#seintels : barret.
lightnull · 3 years
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       A GHOST DISAPPEARS INTO AMONG CROWD ——— no, not quite. this place is loud and raucous and crowded and she’s caught in a riptide / a crush / taken along and rendered breathless : overwhelming. overwhelming. an ocean raging in a birdcage body and when she slips free it’s as if gravity flees and she stumbles / trips / is steadied. ❝ oh... i’m sorry, ❞ her hair feels tousled and she feels winded and the sky isn’t / the sky. a place she can’t quite disappear.
@seintels​, for barret !!
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strfd · 3 years
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.⭑・゚~ @seintels​​​ ~・゚⭑. prompted.
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“ you promised! ” (barret!!!)
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had he , though ? knows very well what promises are & is NOT the type to make them often . in fact , he NORMALLY tells others ‘ no promises ’ . when was the last time he actually made one , though - a real one , without BREAKING it ? ah , but that is the thing , isn’t it . he DOESN’T make them because of how hard they can be to KEEP them . 
cloud has no time to make EMPTY ones anyway .
❛ don’t recall that i did , actually . ❜  
short & blunt , he is , towards the taller male . knows full well that ANYTHING he says will only drive barret up some sort of wall , but doesn’t care anymore . what’s the point of trying when NOTHING will please him ? not that he is TRYING a poor relationship with the other , but he will most certainly not put any more effort than he has to in it . 
what more does he have to PROVE to him anyway ?
❛ must be hearing things . ❜
& if cloud did promise ? well , now maybe that WOULD have been his fault then . but what did barret want ? an APOLOGY ? hah ! no way in hell would that be happening .
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powerbled · 3 years
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a ruthless tyrant sought only to pass the blame of the calamity that awaits the planet. his plans to shift fault from shinra’s mistakes entirely, ---- more so for the havoc caused by a man deeming himself god, ---- begins ( and ends ) with the avalanche members in his custody.  the whiteness of the infirmary, at the very least, muted his thoughts, as he would have to shift focus to another who’d stirred at his presence. he paces ‘round them, like a hunter stalking its prey.  ❛  so, you’re awake?  ❜   /  @seintels​ for barret !
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floraheart · 3 years
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@seintels whispered: ❓ barret? :o
aerith’s trust is a very precarious thing - it’s somehow simultaneously easily earned and something she’s very reluctant to give to people.  on a surface level, she trusts barret as much as she trusts anyone else in the group: she trusts him to have her back, she trusts him to be a good comrade, and she trusts him enough to travel and fight with him.  trusting him with her personal life, however, is a bit of a different story.  over their journey together, i think she absolutely comes to trust him to that extent, but at the start she doesn’t. 
not really!!  she actually kind of likes his loudness and admires his dedication.  he’s the kind of person that’s easy to look up to and she absolutely looks up to him, in her own way.  
only if she absolutely had to in order to protect him.  like if the choice was between barret and someone else, aerith would def knock some skulls, but if there were any other way to protect him or help him with what he needed, she would try the other ways first. 
absolutely not!! 
oh for sure!  they’re on the same team, after all, and it’s practically her job to keep her friends safe and healthy.  but that aside, she’s a damn loyal person and would do pretty much whatever she needed to do to protect her friends.  so this kind of ties into the would she kill someone for yours because yeah.  she would do whatever she needs to do to save or protect him. 
yes and no?  he’s certainly aesthetically attractive and rather handsome, but she’s not sure she would ever engage in a romantic relationship with him. 
no of course not!  this question is so mean >|
as friends, sure!  like i said, i’m not sure she���s really interested in engaging in a romantic relationship with him or anything particularly long term.  it takes a lot of effort and building to get past the walls that she’s got up after what she’s been through. 
cheek kissies. 
not likely.  the only way i could see something like that happening is if like... it was a choice between him and cloud or him and zack (if zack is around in any situation).  or, alternatively, him and her own freedom.  but she’s pretty good at watching her back without selling out her friends, so i doubt she would do it for herself.  if she had to do it to protect her loved ones, though, she... probably would.  sorry barret. 
how passionate he is.  it’s a very attractive and admirable quality that, like i said, makes it really easy to look up to him and like him.  she enjoys that kind of flame and wants to be seen in a similar light.  she wants to be as passionate and bright and straightforward as he is.  
funnily, how impulsive he can be which is pretty hypocritical of her all things considered.  while she really admires his dedication and his passion and drive she does sort of wish he’d think things through a little more before throwing himself at a problem.  strategy is a pain in the ass, sure, but it can be beneficial every now and then, right??
