#seishiro sakurazukamori
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kink-tomato · 11 months ago
CLAMP Day has started in Japan so I’m coming in early with my offering this year! Happy Fake Birthday Seishiro!
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iubris · 2 years ago
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He would like to ask Seishiro to hold him, just- for a moment.
A moment in which they’re able to stop ignoring how important what they have is, to keep both of their heads above the water.
Whatever it is.
"I reek of blood. - Subaru says instead, starting to move towards the stairs, escaping from the other's grip. - I stink of you."
It's again that time of the year, uh?👀
I just posted my @seisubhanamiexchange gift for @five-p-m 🌸
You can find it here 👇archiveofourown.org/works/46529098
I know it's not much, but I hope everyone will like it, let me know your thoughts🙏 thoughts🙏
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Et il est bien dessiné !!! =D
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CLAMP posted a drawing of Seishirou for his April 1st fake Birthday!
Happy CLAMP Day everyone!
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karafina · 1 year ago
the more i think about tb the less i know how to feel about the trio's role in x. i like x and subaru's story in it but it’s disappointing in part as a tokyo babylon sequel, one of the big reveals being “subaru wants to be killed by seishiro because he finds meaning in that” that’s fucking crazy and like gege akutami definitely read x, but it throws away the part of subaru's character that wanted revenge and explode seishiro with his mind (as he deserves). it works in the context of x that is about self destructive desires, and i wouldn’t call it badly written it was actually so refreshing to me seeing a previous main character spiral like that… doesn’t make me any less mad when i read the end of tokyo babylon and see his determination in the last chapter !!
other than that i find seishiro’s extra chapter uhhhh enlightening, interesting to see that his upbringing was not normal and like i said before sakurazukamori don't appear so demonic by job description, they’re built different for other reasons(?
and hokuto's reveal. scream. it was good, it was shocking, it left no survivors, it was hokutoish in many ways.
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rodjion · 7 months ago
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Tóquio, 1999
(Opening & Ending https://youtu.be/oDZXQr6YZFM?si=Ox36qTu6ix-b8sl8 )
As pétalas de cerejeira caíam com a força da brisa leve. O belo jardim estava bem cuidado, um pequeno lago decorando o cenário pacífico.  Subaru olhava para o céu, sentindo o vento roçar seu rosto, seu coração tentando reencontrar alguém que se fora há pouco tempo. Ele fechou os olhos, querendo sentir as vibrações do local. 
-... O que você deseja de mim agora? – Disse Subaru ao sentir a presença de Fuuma – Eu não tenho mais o menor interesse no futuro da terra. Ou em qualquer outra coisa.
- Eu sei. – Fuuma estava com sua expressão tranquila, um tanto indiferente aos olhos de Subaru.
- Então, porque ...  -  Subaru não terminou a frase. Fuuma apreciou o momento das pétalas de cerejeira sem ter pressa para responder. Após alguns minutos de silêncio, disse: 
- Dizem que este jardim é mágico. Os dois tipos de flores que existem aqui estão desabrochando fora de época. As camélias e as cerejeiras. – Ele fez uma pausa – Realmente, dá para acreditar que esta é a casa que o Sakurazukamori nasceu? - Subaru se manteve em silêncio, fitando Fuuma.
- O seu desejo de ser morto pelo Sakurazukamori não foi atendido. Mas talvez o desejo do Sakurazukamori possa ser atendido. – Subaru estacou, sua expressão cheia de surpresa.
- Ele disse algo a você nesse sentido?
- Não - respondeu Fuuma, sem emoção alguma – Mas eu sei. Eu sei o que uma pessoa mais deseja. Eu sei qual o desejo mais intenso da pessoa. O seu olho direito deve saber disso melhor do que ninguém. – Fuuma apontava para o olho sem vida de Subaru, o mesmo olho que este desejou que fosse perfurado quando lutou contra aquele Kamui. 
