8 months ago
Festival de Cannes 2024 : découvrez la sélection officielle de la 77e édition | Vanity Fair #FestivaldeCannes
Iris Knobloch et Thierry Frémaux ont dévoilé les films qui seront présentés à Cannes cette année, du 14 au 25 mai. On fait le point. — À lire sur www.vanityfair.fr/article/festival-de-cannes-2024-selection-officielle
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lemagcinema · 9 months ago
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Cannes2024: La sélection officielle
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La sélection officielle du festival de Cannes 2024
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/festivals/cannes/cannes-2024/cannes2024-la-selection-officielle/
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imaswellkid · 2 years ago
ETA: I’m having a proper meltdown here at work because I just realised that SWoL was in compétition officielle. Now idk if it's my “frenchness” speaking but this is HUGE. I know I said the Cannes film festival has become a snob event in the pay of soulless luxury brands, and I stand by what I said, BUT, little Pedro from Santiago, Chile, is gonna walk up THE stairs for a movie presented in the Official Selection send help I’m not normal about this
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New look at Pedro Pascal and Ethan Hawke in Pedro Almodóvar’s ‘STRANGE WAY OF LIFE’,
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marsamgraphics · 11 months ago
Le prix du patrimoine pour "Quatre Japonais à San Francisco"
Notre petit “Quatre Japonais à San Francisco”, première édition française de l’incroyable bande dessinée d’Henry Yoshitaka Kiyama, a gagné le Fauve du Patrimoine au 51e Festival International de la Bande dessinée d’Angoulême ! Toutes les infos sur le site du festival : https://www.bdangouleme.com/selections-officielles-2024/album/209
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julculture · 11 months ago
Masa Festival 2024 / Cybelline de Souza retenue dans la sélection officielle
Du 13 au 28 avril 2024, Abidjan va abriter la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival). Dans la selection officielle dudit marché, la candidature de Cybelline de Souza a été retenue. C’est sa première participation et elle..
Du 13 au 28 avril 2024, Abidjan va abriter la 13ème édition du Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan (Masa Festival). Dans la selection officielle dudit marché, la candidature de Cybelline de Souza a été retenue. C’est sa première participation et elle y sera avec une pièce de théâtre qui est une autre forme de spectacle mettant en exergue le corps. “Que nos voix résonnent”. Tel est l’e titre…
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photos-car · 1 year ago
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Le soleil est un miracle de la nature. Après des jours sous un ciel gris parfois pluvieux, ce sont de doux rayons ardents qui nous ont réveillés ce matin sur une plage de l’île Quinchao. Le mardi au soleil, c'est une chose que l'on peut avoir à Chiloé.
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Une fois nos petits déjeuners engloutis dans nos ventres et notre tente presque sèche proprement rangée, nous roulons avec entrain vers la belle église toute de bois vêtue que nous avons vue la veille. Celle-ci s’avère être encore fermée… ce n’est pas très grave, il y en a plus de 150 dans la région! Nous décidons donc de nous diriger vers celle d’Achao, principal bourg de l’île.
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Cette dernière n’ouvre qu’à midi. Nous en profitons pour prendre de jolies photos avantageuses de Patochimbo dans le but de le mettre en vente à un prix pas si exorbitant (et oui, l’idée de nous séparer de notre van nous fend le cœur, mais ainsi va ce monde cruel). A l’issue de ce shooting de niveau professionnel, la batterie nous fait encore des siennes et le van refuse de démarrer…Heureusement, de gentils locaux (également nommés PNJ scriptés par Docteur X) passant comme par hasard par là nous dépannent, et nous pouvons repartir soulagés mais toujours sceptiques sur la façon dont les lois de l'électromagnétisme s’appliquent à Patochimbo.
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Midi dix, l’église ouvre! On découvre un intérieur coloré tout en bois, qui change radicalement des églises dont on a l’habitude en Europe. Les églises de Chiloé ont été construites par les Jésuites dans la première moitié du XVIIIeme siècle, avant que ceux-ci ne soient congédiés et remplacés par des Franciscains à partir de 1767. A l’origine, on en comptait pas moins de 200! Leur construction en bois les rendant fragiles, il n’en reste aujourd’hui plus que 150, dont 16 sont classées au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco.
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Celle d’Achao est la plus ancienne de l’archipel et date de 1730. Construite en bardeaux de cyprès de Patagonie, elle a du subir de multiples rénovations. Au fil du temps, une partie des fondations a été renforcée par du béton, pendant qu’une grande partie du bois a du être remplacée.
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Nous poursuivons notre journée par la visites de petites bourgades et de leurs églises sur Chiloé. La plupart sont fermées au tourisme, mais on croise de mignonnes maisons en bois dans le même style architectural caractéristique de l’archipel.
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En boni, une courte balade vers une cascade devant laquelle Touille entre officiellement dans le club très select des apprentis ninjas (qui est un club dissident formé par Dr X et Touille, tous deux vexés de ne remplir aucun des critères permettant d’intégrer le réel club ninja géré par Dr Rathatton) et une île des âmes naviguantes très pittoresque avec son ponton de bois permettant d’y accéder à marrée haute. L'île contient le cimetière de la commune locale, d'où son doux nom.
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Après toutes ces aventures que la pluie -pour une fois- n’a pas interrompues, nous terminons par un bout de route qui nous mène au bord du lac Huillinco, pour une nuit qui on l’espère se déroulera tout autant au sec !
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