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neversoldier · 3 years
@seintels​​ | ffvii meme
“ i don’t care what yer doin', so much as the stupid ass way that you are doin' it! ” (barret)
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"What’s wrong with the way I’m doing it?” The ex-SOLDIER raised an eyebrow, his annoyance and mild offence at the commentary fairly evident in his tone. ‘Stupid ass’? Really? 
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“You got a better way? I'd like to see it.” Then again, maybe telling Barret to do it himself wasn’t exactly the best idea, considering that Cloud was technically in his employ...
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aicidos · 3 years
   it turns out dropping a box of supplies makes for a dreadful melody. she’s just as startled as the people that peek over, a flush creeping on her neck, not in embarrassment, but in frustration; maybe asking her body to cooperate only days after her recovery from a slash to the torso had been too much to ask, but she wanted to be useful. marle had been so kind as to take her in, the least she could do was run errands. explore the place while she was at it⸺ the sector. she kneels, taking a deep breath from the effort, and suddenly, the box begins to fill without any effort. not from hers, at least. it makes her head snap up, and it’s barret⸺ of course it was barret.
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   since her arrival, he had been the one to understand her grieving best, and the vengance brewing behind it. but he told her, like the rest, to take it slow. and now, here she was, crestfallen.  “  .  .  . sorry, think i got a little carried away,  ”  tifa murmured, placing one of the last pieces inside.  “  i just⸺ it doesn’t feel right to be in bed all day. i wanna be of use to you all. to repay the kindness.  ”  @seintels​ + [ assist ]
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strfd · 3 years
send URL for opinion. always open.
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@seintels ! lol your turn ~ i’ll probably do something similar to what i did for mary , but i may simply not have as much to say in terms of characters . idk . i suppose we shall see :3 actually i stand corrected . there’s quite a few characters so i will .... probably try to make these short and sweet . ( & perhaps fail ultimately )
character in general : you honestly have so many muses but i will do it for those that i like or that you have mentioned about possible interaction with . ( & it will not count peter since he has his own blog , sorry ! i honestly could go off about him in his own separate post though ! )
also a read more now cause yea , this got long just on the character opinions .
CLOUD - breathes ... i mean .... i really really SHOULD NOT go off about cloud . because like . i could ... given that i put cloud on his own blog speaks wonders . you know ? because yea . i have a mumu . i could have easily put him on there . but like . there is SO MUCH about cloud that i just love . yes , he’s a bit aloof & standoffish , but given the fact that it’s due to trauma & then some ... i don’t blame him . i think he’s an emotional softie on the inside , he just can’t express himself well due to what’s happened to him even as a kid . there’s also something about cloud that i can just ... really relate to . i wouldn’t really want to be like ‘ oh yea , he’s a social outcast ’ but LOL he kinda is though isn’t he ? he has his friends but he doesn't want to burden them - he’s in way over his head by always saying that he can handle it alone . but given the fact that it’s because he’s had to deal with being ‘ alone ’ & seen as some sort of failure to others & even to himself , i think i don’t blame him for doing so . i also admire the fact that he , regardless of what happens , DOESN’T give up . idk . i think i just have a lot to say about cloud okay ? cloud is a muse i can highly relate to . because i can see a lot of myself in him . there’s just a lot of things that he does that i do all the time . in terms of like ... having big dreams & getting put down a lot & failing a lot but always getting up to just that weird aloof ( & partial self - isolating ) personality of him . i really think a lot of people can though . he’s just a really relatable character . you know ?
KIBA - listen i love kiba . a lot . when i first got into RPing , & started getting BETTER at it ( i had come from writing whole ass books & worlds where i was the one in control ) , i had considered him as a muse . at the very least , he was a BIG inspiration for my naruto OC ( as was naruto himself though , but for different reasons because i really don’t like naruto but i liked kurama a lot ) . overall , i think i still just have a bit fondness for kiba , & obviously for akamaru . i haven’t really been into naruto since high school though - a little less than a decade ago tbh . but i think kiba is definitely somebody that i would say is a comfort character for me over all . like if somebody were to ask me what are some of my fav characters from the series , kiba would but in the top 3 .