- Parece que o Sakurazukamori não gostava de ver esse seu olho direito – prosseguiu Fuuma – Ele não gostava de ver seu corpo marcado por ferimentos causados por uma pessoa que não fosse ele. O desejo do Sakurazukamori é tirar esse ferimento. – Fuuma retirou do sobretudo um objeto no formato de um cilindro de ouro, bem decorado e ornamentado. – Aqui dentro está o olho esquerdo do Sakurazukamori. Foi a única coisa dele que pude recuperar na Rainbow Bridge.
Subaru limitou-se a olhar fixamente para o cilindro.
- Usar este olho para apagar o ferimento causado em você por outra pessoa. Este é o desejo do Sakurazukamori.
- Ele... - Subaru sentiu o peso da dúvida ao pensar no que estava prestes a fazer. Até então, ele não tinha nada de Seishiro além de lembranças, enquanto Fuuma estava lhe dando um dos desejos dele.  A guerra interior parecia ser mais difícil do que a exterior, e isso era um martírio que ele não desejava para ninguém. 
- Talvez... – disse Fuuma, interrompendo os pensamentos de Subaru – eu faça a mesma coisa....
- Com relação ao Kamui?
- Sim. – Fuuma fechou os olhos com certo pesar – E então? Vai aceitar ou vai jogar fora?
-... – Subaru pegou o cilindro, mesmo incerto da decisão. 
- Tem certeza?  - Fuuma olhou fixamente para ele - Se você aceitar, você também irá herdar junto o poder do Sakurazukamori.  – Subaru pegou o olho de Seishiro como se fosse o único bem valioso em toda a face da terra. 
 Fuuma saiu da casa de Seishiro deixando Subaru sozinho, sem se despedir. Enquanto Subaru observava o cilindro, um portal dimensional se abriu atrás dele, revelando a imagem de um ser vindo das sombras.
- Vejo que conseguiu o olho.
- Já disse e repito: não tenho o menor interesse no futuro da terra – Subaru ainda estava de costas para o portal. – E muito menos em sua teoria. Não há como realizar o que me disse. 
- Não é teoria, mas possibilidades. Não gostaria de rever o Sakurazukamori? Ou a sua irmã, Hokuto? 
- Como sabe sobre a minha irmã? – Subaru virou-se para o portal, a imagem de um vulto negro e nebuloso emitindo aquela voz sinistra. 
- Ah, Subaru! Sei muito mais sobre você do que imagina.... – o estranho vulto fez uma pausa, como se fosse confirmar algo antes de dar a resposta – E muito mais sobre o “destino” desta realidade em que vive. Se há poder para mudar o futuro, porque não o futuro que propus a você? – Subaru tentou identificar o vulto, porém,  em vão. Era a segunda vez que ele aparecia, com a ideia estranha de realizar o real desejo das pessoas. 
- Venha comigo e ouça a minha oferta. Se, mesmo depois você não aceitar, estará livre para fazer o que bem entender. 
- Eu... – Subaru deu um suspiro triste, seu coração totalmente vazio, apertando o cilindro com o olho do Sakurazukamori com mais força. “ Não tenho mais nada a perder”, pensou ele ao olhar mais uma vez para o jardim da casa. Deu um passo à frente, e mais outro, enquanto  o portal  se expandia no mesmo tempo em que Subaru era tragado por ele.