BARRET - haha he’s so annoying . but ... like , initially , i wanted to give barret the benefit of the doubt because i had another friend who likes him . as i was playing the game , i went . who tf would like him . he’s annoying . he’s loud . & he’s not somebody that i think i would really bother with . but looking deeper into his character , i can also value him because he’s a good person . he’s just ... LOUD . idk . it’s hard to explain my thoughts on him . i like him , but i also like ... tolerate him . he’s a good dad though .i always value a good father . he’s a good man . just . really in your face . which isn’t a bad thing , i would honestly just get really exhausted working with him though .
RED / NANAKI - i l - love him T^T i know he has a whole story behind him but im just ... whatever he is . dog - cat - lion thing ... i am actually really interested to learn more about him , ngl . i think he’s just really neat okay ? i wish i could go off more about him but i dont know what else i could say . oh maybe aside from that like he looks like he just needs some love 😔 
WEDGE - ngl i had a bit of a neutral stance on wedge . though i think he’s very sweet & good natured , i just didn’t really have much of an interest in him ? aside from the fact that i DID like that he could see that cloud has a good heart . i think he’s just a very sweet & lovable teddy bear okay ? that classic loveable teddy bear . not to mention that cloud’s interaction with wedge in the game - at least from what i have seen in the remake - is that he is very standoffish MOST of the time but then you have times when he’s really just trying to be nice & OH ! my heart just goes really soft .
KAKASHI - fuck this is already getting long but man i love kakashi okay . everything about him just .... UGH . honestly , thinking about him makes me wanna go watch naruto HRNGH . he’s just radiates that .... ‘ im exhausted ’ vibes but still has his cheeky moments .  
SNOW - honestly . couldn’t really tell you much about him . but he looks pretty cool ! ( not me considering in looking into FFXIII now to learn more about him HRNGH ) anyway . yea , i couldn’t tell you much about my thoughts on him aside from the fact that he looks cool . & i am .... intrigued .
how they play them : i’ll go with the characters i have seen or interacted with .
KIBA - from the quick glances i have seen . he’s ... adorable ... 🥺 it’s really refreshing to see . i’d honestly would like to see more from him . but i also have seen a healthy does of him as well . idk . i just love & adore how you write him . it definitely hits nostalgia for me & i love reading your thoughts about kiba !
BARRET - honestly i LOVE seeing your barret . while i may have been really annoyed with him in the game , it’s AMUSING to see you write him because you capture him so well . like i can read in in barret’s voice . which it honestly , really amazing .
RED / NANAKI - h - hims .. 🥺🥺🥺 i will admit that i haven’t read much of your interactions but ... i just like to see your icons for him . it makes me go 😊
WEDGE - fuck i love your wedge . & i will have to admit that .... you’re the reason i have taken more interest in paying attention to wedge GHGSDKLHBF my bad . i just .... think you have a good grasp on him . he’s adorable . & every time i see a reply from you , i scream . he’s just ... amazing & sweet & cute . like really . it makes me so soft seeing him get so excited like some little puppy .
KAKASHI - bro .... give me more kakashi . please i am begging you , i want to see him more from you . given that i genuinely love all of your muses & how you write them , i just .. want to SEE more of kakashi . stop depriving me T^T ( jk , it’s okay . i love whatever muse you write . )
The Mun : i don’t think we talk all that much . which makes me really :< because i would like to talk more . i’m just absolutely HORRIBLE for small talk though sometimes . i’d like to get to know you more , i just am having a disconnect & struggling to engage . but that’s not you . it’s a weird me thing HRNGH . i do hope you know that I appreciate you nonetheless & seeing you on my dash is really pleasant ! like really though ! i think i can have admiration from afar . 
i also do love our interactions though ! i think they’re really lovely ~  
DO I ;
RP with them : yes . i do ! honestly i’m always enjoying our threads & whenever you respond . it makes me go ... WOW . ( << that is a clickable link btw )
Want to RP with them : of course ! i’d honestly would like to write with some of your other mueses LOL . but maybe thats just cause i like some of the muses you have . i’m also pretty content with who i interact with .
Overall Opinion : hehe .. cinnamon & sugar ... you know EXACTLY what i am talking about . anyway . 10/10 would recommend tbh . you have a wonderful grasp on your muses . wish we could talk more but im pretty chill & content as is tho .
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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strfd · 3 years
i find it funny that i can switch from doing a really tense , high energy thread with @seintels for barret & then IMMIDIATELY open the wedge thread & start writing THAT like it’s just the fucking dessert to the main course meal . HRNGH .
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