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morgancgaliano · 1 year ago
Cattivi preferiti negli anime:
- Orochimaru, Naruto;
- Sasori, Naruto;
- Madara Uchiha, Naruto;
- Rezo, Slayers;
- Prince Diamond, Sailor Moon
- Nnoitra Gilga, Bleach;
- Muramasa, Bleach;
- Kougi Ginjo, Bleach;
- Cancer Deathmask, Saint Seiya;
- Radamanthys della Viverna, Saint Seiya;
- Pandora, Saint Seiya;
- Hades, Saint Seiya (ogni serie, non fa differenza);
- Ophiuchus Odysseus, Saint Seiya Next Dimension;
- Stain, My Hero Academia;
- Dabi, My Hero Academia;
- Goku Black, Dragonball;
- Kenny Ackerman, Shingeki No Kyojin;
- Annie Leonhardt, Shingeki No Kyojin;
- Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass;
- Cornelia Li Britannia, Code Geass;
- Dracula, Hellsing;
- Walter C. Dornez, Hellsing
- Azula, Avatar - The Last airbender;
- Garou, One Punch Man;
- Solf J. Kimblee, Fullmetal Alchemist;
- Lust, Fullmetal Alchemist;
- Greed, Fullmetal Alchemist;
- Seishiro Sakurazukamori, X 1999;
- Zagato, Magic Knight Reyheart;
- Homura Akemi, Puella Magi Madoka Magica;
- Shalltear Bloodfallen, Overlord;
- Gilles de Rais, Fate
- Gilgamesh, Fate
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Sei-chan, the Sakurazukamori
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year ago
X/1999 Volume 6 Illustration Comments 
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2000 Monthly Asuka August Issue. Title Page Illustration
This one was actually drawn on hotel stationery, which happened a lot with the X illustrations. Hotels provide very good paper, you see [laughs]. I can't use the sheets for very large pieces though. I shaded out the background and added sepia around the edges to make it look like an old photograph. The main outlines were drawn with a PIGMA Graphic pen using brown ink. The wings on Kamui's back are a tattoo. I hid his butt a little with the other ones [laughs].
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1994 Monthly Asuka March Issue. Cover Illustration
 Paper: BB Kent 
Lines: PIGMA Graphic ink pen 
Color: Dr. Ph. Martin's Color Ink
Here Subaru is wearing traditional ceremonial clothes, which he hardly ever wears in the manga. The blade in his hand is one he's had in his possession for a very long time and which he uses whenever he wears the ceremonial robes. I wrote "X" on the blade in blood.
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1993 X Calendar Illustration Paper: BB Kent Lines: Holbein Color Ink (Special Black) Color: Dr. Ph. Martin's Color Ink
Back then many people asked me, "Is this Hokuto? Or Subaru?" The answer to that question will become clear sooner or later (laughs].
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2000 Monthly Asuka November Issue, Title Page Illustration
There were never plans for this illustration to be used in separate halves, but I still wanted to draw something that could be split in two, and that's how I ended up with this composition. The colors and poses used for Subaru and Seishiro are inverses of each other. The two are hound together by a single red thread, but that thread is also meant to echo the spider web. I drew a spider web pattern on the kimono as well. It's an image of the hunter and the hunted. Obviously, Seishiro has the upper hand (laughs).
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2002 Monthly Asuka April Issue. Title Page Illustration
This illustration is meant to look like a colorized panel from the actual manga, so I used screen-tones for the background. The white area of the uniform and the hilt of the sword were done with color ink. The gold areas are in color ink too, but the eyes, shadow, and hair were drawn with Copic markers. As you can see. Yuzuriha's shadow is a large Inuki.
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2001 March, Volume 16. Cover Illustration
A back cover illustration from one of the X manga volumes. The title on the front cover was printed in a gold-brown ink. The Magami family seems to have I a cursed fate flowing in their blood. This isn't a horror movie story, but it's definitely something like "It's all because of the bloodlines [laughs]. But then again, the Sakurazukamori aren't that better off either. In this illustration, at first glance they appear to be two sisters who are close to one another, but there's also a dark and ominous atmosphere that exists between them. Part of the kimonos patterns were done with acrylic gouache. and the gold areas were done in poster color.
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2000 Monthly Asuka August issue, Title Page Illustration
I was aiming for a "Fake Kung-fu Action Movie" type of illustration [laughs). Sorata's pose looks like it belongs in a fighting manga, and he's wearing something that looks like a champion fighter's belt too laughs]. I used a present someone sent to us as a visual reference for drawing the braided cord. Thank you very much; it was a big help. The background and character lines were done mainly with color ink, but I also used some modeling paste for the rubble.
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1999 Monthly Asuka August and September Issues, Cover illustrations
This is an illustration I drew with the intention of splitting it in half down the middle. The background is meant to look like a factory or plant of some sort. Compositions like this lose their sense of unity unless an element from each half is included in the other half, so I had Kamui reach his hand over and place it on Fuma's knee. They're also joined together by a handcuff.
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2003 Monthly Asuka February Issue. Title Page Illustration
Since this was for a February issue of Monthly Asuka, I used snow in the image. You may be surprised to know that Kusanagi actually appears in quite a lot of illustrations with snow. Since he works for the Self-Defense Force, I had him wear a military-style coat. But the composition was rather bland with only that, and I wanted to add something else. Then I saw Hideroshi Nakata, the soccer player. wearing an extremely long scarf on TV. So that's why Kusanagi's wearing a long scarf too [laughs)
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2005 X 0 (ZERO) Art Book. Exclusive illustration for New Edition
This illustration was created for the new edition of the XO art book. Ohkata (Ageha) had given me orders to differentiate the covers of the two art books by making one look Japanese and the other look Western, and to use a dark red color for one and a dark blue for the other. So I had Kamui wear a kimono. like clothes and made the small objects around him look Japanese as well. The dragons, which go with both the background and the pattern on the kimono also have a Japanese air.
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2005 X ∞ (INFINITY) Artbook. Exclusive Illustration for New Edition
This illustration of Fuma is meant to be a counterpart to the one of Kamui in the new edition of XO. It was created to have a more Western atmosphere. He's wearing something that looks like a clerical garment, and the dragons have a Western fantasy look to them too. Since the background is blue, I made the dragons look like aquatic animals, with smooth skin, pale hues, and fin-like wings. The whole idea of drawing seven dragons in each of the new illustrations may have been a little too ambitious since it took me a really long time to complete this.
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2002 Monthly Asuka August Issue, Title Page Illustration
Nataku is smiling in this illustration because I drew it after the death scene in the main story and wanted something to cheer me up. An image of the gates of heaven opening onto the land of bliss. or something like that. A sad figure who died a long time ago when young but who was then forced to keep living by unnatural means, now finally freed... Nataku was based off a character designed for a vídeo game that had a quasi-Chinese setting but was never made, so Chinese-looking clothes are a default for him
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Seishiro, Subaru...
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Your eye...
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realmofmydreams1999 · 3 years ago
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Happy (fake) Birthday Sei-chan! (I like the detail of the blood in his hand)
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Happy birthday to the Sumeragi twins! Here are the twins jamming to 90s dance tune like Deee-lite ‘Groove is in the heart’ (please imagine it in your head 😆) .
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karafina · 7 months ago
i do wonder if setsuka is his real mom or strictly his predecessor since she “looks like a girl”, both options are creepy and tragic tbh. it seems she was controlled and only lived to fulfill her duties. and if she was that young then i doubt setsuka had seishiro as an adult which is just awful. she said she loved his father but killed him, i guess one could interpret that as a reason.
and in case she wasn't his biological mother then why was seishiro picked to succeed her? maybe sakurazukamori has to be a certain way and they (whoever confined setsuka) saw that seishiro doesn’t feel anything in particular about anything, so he would surely go with the flow if it meant getting to do whatever he wanted.
i could be overthinking this too much lol i need to talk to ohkawa brb
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Seishiro x Subaru
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ayanna-tired · 2 years ago
Tokyo Babylon
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Tokyo Babylon - 東京BABYLON(1992)
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otakuoasis · 7 years ago
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Opening - "exDream" by Myuji
[gifs made by Hikari]
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diamondsfurcoatchampagne · 3 years ago
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It’s that time of the year again (November 22nd), Happy birthday Seishirou! He would be 56 years old this year (2021).
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